buat à proposition to lueur -se large anixs ilw ae,"tM'mc owrshri- pense for. un ojct tise Couacil se Intel>' provenieèru z- vout sld id ler-cwn, an ,îilth bail decided, wos net neve5.sar>'for tise pre- aI Oln Ia Ire nk in W (mprevenents, sent, 1l dctenmined teo oppose ; but Mr. Gain- andi then -e oblige4*o bl' ~fer et~imves f- bie ever findinig a ready echin lNIr. Gibl's, naervard..1.se i, ydprmn fouail it barel>' possible wiis his .astaace, 'wtie Cout(ty ere -- to rent1n*iig-tle adlftintof S-V.le e 1ï, afterîa ftil baîf- J'ail ils crdwded a ossg way' l'youd its'ca- N day's .atnsggle te carry' bis mnensure l'y the pacity fer groper nêcommedatonna; ftie casting vote of flic W ancen. hlere w'os a Courts, soine onc oUrirbiclu lesitting near-l>'la epées uh ill tsi' of£1,000,'vitsout ais>'tisrec-fourtiss cf thse yer ; tihe Assîzea set bc previous intimation, for an object t1iere wvns sonme fiiwe 'eeks thîs spring, and, left part cf 1 Due Isuu6ediate iaeressity for, despite cvery tielbuasiness isndonu;tishe junymen arc al exertion made l'y nytseîf and friendds te Iuave pais! fore alllingfs a day 'y cuir tares, the tise quesion delayedtilt11 after the .anuary estiînate oU viliih, - or tbtis ycar, la, abeve eiee-tion%. ecarnes! teonl'y Mn. Gibbs andi £1,000. la addition te paying ail juin>'ex- Mr. M'cle'n ir vr.tes, andc thecasting -penses fer tic Ceuuty, we isave t() pa> AUl vote of théi Warden. Net a word esqapces expenses connccted-wvhb lic jurymea for the tieta-infavor c an appal te thee tax.p)ayers; cit>', 'itiseut tbcir assisting us te o atun noe, tise>'Oppose evor>' thing of (lie kinti, aI- on sepamtion-we-siseuîd get dlean of thït îis6ugls it iras uotoniuus that not even 4tie item. Tise Couat>' Registry is aise croird- memnbers cf flise .Ceinci li teinseives kacir cd teo ccass; anid notwithstuding iMn. Ml- ontI du y Ibfore, hans! us t suc' a proposition chil anti Mn. Gibbs foundes! tiseir stroisgestd wMuuîd b, malle ; andti 1 asert 'vitisout f'ear ar-i'gunas against a>,divisien cf the Ceunt>' cf coatrs.sictioss, tisat' net t(n tax-payers in iii tise 1rovisienai Coonà cil, ocrile great ex thse Ceoint>', sive tIse- Cuncillors, cultil'y pense te l'e incs.ired in trasfeýrng tlie ne- an>' possibility, know- î.ntbiincf a desire or, vords froim tise Is! Cont> te tise neir, yet in enan te lueur .ui an esipenice tilt after tise necess# ifr. a divisoL ati oat it wu* pasgeeIln-l the -estimation cf (berne ment 'vas -se gret, tisat evea tiese econ-- two,ýeutlesnen, .tise casting vote of these ists tiem"cIves, un-tiseirlhantibill, hlls!te Wurien in tii case, vrtus perfectly juistifia- reicommnenil geirg te tise Legisîatunus for a hle, and 1 gt noenstutll eastigntion freoin hn eilmtt aetu ia iets.'1isc>' for even hlintingr thitthflic'Wýardta 'vould 'alao recommniest applyi*ng te (hue saine quar- have done botter if bli as votes! in faver cf ten fer tise appountmeatcf a Count> Jsudgc'. deloyiusg tliebuilding UiIJnuair>, wicn Uic Noir. 1voulti necomsmendt hem te unake u.5e~-J rate-payera might l'e consuufies!. - cftise pein l theirn ralantis,ands! une ~clinasiy one believe sueil men sernusly *ï osnt oui>'thse advantauges of a Regiîstrar inclines! to'con4ault -Ile tax-pay«ers, miiticth and Cesuant> Jutige, but also ail tise etien s'uew