Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Reporter, 21 Aug 1852, p. 2

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Iî~tnded Marra~-of Lou - apnïalie fberao Tii N4ar'XawsrVIeti.rm or an iatended marriage- between Louis 1 poleon andi a Princess of Ballon. - isy $e#vmst ta tbeGrand Dotchy. and bisr cgntisere, gives calour ta the report.- T~Iay i th Prnce0' i 'asa, andi T_ 'le ibe rwid eb, amin-in; ari bloddef N',-tap leoaiw -that tof the eFai Cac Il. ai Sweden. \Ve have samewberc seen the followl accottnt of the family. On the 129th of November, 1792, Guit vue the Tbird, King of Swedeiî,- was ni dereti at a bal, by an officer nanieti kk s(àÉroil, frQUI whk i c nt folla.wed mnany i portont circ.umstancs; amaîig athers,t mosît magniicent spectacle ever exhibit Sin the. Paris theatres, wbich nîany pers bere have no doubt seen andi admireti, und the titi. ýf- Gustave, an le Bl A asque GIustavus, or tle Masketi Bal." The m dereti kin!,,ivas succeedcd by bis -%on Gt tavuï Ad&lphus, the Fourtb, îlien fatrte ycars aid, who joine61 the fanious coltdi neatt France,' and was in cansequen forcedinii18l09, ta abdicatc blis tbror whiehWias, ii 1814-. adjutigeti by the -voi ofa the people, t4 the Frencii Iarcbal 13 nadatte. 'Thlée bdicated King hi marri a1lrineesa aofTaden, by wbam lie lîad san and a daugbter. After bis abdicati be ".piratetl froni bis wiie, andi spentt reémainder of bis days iii'paverty andi abs rity, in ane ar another smalI town in G£ many, titiler the name offColonel Gustatsc le died in. 1827. whcn bis son, tlien anc fiu.er fii the Austrian army, assumedti titie of Prince of Vasa, ar \NTasa, as i more cornmonly written ; bis daugliter-m iid ber cousin, the Duke aori3aden, and noty Dutchets ofi Iaden. '£lt ie ceai a marrieti, in l83 the datighter of anotier, Duke of Bal whose w-fe was a Mademaiscîle lipaulh iais, tuct)i Josephirie. tbie Enîperar N polcauî%t irt wifoc and by (bis marria; the frince of Vasa hait ane. daugli ter, ti Princess Ca'roline Frêerica IÎranriý Steplatnia Ani ei li.brrCt ' Augruit. 1833, the lady ta wbamn the lrem doen or Franic is reportedta tohave lcndert bis Wïnd. - This lady, in conseuqîence, bas in i veins thebloatioolthe aid kinfrs ofaiveil <,îîirta-vus Vasa, Guttavus Adolphus, Cha les XII, &c., mingledti wiliuftit Pukes aofI3aden, (nane or whom hîî'e MW niov fir,-re in istary,) andi with lh-at of t 13eiliri -isof ilu îi he F ernh 'Pres liotenc'Dlnbrnasthe daughter oftt Jhnpress Ja'uepbine. This Beauharnais finil y bas been mr fortunate thixî n nyther of moder n t. esîrept thit of I300îaparte, Or the iv chïidren, of thc Empresâ J.iaepbine, th danght er, Hiortense, mnarrie-I Louis Boni partc, King aorIRolland , andthetît listoryc hier decendants i!s 00w beinon-wherei wi!l cend, who cari say ? lfer son, Eugecu becaine K{ing of Italy, and marie!] danu1iter of tic Kiio, aiofai-aria, by wban tic left two sans andi twa daughiters. Th, eident son marrieti Danha Mra the pres ent Qutees ai Portugal, but unfortunate'i died a manth afterwarcl. The ailier %on the Prince af Leuchtenberg,niarried i daugbiter.ai thc E iror 'cN ls a i *fia#,Whoa determincd ta Malte hum a Kirj as soa o s a Kingdomn can be carveti fo lîim - Of theti tô daugiters aif