Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Reporter, 19 Jun 1852, p. 1

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t e LY MORING. SAtbVAYiCE. WTXT T T T D V U~ ~ ~~h za asa» sAtbakaUa bouma Iinamte$0 jflOTern. (1~AA WT V Q M TT, X--P, IEIOBDINAIIY BEYELOPSIENTS. 1~ sOu>' Weonsslîsutiiy1fianydisessaffectisg:be ItfIathInscrlid on iBid PIaie orF Mot, prom 05E ta tacfltt nSet. 015e. oyat Ma.Law'Sez corner of ICipo * and Smcot Streets. * OsisiavaNov, 1 85.. 3-i l». David Tuchoer GRADApTrE 1a ie MsICnrt àAxis, Tarserrv CM.bozX, »t,usPnvîur sxo, AND Açcoucwatut, NOTA'?Y PUBLICj,, Cemmslulsau lt ÉM. OetS o llucc m Dch, Comwjpmcer, Draughtsan, LI.UR 0FMARIUAGE.LICENSES ANID SACCOUNTANT. Office nmarth4 Court Ilouse, Villae of MANrcitEsTr, 4Township of LECI C. W. 24tf c o . £ À C I C m m 'Ssi om- of -Q u ecn s ench For inkin; -Af(ldaiis. flRQKLIN. Brookilin, Seplt. 13- 1850-.Q2 t f 0. J. MACDGKELL9 soIlCTOR-IN-CIANCF-Ry, &C. . &C. WJI TBY. cASiAOA W-uiTy grmr ~ ~ fl.up tairs over tht Cieqnfered Store. j1st1511r snd .Altrey eut 'Law BROCK-STR1EET,, WH ITBY, INSURANCEA FFICE1 J AMES WALLJACE bega ha jehlunte that ho bas isten sppoir.eu gt for tht - g91NlA~,II 111 &GENEIAL l.MU8ANU COMtPANY. and that he is !peatd to take risies at the ordinary raite., ln the MUUL IFITI ÂsN branches of suîd Comnpany.- Whity, stSetemer,1Sl. 21-tf. WORKMÂN BROTJRER & Co 3o 6, K1ag tret, Toronto# L. IW.SCROFIELD &C. IMPORTER$ 0F WIIOLES&LbB ANDMI AIL. Whitby Vils;e,Jlne, 1850.ý CÂRLETO-N LYNDE, WHOLES.&LE AND RETAIL fiE %TRA%, TOBACCOS, RICE, PAPES MAN&UFACTURER O! SOLE, UPPER, AND UARNSS8 LEATHER, &c. cash peid fior ides and Skinis, Wkeat, Oats, Pots anid Peari ..èfhes. Witby onVilaga ln, 1850. 8 T E âbseiber la prepared te malte TAUDVANCES 11< CASH an POT AND -'£ARL ÂSIlES conrignetto Mentreai. ROBIERT H. LAWDER. Port Wiitby, lot Augut, 1l«. I1 WIIISKi Y f WIISKEÉYil szcellent as rs. Good erl plu IL1IVATO CIIIN ESE BALSAM C URES Smore Tritrs anîd Stornach, Ceuglîs, %JColdi, Cholic Pains, Whoos-ing Congis, Croup or Ratlie, &c. SWEET'S FAM1LY C1UZ4TIVE LI"IIMENT.- cures aIl Pins!1! Crus i misness, Agis. in thea Fare, Nervoni Head and Tootis Ache, Cataqu Quinsy,&e SW 1EeE T'S NEALLIBLE BYE WATBR, cures Sort,, inftmed or Weak L£yei. It iontes well recomwneuded. Tryt. -THE RING'0F 0IL-R, Cutres ait Ulcerated gores, Cbiiblains,- kc..'md ia iufalible for mnty externat diusaes. Try itei yen wll not regret fi.' THE VUNLY UNEQUIALtI MEDICINEa. SWEET'S CELEBRATED, BLACK OILS FOR lIORSES & CATTLE !! Tht béat anti cittpeit inedieine known, and is aveil recommnsded by gentlemtenof our owaecoun- try. Ailtishat bave tiied itaspesir well or il. For testisoniat, MI fo a pamphlet. Thse fiolowIag Certifieste is front E. W. Stephenson, E.q., Mayor of et laiisrined. (hada et:- NEW HATSIw *.NEW RAMS1 Inabfatqofwhitby asniis -b-urhod re rfomdthat th., Sotslribet bas ýnew teahUnd bis Mev Slrp t* con- tainir.; ail thse Ntew Styles tu EkçatoLI5XFauseCti and AuiticAN HI AT S. Also, thse eiebrated Kossnth lfiat, 04W ln osncb reat demast. Gnlmnvstn this Hat Empolinni, WMllmesthse gmwtatS 550 nient iii Canada. Toranto, Aplil laiR, 1832. JOHN SALTà, GOLrnvm v NOTICEs ALL I>crsons Indebtedto te sestate of' Utheilate Peter Perry, are isereby netifieti that usleas tisey niaise 'Im dite -paî,met c f their respective Debts, Legal proccedîngu will be haken against tisen- Agent -igios Wbitby, 2Otb Dec., 19r51.