Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Reporter, 29 May 1852, p. 3

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«q«la m P ""ei" os, Use mde- eut htewwkeh sisters hati hurrieti tlh~s eos ti4ne of the property tst"re itsig oia ' <oLords on Frida>'. lttELÂND. T,46 statement tisat Meagiier, tho Iris -nl, bas e<fceted Vis escaeoil Dot uoaflrt. e4; lm the ostrary, lecrs have been re. eeff in Mud rom-mitbi O'Brien of Ister dOtl tmtea aastrd ecape, but né uxaes$oissmade i>f tse circumssncec. SOs Frida>', tise 7tis May, a depulation of Iris esaben of parliamiet waite'd on Lor4 :rby o solict a grant of!.85,MO W tk .un"tiof a breêwater and per at Gealu>', Lee4 Deby milai reply tisathbe woold*send tlatee ougipeers <te eamine <ho J'spetive capabitifies of Galway' sud Liins- crack as a part lfor AMeurîcan etteinters, but h.e esulti net pletige tise Goverunent (o n giat. 1 isà Utysi Higbtuesm P'rnc -AlbeffIMbs suvucedtb. isierest wviihotaisevî in<c efforts m;ate get up a national eshibition in Cork, hy munitlciently costnbuting £100 to h'(md for (bat tisai purpýose. - i tA' 143t, and boaste 4 tis.t <b £70 for fines bati bftý fuade uptLorj 4in anticption or the t*ani&mnus werits beiasg iseeiu the.con- spfratos ofithse P oviclt I cunei1. That looks very fne, but bave thy ac'ukeu un>' asps to provide aspiniltisùe imprisoument?1 Do thesc intelligent people tisipthtie Cours wffi decide ".atthe psyment of a simiple fiue yull efectoally stop the business of the rouatr>' iOrdo <ie>' thauk iiat vison hrought op tiwec-uod tùneteh Judges wil1 have forgouen huIat tise>'tricae4 <a sut cases latfère. There as no eontempt of <bat Court withim apitait'. Is there no otiser ntone that can 4h tum«ed th e people of Orjiawa 1T Perltaps This £70 i.a tartcf ibe fundslïtely subcribed tisere for the County Baûdinps-eh? UrncsinNIW s'r'rt-Ta R .Mr. Ilayerb.offér liert before tiias as-» qitint, and aerowded auiience on Yq day eveang - ist, a most nterestirg and touelliîg lecture on lis native landIluxr- cA 11. Tisisb ecturée delive.reilb>' a descen- dant of the Magyar* on thse iuiu'ry, art,, scteuces and tikfrdaure, of bis pcOple, vitis wieeis ol so ably conversant, wvas doubi>' int«rebting. coting from nt ia, atfro thie" fact imt îlit'stirring events "of tlie last few Wedaisds' ~< ~vears bave'attratted- the eyes of tise vorlt vrnsy o ~.~ , ~ M>',e1a.s. to tisat inter*é"in portion of Europe., We veruy ofthe eahof te faspecor N ao- C tent,. scre<iss unsual>' mpe' ~ tma>' be enabletl isoo 10 ly portions cf this i semice vas celebrated in.,his honor i'lu<the addtess befure out readers. Cisapel Of tise Invalides. At an' cari>' bout îr o ea thse constitutecl bodies uf the S'tateai, at_1- oIttII-'b-e Suite. utte ogga tiredi it tieir otlleiai eostumc, awsimbiet iD~s-tonal Cliurcb--in <lis town, came off on -the Chalol, vkieis as hung' entirelv njt' nsa ls iË ra.