Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Reporter, 12 Jun 1852, p. 1

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MY 8ATURDAY MOR2NING. PCLi ANU-i DVÂKCXe. 1 60Zanamoa4ilk a$n u WIIITBY, CGANADA * tt~ î#~red un~otdi'ùitror lvot, Oý« ir to a e(M eSef a.Ic OS! LAixO'. %Oit, corner ;f KING là* S.CO sctricets. Dr. »1Vf4Tucker > QiÂAVÀTE pi !MZOICNcE & ATSÀaii, TI CoaawqmD#"M, ilieV$PCIAN, Sasu NOTAJY PUBLIC, tin,%nï. oleTof thr, court of queen'zi nch, - fJk1uveya7cer, pagdmn ISV* OF~iii~U itR IAG ICEN.sESAD ACCOU.NTANT. mO aitear the Court. lusVillagecif ~~1~?«~*WST owïi ,of1tAil CI. W. 24 A L i THIE Clei.E1iIATEII (COMS TOCICMK ICN & CHIEMICAL PREPARATION, SOwéli. - kibown ini Canada, have'been !CbarefuIly couniterfeilid and itiruied Ictn Canuda, îy fthe veryl per#an% who, ovnr their own xiguatures, have admittei ibat Dr. Licius SK Conn'TOCa of New York, àithelb. '~y Poprietor. Thceparties %are lat-The ORI4T P.4U< EXTR4OTQ)R, Ccinnel»,) enrin; ait Burosanti ail Externai 2ud-BALAI OPF(!OL-UMBM, for StaYing and. Restoring thre lluaxuai 3rd -UHPW8" NERVFF. 4 *0NE51INIMrN T, 4th-McYVdJWS OL oclcalDa ewo ltb-ILdlY,( LINIMENT, a Weil kliown cure .1for tha, Pilesi, &c. &c. I6t-D R. 8SPO Il W8 6 CK UE4DJuE lth-NOTHEWS RELIEF, for ali-Womeh 'n the Famnily.wi y. 8th-1O0Y GLE fY18 GRE.AfT WESTERN INDJ4N P.ilY4C*4-l. Fo "Colds and 2. l'or Aithmla, iverCompiaintafl iBilions affecliois. 3. For tDaitho.a, Indigestion is uîlt Wd Io tî.*e, iever give'i pab ir) dne- ONTAEI.V - M ARBLE WORKS, WOLFENDZN 0-i 1 N FACUMRR ad DE A L E R Sl White, Green, Blue 4- Variegate4Marle, Centre Tables, Stand-Topo, l lmey.pleCeeU Sinki, Sod a 1,, sun Dials, Palot. Stnt, &c. ltvery vatiety of r Mln WO3Xfdonc in a Q@fOV'!tylo f the U40Ulatatialsandi Tanna Libent. N.B.-W. & Ce. b4g ho s"Y thiSth4e ior moonetion Ïithsany otler Fmabih1ent,ant bey impot tiseitr- Marbie from thre well fâmed Rutiarid- Quîmes, Vermont. 77ios. ilson, IMa(rkhansVillagey Agent. &pternlbe: lot, 1851. 1i Il The mooo and ail ber itarl7 Wb.rc fading from the o~ lyhen bonne tia ,uii ll tomi ýlufurno. with throbbing pu'i Flusheti checit and t9arfolè titi Thse pride to whicisbe wn~iulbw Were laid aidethey rmoctdIsf nw 1 Wben desoiste andi le. , That nîglit how ,vany b,.Frt.I ah. 'ofl! îot, liSte eP aiietf TOyflth:iun, fi r w i a ' o b w i , -0 ! b u t V n e 0ne ailtht warld.tober!I ANI ibe lobt him I-M*vel " That lady#s eyes witlh icaîs wore wt! Thoagli love by marnisin n fwjorer IL never yet was wotmllh'5 lot To love andt ciforteit OVTiWADJ»BOIU'NI The day baipess'd, anid eenin reyr- Fadles ter the murfIfl ma Ungr vhtewimii'ii vesse1 li'*a Fro ein cV. andi home- anth be- UnronsebCous tInt oui icafful eyt-sq silîl entrtIc iee'nui Iürç Like a wiid s.a.lird On #bc flÎi# ,ro, rîùres use.ea lcnew bis ebot wasgne, , b.qsank back iapon 1 baé e né the combiiing of tehatch, and covered h4 d~on very w face with ina bandsama if afraid to me the smme others1 C esuit of bis efforts, for if be had fafled, b. jobs generall) For a moment after the report of thse guaa before $I»t11 had died away upon thxeair,ûxere was adead two days I r silence, but as thésmoke arose froum the $28 in twod surface of the wster, Uer, was' at filr4,a $36 in two d low inurmur brealcing fror» the ips of thse m~ore to-mor rnen-the murnmr grew lkuder andl stronger is *133* in until it nwelled to a joyous deafening shout.