Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Reporter, 7 Feb 1852, p. 4

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~ toardatii.ladies. TIi.> 11.0~od ue us. 1evmsny gplant, Om tefr ets on the. occasion ta their 1W ýç mou and vowed oternal love and Ç,o 1 not stted, orhowatynimatch- euw~ekuytogrowoutoftbeaflair. That lb, wiolotbing wàs pcrfotmed t-broughly an -uw aie Dot the Sligltest douli- Ail bonr to te (airbi"es. SNapofron Alexjs Dobbs, corne up lier. anduv yaur lemon.Wbiat tiakes boys growIge 64*t inthe' Min, 1#10Y ' %hy de onen agrow t?" "BeCAuse t-bey rcarry unibrellas,- _ *Iîkt keep& off the. Min." Wbt~a!t makes a young mannuad wa- ra ~1in slove 11 IlBecause on. of 'cm lias a heart of Moe, *bmd 4'tber hba a leart oif iajt-, tïad vrbn ',:hey c<çmes tagether t-bey §Ui4e re,sand tbat's lôv&"1 Tfu'srihtm by.No'v you go, $nvzgrT.-"l Ma! osa!Cousin Bill liesi in the pirIor, wit-bsiser Sal aUnti bc kes bnltag ber." - lé Cm5aifl Bill biting ma> Sal 1" "Ye$'éess, 1-seed i hm do> it-ever ta initiy times; bit- bèr igbt- <'n thbe noutb -anti -til~te al gal tiidu't bolier-a -bitM<lier." 1 401l-ah! ever mnina, Neti, guets 'le iu thurtbler mucii." ,Il Hii ber! by gcsb,ï the love% it, tht, does, cos 9!lsi kept- letting hlmi, anti dinf Py notiog, but jtîst 1mmuokedi hr f i80tlls tck i7iýa s did. fire, tatr qrt iby goel."1ýý1I ý- xàt TALur.-N1obedy-aboW.s mal t**a4eus6 h.eb. a st-mager te ifs con- ýýipjeoe.lt is the small changeof lite; iâérejîngetttagoa bi-out it.-.There *M iges whn. " 1t-s ily to ho vise,' ,4 itie»nunseisvery palateable wben Swisen gravity and setiatenesa ougbt "Ilé be kckkd down atairs., A philoso. ýkents a poor figure ln a bail-reeni un$k ho leave bis wisdem at- home. amebphyoloe lis ninîrutive linlbheiit « uagremble prattie, as a death's heati a4estal board. Wc bave mot- with "" *ho ver. 10e bit-y for amalltalk. <fley wereabuve wuch trifling: in Otb- * rW«de they vere aboya - niakingt tke4êdvàp areeable, above pleaing, *4a6ov, bcinug pleased. Theyv ere envo . ai 1 ravit-v, and a] l dignîy, aûâ'glédouseu, hictliey bestow- ea " -ompany vit-h more than Dog- taçrryls generoei:y. A man wviSncmi asot isbune more bassinets in "oce- tý natatuse.--The world iw made 4op(ýtr*, *4 h. wbo cii trifle cie. plttrnd graoefàlty ila a valuable ne- quwiUos go nmankitid. Ho <,is a Corin- - i flia okua -ln thbe f&bric fsociety. ssT.-It wisuamiiable.A a or veinan wsne oftise 9Y object.s nthe worlti, 'A aM*ptrtale o seaw.uate in. '-4t,coly àtiagawhen dis- tajis habit-ual fretter biuzzes «Àtng, willfeor wlout pru- *4 t pt-t-r t de t iin the aoue top, t h a wvt-h a bruw'- wi a vide bouse."