Eugen, Becauharnais, the. eldesti thet Quccn0 (ira. Site, thougli no laner an Empresi Yeu lives rery comfartably at 4Âsbon $viil ber tiaugbter, nais'twenty-one jears oaI wýb0Wil prbaby, omeday or other, like jirss ar îz 30bcr 14 ra Jy 1832. ýNO1'cE i is ereby-given, that te Scbool Lns îic the Colinlies of Bruce, Grey and ,Huron. are nom open for sale ia actuai SetlIers on thé tolawin;tcrtavz T'a.e price ta br-Ten Shillings pftr acre. pay-able int Tact equis AnunaI tnhimetis, mit intcaeut: the r t lt taiment 10lie pati pori receiv-iog nu- iluorty ta ciîtea- upan tise -laie Aetual occuipa. lio lotie imuediat. Iji ti itinuaus; the land Ia bce cleared ah tb. raie tuf ive acres mooîîalhy lat evea-ybnuîred acres duuîngn the.fia-a tre eaa dueint h ouse, at lemsi "gçtteet> feet iy tirety. six, td lie aecucdî thel.timbea ie urescrcît unttl tthe ta as oersiapolît tarin fuit and ppsîcnîed. ana tti,8 aujeet ta an>' general limbea- duty tiereatter a Liro... af occupationl, neit asaînable witio1d t memission, ta b.urant; thle sale andth l.ilense - of oceuptiota becoe-niannd ro in caue of 1 neglat or violation of an>' ol tie conditions ; the - Setter ta b. entiticul to a a nnPatent upon cain.' plylng -wit!ail ithe Condiions; fot mare titant tua huindret acres ta lue "Wso aan>' ane persan an tim- tenus. -0 R:P Ail p5fiers inethe Province la cap>' for anesi ontîl. 19. b * MOUNT' ZION -LODGE 0 0 Prc cepedM4SONS, b a, ýC O:ný ESD lte 241b lest. et 11OJR Il. eM. et tlteir Reah, utis 1, 83219-lin. ' Y, witîh rou. and r CAS11. ý,retyiag woùJeat ! revenue ha.- n'aI acc excieee, aluhougir greati>' ext 'entied accommodation huas been atiorticd ta tic public, b>' Lie establishmnent ai nddtîional paît-offices ant i ncreastipoab- taI seýrvice. Iluere is reasan La believe tit before lon-- Lhe meceipts ai the depart- nient wiil be equai ta Lie expenditure. A..ieavy calamit>' basismerI au» rrentij concernedti tastate, -befalien tb, province in the destruc tion b>' tire, ai a large portiop ai tise important CiLy>ofaixMon- trea1. 1 am» confident tit yau milI -iestow jour bst consideratian on an>' mensure thut mn>'i be propaseti ta joi for Lie purpose ai mi-i tigatingits effects. Ts Iportance of -plmcing tie currencyi of Britishs Narth Amorca oa nunifom ha- sis, anti of introducing- a decumail sjstem basi been irequent>' rcommended b>' Parlia- 1 ment, a--neasure wviîi be subraittedti ta our- ansidemtian mmichi ill, I bave reason wo islieve, promote tic accmpishmienot isi objeet. 1 aahicause sucb documenta ta 6e laid j befon. jait as mli put you fuliy in passes- ion of tic as wh uich I bave taicen turing C te recess, wmti Lie vie of g-iving cifeot tLaF. Lie intentions of tie Legialature embodisil I i thie acta passet lait session for promo- ing tise construnction of Rnilways, I bave eodeavcired in tise proceediop a ast, in so far as cincumstances have Srmitteti, i. concert. miti tise Lieutenuant I rovemra a oftise louer provinces. - lu con- L Sction mît> tise.works, nd w the sub- mu b _______________________________________________ THEREPORTER *WHITB5Y, 8KrIXRDÂY, AUGUST 21,1852 * TEr SPEEIcn.