or earrylag OsÃithUeir wisises 1 -Hiere ciicers, accommodations ad atirnatages OU W' iisaquestion tsan bail nover been spoken a County. Witis rergard te tise yeanly cx-co or thuugt of la 'tIse (nunt- not one mari pense to l'e inctinres! in tise Gorerament of ina ibcusand eyrr dreanuos!tisattue *Colin- thse Ceunt>' cf Ontanio,,-e iset-forth, un the OU cit 'vouls! entertain a proposition te- buiîd a great bug born bandblilI, tise'viole scae s ii nieir Court leuse for ma>' yenars Io tome, purely imnaginan>'. A Ucîr cf tie items inii ý ans! Gibbs and! iNichielI denouipei mee as thym ýest*psate is net mucis eut cf thi a>'.. cu1 rabitil> for mosýing te refer thue questiôoebust tisei njonity are a long ways 'vide cf tisciax-pav4rs.ius ihsey do noir for opjsslng iistet}cr cf thoeomets would set (hem- in tise Provisuonnl Cotîncil tlicir factions selves -for instancê, Croira anti indigent propositionu te refer a. questionItethue ta%- iritacases - £5, oebâif tise amount of ice payemr tist bati been beore (hein for tise unites! Counties, witli Teonto.in tise bar- laStfuve ymers, and! on which an elecien iviths gain ; inquest expenses £5 i-ieToronto < a perfec t usudýr staundinsg.hall meat. decidedl>' andI al hree Ouonities oîîly- puy£0;mcmt- taken phace. Ntilsaui~ my fnends b'4W irages £120, aa urn %icieat topa>'ha ans! myseif tisouglit cusiselves imad(I>' usuti b>'fer (vt'c ays' service nidtwil 300n1 105,' the CoiityCo lc or nUcqestionwin tis i eqîite dean ire sîral oct require of building tIse noir Countrt 1I-buse, ire neyer te set over eigit or aine tinys la -Counctin iiih for a momenat, ioicit or protesting, 'vitis- tii cnyblib'îIcs eiai£0 drawing, ans! settin, tise lave t tiefiance. ne; Waî tin, £2.5. Noir.Iamii atisfies! no ni but 1 deteraintri tkejishe- l'et ef alînti Council 'vilil'be lavisi encugis te give, non job,mand 5et unseif'tno werk te confine ubern an>' \arnc pusieus e.nub etae ti t e i male possibl eisn, which 1 suc- baîf oU thhat.sua for aine on ten &-v' service,. ceededil lmitng te £6,000. 1 might go over the wiole libt anti ut thora ,file public wiII as1c i-is>'thitimigbity hst doirn viith Ie saineprepniet>'as-I baVe tîio-s about (i sth uiige auor 'srtIossaorc-suffike it t t av tîsat ire ;îs-11 baVe irben tise nId 0bliIiti 'can "latel>' roîair- tîsat matter in Our oîvn iantis anti c" re- d cl ¶'li in fe.ricý4. is el irr; it. tisatminent late tlue sulaniea te Dur niîi,>. 1 aui.for thie Lei.latîurf haliudr-oad-a o the payiag officens for tiroir services, and un -Territorial Divisions slaniirîl ara n.1;ua!1oriut i rninl(CouinnilE ertint>' (hit tise'Coutit V cf e nDamne 'vuld ibas got a get n good 'vonling mnjrily. pre- bc set off, and 'voilt ifor icrs'banti-de- parus! andi tetenuuinru to -go on, %miii tise -clorecIerself iiise p dnt otf' the nd Count>'. protestors. côme forirard ani attend te (hein Tisere vas aise a large ameunt cf neal eS- tioties ans! (le interesta cff (hein ceastituient's, tate belongirg tc tile Cosunt>'.nagonit hane or wIll tise>'make seoti fare-up )b>' lielti- of wviicis laid ini the Côtinty cf Ontanse, andi ing mass meetings titrougi (l'e Cont-y, wîinis -b>' tic prmssent laîr -moîld ti t this Ceunt' a ricin cf creatitîg a pressure frein'vitlîout en separatien. Tîsere ir aso a large ta- eperate