> Ji.ç et$ au broken -bones, stops h*aàno apil inlhk, Cemnîts p&ictlres, cures ne tpoiiced àmtune at- vind. - 1* Il"the fretter bumsecf. 1't&%U cease ho respect V or £bey thbe commiands of il Vorriseme, exacting Pu- ate'. They know that- %6 dùa"'bite," anti fret-Lors ,an~d theyoenduot t-hemn- s. -C*ur,A ironabas d et M ' 'ai for au offence, ïft of piieb eass t-be bloonr Uel. We will permit cu>r îCpt. if t-k., ea. th smtn A cqutq pe4gogise bad two plapehs, ta orne of whom hlievas ver>' partial, andta thbe ottier ver>' tore. One mormng àL bap- pened fttJatthet: bys wero ver>' latee andi were cajîcti to accotant for it. "6Yen must bave heard the bll, boy; why did you not cerne 11" "gPlease sire" sait! the favorite,"41 vas a 4reamin' that I wa oin' ho Cal iforny,: andi I~ ~~~~l togttb calbell %vas the steamboat bell I u vango" i "4Ver>' veli, sir,"Isaid thec mster, glati af apretcit to excuse bis favorite 6"6and nov sir,- (tur»tug ta the aLlier) wbat have you La "1lce tr, please sir, sah1 ttbe 'uzzled boy-.'- IlI fvas vaitus' te sec Tam aI! vt as t-be sanie boy, Who bing asked thé neat day, if bis fat-ber vas a Cbirîstiau antw*reA 6 Na-,%W61 A Dg.p' mn - 9 Pum>i t taCali and exarnine for tlans.va,aes b. catiU assiure (hem thee .hb Wu none better .ioro- l4uced inlto the Marke. -, ýAlfto a fesv casesofi'London Blork and Drab Beavr lito' JOSEPU ROGERS Toronto, June, 2rid 1851. 8 (f. Sdesir*usof,;ôbtaining twao r t hree Ptipils for the PIANO FORT'. instruction wjll flot be given on hm Instrument lwfore the Pupil is acquainted wih the notes con! ained in the iine.s antd apaces; afier which, she' will dharfe One Shillfig C'Y, per Lesson, or Twsnty SUillmgs for 30 Lcssons. puaid ilu ad vauce. 0PP*osilte e r(lmmar &nl whitby, Nov. 15, 1851. 3-f arding Marhines for sale~. 1.1n WESo bscrilWr oilèrs fur S;ale TWO ~DO0 I 13LE CAIIIING NM A- er, cine Slteariitg Machine, one -Spin- 4uawct^cup linifair,, ucsantuu&nn fal e K#tLle. The new'juvenile pa per, 6- The Yone Oshava, Ist -Dcc. 1851.< 34-tf. ,$ter'," bas t-be followineg contributions to a 1 propesed spelling boek on a new plan, ner- FUIA D LU LC PS er~ ~ etbrb1iwat rWb 11IE Siihacriber bas juet receiveti a ncw st-c:érb  e> assortrnent of Fur and Plusîn Caps Cobourg 80 yoC oe hatuc. 80 Db! pea-A top. ALSO, Be 80--Bat.50 KEGS WHITE P IT péa80-Pat.Wbitb y, Nov.r27h, 2851. 