--We bave delayed tIb - pubticatiosaiftise. R-porte to a late boasr for tisepurpose ai iaying befare Our ecudet In the spech ofaitie Gýovear Genenal. le ýA1R1RIAL 011 TUE FRANKLIN It wIll bc seen by the telegrapîh repart o t Iis arrivau in anoticoclumu, that Wheu a. anti Floâr is on tie risc ini tie Liverpot - 8 9 TELEGRAPH. Re [For thse Onteruo Reporter.] 'd OPpEiN G 0F P&RtLiaNKEIrT. ns r 1. - S.MitDomaIld Eleteti Speaker! r- MAzJoan'Y roR i znîsTîfs, 231!! !n Quebcc, l9th August;- 1852~ )a Parintnasîembledita-day. '1le Gai *e crnor ment dawn in state ta te Legisîntivi 'Chiamber wiere he asseunl hcttîe uxembcî eo-a the LatverHouse. - Han. NAIr.'Caron sait thtat ÎiL no tli tA a illeasureaifiiis Exceliency ota nnouncc ti ticeniticheabject ai ticir being calîcdti t agether until tise> bati electeti a Speaker. le rie gentlemen returneu tua their ai -. louse, ubeu MAr. Iihockpr-oposedti ia - Mr. J. S. MacDonald sioniti be electe( Speaker, Mr. Marin secoodeti the motion -whici mas, carriedion a division b>' a voti ai 55 ta 23. Veas: lBrown, CUnna 's Cartier, Cauchon, Chabot, Chauvean, Clinis -tic, Ciaptiata, Druinînonti, Ferguson, For. tier, Gouin,ý1Iiartirian, 1Iiincks, Jabir Joinston, Lacoete, Leterriere, Lautiriu, Leý blanc, LeBoutilîier, Lernient, McDonait ai Cornwrall, Marcluildon, Xîackenzie, MNat. 1%longgcuaie, Morri4an, Page, Papineau le 'atrick, PoIttU, 1'oudins, Richards, Rolpi. lian11oe, Sandiourn, -Short, :Sott, :Smiti a )f turiam. 'Iaclîe. Terrili,'se, Tus cotte Vai i, arnVger, Whiite, XWright n, d aul RIiuling aif 'ark, Youing, Dunoiliu (andi ane narne operatar could nont rend,' total 5i. -Naji: BadmlcyBoullan, B'urniani Cmawf ord, DieL-son, Du bord,'G arbiý, Lnc Intn, Lvon, 1McDouaiti ni Kingstoni. :0C- e Nais. Nfîch urney', Ridatit, Robinson Seymore, Shati. Sîniti ai Fronitenac, Ste- venon. Sircet, Steyrard, WVilson, WVright ai Pýt;,Ridin- ai Yoik; total, 23. jMr. hhiiuaks, spoke egenerahi>' aif-- j Mac Donnltl's fit:îess for.tic office,th tic e- bate uva-1 not remarkable. Nir. Sîniti irat ticy oI'menîber nia spolié agiunsu lic Gorernrnent motion. Tie hanse thien ad- ijouurnati. î hcGe rnr' vpechwll he tiehvere] to-rnorroýaw a21 'clOzk. J IEGtIu.ATIVE COUSIîL CHAsîniRa Qtiebec AugusI, 20, 1852. t ls Excelicncy tie Gorernor G -,eneraI at 3 P.m-, thusday-. prqeceded ini0staît jtoa tic Legislative* Cotin il (iiamnber, and ihaving takien lii seat upon -,ie Ilirone cota- mand the icattendance aift rthe Legislative !ussembl>-.0 The members o aitft bé,ly precedati hy their Sý*peaker, the liors. .1ahWSanfueltiNlar- DoUnaldi, appeare t ah Le Bar and. infoamed luis Excciien.eirtint the choice ai tic As- si-nil>' bad i allesi upan himuto be thymr >Sjlça cr~ i. 3lb i avçd .for- tihe mpnbt. I bxclency ans pleaisedti tdtiliver the foi. loin peech . Borm-tbe Gentlem en cf the Lcgi$latîVe Council an-i Ui'ntlepnent of-the Le. piuJtftilvc Assrnijy:, BoWttoi& Burnham Badgsley, Blrown Cra4éford ýCiapais Coucison Chiristie Christie Chabot Cameron Cbauveau CarLier -Dizon Dubord Drumunonti Dumoulia Egan Ftonmieril Portier E'urguussau Game Goutin !4l.cks liartmni robin Johno LeBoutillier .