Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Reporter, 12 Jun 1852, p. 4

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I _________________________________________________________________________ 50 ~ j'~ ~ n, aaccoUnt, or tlir, pm,,elsus of a tree 4.iIû 4M býýýgreiwn Ï0rapidlyof late tb~ nbas-,l;ed itscir up by the (01 1I ani .-od Convers atioit arc ý,l o',ee inarq lir ; aian e#k t Coomi a rath er geuteel lookfrag young mnu:.u ivaiedinto the bar of the Woodrtiî Ilo1m sud called fur whiskey toddy. lie wus sire4; andJ afteéu'liehe ati rank the toddy, liui Iobtit*d a Clgar,-saýýtdOwaby the rire nidlë ,ël ufed aay. 'lie then csllcd ~ pîl~ ~placed It wiiinlecalinly butt.oned U u~ coat ,puileil out bis glopa, anti turningt tb4shêr-keeper, sai it tl'niîi'eady. You br ?rW7, iro youIfl reoied the bar-keeper.iJ ý' WeIl, yoinr bil1 w :wcnty- cents.' , 1wv a are of th;t~ fact,' r piied the paýtcon1 foldiug hlà tusandti ur4!ing hi! now I an ready.' ou.Haint pot a damn- cd rw ; oud4'î o withouZ the liquqr;- bef~w dhke a gent,; aint aahamed of Ilmlti take, "yOsWi ayvi, ksc Me hcv, i-,w cveàOe rira Iitly a. 1w](1 an('% dt1ije ks15 bitavni> Logoiion ti he Ir kneüs, Io10e ai. the grast>4aU ~the i1 qiitots died. of star- vsp,#ç4tmky buzzardi 4ati to cini- Tv 'ryTamm.-Ifl tucE astcrn part of Delawturc roanuty, in - Yok, there re- side a man uamed 13-. ow a Jus- tke ui the Peacv, anud a ver-y sensible mnan, h11,,y 0anou Consent, the m~is-oku il1iSwhole couiity ; being long, gn s',-allotv. and airf, wth a git hîke a 'wb out bu5tinge andon0 .t!(ýfIle nowitaili-roads, bceSne -4>$qn1ure" t ifty,ad beat h % VI4h ut)w uga Word, Lîi gwn n d ieiberatel: lw$hd i t7-Ctbe ttr 'ti ýor Go4' -,&ilo-y*t ,.ho t!,Iot d the in, in tfeV'rif j 'e i ieriber would say, that heintends tut Wlti herW ouI mallutactthd wili doWeil ln1 1111e ha aila. npùmin g donmbe * Pùund if rr'qudrrd., ~~~~~C Jioii,~ia 8. WILSOINCO 3UioldinIty 5,& 1K52 3iýkiW. N -- ýmSf M à' MIS. BUHANANI i.>c- EGespectfuly' to infrm. the Ladii-, o> of by and viiity, thit theY have o end$,i for the above buàfinut r lu the ýomS Over WATfMAKN9W-à JEWELRY $HOPI, i, W fil TB P9 TicD rllrnuMr. &Jwjfildds Sort -- (if 4" uy' i1' t he iiin.rmscoia' l y ou.rlkr, nlij ms st th-Y aie '01 btI an d t!alter Stiay, Bonnotli bo the N : vst -ilyhe fiFabliioti thtb . Marets27 1 2 50tf. IrHf ,I tndersigled wsbu to lie noticed by -the l1ehbi ýênt and the urrouîuditug îlagerts; and tllt. eourtry a± large., tisat b. bas conetanti'y ou hant!, Bread!, Pilot Pr#ad, JBion Crack- ers, Btier (rackers, sud ail lzidrsof CR.A CK E*R S, with a vsricty of CAKe. ~suciiaz TUA OUSPONG.E JjIM80lES CAKE, 1ROCRQM ES GINGER M 0EA, Um mfy 1s81949, PIES & T&AUTS P arty Cakes ,and Weddtngf5akes Sniado ta ordur, and! on tis hermteut lottes. Aloo, a vari'eyof t Ca ede-WHfOtsLVS >44AD PRZTAlt, - , 3JAMESF, TF 3K-1 B!"ICK- 1!BRICKS t's'the mnîiu t mre iti 4 1e-ad for 't t- 4-- " 'à' nt~ 'tthiI'tY & ONTAHIO BICK D- fl ielinuung r