Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Reporter, 12 Jun 1852, p. 3

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<tNew, Yomtx, Juan 7, 1852. RoPinan~n bias arrved wilh fout-days eslyanmd 150 passeogers, she bas ea reaiarkabhe inn. j he Hiermann sailed (rom liremen on thé Ist- and Sonîbampton on lte 2651h. mmk- lh. passage in abo't11&days. Among p,n" .1Agrs Madame Almdei, the emi- DentI Italian iinger. most' foter snd (mmnii> wet-e at S..Londoesaeo leave'mcmi for Amneriea. Th a ,f Nia"az arrived eut on the ' th~. -ENGLÂND... loord J. 'Russelli bas issueti an atidress lu the oeler. ef lte city of London, ite wiîht sgminbe a candidate for the representaticu of temetropoim at lteé ensing clectien. Titohibermi Candidate for Windsor hau beun returnet b>' a large majority. Thte Crystai Patace prqject .was exciting thc greateet interest. - .Cbe flo use of Commons vas enpaged in tiiscussing a-question uf dis- econtiDnîng the annual Govermmnt Grant lu Mayuooîb Collège. The Minuit->' refused le romumend the discofntence, and lteï debate itat beua postponeti at tbeir instance. in the lioue of Lords there iras nolting of inpofton.e doing. .Thse Wq.î Jadia ateameitip Carana, unri- vedý at Soqttamplon with 1,250,000 dot- ltrasi freigbt,pm4t of which wus California. goid.l" A Company. iritit' a capital of 2,500,000 dollars bim been tated in London, toces- taWhui a line cf steamers, between te, Thaines anti New York, tuuching at Cut-k forpssencr - FRANCE, TW eaecounts freut Pat is are principaîlly oceupied irithit peculatione open th coral- tien formeti algaint Louis 'Napoleon by te povers during te viait of the Emperer cf R ua t But-lin. At Paris, on lte 24tb of MNa>', tte Cotin- til of State, L. NapoleerL presiding, adopt- d_ te bill on public instruction, anti o .rdereti iL te be sent to tte legisialiru bo- dy. it appears titat an>' attentpt tu forti or perpetuate an imperini dynastY. oit the part of lte President of France, irotilt b. resisýt- ed b' Rlussia, Ausîria and, Prussia. :M. Deockeren7s mission front L. Napoleon te te Eniperora of itussia înd Ausirîa bac proreti a cetapile failure. 'fite poteers profese lu look upon Louis Naeuheon as a lternporary Provisional pow- et-, anti ecgnize lte bouse of Bourbon as lb mole andi legilimate d>:nasty cf F'rance. Tti determination lba causeti g-cat'alan tod di"a>' lu te Bonaparte faction. Thte sale of iNrsital Soutes piclurca tati coiýluded andi tite total proceede irere 1le 477.;730 francs. Consola closeti et 99 a 99" ATISTRIA. The nete Auitrian ban £2g250,000 sIcr- 1ing, was tu bc iasued in London by lte Frein 11a4 or Portugal titere is notiting of importance. Peranmbuca-The dold hi Austzalia. -By- ttc arr ivai of ttc itrig .tcor at Bus- -toh. on the 2dit instatnt, ire bave dates front *Pernambucolttc 2rd ult. At tiat timt.- resahewere arriving there frein Rio, wilb inteliigence tat t.e leçer wasl gi-atualiy tubeitiin'g. It was ver>' fatal a week'or two previous. Seven ut- eigitt captains of veis- sels, anti alarge proportion of Inuit- crews, bati fallen riclitns te lte ecourge; andi tce .average numbet- ef -deatits itat ieen froîn jeigbly te omet>' pet- day. . Clean btills of - bealZi, huirever, bati been isquect l te'sitipa ) hicilà arrett in 1'ernzambuco imnmedia-teiy jnrevioita te lte sailing of the .Acorn. In Fleur, peritrI. 