3. E 1>iR. Are 80-Rat. îsra ! Sec 0! double you--Cow -jXssac! Sec you be-Cob. 1 1 subscribt~b' avîng been appoînteti Sec beeCabAgents for the Be you double tc-a-13utt. An nuar opn ftta ~ Be a double cl-Bail. tare prepar..d l rececive applicatiorns for Jjrsrance. - Frum tue hich ebanacter o', te àtove lnnstiutinnr ,Are sister Sal tint Nanucy, rcsoîîrce-.çafid tbe fr>w rate@ or Prefijiurga, we are, eonçîuurta' pal"" No, tny son-wvhy do yon asîr tfiagt uscaor tactlties are nirw offered (frIrutur. tbatqlletionanre tu the Thhabitants eth ie New Gounuty uf 1 #4 1 se 1I heard uncle Joshi say if 1'I1OaP$O, PEARSON & C'o. yutt wotild only htumbanti yt.atr resources Outag4o Flouse, that yuoswould get- along îi great den1Wai fibY.,No.1,81.1-. better t-hun -you -do; tluai's al!, Pu." O T9$OT OO - BOMB SHELL Lir«.-Sornebody 11) sîueêkinig of the hurrying .prope ities5uf1 j UfSr P,,e ,dandi for Sale hy t he Van Aur, ~ ..-arge and clueice amotnaent uithtie cetebiated "If nt big imortarcouil bcconstrîîcted ONWLBXT wbic waud trcw an ilareris bo h wbch have heretofore given so murh satiMacln suiell,ceaîairaing (fleen ipasstengcrs frru o sn te ipublic, coloisting ofj St. Louis t» Bos*ton'lu five Minuttes, Ladîrts'-ad lffîdrens' Pruntllînk, Cul Sktn with an absolittteertuinty t-bat fourteets Boots, -len'-s ¶rong Ptggtd & Flne ral out of fiteen would lie killed by the r - Bot,&r. &t. explosion, 'tickets for-seëat-s by t-he"IlEx- C .AD;SN press Jiomb-shîcll Linie," wotîld ai once -Whitlay, Nov. 13, 18.51. 31 -6w. be at a preniiumu; ench passenger lie- ing fltixjaub for -the chalnco w prove hiniseif the 1 ucky fifteentli," Two Jews Were distiuguised-,oîî asa boxer: arndlîip olier for luas fond- nesofwoman'siocîety. The une wasi al litite, the ottier an Amanite. A Kenitucky girl, marrying a fellowv of me'an reputation, was taken ha task fer ii by ber unole. 11I1knoW oncle," replied $he, Ilthat Joe 15 not gooi for rnuch ; but ho saiti Iftdare not have hini, and L won't takea sturnp from any- body." Wily arc, military oaficers literary? Because ulîey are so fond utîreviews. LOST OR $TOL'EN ONSaturda>' Evening lasi. near the 1 ge a Raccoon ski JRobe aisïo a Bffàlo 5kw inned andihemeti. An>' nc giv- iog sooli inforinaton as mli>' leadto th-e re- caver>' af the. same shahlie iberall1y rewar- ded. - Wm. LUMSDEN. Duffn's Crcek, 22nd-Dec. 1851- j W ITIW, aCl moi'os BRicK CoI0 ttsag e vt-b Iack Kitcbe,Stable, a GoMt Weil ef0 I'ter, and other cneilcs For (uirthe.t particulars, apply ta IMuiJatues Wil. lace, Whitby.-' -whhby.I>be,. 19. 26 *,f» CASH FOR WEE4T. I IE Subscriber à prepared ta psy lb.e uren' TMarket Price for Peisons wislaiag to&1el,wIi1 applytothe under- inad, or ta 11. DANIELS, isba i. aathorized to boy, andacst as Agent for bin te motter, MOSES BARTLErf. Brokldin, Jan'yD9, 1852. 