îeBlanc s5flitasn PLACES iCPiIESENTED. *Northumbierland. M on real. -Biackviîle. M legantic. Guipe. Wentivorth. .Bclccisse. *Huron. *Quebec (Count>'.) *Vercherea. London. - Quebec (City'.) -Siefford, -Yauuaska. *Ottawa. * Lhset. *Nieaiet *Waterloo. *York (;Southu) Rlichselieu. * Oford *York (Nortis) IBerthier. *Preseott B onaventure. * fenuharois *Peteris*rougis .ResssI a> ofmigration and thse ftduction of freighi eu the St.,Lawrence bas engaged myi aux seita attentioa during the 1 mess. A. plan for the attainenent eoftthe abjectin vîew, le wluch will, 1 trust, meet jour approbation, r) will bc saubmited for pour cansideratian. rs I shahla y before youi a despateh fromn theUi Principal Seeretary of State for the Colonies, cominunicating the vicws af the. Imperial Gaveramnett in reference te the Clergy Ileserves', andi atating the grountit on wbicb -ler- Majesty's Miuisters refrain- etl frani introducing a ineasure ino teI.lm- 'tperial I'arliament dwring its last session, for cl the repeal of the. impenial statute on tie subjeet., - Gentlemen oj thse Legislati-re Asemnnly The condition ai- the revenue is satisfac- tory, andi ingicatea general prospermty among the cantumni" population ai tii. province. 1 shall diret the. acco unts for the past. andthetic ctimates for the current ye ar, ta be laid befare yau,, and 1 rely on your rea- diness ta grant-such supplies as may bc ne- cessary for the inaintainance af the credsl of the province, anti the efficiency ai the -public service. llrmrabile Gentlemen and gentlemen. Varions subjects of muci importance ta th Uiînterest of the. province, will no daubt ieengage yaur attention during tlie session lÎcu hic5 s ow conimencing. An addition ta » te repveeaatiaa. sereis tu bc cal- led for by the inecesg populatian of the province,- ýanti thserapiti devclopement, ai seuleeoai itsmore recenti>' settletidistricte. t it is probable Ibat tbrongh the instrumen- d tait>' 0( the municipal systeni, now in full "operatian in tTpper Canada, anti ai thc as- Csegmnent iaw, you may be able tae eta-blii an efficient anti ine-ipensive mode ai regis- tering parliarncntary elc-tors .10 that part ai the province. lui consîcction wiuth ti 'suject, I rpeommren 1 fur jour conideration 1 i deeaims af certain classes ai oceupiers ai lantds naw excîntict fraîn the franebuse, on -whom, tue.. is reason ta behcurc, it may hae tconfierreti witu adi-antage to the public in. tereat. The iuiteets of afgriculture'are entiticit ta thc special carie anti atte:ntioni ai Gev- ertrnent in a cotuntry vnbere go large a par- tiuit it commuuiity is ioployeti in agri. 'cultural pursuits. S 're absence af any »ufFicient provision for obtaiuing correct statiatical information rcspecîing the productions ai lhe country, -and for dutfÏuiîîg knawledge . wbich nia>'bL -scrviceabe 'tllti, t hose engageti in agi i- culture, anti ta per-sons proposinr ta bc- fcaine-bettiera, bave been logair bec.n 1 do net doubt tlîait oui will beitriw our *bent conbideration an an>' unobjectionable tni-ans that may be suggesfid for rernédyiu, tlîîs deicct, anti perfecting lite--morýe speedv- settiemcîti unoccupicti lands in bath sec. * ions ai-the Province. It is probable that grievances wbiclî are s!egd ta ~ unîler the fcud.d tentre that obtains in certain parts aifi4owcr Canada, tnyen aj;e jour attention. 