Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Reporter, 24 Apr 1852, p. 1

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'i e-' a' V 1"' UD3LLIIED E VE1LY $TURDAX M,%OR--4INlG. TEI< SHILLINGS PUR ANUM-II< 1 ÀC VOL$ 8. L "2Zama ma~t~~o ,W-IJITBY, 'CANADA WES May becon.uked1'lIyfor anydaeueafi-.ctîigthe - TEETII oit GMS, ArIfcll oth livtrtcd on Gold Plt. or ~rt FrOct One to an entire 8,11. Odice overM.%ItLlfs ToE, coraof Kisru - arivSzxcg: Sujets. 1-l Dr. David Tâcher <IMU? ix frniR~t & kAnTs,Ts< COLOE V)r<, l'il YitT~O04 Nerwood, O Kt. Z )th, 181. 2r-iy ZNOTA1RY UDiLI' Iomutaonmu orthse court of quews ll.nch,g Conweya»c.er, Draritgtsman, MSUR tOFMRîU LCNE N Office seur tb'r Court 1e sVillae' of« lNIci CST tu, 'own-slip of lltÂcitI, L. C. TIIOMAS, COSVPy A 'CE 11% - Commnsgioller of Qlleewts Jknch Fur laking AffIdarils. L à w 0rzlOIE Hl. J. MACDONELL9 Attomey aad GonuUo-at-Law. &C. &C. C. WiI TY VILL.qGE, c A NA vA w FI'9 7 WaU gi pf alipiiaies I o aN i sncas of Lis, t'rof,-ia,ien eittrîaata'd Io tiffïï -1 t2"oiriIe *5pois the' reideuice oS Peli - D.rrlst.r and Al £ttr.at zw INSURAt4CE OFFICE. - J.AMES ALLACEbqpega t w inate tat le faesi>ermapimirJed Aget, r -the PFtOVI.%CIIL U UAk- UtNE94L mSu AU COMPIANY. - atithazt le ih {reparo to tatoa.riâkr. aitbfhe oar 1iraneheý of said Comptany. Wlittiy, it 8ept&atsiirr.1951. 4 IZKMAl.ýNI3ROTII S -Co No. 36, Ring Street, Toronrr wuhlÇBVI C. W.1 IMPORTERS oF BRtITISH -MAÂNUFAO'TU ES$ - rANI) DKI»A LS I %VIIOLES-ILE END IIETAIL. WIitby Village, Julse, 18560- C AIt ,E T L yN DIEt WHOLESIALE AND 1 RETA1ý DEALER IN !EAS, ?OBACCO%, LICE, IýPFEI lARESLEATIIER, &c. Cash gidfor Ilides andf SkiaWet 1 '1,Pots andi Pearl .qaket. Whittq'-'îiIae, 711b J If, 151 Adram~OIV#OI~ItfC5i5of Asbe# Io Sit#rle n prepared -li PEAULA1F~esieiOMtiel Pot Whithy, lt Atu, lO - WIISKEY 1 WIIKEY âo)BARRELS PORT DovERaý ksey for U, er lwb Port %Whitbj sy 31,18. mnake CO. JAMES H. 1!RHIEý J31:G$ to retiurn lis sincere thîank te bià Fristtr aaud 1 he Pu blîicgeiersi ly, for the vqrM liberaia'upporî îhey bave aabrded hlm inti Mepai#, he tokus thia mnelhod et inforrning thew tuai lie là now rei Yi ng ra 'NEW YORKIA'.ND 1.1OITRE.IL, À VVLL A$IO,'TUZNT eV- DRIEGSMO10XJA L8 1PATENT DYE STUFFS, BOOKS, STATIONERY aod eery Ibin e l b is wAy, whcbie % Vitii be rt.pat2îo Seil a rLow Fattoiu TUSE CELEBRATEI) COMISTOCK MRIDICINES, & Ci-EMICAL I'REPARATION, s <> w0llknown in Caroaa, bave beeo saamefuiiy cous1ter(eiterl aniddi4lttlbtited ina CanIa, be thre Vel y' pcraona ho, 'ftr tbiro*wu aiîaur j ave aiiitidihat Dr. Lreit's S. Corrc*of New Yorkl w îLeoay 1>raprietor. 'Thest. articles are lot-The 0RE412 . , RI'4TJ (Cronelas.> curing aUitonadilEtr 1141,§ ani Sj)res. :tnl-D.lkljt 0k' COLUNBkrL-,,for Stayiog nadi Itestdoring the tflurraan [luir. 3rd-JIEWF$S' N Erf4BÛEUNMX iand VINMKViECHYI'LE JiLXIR, a crue flora th'iîs a. lth--3frN4IR'S OfL1,toc'il(ail DetYcranse ; -IIY'LINIMENT, a wveli knowtî curie for îLePi..&.k. Ut-D h.L SP Il Ix' .1 8 lLK IIEDICIIE 7h-,IITW;1v5 RELIEF. tor al Wunmen in the Vrtnîiy way. 8 th-1L 0NYtG L Y, Y'1 S GR E1T WE STE RN INDUS INiV.CE.f.-l. For Cuiàdat fe eJWdlifaeligrxa id prevelaing rever.- 2. For AtmiviOaiaPat ilious affection«. 3. For*Diîua. lolidi,tiou aai41Lo, of Ajptilte. 