- . ' s-- - - - - .- illtts . r î:aIiÃŽfJlrti. r1 Subscraher-woulil Cli tireattention m I U....... PIv . cflà scutiur sd lb.publié tg bie An exeh&uge paper say:-" Tiose faîr- nacr taho heitatc about their abUUiiy te faite a .uewapaper, are requesteal te keep oe ancrer lacs than usurl. Tire proceeds will jîay ýal cots.' A frions] in Calîfornia wrilca us tisathle xe bard rtita for victnale, anal otlaer edibles, tisat nothing but a miracle or lîhgbwray rob- ber>' can save lau front tarvatimn.For ýwOwe w:aks, lie strys, lie lires] on a piece o! ehicloth boiled wiîis an old boot to give it a tneaty flavon. liere's a situation as tsaa sitation. - Anr Irishr pper, wlae uow ans! thea iridul- geaI in a glats to much, %vas accosted b>'a entlfeman wit- ' ?nt, wbatinaltes youn face w redr,1 "' Pieus etrh ouer," snid Pat, 5G 1 al- wsys bluas 'vireai 1 pakes te a guale- "shat shal he1pý you te?' inquired thse iasiglîler- of a lax>dJlady cf a inedest voutb aIt Ile dinner fable. 4A -wifée, %vas tise nwek repiy. Thse yeiatîg lady blu6bes], r rijaapi inçlgnantly. and î 11h sald that ise il otlicc'a of a rezlboring eclergyman vrore reqtti»ite tot recoucile the parties. CAUTION. TrL&orini, ,on the l t arth lust, fer £ 1-'.3I2d., ae the said Nattais over-paid 'ALEXANDId cX>ONF.LL. Whîîtby, Jane 17, 1832. 10-39. PORT ýWHITBY BAKERY. TH snderigaed wtisheste Wenetices!by Tthe lsnhabi:smtand the surrostsdlng Vhlltgere; and the tceratalarge, îhathbe -oaUttlY on baud, Bread, -Pilot Bread, &%sto& Crack-1 Mr, Butter Crackers, amuî ail lindtof DR.'!CKER S, wigh VarfiaI>' ai CANLUS%.;0>5 P -iC AEGNE CHA, BRANDY I VAFSo, '188 TAftT8 Party Cakes and Weddilig Cakes maIe ta erden, and on the ahartest notice. Aloo, f itk a Large Stock of Graceries. JAMES BATES. iiYr(FMsN.-Iî l is! idiltat thse r'uaaay, L'tc., aMs1t. f&ranOf ntg rand jury nît St. Loui,., daz- zied b ltht leu ty of a ladry wlî) appt-ares]1TO C DOPE S, H 4LLERS as a Ultues.s, ber-allie a litti - cInfuteal, andiANDOrH ~S after zlitl'ia titi' atlt af ustial, ata t 'Of ueret therMbol, drew 111) -is face in Il E s~riwstave on aa landa tht ait t ascsi ta~ narît , maas]tiat, Now are csauaîîatty Nan- a.cîu ring rt tiair Stsve kisa mie, naauam." Ve dt] iDot dfi%over bis Factary, en Lot Ne. 7, au the 9th Coti. Peei 1a large qaauity eft mthe Ui ear retra 5ttTheis11, 1 Ot FLOUE. BARItEL STAVES. tht car frein and o lutari c ttoffenatcd lady, uats] k 'Wds juy, ur~ hao area~ o e a supcrîor qair.whar-fi tibl re>'aireparcîl tn lassgltr. -seit veîy Inw for caeuor pamerrtt. lIA RIISON it PASSMORE. A etrlypaper raýv s ià ta etîig b ire Pict.eiitt, N1jy 22, lý2. int t -lt 1,ti-1r ýr f iug fliui 'r iapitr.Ago snr.aI tE Silïmriýbers tu1""I1ave ta>rail t ttî Six 41011aas t) ptir ranJ p neu, j Ni# senosble Mni a sulaI rrfi't;SPRING sTrOCK QOF GOODSl Fiv4 iwiotl# o eder haut blet, COES[TING aor Aod on uparth i ewb! C-rretie. CIF kerv XAMLILY l>tizu,.