agaipst the final passin; of thc'1 amnuunt of property' la thé Cit>' male b>'cuir Bv-Law la 8epteraber next 1 Or wrll tse>'. joint re*ources, lnet -requirýed for tse use of la a fit of tiesperation, spite tlsumselves ant1 i tiaCount>', ans! jutic iri d equit>' -ouIdti tiir coenstituuent*, l'y voting in the County 'i "Ie cnoir Ceunt>' a elim ( o a fair '1shane Couneil of York ýto pa>' thue vhiole of.,il or it on sepiration, psnticulaly irben it iras del't noir due l'y tint oiînty tîsis yeusr b>'î no0 longer reqîured fer tisé use of tise. Cotn(r. an msesmet, andtui iu-if pos*ible, ciscour- 1 Mr. Gsmble is a clean-1iseadeti, sliîewd poli- -age sotne cf cuir friendg 'vitb (lie heur>' tIca, mend ms! been a close Oiuurvpr cf cuir asmusut of taxes t. We shah sNec. local bldrhrng lun tisele ein 0mt>' t and -- Jeiri t Geu. knew 'vel l eus to tut(lens Io accotint,aissil Uxbridge, Juie ýti, 1852. on seeing lus ikel y to l'e settn ott,1 i na u- - clisued te lofer lth lie %vas net îoae li con- Ilnî~flcaC of liiltoatit on lthe veue of Latqt!s. lrîiumg a plan te prom-cnt thue pessibilit>' of a . clamupon tise uti Ceuni>'b'tercnfr Teepnec 1saisctNi an>' aharecof surpîr ia Cust> preperty, wiiol York ans! Qhio,,aflolrds rihundauut illustuauin planira tesin tu isle o itin iisv fUtheu grl:at addition iiispjantitu tofise value Court lieuse;i ans I d i cI lent ssils2 nit-c l -îsn .oien-i . rt. >'hu 1 ii my ffiotioa for a Comiltte t-, draf t an adl- lancita tnt'ene in (t'e ussrict in 18116, t tirs. d tse egilatne- pryin fe asu- roin tetes i st>'cents per acre, commandes! i1849-bnteCaao-aÉiraý elai actt o enable tise old .-Cesst>' te-fusîfili "' v l' itaçearalro Wue ,sny prosullsea; l'yrefwmding te tise newisi n oenztion, fron tea (or tient>'(clel- Coutt>' 517.mon.>'ie la pntinneiv lana, tIse saine tod, lun lis extension froni aie bai ujient Ciatauseoga te Nashville, Tenose,- passes! buidins ati usm>roemetsi (h cli Cmut>' boithec cetuties cf Franklin-, Bedford, sice 1848, the time akise mad!e thsespromises; puîinod ic Davison ; -anitiseA.usi- by .uabliuug thse citiCotnty bare>' to carry ttlsiek o7d ndfss onisso na! ber tmeure for .recting (lhe nevr Court rance latise value of (hein prepe t>, of Hons. l in. hast, 'vitittise strict -r $254,639 in o1 ecycar. So of tise Mobile standing there sould ble no e $2 5ýrad horilod lnstor id ni ti ates inlu anusryisit modesy to e mnObeaioc;mud(brIslbene doUada hse. uoited-Cotintiei toaisassathsa msarket 'vutisut. a -purelssr for tlirty dem mid~ ,bave , sine1thue lapilcg out of tlat'roa< tb.uus £ 6,000 te pa.v for it, andi mter ~ir <iIaii intis andl lizbitii osîd te tsses. bu 4asred te three, tauatiun mn n sa u ees as To be Surgeon ;-Surgifl Jhn Gul. i9cQon 1Jatg4t Ontario. L'o bCptfin --aptain Jama Drydene eho. tIa te VYork. r To lie E igx -Jni nJmes Stab- Ac, .Adam KCarr,, Robert Graham. Montreal. NEW ADEVRTISEMEiNTSI PENTLAND'S liIaTlIC -DUIIAI11 1ES'rABLIýSHiNiMENT I ruiiîaI.trio ,u-sicrlld OrrtII Viti perforai at WVHITBY on Mnaday Jounc 28th. cor opn it 12 as! oelak.Performances immence ait 4 ans! 7 1-2 o'ciock P. M. U-3'A4muaion 25 teas-Chklres undef 9 yeanî an.', Iuatf rice. Iftis with sic ort'inuiry f,.elingeuf sastisfartiôn tisa he Prepnieter of tiRis staii,isment annouires at an engagement buas beeîu etl'cctcd inith the '11lpehrateed -é b Nhese grisai Scienui le Exp.iun..nîi- u thse Pl'uic Puis tise ANIIPOIJE.AN FEA-, a performauice 'vîcîs cousis.iis cuually WALKING HEAD DOWNWARDS, Oit Ihp unter side uf (rSrn.