nsLLAGEo vçneu nc iPy i ritQslity,oiiO#t4t Pw prl<*. Par- s"Il" 'Jî~about Ibdijîg in the Village, wb.rethebrickâl ~ i ~>t ~ ~l, howa~obe àn.iihsortdiotanee, viii fnd It ýCA1 J r ý 41 Q71,11v as ctieap tobuldtwtrb Bick u Tumber. kitliib t'si -Ptol >, JOPC1 JrAMESWALLACE. Mii '4~lMP~uvI~ i' -100 ($GUDS DILY EaMLOCK Conu *Jeothersdà,Miyr m fJ Woom WmsedtttlssBIICxK sasfor wh"< ùrne w tntvI, mtfor- a âoctor anrd Cs Mf24tf. move it -s ~1uL~recdV<tI rba- - PAR perfect - reps ma- IWbieb aie THOMAS8 DOW. , ý- 4-tL. ib "They ouai'1Km.pRouie vthout Etp eeeo ur. ilta £frmn mers hamet«a 's (mes-thr Mo,àt Ocbt a ie estyrat 4lIsint Varii Vsumly Embrocation, vili cureu muetCam,À sise anl Ruchtai seii! s éày tvîl. OfilotuCl,, ruCeM kinds, Yrcab WOUuasS pralusBrUissu tala, $itin and, <Oreks, Biralus, Li Fouaderod Fe4 cr51du5 for OMs., M RhutnxdsT, Bite8cs uf am&àS Bieras& M0u4,painfud Nerirous Affections, Prot Boils, Oorn, whitlows Barns and 8 chIUhlalns, OiihpedHsi5 raj trations of t aiwe4$Ielunm of the. JoisCslod Broutade OpRBÂT IMPOSIMfON AND F 1GAUTICITO ?useEAOM 1 'This où tmbau crm. - emfrtrid lnth$iiiU»» mffltuhtOthettit tus ~~popularityof the Osly brus article vidai mi»ss u eniale reputatàon, whiIthî aff t. iaes = am wmt d wt' suos, ta t OIF àz.a Utowaafsdfloms inhaparilemlar, hatte peramego Àv5KPi is htt 1ua lu vautues Wsy& sa to5I'i50i55 18005OF i1 liitiiimittVins. "iM 0»9 Uablui %m"1V57 bcwet'r mprao oursis moics, - am un tpemiupon Sùm or tUnir avaiks, a couatsrfehb foir thea oaw É115<011. Ti. pousblsut o Oufs Orf of a ftiow Maia l s nmry oeoutdaratlo ,Unprumehptsddtmst<&,Who, ttthomnbuc.a e wti thnsg Impoe m ' trie rdultty cf thissu "* teua~tmu gcttbeUtl!~fhoefl5'scupldity tau co65dsuc eau nplaclu fitiseni ime, proprietor euid thner(otêcautlionthe m dia.. se W 00t» Mus s gosprçpr<w i ttsej f ae bowts:. .W. Merchant, Lock y sf5 terté oY L OIMAtI WEcP5iI.f othr maslié <enulm Thits te dtie he bmpi t tlmroW ay Unir nm7(Or a worublm ast Aii m eaeaddremes4t.rte preprletor vilI te rpOitd -lb.I t4 respcabladm5i5 gmiietY,lal [y i(u.i4g4r. & (Co., fNI Mrit sîihapit hututIAsells t'f eito à L OUMHSAND OSUf2IN T V 1A ig operatio» isu plb!, yet afficacious; it I1" the phfrgiyi whic1h creates io iuieh d}iIyý 40r, B R G- E iTvesth tou4uand àmssts jiattre to cxpel f CORNRUr~1~G ~ci~ii~tW Wi~JT$,producî;a delightfuiclsange intbe brcling m i . 9 chet, Ili this, arter X1evry *, medile*i 99 lfavet qO7 ad te LAPkc te eatl a d e OIndnilT5e, have failet! togive the smallest i 'lOUSAI4DS OF CONSU!PTIVÉ u in ~ othTHU avebe eeei-ved repeatedly insu, AND melicnes wbich ivere Eait! to hé- iifalIible eu _____ tut which have provet! only palliatives, but îiediriné- ix lrno orly a palliative but eurefoi ~ft orded lvîs. t contains no deleterlous D W sud orbe triai wiII prove its astonidhin.