Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Reporter, 10 Apr 1852, p. 4

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; clever1 1 coula Ilet>'( ni tter for youlittta r place, and then -The Yankee iras lie uccouints for f ont ef te qsues- tÂt paper be, ..p-WVa.t i te 1"d oie o~ and5a mwt4u as e%515 lie- mic, ý Spell fieymor g 4* aU lgon tou y, the rei y 44Well, itgawr ZToVf lte se& ,ero~.-4r..Fowlev, cf veypropoyiy 1cutFA14 ppn "inO**rego. ?erhaps sire ea ueblesaaa Wio reqises- cipttauInhrnuh Televener. IPiungLidy. 1. Reepîng ber accoui»Lslit preferenize ta prùg"tlle atteti9sI fiO thst igatTected creaturei" Who ilways eutiber out. 3.Not ridculing the mani usesecreti prefers--nor quizzing whlat site ierawiy gli 1mires. 4. not heý"dini, <1vcar rien" qiiaedyo t iîw tlwê honsa-day. 5. lM&g i novl #~ wUithp leouking ut the thirild om r .t rrviting , a letter withouit eatcri o ,aksgwne nt tins- ner without My' ýteshàît rpinithe warld," or tinging without "'a bat! colt! ;" or wearing siroec hat were Dot "<a mile tao bigr for ber.î 6.Seeinr a baby witlîout ùnmediately ru.hing ta it -and ktitjing, it. 7. CaMring a large tioqutant au ercning Party, and nmitting toa klirpartner f lie.-derletatie tb - an guage of flowrs."- Puna.ile irl Aprearher vas one daY &tru it1h sur- prise on bebhn a beauifll st Of curîsq on <tirebeati Of a laurely mnait!, a member of hLsý clai, wbose baiîf bat!been ver>' "Ah!1.Eliza," sait! lie, 14you sliould sot waite.your precioqls tinie curling yaur unair; if G:ot! inteaded it to be câC4led awoult! bave curlet!il tor you.Iý dilodeet, 'sd1tihe witty niait], 4"lmutt d;ffcr witir yau. When I1 w'$'as n infanst he 'al it for me, 'but '00w 1Jaman rown ira thi 'amI nsa b le t a d o i L iy e lî l'." UTnýtl'tsscariuNTALtM-.-A Wag Says-l 'Truéieat!cntalislt is thse spirittitl Cognro- ceuce of psycologicitl irrefragiltilît>', con- necteo i wtb conscsentieitt atieiption af in- Coluinietit , trituality tand! tberavzcd cou- tention of subuta O nftUOi -Tire bod!y -of 'a a nitpresetiag tise ap- ,fouipearauce of, bavîng been inth~e wates sua CQOD éx. Mydit! Comme- &-,me moutir, *Wu anot! fioatiog in tise dock tI?ýàfy% 8ét bis fga n bis foat ai Joalenson-street, New York, on tise t cam c nt ever pçrmittet! 127tb mast., but 'ras so much iriifiguredthtia #é ~&k.idetification 'ras împossible. "wrA 'Si".-- ere is tcofTce-ho1âse in I A mani in Massaclmsetts, lias ptitioned Wa sign an inrert-Ath ie Len{.Matu'-e of titat State, ttu erect a bbMïC: an ywt gueui1 what il meaus <-nsnumist over thte $let wtchr'; anod flie *TeDi Commlercil uays il ivifi e jcition 'ras referreil to the Comnittee on fOCýî gréthe -Abolition of GCrî< il Iunishmi.nt. ~ ~*(4IfGB1UT IIDT A~TN A maiikn ladly ac idently catight fire iina uPrisoner, sait! (lie magistraleat a prén al-aicriguio ~u o' fi u sesion, a short time ïui-c, ilYeu are chaIr-- very coolly repliýd, 1.I1ams telighteti irit geai with aidheg and! abettin-' at -a prize thtidita cf-catehingr a spaf.k ! lesesr, 1 rau 1lake -- -;-- -r oah1ddatbtafartlsing Upon ît,"DIIIDI ÇA.