- for thse wbok Thse ohi .gunnser q.rang te las feet and'Fý s$180, whil zed'ott pon thse water, and the first tiiidg making $16J that met. hi,ý view wrrs tu he carmase of, behind thre ri the -hxark floating iwitl is iibelly u"aman-,during thre h gled mIass. carpenters wi In a few momenuth ie boat rcached thre ini view, anid dariuîg, swimmcra, uusad Isaif dcaê with fright the carpente tlxey' were brougiz eon bord. 1Tise aid during thesi mans claped his boy ini bis armas, and then particulars t1 overcome by tlie Ipoter of exciternent, be irregvlarity, tî-atàf,»tlupnn thý: gin for support. desirous of li 1 liave en eiiaiphssf e-' lialmoey !1vny I i bug rev o by Lii il- $400) lse w b~~îC"1 dlî9.Ot ttr Gt i ~rr , nia to reside .~~ 0-' * z r bis Pre.smil w ten tmiaritly, - 1-1 11,) Ey A -N c' E:'W ubt-P,iRi'ILQ¶iie P)SR(VI OTMSTCi' <1'E)WFUGE (Worm ' ()(),K, Spt. 1 J N.ilui, - 1:,FStrlsl)advr ý22 t ~ rta .' t e .f__.î 0 oî ,ii . i 0ix' vincwilî I.cont- armet înnst.moi , w tl wolleit. w n. ;îplitA i. e iivtwiA.4 '. .,. Ztj ,', î.. .î~ ;ue ~utn tador witts srbIch if ttey corne preae L - , - nti1 V li i i>'di îjol1'lih.iha L L4î 1 lirtt n. tIc follop'iuig is au e - nsence >usim resm g i ____Ailtbp iren-dî' îr ail îù i;.* !\ t ( I oci. IL' te.-shouild couse _nrie tl 5.8ti, oh"tr . n.. DrlleiANiG.iYIi. - Bentsieteydi a rsettme oeThere is DOW oid )Lit rsa~1~ CH NCE Y~ ic avaelîe'tv-n as ile repon îhl (the W.bier. Our no~btle sti1i Iay 'aL arîclir iificr int o ws are building aud a litt.te repair is be. tiles te lamd,l»tb ia c. ~ . &..GEV RAL 6I tiREU E Ir olNIEnt'lîlnR'u nnA elreLat o f anirafotîfed twiii hetitetie-iugdeetevesis uthe. silole wlI negtare Tiseet n c Direclora, wfuoe.naines are n sufficisait t!uatitqýe o V j, h a I redysw r oCahm ruic i 1w filTJY. S$iowingile Ibirrîrdirs which everyfusnily sbnuld that thre tbueinessxaoa*auctionsof thre Carnpty 'north west.a fia h a itu.dbermesgive 0edysokt n Il nawain in r asîc ebvn C A N % DA w EsT, cînhîhîîe tr iiiîrfsnte wil 'e cîducued ons thre most-.hourable princi. ct.reMïscty mild, wit.l a gecitte brecze 4weel- a week, aiu u oseunetoiusaewate' lu w h~ly wbt; -baItorduinly bi kuait may Ibe preterited les ^via:-ing Lute e ortlhward anti we-skward, but ftockiuî tegtthe urlinles and tIuousassaesrive north tisey baveai LJ30 te ulp ;1:i a ()Vr th Cheert tr.or speedily r iî itvd uhout the elele tteflscC iloa1pen4 ileaog o ad tee6îe ftea on0l ftIMctfo teittiteIroi-V gealso Fanl agru-'cs$Thoinas IlamorlIh..iuy, the sea brecze died away, anid one of tirose ces, Europe, 'Souths Americm and. Cia,ausd abimodance ini tieTt Cuurd, e re 'dchi, WrCI eiiersii, suttry ovets-like stoperc bet nig early ait go to thateniiipn,expecting to xkûron 1mos~h v ~~-r .iuicî ~iZ.a Eîi-rfî~ilyluoîkisret$lypr ere;bsbokJames Beî, t Rice Lewis, andi ~Roc.s'1d E', HLTW.. ci rf,' 10 ii'i ilV t'uiî lvi. wiuiii-intîus t . -luiIlowçùt, Li,-euire:s. came froinx the great sunt-burrit irs a fortune ina a stort. tine, but 1. fea'theit tiful. 