ýdt h bie la. orteoaltof et'1 ùCloclc pr. cledylaIwt rat<u. Ts blekfo tse~IG8 ~ i iChurcis was full, an <6te contributi<, of veel. Ho vas scempaniecd by <.the - the ladies an the viay' cf catables, dcserv- ter Mit War. andi eseorteti b> 'a detaclunenug cf a.11 raisc. Thse atidrmses b>' 1h o! ýCuim.4serS. lie vas reccîred at tiese Rer. Me~.sï Bt lyrue, %Ward, Finlay, Hodg- 1eof thse Cisujelsb>'tit ie iuo t o! otht'1 nna lii târr vwere very eîten'aining;- but 4 tt ud tise high funetuariesof State, bly hedeligisîful toues cf tise Piano, playeti b> has e h. as condiictej iitisail due cer- utc.>'(ocasseat restrvcd l'or hbu near the -Mns,. Mclessasie cf thse Ladie' ei.aay aIter. The service iantsacdiately' commets- accuijiaitieti b>'tiese veet amusic of- het V'oiée rid, sud lastet about tlree-qtarers cf an inas lIa-1 Pilgi las Fatisers "ansd otiser pioces, lacer. l'ise President was tiret',wth tîbx- sUe crrnnal oadzte.ae is car- , was las realit> a *pieating 'treat. Thescper- Ucucur." Uicre, and &as fer as tise outer itiso gooti, but we L-s bis iobmrnnt vas pto, tihe olti soldies's cf thse Etaajre vere ipartial>' out of enter. Soirees-ocf Ibisn'a- drava up lu <vo unes, sud thse>' gretedth le tteaegti-t evr akotbe n .?re"deu as lie passiet. On tIiseîs a etiae are gttiîa ohovr> assonbea su imueua*qs multitude bilcollett, -and tie>'a gnrî> roductive ef good te-' totl anti freoueut -multitude, vere Iward as suit,. bis carrnage aovcd onscl-u es- ,, îNrnT»- throçigls tise d(-as.trarsk.h.l'HFesn of 1 P 'xI . 1icktriiig. io 0lias been nov over hre "ie nropaiers oaf'ailt the onnoitionjour~- rit oe.D gais ln as dr~ÏiV a<iLrteed îauspensd pub- It c lcac isvn î ssit. vlicatiosi for diîneot o t is. :th 501its- bis aastia"c'e iniTttio b a u staut, and hlavé appointed a ('onmittg'c t )mauct-ai ork on a budinîg Ilii er9c1 vatcb ever>' slip of tiseannitela pper% andt tenater a prosecution againsî tisernstieiebilaurr stsem .l vhesevpr tise>' couac vitiain an>' cf tise rig- f i O tn su sperintendaaîceocf bis buii oTlw haveadt othe mv res- cse w-in scalelulable, anti bis vellues of nga Tis>'Iaivcudptei biscîtltsscorseit Iattise ccjaapiritors vwho are endcavorin relation for tise asumseruusprosecutions tri detl.er't fIi otl> o wiil e> ' tiembelves hai- nex. po- ('a h rcinor'i oit o' c mi puaposes vere pouredifortkt Mla0-1 Tise Esina aunosinces <bat tise Gov- itreti tersais. Assofler farmer cei ornasent- bas nejceted tihe 'treatjy wbichit stetfela ob h*wil fbsSr France uliareil relative tu îateinatîiutial l1 :s 1 asbt iewoe fh. p Copyright. Tise statemoent réquires confir- wuvrk. An immense number of case usetion - har-dultipsuf-titis kind cotald ble taintee M. ~iamaca as gsse c EsgIad~ in, 1~di erent parts o! tise Coîrnt' and purelita h ie moviag power Of tise railWsîy visiela is te cenneet -Madrli iltiste Medi- tiiese self-villed conspinatons took on terrancais. - .eidfirn *Goverament