-A boy naI.Non- i-4lr isItertal>ly 11S own ,rrandýfa ! It as ila tbus w ic-'l'bcre %vas a wialw (Anne~) iasd eduger r-lav(Jane,) andl a tn> doi a mairies]tire sona, and theau4sltetýr ai- -rteal tire- fatiker. T1ise n,%:ow was therefore seotisar (iua.iaw) te lier hairbatids fatîser, and coneqsitutly grata l-7Jîiisen te lier owr s i brandt (licnry.) 13fthi-, busbaws]sire badl a 5.1 tat'l)10 ià om ni dawar, great-grranil- motlises-.Nowua. tise toi Oa great-mrnil- motier touliW-eîethîtr a granusfatttcr or great utîlo, titis oy (Davidi)i one or the olan li ta is ouata granratissr! Wenderlrul Leap. From t tutSt. Caibanine-S ôo»stlutionat or Chov. 3r.1 isat., stieicisnui>'rendcil us yes- --terdaay, are ccipy tise follo)wirig ezîaordinany account of a l-eup from t1les'-iaapehaaou Bridgze inltise N iu, ra- Ri ver 'On SQ, alsyist, rt 4 1'. ?u ,, w, wibesqedami ~n gmres!J. l)avialGosa lha iap rom-tilt the Beutn$î>csoriridlge halo tii Nia--ara river, a ît ofi e! e'euy-fouir feet. Co,aritnine bidasatvertisetl lis intentien of ta4ig theu (eiwful leap, but it was ouly - 16aked upona% a thcx-oaiaequently, su1ý' three on four bwsidnad persotas were present. ing ou ti, i~ tdratt-'ga i L~dresa wht irly onse atenriaat-wlaen ini the ceas- * tre of the bidgecha called for a t, sylicbi wa nt once pulls] jth pl ~a~e hé tJJr4ý,*es! -ise then o iL11,2. i0ai S10od e n - ha o :'i*Oi. taiet asa ti i 4> f a: tTaty' u are agmto ul a a 11 c - khisant wiar easifb Mrf e 4st ai X î - avfi h sa'> ofmiCity5 - ucid Dot kUýbt 011 ialsfûct, iss] frini every lhp ti-ht be isearti thre et- "greatw%5 thsefait te 8 hoa truck mtiglatbe Wqf o MUlb.Ie aank ;-,banL as it ,wee .- m n o mo1re,v Atilof wlaih bari erntly een Maiidaec-tou tse nîst gdvansri,o steîstme - atisi hry ae,determin- cd nl lah au In dersold by l'y 1ay %ue lu ¶6. traite. N.I3.-Theyar aieapriîa carttiof ver>' Brapeior WHZsxSit., and a large supply of Plo Imar uindIUaÂL fer Bmu.-lcmitbs joHN MNART4N & Cé. rtWhitby, 1Iîh 'May. 1852. - 5.tf. P1a~t r i s ale lby 30O1N MAwRTIN% & CO. 1,9000 Colms BIEEC FI ansd MAPLE, For Sale b>' JFNMARTIN.C Pfort lVbi*by,gMs191, 1852. 5 i TUS NEW INA N lT Ai[Li.ýiM TE EI Ir 0 0,nDincuex * r>' F Moaisroit s~ca~us1 terlacroilig;i irriing it Pairf1ié' %Itie . tiss thge to.rmccl tise .