Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Reporter, 7 Feb 1852, p. 1

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t «rie ji~ ~ ~~~E Hl.N11:t ivN:ivs Ir l) A i)NkU. "1am a man. and think nothing hurnan in&W r0ta o2I3."-Ter4.ncp. i \'I () ie '28 \r Il IT 13~ Y. CANAD)A WEST, FEBRUARY 7e 82 A (ABlýINCUREu FOR' Mav le, lwaîoattdrqhaîy for anydiscae nte Litti reeuîSl us"4 L ersrort it~sraFluor Aibub <ut ýArUittit cluth îstrd Ou Goid llite or A M E~ntf..1 :, l EPh: .. ÏM Mrtoaà. r*lt t. J M ES H. G E Ft R 1E qSl c d îr i i W. Tl E ',.' S to r rii u liî« i's~ n re b;, 4trt Ili, I hct fo iswara1 ric;o4, whaia e a lit mofd îs lage li»tlmm hl tt-I (1 t iion ias.îa:.,ç:aat;l ittik Soda oti, ~IlinillSaga0 W (IV >OJ< .1V!>MONTRF.IÏ, FJne Oi. l S, Oia , Ual. Vat 1 A r -L 4$#ORT XEN-r » I 5i i5 loi1. (ilOse a C li Vtaî', ('îe;arsî 1attai. DRUQS, 0 H ElM 1O A L S jFATENVT $sîh"" st:>xr ' fS't1%IC .JLi 19EDICINVESI,- l rîd su'ilori. . ac. t'TUjS BOPOK S, Sf A TONER1 iJ M g inn hi$ry hisir.wk<,,l i he WilJAMES IL GI, 22iid 18.5. psep sel Siut 1Mw i<c<.Wsb.2ad(î.lS> 9 I:\Tlî~n»îNuy IJEELoPE1E~1Js oT. 1,1l",îî""-Storlarlschliîîîeî',. \of- 1ý 11 R W i D VEL P lE T .fâtils Ilis ss it 'ileaiiic J ia r s. jares B.tsrra Vrd <'hrt v .A.% -r > ( 'JasfrV lsctsjr;sl. < 1 < ) N l'l i e( 1 C L ;-is n L N i : s af L 'e V. ' s s )a S. s V fn . i v t e CUii:'NI [(2.X I M.'A >A IA.U10 fr I ):ùv .oIaA.ajh,1 'baas'faI!y usioîf.at i. fata!se, n i w$n ;:RI U (if~Tl Me New 1ork, lm the eraîay 1îsr~ff I is"lea htiai' c~ N E,.iasba' naia 'l ht W1iE ~U~ 7 1>.'? IYEYTII.ACTOR <b<t"un 11,d-RZLIf <(e5'l C UllIIWA, far Srayinz ild .A'L l ~h1 c is" j h noata Hai r.f whitLsy, 22wl Oc*Tý..]?%:el 29i ;i (cîete f îî f'xt:xiïiiit r fxie-r- l--- 1f,. I)?e'S t. tr1! î"?'so aM eh UN4,% I '. àrt~i 1lf 'S LINLIJi\ Y'.a.v eil t ka tsar eu4:JA1SH1. GEIRI K. ï, 1ilIi) 1'.WliTs,71h N(iv 1 Sol. t'4¶ -i~'T JIS LR.f ,rlii.ýtor ait w(inianaI n U- l iiise us5! a 'a a v. ( A1 1' V IH1H11 CI Ti ET n "I. ' G]. E1'.V's G(ilP. 171IUL'S'TEJ'.N' "<'I..FC K.>P1) ; lA \ rEN nîretiin 1 Fo-r hliai sbo'a, Inf .e' r -tiiaiis-aa'fhi ri crni ?>stis. SCOBIE'S CANADIAN ALMANAC F011 Stsst.s"hi sahsiuiras,5*2 i., nt ss 10 blaite, o raA s-s' ita'ea pasias , os u- i*bsvrt~* i s -c î t KsIerjiorrlir gtosswîu sroras iFISH'S MINERAL FIRE PROOF PAINT, to tbeÎ14erial' F r Saeby iC MO etp rirI)> 71i * i l t -;1-I,"sl a re fol' I& y 'is.i îb't ref l)'inlt- WiilIL' Ilis NsV.. 1 si ItN, ta> e lac sç'a's rao 1Iff ' o ) uat (jE N Y R .1 1,F A Mil 1Y DIRECTORV AMidlW1 ts( 1). c tL~ oecd e -r~, iaows ;111 1)s 1 dlisrs y w nîi a be )rt.t t it eîi1dî,FsasE t ciL,' ud li-r 4ý v1 ,ýtlolo llafpe aregltle C 'e'2 2 uIsj <îîl ac è29,fo ol 1' C iiis'd 1 U,.JLW7T RF(CEI VI,, }nv farnilyvahsa's!s!areridhy jreive titi~ sk j T J. IL. GI'RIE'S LDruean a'd 1;,h»kJ$tore, ta efu ta whaiiý a' r'raeaiy jus watd-boifi ais ta JV.sî'ooÂwx'r' I-..AN Iliars. ise partgetularartïîîs i idcated lsy Ithe cotriplaitat. ' î'a i îlfo ,cniinadprsetcnan asaishwiîgwhsure arîcla aenir ae y at ud5A,51b e< 1'in hîat ,4oadf os tai poett, <os 11ad. 1 ;la<àà titt & c.l '4 JAWIS Il (ERRIIE, %Va>u saiut~lWsk4i iîsl Agentt. 