fiatViciiiDtke (10c MNoucby went on to say Advices om Yr.clericton, NwBus NOTyICEnisflU the whIe Une tiirough taO(iiawa eoming dilies, and thenco dtretwthe Conclusion tht1 II N TIE t~ or Prryan1 ayuigin(rm ti.pontthe former hall daims upon t! ympathi--â Illa tiithkcrecs for the. confisiation of the wik te tile. tii inItant, sItvate te 11o. use ~<4» en Ioai t ti.plcetixa~howj..aridkind rega rds Offtil(. lttter. shokeà thi fe cn, 4h cnuntry, nct cr- ielt.'nant - vnoepý.an i.oiio ttr oracî!itJa ig to le cn1uçily o%à îw iapl y< o m oii 7g I<kbtn< na.r'lit cýsl-yiOId»t ~ ed 1~ O r lE t~ wiib ~ psd fe si yjîw<" ~ ~ra 11. 0baeherdAr.Cnnui s jiit4 sa efg frti.flee- wanting bath in iiýtic mrîiy t1<<eed £1,500 n ~ ~ Fr l îoWi4~>L refuge for the V' and ait wekuImpr ,îI.bec *rDs a ivl esag CAVTtl, O tlt Farewell ianncounce th-s grand scbteMciýt teing dn i ile qmir nearness ta the tii t1011,i dWm'1111rntn 1 ht tla"(.ror ai e- Liriday of bMay nezt, lit .wui ec ati lple of ii nhpatti at~u nortbcrn, and acerding te Mr. 8 apln- w.t~oserl )c lc T hbe- reles ast prged at 2 o'"clock Loit o. i. ,î18t ConceswizBrock,otudo hs~çef$idi ip t te lstindini lus cf an*t e o uXsahst. ciptal hI-:ecion ; or, as libc qt,ys ei tn-ion tihe more guilty portion of tise Tnited coevu îogjpalciîîitt l» fii.dyuo lihoadrices atre da- Tii.followit;?arm Stock o-nd Iniptcmenta be a"hry cV dt '1 tats, gresus p cular fcilties formani a ie,~îre the objet f wliieh ista îîni- .tel. - lie.lsp f theProvince Buildingl;is Iorn z i n <D B s.JOHN STON, vcrtizur:o ii wrtd ing canidae, pc aetbotIe views ami tt.q iv x eclil îl ormui aie sifte ob f e fanlor<îe fr pri»a .îuîî» Di;hMr, feîigau eniensof philanthroiiy, tu h o owsa;_st 2 sbFlte ctbr et £~7wee<iflitdt ts it y 3u1, Cas.afDin hismbr ____ adtvoeatc tiioseppe s tti.cmngofrequr et dimntrese itb eil Din- ffifliy lOle,ý ab rne e rvnil o l hich f the lst sit yearshaI Octeerrn xt3 £r'1rs cltei, futureetad nres ginisors ehwfortunes ini this cuis-Queen's Peiniter for reporting debates. 3 61, FI$ Xt fuueiiiiW. myrfrt bi tarn ur -Yankee coutlins. 1Tuhs, the. speaker t1,,li le CI lrc, iiay ertayt is ter, 3 enrclii, S R N nitr.cinimed, ive were boun I o (do. 'Tite T)ike îde Mnlreplied Ittle Cl rcSrea 2 Steors. Z yearg01(, d olily Gov4'Cr tüncrsld horne $teu teat gcpoPaequhlit 1 1~Zr lYrd' Lecure. M .&RUs'*TtmPEtuAîeCL SPEECH, 01>'î;,csdwla lie îw to 1ie tihe ocurGnri iswite etePo uI ulBtnh i UtPfV r Wa eoe aaneaiainand adop ninion cf agrat number of l.gitiiiis; vinci 4ecretari', slntting dmthii.thetion- 1 gocd Sir ZL 'iîn, (JoMotiy ' icat,11e. . Wa iertet t anexrniatin a<voandi lie atitet Ilat lîoneït people, cf ail pur- nMent Of troopsifor $onme tlme bacoc station- 2ILumber Scotc nDll, Mai. Lw, ntite enealtic ani nl satis c