<USE ANiD ErnECT.-ProbablyI W ITY ju nm . 'âre ,&re mr e utwo wardsiwhicb nime di-T. she>rjtI b'-te ofcf Axî'lw redib avînigrpischmad the Brever,' in titis VIL.- tiagcti&. a nee rtt ,,nnLÀ%r, fornuerlyao,,-est b,' CIIA CLAIRE. anti mid uaid Clieas qBrewer, iras opoNd Io JOHN D. FO;TER, lire ont unis4videdlai ou'ai< A (,UiN*jI rIIL. Irewtry, andt is .day tairt sait! Fasti'i mb id n ntortie PIlé de 'o It rep t iml ttsate totise -public' that,' A m-mn,9t1 ý:being deuitow<aof ipA, 10.I l e e they wil prencatinwthse prepartiiaa of Ihir Beert. o ake it deservinç thre igh esteerniby buâmliestle n ti,and wbieli 9 n iap pert! yClj3. 3eore it Q 6UE' EI R. Xe-ipeçompanYe bu eve hita qted, and ià prepsiçtcei 1* py bisgh o' " ; wo est Pr4ee ïa Cash for gond co f Merchantable Barley, ce"ry remaulet t it wa. stinpleroi- deliverudi t their Brewery. Al ortiess pranupîl, ~-M» a mu lee iii publie rormi attendeti te. Add eus witW- vahsable rpettl botliai, suc1h as SUE IUDAN & FOSTERY. ýjis waurow ssappar- Wids a vate in one of bis ,of the atraugers replicti, zp genthsràan, l'ai surc be's e vll*ob asi é;alwrayu a ýe M*1 d84 gaz hebas no It lil »M nset, tion to tht word, tht stran- r fortb out -of tise sleeping jitsee of aroot!, round auo be 'there's apretty W4il up isat tht coin- i;m then returned iltao e siteper awoke, aud caledý ~sfbrasdandmt!water.- 4p~patmanizin- air 10 tht moono raiseti a desire ta put t fat of d~ uidt EHTY1REWERY. W~iITEY T. SHRI1DAN, J. D. FOSTER. WMîthy, 251h Feli., 1&51 46-tf. LOOK OUT II À tseSobseriher is about leaviog ths psarteof the countr-y îalntst iosnediately, andi a» liewiéles to puy tmp al bis creilitôrs, 4~ gises thîs notice, that if al autstandng accaunts, &c.. are ua t!t. paidlut befare tbe Ugt wpril euaiog, s as to enable' bit ta meet hisienagmentq, tlsey mil bç placet! îa the hmsaof tire Clerk of tire Court for site. Bo Look Ont, andi saure SAMUEL 1'OLLAUZD. Wlsitby, Feli. 28, 1$52.- 46-tf. Wil4 an oaLeso mrHE obscttiber lias A FEW T1IQIJ;Abi) çMAPTÀTN ti l xýrKM . IyIL Lintil Nrther notice, lemve Toron- to ô RocliESTER, ettilifi at 1Part WhI'itby, Oxsbnwa, Darli-tôt onnd Ilesd. Port' -flope andi Cobatg(w'eather permit ting>, every W£DitD,&y ndSÀtCaftr Monigat TEV Will leiwe Rorbester fer TORONTO,"P barcnAY andTji asvÂr £venig, at I N; Royal M*îl 1acIkCt Office, :Toronto, sr 8, 1M52, 0 EIVIWITJ3Y, a Commpdiaus BluBac.K cotgeMilb Back Kitcbeu, Stable, a G'ood Weillof Water, andi oulxer conveînenres. For fitroh er partktîlars,sapply to MJames Wal. lace, Witibv. wbtby, ber, M 1851. 