1 amn confi- dient 1btIldt i ag %vidt tis subjcct, wiich is anc aI great delrcary, >ou sill iîaaniest a t scruliuioîus regard for- the rights oi praperu>' J urhich bave been acqîtiredti ati eerciseti in Igooti faith, andi with tic sanction, tacit or de -Iltred, ,of the leagl éribunals ai the Pro- The arrangements 00w in farc in ball) -sections ofithc Province for thte maintaiuu- onoce ai indigent patients conigneti ta tIte ILunatic Aeylum appear-ta be, 1 regret ta> *obberve, iiinie respects deetive. Thli r case of these unfartunate persans inu-olves tirei','antiI cotit i n 'you r radinibs ta bestow y our bcst attentiurs on an>' mecne that may be snubrnittd ta yoit for the, reine-1 yrti>' iibscvii. b al l te measures which you ina> ada1îîl for the promotion, and liappines, andti con- Ti is~lt is caoplete oxcepting Niagara, wihconstituencj retuirnedtheticlon. F. Îiliacks, member for Oxford. Ticre is a large morking nitjoiit>' in favour aio iis ter@, in short tic Cabourg Star, an opposi- tiotn papcr, claiins but 31 ai tic above, mli TIIE COIUNTY DLKLýDINGS. he atorm ibid, tie disappainteti Cor- poration ai Oshawa raiseti egartiing thc a ppiroprintion fan the Cant>' buildings ai Onîtairio, à. graduali>' dying aira>', anti a stnon; tiesire for tic adirnotages ai n sepa- 1rate Counuî>' rganization, mith the fll management andi contraI of aur own mffairs, so long. petitianeti - for, i5 growiog dail>' more carnesi t heic mds ai tic people a tic acessqit>' becames mare anti marc appa- rent. Biren in the ver>' neigibaurbooti oi Os4haira, mit-ne thte people nattîraît>' s>' - pathize mabtwilthtIvillagein the.los aiofte unuci sougit-for site ai tic Caunt>' Town tie>' are begtnnung ta gi-e ra>', tie are, crcdibl>' iniormet b>' parties rcsiding in t-e enit of Ibis Township, anti reail>' anti sinu- cerely wiisi for the final seutlement ai thc matter. Tir>' feel, as mil -as Aâlers. tiat thie vital intc-rests of tiis sectIon arc swainp- cd-t in thie cil>'ai Taraonto. Once te-c. O ur local membens arc seldoin beard iroîi tilt their netumo ; tic>'are rernoveti morith ie J inretiate influence ai tîteir constituents, fanti tieir actions as wiel as ticmselvcs are in a inanner Ititden i0 tint huga dit>' frorn thc cyci ai tiase direcîl>'intere*!ted tbi*Ire deliberutians. Occasi onaîl>' a cil>' prt-mwmi- condescend ta inform ti utcountry' subscni- bers allihe doingi ai tic il'Count>' Councii" ini an article begrudgingly asqucezeti ioaa dozen linci or so, mhile Lie>' string out cal- oucaiL, llw pr cectiings ai tic City' rame not a flK. IVha cirer icard froîn mn>' af tic cit>- papcrs ai thc tukin aa>'fram tie assessunent aithie aId Cantot>f £197,- 000, andi tic atdin-, of tiesUne te tic bun- tiens of tiese ten Townships, before il mai consunînuate d 1 Ant i trlat friendi>' influ- ence iras tîtere nîcti in Turronto ta- previot -t it Certainl>' none ; for al lte influences% ti tt un-aunj tic Council in tint City are Patrick PUaite Ridout IWinson Richards Rase Smidil Smith &eymour &evensmt Stuart Short - $anborn Street Sica te Teniln - Turcotte Tfache 'Tessier Varin Valois- Vi!rer Wilson Wvrighit wrîgit White directl>' adverse Loan separation ; or, aI ail evenîs, likel>' la be useti, Uirougb au anbi- tra&l majamit>', in plucking ticegoose mitile tile is a featiier ho be bat. Tic Iodai re- presentatives af ait, agnIicuitaral people, ibisq very clear, siouît holti their tieliberationa, wiemever aiuci can be prapeml>' effecteti, in