*dial for Toronto. arrviwwo «- %,tilî 14avj Ënt iae$4y evcry ýUesaisy. Tharaday ans St srisîs 3ornis, cr he arrivaI 'iftht Staiges (rnm Port Wblaýby; erriving in limne to taibe ii. *age for Pmtl orcb o!n hard.,ô o 'à tg, r1ce0 O&im paV r24-tf- utl xtê1fied teVir ~MPu441 i fe er W f61. d4y1sij -b mttail consent. ;Ali dra o a Firm ha l i îhlarged bl D. Ie w uorespmnsilpie fer tise some4 nd ar e à a iF mst ab4 1 MILLI1 UIRSKAY ih MflUCAM W>Grosi ctftllr to Inaou tw Ladies have'opene4a Shop for the. above busicesx tahRooms over >~1 R. W 1 L XlN S ONmS WuATCIIMAKG & >EWELY IIP, Mat.!KA 'sy having served lier iapprentice,- alai totue Miary Usines, in oeeoftisle principal bouses etManchester, Englans!, hopes tiat thre>' il b. enables! te gave satisfaction te ail those who ma>' favor theni witb tbeir patronage,, 7The L4aet Fashions amatantly on hanel. MRS. )CKAT AN!> MRS. BUCHANAN WOLDrespet.flly annonnce te the Laies, t bat lb.>' have procureal tme servi- cas of oise cft the mt)as kîlifut workers hontisa Staw boinnet busines frcam tise Dit>' cf Tcrente, so that tisey a.ceuabiedtg ç lesnan d aller Stratw Bonnets tg tise Newest Style or Fashieta W hiby ,Marc h 27, 1S52AM 50-tf. MItINE Y & RES --------- bas cortrienredanew in b abiv uefhisinfa. in tie, New Sbop lat 4 > bis. Bates, in Emt Wlid. e'.ate.sIe bopes te ree{ve a coaaiuuace ol thear patronage. Cleaned sa taraud -bre asewctand neateststyle. 1l7wte tFasions 4ways on )aand. Wliitb)y, ,farch 23, M52. Nu-NERY DMBRSSMAKNGI t&kess inta Par¶.ncr&hip in the ahove line, OvI~ss Gow1ngrs, Late of üit C2ity of Londont, England, rom wlinae c eri-nre she horme the Ladigpa wifl dei ive Pe.ry satli irctîti, in the superiur stylts of finish nif every article, sucb as Capi, Bonnots, &C. M~sGowsiyGs bas just ,erk-îved the lAtexi Fambhiociu (rom London, te which the attention of the Landies h invîed. STORE TO RENT. 0. R.at ilthe Town Of wbitby for one, -or.a ternu of ytars, the Bouding; iely oecu- j ted b> R E P fary. and ined a a a ïeper4* store. 9: wiU; brnaw;n tosigh lmi rî wlocation, favourabie, and W biîhy tili. ouaty rown or the fie* Cklust>', oferg, superipr andttmeatt te thëoi ià tewm u, îepisiue a rmranite hutihffls. JOHN 1fAMt PERRY. Wlib t% A p4iI1 85e., T.heridan, tte of C.turort1il, LAOEc, lbrnetly 0wtied by Cli A*. L,U.ZI4. sad bired ud Clarke as Bretrer, bas solà - Io JOJN, D. FOSTER. the onse tunsivided hait o« sisi BIwrand tbis day takets said I'osrzait imO Pattnerahip. Thereroite, the Film> 01 SA erultan 6' Eoter w.,ulât tapectfoiuly intimat. tta t biric ethat. Extenidiing Ikeir Btines,ý they willipareoo coot irIn tbý prep<wdfi of 4fthly- 'Be 9 mtake i dervisig tLb. hifgb steriby 148 ever>si teted, andd la préparad to psy i,- est prce ini Cash for good Mfertct1atable fa1y 4elivere4 sat thef r Mrewery. Ail orders promptly atter>deat.Add!ess SHEIRIDA N & rFOSTE iI, WHJITVY BREWER1Y. r T. 811FRIDAN', J, D. EOSTER.~ Whuhy,2étb Feli, 1832. 