* 3441f. TIHS CELEBItÀTED COMSTOCK MEDICINES & CHEMICAL PREPARATION, QO Well known in Canada, bave been .N shrnelul iy counterfeited and distributcd ini Canada, hy the 'ery '! rsowb, ov#'r thoir qwn signatures, bave admiued that Dr. I*ctus S. Coxiiaocf ew Yorh, , i enYProprietor. Tiresé articles-are lot-The GREAT FPAIX EXTR4ACTOR, (Connelai,) LTiîng ali Bturos, and ail External ,Pains and l5ores. 2zd4B,4LM 0F COI;UMBId, fer Staying and 1 itetorin; the Mutnstt HAÎT. S;$-HE Wr' NERVU 4 BC>NE LINIMENT, and INDIdN VEGET4»LE ELIXIB, a enre f or ail ]Rbe'nnatisms. 4th-McN.IIWS OEL, to cnre ail Deal Persans. 5th-J1418' LINIMENT, a well known cure for the Piles, &c. &c. 6th-D R. SF0 UN' 8 SBld HMADAMIE REMEDY. 7th-MOTIIER'S RELIEF, for ail Women in the Fuaii Wy th-LrONG VLE '8 IRE4T WESTERN JNDUN N .fEL.Fer Colds and feverish feelings and preventing leve.- 2. For A.ibma,Livet-Comptàintund Blions affectionso. 3. For Diarrhoea, Indiestionl and Lous of Appetite. 4. for Cosuvensu in (.rnaisandmsalesand nervous compiaints. 5. For Stomach affettione, Dyspepsia, Piles, Rheumitism, &c. Thteaut n Sotare, la uu 1 ~ p2- y Hnit ver leaves one costîve. 9th-DR. B4RTIIOLOMEW8'SPINK 8YRUP for ail Couchs or Consumption. Ith;-KOLMSTOCI<S VERMIFUGE (Worm Kîiler) for cbildren os- gwwn persans. llth-MRS. ERGWN'S GREA4TPA*IN KILLER.-No medicine ba"teen discover- ed tisai is so happily adapted to use interfsall~ as cropa ta be taken, and yet pelorm sucb wonders when applied externat4j as a waah or bath by friction, Ail the Remiedies are filiy described in Pasnpb- ets, ta be ven to aill 441scail t J.;tg»RIVB rugCStre.. Enquire for tUt Sbowing the Reniedies which every farniiy sbould kc..-p ini theit bouses, and the marier of îsing them, hy which ail ordnary Sickness may b. prevented or speedlily-iemoved, witlieut the expense of thes FaZnly lhysician, and Severe Dangerous biseases Cured, Every family .4hnuldearefuily preservethis books, te refer to when any remely is wassed-hoth as Io tise paIrticulat article indicated by the complaini. and abo11icsg where sacbi retriedy rnay alwayrn h bad. Cri! ~ c~~0 "S' îû .2 ~ô L? < 21 * JMES H. GERRIE, DRI.GGIST, Ma[in &*reW, Wkitlj Village, Who io appoiuted Wholestie & RetailiA,;f nt. W. C. $,W£ET'S CBLEBR.ATED Tarnily Medficines. A blessng on thse 9god 4yebAwOOd In the gieory 0f its Primer WMernthe leaveg dance hriglit in the goldân- ,Of(the p!essat #sonet 4e. When tbe blackbird triis frcÏn tPOioî onih His londest, cletrest strPNfl, Mado wjtb munrT uhilp, tise wid heef coin. To the boqe lie<is, n A blesing te thse ood r wod ln tie beuty odits op shltere Wbea thse brown butdi swef n eccaetee And thselfaris it btossotiti; WW he tâtealead look$ ffum