the midst ai an aZricultural t>cîKnbour- baud. City' interesta anti influencesare ad- s-et tei ie-r, and ti aalltimueî tangenous. Vecongmratuiate our readers noir an the prospect before us ai thc speedy> realization ai ail tic ativanteges atT'urded b>' Lbe ma>- agreunent aifotur aon local affairs, as a-cil as the canvenience anti ebeapocis ai short ses- Sion$ aif the iaw courus. le meeks af jrecious tiunc coumret ia Toronooin dan- cing atterîtance on lawyers anti courts ai av wilI soon be reducet Ladays, ç.andtisi enarnus--auttigrom ;li Onso,àthi ittustry of tise Count>' wiped ouît ai dur catalogue if expenses. Tle.-1levels" ai tic site for the Count>' buildings bave been taken anti ever>' arrmngement matie b>'tise Ciairinan and nieuners ai, our energetie Buildingt Comimttee ta further the specti>' enetion aif lie sanie îiter.theimnage ai tic fly-law - Ilnre edT.iation - Baocx, I7th Âugust, 1852. Mit EDirout --iîenv J -t c a ( *Tbrei lRiv. *Norfolk ~Leds *- Dundas, SFr-ontienac Durham Lanark - Lennaz & Ad Prinre Edwart Quebec (City) Shierbrooke (to *Sherbrooke (C Welland, St,. Hyacinthe Stanstead, St -Maurice *Rimouski *Portocuf * -Itigdon *Leinster Mi~"ddlesex *Peel, Ontario * ialtani cepted b>' tic Cou ni.1, andi pravided .tiat 13 the parties offering site Na. 3 give gratu-- I >151>' nat le5s tan Iwo acres for tic use of , the C ountj>' ant irovdeti as, futher, that w Càpt. Poi,Gfa ur Reeve, and isi.friends aiLa the Baand utWitby Village, are satiafieti IX inicab' ta go ta wark on tic saiti situa- st tin, anti pravideti aise-, that a mnajortiiyiin the Couacileu cminre ta carry it ino a clect. B ity ffity) uniteti Cojéoltesor Ontario, stil 1 am» no wiilina we v.us'hors essed £2 13à# -5a., andesat citthie 107.. d. more per hçad thaus the 'fs'ïr-jna *rkllaPI as ta PILY an the SaUltitbýiigs'towardsur i-Count>' expenses. Neitluer de I cali it rigbt ta RISsess M.? eal .stte sdi(y10 per cenitless p.r acre tIsas it was valoed in 1848, anti at the me time have th>e reai catate ini«,Mark- hem, average fot one- hif as Much as valu- cd by tic sanie men. You-may be sure it us Duot very pl=usaist ta have thitugs warking in this, w.yf, anti if tliss3ysteni ai extra taxes o-n this Township, Reach, Thora!, anîd Uz- bridge is ta be the cos: of our cousoection ivith the aId Couinty thse quicker, 1I a>', tire are 1separatèd the fretter ; andi though I tiare oppasedtheti.diviasoa trous the lirst, tuis Cqualizid s$estn of taxes has corn- pleteiy changet ni>'v'iews on thse question. Anaîber reason wiy I tiesire separation is, that I perceive that- we cao manage aur separate County witbin a trille ai, anti I think ci-en a trille less tisai what, is- noir paiti b>'thc Cant>' of Ontario for ber sImre witb York anti Peel. Tics. are what; I cali gootianti satiifactory renions for noir wisbing auit impndiate division. One word marc befare 1 corne-ta a close, vis: jour exposure ai the, perWicious eflects ai the _assestinent raIls b>' incrensing Brack £21,000 on ber property i. praducing a chiange in the Tawnbîiip. Mlen witb -inyselli ivlio svere berore.strong advocates ai thingi 94as tic> arc" 00w wish for a change, anti as i iciore 4ad matters have came ta suci a ciiis, the sonner the better. Yours, &.C., A