lias erdenedthe iii. ' 4io of <ho Diario de #da M arina c! Havaàa, j D IBY vz>ULIsHLfGitx UL- ansd lia witlidraviitise subsitiyiiîerto paid vite attentlion toe l avri.emenl ci'1 te Z Crérnia, oNewNrk.Il. Derby &Co., ef Bufi'alc, X. <Y. Mialàera hbave liefore <beau aI present a -las .aumuaer cf NMilitarv Srbemes. nov about fire years siace ýtie establii Pivste letters f-romNi atriti cf tise 3Othe cf luis bouse,.at whicb ltite <bere vag sc etate tisat ta geasersily bIsaieved i tisat>'y a book of any note publialed inl <bat eity tin thte pres baviag been compili wSrifsced, theiet c nrrcaclhimenls On thse Now tise>'bave a ltt of Iheici a pis Coasttntion attempteti b>'tise Governsnentj tiens aaiuatnog to a ver>' respectable le viii le tie suipension cf lise electuni.) frais - t iii byarcosat>aidn ciss. -No tieinite resoletion lias, hitee- ýer. as-'yet bein deteriineti un, alîtaigibthîle jworU, maid tise>' are bocks, toc, of aIs Sulise t b.d tmore tia» once oc upeliait at-1 menit, wîich are gol up ias a style equ tention of -Mini-sers. ft bas bhei genenal-<bsoflt eîpbilarluieT 1>' agreedt <at a nev électoral law ahoualti b. imtrcduoed, but i sertie. àgereiscc heir 'plan o!fscnding t <bo ouksaa 18<, lin<lhe (Cabinet as te lise fori te bi'gir- 11ev piecfree'p P tage by 0a!!4t ,en <o it. fi is admuittedti -tIil. voultibe jpar of thecountry it anwignd nd,, iagerous lfor finiasters <o neet tise presenuloe wb OMC&iýitt uAds Corte%, and, conseqileutl>', thalnofhiut e-IoiwescosintsIel'ca)ni smalns for thet Governueut but a osup d etal tsecmre <o hem uce*s for tisir cute'l te rewlit" from t<ieir difîI*i, ujss $W~Q*een.Mdtiaeshouiti sitke unenof<ibçse DIsA TU OF Tff l OLnS 9+ AlI 4iédàeieI"na esinibot polie>' fùr vbieb she -,At Berthier, ian<ho District of Mon a m-risal wI <ueMeaItime sOeteOf 11r. CIlwleï Bouclier, ut tise patruas#bu <UwMliaterisl adhsèrenathavè receon- &ld a tuoeent a l aldanba. Ab for c f 106. Ile ivâs msrried te <bre Quies Laubella, itibl eaced inilspolitical with wham ha bati 60 children.Ile1 -cairties in Madridth Iat àebu a gilesi ful<o depiore, bis les. 43 ckl'treU, 6 powrtao -Brayo Muirillo to act as stlielsiltireas, 13 great grand-eblldren, 21 ses. _______.vrs, 70 grand4"bepiso ~1S,4atîg 1'p*t uS ~8 ~ napisevs, sud a, large .tilci f frid INswCO Nt-It w bumilàings toaslstaed at is fjsuserai,, bicb took pla Xeuerk <ba traio i. tise ocl> one oreth ie l2tls April vitis great sol1einult>. ew Comu tataM n ot gosa tdeW» thoir Wo have <o rèemow: dxùdt. psWe bdMàp-tad tere lë'-k cie of $tarr,vWho bajust oped a Nok <bats tint l.'a béaienr ufemrifron thte fr Iejp4 wut oh.lag jet offfor juditisi purpessasd li Gemamls," 1wbk"lisbe.iNew Wei" v. ,kèpàig in vie eim tmense We. bave net yet hit tie ~ie #Ïdis stly amunsst f uéssp yt tobe from. thovay it isspow d -<i tb,- 4Wms*sted at thse aetasuimc, and villa- ,e expec<t toIid injLîsý tà$# ,4# ;*(f=r