394w. N.B...I11ey "i0ll aso aCash fer Çod Clear Sawe Ptx Lymoitdelvered at BsOOKxt.wor (L4ATE LiV TD IT 1-n the Town of WV1ITBY, the Oarrfaieand DlackSmith Chop lately occupied b> 14R A Y. Telocation is favrnirable for carryinig oui an extensiv~e busiines., andatlers an exetlleiit oper-iiu Io aneutpnigfehR. J. Ir. IE.Ar'.1. 'a 1&5 1 FALL&WINTER OGODS. r THOMAS 1DOW respctfllynfombis uom esadtie public geueratty, tbat bis intoegj» W/itby and Columbus are as uuaat his ei efsoof tihe yeaa4 weiIaock- ed vbtii eicry vsriet yof I'<ow Goo4s, d t eeiprsortaaly, ors the best ternis, frani the Lcrg tan Impor tan; fouses in MONT;REAL AilO NEWV YOWK, andi will ire found deterviri; of thc atte-ntion ci ail intescinuq purcbrusers. Prices excecdinagly Low. Wlslby, 41b Nov,, 1851. 0'f X OR£ A4IOXE y TO LEwND. A- GYOOD o-paorttnnity la uaaw ofe £Jýta any person Who ha$. a littiespare cshand vighes ho rrakn an învestmeuî ln what is more valuable (ban cash itsoîf, viz .-Two, valuable and improveti Building Lou. at P>ORT WHITJIY.lac- ing corupoed o! due corner Builisig Lot No, 9, ira Bîock 3, udjoinin; aes.Baboaati ital aunaAcre, Iravmns- a godBarn thereon. an erxcellnta well; altio a -g assornnt ut Gu'aited Fruit .Irecs. A goad board fence. eracioffl (is Lot. Alo, Butilding L)t No, 11, m orà oati Stet con- taiadng ncarly balf an Acre, bbu; a; & oo Fruit. House thereoni, whîdn reats for $3Ï) a ycar. Tbis Let tarais one of thm uaosg bearnilul BuiidÎn; Lots iint-beViltsge, The as vew.IbeoMtdia par, or the. wbate, vrs>cbeap, anid an rer> easy ernsoet paymeat, su as to suit Purchasers. JAMES BATFS, Baker and Corfetiaaer. -Port Whitby, April 22ad, 1851. ' ONTAIRIO CIAI14 Pil WIIHOE SALE &RETAIL. W~~~~~Et Olgt niaet ur Ctltotmra-thc lnhlabaiants, of Toronto and Mtrrouf!dllg counry-hat . bve DOW reccboetl unr complete aiasorgffmi nof J"RGOS~lih upanins~iion, ibeoud of better value, more extenuiveasýregnrdsquaânfity,andt more varied in stye tan e~ avecirr li1 the satisfaction nr6ubmnittrîg to our cusg<ogners and the public before. Tailorîng in al its Branches, ooecuted with taste& MOU.N14SI7IRNSJJ1)ON THE SIiOlITEST NO doopatch- )'I'ICE. Reatg.i71waye FaituTPiniei'clol1antg. Men'à Ftoff.n ShoatiMuri 'ito, frein 18'q 911 la'r' înu-tki '1'aTourcrm, tram 20si do Wbuînnr'y .clu do 17rt t 13 ,lfm fflý du rIra à.i do Funie Bro.ncdf.loh do <lu 3 o i -fil., Whtney du Ju 58 do Etoffe t>ver <Cants, lu) 24 (M! JwartîIrwrrs, Jo S34tîrI do Whitrney do Jro 2 0,1 Rilt-rtitrrrrr't rbrts, do 4rx 4 1-2 do Bcnav.