Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Reporter, 31 Jan 1852, p. 1

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~Iît' 3UILIsjiEj EVERY SATIJiDAY MRIG 1'IVN SitL»IcNS PU~RAY U -y.tVN , am mnsund thlnk ahu.hmafrIfntotm.-?rne NIa-IVbs! rri naà(l i>d î.iyf rydîtitea. ring the Ari tal rlb inv rîrd on I-oI-d Plait or tiret, Froîn one Ioan uteiuire sett. JA E . GERR IE. tinr-vurti Iiiiuiecre thanks to hi*a Fsivu4'u4i;d uît î.Publlr iirwuat frthe very liberàti srupkuîîiel. haveaffoidedL ,1 ii m inti nwo past, he takea # 011ç uhd f iuuuurç tbs'uuithat Lie su aow rcîiu ru XÈJ1W 108K ANI) MONTRE..f , " b' '.lS.Af N " iT M r NT 0r DRUGSI 1OBEPIIALS, PATENT DYE TU, I<>OICS, SIATIONERY and cvery lluînmL te- n hi4 ua%"i',acbh ewill Us rift CLnOU1ATII) COMNSTrOC'K MIFlDCIVNE s CFtIEMICAÀL PIIEPARATIO'Ng $0 w,-11 known li (,'attaa, bave beeîî aiitiehayveq(itnttcd thit Dr. lvicvaS. C r oK fA t,%, Yîik, ua sthé 011: >oirîeîr. Tliesai Quîu&s au.'R (iittrla>ctuhnui1 ail Btîîru,ud ailExternat 2ud-fi.ILM 0F(YjUM H.for Stayuuug and 3r4-Ii111,' 1 NE lV' B ONE LINIMENT. atid Y f "LIEELIXIR, 41h--MrMIIUS UL. to c.ic ait Dealf Persans * tl- IfL 1S* LZM1.,\ VT"-avrcIl ktuuaan curc for 1tI 1;f' %, . c le.-z ,s Il oJJlN' 8S WK HE4D.-CIIE 7th-Mo310 Pl] 's fLIr-lJ:, for ul1 Womtn rrl 8 t - L N (; 1. E "S (;REA T WES TERY IYIN XPNC..~ For Crildo and fr.irfrrjiiCnand rireareotiucfe'ers.- 5For Soua'.efeuoi.DVipepsail'les. *ýtheigu'rrn , &-.The greitt pinta aret il us rabitl a)takhe, neyer givta pain, and ee- v_ er Ia n' nt casive. * 9th- DR, BARUrIOLOMEWrS PIXK SYRUF for UaIl oiisha r Çoîturmpion- 20th~K0DS1îOKiS UL IFGE (Worm -Kutteýr) for Firei enr growuu pertsoni. B le- (p.. RR<)WNs GRET PAN KIL I.E'R-\o îtueducitte luaa l>etdiacover- e d that % ms a;iuyidapred tourne iternally &, im t o 10be ilakie nu. itn4'yet petiot masuclà %woids.u'a wieru appleci vzteraially aît a wsah or bath by' friction. AIl fht Reruedien are fully dcaciîin Pl'mpli. esta. o- zliîn tauienl À 14o cari ai -Z LGE RBZlme ruer $tore. Ec refrMe Sbwi tItme utas which evtry fabily shriil komep n tjheir hc»ia.'ssud the imantier fmuaîng 1heti. by whuich ail onutriry sickuesa, may bt prea'enued or speedily rernovel,. rritiluu thteêXpemuse Of tht- * Fnily Pbylaicuanud Searere Dangerous Disesses Every (ami 1y ihou!ch'iirefully pretervethit booku ~o r'(et t awlurî ia euuedy us wated-both a t tht partîculartireniae by the-coinplaut. aud tahowruîtg r%%lerre auiiW euuedy uuay alwaya lue 1usd.- 20F 3 -- DU G.G 10T, Mai .Srce, Wity. ilage, Whoui luappoiratta'd Weae& Retail -Agent. 42 W. C. $WEE'$ CELIEBRATED Fani[y Medie'lnese IrIIVATO CHINESE BALSAM CIlE wuS ore'Tsrci anti Stoaaaeh, -CougIsu, -JCoi4t, Chlili Pains, WtuoaJng Cougll, Cop or B$Uier 5ie. -8WEET'S FAMILY CURA.TIVE 41I MEINS T. Cwp ail Pain&!