ç effic IN CA AD -ES .t*r thar, any assertione or certificatca in eurisg IN ANA A flS< ~semrption and! ait diiemeeof theii. np, suel WLIOLESALE AND) RESrAIL. ýltn ý bod "gg pain in the side - Ab)out 100of almnotmiraclulo=(Usc rùr WB hE ave now rleceiircd ottr coruplete asruetof Niew Spirqc.e & Suma uGorDI4, cd ltais medrcine,frr m ie of4iie tiretDo Y ,whicb, upon inspection, oiur cuetompe wili fit! to be *éomposed or the. Neweît and moet FEuh- Clergymen and Merchaats;, have been ment u onable rflat0ISlB, Landini grat variity. Ilaving beeu selectet! wlth great care, aud importeil direct this rocdicine, but thé publication of them1 fir4S tii.beet British~, French, antd American Markets, by otirselves,,we con contlcnlly subinit thein bu much lika Quackery, wt show lheimito t Luthe inspection of o'r uitomerianud the public, air beini< the nmoupt aelionabir, dural;l,, serviccablepeoncluj :oiofce] hamdki andi cheap awrn'tet Ready 'Made Clothing ,and! Dry G.oodi in Canada W-.t. sPcak forit5s.f anld euiough lin ieowi avouwl t Tailorizige * I itY sBranrdhes, ýeeciited tith Tas l <ci fhjO Medirle nis puit ip inua XOURN1IGS FUB1ISRED ON THE SHORTEST 1NOTICE. 1,otti.', nwl ya'u musi i 6r the nam ine iet rfi' ' utker r Proprictori, NwYortc, (in the s pi ~ ~. ~( Sj ii1~ .~ "i jtirapîter aroundtlic ~bottic. Ali ordiers fnue or Uni- 1IUa1L.IIIII ~ ~ ~ fVt~rthffi ItJu~~Oiitl ddreiieed IoCançtock4 Brotker, No,9, Jo) Sm le.. ~i'" New York. Retrember and never buy it ulnle.,; you fir. 8, Poul lateontewrappewr. of au owRE A DY1VIADE CLOTHINC GTiN M ' I' oW lliitd Coata, from 441-2 Buy's 'ancy tests, fo aiVi oCheck'd do 5 0 Po 511k do de 5 {0 t'XRMI4L ad .CARLTONIS FOUN, Bt% DoB acl1para du 1!) t> lo -sein 06 bdo OINTM'L'NTaid RING BOXECUE 3Suldjq, Do1'uqelCorid u'l à 12 f i Po Cloith do r). (>, < et! fur Sale at the Ding Store, and r~eem l ,Cn- Do riuveei do du 4& 12 6 iDû 'Jweede do di 4 0> neyer boy tiiese articles in Thilby, only of ukau. Do Canada Twet-de do Il 17 6 Pfo Ca*unrre (o di , s5o0 LAtxr,st bis Dry Good store, and avoid the4 lin DoBruit!floth do id 30 O I'Men'is boleikinuTroueers. ' .ý- -7 6 terteit as, youwould P6toxi' AUDI tmat e aue- titrai by um crs t«ahm; b uta pur., utoalemal be pur-a idt ISF tulle may Sooi C esutl TI'l' mlsses L sfr, r tlî tar!sl'o patronage they haveettr eceive!, enrd ii'g ta iiforni Ibeni that Ihey kbave tPIMOVED l.o thse htuume Two Dvouaris out i te Commrdal RuiIdiu;ns, Brork trepti Whitby, Wtiere they ilteati ltu pay strict attentiunIo b v«q ortler that tluey may lie' favorcd with. - 1 C leatiet! andti epairel, alkiods ol l4ifiiuery dont., DRE>I%~1K n utise Latest styles of Wbiuy,,Apîl 1,18;J2. 53-M STORE TO RENT. 1140 Rent in the Towu of Whit1by for one, Sor aterraofynars, he Builifng lately occu-1 cid by R4ei sry, cturid aid a gflerail store. rhei preifisl bif lnlîorou,-h r.puir7 Io4etioii, ravourable, and MWtîilby the Ço *îy owu of the. new Couutv, offers, stiperiori idIuceIn-eIIts Io ihus iuteîlîn 1v entu a ruerranittie Wi MIhN IIAM VPIRY, WVlîitby Stb ;ip il1 5. DOMIES'TIC -MNUFACTURE. Oast, Steel lHo., and Hay Woxks. f .IR SLE, 00doz..Cast Steel bothCaîtSteel fexprely