oiin, partookin etinm Iflmon. iis now ta Ib. remolvei, it1ipair eOUPîec Angle Ilarrowsl, ~.Wardcf orîîî, letîrei botr ctimnsdiscussion cf flic great question of Temper- the saine ,aiititi.At tiîîne weilit lb. lintirt'qtiî'ëd for otl<r *tioertatit<luties ISur Lrc.prSemrÂt. i f T oronjeto, ef atury. W-our iize, ai4.1e.M.Tone îc-dn f">nî 'isdn'~-d'~ oe,îdlo-btwa iee ltisne sntsaei 5tib.iO at nn setiltq b aI I cit, of 1niaires, I Sot Plotig~hiîias 'Iav(Y.i' )n Tusday, itev.blr. horatn I)r.# d bis new tadî'is 'r oin s )OI l ou Twiwii snce r.t- ie )k e ocjleitî' Giilataft femessCof aiLad>' ILidtiCbii. 'rts Syler lie spoiceon temnpeî'anicé.Our- position in .vsipscit> irais ù ilt-ii'chair. Crailles, Dun;flic- , &. ode TI*0u?< WEftTthe ccir Tsoi-1 ýItybe':Iî i ssioli. Ilisîd; a h i . fo r î'& a u i n c e itw c t n t 0 1 v o l - v e r > ' m e e t in g . 1f o U i im e e t i n g s w s 'r e W il ln a ti o n is j r o b 'a b ly le r a s o n Vw I iy a J o u t h e la d y ai n s t a n i e c ie r k t( 2 % l iefrtea d M f t B W UUr e t ci s zle for ue pr tl y t w e .xpresscd l'y ti te tc .C o .jversation lias r -ic e d icie public, for lie le oiFlton frry bot vwa .s approacling tue d ck,î a e t o m n e a E , A . S lc n h ie S o ________ Duke lamii' elrt, n r' tepeîd ci' ii.the îidfaiiîng ta e roclithé' Tr.aîîs .-T-o Monith*4rt4eit on marnia ove ~JJ speaker. ADMIaÀL.'l1sis favourîteprins'iple salons of Paris, taflintte t n rd fl n i.î;('u' r \i ni£. on turrniabitnrappîcrtiJoint Noies., yobet asikipi'bttesteamer ià agnin on lier aId route from To. lie iet witii ias bult '.t. cl VrnceuraC ie îe.tri h Br'flit'ilL3 18M 52UIU M abet inl tr tt oi ttlta rvviesit ti 'l yi'iý;.indtià t:.îlie' not sf pirtrint iie cf ts rcArl3 82 'witsîvevi. au wîaîentulan av o 1route te 11ociîcster± calling mnt Port '%Ihitby ~'rnirli ,fr i'~~New <hi ans ie"îîCmay serioO A"Y, RA~-MD 1 1th :1y«, ' lus onb ior, ts' I c iti 's elo wijli it. Ili eu -îîpo e l îîsay btlregilarly icatsit r a>'. 1)ui îg tltii. mter ctiu' a si. ond tîinte, if it wws're -ý pi A te llid in tîseiraher.gla hile liasrccîn"ll'ircf andihtrouaufilly e- e CanllessC HA IN-P UM P F A CT ORn Y ETLMN Il l i aw or ba.avî'ry , v ' selc > lîoII r îî lnsbcî Hîîl, ni îî>r gtl rileid<,id l îy Y rî *'t'î î,he rre îrefoi rîry r[li fîi'ilîir nrM ,i-itulBfe1 S I tîsousu nt uîîuetiîid uêuiutlltîte itte4d, whicl mak',sliser "asgood ns new fcn ttieraua uewe vnhf r Igratve, W','arc 'cc>'0 ry n rrn liat, lu toun-ti fnsriry eep NI.on .tttri cesitrul onver the imniA d îibull>ofcftilsle. anti uitis lier favotirite anti gentientaiîly coin- auîiîenuU'iîyv, 1 lîatll cnly 'dd litt th; i.e j.esuîîn"<' cf hi,, nobîle à c t. hé ii now confmn- laiP M Tii. îaw i ýtres hlm ho tiiecondition cf a mandier 'apîci er aut alt trr îeMuei lt' h