tp tee a..pese asti jaotvent- W'foti~ou <oubiu% b. rW-éâ, thbçl es tho. baemme rtohemW . Tiset-or- i~s am àe isr P." , f iait .s àtandm d ssainnas veR aU tise public m v m. ne *'ohîWjili, ùusbeau eit eting, aloe in o judi- Iutu- es 0 f ei ont' id vet Giti tarce- blîca- g, ew ual to Uion. it aucis > ver>' -nove! gmscsd- prise. Wnlo IrAts TMg -.M. Do#,Es. .1 bis TGowip as4 ,d n d t d m of bis Ee1 brded éb«trdPa*uil r41 wbiih bcdisptisetiof tantweb to Mr. "td, D .rover,froîn TIgranto.6..5bnnagig tl.rn, iute town lbey vero placed on r0.N SeriPture's- sales, and Ilseir tU, tet eigjbt wu3,410 liaà. ; tbe ou.1 eIgbu 92~b and the, otiser 16874lbs%. If tins ean b# beat in tise Coanty, we wou& likeýtor heiW by whom. PORT WigTxrë,dfÂlar'ge sez-og.lgI the Ontario of Quebec, bus beeti loadingm t tbis ITort for tihe Iast few days.- $be maites a gîanic oppeaances alongside cutr laite craft. -Tha s the,ômt,y<nl of the om that bm'ever called nt omm harbbr; -ste car- rie sà Ine.aded 4,500 bbIs.. hlur, Ile destination, arter returng to Qbec, t i Liverpo.I- KOSSUTIL es DOW on Cauadian soit.I. H b4astaitep up bis reidee it tbeFsof Niagar. for a short tinte on tbe Canaudian sidc. A tour 1hroig Canaeda,- if b. cou] d ho »o Persuadti& voud bcbolbtifi te lain andto te speople, Tin Asri, .-hCourt of Asizeini Toronto will bc in se"sioforte'toay t Ia uncertain boy muet longer it Wil lust, but it mtî get througis b>'thse 7tb of Jtn- the end of ftus tern. NVe would catI attention <teise ad rtess- mient o! -Mt. Dow's New Goodis. Tiscs arrivais ste liîghly creditable <o lb. asite or âfr. D)ow, andi well worti>'of a visit. BUUCLAIrVAT KixuOTor; ILL.-,On Wednesdav nigbt s ver>' serions- burglar>' was committeti at Kingstons Miii, in tise dwelliasg bouse cf Mr. John Brady. tise bock Mater, InthUedei cf <bW igltau euIr>' -vas forced iniithse rear of tise bou.e, andi the Buirgirs <cok,-lt àu>ks lae st, in-4di' of wviels as tise Cash B3ni cf ?4ir. Brady>. 'The contents wêre <vo écsu p- -on tIse Commnercial Batik. totiseamout of netarly. £300; about $ 100 in ilvr't; nd more titan double tisai aiount ln glt icees. ýMn. Brady' stoppeilte payment -ofttbe rlierkst aItbe Batik carl>' yesterday moruing. It l.s qîite evident that the isutgltry vascotu- 1h.ie -by >sae persmn voui acquaiated withs thprt'miî,es. Informuations vasiquiceki' i- municatedte Lîtie Kin eton Police; and iImu tIse intelligence of <bat body', mach, hope of ultimate dexection preval..-W/ag. Th# riclçserAmericas's.of a laIe date !ýav, tat;Il n aseque nWe isegreant de-. rin in e\"w Ynrk for Butller. (Isjeesé, Pork, l'osltry. Vg &rbl .. & r..et Trieus %wbicb reanerat -lte laran'er,, better than tlaoe le can obtain for lis wbeat, 'vi' look forward te a great falliug off-iti itise and a'ccrrespoasding inerease .