-!i C amm, Numubne«, Aue in tbo Face, Nervau li ead and Tooth Ache, Catarrb, S .. $WEET'S XNFALLIBLF EYE WÂTER, CumsSote, Iuulumed or Wnak Kyea. It coms WITBY, CAN'ADA ýWEST, 22 tf Broakllo. Sept. U LW lit a E wil&v r TBfY A. N A 1) JANUIURY 31, 185, DR. LOCOCK'S A CE~RTAIN CUBE FOR # "~naumsuppreuîoor Stiuppiesse dntruati.n; 0 Meiîîitz Ido i.i '.Iiriful Menbtruation; A men- or- Greiîsi.lii'.;encorîhoea, Fluor Aibtoio Whitl.> 1 I%îii K . 1 - rfî. JUST JIECEIVED B1the .Subýcriber, at his M111G STOREIF raiTtv-r, IVH 1T B Y VIL,AGE. tht onnz aîir3. lhich mii.ib baold iilarge ur small quzirituimet tiiboi' rduaelanid atLow Parc rs tu, ailtfIo k.rJ ttme&: Wash in c Soa. A i i w li not. Pea t 9Sgo, Finie 011ve ('i, salait (50,, PaiiiOu Casiur Oul, (Puire ) 011 Vitriol, Creamt Turiar, sulphiir. Salilpetre. swee.t Sp'ta Nitie, UoJ Luver nuil. ,Mu4atiîcAeudAquaîFîiuGurn C;uiuluor, ~Viuîi 2î. iX.1 Sàj »29 siT. J oln- JLonug% 'tîhcl i1e N~irdf- (tr's PI i i l I1 u'iiui.l In:ii %iIu 'Palaaunu lVii 'h'r A 0.1,: Uhtîruýltrzl hie Nip igier r'.i.~ st i (e i)i' tîi1 PINS, ll I 'dlaç Oct. 22nd, lh'ht U~,I7NFNE,1Ii4ti. di!pPt ur. M ifia rpil ia, Act-, w e M uph ta. Ilui ii e, Stu y w.1uuile, VijCIiii i i t i t ir&V'.& C., la 1Sý. eb' hiY,22m! >ît,11>.29 J DI.NS L'rlnitui Ltracd of cherry anîd jIA i F's i, G I' uR 11r. WVhu:-iiy, 7th Nov' i19.'A, 1 I ,ET10UN> Fl!1 ! 0 1fl N 1ENT ui CURE. *~ r~ht Mug Store 7îî v. iml SCOBIE'S CANAIJIAN ALMANAC FOR Jubi Iicçeîttcriiî l'a tSaleIni 7th Naverrulier, 18S51. - 3. FISHtS MINERAL FIRE PROOF PAINT, Tf' I ETand C1i-IAPE.iST article of uPaiiut for niad rOuan'tlFaiiiing, For Sale bv JAME:S IL. GERRIE. -Whby, 7îb Nmv.181. 3 DYE' STU FFS. - C A _m W'OP 0D , Logwoud, Red -wood, Madder. Fîix)cr. Etriict Loe.woo'h Cwlbrar, CoPpecuâr* E£le itriol, 'Cý. &c.,~ for ý;iule t'y ()et. 22nî,1. JUS T 1 ýRE CEIVE D FJ. l.GftIE' rur uand J3ook 'Store, ýV'c'1I00XRATS'AMiERICA.N Indiare. Their ili4tot y, cond1iion and prospecta. contain- Ilhua rtued witi Enigravings. 1-f Whiihr. 24 July, 1851 FAMILLY BIB LES. IN PLAIN and ELEGANT Binding, 1«rsalIe at the loweat pricea l'y# JAMES H. GERRIE, Wbitby village. July U4,181 ]Dr. ]David Iuckcr GzpnuATu ix ?tIEDicist & AxTs, TatueuTY COLLZOJ ULIN, PtuvSICîsu.SU&GZoue 4AcACOVCitfEt. , NORWOOD1, PJcKiYNGiç., oMu, Ott. 25îh, 1.1 2-y * vawed vengeance, [uryady-were cest intc was barbarou!I!Y elet uce ai thue King. ageoua at thib abatuul aio the father seemeti i tht mnurtitrer aibit tided i bi with en raiter eonspiraey tiog % dsys. At last ht die iple celebrateti bis dei aCarvieus, fiustiad aled fron a prisas ta ti ,fple's vale anti vtaf sauts, anti reigned i ryears, He wuas al* 1iearnlng, and af canai tutti several victoriei 1compe3led tbem to ce lueir awn territor. 