46-Si. ONTARJO0IIOUSE, (L.AT E R ATS.) HEIf9 ibtbseibsave leased thenbove Prtms. tý aa re now preparrir il in a superior style for itatottSieu fe Publie". hy large ît»Prove, m.snti li the Ohm; ngand furnituire. Aise . Wen. ýlà r4eet& ad il8%isnWovements in-lhe smaliug a. cl!mmodÃilons$0 as te place it on an equal l fW1b fer conVeeiepe ândomfQrt, wilb any oîbeerc?~tel in tis Nwcà iunt y. 4li MI ua>t ables will alwayo 6e suSiw<t and every attention puis ith1e travellingf comm,sw _tba$itt si osilhlv make tb$À,fjéet come N an thomue. BR!AN & . TaUlorillg, t» nali ts Branches) cxeciutcd witli r NOURNING FIJUMSRED 019 TI E811ORPST -NOTIOE ;o e ho rected at Letington, Ky. aIi , Gôld in large amotnts, tadadly arrivineig A IZ FO MNRZL es Engians! frottaAustralia. f~ Peliticai coni ice-scontai«, te 4sa-WhtCa &Eh ito8 Wi covered i Paris bythe police. i B de Lamii It in said tisat a recent attempt 1 o1'usifia de Lakses beera made. upon te'lire of the asuperor of Muelin Dresées, - Austria. **Sik& U a asols, Leti not Man ta ofo prous! te work. tet PrIiis. no isasibat aslnmed o! a hard fiat or a su I Zelir Tweed, btsrut cotsutenatace. Let bita tat lie ashams- uiericCoto, cd of poverty. Llt in ouly bc asisaiued Aer , otos of d~hos~atyanalidîeesi.Prices a sbade lower tisa» auy Wholesale A ismtter in Washaington bas inventes! a Store witlîin thse limits of tihe Coaty Townt. bat taat cannat bar blown off b>' a gale. Tfhe - THIOMAS DO0W. etlor of o<me o! the pipers of that M'I 2StIi, 1872.7t. cil' sayq, & If titis lbit werg not wind-proof, K SU H H T wwosid ive it a putt., O S T I Nr. Browna, twy do yeu wear that bas! bat l' - Because; M%'1y dear ir, Mrs. B. KOSSUTHI IIATS! rotu aise wiil net go out of the bouse with N-Eateaive bue as jilat jiyed, me unil I geL a ilew oee.'A (tom 6î. 3d. upwaru. I'<i jaurotimeiIi Fourgrea e~is o lif are~ ~ delsys are dangeros. Fourgret eilsof à ar %ad t. b, ýTHOMPSON, PEARSON &CO>. utaaadutî collars, stove pipe bats, faglaf boots Whsaliy. May 12, 1852. sa tohacco. READY-IYIADE OLOTIINC aa iv Bt tor s îwn llollar.d Coatisfroni4 l PoayVney Vestar, in sChack'd de i* 5 0 o $ilk do f sBack Afi*>aa do- '6 luO*J0 Dosatila .do s iRoesett Ccvi do si 12 a )0Doclo0ua do c l'risicsow (0 doe 4 12 6 Do Twcotle do o Canaa Tslwecde do fi 17 6e LDo Cassmmevrdc iCassimTuea do " 25 O0 jDo L'neà u'Drit ldo 9 Blsn illand - 1l 55 4 411-2 Dulic heck*d dix 1 Check'utdodo 5 Dt> i DoCosdssruy du o Moileslain deo 6 3 l aiet duo- , weede deo 10 O0 jDg Cassinere îledo iBraad Cleth do 17 6 I Du Buclastin do t Rîecît Coul defo 859 IDg Dçnskhn dl ils Black Cloth Vesta, 7 6 Boy'@ Dril- d eô Black Satin du si 8 9 - De ClecIî'd do is r, Fate>' Satin docm" 9 IDg Molepkmag de o MHotlarmd sudo - tI Do C.snrda Twece dao o Faut>' do 4 4 1-2 jDo a aiere fît ýVelvet. de Da Tw e di)J b l a r t etlhe s d oa s , l ,t 1Shi l v t f r o n t s , oBarathea do t$trîpeul r'o a*ao Coth Caps, * 2 Rj~ e lîarmiShiss, "st do' 11110 1-111 C rder3hrland Di avers, Mevn's Paris Satiui Rats, B)'ick anîd D Pnits, att Ileavy<;Gi New Style Bîitsnm, 9Coat,yinjâaIl ît-1î DRY GOODS. Lues, yard wiale, fraut0 O 112 jF.is'tory Cgt*t.en, frorr colora ai do du Il 0 7 1-2 jWite -do ,é ;isauis. de do d" o 7d4 trpdiiri; M!c e ts~lo~ , JiisbirsLati Edgirts, Arl f nco, Lacees, Shot, (Žbeçk'l, sa 'n uApcs Table' Linrua, Qit.Cnasr'ns Be-f Tiaa, nal'T'oweta, C rapm andi Materîat4 for Nloaifint.Z Infants' Robes, Cps aud Firk BrI>IÃŽCS, 1 cl.3- 1.1 .JU~~J> 17dt~d!~O Il il 1>8e i ~g> W K7~'~-'~~ ~ __ g ';q-~~~. COUGIS 4D CO 8UMP!IO~ the t'Mr lis aperatiotl ha mitai, Yet ellccuictaa; il 100n2 R 1h e phte;srs vh:ch ere-attas a nuLch daýifituit>, -te- ereaily £ L ivsth ohaiu sit naue ta expel fy Iîre lut cate BOUSE, tise sytleniil aleated malter t'yvexpertolitwOt Lt!ai i produeing a54elightlchanin ta îhe bresthine, and r4f8f cheit, sand thià , after ibe ver>' Isegt medj"eafn jk remLdy rant of and thes inventiens of kinan sd 8orrowitt5 ieds ro. Il 1 and nurses, have failed tufi>çve t ht sitallest ieton iD J1TRIotygÂ?wsOf 079tUJPTIVM alled, Pers4its bave been decelved repasedi y in buY nîug niuml oeesiiies wbieb ste esaid tW boat ,faUlbie cure#, gy, Pbyo'C bu~t which have proved oasly paslliativres, but ithhsj1y. c. Il Medicinse lii l a n ly a paltiativer but curcf'ir ut- or! ;hl alto tclerldluliqu. [t contains no 4eleffriis Pto gi b and one trial witl prove ite autiirslhini; cflleary lie- swto ter Ibsan rsy aeacritator scertificite s i ctiing cen-I autiriin anal ait diaeuse;a af the t taga o7a as Z 8 ltiniz of tdtU , i h, PAf tain te side and A coUtIl estiiiht-weat, 171r. bli»issue About 10(X)> of aliaot amraculoLs cures psrfursu- on wiappi 'M GeenS, cd b>' tais Medicinae,f rosa' soà e of :6e tiraI Doaitors. Rersem snaulFash- Clerg;ymen and M3ercaphs, haveé-itta sent us Inr Leef Judi mieda direct this mediemne, tînt tht poblication o! tbem loch ap5iier, bmit ihesai 10o match like Qujackery, fwitl abaiw ihem te ariy servhceslle person caItinsz rt <mur offace.] Thix medictue witt Oitly .4 spcak 1cr ite'!f'arl enough in itsew.-n avous hhere- e v e r i l 1t s is h e a l r4WtPý Ccaicn.-This meiladne la poT t u na large bolte, sud ycss- muet finît the namne of' Cemrak 4r ca Wc Brother, Propriterr, New Yerkr. on the a1,tesadid tractc, ~Lf êaappr around the hoffie- Attiavalera must e s,js(Cf ~fl~it1 alJescd o amasoc 4Brthe, o.9,Jon tr epîcatkt teîr. aftc lote,'o ,Jhn%- ldt RNibe nvew-byYlorkisyo fi.dti e to niame crntise wrapper. ierua a. BIeware of a riartn t urs oueaierfeit cof the a chse. I t 1 CIJIE=Y 4 LT(IO1 Ailtise .WN<) send lî a 5O CORPL'.W amidICARI. S QJFOUNDER ,my injsir 