<dotber ari-, cles, sud ut tise sanie timsc 6esed pros- petit>' among thse farmns" Weece y b'tise Hasusiton Eres, <'bat ut tise assmizms for teisi"lteà Coun ties -of W'entworîhIillton and-13rau4,~Fmakiin, baker, -a'ste driver, vas elargti itis having robiseti 14hMail, ln Marýc last, ut Ueamsville. -Tise 'urvý returneti a verdict cf guilî>', but Witb a recosmendaticn <no mel'y, wias lutise prisoner's yout1, andi <be cnrlesseso! alloving tli a ils te Ise tranitpo7ted las worn eut isa". lii Lord- çbip e.epressed il asv bis intention tc %end' thse recosmendation toetise elecutive, owing tgb the puiniisueul avurded <o atîcis <siences bela'? dîstinetly prèecribeti. Mi%,Lordsbipý couii.) ecrelse ne discreticnary p6wei-in tise matter. An âstvdrisement Iappoars in' thse EUX li* ai upeus for 1000 labourars on tise Cams- da West'RPiireuti. POSTSC RIPTr! ! We stop, tbe press <o give pubticit>' le thae following.imspor tanlresclùitlcupasseti ves- terda>' instise eacisTownsbip Couneil'.- Thi; shows tisaItthe indignation.,of tise pub- lie Î% being rapitil> arouseti i Resoved-'Tbt ie -Council viev vils s riel, an d bI(l r ortig ta ho sigue ti b>' o.. bs f Osawa, a&- W.111.. licliell, Bopyç of rie ukby, wïïii« htie>' are elnvonig 40 influence., lise publicenîind against <lc e nent Ulmee, iels nables <hé inisbaiisn of tise neirCoty o f Ounotrio v< isernt - scîves vitisost tiseaid otTorontô. , Laprisa- ciple vo- consider tise festunesof <Jis Bond- ilî bstl for it esadoavoum rs efeot on thei cunduet of ont 1shigfiist' Provlapptý C0Usnty Offiçer, for esercasstgjustly and in-uatccord- auce vils ls's oath of offce,,<te power, er- pressl>y gve b>'anais st cf Purliameut passe th ie express ytarpose cf. meeting udr csesm. -Witisregïrdt t.pcrtn . I ,ec mfi 'Ttdrt e Se1d and 4Jdn&W 1 e iTOwn kbpCtftk, -HE~CTOR BPJATOiNi ltwnsmp Cterk, Pakrî; pril 261)i, 1852. ~ 4n WESTERNFIIW INSURANE COMPANY. TfEUSbscbr desires Most rcsPectMgIIY mOnô;1lf tathe hibbganU of UxnoigOI, and th m'infinlràw 9 hat e i Wn dolym'ppnitied Acî *5' by 1110 w emAmaidt Wàpný,liely orfgtiyed in 'imtont4'ý Io tete 1hi aalnt Pire on the m ,# fu ve#uiet 1 4iuiWy.ilAmiliDowiau o»p<Iunly Io T ~t ul.,éiU%,4 2 f pet enit I* f .b4j.tr.aer part ofthé 9&ok ubictfbed, unLs the 1umpaaiy sboUuleed their 0 r 1 _tim t Lfc itd yarItine 1 uil . ,Bas % in 2lher pet cent- b jen pro" iOusa t he date ci psyl»#.511 AUt whi.h 1m-epectiutty uuh«ufibed. tTxbridge, April 22, UYI .34t. t'JS AN' LO-AMERICAN MAGAZINE, ol;teFWst of 3lr pub vi b . cal iude tihe tille of lb.ý E.ath 1iumber will colitait' 96p1gm 1~ioc va, wiîb double, coltamna>, and aismroliniisra- ujgOO4, Ptice 159, .per 8annui, paid aià *dvaoee, and sent by mail t0a ay partotBtIub Arict or th~e Unied States. It je projet*Ju f»publish id cadi issue one, of mor e original pu puisa Cnt uljeeta cunnecied ith politiit* or religious articles of a deslomanatiffai chanrse. Sewtcions outhl. esw writing4 1in th leaidlu<IBritish perioicals a tjt b. cupied, gspecj- uitly-auach as Ihsv* r Féeu 12 p îh.welti .abd À r.tguldji _fT IR£ URURIÇNT EVF.,TS OF T*i* l ' ID CETI DSOE RIVi teCO FlRZIAL NWMUSICAL Jr1LGlkXCE, and aIlamalters of #<nentaInl.. egrextderived f[to m taarecent infonmtaUun Sle ia aitu inl.nded alu inituia selles d BIO.