42 -w C . ~E~T C1ELEB1{ATED CVES Sari' Tbroaa and Sîcnaach, Coughs,. C o hlic Pair., wboo,,iuig Cessgh, Croup' or tatile. &cý LININIENT. cures lih Pain$'! Cuamps, Yumbneu, Agie in the Face, Nersous Hhad and Tootb Achel, Catsrrh, Quirisy, &C. 8 WEEV'S LL LeE EYE, W ATE R1 Inflamed or %ek Eyes& it cerne iend. ~ Ty ar. y_ REI KING (OF OILf, cerated Sores, Ghilbhitns, &-c., anid is 'uuaaY ext.rna disese. Try it; LT »!4EQUALLZ EDIOIIÇllqe, 11 CELEBUATED BLACK )RL HfO~S k&CATTLE! 4d ç4eowt mtirine known, and liffl faieu t i.4*~4 l 5e.50t FAMILY BIBLES. I N MI'AN and ELE(;ANT Biasding, laot sale nt tlilt. owest prices by JAMEIL GH (EII{Rll,Whilby village. Dr. David Tuelkcr (;ADAT j ix rîc & Aura. T&tsii,'r COLLEi.r, DUB5LIN,FiaYuSICI AN, SetaiýEOu, ANI) A(Cciîr:uxe NORUaV<), t'ZcKEîtrKn. No'rwood, Ott. 25th, 185 1., 28-îy NO'rARY -PUBLIC, Commistltoner of the Court of Quten'. Beach, Conveyanter, Draughlsman, IQ$UEýR 0F MARRIAGE LICENSES AN" Office near the Court leuse, Village cf Mhz;cirus'rn, Townshaip of;R~c L. C. THOMAS9 C N v Ey ANCPFI Commisoner of Quýen'sy Bench ParIaklng Affidaults. BRQOKLIN. - Broîktirs. Sept. 13,. 2 -2 f 'Mo*rne; and Gounuadoi'-s-LaVs SOL t[CiTUIt-N-CILkNCERY, &C. &C. &C. wHIT7'BY VILL./G$, CAIVARI.WE'ST, WiI give pro 'rPl attention to all business of lail Profession entruste4 to hlm.,, ;Lroioceopmoite ithe resideua eOlPeoe éruyEsqr IMPORTANT " O T553 Fariner, Farrier & Stage Proprictor.' GEO. IW. MERCHANT'S CELERATED (*ARGING (01 UXPi'AfLLEIi IN 'amTUE T OR sslgICsII As tbi mot nrmr&ble Extil pp"itimnu o 44%zy oantKeep Houaswithont it. ExpilsnceoM more titan fifen yearu lia' .'ssibes tIse fart'visait Msrchantt 'e Veb,asd (argaarig OÙi, or Uvl versei 'arasi>' mbucuo ill urcf sai &rs. a i and ssire* tiare ai*.achtqa Spsa'rars, $voeun'y Riugbonel Wirsdga1kâ, POUi L'vst, Caiour, Crcke d Z Gala ofail kadFreals Wounds, Sprains, Bruam sFi- tAi:t.SilfàsL, Sand Orsiekî, Strairas, Lanenetti, Fonnsrcad Fsv't, Srtcsa or Gs'caft, Mange, lUaeumnatism, Bitffl of Animais, External Peu. IsonaS Palaîful Nervus Affetions, Froast Bites, Bois.Corna, Whit.Iows. Burîsîs and scsids, ClilhlarsChasppedlianda. Cm'are4 ,Con- tractioia (af tise Mukasc, Swellîiggs. eaksacu of tise Joint%, Caked Breasta. &&a &r. ,tz. GRE~AT IMPOSITION AND FRAUDI CAuTION TO -PUECHAMS Thisi ail lius leconte Po cclebraieaf ia the ircattflnt Ci diiges4a,, arsi as a consacqaserae, thse demauua becomsrsg * preat <hrosuchlrsu;tishe couiry-sbae .psâi snf' desipiug mien bave inuauced siaena i ntlmoi' apon u ssaupecdang pcnaan aj amaation article (aor aIhe Gmetn:e 0sG" ïa ,2, desigirritis4liirie ht iu SnE Kil VIrx sa ntitm ket sp.- s'nr thes ps<pulrat? aaof tise osai>' iraIsarticle whicis aawSus- taimo ans eoviahiýc. rsputasuur, Wllcla falsa" acquired by saariy sIxrs'eti a-ar. use in tihisUnited States.andalàd. fI.- lrermairsg aemtarid athworderftai sucoeas, inatihe ceua OP >LL FLICS K. andal BoRanisn pas'iucuir, inafaccaisona persans 1w ATTKNP? 