îut MurUtIr ab. at an has ucitil Iin (iip citit-s cof Nu-w York icusI Phiila- eitii.ti s insotct tasti! uuruuuuuu!y lhiian: thing i-ich lias ile-er broult tuduir Ille psulie uriîîe the tatt20 ye.uns! Suie thidiurcveu-y o thei U.auznstic '17t-gu-eph, noru e riuifie invrention hai crs-eiueui balfIi!e xcilemuent ;irouuced 'Yiylu mulit e-utraordiuuary acbiem'eniuuut, and utu-ca suao- essfiil expordiion cf Per}uetl otioenb coulO Icarurely cause a euer commotiobn un the scipur iiwci.Ali clasgeo,ail aes ni ilnkb& sor-iity have t1ockeil touu-iuuu-,.a Ii5 puotbiuuuuce m. heut-ver jt hliii li c ehëit5d, uundulthe cunhplei sliuujartl r'i*.iuurcul i.y he Iauii4tialie anuifueuue w,-h vè -taîuti irnul -l 'ufeatr M su-loick's ulep î-uet-iiClR nuttciuuîyprou-e ihistot uhaiiow lul uuuhaibeun rtienîliterd. 1TIo Distinict Exhibitions MeACH AFTERMOD"el & EVENINC, The Entertalurments il a cciseia nirtirely dit ferea-is.diuig wislh a fi!! tid bliftiausu- EQUESTRIAN TROUPE! An extenseive, (ailentiul, andi ver>' cfflcicnitly erçg nizeti DRA"lAT'C CORP>S 1.Emsracing inSt 1Eltteiiaesu, ail eteift Pie-aing Feats ci lRiNtManship k GymîîSti c ri Tegeuhen with.a nirkt onu hruthfot represenie tion, with tuppropias4e Costuimes, îlîusic, ýlach aesry ndtVrît!iaat Acrsniuu foninruuely ir terniiîr ld-rainuatic )lixterfral Suld -tin u i cahibtsuia t vics, upwards:cf SIXTY LIII AN» DG NrE E compising Mrtiy cf 0 inuit Poupular IPrco' sura of the Equitan ia lllsrieul.- Art ii a eluar, inuei'deu Io giî-o fi eft tth v-ic riouis mportnalucir'xtstu-- la tIse coirseecf the 'nuuras-e S.1rc.A 'vli luitiuuct hua Fine Siud if Ttainu,1 ITai-ses- 4. J'onie M0liuuieîI, (aparisouîed ansufcon!,umied il a o fyle la;te anu s pk-usdor 1uiii-uly uuuqua!uid Iy aruy truperun tibsa ctuîutry. The fs ollowu.ug uuutu;uiilei uu Is u-un The. beutîilfill Eqtà ,asnmu'nne. %t'ili tipt in a s riuuly of ii tcuuu1 Touli ledie , uuuitlvel2 htutui'i ly uy ifflir ludy il the 5uuO. Tu-iu lhe'car-iconfiduuenut uxud unutrfintil siyu- f tiila.- dy's ieriouniai uce' îc use- ili4t e-evq -iuiJ- Mr. EQh3flGEJACIL)R TheM-élourimnistic Ati".~ ARH MOSLESHEItWOOD, Mn. .Y1LLIAM O. DAME, lThe-Gri-in $irsmmiet Rsesin Mr. CGIAMIe;ý1 S11EEtWOOD. - TIse Wueru Es-i ider. PRO- Tie Aiilipuudan. - Mnr. WILLIAM IL, 1>Ei, Maliter tufIlue Ili Andl l-ttihnteh net Icafi, tise h1'TABfLE.] PEN'1LANP iti oit cof oshser t lint. Leader of tise IBand, Mit'IHENRY '$M1 'vitis a fuît andi bigIsly effective OrcIs'stru. tl>New Scunps tof Eqiieuinianiiçm la tise . mviii h4.given sui cacis entertainaserit, .4flera anif £ui'esing .Thse Preeraurumie ofet meIh4 cnitineiy sifferinnt. The afternoen Ente.-tainr wît oend mnitis a favorite - EQUE.STRAI B1JRIESQUEs, rO£ unfortunate Jioiell, altbôutgh 've <Iid net JoHN McK&Y, Town <C1enk. Ti, ear tisat "Ir. R. IMlocript of Osisawis, Tiserais, 9tb June, 1852. bil dared te show bis face there as be did Facto an~d Seraps. rlein Tiserais. . 