5~ ~ ~~~RS O ONffNîalRCJBONP CURE, airer- 5 O0 taI for Sale ett he »rag Store, iad remeniber and va~ 4 O liever boy theseer'itee lin4'ia Jaut nly ou f ¶Va. CA- à Q> UN te.at lais D'y çOdastoitandavoal the coira- 7 f? tertedt as yuU iwould Peti-qON. Ih#tnt 50 7 6 Ilab. 4 1 41 41 6; cap FronIsq' Mouluîs, Netis, Colliare, Slk,lsatins, &C., Orlemiîs Cobour.,, Del,iuca,. Fis mragra, Garrps, Tirnira 1.2 1-2 1-2 BURGESS &LIIMN Corner of King tî- Churci t Srentjoining t/te Court flol(se, Toronto. HARDW ARE B1I' i BiiKS BRUCS ( eî1 a r p ur itiîr > r - t m. tull lait rsady for gs t att!te WItIY& >TI uticK ~l1îE SuserlmerIrema t> itfursi ~5~YARXD~uSasiiVVssTrjè sL.e LC ustemers tht i c araeirino bis aSaIuMG TOCE Or lKaa]WAI îZM010001113,~3"tcr"&Gm ly varlous Vessîýti rni sa, v1z:1o&slGeorg ,<tthne ,Zpbyisjîd sevcrttesr ra vr- $xrr t t 1aLoiv PlieIi" P. pool anal Londuiend iirsal jrs sadayt he wivliharte tobiiilsarraît lage, wbareahe l3icke a complete afflrtmnst of tlc a d $hcîf ,lIard ui v a> cha.ap tc b11taIa shrt hiace tais 'rimber. ware reast>' ler Salit, and ait pnîces tic Ion aa.rn l Pt s i týîar -ilr:uldwi rick -îya'it ~~lae Hnd.i.IAWORTH, W. lfor Toronno ba '1nili 85 . , S 8tr. A' i 1 *: VAL LA CE. WfIEAT 1 WIEAT!! gnbcriýr illpaythe bijhcat pricar in att ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a Got ALWrFA,~tvr-ttPORT IVHITBY liarbor, on or belore the Oi day nil Octie n nsxt. [le ha alic prepa3red ote *,t -u Aaéicts -0 Wheat, Flou; and, Lunibarî consi;n ed tio o kar)otca.Ca atm> oîaii> f 'iLY td OATS. GEO. Wï MEUIÇ>HAN1"'8 c ar m cet 0110 UsL~I %Winr, WantetaI lise Baica IAat5, for -whid Cash %vilI lie paisi. WaîyNMy 8,1 R52. 41!É Ionlt te est ilrsau I stye yoar Shilings. wfeir, ,v avy-& i thf5ofba.g'leave to Wlrittîy', linacis tlrcck. Uxbrid've, asand otanalarruadr Fowaaljps tît lle?-, IMse erselise Store l'or- u ecl orîtpisrsl hy E. BTS nelCîc. %Vf tOY, ti", Wbere glty w odf)rià rithl'4fr rrseïlilisand aiwhO May- fa- vasîr ltetn A iltia <il, a classcOe Stucli ef DFty E.4od,,Groérie., 1Hardware, I'ainits,, 011g, Ttrpelitine, -- Varnish, &c. &C. TIse7 woatd particutarty isaqWt- attention t tise' tIloltrnnutigsricli, %vjhich whti e tinsl:eapand Prillis, GratY - (YttnsShrtio rens, Sola lliKK G 1 01-T-cet.nt For the cure Q,ot iscier. Split I oot, floof-bouf1 the foilou H4-rses. arnd coritrizeted arîdI Feverish Fest, %Wniirsde i Fr lDr 8 ruites iti the' Flemh, Galled lIarkg. Crace fetl ee, «QCe, Scrntrilei, Culs, Kickrs, &C., on flerses. SwelJMs Cà utir»t.-.