;43e_à st oe.d titirails fi@omu*hs&t uippery, andth tiiime madie thore<ore, b. consder4 very gooti. ,t Iehmooti a gturdiner wuaspre- I a#à bertlly dusset, aftr whicb, M01M bavin g bien vati, we set eut, *olrtable ave hcrse sligit> at itaf lli;e4ock, wtb a promise ta reaeb IWte fity miles on env route. at tee kk terw tfor th uight. Thii prom. m», from tbhe avy state of te roads. Uekely, ta b. (tshflied. tht vo toiti hiver, if wre gt ta Somerse 't b>'i&i W,"eetn coitrortabi>' te beti by tivô c& ln the. morning,ve siteulti pot find' ýe ot weatber -aviftg tome go sudden. th ' e ets cf the snow t*rnîthe ors tii the kneeca in 0'0" Places, andi gbot tb roand vas bear>'., Our pro- vasu aocoriogl> slowr. i 't re*d ].)nvilie about 4ulu 'itck, t ten miles froua Rkihnîond tla a ve- Moq littie VdIage, and W a' few -years, loubthe be an important Place. Ar. )CIêtk"y it cIM * agbora,eswe atart- r Ugwy teseLmles, tbe roati tpon te Athaba srbadi, we pasei th a wo4uien coun ry, without a ut.~ OL Ir'four or fiveneiies on a %tretcf>. 4 ten o'clock vo réacbed the 4seUle- oft-Athabsaska. avbre Liere is -an est- ___ cmor4l tavera,kel1t by a re-. ibl Camdia nanied --P. Prince, at Ia Leook aupper. 1Thé Aîluabaaka is ne étton-of he w by .G- b à t eabout ight yuarsa,", and ai thoigit >per part lias DOL as yet any- settlers ii, a great. maay cleario*aare teob,' xi, t lotver part, aviicit ae voe e ow j threqgh. 'l'b.roatiswbicb riwat 9oiuha iabeea bail .noub,-becaneý L 4h e learuiz thé pea le itavinzg *ted t<, 'tirov %wn the'- tencea, antI ýway, hein;coneetdnlo avefull w-, ien is alec aspaer reýder% mul*ie, but liile tratâie an$se ew a rïandth te travelling la barely s 'iii- to krej) ite track open. 'Ilh, estab- et of thestage itovever, froin t icli- ýùoQugbp, pay do saomething in tMts I, -as wIlI as ta iing th iidItrict inte Mn Atbabi5- e da vimilieet vearu- laboiiougwà nkert i teSameret. at *f ad r'ur arr ving at tcn O!ocvk ý,cnpromla.d, w* df not reset> it iv<ot* l tite marningy. As ave Il-e ign at eigltt, in order ta gel ~ b~pe 411*,iv.threw cirseires q4fo vet o'bum" rest Îf not for. ta ý.ý0$DOl'et te roaz vre icimbi f4 e ltiid v set ini again and matie q.About baif past ten we taiee t seem4as=1plaeè 4uiuated in lte ep f tb*atna..lTe landi about «,ud brugb ivt-rness, tippearç e i »W excellent qualit>'. ingof a, 'e~oer and cewmreui atb liad, 4w4g of' large rwth. W. %ýerc ýeabIy disappeta'tr-d te ied se nma- Uf elcle-ared. ani titat appear- qni(ort and tubCcess1 aviich - atedy ~ois!d un a ltriftyW.seetres wâï gtJs.la eaneor by, an excellent <ouâstry, 4tassit; Gosierd ro3d, 1 île ta ac- bpiaà , op- ireOgiores be fouc J hs the -kratfdird; b>' Mr. Jolie J. L. Linton, Cor. oner, andi a Jury,-Mr. James Clyne Foremlan,-on thei body of Bridge: i'cwefl, slstîr of Mr. lPowell. IL appeai-etinjetri- deuice that Mr. Pow'ell, witt lbis ' iCe and baby, left thé' bouse before daylih:uontiti ot'riaç fthe 12th, ta beip raLlier haos vtalivnepr>' haif a mile 4letant, at the tJiresiitng of là grain tiy machine.