-a do - duo 3â% .Mu-n's Efr 1 Vocft, (Ior< 1;it3( Bloy'. Étoffe Conis, do lis fl 3!Jdu C.4nsrirc no tir) 7* OuI do Whitney do d lu 1. 3d d<laFatnry do (Io 3'1f911 White Shitt, <lu 4 41t-2 doraSatin Jd o 40 78 64 Striped $hir:s, clu 2s 6d du Black luth Ju (du 76 id Men'. ptoffë T'rou;aers, do 8@ 9d do CVanla Tweed do -do 6$ m 3 do 1)oeskin de) do 1 it !)d Buv'toFanccy clu (lo 24e id <o Cassainre- dri clu 13. 4 t Jf) rolfe Jo du 3es 94 do Canuuad.rTweed do do 8# 9d (lnth Papa, d"rt) lxr 1ri1-2 do Cuniurov do d i)4> 8s o,! F Cap's'udo 2m 1;d Pocket anîd Nccklat ir r'laîcf%, $fhartî C O!Ian<'aad i r nIis, tmc<l.,anti t rjet t$cg- MAENYS PARIS SATIN, BATS, BLACK AND OHlA84 I)1{Y GOOIXS: t- tanne!,. (lier! aur! W!nufe> froua la alikl,(e 1i'"> anu Se9d Bcd Tick anud Joweta, 'uIARI >RY îib, »r- t 8 Scr h.w.do 133 Md J onnet Rityhoraa1 irum 3 1 -241 R. 1!. . P lilv. Factuuy Cotton. 2 P~!trints, (t.ah 1,colours> do -à, i -2rf hi'îilî, ', I 11> Spî. 15LIL2? CO-MER~CIAL HOTELe Cu qn f)sp. (lier branir-') nia 4s, 4 1 -2.! (alaufa tnurf, f - _J I L G (>inR L(m .N1uffi anad Bo"s, AW O O SK ;tape$, una lltaWr Yab for 'NI oly irenge 1r '11E UF, GJ.E 1-50 %i'curla A Il amunti4I.file gorel n'fyft, yard wffle, ah 10 1-2d per yard!. - Sniat rr ,y uael ucfori' tw iberalstiîpj'ort lie fasrecel- An irnensea~onîmefos A14 ~1 riaitiu.ke yui urr aOiannïrI ea" vrd iinice Ire comý-, enres4 in, the aid bu (for- due n.."~f Sfyciar.JStjrd, Ch,.keil. lFhreied. andi Plain %Matêriatlfor Ladien' rer,es iî q >îî<rnî rbesti quaiat lis mrykpb~r UTE>~ REL 'i t>RERalrJ hopes hy strictsU.atlonl,usi,. UA{ItA; ~:FATOYBLOrK t, whrea-ll Clé- TieBar is uruiehed if ,iIthee LiiLiriiiiç,sand l~~ oin Work watt ire d cwthsri(ntr, t*ideiify (and îirewi h TabIer- pfý dr th de chiee at taioes (bat 0 QJe£oný\ 'P 'tie . thai'strarrut iliantti liât $1irunakel s cati sas>> atlli a» i e(-P. urýt i ~ LE~1IAN, - .W.IF.LTSfG. 0 <0 D S 'r A B LIN1 G Cr J O h t tCii>~g ba.4 iV~a' ,%p~ril 1:2. 1-851, 4f aundsi tfeal d tlpr in aedue (*î-r ïvnyor Kolnz ad ihlioeh court egomm Torotîto. Nrvenmrr N iwî iI IfFORIS. 11 . forfite, TAGE daily 10 androm1 paOtit*- NEW I~RX ~ ua~rilue'r 0fièrefo r l.d, art f ly. c; OR F,ÎiE NEXRRV LS OF L MO o? &. itrualcd 11,<rr ah. -iatraane n heBot UP~I f(fl~ r!!nr M*Gtt(! 1,LAKF, in tite 14TH fCi)N. ilehaj, Ju e, 6ti, 1$X51. ~3m. Il Il N 'foniriesaofruCARTW RIGT, . ourtatitung ____ oi11;1YAcitEM. uath irv 1zrz'T y a» Iy tS a 'Il lu 11, c)tJ) ei ;ned awf under gurrd J'oce. (aa thre preruraaýe:â ~ f ~ ~~~~~ P)ort R )(enfnfbc;rx~~î Whtbynnid Scapgsustag J-)I Y-Ij CIiiArn iltivi, n 24h ', i "-rnesa.it rflos rn-n;nr ttnI~ , , tntîprle itlunultf:un8 ofW'liiby e 4 ir a ,ORUE) RD4 with abot 10nji1rtrgt -' ua dit gcuurrary, frnt at fat 1.