ibe umigbty Confess in mysîse hrase, And thse violet breathses, <rom ils pu#plo 'wretbs, Saveet siçhs ocei the ms-grewn ays. In thse pride of ira decay, When of rnby andt gold are its toie unroile In15 glory-passing awrny. Hew sweirt is the <ah», the hoshed repost, Of the giowfn< aptumnev0es4 Whiie thse robin's hymnn'mld thse woodlaeds Sdirn lisheard througb thse Iodinqg haves! * A blessing on the go"dgreenwood When thse inger'is voies is boardj When_ the storii-cljçds rj,é " de U. ln tht ncst of the @inging bird. WhPre thse linnetdweslt, an4thae oicsd' And lowers and icaves bad leen, Dolth te tem celd Notb fer bis home deck forth, A palace of silver shee. A blessing on tht -good grtenvood lne acis cbanging year aed day, For its panhs are sweet te thteds-ery flet, And thea tonely heaTt aiwsy. Yet bath it a welcome blitr sud gisd Forth. >onng, tse gay,.tisetfrac, Arn their trybt îbey keep, *wlîenthe wild flow- er'. rltep, AU under thet ,ttrf»wod trot. ArrlivaI of Thomas Franîis Kagher Uic Irish Ela. On Wednesday nigitlasçÇTbomas Frant- cis Mea;her, (prononnced Maher) thse dis- tinguisised Irise exile and orator wbo as tra nsported, as a à$félon", for the part lie took - in tise Irish revoluticnary maternent !ryine tot aitis william Sntîth1O't$rici, John Mitchel ta nthe and others, arriveti at tise Dort in tise brig vent sepas Acorn, front Pernambuco, bain~ecpt ulig from Van Dieznan's Landtinl an American County ta avialer. -lic kept imseifperfeetly "ltlco ', eur Cou until Trisda>', exeept to ooe ortao frientis îd intpro Is tihe afteroice of tIsaI d4y, b. calleti on for oursel Mr. Richsard 'Gaorman. 'Jr., anti Mr. büt floatius Job. B. Dillon, at. heir oke., in William elg atreet, andt theutaby cou?1cte cupis.111n dit Thes gentlemen- are iaays, ad bot e 'n ri 1riMi exiles, avio aFere cntbaried in the saine fathers cf cause with -Meagiser. They fcrtnnatcly es- oftipring,i capeti aitisout trial. Accom-piniedi by Mr. ties 6at Dillon and fMr. O'Gorsssan. le praceedeti asaniticos to theretidence oe! Mv. Ltichal O'Gormmn, publie mat seatý, f&tises of Richard, Jun., ii Dean street senti me às -Brooklyn, wviere ise bas been trace soj,,wn- jar relisis t ng Tielcher Mr. O'Garin n l a biglaily brinpm rnesectble-mercisut af tisecii>'OaIDubln. obstnauy Yeatrda>'Mr. Meagiservauinto the .general ini country, ila.order te recoves a littie frontay 1iat 1 tise fatigues of bis journey'. ks he tdd ot umrl niaie a hriuntphal entry, lise Kosuth, anti exil. lHa could not beaseen, it wns imngnedlbysomne andi witnes tisat tise malter wua a Isoax. reWrme& te tisiùtl iscaever, lan'tie -evening, ai* ca ocf Our everfoîi corrps isadth ie pleaunre cf an htcrview asitis as l1usd>' bisa, anti derivedthe bbc sts 'Of his esape wardy atma fi-cm big ow lps, wih theexcepios of th" s ery 11 sbhip'inwhieb lie scaped, MOf Ihat b.muât ea wýuud net afford an>' clue..:bger -Ur. àleagiser isat the pariai liberty'cf a bave thse c icket cf leave atttie re fr scapeti, bat ever>' tix. dWi ot etviolate its condition.t Itrun as la inthe prt0 1Imindertake not te