90(m Speakiag oÉ, " office sbarks r ispatent BÂ&R.Nu l's MrNÂGRitJUN ,lsFm te the 'viole cinty, t'bast a rore "greedf 1 Ti is aid 4e l'e tbc grea4cst collectio, f set of thesci 4yaniais- never was sup- curiosities thdt! evbr fra4relled in the U nited ;e poeeilte exist onae ittle village than la- States or Canada, and fro>Im tbe great, s3c - ,UMi siled OU tor Os ;Pe1dis$ thse passage of cess tint bas ever attrisieil Barnuim as ýa M" Thoral' referred, to, whicb explains the~ T BDLERS. TU'IE Subscribetr ~ ul1frs .- Jieu, Building, t h p pat4ed tos pO o theEd 7 f1/w O4t4rz icý~ ie. E any quisntÃŽty c'B,,Y-TOfne 0 15. In ilu21ndi, /i4 .çat Lengtli. few cf 0tb.1, colint ezal gent1krlln of 3- g I*he ýe Listb wilil I fuachépe, n be oevrOilave been most actively etigaged 1 in rapidly laid On, nd wikjçive better satisfaction circulating MIr. Gib'bs'handbill, wîtli regard ' ia tue coMmmn Split BoarJt Lath heretofore in to the Dew Coty. Wbe twss~psda ROERlWGMRE that a souficient number were infllîenced -tie çNo. 1-f;.eth Con. Pickering' througb those iireprecilstations, notices' SI milk 'ait of 'I'omntl Hol.. writtea and verbal. wverce týrculated ainongst 1 Apply to R. H. L4~Awva, WNhitby.. those who were h-nown to bc favourable, aci Pîckerintt, June 16,le 10-3m. eallingf a meeting of hie rcte-payf'rb of Thio- Cxl r'ais, to assemnble in tbe 7Town Hall nt ten CAUTION. 0'clock. a.m., on Wednesday the 9tb inst. 4.t twelve o'ë,lck the incetrngwvasnot or-. bis ,A LL parties arecl'ereby forbid ptireliasing ganized, andi the gcts ilc1ywsfudp a~ aNOT.E, mode by-min lafavorýofJogratstdirtoprevaasilin p1. TrLOTSNJoi~Ib I îhet srh ls 0 fo .; -o Ofeal-omay peron to aecept the chair, las. 31I-2d., tii the rsaid Note iseover-pasid. noistlnfiegnm . fuig(hh- ALEXANDER McDONELL. 'nor. ndrUcçv1,1cc iisro- Whithy, Jtssné 17, 1852. 10-3t. blc that the genteben csfing the mee:ing, --saw uno, prospectof etn a Secretary, or IlOtISE & LOT perhaps it woùld ~eatýwr tieir,,purpose botterW FOR, SALE IN ýWIIITBY. tc bave none, as hy that means thcy muld ne - ~coaveniently publisl' what tbey thnugbt pro- P¶'IE Sdscrber tter fo ~e.e -per if they chose to figuei print-at ail o n whicb is erected,-a 'Nzw DwEiti eensteeNu u eccayapoae. ' Ilouas:, with every necegiry arrangement bor Mr. lcnry_ Whitc, D.P.L.S., commea- cr .ronifort and convaiience '.For particulais as io ceci operation5 ly reading and comameting cO termne, &c., iipply to on iMr. (ibi celebrated and ve'ritatble ivlsbylun 1 9,1&55 . GPÂ TSH r. m anift, ia bis usual gentiemnaly and po- Whub, un 1,152 1-3. litr marsnnr-sl'eweýd tho gorod People of wl SOTICE h l'eýreby given that the PA RT- 'rhortih the expense .of thoe('ounity of Onta- Nztsl hSn ilb,te existinez betveen P. A. rio iruld far exceedthe ,imounà laid down HU RI)and JOISHUA. WRIGHT, unierthe Firm l'y Mr.ibh)s-thlat thr Sebool rateî would of HuRe & WltGMITe bai this 48Y dkhsOtvtd by l'e increasd-that £400 or £500 addfition- bý inutiual consent. HURD, al woîld re9nire to bl' lied oùat(-ue poplu kg J. WRIGHT. for the etection of a Gojunt?., .Wl1 for the i ,t Pince AIbert, .lune 7, 1852. Io. accommodation of ttieCoiinty C'ouniiel, and ~ s P.S.-The business wiil be contintnod by J. înany oither suc' al'surditics, clearlqr shew- tt wR1Gll~r. îng bis o n oran1cè, or iwilfiîIly meedn thei people, NotttAndlin, the secret -T Il E R E P OR T FER. mann(!rii wbicih the meetingn was got up, y ~ - thec Reeve of the Township. and Col. C'am- WHITBY, SATURDAY, JU'%E 19, 1852. eron wc-rc present. eilhe Colbnel spoko uit Arrivai of IMIr. inýiLu. c - dralIngth-sîowed thatthie meet. - I. ~inte wamenot legally eovnd th(hrc 1Tl.