196 ita. 17 Oaluealpetrbbi 1961bs 15 Wbeat, per bush. OO1is3 Eariey. per bush. 481Ws, 2 Rye, per busitel-, s6ibs, 2 Oats, pet- bush. 344bs, 1 Peu, pet- bîsh. 6Oibs, 2 Ilotatoca, per bushel 3- Beef petr lb, O Bec(, Per 1lOOibs, 22 Pot-k, per lOibse, 20 Bacon, >pet- lOOis, 32 Muttôn, per ýlb, O Lamb per quarter, 2 Peck pet- lb, 0 Presit Butter, petrl, O Fit-ki Butter, pet- lb, O Cteee, pet lb, . 0O Lard, per lb, 0 Appies, per bush.), 3- Turkcys, each, 3 Ocese, emeit, 1 Dutks, per pair 1 Fowis, do . I Egpet- dozet, 0 5 wpert on,: 25 lay,M pe-ton, 1 35 Fire vWoo d, per cord, 12 rWool per1b. 1 i Siteep,skins, sl"uKLrereë,4 Ridies$ 'duper 1001W O0 6 to 20 to 2 to 2 Jte 2 le 3 lV tO tu 25 lu 26 to 37 k tgoO tu 3 le -0 te. 0 te 0 to 4 to_2 lu 2 te 2 lu 0 lu Q7 to 45 ta 16 to.ý 1 lu 5 te 17 C ON SUMPTION H I Every body knoasis a fiatetngdmue. 1t com- mences and proereh*sô SO 105d1..uuy, Uiat hefore one la aware of l, the lunnp are a mus of utera, P od';esaun tamoa en in a few days or weekait issa 'e orr'hediedofhaty Comp- tim~ For ail :rouhled with oah or longç cen- plaint, we would refer to the advriemnt on thte outtteetftiis poperot Jsdon',-Chemical Extract of iiCherr andI 1,ngwort," whichi t imd -e b. a certain cure for this awful diseaie. C«Uiton.-AI of te above named aictles are srdnlîb Corn.tiock& Broter, 9john ut., New Yoric, to whornplilorders mait hie direct d. NOTICE TO AROHITEOrs, &c. NUTICE is hereby gi ven thftt PLANS, SPZCIrtcÀT[OuKs and ICTSMATICS Will bé rereived l'y te Building Comrnîtie oe» the Pr*- ,o;na n riclolte Cunty of OitarÏo, until the. 22ud dey of June î ut, C)r te Prection ni a CouT'w Il nus£ 3and GAoL, te Pstriffleî l'or the sîhole ni witich are onot l exceed the âîum aof£6,MU.* A Ptemniu c f £17 10%. will be Cgwen for thme muaI approved Plan, and £7 10s. for the second tet. The 1Plans, &., l ie 4dei vertd Iote*un- dersgned at the Village of Whi:l>y. Ail pitie& havhtng ,atd suif.able for the above Couity irujrpnsps, are* requested tn notify lte un- derstgned thereof, !tattng ail particularsas Iotepo- sitieon, afre and tertns of îransli'r. e>(si-ned) JAMES ROWE, Chairman oai ulding Coin. Whitby, June, 1852. 8-3in. A'N APPIIINTICE WÂNTED imre- (ldiately, Io learutite Millinary butine*§, ty MItS. K.AY &BU~CHANAN: Whitby June 5, 1852.8-f NO. 64.-BV-LAW To ptrrt thlr mile qf Spziiious Liquors 'uéitIun#tLieje >E it enactedl by.the Municipality of the E.3rown4,ýip of Whitliy, That front and- after t.he pzissie of thià y-~w no pemsn witbîn the limie of this M1unicialitv %hall be allowed lu sel, vend, or retail ae, beer, wine, wbssley, rumbrandy, or any otber spritu- eus liquors; or keep a lousef etafiét for vending the saite witbout a icense bad and obt.ained [rom te proper autbority for tbid purpose. -; And any person 'violating or o'Tending againStethe afor .i provision shal, for erery uc offence, . forfeit Boy su in lte discreetion of - te magistraLes before wbom ihe offence may be tried, not miore titan the sum of