eseaefromlbte co- food usa: lon>' as long as 1 boldt is tfket cf lbave." IdLâtor, t Havisg -made previcus prejsraiôns for bsla' he4uestil Dig1I, a fet 1ôiOseS5tdle1pn hitabl. an ttheUicpoâ weilarmd wth psto, h tadrewedajet--'luid;ai ter te tise mugists'te.pf ?vos, abiout tweâty P4ekeriag indiex distanti ana £tewgip of the l" trfé iopyÇ out of asiee ,ir eas i r4permtttd teo,0Ï'In hel bis 1mi15d, was sm50 out11ofs iglt. Tus7 travelled ove, 180 miles w>tithlait Lay- ing relaysOf hOrseso60 theway., Tbey at Iength reacbed, umolested, a loneîl' spel upon th e s eoast, ehere, accordmng ta previotis arrangements, a wbale boat wasim waiting, and bore 1w» offi safegtr. lie had no concert with William Smiitb &O'Bsi or jobna Matchel, andacte à entirly on his own respontibility. Tse7 Were entirely ig- norant of bis intentions. But it i t.olbc hoped thaï tbey,tLoo, will act on tbefr, res- POouPilt ,ad aiseescape; Joha Mitcew resided about 80 toies distant, andtiam1IS $rnflh tYBnren about 20 nules fron M'ea- glier. Ife saw bots a short Urne before Ise escapeti. Mitcbel looked ascIi andi enjoys Czceilet health-but Wm. $inith O'Brien was sinklng beneath tbe oppression. lie ias quite bent, andi looketi very olti. Be- fore lài mprimoment ie aia perfectly ereel -and aas a hale mani. Bis proud sprit like the sturdy où, aouiti mot bend be the storm, thongl iti may break down bis bodY4 <Mir. ýMeaglier gises thse moit extraordi- nnry accounts -of thse gold excitement in Australia. The precious aretal is found inl vast quantities, and persons of every descrip.' tion are forsaking their muai avocations, anla goi CO the'mines*. 1.11e police bui the turnkeys of the jails have fled, and the local authoritics asere offeri*g rom $3 tc $5 jer day to others to induce thcm to take t,2ei place. Hie calclateathat ini ane year thi*s goiti discovery will efliet a revôîntion iiiAustralia. The colonist are by nemeanm loyal subjtcts. 'risc are beginniug to take it ioto their iseads ta, do sometbîng 1ke waa thse men: of Boiton once did with Britisli tea# M. G.saId'm Letter. Ta th# .Editor o/thOnario RÉPepoe. Sut,-I have for some Urne pust beem considerably amnsed with the unasearieti ex- ertions that have been inade and are ai making by the Reeves of Othaa an~d Pick- erieg, and a certain gentleman from HIJrý înny, ith thse view net only te damage my repiriation in tise estmaton of the pub- lie, but alse. liv everv nosùhle meam Prt wa d 'e tise site, ai Goyernment c thse View aoflsaving thse tax-payers select site, wbiie I oniy preposd -te delay tilt iProvissienal Conseil sboulti pus a By-I or Resolutton, pledgillg themuslves te ri thse mnoney to, huildth ie buildings on thse Lseleeteti by tise tax-payera; tisis part>' 1the adrattage of beig tise olti Councili > among ashont was the very respectable s popular Jantes Bures5, tise late Reeve, Dr. Allisonwho not only reprcsentedBrû -lin thsefilrst tbree yearsocUise old i Dsi iConseil, but bas ice represented Whi i for sente tinsein tia County Couneil; in addition ho tisese geenten, tiare A. Farewsell, Esq., afI