55lisltatilo in var*ientways. warcq il CaaVINCIOi PItOOS OP ITS IXTRIaNSIO VÀLISE. 'Mse most unailue.lIrs knavery bowever, ad practlsd b>' criasas nerrersniry dealers Wiho are uaporing pors the-vic. tians of tbeïr avarice, a cotinters'esa fer tbe eOENuisi Gar. gling Oia 'The rs's's'sîIe s*acrigre of rthfs'or propery of' a talcw mani lm aa oeoradffl c"çudirxaowia-atisa.. iirsîrncfîsfJ'e(Ad slrzgfs. ls.tiar, can be ifs 7aItoin Wwil avilsa imaon ostise creAlif tof M tiru csnmers; niuay the ise'sslc t caiTty ut 'the rasmes'cupîdsay Ins regard tas ara> or ai lse11r anridcirse, s Prknowrrepratatioss1 i Wha coSsEeie sr a you plate in tabemi! The aaprerwouliaft ter4we ctaItiïm thoe who puir. Chase. Iss'rvthal: thrame of the prspHr it <sfa owns han dtrtiiig P<arsMeA'corL-, and xCi- rse nwaars b<eww in t» g.' gisof e! ACbatter '10. W. Mercluan,Lockpora. N. Y."ý Who ae the ONLTLKO5triTSi15Pit5Et0LNSonio othar <a t begesaurne TisaIladort is'hss ie public niay siot îhrow away uieir morsey for a wortlle..vad coutâter. fait ae-tcle. Ail ordssrs addreased lthte proprittor wiii re prompt!>' rerrsalto. (sta Pampshlet ofth ie Agentl, ad seswhat vwundi ans accmibi.hedby heuse sof <is s».slie Soisi b 'rogpettable deafers (crierallIn he bUni"c Baisa aj Canss4a.Alisb? 1.',., > - 11,aat' I.Msih's '555l S. F. Il' qul ai. Vlsf a;I'A g iiat lTus oaaf.mo. e'aIh '<a'il ~ ~ Picb. a arsis' si; ' rta hail-sbs .a C.s îsi.sa ' lasglsî, Psc'ora. 0OIVTA 131 MARLEWOIKS, WOLFEN9DENl& 00., ÏANUFACThltERS anîd DEALE14S ira MODIIftn-'xTOM. SOUS L& GratvcSIOnC14 l/z de, Urcc,JJllluc 4iVr'gt la)'b le, C'entre Tables, btasui.tsfpas, Chîrnuey.i1)ieres, -Siisl.s, -Soda Sf abis, Sii Dias, Point Soe.&C.- Evev aret Cs IX6l~.DWORX lane ini a Sl'el pluie tyjo f lise flot Katerial, and N13.-W. Cc leg to Ray thal the), haypi' ian conarectisors tlai t h ryaer .stabish ment, and tîbey rruo their M"arble frein thse wel famne i lutlaîad Quracvermnrt. SINA TXFFT, WlItTI5Y. 'I'os.WilonlllrkfuVillage,Âgk. leptmbe le, 151.21 -tf. H are theEngiLsh French nd AercnJlarlud&and are sMW 1oening tiwir Fall tarok cf DTV Gooa Iîhùg Grcceries, 4'c. Conestiin part, off Co bourgs M ustin-de- Lains,'Pnted Cashîneres, Gnila Plaids, Hoyle's Prints, yd, wide, I3itiîh and .Amrican Grey and. White Cetton $ýhirting, Smeck- ing,, icin 54Cotton 'Yarn, BLN K '7 . c. &C~ . . - ý d TIffE GRAVE. k5 1%. M. PARTS. ¶Vhopn aii roun<l ii drcary, And ail bffoe ix ginom, Wtoen lite i% iad and wearv, Ilow wekcare is the tomib. l1mw aswept ils dreansVr"s shîmber-, 1mw-A raîrn hq silent bëdî No rails or careci enclinsber - INC io srÎsjvr lstrisedeçad. Forrotten thén cnc-h aorroW, Aad a!the pîstatlC Nosr h a t'\ jdre.j(sdtus îoudw, To çai aiai inTo trîfe. There earti*h vain mFiety nd hul)bbng, No more dïquib fil aëzmt, 1'h.'4e ttIse WIe kod cv'amûfrom tyinblit)z, Afid 4d the wearv ave fit llst" 'l'liregrav s " aindeed' hallowecl when ilie grîis ofthe clîurelivarrl can cuver ail niv'roryv e fl2thrat of love. We di!wcl of] every goci ugit f the lost one as thotugh no trui wvsrîlî tliotighm. cotild crossa thaît litle inoaînuiofcf erth,--thCe barrier betweeii two worlds. .4 Castlc and a Ileari IIesleged. [The fir>t ,)tloriof - lsssu"UAND Ti ls (LN FRA LS' -now ilginOIV P11INaY ti __,. ~N. V.