five pouadi together With cosis, such fine antd costs recorerable before any two or Imore' magistrates, Justices of lte Peare, on te oatb of one credible witness othér titan te informant, ind in defauILUof -fayment a warrant of dittrees shall issue againsfthlie gouds and chattels of te person or persons, 50 convicted, or te poils andi chattels witin the house lte offence was committei, whether lte person or pet-sns is known or not, and sae thereof citai) be made, andi if no eoods andi chattels ean be found to satisfyl~e ful amount of fine Mdtt coite, te offender or offenders lto b. cotumitted te the common giolfer any tinte not exceeding twenty days unlesa the- fine ý-and * costa be soonier paid, suck fine recoverabie under tbis ByzL.aw, * eempiety te b. paidt te i n- former or proeculor,j and -the otiier eo be paiti over te lte. Tresurer,- withia -twenty day. at ter the receipt thereof. Be 1it-furtber enacted. by the authoity aforesuid, titat By-IAw No.- 62 shal b. and the sme is bereby repéaled.- < <Sigeti)Town. It4tre. r MC3an 3trouble i et-ah ,Otb."-- etive met-e- us supposet alt be imn b. 7-3t. -Tweuty Ym'rsforth cino Court Hôùsae andi Gadl in COUNTYofONTAR{IO. 1yHEREÂS it ii expeditent te ramse, by * way of Loin, th.estiet of Sx TiuovmAxJ> Pocuns, for lb. porpose of dterayitig tire axpen. »m Of t,roeuring a Site, andi Of el'eeting R COURT BoUitaiandi GAoL inthe ViLAGs ofWti Ti y, in the:Cennýý,of Onteri ,ad ÏMWUriithe surnofNie bomnSeven Htirea -4hy Pounda, ta be ralm.d as a pecial rate for the. pày- ment of uet Loan and te Ilnteîest thereof, with- in Twenty Years (rom the Seentit day of Septemiter, 1852, as foliotes, ltat is te mgay- £060in te Tear1852. 624 ' 1854. 606 " " 1856. 570 " " 1857. 552 " " 185K& 534 -1"1M5. 516 " " 1860. 408 " " 1861. 480 " ' 1862. 462 H H 1863. 444 H~ 1864. 426 " " 1865. 408 " " 1866. 390 " " 1867. 354 's ~ 1869. M36 H 1870. AnI teberets the amountof rateable propcrty it the icaid County of Ontario amoets talite sutio One Million our H undred and. Fifty-nins. Thou- ddand Seven hundred & Sixty Potnâ assesmed value foar the year,tui aur Loîd Ond ttot5mld J.igitt un- dred and Fitty-ene, audit will require the, meveral rate* in the panaiti mvMnioaed in the Seiedule be.- Io annexed ma1ked A (and forming part of titis Jiy.Law), uron sucb rateable property as a ope- ciii rate for te payrnnt ai aîd jîtterest, andI for the crealion of a siînking fund foatlite paymtett of lteý prîncipal ol'sert loan, according tae te r- quirernenti of lte one hundreti andisevenîy-tevenît sderion of the Upper Canada Municipal Corpora- lion@ Act of 1849, as ammvded l'y thte Lpiler Ca- nada Municipal ,Corparation's Law êtamentment Act of 185 1. Bie il therefore enacleti by te Providiional Mu- nicipal Couincîl of te Cbunty of Ontario, ist.-Thaî il shahanti ray te lawful teandifor the Provîcional Warden of the #nid Provisionai M urici pal ceuncil, ta raise by way of lenti, ai a rate of anlerest nfl exceeding .ix per rectum per mununt, tem acy person or persans, body cnrpo- rate or politic, who inay te willing ta edvance hec rame upon te <redit ofte debentures hercînafier merîioued, a sun> af morey net exceeding in thie whole the ;umî of Six Titouxaîîd 'a'înds, and ta cause te saine to lie pid itlo te tandt; ni the- Provîeîoual Treaourerot etUcsaid Provisi-ortfilMu- titripat Couinril. ý2nd.