- anti left L'us sdter B3ridpet wit tiree o? bis cbiltiren, te eldeet about ire years aId, i bed-an 'd onetbuir roturt a inte evenzegby dar'k, acromapied .,-b>" a neiglibor, iochu 'ýuliYan, titey rouet the door buited,, sud tite eldiet cid fronit tii.inside aiflteéibouse, crieti out that sité could net open te door, ait4 tiat itor atuat 'as tangeti. 'fle door was immediately butta( in, andth ie bodly of titi deceased (oued atiapeaideti hy a ret woolîti sashe , tra' ?beau» e i te bouse.- rit. bod>' Was quitc colti, It appéaret tat te bad sil ite sait arouil ber neck, orer the beaun, aniLad stooti on a stool, wbicb wu tulmbled crer,-tel(cetî nearl>' tondit. ig tChe floor. ;ýbe là d fixeti Lthe:p:n or' baiL cf te Jour, sa tte etbUlren cotuitinoL open lt-andti ibre site lunztfrt» caà rl>' ttîerîine tilI Jark, FyibLime ritLiec tiren i. .ivipjiss pectators-7of the insane an.eL. _b Wi aot f yeà rs uf ge, anti a tiative ci lI'eand. ti appears t baLt-be dutceasei jiiisol'a15çt.cc in rte 12 line! ofZou'rt, fast inimer, -ot, a fali andi hurt lier back. Ead head.-"the évidenîce of Mr. Laycock, a! Enibro, (a retaà )ý witli that of Johin ta'ned i thawe4plainly, ltai. ftinSeptem- ber )ast ý(when sthe quittet i er sortic..') ai bail coaipainti ef ber head.. anti ofitn applieti coul vaLet, vînegar &c., to alla>'lthe pain-andi aleo t maL hc ivas absent anti ah- sîreatîc i in lber aiuidand vas more difficulaî m ber uiune. titan beforer-cui>g feauln.lier reIalêonà , thit rsietld'ltltumalel> he insane, badboin nor~ceiiym, o omarm- tae- as t-o catus.e an>' aatcbito be kepte-ut a(D alenotsoutid i frtiieg, mumat bave cuiisteti. belore teé rash- att as, committeil. - VTe Jury were ver>' particular, as ail Jut-es ou Inquesti shoulil be, ta lind outener> ci,. cu.mettaice connectoti vii lte fatai act,- and utirtualy-li'ought in a vrerdict cf " un- îeted mind, memot'>'antid a i . t nîin, anti wlile in titat tate --Midhang anti kill ber- self.' IL may lie reniarked, îiùat îthe instan- ces of suicidai destruction cf litoe bavie bern rare uinthe ibttatford :SetLlenîent since 1838.' w-len lte tirst ettiers came. Tii is oaiy tbe seceud,--and bLl> v eob>' laeing - Lrd Palmerston. Lard-Vseouua ?Palmnerston, an Irisls Peer andi a desèèntiant cf te cel'ebtated :* irl- kau» Temple, lia been connected.w iti thse 3ritisb AdiiiraLion duting a great par- ton af thheiast fart>' juarsaautigre, Vuîe iakce oCflo'wing lartieulars et hbslitefëet t ýsource aVbiçb w4 'suiposem'a-bc refieti' son- lis fainily sett4ed in Ireland inlutiie 7tit teuitir'. Lie vash oniSet.20, t784.- vl a3 edumeateti arillarïrdw -Stbboj andi 7uftecwarJo at thé.IJaiverâitieà cf iidinburgls aed Cambri&-e. Inhe yenar 180 hg be' ,hasen to Pariameutt for 1tbrL;Univerbiîy ci .hahrl;î. here hlit ii)ayýd great a&tivr- ,t andi aent (or business.i, andl contauetil t'o 'eprebrnt te Laiv'itîyuntl18.11,tht ie laiiol if a reectjou, on açeoix, tt0ebit, ýippert ofte 4eform 1 Bill. \obwithimtand- e;ý L'us yeithuad love, cf pleasurt,-Lortt ?au tL-a tieutinielmeNini5cer, appointeul um a Lord of the AdmiraIt>', aantilieti un' 1809 1-orcigal lorsned bis i LJ, ietbc caine Stýcse1ary <of tate cf titheflopartintut. of Ws"r JIn tii-ffice fin remiaimic il tla tho celebrLttd a"iinstratious of Lord tCaýs- lereagit and L'yerpcol and Air. Cana'iegr. JP tt4IIi lime lie,9-id beepregurted ae a lensber ottMe'£rory Party'. Bat afterLord R~. Es. PERRY, WHITBY VILLAGE.. W?