-a r! 'trîi( 'fOtnfl"l CJifr o ly l - B tnHy0n'uCfer unrtireRr T ilutteF Lnal Je, 'au-a - u1î ~~î hy H~~ j; o c ~trfit uc neufltictuhe xarn i thé, F4rus can L>amu u:Wub ve> ouu Sjdy NO. 1, COMMERCIAL BE[LI)IN c15 exrephedat Eit. 'cok bei, uow opnuarant ou due J4Rqrl, ~ *n' IuT ILf.'AýSNT aht cgt gib ier-stur Pnt1>0'lfr on virere t>rtay; a Stu'auurlr; n paixes drla t u a Jnd rf nil (nbtioi ';OOnS ever offerÏdfotni ule in tlaix part out h,-cournrtny. T hr. alia n ho- tisase> us Liadri a or jil) rCRJ>UP.r4Y*'C fatorin, a1rpty t1<uý'rsrbcm xbi idie Poprùsforis. WhnrMarrh 171h, 19!5 direct trom the Manifo MPOrs ý l '114N ; Iof$'the)C' e n h îta4,oJouIl ieryEs. an i 1t1.-29 - - --!WHSKY! Manrufctualy .)uhecà k t- tu wlelai don treulr. un i annad, înr c rna hainto ntue 2iirj- <n--JE S:G.L . -~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~~00 BAict tRlie RELyqS n, -Itbtoheu uferuni pre DOa.- - r1El. -tttWhIS IWHSEYZ REA'1T BdR( f. . W A N T EUT0 B3p-IRIV't *5 for B alc R rî v wT2 l Wîs Hiis$toek vill altvav. comrprise er'er atovelhy of tue NSiýo, togetler wiilai i a Luf E A'ON, "1k#>r "R MAy tr~aev R TINy-, CO. Yok ia \rarstrurnînafLI>u t2),o-ln he 1 e Port Whitby, May 31, A TIIkCC immnl.e Stock ofsStaplesszititabl .for the:(Jouu11try 7i rafIle n&t aarunfr4tt. rerrhywlt ie au.u e!o l'iefol loilrgennmPriXes a few of the lendiauz airt>..(aaPtri9M. 1>oLrabnr.eçC1ae-sner" nnt Ier aa1a.tÎoern, îpu-rpabd anay ire ades*r1"E. Ctuthe, Alapnrcas, Ur-ear,, 'arr. Jeaaavly iardis, lirn r aund ijrare l'ltaie] SowtFiunrit, l aakoffs, )l"'iaftyI.-1O ie Sege, Broad Utofirs, ca4uiaruarnres.C a! lraSujn-tfirî tiDOrsl'uri :utur:- ttiy pu 2ai 41 I H E f Litacandmi Mder rni, Cotîton anad Wott.-n mi a 13 ring rr atan &a.,&c. .-ISUAC OFCElINL B N%,'or:. 411i of w/uic/r le is determiaed fo.$'eIl rit t/he smo/I st po-se-ille pilyi,î oitsi, Aý large Stock ci 811k. anud Satins, Silk and CoutfonVetvéis, IRîbboius, llowers. Blonads, Lacvs, t MW 1111 & ueen appoir.emAurnItE SAU3 Hio*iery/iauJ Glovée. .POIUI 1'IUL&GNRLISRNE ALEAIDEII TRUIXD.N, Proprilotr- .. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~P I te~obsar hnhipeaelîo:PANrska:f. rdna E xcellcrut accoammodations for tUsrelels,ÇGod D.C. watildbegt'odiree,-t hhe attentionî f floutseiCeîes,-armrxa uf orxt I itsstablintz foi 1*ore3, __ rata- ,t, n I. lt, P, PRIgrÀs-R &M UaY- -- rijc ~ (VI traicteaof wsrad . - L EXÀ. PR 1ING LE . (-r fl ?IFWiruby.lttSe;uenier,1831. 