1 a i fVienntt, ant ivai $'- Stephben fraun 1 lin whose possesioni a Ioin of ressure by ýaduslaus,and ina auIxt asmsitn ai thut Capital irnlng anti tht fine ari Sestablisled'-alibrutj tBrada, anti fouuted a g-In iisrefrutht fi ta the Tht a: andti anti tu fieldl o Tii EMpo THA ? 1E MAGYAR MAC9AUS she died a dath of y Ir Irit ber youtb, and the f l'armer, Farrier & Stage J'ropriettor. ALA RM ~ 'TU, a GEO., w. mEIIcHKNT'sTrog ba From tbe Dublin Nation. John IUonyady was1 CELE RÂTEI GARGING OIL The old chroalcilers lo#e to tell that lue. E mpire. Cistower . V?"R&RLP n Iait1101911rsior uplxs fore Sarloth, the wife of Duke Geiza of al strtllgth &Ited but, La lu oetr.mzkals xt.nalAP~aiU g' Hunîgary, had gi ven bier huisbàud a cbild, sbe and bis manly bestut1y dlaovrd.hart a vihlol iii wlich Stepleuthe- i'oto- rare virtues made bà VoiMA martyr, appeaiied ber, sud foretold tbet He Iived ia'the star thle '.on in lier thPu would bie an istru- theýcoua.cil and court ment in thi conuicils af Uod for wianing Irity gave tutu almost ' ifleir Pagan pL-oefe to tbe, Luth of Christ,, lCgaie severýal nvbiclu im pare-ns il denlraced. <d'<s. Ile drove thei Stpe va,ý humrnlun917 at Gran, the ad5lJa sat concluded tîtea capital ofl the Kingdom and on tht five years. Trged d'ruîh of hi4 latier succeeded to lisi power. the in determined Hii ,fîr.t rare was ta spre-ad Chrstiaity- POwver IanAr"a Minou 1'4e travelled îlirough bia dominions, preaeh- Tfhe serisper; of Il ing-aitît uup.rutoic zest, and founded one aud lhe led the I{unc, A Irchlbishop jr anud ten dioceses. On bis ap-Th ukwreit plicatîon. 1V<pe :Sylvester II. gave bim the siain in the thick i t i fKino, uand presented him with aliealofrbi ('c-our-naif old and a cross, whieb was to H1uînyady ebcaped ta "Thy be carri-er before hiin in battit. That and mourning empire, Exprurcir(rarebauflu:e ycrba.abiahnt rairv ibto-day, the royal circlet of iHu>- cîgi, for the stuccets3 theW' tI41MerhaaldCeebrlL LI.11"9in Oi, r Vl. 'J'cKinz devoted bituseti almost pie was a cbild in thé semaai Faiauly Eintirocion, gtflifit uritCa, "i. i 'entiurely to the dircminatîon of tht Catho- minCourt- The-syd hieai a e uctàui Spunin, w.'rrev.PduebneWrniha.fla P litli relî.rlo:. lit placed bis empire under arcîîy prcvaiueu un Ili T'vi# Cadjouir. *Cnrckt-Hielm. G1of I1 lits, rjeuiir patrotuaire aI the mother of God, of Arpad to ber bar, kirîd s rh Woîuuuds, Spraiuit. Brutes. Fis- ait1 errcted serveral*mgiet churcbes tria. tauja. Stfat Smzd Crwches. Stuiu. Lsune ,and, 1 tle guit tetit f i hsdîfcii Foillidereci