~ILL Lue offl!rt'd fur îtle arthLie e omve Sblute, on AND) ?ULLOW[fiG DAT»S. Uotîl the' wlîulu Stck s iniiei élut $4 cunîjîlette urit i g-ucrta »s'urrflent ut' t GIloid cetniirtlttng in îrt: 100 bdis. Cotteut Yamn, 1 buodota. Waddiug,% 54) Gcs ret Colion, JOU "Cal*icnos, 60 "Orieuat, r 40 " Ltgaîrru, Gre-y Clolh, l*aaad Clto, .faacy 1)oc Skias, Faacy Caireu Fltets, ' muta Mus Xas, Wite t,, iinDul bout# aijmd I>haiî ,î Utîrti , e. Spode fatd.,ves Vuh Ctpa. bY foaitiiig ,ledut, S U tu. 'Pîi, Lus -GMIiS eia bc Siud ii-> t Cînkoey. J.bO>C.tLIG &mi'l.eau it lrrebuu 29,t.18521.t42-210. 11111Edi.Siimis-orCIlai $Itýradt-2 a aJ chvl a iess, mc e ratin &goi s, ea e iag >laiwl Ainasl utid liivstavéi hosped ilîai ther 1 re, s bt.wieies u ose iee bi-1 Lms ate tltîlore -Mo.C 1. iîîeau hiTeru~litePS, fRrm ti>Uîg &tpCO.- Wbiby Jli.21JW. c.s'ER IfG i-i 'j ,orni", Pipes, -- "41TUTr-,l" o 7, -iii te 9th cou. nt Varllune ~&In iy bt Proîîrielors, Juta. W~il hiistJr., Dent Culum btus, or S. M. TO TIM MEMBERS A ND1 FRIENDS OF TuIE- WHITRY M LU#LSCEY andjnOre linîutî:g d eloriiiîie'i latiti >u t>ti i fz luîisti lit' rttr. Vo iiareli t lby reqiivt,.-J 1 eitt ieOshawai Ouse, Oshawa, ouii Safntirday iiwý 31>1 unst., n'. 3 oqeo p 1)i Il>r Ilite ptrî>se of eleeilbùg tvw< i,t f i Ceuiîcjes-. Ekqdu ia iuu-às Uiii Li gîvetintt lite meetïing. -miltite Direc- lors art I;turticuiurly rcqtteitte t u atetid. : 4 es:'dente Il îrmony 191:hi%1,unr'> JS 0 Fmur A I V . lrY Itf l % à ,- 1q" in'i m a (U'eto.s lwtt-t!rW.î'4hîtfty ard-0>haw.. At'y îj-tsoutlv.'t,? ek" tti>' e% ih 1,Sl' stru. SI<>.~.or '.1 Nu. , tVlit,'i s*t>e, '>4aby,s%%i ' 7('11 lIE. J3RO\%;\ is an aut- iltoried travücllin,, Agtat for the Ontar>r, Reporýter, ta obtain %tùbserihers and receîve orders fer Printiîa,Advcrîibing. &c. counuces Couuc[l. lThe Couacil for te urited Coutities met at Toronto on te iri nt. and aiter sont.; preiliinary husiness. chose J. (;,amble, E.. M.I'., for ilîcir Nardcîi. Mr. (CamLit. iiacn rose and made a liîorou eh ciear gtiý si-)eeehi, inuh to te dismay of a îtomiber o. of i1utelisýe»cC and lte marci o. îaiând in id 'h i iîaces, even initeir very ruidit.. Mr.G. ve -Y bigbiy compiituiaed thv îuatproved.Nybtetn eaey and perfect controli i obtan -d over our miore iinmediale local inatI 'rsand te Cotin- cillora ecm-matin, as Lhey do, direct front. te pIe, they have nonc of tbose -ifkh a-id sordid motiven I-) infliicnce thent, -Wlich is far too often piainly seen to bie te main vpring of amtbition inlaiigbr and more ret- 1onsibie potitiora,: 'fas ebimony of Mr. (;amble becotumes lte mûre important, wheii WCe cop sider he ic a one of te strongeit op- posera in IF4'2, to titis iinproved, sy.sWm oi