21 -tf,- which wr ptrchatcrl iruNewv York bloor, the recent ri «e in prices; hc à h fleforelae i t f r ý6 BY Goo l1rtile al a Lowr rPrio- tian i(an io b m*tdfer. 1k 5e r 'na tuerk r>4 ast Steel Hoes and Ray Forks. Wzra'raSept. 4,18'!.24-il. acat Cat Sncleexl,rerf l'or lthe Submerilber.ity A if1 80. --Torontoa, Jonc 71h 1>451. i$ 0'. 14v no, cotnsgimeui of A*<*t. I EVAN S&IAM31L o ' arerjo,.,re C loi hng a C1 Generai li TmH$uA~uerSpi;sNd fGO -111", an ~(ERIScomissprig ilue w4ual astoitinent-, antiCSIN-'AH nPTA whicl the>' art! enaabiect tu olIer anve~r suvant.-l'a - P A sjýcM4etab nr«. arieteeraeROBRTa. . -J - FRESH TRAS, 00No.a, City er fnelAdoiz"îglse ,Mi;ý- NEXT D0011 TO J. R. 3IO0UNTJOYS 3f)0 Tae atsP cs, o Siin nr wtt SJ1GN 0F OYTHE GOLDEN FJFLEEÉE. u~ JUST rJCFIVED i FIIESII TEAS, (X)FFEE, RWCE, 'rOBAcCO,' &C. . &C. R~~ ~ ~ 1~CN purecba..ed bYthê "ub!§,ri- er in theIN 1WyO)RK %IAIZK.Tràtsidiiew offer'éd for 'Salm nt his Stores iri wli-i TI y AND- -"COLUiU$ wIui h e lA!!ltiouwurtby ci public atter1aioff TIJOMAS iDOW- WIuUloth sépt., 18.51. PAPEII IANGINGS, B R ý,IS (JCLOC(,'K)5, DO»IS )W. EXECUTOJ<S NOTICE. L 1' er'«,in.s havunfg ClaIDS'Or derliandk dreaeare rr u t orthwlh to'seud the par-. ticurhero! n ftueExeentors, tfor their rouai- <fPunf tion and i.eghlemienh, And all perigoris inu'lebtedc hu the li*s(a!e, are albo requeeted to pay audu ,J(bLA nu the 1-Exeç-uur,, MARY- PERRY, BE1fcU-rtxxIXl RL . PERRY, Euuî W'e, %IAgyr Pr.urnyr anudR. E. Puadu art- Po'int J.1W. I t l-Y' aotc raclir ixecrutor ina thm r.'tfflnr't te t f(if-a!rrg- jrrrf,'ma a asicb i*erin- t.wr~r o ru-rpive ;rfrrd cuerf ctatt dtuf<)ti nd de-, Ev.~1~s4 LIULON'S -Cust.oiners tand F 'riencIs will uhways find on l'and a large andi wcl aed stc iseasonable wellPm<de, well-trimrned, and fairmonble REAJ)Y-M*ÀADE CLOTHING Consist-ung, cf every kind cnd st-ylce of0oatg, Vesta. and Patalooms, Ca.#,imeres, VFutings. 4-c. çc c.C Frot t-he extra facilit-y for making tup stock at their Emsîablisbiment in Mlonti and purchasing in ite cheapest %Whulesaie Markets. FrSOR CASH ONLYI lm ti real .4, LQCKOWP- COOI11BIiX"S TOOLS T b1ý ýubsc-riber has Jwt Reeired a WIE E D &IIELIURI3 COOPEA's IM8. jTOS. »AWORT>, ç iri CixCuLxAit S5,w, Tomoio. vPer 1 zrkewt to irre tiecMave Éway hàIvfe been, or-oft- O,>ITS4 how Ioang.,r.ndi,>g. 7t per BOX. .WhhbtJy, J)rr, . )fi¶ yladGO-, W(j e1e&D <<mmei*i uiWS's* Wiiit)vVillage. ("le 0CKL R 1 CRU0CI'RI!Y BYCthe dfate or ttrrw(:jstî- *Mby, lot ýNov." 1851. KIM G 8 T R E F, T 1 G 0 0 1)

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