36-tf* ONTAROflOUSE, (LA TE R A Y S rH ilF S'îbsribefs have leaurd theabare Prernîses, r andt arec now preparir c it in a stîperiorstyle for accommnodation of the Publie, hy largreimprove. men"e in the fîîtinç and furniture. A a, hy eut- largttmnts iantiifOVUetIiil.Sbls C1?mmodatlon, so as to placeit -on an +inl footing (Or Canvenience and com<obrt,wilb) any other Hotel in titis Newv County. ilis Bar andi Tables will atwayos be sîîpplie<l with lte best tht çtan e procured ini the Mii Lcîet, und every attention aîd gt te travelling commit- nify that can possîlblv make them fet comforable and at homne.- CYN o. Wtsitby. A tac. 23, 1851 19tl COMMERCIAL ILOTEL, VILLAGE 0F BORtELIA. glESUl3,zCP1JBER retures tbasiks Bfor tlte liberili supr.ort hl i is recei- reti pince lhe cons-senred lit the onW t.land, (for- merly kept by Mqr. HJNTRA>.et CRANDLEIS CORINERS, andi bape by strict attentim n Lmi- niens ta be fav'urctiwiiti a rontittsance if thse pa- tronage hitherto conlerreti. The Bar is furnishet with lth e it Liqîsnou anti the Table supplieti 'mur the cbaicesteatasles ihat rais be procureti. and a steacly Boifier in attendance. Every aeconîmodatialltfl makeTravelleri rom- foi tsble. STAGE daily 1i ntind rons Port 1I*iI- by. - THOMAS GOREY. P.S.-Carriare in altentiance on the Boeut. Barclia, Jtsne,*6tls 1851. 38 mi. JI"oild of Change: TH9 Stîbseribe', f17te WI4ITOY WOOI.EN FACTORY, are mi ill 'ai thr'r poïtif rendîlu w xîclie alIl Otrprm wbic t heu numnerotis cuiomesumoy favar îhemn Theirscale ni pric<e will lwe afoilow- Wtooq fron s sck traluicated initu Sattinet, thse manuf.îctuters inclîîdng %Varp, 24. pet yard. S itintSingle, 7 1-9dJlier lb.1 d.o. "~leand Twisted, la. per p"enrl spînnin; andi Weaei Flannetî, iincluting Warp, la. 6d. per yartl. oui", CAR. will nin ta Port Perry every therwek, receiv- Ing antd opatchirig Wm n lt3pet Steam- er WQdtuan, titi th. close 01 navù-ailosî, ta flac- ver's P'ointad M'Kinna o Se, $4u)duay, <aIl- inel % at S. Tarner's Tamisry, ,Prince Albr.,ande, und& Ca.1, Port Ferry, whe te waol *î$d clatir may lie left, andi returned once in Iwo weelcs. No extra charge for land cartige or frei-ht on thbeoat7 Tht iaw of rigbt and the law of love we wish ta lie rulmd by, and reeeive the same at thse banda ol aur <rieqtis andi custMers. shnri settiemnents are szid ta be the promonters ai lasti* lfriendehip. Very eisrabte, ïM W" art ativacates i li'nîversal POWER.MAN. rLANÂGA"X. & Co, Whitby, .. MI,3 181.19 if HATS!1-HArS !HATS 1! l '1'IE SBS IIBER lihnving- juit re- ceived the Spridq byt fEntlsh, ?retich,and Amerîcan satin Rat%, inviite Iattntion af the Public, ta caîl andi examinne l'or then#selves, as be ran assure tiremt ;erd' asîbocti noueIliciter lîtro- 0iced inita the Mar ket. Alio a few cases of Londoan Blaanir VraD Beavýer Rats. JOSEPIl ROQERS Torm't, lune, 2rîd 1951. t f. jS desrous of ôbtiningtwo or three 'upils for the PIANO FOR'*t:.. Vntrutio wil nat lie given ou thet Instrumenit before tire Pupil is acqusainted w'iti tise notes containeti in the lunes andi apame; atter W;Iir, *,%.e vilI cbar#e Ont Fhiliing C'y, per Lessn, or 'rwgnty St.ilngs for 30 Lamessn, jaiti inatvature. 