4.l'r Coxtlev6en#.a in feoiales ai ri ;lesaad nei rVoua om plai rit* liuatan,&c. l'le great lwointa are, il îi.nout Lad ta> take, niever gives paits, andltice- ver e1ý'le le nco*tive. 91,à-DRi. BIRTIJO0LOMEIlW'S PXSR l'fr ail tl orCr-,N11mmjamiî. Kiiftr) for elir i. or gioirai& Pei a lH- II.JlLi 0 Y',S CJUiT l AlIN KILLEI.-Nu n eficille hai- Itotduaiove- ed 1 itat _" sobÀipiy adapteil btui nlpeally -15 rrrrp t» re taken, aid yt It .rnikaîtrlîpi wosiderN wiien applieti eaîteraaJlI, 4 a wajsh or tiaiL by (iction. Ailtlthe Uiwiaarc f'lty leaciibed i lj ap rita I rernIo ait %% 40 &at ut X. .: GIIZD1Srurut Store. :Showitigthie ftemces - hich every faailiy ealir keo-p san theti hou»es,atdelsJibeatier traif ilsacrotef. ily wIirh ait ordinazy So rsnnay bc ereverated -Farnîly 1hyiicnaftaraid Stiere Dan gerous Diskease. eureat, E Very (amaiiy sbotldCa rehatty presem-vthlbit ooV, tu refei tas wben ay sarrreiy îl a antedl-botlr as le thre paiticirlai article iidicatent byjthre comTpai3it. andi showsiîg where mach reinedy may always Le DR U G GIl;ST', Amain Strcëet, WTIdtbly Village, jeo lappoifitet Woeie & Ucetail Apents, 4 DR. LOCOCK'S FDMWALYE WAIE. A CEKTAfI CUYUI,.* ?Oi 1 .rtuhi .i i '4is4i ,j*iu.io;Amen- crrhwoan t',oilit i>luçtioso e Çloroazi ai G;re"a' si4îr['.; L4encorthoeà, Fluor Allrus ei Whittea, ltil j'I ifimie Weakn)eawei. %V . -WEEýT'S CELEBULATW Faniily M-,d.cies. JST fltCEIVIED Bfl*Ythe 811bscriber, at bs-IUG O, . - .mAKSar1, WHJBil ILA the wolwing articie, wbicb will be aotd in large or smail 4u.lsities ta suit pujrcliuaers, and ai Low.- lxcsi u uilbed l iIIwa Wa.hIi g SoAIÀaow 11ool. VearI Sag>, Fines Olive Oit, Salad Oit, PlaintOit%, .Maaîor Oil, oeure,) dli Vitriol, Creilm Tattai, OiSuntrAcid. Aqua Fnirtiq. Gum Camphor, .%tagneia,Tiartarie Acid, qirUlvek , &.&~ J AME s 11,1.11 R 1 E. Whlît1by, -02îîd Oct., 1851. ST. John Lopg'r Sto=iaca Itteros, Mof- fat['s Pîltli ad PhSenix Dteci, Waa' -Balatu Wid Lry, Ayetr'e C*herry Pectoral, saali ,mrcork'. 11ulmonic Warers, Vpgea- Illie M$,çlc l'ail#.Pe.tloyer. Cooper!o Antiiàitiouî rit!&, Iopi.Femide Pitt$, anrb'Pil, 1'eurie's Pitt ofell"eIth, Undi a Whoa t fhcr- ltelit ýiLtuciiies, for St~b' QUiXlNE~iodtue, Jodide 1'otaflîumn, JAMES H. GERIUl. Whitby, 22nil Oct., 1 5.29 j usi'i tECE IVED% J C{V hMinkulElitraci 01 Cherry and JAMES 11. GEBRiE. - Daitoaisv. L~l. 34:' CIiLETONIS FQUNUEIL OINTMET andi CCE. tniy Age'nt lin Wbib4, JA M E;11. ( l .1E Piug 'Store, 11-ilNov., 1851,. 1 34) SCOBIE~ 7t1r No 8CANADIAN ,ALMAHAC FOR ,185 2j JuiF ileceivrt art rSal ae l'y - A ESil. ;î:ltJE, , cember, 18j-1. 30 FISWIS1 MINERAI FIRE PROOF PAINT, TH~lE BLSTrandiCIEPE aI rticle' utPalant ter ouiide ior Oiramtntul ritag Odly4fIerd ftr 117115m'. DYE ISThFFS. C.M W 00) D, Logwood, lled-wood, a"ie irnde , Fac tftaCt L'ogNt,nclCutbeàr, Copperas, Blie V tnioI, & c-S&C., for- Set. Iîy - JAS. H.<1RRIE. Ce.2211d, 18b1. ViLe JUST RE CE! ED Their Iiuy, odto rdp0pcs oti- Inagnttlinirarrati"eç, Dsn *gzeaplti, &C. &c. 11h. rateti seà itIs igaviogs. FAMIL11Y BIBLES.