Harmony, for wl If fnrrnarly ontstaned- a grea1 reet, e ose asheougit; ne! -I1cand6itlyeeou s but I asiE say thai henîight. have noas i e one ef the leadîng men in Whitby, r .one cf the firut mcn in thse County ; and a a might bave'been cur represèntative ia 1 s iantent. *What becoila cf this par e Wisy, air, a new set cf ineà came oni f public men, ashelly unkàown, lathse To Isiip, plcdged te-raise tise money and b tise builditgson any site seleeted b>' Governet, and ran tisentalilout cf field. Wherever tihe appropriation wua coneedeti the question asas testeti by v andi svhrever testeti was caried in afavo s tise appropriation, at least sucb is my( *victions; to sa> tise leat, no fairer oppo init>' waa ever offered for testigt, and t -that failedt t improve itcannot compli -tisey do net get anther apportunity. ei,- il iexp IfSHILLINÇvS PICR 118. VY. fui iD l,1u AiINIA iJit, vv fi t. mA-RBLE WO RKSt WOLFENDEN & 00.1 MANýUFACThItERS'end DEALERS in .logment, Tobiolts k GraMU I, W;7 ite, G reen,JBlue 44. Vaiegated Marldk, -centre Tibles, Stand-Tops, Chîmiîey-Pieces, Sinks, Soa $lalîr, Sun Diais, Paint Sones, &e. Kceryvcariety of 2UAM.BBLD WOU donCt in a Suporinr ;tyl. of tise B3t XsterWan~s.d Teeis Luberal. Nil--W. & Co. 4wg teargay thai they bave- ne ronnection witb any etiser Fatabtiabhmenf,and they ipit thicr Mas-ble freniie well famed Rutlsnd Qua1rrîca, Varmont.- DusDÂ&s SixutT, Wuirav. This. Wfilsan, Mark/am Village, Agent. Éeptemisetslot, 1851. 21 -tf WîîN'I1BY AGENCY 1or!,Vtu "Westcr'" ./ssurarsce £Company. HOmE OFFICE.... TORONTO.ý 11V SHARU 01?TUN POUXDI EACH. rvHISCOMPANk Ybaving been duJy Chartet, is prepa red ta iàîsue I'OLICIES agsient LOSS or DAM,>AGE by F IRE, upon RtEAL or PERSONAL PROPEIITY of ait kinJi, an as favorable tarmu as other responsibie Cernpunies., Thse fuiiowuing gentlemen compose tise Iloard of Directort, whose namnes are s sufllcient guaîantee tisa tise buaiuesa tranasactionrn cf thse Company- wiil b.eoSnducted on the most isoerslle pnioci- Irsc C. Gilmor, * gMusIiller, Thonas Rlaworth, M. P. Haye', George Micisie, Win. Henderuôn, James Beaty Rice Lewis, and Job cwcrtEsquiras. Iua .Guitirt,-------Prekun Tisomas lHaworth, -- -- -- ---ice-Presdent. ltobt. Stautnt oEq. -- -- ---Sec. andi Tresa. Tisesudesged hsvin been appointed Agent of tise aàboie rCumpeny,r wgill %rive personal atten- tion ta parties desirou n cfatiscritgeunance. SAS. WALLACE, Fine, Life, andI Genîli f eurance Agent. February 5, 1852.. 434tf, TIJ ,iC îbscribem iving been appoishet .Aefe ,,for the. A-t iz.àîîurancc Company of ItlaN. Y., àtre prépafrd tp recela', applications for 1Insurance. Prom lt ihs baracier ci tise above lnstitut'"o and thse iew rates af Prerniunn, we are conviisce that ïupeier facilities are ssew offéred for husur-, aiice ta tise Ilibabitants of tihe New county 01 Onario. THOMPSON, PEARSON & Co. Osilarie lHonse, Wh1tby', Nov. 12,1851, 5 31 -tf. - -y - .1 -11.j rvezzvir, iliçau deftat tbe at)DroDriafien far huilà 09 Imo IIMWUI il

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