1 expetoe Sfcpîull:. ii uict blly the comcplalit. tîslc r. ;îuir,........ 'tdent. H l an ler tefore i5un I tdovu the c ltais iniy of thus wviltbc vwofulty iiapit couple of steamesx gave ht oder wtht- - -swa-f-te-al1 i ery mane before ire comamences asy igreatdaa.$2wbc t NSURAW CE (IFFIGE. iti i hot l ur'%1rc iic i .nuruy nay aiwuuysl>c Tlorrii i awmarh,- - - - - - i W T c"clr gst o e i t ul i it , îî o r ~ îiucr, E q - -- - - -- Sec and 're ave th or e i t e b a sv in o c l t e Ed y a $ 2 liai Irebas asin appor~tci Agnt ft îl ~ , ' Iand te go inea wimlling, and ila s tian nndert.aking ihould flua. couert tise co t, and monthi; when h -a !2> z The unileuutrind eaiîghn *ppoiruied Agentl five uminutesttfrnso ic aswe- eils iltiat.wheu Jedusted freu tire profit icaviea go lborne. tas 'i pgoyî~iUUL, 3Wt V L & IENEII*L INirRANtI ~02 of he a l io 'c olfîuuputn, w,'ill civer rornaai enu'r- leapingÇr f 0o tthe n -ways, tise parts, thse a go d balance tisen lie sua>' ititure o t h t4 sw lfu d uu)PA Y.licl ciparir d-.ion <f ri~clutu i.-4luiîv. tittingâ, bciwspirit.s, antI aam 'cf tise'nore otierwise ire ld etter lut t pais. Thse Tr oc abitaie inrath * ke li.aut the nrdirîary le- 75 > re, Lu , J An e iiJsruLL A E - ut eîtreso ta ta k t.huir tcap fraisa tire arm a c oft a i eu ig to Galferiinayis h .t T eP i c - .- ' in tFhenNIery', I2: 4a-f. of thre tower Yards. down et. $300, t.wco monttis' ime 4pG0e tisse ~,aruhe ! aut Illltl. 1f. '- > -ni .----.4-----%. t I suding sails lied buce awr'i a i~n two yeara, $600, tisse and4£I- Tht great ~oc Wlitby. t21SOunerrof thez isaufraena'l provne'o ni WO1MA$1OFî~S& o ~.r. nuWilO ImlValG! d n'yie ae, 'tI'a ones.ss - penses returaur 60, o» - ~ jo _8~ K ei l! A- "r $u hcr iIra lxaviu g be eu appointed deti frai te ise m a -yard as-ta mià - xpeiiesoct a C i e e th e f n p '%o. 36, ing! ieV , G- ILn [ITICC tm fll u ueI niotierwa.- busin s, i1160 dollars cob. Te get.' tw r arct4u .4 = ance v e r» .4 are PteA.Papl&ICa. ou t o t ht t ynsail a art e . pe inatite ro ccssxu sei'os %V U O-rs V 0O-i,$_taio el &lo851. for 41. giAmi:' at c a;lgmidetr> tre olr e sotr iîl spesey isanfo es, oUr wb esT' tuWar e t.roulstir>' cem-Lu a u, t il" na" ir atsa r - and the tl4 .,@ gat e1 b 44 ieui um EW, tiir e ae t ndeFsired FTirbasufac ea ut er pI r ay othi ryev ,0ïeu a nti airai an Càg-o n .l iSar t, e ofé$p fring u.zupyfGRU itesawsa asol sgas ioga dlasprmni o Rpniilaii ics ed e A. îu-. 