1 Opposit< tMe Granmar looI. wlitliy, Nov. 15, 1851. 31-tf. persomq haiving im agis Sencea JIa1ihtq ai tire Towauship oaI icîcasist, in the Connly ai Ontario, deceaaed, are requsteti ta pfement Ibesamne toim duly suthenfirateti for atijuslmeet »avihin tiletret sls'ninsontbî irons the date hersai; anti aIl parties indehstedt tae eàtate are requpst. adi te o ak iimediate paymeut o eafm.aiont te rue, . - ý yY Y 1Â V LiJLiK).LIJLjý W E Begto inti a ur Customeraý.th. 1oiiiitr ..taw1have naov receltad aur <onul lipon i'nspction, wil l bcfotuic f bette value, more ex style lhî' e vver batil tbeatistaction tif pulmilt Ta- 1orina l ai ts Branc~hes, axe eOI.ING$ -Uti.NISIlLED ON Ready.fae Fait de ve URte S (Meuc eMen's Etofre Shootlfî Coatst, f romu18% 9d- %fpnlsâB'îi(skin Trossi do Whitney 41o do 170 &à Boy'.I'Etnfle do do Fine Broadeloh do do 30s. la Wbîtney do do Etoffe (ver Goals, do 22s 6d1 Wlrsîer 1rawers, do Whitrney doa do 20s lied Flanne 'l1Shirts, do Beaver do do 3ha Meu's afe fly ,tRoffi coat, do ils 3d do Caddimnere dWhitney do do il.stid do Fancy Wlsite Shirts, do 4Ï 4 l-2 do Satin Stripeti Shir!., do '2ï O6 do JBlaek Cloth, Men's Etofli, rrousers, tda,'e9d -do Casiada 'Tweed to luocakin du, do 13* 9d Bov'a Fancy LIO Gaossmpre do do 13, 9d do El1aFfe gIn Canadà. Tweed do do 84 9<1 Cloth Capo, do Cordutîuz do do 8s 9<1 Pur Caps, Pockct anti Neck Ilande-rchiefa, Shirt Collars anti Fronts, n> do 5e do 33 u do 4p>41-2 Vestâ, do 64 3<1 do <la 7s M< do do 3ugtit -do <la 74 &1 do do 7s <1 1do do 6.3 31 d d o(ln 29 6d do do 3As9<9d -4o1 .1x0o1-2 do 2o W< wrellas anti Carpet Bags. MEN'S- PARIS SATIN HATS9 BLACK AND Dfl98. - DRY (fOODS: Flannels,' (Rcd and ti Vite) tram 19 3d IQuilîs a ntiCo!înerpuot', Blankets' (per lpair) tdo 8. lSd IB.d ick andi Toývl Scott gh.1 wis, wdoonnettiti f . tram Facî-ory Caton, 21-2d BontRibons, ouu)d Cotton Warp, (per bnndle) do 4s 41-2d rs.( f paitous, do Laties' Cloaka anti bonnets, eWhjtl Coltton, do Mlulfffandi Boas, d Ciapcs, anti marterialq fôr,Itournine,. odSiîe hrng piecci ossli DLiegxdstyles, yard 'ride, nti10 1-24i pet yard. 3 1-2d, 5 1-2d S9d1 3 1-2di 4 1-PJd An immhense assori mennt of Shot, Striped, Cbrcked. Flowreil. and Plain Material fer Ladics' Dresses -of tboP#*weiFt Styles andi Pulrîcs. Ilibboni.Laces, E .4zinqs, Glovee. I-lsiery, Flnirers, iCap Frontsà, Veil#, Musini,Sewed Coods, Sil katsatins, Velvets, Shawls andi Handkierchiefis, &e.,&c'. Tormitio, November 28, 1851. -ly IlR Y 0GO 0D>S' GroeQries,& Uk Hrdware, Wlsolesle & the09 in 'J W'liks i 1hB iépi'JN Geo./Weallaces Cash Store. ocried e b) 1%.mih Dp Ate' r comnserci.si Buildings, %Whttby Village. The location is favoisrahle for carryonc on un WleIitby, Jone Stis 18j,1. if. pxteinrive Iîisîînesg*, aiitlero an exc-el lent O-Pensog- ta an eîsîcîprising niechenic. ('R 0CAER Y! CRO0C7tER Y'!1 ,. p. PRIIy. Y the' Craté or Otlserwise jîist'r6- Tl7ffby, latNov., 185L ~ ceiveti direct frons lie 3;ioactisresu r CashWA Stofe. HAR DWARE. 