-iud lbenCame of J. CaritO Coin- WscUii liocknn lt rpsoree r bufCar it9 ue diate ".5e Medieines. Soar7 ilARlLTON'i;s liUNG-J3OXBÇ C FR . Oerl For the cure eft Rnaz-flore, Blond spavin, $ont' AU E -île'i, Windg~a, and Split-a certuifl remcsly frw hli CARLWON'"S -CONDITION 1>0W- Sores DERS FOR. HORSES AN D standing, The chan;-es of weeqhnr and saowith Tbrgbne chantre otsis e ard (td, bave a very' grcat effeci bas heeri lipotn the Utood areil iniro'îa fluisIs of!1horFes. Il itý M()n e M ai i;hese ïhisei hyreqiji-ùefia i to itu5tt< le" to lhr)w natl uy di.îertter 0 f tht f1idrS ofthe hod> pIease ai ta.s yri haive heten irriilfhtand whirts,.if nol al- Cautî e i, twilt ssuitîifcitse Yettoýw %%ater, IHeaives imi1e Sj Worire, 13m,, &V., ai101-wbich wlilI Lie pfCVCiutCsi : cn by I'irhng oncteip-s~s powtiers, and wiil a! amiy iftss ii lime. YThry terify the b lod emtovtcPlanel the wýaller, anid jswiglbiaie whnle lecdy1él enahtînt tWeen lhen 'a do mteint work wsîh tsesne ed. 11c Cse ýfli actîcer oftiiltse 1,mwd(cîS la dileCt Upoas asil lie ban- criatîsi ssis uJtr lrntve zUse .same c1f;e:l For !;ixoi tht' lIorse,ibe <)x, he Aý&sa(Kdusalillie Wlitlb otis alsarnal-arl tas ai iaîng frcim or P.îoduic inr. Ir hsd t tv firth îb lo aireiiIur'psll iy 1h,-m. çj ~Rerrmnefr zaud nidc for(Wr ' c»HsPs-IDAY(;, rkre, arsit tmac'noters. ý -,o c, , TiOii; r N E1V ,E A NI1) B O'NE Ue LINIMN11ï"T FiR I()RE andI f4îr the cure or al, : W.g imn rhes ta reqeiir externtil apptiiraii o, ard foir runtracterd alast'cdt ir, ssi . Irrit udtti, UaawIt'Lae so 1egt. acreh ol ait Stimila s sos* (Mp, pasrtt rs'ai a rbre rdtuerr r.îars t arf;I uci l!ac r é, i1 .ta v'y ýic (ba 'fl ns il n d one h-is(rstdaay (if tii ht' trviaceshanh TsY a hlhtetit!hi fariiitîr,tive e y8tre- me pracorltns <Ytitf, raitt beetilai iii aln a c nes mi ti.sst tise nineorfj. Calton 'eitkon tihe wéssp_ ari tbe> per of -ach artle, tin Gll s re-, liona colt in onlil. in >re, if )-t b>' Cittrial evs.r fised; at effme. pually eradficates Worms a ront1 botti daand chilsîren. It canrsethlarmte nzci.il delicate i rfi nt ors trnon etadlitlt,,% ms never fatits1t3 completely ron otitr.tf ilecii roy ait .irdig 01oris ailt tnlatparents whoaare Wtwtisîh rewýsva; #-%jîis the' lives f l lir chitdreris ito se fdtel TO THM OL» A N L)YQUN'GL flo ! Ye Red leadarand Grey!!! EAST IDLDLIA UAIR DYII, Clrsth'- flair, a«nd scflt1101the skin. ihi e rorernîght. theffs t intes ttor Gztr IlAtila sDuritBrowuniid hb, rëtealiru' a'âéc4mn gliglst. Iia 1Bri.th!t èhBaek. - " î*à !m Ma tberefO1e. wildké4ieafi~t ýssîlile trouible, kcep h4 hzir any dzr§arklftorpqs teltWakwi a "i- tiveéanhc tha'tihe Dye, if ajaplie4 fi> îbaskimn, uill tact ealour';, y '" OçrcaiOna1 applirtt*n. reri'iurîingçepI044srr le krmewn te have -,ry h^iîr. iet 'srlt #blc art ide. 'fhpre la n eaMiout iq 5jis s ta~!temni u, a esssily test. ý- ' 1 h'f*asa<ae atfânted hvtîsas uentQeman whê ,TS J! 'UT i te- 1 1 Du DO Dr Do DO Boy'l Do Do a Do ID Men BOuI 1 51-t 1 f. -