- AMnntreal papers aà naouaâ tihe arrn- - was no wriUean otice posted in the. villagei ' Vil of thelo. r lnK atsrct- tavlOD bsefS;,..* u.L-¶ Mr iitss-n M: i ngs are invarial'ly ct-e oei the falý le Notiîing lias yct trnspired regardung thse lacy and tnisrepresenitation cf Mr. Wite's >1 resuit of bis ralroad mission furtiser tisan its statements, and ecarly proveil that it vraM a M Sunsuccessful issue, as -far as tise securing of tie intrreo f the agriculturai portion of avr-the uoinity tisat a geparation from SImpé~rial aid wvas scuglit for. Te avoa-the ,CO ocf York s1iould take place, 1-hIe offers, bowever, cf capitalists and con- andl that immediately., The Iteeve aiso I etractons in Eoglanil, touching tise grand sho*dtsttcitrs ftegnee -i trtink rail-iiruy frein hlalifax te Hamilton,. wboet up tbe meeting was diametrxcally wil b Io .kedfo wih ntees, ad e tus,,opposwil. te tbat of ic etarmer; it 'as the P- will'lcoi orwthitrestad'Oftusiîtkc th le farier 1te, have (lie Couaity ilaccepted iithout dclay if favorable. Thse opeased ip l'y a direct rond te the front, in Aniuericans would builil a rond cfrequai dis- entier- thist they iiht avrailtlsincves or tance, borii.ag trouigi mountaina, and have uny 'risc ir'athi mart a lt any tiplie in t1lc it~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~f infilIlîîeprtewbl ed heya-ioierinsc overcon riishoti itai lk ýigô)miowiew o tet keep tisemina tiieir prescnt isolatcd posi- tling- in the matter cf extending a line tien, in ordgr that tic>' rnigist continue te thirough a comparativeiý level country., If exact the cnarrnzou's profils on their goods wie are te bave a grand systcm cf railnqads wbhichtiey nir do. anil -aIse get the farm- ,.in Canada, tisere ils ne tie to e l'etst. ' n es produce at the 1lowest ratr, tbiu keepiiîg1 ie anotber colurn w'ilIl'ec oudan etatfoFhum in hielpless and heçîeleîss povprty, wluilst foud xtrc iro thcy areu amssiagfietulles cuit of bis iii rc- an ,%merican piprshowin-é,v teavlu qiW abr Wb ' ý 0 geat aue qMrdlo. iefivdalntyrstto ta- of railroads tt a country. Instancesae n. biem edalntyrslton hi- given where reei propenty lbasincrease t ille Mclain.1~r a 2 Meat o o i- ration, .&C. heainomt incrediWe rate cf, 500 te 5,000 per Col. Camero~sn moýedanameridment,whirb Scent., was lest. Tlic original.motion 'vas thien put ft1eeting An TJô,aOTSiI. and carricil. ut! TIhe meeting ;hrn dispersecl. The tnmîguie.% of the disappcinted, and Thle Tow%-nsbip Ceurcil nmet in thec afto.r- insigificut Coporaion c thevillae cf n , andl affmr gefflng tlireîîghith telitsb- illýgniican., orpratîu o th vilageof in"ss for which tue>y' spocial ly met, thec en- es O *, 0hawa hav~ bren atwiork in Torahi. Pri- clospil reselution %vas passedî. I have (akea eof vaue irrittin notices vwore sont arotind t6 Ile liber'ty of pultiin yoxîla n psessioi of parties whcr' were kisownto lirve in dedo these facts i erdr.r tllat\b Cc*unty na>' a pnn n La fr nyïprveeà bï 1n etlie nîi-lîatl ivan>' stam2nt md nu a pnnycfta~feran' inprvenen ~ appear in tho O&lewwa Bunu ,t&, 'ith t es- ever sr) neczissary-. and the wîîolu-inatter kept, pect to yesterdiay's m:tî TIllst's a libol en the'ii Vxbnîulge, prcnWjtednod of tliein mdeiii it Witlt regard totehma Osuhama, 've fis!