ie latail cf the decraItc îshav.h rin l aîn fo omelme pathieHANP brute, andi a chatti.',,i,'snteanpowcritîg tise a large îuiare of the asenger travel and fei %fNîii )rfue 'e1lced1 î ii rnia feto fli.atrai o utna r mb Wgcleilos. riltbc lte ien~i traie e il' route. of ~~~Senator. luit Iv-iinindilcpCi.'it cai -4 lial upii<i 'rf heei eillui fs xesv a maseraate lîoliri aîuiî,lo Ilinhets i Le Ilive c v, --loealfi readly. Dy sirnin s crank, an>' cbuid eight yetr ein a n do c I> i n u ' I l e s a e i u t a n h p v - ý i r . W r c tju e s t - i e l s v e a n î i r Is t hn t ~ î et, r i o f a f o r - s t o r y hm u s l, th ie n ta k e c isI. c o n p Im p w i h e s e . e ta n r a e i o R.lNV 1 wurîogive anothr hittleaenchdoup anterdo'rnstrs N.l.-ýThe Iumps ad Chuins are al1rmanu[$-tn uercî> el liocPryi 'li c f te itri scîlor. asOr cd ta itîtiniate <it iWBi. S. t.Ward iiswhowsii.aio't c oisN lo;ti1 tl 1s2( titreul b>' exieienredn'erkmen dires't from tbea aaqie clle =14Il orsiua arc la ce. lias-se revent>' iîtrested luidi part of tisefile fainitfL ni>' hiipe. 11,litb' rts a~s hoaî Piîup ncre in tii. Sute e Nw - anô,e u Ti'ie o ct f the slave liolder, lu re- cnnuiy1 ca~n niicuemlcmea jirove"ub ils; t tlicre ki-,CnoCflie' <-0ers, uberever ubcy have lbeen tried. An>' pria 1. , ureericiiwl abjct ittr a tIe cir'onolî'iouen iay cnfu- preuirihht; t parn'aselwîî o wll a cii t-tse ii au prsen iig1 dlucing fliseslave ta cliatîleslip lu law, lishondeliver a lecture on 'fetperance neçt i r stit!i a favon i thavk .e m A cs.taçsN .onu -tMrd, 'atis eî-> at ecaci ep erai e ti cîfrat frin Iiuiulausoirwilsou pic'. T i lhuslay Brcning aInt liwihiersa-col- re.:pert tc Locuis -Napoýlucu, su'lse lileuv.usî P-!e l îidetî cwd 1cii'lcrcfMnRA.&lKECER sevhu'autiui (lic ¶ii instinctinliit. 4eais i'ariaftliiorasre Crt allarI Gal1anizcd1PmilChinsiTii.zyd avepaise te tiaurl nsjue tatletislîcui e erituer lection 'ili hi' taken mp ho bc appropriatedt,l i'ce apareti I)v' i4uki Pilipupe aflr-It f.itî1 . Oih.5;h', inItle 4711 allyorbestometi.ft titiýoIiu.ietitlutdîe i'ewat'd foc lit,, LI'uOr. in tue Anti->Siavcri' Sorietv, cftvltîsi îlie ~hu ii fr.iîdt ieo~n. iic h. in~ v'i csv< yanmrîscc 'hlsl n eal ier1ai~oce <h. uoîsttr'CIOuir uluys c-ho, G,ýM tmakes ls'îuîî uîu'iin" le_îîoi-kfor ntuii, od lic e nt. liFciuly -'u Eve'tîim gfollowiug irur"ic-uhiic i L'hon i ocf .Monti-cîi r. ue <utticd fomc.'l'ttYt. Miî,u i <tn Whitlîy Vliitase, Apr'i.8, 1832. D2-i.jjf l c uil slie becivrsile , trilipied aucmiidi-bavs;, .1vrl etteou 'ac>-cu{l'rtu'aie iîdc ti 'luuv. Atrduuii li tc- l t '1's in t he 71h in inut, afier a îney'1t e-tvicitey ru , lca .ey lor ieit, li il s~t d :e- I l î l riis r e k.on ae coll eion,-w iiut r be pect ia Iu ~ io1sii f ~ v ertI ' fai iont~ 'c rt tsi, for 'C L R N I O ~ R b h i tia tg - IoatiIeter fli e mciv le itVi 'ul i tcuno' t do <t<u< 'V it .fci- 'l ___ 7brfrcu.e ygl l lîOlMF tw r O [a Y .o SC a n ti e a yIti > ' li . JI r e c i i 1 . 