local Iegslalîion, ftrnily c#;ntedin-. ana- no doubt. conscieuiîiou.sly believing, tht t lie konûntry wax not. YeL pepareti for the change; j but now hé e rinklv adtnits that tlîough the workingt,,. are rather eipcn-sive, s~ititey are lte reai andi true safe-guards of the unal jena- hile rig~Its of te people. It i.r.eally rîefrexhinc to tura trou» the field .9 o oiticat spamrng where te ieat aima seents to bc for each to pluck the 'Pro- nce ta the utm ost, LtIatheCoutîcdlCham'oer, lyhere men. baxe met not 10 taik, but La worki anti to labour, flot for teir good only, 'but for the *elfare'of their eon,§titueuîts, whowe qne.It wa dmitted on' Ifll bands that hIe '1vbig Qvernmeçpi, oidiknot 4hoil torether miih-ýlunger, and manv bel ieve thalt it ivif i faitlwbft>re the lh'rîol (ti-ropening Parlianient, arrietj. The Dgike ut' Newcasile and Sir J. Grahaoni, the great frec tr»Jer, hasve aruived in town,urand flue former lias j'aid a vistk lier Majesîv.%, The (C/îst»om!q rofurm Comm ittec froini ILivrji IhUd ad*1titielIcO with bLi J. Bîsiiw,1,who j'rornîseiltaibt flic sti'- jPC-t 4,f 1iiéir com;ilaiut wvotidrei junniedliýiattentionuîju of fliceGvrt îe'l.At flie saine tiifl aIldepulata: tot '4 1ttiNi> ButidI ltittierq uppwsed tu Ca- "I':'at Lad fui tee et~>iv wilb. the FO- Bja.rfîtkirrta'y, uneô'ofluhe Iluincari f ('auitti El <ev<i d tin Lo)ïtti uti'f a lrî'krt iteirl,~its-< li suttîrti roît Crres- pimi>ulviii ihfie 7'imes Tlt irnrTimes f'uie Dr9ti. says tlîi sit- a n i i %a t v igh i le Pevi ife. ia. tttLZ ai Iy faqIedîl and itatrIlle Primue Mt sc ~vuuldunet Rriimet u îsttet ik- ptr ov frl e iut lt eto plieto ~retirî 'VI*Ie Marquis orf Latisd.îwne - bs cu-f derpd'lts retîtg:auifau Lord1"slir or Ilte G'jîiîol.a nlts lstiiict .utaly I ili Li,-îr. lPymu, îyatd vice(ifIllie li.qIllaî 551. -r.lasr ,tlaiiti(ititiJ turc lirf ur J. F ra ' i l; tm lte ~s itf flue demi rttirtil in.(tr ri' e Aetlitlia ItviMailSau, fs fuEly etiu:firned. 'l'lie day ;'re'. tots ltu le depatutro ui fie Il:>nt "A1iterîC'ý," iiueli;gglcu- lifitu beet rciemned t Liverlitii! ut tise ttlal lôs. CtifLte Neiw y<rk sili -Cu- littouia," C.11!. ('ti-mn,uon lte V71 î t! 4'r the lrîs-ls cets, her Waterf'orl.- tL Cmu1tatitt Cuirait, lias uit~rvm lie rem-tîuider of thtue utasen 'é vrs atmd t'ruw SUarIce>. 1tît J ili-ie-ul-ltti 1lie siît- Ataîui, ruteeretCvrSelinisl breia sus uuitttl>y bite JEugiisii lr,,tljstà ut iseiiaut ,tr5N,Omtise Cousýt4ut Arricujila »i)l-tttjeI) tClt:î.tîse tte li'î,' lig fur it- itu'itlit-. funi e :îècrîttsisitt (f 26i0 alflic, rutanditmet were îeliuw -JwtIi. A dîet'iuititîi ttlie l1ýttgliilCubuiltu Ft.A NC M. F>-rnceertaîtiti,li.n(ju:tsc1. lIc 1rro- uta i't IJiltt ut'tIlle >t'W Cil itttitt lis iieiurt'brred l'ur 1<te . - '- Thel Ptre'ido-tîit tilcý, 'îitte'q t4)nie,-! it ie's 'lite I~s si w)' t gae :î ,, i'ulmliiîqts ut'it lut'at ui d jeti.mlls 1la. r<iy tilttm .it i t i t'u, I u A L,< lt"d u.t cl' lu fluaismle pulic t~mî ytf ti' a t-tiI tiruite orlmm etoed. - La et atvi ces fNiV Liard û fart lber dciiiy' tsf 10 tihîVe Stst tb >~ttforc the- TItis dr.ay '>4tL5variotisly tieeuîuttetfor, iblî>llt) Uaver 1lltha, h d'-ur ettîiadci ft iiwrulizit,attd tamii- rail c-es ou thtie '..