44, KING STRET, TPo;rToi~o TUB Sub~iber begs to in1fîrm bis cuttomners hat hc is ecvu i 1U11RING sTocitWgED AJ ,ly various Veusela t(fam sea, riz.--Lortl George Benfic, Anne Cropper, St. Andrewv,Nî&iaala r r(1 (jtheriekph, yri,,and evcra4 athers trom LFver- pool ~~ at ndi;andi in a te%, dâayahe wililbave a jr c mpl artment oN leavy anti ShelfUard. wssre realy or Sale, andi at prices as law auany in, the Tr-ade. T. HAWORTII. Toronto, May 22ndý 851, 8 tf.> VALLAI3LE PROPERTY IN PIOKMERING E1GFOR SALE1 ot PIGthe < Front ülalves uf f Dloi. 5'amd 6, in the 3rd Conîcessio. Apply 71)1 CONCESSION. 2. - if. WHEAT! WIIEAT!!. 20,'000 Dushols or Go"d PÂL.WliIAT, deiveieti a PORIT WHIIBY Harbor, an or beore the 1O0Jdaya1o October next. Wheat, F lur and- Luimber, consslned la New York or fflntreal. <Asuefoir any.quantîty af BARLET snd OA'178.' SJAMES WALLACE. t Whithy, 21st A5uct, 151. 9t. FIRE LIFE AND MARINE INSIR-ANCE# nnilESubsriber continue% ta issue pa- panie NEÎV YORKC PROTECTION PIRE, AND MARIN'E lYSURANCE COMPÀNY, jfTNA PIRE AND MARINE JNSURANCE CONMPANYe or UT,N'. GONNECTICUT M~UTUAL LIFE ISU- rent Iiidu. Orrc-CbMr., CALIFI 1 n[gt- Commercial Buildings, MWlilq Village. Wbitby, June. Stit 1531.8 i CAU j10. J"LIEPtiblie arc bereby rcaîtioed agalists -purehain a N OrTMof-Il ÂN D)cpi-en hym ne to a HRISTOPIIR HODGINS or Réater, for the aum of £31 154., dnted on or ahoust tire lfçt Octher 131,etThrs oniu.I 'Ilinot psy hai<1 Note, au I have receivuti no value for the same. A. J. ROSE.; Port Pers-, 4th Nov * 1851. 30 JIUST RECEL VED IFiEIITEA.S, COFFEE, RICE, TOBACCO, &C. &C.- &C. R ECENTLYJlrchlýý4d by thé- Subrcrib- cr in the NEW YORKC MARKET, end now offereti for Salé a aih> rê# in WJIIITJ)Y AND COL UMilBLT, erbich Mill lie ftind wortby of puitýc attenstion, W intb oi Sept., 1851. PAPER HANGINGS, IJBRd/SSCLOCÇKS, *9/we-MakiiersFindinýgs, &c. e.' THIOMAS DOW. %ity,2th Sept.. î. 22,1tfL <EXECUTORS NOTICE. A Prsnsbaving cWuns or demaut!s DO NOT rNFGLECT TT. C O N SU .1MP'T 10ON flAàN be and iis been curet! in thausands aOfeases, by tiis anty certain rernedy. JUDSON'S CHEMIGAL BXTFLACT OF CHERRY A'NJ LU.\GWOt-rT, anti w> resnedy Ibsu ever befre been discavered that will erttaînily CURE CONS01P TION<. 'hc mol-Ktstrongly ma rketiandi teveloped mcaes of Psdmonary Coneîsmtpton, wheretteltungpthave lîccome diseased idtiuleratetiandth te easf, saut- teriy isapeless, su in have Lbeen pwonauinceti by Physiciabi andi friendi, to l>e past ali posibîlity ai rtcavtry, andi at times thou;bht ta lit dying, bas been curttd by this wouderftsl renuedy, and are now aw iveil and ibtarty as ever. At là a cpm ponnd of nuedtratianmw wich are§ pectstiarly adapieti 16-anti esanially cessmary for the cure ai Sis operatan ismiilti, yet efaeib-tis; it lnos'ne tireýol- phhgi ch crpatemç o much tifficulty, je- lites the-coigh and assiste