4 iiITf i t' I a ie - c c 0 i i î 'r r .f o i.In i u i o c i cIl' i' t ' r -F v r oc C i t, dii li tb , M a c J lettfore lie',ncv lietiu'o'ertft(' rilliv-s N. s m il't-v- itre bs- --- cf - "<it'uaca 'inieasO IITIoI 01- u c' i ,',- \îic ýi >riurou16 - Y" S istar'-" Dor T 's'ucsîir B, er csie a rugs,ûiuneBilr-5 l au trl i colde i.Ii(fIi)rts lcc!î' , v jO tLnipr fsr 2u .~ t'edrc i'Dîeos Itlt ilc Ib'.Sic..Ltri't. duij'c butn"iu±rru'i i'sr'l is' n'io au t rýnspr' of IOr i",' O jii (O"i Srtif7filan oi 00viiiex ,1 oi l h.dt ic ' oi i'viii u 'l l fn X \1cL iK li i, ic i- il h r srn2J" siu"lolu' r n'rftr- DAtVIri-D .1 q CLARK.cc1 '>4,h~~ci' --'o î '4'n-O O: i .,îie, 1i'keiît cIAuri82 23s lia idU STORE lITT shatus îirîilrl It ,< 'str Iticti lcls u - 2irw i' m i- c ii h c - c I 'trt';' a ' i"cc-î,I <c nuttc îîî:u'ltri~r'rri' irtic; 'ii'r ,itiittt' <<',. o î c u'(liif îî1,r cu'r h, 'ilii t' ucrê ihi c i--tacec Aici îi-<) bit. G 'ivt r, " ' i m ,%v Sa l ii u1i,10ii lit ri 'îcsis l î tl'u rcthf c uii T'ownhcftis rcofulî.fuii. '1 r let iihe o c W uy e o . ai' truais miro clro,ý'cu caui (cai1Illie tc--u IiIr'ciiel 'ii-i'rîe ii1u l s <fO 'c'c' iur t"iic'r-"lttrb Si'ur'r.tçic117 lui,(i ,s o aluoti tarii Bilhg aey ca- MR A t1 1jo" ovrt cci ol ., i<r iI l'ri îlmiun biugi tocuu repair, locairi 10 rî'c1l t'ioliotrl.lrliil111h!. taisgit ' i huîli uî-ti eiti.atir iti: sai lctiîuis <f î trhe Bi, s, 't'claiilciiicorn 1v o'iî Juin k mnis'('curcly.ctl"rs, rsçt' lo intht encntate huoae ave peicîl abli. culur'l ictr1i- ir a t îca'il i tire f ),ir"f ii"" hoi/riIoai'the te> Iof 1 - 4r1tia < /i u u-- <an rr trois. 1 'cictr >i > tit3 lul.Gns -.. off'i,&im i. nti e m os 1siik' ksee..u Thlii'i. cci'unn i' liellie'e<ui<it ift'il'1i ta'sul'S 'turimcut'- -rl"ier r-3 l'iout.Luiti 1r -toiilîy Stt pui jIl, a isuti ' r- i'>,u-l ,ccîicrrc uc' clii i -Ittlcler i. i'.cts teehi ic tri c'v rc'i usi ; b 'hie et ol i- i : t d N i i i - , ci'i cccii A hps«iu11ilK;2. su>rttiei'n -' «'«'~'<~ ~ crocc~c 1I'aiuio i7l-c .aSonrtXsIhn', ti. atentio of ti. Lades et to bi fi'eu a" iof iad pIluleilcpi li ate lîlO:it1'1' 51Pm iats iiii BEtbii, ( Il-, etîe-iti' toyal aaanui-1 - fasisin. ariaîpal htitsei , i d 'L it~ue o ' i e ar fî tit' i l .i r t i- .m ec cî ît"ly lu rlî'un I llte o lliltuain hons.In iu'e - 'l'rade.A 1,0r ic tr v, i13 M. g l url'.~~ni i.