-a occupied by a Ilisto- rj of laîingaiy, wlich is leaahitr ,prsed viti, t ' rlfaulie and stikins m i of Maariarv1',ln iii tIsne imnth century, ive èllrany , anc of lias most important for- lrss' n tahep:va saof ths.uTrânsylva- sae.wa Iat ina a inarner characterisiic cf k'û age cof iîivalrv. A castle cf great strs'ngtla. in tIhe rentre oaf a cosuntry Se often ile c ,at ofcl"'aair, tise nai'ne of Muraay ao"- tria orcuis inu llunt,ýarîan hiâtery. At oee Trîjas- ilu' IJiet ccsmsplains cf it as n barbor .or tiaitors and roiîbers; at anothe-ri a eo1- v-inn dccrteof tise nation indicates il as the "lace wlat're the sacred crpvrn of îSt.'te. phean simulai be de[iosited. -At thîs perîodl i ivas in thee haudii of a %oman. -Maria, the lady of Muirany~, a younn and beautiful wid- oaa', educateai a strict Protestant, had litle ,d ffcut n 'i g tise party she .should adat; ndreadily adnited a detachrnent of 'iransylvania trouïs Iot- streurgtheu the garrison of lier castie, but oîaly on condition that s-he %Êould retain the command. The ill discîplined soldiýry of Tranýsylvania were ea'sily conquered in thc field, but-as long as MNýur.tuy protected tbeir retreat, their entire sralbjectlolj tvas almosi. bopeless. A stroug bhsdy of îroopt under %Wes-selenyi %vere de- taclacd t e b'seg'e the castie. Wesselenyi .urý'e)ycd ils natur'al and artifucial defenes,I anid alruot depaired cf effeeting its redue- lion ; and4, ihera lie beard that Maria con- inantid e Uc rrison, bis .despair iras ombit- tered by tlie thouglit that bis hiard-earued- lajureis iaight 'new be tarnibhed by defeat a.t the bsands of a ivoran. Alil the' arts of war were exjîcnded îli vain agaitîst the buge nmountaitu fortresî ; fvery atteilnpt cost time 1'ood cf sciue of thse kings i best troc ps, iiîd sered oniy as amusement in tise, prâàu.ýAprotracted siege rarely improves -the discipline cf an anmy, and ru- meurs of viciories on the side of the enewy, were nct-'wanting te disceurage the besleg. er%.-YFme, tee, pressed; anrd, as tht force wa.s still evidently powerltess again!st Mura- ny, Wesselenyi at'last deterrnined te try wlsat lie rsuaàicrn wight cffect ou ils cemman- il ss. Qisui» 'l' bluiseif in the dre!ss of an infenior 29fe, t'le General appenred before tlrt gaLesas bearer of a flag of Trace, te de- mau-id a parley witb the mistreas cf the ras- tic, aud cunningly did lie' U, lk cf favourabie conditions aud royal rewards, but bis oppo- nexat only laughied àt bis oelers, as sue had done at lis tbreats. A& good General, how- ever, always finds eut tht weak points' ini is enemy s defences ; and perbmps the eyes of Maria bad expressed ne displeasure at the handsomne face maid manly figure cf th.e e- voy, nor purbably were the beauty and cour:. aée cf the comumandresg without thefr influ-t ence ou WemeleuyiV de!erminstign. Cer.. tain it is, that the next day anotiier trumpet summoned the gaàrrison te a parle?, and that. this turne the. berald bore a letter eftering', the bear and 'band of Wee1enyi ta bus beautiful enemyr, to wbombe coofeusd4laet rure Le hadj- »à' love haît tken ýjmÎêtr Dmr& 99rY.