fo he 8ulieib i'utont. June.7th 1951. T.baviisg piclsamedtheBrewerin tbis vtL LAE, foruuerly owlmed by CirAs. CtLA1K5i, and hiret! sait! Clark. az By.wsr, lias soldIt! uJOHN D. FOS'J.ER, Ith. one undivideti shll tfsaid Brewery, sud this day laliei ait F'oav- into Partnersip. Tbereroie, tFe Pirn cit DkherîMan & Foie, would res>ecttlfly intimate ta tthe public that, bemng t!esrrus of E xtentding theirB si s, hbey wili sparrît nost lu the prepratom of tleir I3e<r, lu in4ke il t!eserviiung tise bl#b esteiti by OLaUKIS 3BJ2R. 1 bas even lueeu uoted, anti 6 prepare ta bpsy ligh- eut price. in Cash fer good Mercha1utabIe Barleyq delivered at their Brecy. Ali piliers protmptl) esdtd te Amrssa Do 'amimre (do Vo 's 13o¶vn Intiaid <do DoCheck'd ,do do Do Mnlekin do Do Tweee 11o Do liroat! Clotb do Do Riuel L oril 'do Men's BhIck Chotb Vt't, Do Black Slin du Do Fancy Satini do Do liolland do Do Fancy do DU Velvet do Do lts&llet do Do Ilarathea do Maîî's Cttb Claps, BOy', do Men's Paris 's t' 'i ii Sat. 4 41-2 10 0 17 (j 7 6 8 9 3 4 t Cbck'd 'do Do Satinett do Do Gasimeres do PO Buekeldu do Do Dockin do JJoy'È Di!! do Do ('Ieek't! do DuM ot,,epkiji do Dou Canad]a 'weet!e do DoCaiiere fdn '0o Tweetie (du WO hit httn, Lincu Frots, liel Flaunel hrs Utnder Shirt. suid Drawersç,- 15 7ê 13 A 4 1-2 4 1-21 '4 4 -4 " 2 IE 't 4 ' 41.2 it Hais, Black and Drab. New Style Bu4i.es Coatmi, ln- a11 materiob. D R' Muslii DeLaines, yard wide, fnrnn 0 lPýrinia, Mlat :01ore il,, t!tà, 1.- 1 Fles-yimi 0 , dé t4 ot Spleudut! Ionmîet lihons, 14 4) Straw Bonnur tr,"i1 t4tovett. llr)âoi'ry, fiittîsone, Laces, Edgingx, Artificial Flowerti, Shot, Citek'd, amod Plain Alpaca-i, 'Table' Liînje. Qxailla. Coumîterpancr, -Bed Tick, eind Towets,, (Craisar antMseria ls lui'Mournin;, Infants, 1Itobes, ('ipS andi Eiock Bodies, Y GOODS. Id, 1-2c I 1 " .t r tt uIr n 7 1-2- bie o- 7 1.2 Stri1î*ed SIicrIin; 7 1-.2 Cott).l Warp, Nla l, l lgsr'cil nNet -k-le Aunt, . i s l, e, , .ttr., .Sstk, atins,&c, IVimt i n ip a l itri mp# 2 21-2 3 41-2 M 7o second Fflce, ]BURGES &LEISH1MAN, ol3l] Corr .>I f fKing 4- Citurtit S/ rels, j')b / ieCor io e muroto HlA R)W A E 44, M.NG S;TiEEET, TOUONTO, ' 70 LET, in the Town of WflI'ThjY,' r u1 th ILEssbsc.riber bcgs to uniform his 'te maoad BIaclkzmitbUhop littely T itf a eeuighsOccuîiied bn NX. R.A Cuttû nersTe lurationl is h'uvmurable for carryinq ou n i BramaG B'oc%_ol! uA"»wamz4- - Bent ick',Aune r oiper, St. Art!rew, sinara, pol aut!1,ýe0 Loo; and ini a tew dayitle wîl ave. a comprile at-aormilent of Hleas'y andI SlieI.f Hlard.* ware rtnaxly for Sale, and! at pricesa s ow asasuy te tise TrrmJe. 11. HAWORTH. - Torcinto, May 221nd 1851. ~ f . WHE-AT! WHIEAT!! TH1E S1ubsermier milt pusy the highstpice ii Tciehfor of Good PÂL I EAT, dlvered tut P0RI WHITSY Ilarbor, on «or lore thei. bdayt 0Octubfer îext. li xaIvo prep)aret! to atiAi>Ir&DV.4CES 0 Wheat, - a'-d Lumber, Utsiredi New York or 3loiitmal. C tsiu lis auy quamiliby of 13,ARLEY andi QAT,. JAMES 'WALLACE, Wbily,2lat A-gusi, 1851. 