- <GRAYHtES ciEM IXF ME'01o RItAT 0 ILITAII< AND) RELAND., troiiAlfMred the GrM a thteipreeent lime. This departmesiîwilI lie ILUSTRÀTYED with l'ORTRlArrS fromt rthe u tma*wel. As it ia pmrposed l-ta ire Ibis publicifios a" tioa natsd uot a local tt:, icîWit uftoctingl JYTERSftI> 0bF 011R C0L0N-IIF$Ast Au INTEGRAL PORTION OF 'THE BIIIT$0 ýAts exprit01ieiO etîi rarbats nsupplyiul; the 1reading publi lù Canada wsl it te serial publica. lions of the UuelSaeconvitîes telijonjctor of ttîaspeflullical, 'btat Illey ad enirely iniadeqatle le te wants outhlie maefily, anti utile eacûlted tu fixrni or in -prve «te Itlera bate u1 a prouple es&cîîtiallyiiiik't'it in thoir felsnis t.nalptînciptes liong Ihose fobr whom thèse Pei wdieal.rire prepu. ret qnd i I«.ûingtt he enterprixe wi ree: with encouragéeen trontiho*ue for vhou epIea- alite and infortriation il à deligneti, bu triu taia 1 -the exptlteit wifi II liz*hie ctpecSUflhlU. j THIOMAS »4ACLEAR. YONONTPZST Toonto Api. I~- 4 NEWBOOKS»- fl4ATIES & Grvities,by Henace Smnith, '-Coiacalities, by H cuti, Claret sud Olives, A. B. Reatit, Tihe WcVrld Uere andTh Itere-Dickeus, - WuôttetieMîiaisr, a tle lot Ibtntes,- wau~Sati Gee, or ah. Massacre uf[Chicugo, by Major Richuardson, VeniiîITéelàit'ey, vol . 0, ànd coapilo-Roy- Ru.rsanisiàaI Heai-itrwan. - IBlcak Ilsuse, oI&2-4ius rTht Ail Journal, fur A pril. j A~ nil fartlu'r suprplies f -- Essaya fothra ieL.îdots iis J , sriey tilrougit Tartary, 'flbeiicsd ('bitta, - ly M. Ba. - -- Thse Miden sud Marricat Lite ut Mary-Povhli. »SeIf-Decepict, (CcsnPleéteïr.Lu. - Tb. OU tJaelîe- HSlîlunoin. Maii. Tieraey-Lener. Sioty waithouit a nome-Jamie. The' Fate-Jsaa*<, Curîquesl6 CndaWrbslos Aberiu-'S.te. - 'F'. MAGAZENE-S for 31AY juit recelveti by THOMASM3ACLEAR, - - -45, Yone Se treet Too tA rl29, 185;Z. - 1 , - î., E"'Y POWE'R. VIIE Cuompan fe, bMHITBY WoOL., T LEN Fs&cvoaîiire st ththe field, and read>' le execute aiti urders-ti ther tare of busiuîsdoi ry, and ti.i blt auviag Zonie tirai' a tb6rcugh, repar, tije>' ollit a *hure cf publie Paretsage. ftly wîI l cigt Vill a fOr oI cos te. Sabliiia.U, Warp luctudeti, 10 j-2t Tvst, do.- do. 1$0 T4mc o. d, &,I, 31 -. Wool Csmusstg, pet pataud, G 211.2 , Othlworak deinPomotiaui. r lus S wlitwrmagi iuàpftted1 I TrIT -f tt tw hich b. lt delemusinedti taselat teun1e sancv Wuap D, . iCoild oi articufor attention bD -. 7!d,,.'.worthIu Ot. mhîy 4d,ir 5. >Ands Ladfre Ths.ertensite patrOn lau. nce&aed oort *ixity tf W. Cal i mre ciftIrs.igt isigl cbarac.r, and esili-do. eulbe .have spriitd anil "P laie 1 -A.freiN gtw#ûqIt -COFFEE, RICIE ;, I -'1v

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