- words passed bis lips wbeu the bandag e feil the judguients cf those wbose, intel from bis eytls; Szecsi M'Varia stood beforp and experience - have given -them a1 hizn, in 0ai er beauty;a smit.e playedaround ecope of 'Vision. The foreigners wl ber mnouth, and, e:tending ber b3aud to the settled in hi. island, and wbê meek tâ astonished- Wesseleni, She ev.claimed, mine the influence of Ilus couru"lor,: IlTake- it noble 'Knigbt and witb -it ll1 most subtle anud dangerous eneiu have, for th <contaybhwon mi heart i wbich ho ba t teônternd. Thefr self keep up lby faith to mîe a3'well as (houhaut mischievous. dispositions tire maked done to thy king, ind MaLria will gladly mc- ProfeaikIn. of friendsbi. They1 knowledge tiace lier conqueror." 1.Changes for the better, but they aim à Ilorace Man e n Labor. 1tur O~ThSyare willing *0to runthe - of-the great- political eartbouake. We zive below aun extract freing a speechi of Mir. Nlanidthe Jucuse 6c Representa- tives, on the .3Oth June, 181,8, in which Lige speaker pays a splendil tnabute to inventive genhUý : fo h sg ~oi~ Il 1t was ntte.ds nc 'o iên that the work of the 1çworld should be per- formed -by muscular ýstrengU. ý 'God blà filie4 the eartb and iznbuedl the elements with energies cf greater powér than that of ail tic inhabitants of a tduuand planetà like oursq. \bencc corne ournece&qaries and Iuuies 1 tiiese coniforts and appliances, that make the ditterenceâ between a bouse- le5s, wandering tnibe of ,Judianx in the Far Wýest, aud a New .Iingland V'illage i ,They do not corne whoily or principally from tthe original iinassisted strengilicf the- lîng arîn, but frein the enploymeht, through * tin- telligence and skîili, cf those greal. natural forcei, 'vitia which the bountifui Creatorhas tilled cvery part ofthie universe. Calorie, gravitation, expauribility,,, omprehensbility, elcctricity, chemnîcal affinitieii and requiggi- nIon$, spontaneous, velociies-hese..are uîizhtlyagencies whiclu the intellect of, man harnesaes te the car of ImprOvement The application osf water, and wind, and steaing, te the, propulsion of' macbinery, and te the, transportationai'fnien and merchandise, frein place te place, has addiêd a thounad fld te' tige actu ai products of humaxu induistry.-' liow smil the whIeel thaï, the stoutest la- borer ean turn,. and how ,soon will he be weary. Compare this with a wheel driving a thousand spindies and, locîns, which a 'Streamn of iwater cari turu and neyer tire.