-Titat il shahl and', may lie Iawftul ta andI for the aaid I'ras isionat Watdoet in cause or dircct any iturnher of debeittures ta lie mmde out forr aucit outlsu otoh inniney nul excerédLnina te whole Ille sont ai Sic 'Thousai Poundsi, aiaaoy persanor p-îmotià. l'odv corporate or politie. taia rr-e ia advatire on te credi4 ai éucit debent',resr, wiict rifait b)e ieunsrder tte commun seal aof lie sid Ilrovioio)aiSMunicipat Counrii, andlined by tte trevonal Warden anti Provîi4onal Trrauter, and madIe cut in surh manner and form and paya- ble ai mach periods not exceeding twen;y)years, as lte said PIrasieional Wrden site h deent expetlient ; provided alwtîVa oeverthoeless, titatl Ile eaid deben-Î tires shail neotlie made payale any souner titaà titis Bv-Law protides fer raising rneney fur titeir redenuption. 3rd.-Triat te intereât on aucit debentureastail. lie payale at tlle office cf thr said Provisional Tresanrer, on lte Sevenit day et Septentier in echn andi everyvyear a(1er te sarne are isue 4ti.-That ttc *uni ut Thire Iundred Pounds, brinz one-twettieth par t fte said tum of Six Titosamnd.Paundsahill hopaid a i te said Pruci- icîtal Treasxurerl'a office in ec an sd everyy car, te firat paymenl tu te made on lte Seventit day of September in tw year of unr Lord one titenaand ciehî iundred antI ilty-three. 5t.-Tha thte suai of Six Thuusmand Pounds tehen #a, paid into te ians of the snid Provisional Tremsuarer, shall be applicd twards defrsying te expentdes of ereetinq a Court HouIde andi (aol for tercer. t.-Titat thte special rate enummrteil in te Scitedule itereto annexeti, IartetiA, shah ,:e ras eti, levied atndi oliecteti ever antI above ail cter rates for te year itercin meationed, upon li rate- abie ppryi1hsd nnofOîifor te pîr Pose ofpaying »loiiisn fSxTtua PoFrmilth inerea Ieronasafreaiianti denlîtr i the intees te o oe.mii.an- 124 1872! 1818' 1764 18247 1710 1656 1602 1494 144 te ptovde fot- 1853, 4854 44 té 'it 6 864 4t4864 624. 6m6 588 570 534 .516 498 462 on the above lerm, and flto.c fcapense I 80 nov is the lime for these rWsdiîg in dis- tant parts of ttc ecountry, wbê,are not inthet vieinily cf a bookstore, te purchasw their bqokat grWat4,rduSuie. - . Lst f Boki wih bokuinpnîeus at- FewiWs' Phrenology; preveti, ilium-.- trated ai applied. With culs, 1 00 Combe'. Co nstitution of Man, 1 OO Meure', Lalialteôokit.A iteautiful -edifion. Steel late, 1I.00 A GifI lBook for mctg Ladies; by Dr. Alcett. With plate, 1 00> A Gifl Book for Young Men; by Dr..Aicott. With plate, 1 00> Fox's Boeok of Martyrs, 1 25 Lires of te Wusleys, mmd1 25 10grm's Progress; ithNos lite of ite Auttor, With plates, 1 25 Life of Christ anti his aposties; by Rev. John Fleetwood, D.D. 1; 25 Life of Dr. Jutison, teiteati .of lte Mission-ary Énterpise; by J. Cie- ment. 4.00jpp. with portrait, i 25 Lires cf lte tht-e Mds. Jud.90n; ,saine as aboe wilb Ibre.e portits, 400flpp. . 