~ iuhet h'M ia %ýMc sat lavfaintIlonm dtCu ail sla'cc , ltri(e'stn 1;n-ar tOtiut îceu nauI a<ali .iur-'..Pua; c - - - .BA heat to fth! eW Ba it ofsitc rîîr'rei-ui iz i v'itl1 (sc.11 a> L IsWu ee ilci i i iiai ltefl- cciçand t-i.i i uul rat'enn. "tciL r îfîîcitcu relin ar ii icp tcth roiJcIsîaelanuo W i'ty ns ueùl-F0 Ille fc1 Iutd'- c c gru'ate!I('.)iliiI. i -ate tn îl11C irlî i-a by t;ac îii buloda e andforinre tuC ilbd re cIlltti cînd-ii-i-ut 'L 1,11aouljand iluacs. oi5it ~tpi.5 a iCs utt - --f itlittdN1; t -S i Mlelrv SrwH 'nie sa -u -'icu muta as <ir. .aunse Saînîsoncf c Siri) iS.u. tritiîc"date,,oacnir leititbis Zew& a vat t ie cn- et $out EiuG asae leiiiias ierduc nt5 ,F 271,'8---~--~anti At;ea and T la tihie theil Roal;èvi.l40 i afif h air cstrîr1 s, o Ille cciw lle , t. ' .anes iloncfI5etl, Donies ti rs 1ic' c .u - the tr,7 a 5,95,o7f. aS. AlotI slaclcldr aur'î~rîe hîinas u~aul, ia7ilhiÇhuretcf ecickul',' WiiI'I MB1J~T, eleracdK~~Uti I¶~ M fit e". l\Viadlwl Icuthe oIf.oi e, cf i tr: l, c0- I1nom in ici grele Luke it.IGentîclithe vir<itmti4ta(Jalcarto, anti s c.~ ~ par f ciIhi .s ii. llegalist î'e rat o Iaseil'1uî A lian c M rcai, niocs rfî(a-. ii'a, - - 2 7 o Gt1,779eatu la n cs illI artcfhueunuunt t rgli " BcO~tlCkNIeonuid e Ccnches nter, , evland. t roit, andS Bttrper ri- - - 8 6 ta 0 O Temt,.pilt,1821 -a. prorvin.Pak-a Uanitn, IAtt epet, t94c66 8,0,71 l3îl , - - - 2 a , tl'-te tilo e-) twt. 7à bush. 0alst 12 of- c1ttcolmvn'ut iiel nlaver>' couifters i poli ijaunesMiclcf)sti, -the, >niaster avec Uieslave'. Ta alieu the JohnciaFrasrer, of Pelinans, siavpai ti i'»ls f ain-nunio Il pe- "TItOMct C. M'ackicni, cf Uijîlpema, "lave Pirt'cf ti7 ctioreltion, fco- EpltriiCook, cf Norwich, inalirtlre o Ile ctlitti.- reafin, f cu- John i,1. Crouse, of Siu1cae trcling tilîir ocm herson% andthie purscasoet "Georgé e ,outhwick, of St. 11tismua, ic hber ciulirn-rgli'5inviolable lin Arcieti 'lboîuas 1D. Merrîion, of 'Torontto,1.a- be g Mssaciate N,,eînbers cfte à 1ediM lBoardi perfls», l iln t counttriats i'ouid belle' cf luit part cf tise Province callil 1?pper d'tstunii anti titsray te .Y$tcm cf caer>', canada. b>' adiiting lime cntcrÎng metige efthle ac- 'Tîuoxt5 Nt-êti0L, cf CG-oteici, Esquire,n M 1 ý ta h. Clerc of tii. CeunI>'-Court, andi itkg- M taldeicl fsnciltmtc ol ismr eofthe surregatecCourt cf the. Unitei ssis'ly eal t Uc akr octgottti fCounties cf lHura», Perthi anti Bruce, ta iiwrc anti tinally le all ights. place cf Thomaas MlcQueen, Esýquire, teaigul- r.'Ward, sait1 hc weuld dwe11 upen neo d. *painfil caesof aleta. e Orhicli slaves werc e)iiS~,a ciaGste «Iubjecteti. Ris purpaaed *as net ta treat or veuGI l MqýI..0u%, of là là mdon, Esquire, siîvery'sabs, but cf ilsdf. M-bat ic, Aitxdraey at -Laiw, and andi tige abelition'asti'Of GietI ritain, thie J<,îs F. ihiuiis, cf Londoen, Esquire, Initd $-ate, ani Cnadacomuta f - A ttertiey nt Law, te lbe Notaries]Pubie,,la 1) ite -Sate, m dCanda ompainofanti thal part of the Prouiace-callet i pper Ca- tieplari', what