19-t - TO LETY U N tue 'Jowin Of WIîTBY, che Ilouse ai <)Ile, Igr tàc Isst thiree years oceupied!l il. J,. MfcuoxcrLL, Esq., Attorneyy &C., irt sliaieîy opposite tihe resi!eace of the late Pett t'etry, Emq. iflu A ppty to R.W. Clark, M.D., (f ylatter Pr' q wiyApril 19(h, 1852, 2i NOTICE. # ALL Pteris indebtcd teJL. W. CLA RI L MDOven1 a pe'riot! of one year, are herel, somitled that theiraeepuntN, if i-pso'ati4 Iyti Futsr of3uuua, wilt b. ud r , hitby, À p4iI1 M852., OA, ry PROINIA MMTU - AMDGENfA INSILwu*jv; <oJ%ÙÃ"l'Y J. H.2ERIIY. -VmbsuNv.,lg18,1,t COMMTERCIAL MOTEL, VILLAGL QOF BORISLIA. ICAI To ûwters of and Dealers int Ilorses. thi ,C&RALTON'S FOIJNDER OINT- ce For the cure ci.Foundr, SplitlIlopt loof-bounld los Horse, and eoutracted and Feverisb Fert, Wenindm the Bruisesiiithe Flesh, Galled 13acks. Cracked ikees, Ser'tchez, Cet!, Kic k», %c., onriH ofses . ai Caufiori.-Fiud the nýanieof J. Carlt o u- stockon tIi wrapper, oriiever liuy Carltun'zlforse Meditines. dia CAUL.TOIN'S RN-OECURE. Fier tht- cuire or Ring,-Doue, mBoud spavin, Doue v $Pavint, Wint!aahhm, sud Splint-a certain rerne<dy. CART5TO0N'S CNDTIN >W- le, i)IiRýs FOR I,,1ORSES ANI)' E. TT s. I*in, canesofweather sudqmetton. witli the in chfum ut se andi feed, bave a vey gicai elhect fi upoîs1ihe hîood lanti aintuoia fluidâ of'hormes. I li h b at these chn;efitiseyreqie ani assi.stant lu s ature Mn îuîro oY a yrlsorder ut thetluid',i of thse body i3 tisaI m.uyhas- -en iiihedf,and whichiffnot al- P tenided te, wîll icsftit ihe Yeilow w.iter, 1leavez, Worrnis ns ~cI hwihwili ho preveuted si, lîy g1is nu, une of thpsr yo-Ader3, and Wlh at amsy te m11t10 curc, wh cilunayrt ptr aiofseaze appears, if tudli limne. Thpyl parity the bIbod, eve t11, ni to,,do> more w'ornlç 'wiih lte sarrne fend,(. - Tietv action f-rse powdf-rs le dirêct pori allthesu- ri antt I n d ct h eothave the mannitftet Upoi mlathe l'orset eOx. 1ni! An.' ut! at l ierbiuer- q4' s n'In ,ii5a;es t isifromoiploducing a hart stat" of *,Il.-b1xLo.!are eesiyue by theru. f1emie,c- rianstit or cerlicm'a C&IIriti oli Pose- ile>-;, antd taken11 4lera. CALONSNBtEAND 130 NE hi _ N1 X~T FOR1 IIOPI1SES, sut! fir the etiofazili omaoinor beast thsat rrqtiire extv'ttal a1plicationî, and! for cortraced cord.. andI mrsleg, strengthttîs seeqk llsbs, and is aise iset! for.spnuius bristeu,addle gells, ewelieda les ofuail kinda ont 'torseg. Ca"rltn't'u, riicles for horsee arid ruttle arepre pared r) uis the rfecipe of a s'ery cets-biated En-, fis Pannier, andi wil cure, nniiy-nriee tiras. oUit, o one buutred, any of the aovt ccuaplaimts, 'Th ey have been usesi by farmers, li ver- seis ts-ge ro- prictol§uru.and oiers, witbh irno4 mlrei*etfi G4SUT«IN-4one tCalil'-le gelluine unleua yo n fit the uamneof J. Cariou e o1sokn the-wrap-' per of "Ch article. ---I ý/'. - __ 1 1 - 1 1 1 : 1 _1 'l , 1__ __ _. , .111- -Ir T-_ ---& 1

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