Su'iBsitiBEt. Tu the EDilor of the Oal..rio Reporici. - Suri :-I forîvard you icreiviti a cap>' oi a document drawuî andi gaI up by Mir. Goulit, aur Provisionalj Warden, in bis ca- pàcit>' as one ai ticelBuilding Caiuînisa.ioners. irith the approt-al afi NIessrs. Rowe andt Drydeii,'for the purpose ai obtaîning'2 1r. i'crry*s w'thdrawaî-of building lot âo. 2, cônhîsting af ivie acres un a mail favourable iacal:ty, as adopteti b>'the Council at ith lait'meeting, in order that bc mugit bave a plausable pretexu fur acccpting buildin- lot o. 3, widlic as be-n rvjecteul hi>'sait Council, cantainiog oni> tira acres, iotiing like qa valitable uor sa ireli situateti for Cant> purpases, ag,,aint tic proc-eciings ai irbici Iliav-e, (alhouugh bigli>' in favour oi app'ropriating forti erection ai thîe buildini'gs) considereti it ni> public dut>' ta enter mnr protest, wiich iii bc faunti airuouigt the tiay's proceedingi anti whîchs cu1ae i'ajc ns on ~t I ippri* e ineinberï ai the COUIîcI%, thai il wi hbe a xsubject for lhnir consideration nI tic next nîccetin, andti taPirent thu jihso UIct people ujion an>' occrio~n be- ing losi iO, furtier than po5sibly, ca; bc'dvmed . Alubhoughivwe,as aCounril, a diftèr un apinitu wi-itu regard as ta sirether the applropîriation iju desirable ta the Count>' t tihelîrû5ent time,- rnat, jet b>' a proper aîîu'ndance anti recording thecir'votes, a iuà- rty mayi in f.vo r oI site !s- ed .1J titis Secue ta the Ugulit>'the mosu fai-ouuuable bituation to.-etber irith three I cres extra, whîich mouiti bc lait if No. 3 be eveiitually seIected, ma 'well ns tic cx- penses ti-bicli naturally muat b1 nicurreti preparator>' ta tic crection af tie sait buîliflg% on site Na. 3. As thc saîid Con- muuýsioriers libave deternîinedti t assume the irorl: witiaut iaving Uic liglitest authorit>' anti ont>' a falot cierisict hope ai securing sympati>' af tic Counicil ut their meeting ho. hc belti on the 7IiV i fSaý-pucîuîber next,. Ontaria, pleas«e give titis article a feir mn- tients ai your conside ration, anti pa>' atten- tiOn u tic wording aioLthtic articles siget b>' Mr. Ferry anti .Mr. Home. GRav Ut REA Burîy.Witb h exceptions, Stick -àsin plaCea miere StorneS pr ,eyail ta somreteisttis emrsa Enaglant are said-to have never 1 , oked better and if the wventier af Aupast prove propitlilas, tuer. sviil be more-than anussual average rd- alizeti. The reparts irom the agricultural district are, alunot itott eeption, ai à aatisfactary eharacter. ISCOTLjUID.4_'In saine parts of the La.- thians the ptato rt a,« reappared. It ai fritsen ào~ut the 2-Otb in tis gardens andi about Le 26 th egan ta preati general- 1>' anti rapdi>, especiail>' n decp soft soil, mist witi recent inu. Tic conditions unuder tnicli it kas agaiux iecine apparent are just -tois as maked its commencement for- IRELzrD-LcLerafroin thc'Western andi Nrtcra prvimces, cncur in repre- senting tie potato crp as aviuig areati> reciveti cnsiderable daurage. So rapiti i. the. prgresaoaithe disease an sone partýs, tht potatoes fit for table beai-a but the nerct indication of infection, iii tiree daja nftr becoae enirel>' unfit for ue. Al tie cerel cropm baever, are loadeti mll anti wti amost a certainty of a bouniiil bar- iest. TlaliAi i-ST IY N ÎTIo.