- A- locomotive wîll take five, bundred me, and bear theru ou a journey huudreds àf miles a daY. Look at the sardne tire hun- dred men, starting frein thé saine point and attempting the saine distance witm ail the pedestnian's or equestriaâ's toi 'aud tardi- ness. The cotton inilis of -Massachusetts wiIl turu eout more cloth in oe, day than ceuld- bave been mauiufatured by ail the ini- habitants of the Eastern continent during the tenth century. On u eleinent which iu ancient tiize was"'supposed te be exclu- siveiy witbin the cntrol of - the gods, ami wlîerc it was deemed impous for human power te înt rude, even there the, gigantie fogrces of nature, wvhicbi human science and skill have enlist.ed in thieir service, confront and overcome the raging of thecelements-. brcasting temipest.s and tides, escaping reef aud lec-sheres, and careering triumphant around thse globe. The velocity of wuinti, thé wciglut of thse waters, and the rage of sýteamn, are powers eachi one of which, Is In- finitely stronger than if ail the strength cf of ;llie nations and races of maukind, were gathered juite a single arn. And al these energries are giren to U.« on eue con- dition-the condition f intellgence-- that is of edtucation.- 61I-lad t-odaintencled that the work cf the w orld sbould lie doue b>r humanr bou'çs and sneiws, be would have given us an arin as solid arid strong as the baft or a steairg en- gne ; and enable us to stand day and'night and tn the crank of a steanmship wYhile Sail- ing to Livrerpool or Calcutta. Ilad G4J alesigned the hurnate uscjp# te do1bte, work' of thse world, then, înstead of ti.lgredientsi of Lrun.nowder or ma.ct.itern.and'1'he et-. chance ui'beiiig boye igito s atiom-of e Ment and power. But if the. preszut fabric fals, they will be buried in thei and there they may lie, sepulchred und, hornors f a betrayed people, and tbc cruatons of the civilized world. i're tions are madg~ for the erection of a resideukt,whib"Idiaîjinkeepin wl progress of-tfW>t iKIIdhe'iëstànds. mansion at present occupied by the k the property of -oé'f bis chiefs. il of coral ; a gratefül portico àdorns the and theè wbole ig surmounted by an el beividere. Tht 7otmds are ample,i fully laid out, and shaded by beautiful trees. No splendid coach ý dashes thi the avenues; no train of seýrvfle ret lounge in ats shailes - no throng of par, disturb 1(8 domestie quietude and social The amusements of the king are witl bow anîd orrow, in làs bowling alley, a bis billiard table. In these pastimes cheek-by-jowl with~ bis ebiefs, an& 307 bred gentleman. lie wus inctanedi vouth to habiits of dissipation; and drained, at the Lipense of hie diguity inebriating bowl. -ButLe is nowat tbe of a national tenuperance society. 1 perbaps, the only monarch civllized or m who bas abjured, in Lbi own .example,à poicati' drinks,. Go, ye potentat, podrthrones, and take alemson of p cal, wibdon) from tbp s able, t*othr!- and, Port, by Rev. W. Côtton. By HtZ.Y TWA" BI 1 fear that few villages specimen cf thée Libertine. Utis errand into tbis w-cri( every depth of' scnsuality, a linself the foulnss cf evei proud te be vite ; bis' ambithù than othernmen. - Were we almost 'daily by sucl wretchi bard to believe that mai' ecouic C'A 1 NVA Clàna Sdre 'Weili reco Cir', al ýpfail Yeui 'il . -i

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