1 'r o N bY N U E, t AML~sce téte k co n s f t e e 4îitunt, ofthe ait eo u as l on andthe avyof lI tou tbaanc- o twlveani airlf olarsp Dmnde G G i S T, widollatrsylare nableti w aller on ver ativielti Wl*OLESA RETAIL Ontaritritti e'ire , ande it ~ aee inouat aeucfiytisein e fruldd ci a « f c, h b Vlag, <mu eritoter crrsoîdn utsoaust ifro te thisst,ic. rceupxonti aste praceeh fman . Tiss r o iwcr h c U&N11.ftGS6iý - 8 -:o 7oa extra due. Z altre usi n le diol t ar e tprer a , in s e ii s p r .b ! Jb,YýJULB N ü&B00 fIE'FPRWh sapîtu WIoeee&RtatA ~FEHTAS r oi a irla4at utecof tye star e$ W. C SL. 10 1clag=s M orH fl ,camp isi . m rnear qu artr lteitseadflI iti aerg wt.rtiewial 1n uiu ile t&p c ieua- )NIUFÀTaR.R ? SLEUPPIIAND FarilyINodvc. s12, pa ffl. Ta5ky, Toardptiertsytir tw. lds riae lttdoanslyrs; cfawetbert ettng 'wrci 'm onùrefi M i, ciunand aer.iilack Tees thc l e whibyV v eJ fne 180 re 10 Tetbmmli sethe w ert wke ies.aboThteiatyor a abtron d ), o r tirtms ii1ev sjye rs q ie Casapoei fo *Iie' ed Swrst. IIVAT CH NESE BALs j~1 -4~ arss'er up r piti La u p of QRO ofthe rty a s a iblo y t imuw bat Ï)e doa pt oufrns f htaaifierdsaiscfuil W Rit Y V i I4 , 7sts Jo u e, 1850.r irtc t e u x lîlas.o tm'tit andits ainm ,ose i n l o g and C airyîwCilOtip f w el ve and asalt d o l arsie r au iisg tz uutÏAs'Ih, ',r% DR lu GG 1S.T wb mltheyareva g nrlw tesed tieypogealcfiri mxi irth ti appl es f l bo r. eT hisCalir le l tu tie10 W 011 sLouîNre TAIL wittiida.v; . selai cf recd wirtb i I.sreépsa t, toueli e shtd »o thercse- beingireigi ~ WE'I" FAVIIL CLU~AIE20 pacages aorg HTobîco, in 8g ýOme rpberurie peiuantie pooi n vrge antb oueoLsa evr aî-vx W. . WEET' CE3BATE etrafie, h a kll iea uelan aki atalISOf$1.bedsth i o x ht. L nr"0A D aesa0Pan Capa un»sAgens kbd. g T iank a BS at ws ntie entai $ius sby :aet esofsweeharst>e, ut tisMr c E er s prearelads mmade\IXliNI.' SINC i C(II,, -- -N 0 Pgeu orta Rie , airen t e a cmy the trittae r fw uffs-bewcn Treuins- iI -. NIIEANii ii R t;akicn erots the uleTotaAdreCt rieLdidi'boiOrgi, ivsîo.i nt Dic Crsbti btastitasif relid ee ss-ckb>'a au al ir gle wlhltoft',Ctieti -. jet . ti0 '1 m i y eiieate 5 x s .iU . 14tb ,i .,-a F é d F acsnk *SE BA SA non-4bail. lupeeri Lauiry offee Cahptt.pt n ealAh6VI[AOCIEET 's ditotns f theboy intisls ab-id i t tomert lu syî &c. Sugeand CHmaF.SE 'ngshark 8Rian il i dtg - in-rliteamra ie e p-l a Sdo Dotensuto btc ku d to nd aes s is-tw ec weimoîntdd r '. ,JalI35 4 ntireater, eap freti and le sa ppabtl>' otowWod ohig uii- 0 eti 01 %V 1-7,;-oT ,yMIL CUIedATI Ltoact.ir ort hgqpdopsbehisidbe 4eape tiÇe the peaa.s of & 1T}cntNr0eOLSauI.p.g-d a aep.a1cshortu ti1y a but ialI _ - ~ Infaitibe 1 'i E 'NTersIdse. Tyorfur hbe,pint ugu lo, Wina on'5 ake a k Ue l e su ins 1 as ft6e Ie aae 5<PA~ OV Whlt7.!iY 3,181.e7 in alt Ve m. TheChiitaai, s , adi onpctN (,r"ail i!tampWiIa NuLOilex Wigs rya b aeche d ine c tirrmade are e ad al wtrea iro tke it orWs, e£sr wid wmil noirW a qll A ihhwil.OBi AIhD seen in Riseaachr4 wber tre kby a ri- 1 tir e g wieth rdes1sfeth ! ~ 5 . ' I'E S r& 1, cameTfrontttercab-ys. a ,t so# te & a n Of b tl' ebeePanâ Waaimayln*esW, Adls s W A siiD Frk ani<5tt ewt-4 i. a o &y' cIttdofe thel x~ FALL_1 B« E ,E WA T , 40. Ri5 eJ i4sM;~ mtaieî hebt ad h oun -othe other 'o4 p riq t 0 , E-itra _______ .uut lwes 4 atçble ivord, the me ..é.s'e- rAope Suh AmIeica, and Chia,1r nw vrada iffl t e l a«#. Goed of fa m f y 2 6 3 .4 -- -- i 1 Ici» MLWKU »M WN ONT'ARIIU,,,

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