* N, p PLAi3 N a ntd EL P0AN T Biniig, for sale ah t lowi-st prijes l'Y j AM ES 11. G L11Il 1 %Vhit by Village. f From the. Dubliin 011 maizrooia'a wcîuw3 As the anobea&ms (rom the 1 tilde at eve ihe-ir lighl, AihrIeI lieilarfade3 Ille I'ealrDot on thre nigii4;ý Asthrerigbt "'v(i rdaft 1 Wben lb. ia'n faits tro thl Ptueiare hteef <4ayoi Yet ilctheslilghli infLe$nri Forth a4ain shail btea MAdthiebela grvesaweet-ea yra>the.worl Iowake. lb. s hewinds shah (freitai Olci the mu's' iri Bjutthe th is lestin eatI From, the $t.-ILouisIntel, ,)th bast., we iteaia l.foi of, tlie xpinxion -of lire Steai The paper nantetisa% 'rbTe steainer (?knct',1 leans, wi th a heavy Cargo ait bjer' of'pasenges, reae i Adftl eeven andi ei&ht O'clock en andi 4wli!'t Ltternptinor tai e near thle f'ot or Çhestilt wiîls a dreatiful rep ort, scattt forwrard part and tapper wor andi 4.1aing de;ltb and 4e SurfondngObje*cts. 1TFi gsa Cataradi, Ii/e'sfr,z .S xtii,.ant orne or twto other tliis part of the Ikcvte,ad tt endeavoz-ine le 'eflert a lai stear f [e('e iwith t the laboard bow wben three . houiera oexpioded wxffi a rr'ndering tIre forivard par frightful 'wreck, gpeaily iujur aimait entirely deuneitbing Cala>-act, and Iîurling beti siaty bumnan btai i uito etel plosion wacserrullr. -Ilcaï ai uts of tir12 boitera, inachil uipper %vorks of the bout am trere buried with (earfuiIvic in their, and i u poa boats andi adjacent part, of t far back 2*s Commenrcial 'tinie of theiençoWslanu4 rautiot jaossiîbly srvive; (of tiioe (on it is lutterly imppossible to 0hfle ow it iwere lost but we 1*pne3 lEIf of their nearly se, vete cltlw kli doutrialit tlrownetl. O ~m, ison ani lyona> in iner. death th, one ai b e;er of thre and i'ona partictilars brutelfi Tt berweern r6a> rigbt, a ianding tblew up thre enire f thle boat iato thç Bers G1 cor-a Id AACI; re Iyiotyat tilde of warm ton er Whoe another Uanaval, vedt o d alvi, aund moenarcl ânother- bpeareil to <kWatir lie killard but lie, us anad il le youing forty ,antimnerde Tbe ex- b wh ibers, 1frag- Oùbuhi Chîinaeys, latior arrivai et a boat, iurrying aboilrl, 8un f6ïeca stle a'imi houer- deek were cro with these, as-;wellais tire pasueng,,er- toagin o te rbloat. The ibock of th plosien drove the ill4fated -stýiaCr a thre strceain,- andtinuost itstantll afte eau.-lat fire,-and eomtneneed floating-U presecnthe ie ost horrible spectaci cver behéit. Thre enti-e lbrward-pa thie boat, fron ttie wI)eet-bouse nearly to ber water Uine Waa g one,aUnd tire part one mass of timb4sý, frtiigirt aid li beisgri, heaped Up togtber in wlld c noen. Ti flanes bu,-,ed fiierely~, un~ pil pedto all parts of the boat. Sirore, muen womeri, and ebaidrea, wera rtwiiog frei n ee part of the hurniiig mer to aaothier, iun]ipe: of ecpiq dreadfui death thtat tb-eatened theàl tire bodies oaf ses'eral piled among the beriesoIIw iy-woiindd, writhiîvin a ,UANUFATURtLS ndi D L A , R inl it IVI>ftJlIlmeh omb $1-Oies & Grave tODca, wol M7ite, Gren,llu 4- l'arigtdMdfrble, 'l- Centre Tables, Stand-Tosps, Cblney'-Pieres, A Siks, SM ISIalis, SuasDiali. Paint $ioriesp&c. oui, Every variey ofrAÀLBZ4WOZRdonc in a o sUuir7 £t'yl..of e om.Dft Matoria1, andi Teinis Lil)eïaai.th N.B.-W. & Ce, beg eaytrtheeifav , couredion wit ty otier 14shllihtetan teYy, -a imporît Irir Marble [rom tbe %well farn& Rutiand anc Quarrwts, Vermont.to DU.-l>Âssi'auJT, Wtin~ Viose. 1Wilson, Mawkliam 1iàge, Agent. tubi I1O~ xe elletit ?G LJJ. JL l') 1 ý 1

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