nature te expel front the syiens ail diseaed matter iy expectoration. produci9s atieligbtfut cbange in the breafhig; and ehest, anJ ibis, after thé, ver>r best, diral men anti the jinventions of kinti anti sorrowlnz frienss anti nurïes, bave failedt iti rve the umallest relief Stg the Coamunptfve suferr. s erng It il mdisral Debi Orgarts. Ner Wiies. As iuall.L AI g,', Phygicat1 ty, &C.It il or tise abovu bo those witld cautiont A eOuaterf berA iued, ens WVea nled to a persons h31 ave hetus deceived i eeedl y in bssying tirtir vaasi metlcines 'riscir were saiti te lit hifallihle cures. but whivb have proved oiity palliativts, but ibis mediciri ix ii not onlyta palliative but eurefur ul- DR. Ki ccrirdc'l ~ usge. It contains no deleteriaus Driuupe ache. AI anti oCh]trial wil: prove Atsamtonithing efficcy 1);.mend i ia ter than] any assertionis or cerfli lcates in curing cou- LYilir ujif anani at diseases af thet monrs, suci s a Iii fbloti, Coeghs, p.dain et sesida andiTT ei, sigiit-siiieats. 4-c. r-. About 1lO of almoSt ifa5Juous cures perforni- BdL~1. ail by tais medieine, tram some of the first Doctors.,F4 Clergymenand Merelsants. have beensent us for If yois Chia mediesne, lotit tht psuhlication af'lhem loka fr,)n dant too riucit like Quackery. twill show Ihe an 05'geun' persaon callinif ai aur office.] 'Th is niedicint will t.i speak for îtse .!f aîti enough uiiist own favoui where- Mesi everit lis tiieti. SP,' 'w Cautin.-ThÎs mrnedîdne is poit up in a large thausebof botile,,audjrou musut (md tht nanse oaiCornstùck & 4- t Brother, Praprielorà. New York. an thse splendid the flidit le ripper arauind tile battit. AI" ortiers utle aé,ild scidressedto bCarnstack 4- Brothier, N.9,'JahntSt.-,wta -'l New Yoik.L. W" ai rt Rensember anti neî'erbuy il unlesa yos it Ihe baett rIante an the wrapper. cui CAITTION. - alOnit * jjwarc of a den<erone Conefrl fi a the af escisb CIIIERRY 4. LUNGWORT, anti the t.UXO CORDIdLý anti CAIR L TO0 YIS FOU2VD,ýR C rUL' OIN MENandRiNVG JONE CURE, offir- eti for Sgale t tht Drysç Store, -antiremembes-and never bt>. these articles in Whitby,onIyaf Was T t is m Luxxci. ai bis Dry Gooiastore, and avo e cun- the priva terfeit as Yeu 'roulti POISON. nnther( To Ourners ofiatd L>alcrs inil m. teasively tonaWhot -MENT,- For the ure ol Fossoder. Split Iot HoI»o(-bound 114anes, anti cofltracteti anti Feverisir Feet, Waiods Bruises ise Flesi,(halld ilackis. Crariedfleels, &er'sches, Cuti, Kickts, &Ce', oh- flarses. C'auton.-Fiud tire uame cf J. Carlton Cen- sttèe tn thre %rapper, or ntver lsuyCadltou'ls o Medicinms CARtLTON'"S tNG-AONE ,CURE, For there o~ f Ring-rBone, Blond 8pavin, Bone Spa-in, Windg ils, sud Spînt-a certain remedy. CAPRL.TON'S CONDITION POW- DEPtS FMT IORSES AXND upen tht.b tC these ec ta tthraw 0 ibtht uay r it tf it M. r R. J. Wluitliy ~,PigkerlngJan. FALL&W 1ts 852." 42m 1 1 1 1 .

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