tir>' are sccking the 8pc<yntyaida. an ep ntire oecrtiirçw cf is Ibis abomliination,, EGwRTON PiLy, of 1eterborcu1gb, Es- 'shich <conign5 te andi tiolds humnas beingsi>ii <uire, t e bReveuste Inspectes, inan d for ail tire legal relations of prapcrty. That. is thbe CeunI>' cf Peterboroughî. thîe greal- abuîse cf abuses. ARl ethôr.abu- c t es flow (toM ila, É;. V.slowed liaI Britlsi xc pe 1 'OM thePans 1ttof Feb. 25, int Wii aided in Americà uî slas'bolding down - -,IJ» -Ch :nW.* to s. <'cenmt a dlte as I832--tbat Britlish Twoà ay &gol, Uîb 1'reident avaitcdlliut- subjcts go te the 1Ijaiteti States anl bc- self of the'occsion of a vsit paitt to hlm byc cerne asuoag the. 'er>' moral laveboiders, -the Dure dé MbchY, te speak te thit geai- tiema on tbhesp)>jeçt MofiiAa" Inencrai. - slave-t'aders andtledes ht n'a Tt mau the irst -tinte tlat the Dall e &Moa- ,uada, tker.£are mia>' persans mhucî bald 11t he >' (mhit a aleëitg:it) bai a private au- Mnotinteraêcte prejudifes againit negroes, diea0f wiUî 44.1'*lnîperial I<Àhi05P' Kf- -sutchi pr4tices, intiléd, as foimi tiei3troiig- ter tltë'usuait prelimlinaris the 'resident et r$ssotUfor the pro slavery feelings of reqestel te »utke to-e '*b ome w. -northeruî folk*s;and se, ceahitiate the geto tpstion ýf- aar « . 'le iù e 1 % h.nrhenNin'perelà .ta,ârt h dô e Taotai tratie, y- il2e,2,3 $11 468,.64'0 Tie fallin- off untithe t Ie, il i el seme» iib ite :anadiau xc-s lcig a.tiecline in valne cf $1,253,9071. This îi oVing malisi>' t-wtise tou prives for breati- studs in 1851, thuc beiag but lihUle or ne falling oÎt in tleic 9titt>'experteti, ati a large anereate ia tho agg't'cgate tonnage of tbe expe'rts in 1851 over 1850. imt asluebe revolleeteci thaI lb. value of the. ci- port* smade upinaiîy of prnduct5 passing, te tie Atlantic inarl4ts ia bond witiiout-t Ii payaient of tintie", wle oae baîf cf tue lun- parts ni foi4.ign mecdiandise is artual>' pur- cliaset la the l3aited S,"tat*- ite ocher Italf iicî, ansy Engiiautnufatured -goodsc paà sinigal!§o ia bond. 'fluafigurevs hoiw tint i 1851 w.>'. netuially sold te the Ca. nqi.ndomesetic <Pwoductx tte value cf $5,15,83, wileCanaianprodlicts enter- ingtie 'itd States amounteà ta but 3,259,889, showiiîg a balaince ia the-Irade of $1 »~25.984 in- faver of the United- Timnolhy Seeti,- Bef, per iGOibs. - Park, - - - MNutIle»,. - - - Fresi Butter,- Firkin,--- Igsper tiez.- Lard, -- FieWood j Vrrrcdlcsp - Q - o - O -0 - o .0 -6 to 1 te2 tao to2 (e 0 ~te teo teo Ir snxaeiy t uamiiauiu - P ir eso far.tnt frietids, thamt if os i-' su h neast t sis- o- iarîcter,aut i sill dt- -c ,2rt iliti-to !se liber- anfourm tieir frientis Of a an Btbmi nt a-w .llb1eret, ti ir frients ill iifind i teI kpatrctiizc. Red Store.-Vo.l1. 1, 18'2. 'îO-f.