-it la (b of C'~Ii' asuadlau stdowna as ine.statedi othien czôipoeate YIuuicipa .iut people b>' tise en l'y ci i 5t Iriver in as flear t - - Fatal Accident. On Monda>'Iast, as$lciel B13. #<>o kclering, was tescendht,,g4he hiil p-'h ~th Cncesinknewn aaIeadCif 'WA ,cornpanicd by an'Mn. Miiî, theildies t sindor rapid headwavy o*Ving t t ibe teeî, - as of tiése rod, andticewlieeîs striking iS alinst "oMe osruton icheil bcth of cO1 icgentlemnen out. M.Jtg a ik4 b>' sorme f-arrn laberers irbo ivitnes.sed tise ýculent frem an adjoinIng fieldi, but liUe wasfnp tinct-the skul iras fractured and! tice ci dhslocated. ,Mn. Madill iras injure4 that t net seriual>. Mr. Jutige was a manri m -0 i bein ast tise mididle age, inidaistrieus andi ionest, an s!lý be aves a -%rife and faxaîl>, and! a large ti-,- unbon cf fniençia to nieura lis suddenIc. Wez recommentt tl'e attention cf (l'ose cil, iho arc intendingtr t&buils! la Wluitbyl'y ns!ijuu eigiibcnbood, the advertisement ocf M.iall ,Vigiiiere's Sairet Lath, manufacturet in bav' ickcinng. Tus gentleman deserves muci iwrit Tcdit lor bis enterprise ia introducing at ler, ýnsidenalîcexpense, tig inhd cf Latis is vhi ch is la se mach favor 'valu builders sure hoeever it b'as been uïes!.1 \Me beliei'e it nman igenerally adînitteti ly all, that sawed Latish-an sfan pr'efetabIle(, o tise old fasbioncti iplit Piel mard, ýgnd it 15 ntsc' cbeaper. 'Mn. W. erci (teps ten circular saws castanti>' r-ussnîng in tlîe man~ufacture cf tisis article at luis exc- < insive raw-m.illh' in Pickering. A word absout tisat "mIighty Our stvectlittluie neibeur yonder unt (1sliu;tva. i10i0 calIs bintelf the Ganadsan Pibunc, catnet stand a bit oU tlcklisug, c be îe~~~~~~ lispone! pn sl iti a perfect huicinane of Iloir .vigoreosty flie hittlu ta>' abouit "mcrbsd s vaaityrIl uncodscionble an maauaîs"but oh!I isei prates rpistifig hie grets inta the Ilbeer." We are scr>' 1ow inticei, thsat se -ver>' Uci people sec tise ir "lait of tic , 7-j/sUnes," for l'y (iii meanl tie fen ranks 'vis an aflerd te exponclon -troe our littie ceatemporar>' 'ihI-not l'e se ireliaul tinilertooli, bot 've illjust isepe, -tisat (ou tam mieet tise prescrnt émengeacy, cuir numenoxus -wx rentiers JuIl1 (r>'te bo-noir a -eudhag of tise Jrceman osf tise l7thiu la. We ase tint nial etun romianks about tic business donc b>' our mouchants, 'is net atn al palatablé te tise de, tise organ of tic Direetory. Weil uow E Frcw i-e millackno'ledgc our errer ; Si îrc edhd speak 'vwieut reflection irben mce nie, tels! yeu tint I"triple -tIse ameunt" cof Au mercantile buinss s-donclisene, t isleatr buruuiee - del troasaces!. vitî yntu, antiWC iremlset 0 oursîves tigit; me p.ow bog yen iilI take 'do, iotite, t it we 'viiidsaîr (huit reunark, and! sin îs More b1aine a fs bu-in r 10 s isan lne sar Y-car, (ban ii'-huitl'y ia ten, Intm it&he l prqsenzdoîan)ce in y(nîr fauuur is a/li n Ille wuny e.' - rCa1erng <cknoi anm leim-nVling vp." You liare nein eigli ut stte acit. Ve tion'L lîclievit a wentij aboatt ho 1rusais Uronuts zl'is!ge" %itis the *< citt. irici le (rdPs