-IA Whit-- b>' and Pickeriug, the wheat crop incai>' al scuret, nti ront- ever>' part ai tiette "tuirnsipi ie er it spoken af as thc niat abundant that bas gatitend ve bart of te farmer for man>' jeans. Tic bt-rry i3 full anti plu inp,-andt tise iadsa en ral>'m ore tin usuall>' well fileti . S. Sommer- ville ai the 6ti P ckerin g a sUreti u s ai a stalk that e -plucked in is field, bearing 16 heats ai tic ardinar>' sze fihîcti with a fine putop icr>' Urouuiu. la each, Jrock, SUxbridge, and tic rear Tounsiipsivae ear te most latten-ing accourt of thiyearsyield anti ire- rejauce toayut>'tthtic eatber for thc past- wck ha. been rost favorable ta tic laban aif the iariester. lIn loir ricit sois syîptams aifnuit haveiceen apparent, but nt sufficient ta damage the crmp ta an>' etent. Tic spring cropi trougiaut tis Canl>' are alsa ep ortedt t us as iving promise ai streke. T of aak. S atlaptedti t gatian. 'r (if not the tumneti outi i. ai wroucg Her accoua) ia somembal ladies cabii lamver dcck, AIl ieîýow creir ai t rjîng aof wn cm cupmcity 1 VDon tilt ane mlii On ichali of Bu>' anti Wii Leancccpt, lie ah Ibat Q-;atthe bu furtier Souttin passengera are sI route. 'rie Oce leare lHamilton %Wbitbj on Tuct arriving tii...lnu Port un ber rtl maning for Tonc sengrers udt irfn Commander Wri fident, vil re-i Wacu eitiser fc trip. Tise folowhng ii5 g nera l >' g o ati. T h e p o t t a c m p p ri- " ' ii mii s to be abundanu if il escape tic bight, ji5 ýeegmoan anti thus far ire bave nat beârd ai tue ap- louarres, - Lucautifuhl pearance oi n» yrnyptôni ai dusease. a fine pli "îTFRPR IE.-Thefirm-of crupure tuiing Ruay & Ca., bave placetian lte Nartiern found 1go( rteduin ite past aieek a -penditl Stace ic oppeOt Cachothti celebrateti Tiro>'biil. 1buis Ilf r a farm finishet ini a niait elegant inanner, and Mnay' be miti a vie* ta tic coifort ai tie pasen-. ot passi gers. Tie .Northern route is t present ha-,k uns ai u suppleti iti comfortable ta-es, anti can tnec esr DOaW bast ai a Conchu eua t thie bet in bracisetsi tise pi-vincec. -Tia jears ugo -a plain un- til' carve covereti rebicle like a humber maggon wssa net 3 21 ta te %orhentrve - ranged as aIl int b. ortiri ruiri culti ufrorti, 'Tle stte anti tbat, taa, aI irregular ituerval5. Noiqr, ted upon so rapiti las tie business ai Wiitby increas- Pl'"' Mu 9 d , t i nt m c h a v e t w o l un e s c fr S t a g e , c ip- . c i e n a n t turc B.uy & Ca,, anti C. S. Jemett & Ca,, venient; arriving anti departing duil>', craîied idej wamter frai anti out. -W . ope soon ta sec sncb pen- copper e, iti Cocies extnding their route*lrou.gh ey s po 3rOck ta Ieaverton, aid the nar <,j3orung. ý&c.,' Lake Siuce, for a,, wici country' prt addw Wiby is tie naturaî oulet. This iii sarcope taon falloir tic organization ai tise nea- COunt>r. lu (nt te enterise ai tie peo- T i ple i. even noim treadign te ieelà ar steamer A -eur Reces andi Deputies. Cobourg, a La. In Co - UIER-...JJthe lGth inst. thrie nmen stae l troke into tic bous, af josephI Hartosanth o* raOcer, Of Buffalo, andi uurderet i bu inubi eh- uie Ieep b>' ilams froinana iron sutter bar. )urin- tise stru-gle bis wire ne~epbu ras immueiUatelv stabhMll in ..,,..jMI.~- n _

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