-tnail ition.d Cuinecira- bie hsî~esiati iieus ruade inilis' coit- siri um ioi lite'3e&iatne. 'l'lie Prrsu.d-,ir izî deîu-îtuîîied lu resst. fà uiily iilrtiee giid îmOlIical itlrigute', y filig IIt, Ilite e... aitiks-ulma.t res li, wilthtmies cuita- autifrtilu îubiconîtfidentce and lrespect. ,l o.ora lhaie iL liatIlle absence uof eb Luiigt l ;M 1ilisî er fruxFrance %wouil - lme Uttty emniirarry. auJ wotii not ex~- tenIiiij cyil n eatwniavs. ev-crut Gon- ertîrueýnt, prisuiters ]lave hcen lîberaîi. Gerrmun -eiflins re tcwIthotit aitieli chiange, T he îtru(-e 'L. NUIpuleOn tourullcs a îivr.iu4i of Gerrnminy iii lookei u t si t ii,'itb tc . il it esiî tî 10)u i t t je ituu±iit; a-uî %v,,a sr %'>tld fia 'lite t-.tîy hcîn'êetî Denmiîrkasuîti »t Cr~~aL e~'uto lispuw rtuituts ite igtu-nIl ;er&uo ftiu.s viii evmcate IluistClus in thé~ courueidthis iittntî. A Iinty out milibir nt WaterKlouf. an1 ttéýt1pt * ?TI tN mactid t<>cpel a 11nr bkf-til eemuy - who wvere sttïpci" to bé lIpin»g tib4t We perceive by tb w j1lv/7iï and 'Éhis wtis met liv a dex[.rnte repsta1 ,-ae h laer fà nonie, h a, îtittparnlleî dutrin g ft . ~Lieuten-f~Olt lauoc onig iesf itîtl <..X .,,te F or y~ e n i t , arrQ4 P i rm vai of J . C .a m »pbcll E sq .e or- W lihiuhy , at of thc, 71til , lita nders, iantiCptt IrOn*'. 1 1otel, Kinc-ston, aOn the 2d iust.-. venîclu, (ofIlte.levicq. feul. 'rite CoilThe petifion, me arc led ta presUtiw2 <intl laci ntu uvive fis wîtd.lt Iast words 'voie, " whal -ivili beeuoine ùL4 removeed %wîrb rare andi pWaed with due e s- rny pourE'rir." tueiiei olo- f innity .v -'flic I re,. afe!" tillti 'ie olw n y <lejîlre the If-?" oft tt1 ficet. Ad- iztcr mrijimvr. We sbill wateli its rge drese (If cond<lietter 'hmvtfl eusent l 1%. C rC1t- prciU e, an ees te Cul. iii eibitrr-.ttd dit'fthe7411. Af taQIebcc nith getSlcLdat ~ ter tIiis aflLlir, Ill eîlîritavïng lie- inform n ur reader5 pf an>" iLd tit nentupe it- COMC viery ' evterte, Gucu StifMay mcet _tthon te'l o Ti. ll crassîng hvîarwii-4 îrdi(.ps lu ltw Catît li* on at Point Lceni may became 11atiter nraale ltllt.;wt-r. 'l'lie utext ruvecnleui aus lb,- a e,.bndo teoflte two divie- towards tlite e o n f v~igati(m. 0 14 limier *(;ett(-mi Somer5et and ili- XVe are reqtctcd hy A. F'arewi Esq ielrrti MeI',ettro, ar.'ss fle.e Iltiuit. tnv'teipc.ancneei J. Relleclis t hé-1 p riiilai ilelt O ur d~mî1irs Tuefbrc wmss ti c "t»s1<q ast, that bis_ anme îvne on a jaurney to que_ 1I0J Cavalr'>' arai12060 itrflititry. w>rbc on flie aboee 1'tin, à nd il] jestce %t're lu nmtweoit tî-iitt il . fur Un L thit gcnrerinti. we r.ew alnnclitat f'in.iud fluer o:wr.i4att>, iL was ex- ! ont. U;i t thLa ast datfr&.tl Nwal. evt' j W'e ref, rr itrs 11) tte vtery e- rv h tg ~nsqri~, atitu drftunt-tevmvee Atiction of l".a I . E.Perry t lite Capg-, ltaà d b-i eeivediil) l.