1 25 Lieanti Essaye of Dr.Frmnkin,w*ith Portrait, 1I125 The Life of John Quincy Adames;, by Mm. H.,Seward, - 1 25 -The .American Fruit Cuhtbrzfti by John J. Titomas, . i 25 Hllcey's Womenof lte Biblet 1 25 IleadlecO'c Napoicon andti bnlbrs- aitý.' 'Ilitsrlateti, . . 1 25 The Life of limpresi Jusepitine. fit-st wife of Napoleon;-- by P.C. Heai- IV, witi teocl portrait'. .i125 Indian Captities; or lité in the 11 XYipwam; b>' Samuel G. Drake, 1 25 Ttc N1issiofjary Offerng; dedieated to lPr. Jutison, 1 25 te Life cf Generai Zactar>' Tay-" 1lot-, t>'Il. Monlgomçr>', l 25 Life of (Y*en. Scott; b>' Mansfieldi, .i 25 rThe (;cnerassof tl.Iat ar with Great Britain ; b>' .no.S. .lenkins, 1 25 Popular Poees, 12mo,, neat clot, 1 - 1 -i trîit portraits. MMs. Ilert3 Pôc Buras' .)oore*s seott's Byron'i Il. Ktrk Whtite'.% liîton*s Cov'per's (Cook & Iluwitt7s Trupper's Wordsworth'a etclWemks, i 4t4' te 45 e de te di id Ft-eront's Exploring Eýxpedition tbt-ugb Oregoi and Caifurnua, Ttc> Life of (Geeal Antitew Jack- son; iy,-. $SJenkins. Steel Lîrci of XJames Madison anti James Monroe; b>' J. Q. Adam3e. Witit portraits,. Young's ýScience of Gorernutent, new &Ïmnrtoved ectition, enlat-get,i Orgnt is Histur>', Condition anti Prospects. B>' Rer. GSIstVUe 1lines. 437 -pp. 12me. witli portrait,i The Silvê' Cup of Sparkling Drops -fromtman>'Founteinos. I>eticted lu the fricots of Tempemance the worhi erver. <B>'Mts Porter, i Tht-illing,Adrentut-es by Landi anti Sea. By Jas. 0. Brayman. 500 12mo pa-ci, illust-ateti, Dean s~~5Wotks. -1-lbstrated edition, conlaining Guliirrs Tra- veliF,, Taie o>' a Tub, BaIlle cf ttc J3oks, &c.i Populai- Biography; b-' Peter Par- ie>'. 500 pp.- Youatt's Fartiry ; being the mon important part of Il Yeuaton te * force." mnericanizud ad is- plifleti by H.,$. Rantali, villa 60 wooti anti st eihiegravlngs. Large I2mo.i S251 251 00 50 50 erer imÉiortea ill Bonnets, Par 1Pol Mis Stock et Domei andi other He. vot Wilîby, A [oyle's Barege of thxe Latest ;otI$ Aser rer>xtcmtve, anti' loier Ihan anyq ETavy Grey Cottons 5d. per 'OCK -OF CLOTHSIl, art-af Tweeds, Poe-slcins and Opfing anti triAibe moIti exr.meiy ch.iT. complet, mati m l b. mId atp iecsta cefy ë GEOIRGE Niu. 2, C W1Y op Ladies' Plain 'Figured Black Satin, Silk, -Orie.tàtAl pa" -c'a BOOTS AN]>SIIOES Of cvemv tIesription, irarranîcdthebbc vry best, bcbng manufaturcd by thenisclres, wli he qualled for L'bcspness, Variety sud Quality.- Thli extensive patronage andi success cîperiencet hy us snce opening titis elta bas increased our anxielt îurantain ltat superiorily tee have Wen go fertunate t.a et- Weceau assure aur friends tlit, if possilhe, eur exerlions will b. hs*résmed te sumiainc tiit chiareerr, antI miii deserve ite.vmhuéd support btiterto &au iberaiiy beeloweul. Wu- bi sîat. e wehave openied i ga litrneuî t -.PR{INCE ALBERIT, Andi trust Our friendt ii find il tu b. to titeir advanuage ta patiinzize Ontario Housec, 'late Red Store A». COFFEEI rrived direct from New Ye of -titat splendid 2s. 6d. and CE, TOBIACCO, SUI FOR SALE AT TifEIR STORES UN Y & PRINCE ALE ea, or Ten Shilling* down. Ttc prnt pa ff Ibe grea tions te Lifeant il b. fount Aeff anti Da-jo1 blacli wj

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