- nlv-risedb a-ays at4>r.lt -il Wei! ut - -'~re-l t,I C tutt >u>1t. a News of the Weak. jIsî;s nwtu > rm1 tm: Wtt eunder*tnd 'h7 tthe IJoiwnWri/' tî >~ - -, ý 1îArf1wdîtî Nis York Mc~ncltat té Smaii Po% laprcvii- u aabferu tmgriulîp3 t nr i Lite back part'of Darliigton. f,.î$,1 2,5,1, olesnç X0JX , î l(N luT'0 DIATi.-A goiut- b vs»untd jruyul by i le Jiti 'I-îaifront ElitII, eal-d a t oî ieof 11tizary on tue tabmntm tof a su-s.%frdmty, lu itsfurnî ts ofut -.vftsl oc--' ;tîru'tiu: t-bat l' lace in Lihe <rouit i imt Îfowttsbip, i-s5tllitgfront hlie . re-1 viling urseof A leiool.A mnaitdutt Iis wic fu innirsuif wilon i t irIlnf, r1 t j ti crrtîld nut.recailk et, %'ert c ee ) ij -nIr tut-jr 'lweli,îîug onIlte t-vetia.g ofi'lite 6i Ut hi st., tt m taloftaxtt -mai iler-t - if mujsj'u'r Inw' I tîîhc uni t>'ariv in Ile tiori t tg,liit irtgg È on Xuig [ u -'li'u et lteriun titire, Wlaîn'ltl M00111 ('uititi iciut ( A te hbiiîg anf ij>(~ ~ i triS iSiiflafuîv 'Itle mn ait --e.;dbrudl y injrcil wienit te uegi- ho otu 'irscecvrtio.-i i tlie lilîtrrt'u,' is st-us'>'u ri)tuni 1'sai dèLS;trtietiotu ;j bumt, liarr.Itirri- i -. tu'm1di 1Y v- titlait 4.' Iifcrati L' ru ited ait lier lsd a'al~ ~ epie inwtr'iîttc ti. 'à it f1baoisi-itti ili'. iisit ir autiv I.r J t i a b V-L '*N Tiseyotng t1)('n (if ull Vlla, hlave f.îrt'tu'i bue mltoutj LietfAss)ciatioil, îîttder t he riutst uctraigausucs Iluei firs qtucsriui <unlrrac' ts Mia- f' eet~4 .rrtCdiut .o itte raîitîficît&ts , j îelb is a lreticat reîu1ty , agmulusItue li- re- drees vmililiýýg llîn'ry tif FresTrade. Ti cnt>'- U subi-jî w'aâ but l iialuy lbandieti. and is u3t, irea 'iil luty êuver r ti; fliurrcotasidt'rati. u'PrisaO aueo itit Time eC lmose u ,t' Lu (JL. .Officers ne- nac.t turwmeulfron tah, inhs ervattnI greta! ug belisultiou Lite nîdState. As stie us thte Sbprri-gtiems tise Presidexit aili ampercede I3riglaux Young. a8t Gcuverior, P andi eialfil isi auIliiliîucy lpost aL Sait Ltake We nt ciLy. T)e uflicers tu Lite» g* btcljardpers" r etfrce tileecoru)Iunto law avili rega.rd te- qijit ant i .a jmfuiraî11ity et wi ves. -, Titis il 1 pjud "Ce ail iiteresting lui uf 1%. <nvasit tt$e- al. t Ljoli, as <;uv. Yuting alonle alion, ut dr~tay tbat iQ sp-Uith We îti, t tudirL_-'vin - - stiske ai.-t fleais ss led M ,eti ltt4! b' errt Cut-ei(Mr. 01orîo's ! W Evetiurt-z. 41t l!c'b FouEar c'heP.M~. Afrer Tva ut1r'ssili ute~yBytir>~ 0unulo, I"alù. 'Illa& .1 Lt-etttrnt isdvurt:st-d ri, Lt: dultt -ruti hiy tît le. lsr Tiuto, ouMuvmdaa 1Tâe Loet auadiata demnaratic papet L'A4vliier, bis apprarel fortise laxitlime, anti Le Pays ÇViii iupplf its placc..I It vas f ý n 1u cuf td li> Cra L abiLut1; &y MJ>r wIi r.ar tu %* r L u lt,» kuutîjr laDue. At t-he PrMtuîer>s l'etivai in New 'Yock i onte ainrcrsar-y e1 i rankiin's liirtbday, Mr-. lSi0elow, lte Lditüro! tte Evcnzn" ,)OS, ierez.pûnding toa a sntieien4 Laina- itea fac, n came ne ttmiti I Iinhe- diare absetvatiee aviie bUperintendent cf te pepular agmm$af rsnl>by creuiital4eta Lthe Memfbers of te' l ypo- graphlcai profession. kVlestat-ed tht wbii. ail 'tite tmsandi p. a'0UiQMa, luting r