Fret. Srcrîrhîe. or Greae, Marige,. n s oi~is lebltth hrbof Tsi thi ors if cîuî Jihcunutisun. Bites o f Aiiruîtls, External Foi- the ira riiuant Ap. we the ofGongnr sorte, Pifl l u fetonFotB tes lungry m'c-e ni variably erowned ad bu- rtiled foir ten years }iolsi, Coruis, Wleiiiiot.Ituius sud Scldd. ricq. Ic-rei,,ned forty -oue years, and was gary aainst fberi trrnctiouîs of teuscl( wfr. aelings tacnewe jburieul ia the G*urch of thé Vîrgin at B.Trs n h a Of the' Jointx. Cahe idBr(-ast% &C. kr. Attc. L'a, u%%4h gi-Lai sclennity. spirators. when t GREAT IMPOSI'rlON AND FRATJD! Saint Stephen avas tht furst et the great ted blisKingd>rn.,1 - CAVI'ON TO FURCHBEL *lougnMnSvre swho dcfended Eu. bis Castte, ait Presi Thus, ut ha* ti i.menio t!eraegrîi u a-srun therit a d ffitae ~ ai. I iama ~lC'the iîcrnandu irid g ope aui tte Failli trom tue creed and fa- Ii$ power ad.oi great lrvugutth ue ciivary-rSa cupidîuy 'ff destguufng a nturiauî oý' te Ottoman Trurks, who estab. ofueseda imnue arie.frtGnie ad '%ioar zmn, d lbc hir porsver tintthe ruins of the au- uhe ppeojric.ciuvered droiCilta 'ua1', id-ee in aêas Mgixe-ras iiio market Ii>P'- îurrîtyof lie ieehle Greek empire, and of beYoîud all the co (rr tIte, u ofai i oi ly troc articue wtîuchu row aail. kndm i ng usino an t.'.iütîee reputînruan. wifcfl aILas acquîreel by tise Satracen Ctiiph'u.ktdotergl eMri 1iaîren ca.i i the Uîîdifiemsanad Canada., lisrr"uç l I eranun t a-t 'iirtr'lfcear. ln the culte 1For oit>' udreci and tbîrty years tht Growuu that totter op A LL VuMfl. aidl lot.a ii fpariular, ïir.ditai uu urnarr nî adeop aiofHungary beat baek stivertiga"s hlud, a ilséoN"Clo P&OO-OPVauu.aîtil#-C V,4Ltt 1tIie terrib'e liorde% tof invaders wbo obeyed fiitnily.. But -lié 'iei r'iii' unbiiltii knavery Iiw at.', isa ai'..d hiy 1th -vvay of flue ucce.îrof the Faise heared, n. weil as Ccntalîi rrw.'carary itcarrs whoart ira ouug upon the vir,. tira. of iliein tvaritr, a l'uîîtirr(ruu<un uhe onunaa Gar' I'ro1thet. Thev siood up an iron war afi Tre served bis colin Crirrir<ti u j..ue>îhi.' ,artijti-e nrth« filfisor pr'.perty or a, fécltinyni s a î . .e.'anlarv ern4'.itrat.arawiîhu uhem r a1iai'ra-aist the lerociaus fanatics whose bitiOn. uuuiiilifidru4vr. i ia, tutu. - -aisau e"le en Mcii nbiîîciîc iltvrai sta burl Christ fram the Prom the du te-ni wfic wît ha um; irÀ". nnthe rcttfuity <of teir cuaranersi;1 rMay Oliy i'ot inÇ.nî or the rame cupiuity sn regard rua-J turouîc of unis'er:"al Christendotu, aud ta ýat Varnas, ini 14441' 10 r j reuuool hit rn<beu' a new cîempire for tht Cesceut l u <tpture o!f Coustàr T'he iýrnîileutrcuil itfiernunte caution th>se Whuo pur. X' Eutrop. iuas ucssu yanin, n1 'cliaaee 1Be sure tex as wfam$ ofth ie propaictor<. il iij ap- Ntaixssucsfu yhi#na ui1 ownhadurta-avr he ort. ndtA" wrd#ar blwnritthircotlictb wriîlu the turbancd tegions nnaturisug their pin in~ th.raj <~iAp f trrie: G W. NMercliant, LAckPOZI. N.of thuc lufidel, tlt> reuowuu o wh aih HYLEIIAt IMT19 Otungarian that year a uew vict otherVcantac genuine. Thismà dit athat the publie nsy lsalour filleci the world, aad by its defeatts as tht Sgecondon thet Dot throw away uleu rci mniey for a worthieu andI cuuuuer.1 fort rtil as by iLs te'itsuupbs preservtd Cbrlstiaiuity tht Iast aor tht Grel AIlcrer addraad tt ropiela sIl i uoiplyanti cir-lizaîion. .And in tluat treunendous on-tht'rmat Geir a Parmphtot of the A .erada-h: ouea truirtule tht savord of Poasat was a k h seat of thse u accoralueitdbyt:he use i)'thirnediiue. . C1tfltt0u Soi b reapuirutaulesteura arly, iahthVaiwd,,rasutuwltuî ber sister kiugdom lfor fsith and citY'whieh thet 1In ïwaii&:àCiu#.ifa. IAO1,liberty. î bnd fotundedis lado- i.yîhiuflutii, t. c ~o. H .'luîere-nd . F wth tht gospel ai tht impostor tht the Infidets., ,, l'uuhrt WolnilcAtenu~îY1ouuunu'oaulIl'ra-c. nie~wha composeti tht Ottoman -Christeudon bÏecsi ssII1 nttMuîfulursPie Charlea ien i.î Kir uns-ori C, I-aiebkt, Pictort leuuuprie deemed tiue> 1ud rtcived thtenis- la the trusitofathei ONTABIO f onta gir-e ruiens ta tht lieb sud flouunîslu- archrs of-Trance a ing kingdomns wlicb iay heyand their ne t he perîts ta wii couuqueissai Asia Mineur, lai tht uiddle of.Uhbniet erç Med the t'ourtcenth ceutucy tbey marched into Ear ofShrwsbry Europe. Aud then began that -holy war re~m~toCaI i/t q whc, ihle Crusades, bieaseti by ýtht'andi Charles tht V luead ai tht Church, evoketi thte enthu5iasnFranc-,aof tht Eîq of the -odiers 'ai every CbrisianCourt, andi Vety gatelof aBut~ aud res'ived the failiag spirit oai cbîva[ry. infedlabotb#.ou 1\f R' J.F W OR S -Louis tht Great ont ai the tnightiest sov- bivody quarrels of erin sho evey wore thte rawn ofi Saint etn'ptayed Henury ir WOLPENDENJ 00.1 Sep= nthe rayai git ai tht Pape, died -rebtiliuil of hi$heil .-UFACTURERS and D EA LE 11S fus tiîefore thte)lnfidels violateti thet teri- aPeniumuntarch i i 101l0RIments, TOMh StOUes & Girave StOnfll, rq ai Hungary. Occuspieti bÏ, other en- ties. Nelther cotli White, Green, Bluc 4- Variîegated iMarblcrt gagerments$, wbich concernet ti. onour and Hitlng4ty lu ber-sta Ceutre Tuables, Staind-Topa,* Chimney-Pieres, intenetitoa bis kiugdom ia Souillera Europe, Insus. Sinla, Seada Sfaha, Suiu Digita, Peint Sànta, &e. i e 1usd not direîatd luis efforts to check the King Lodisians i V very vuriety of U4RBLIUW0219 done idi i 1pproaches of this formidiabte aemy. The ccammitted it 1to E SurP- .yo.c h'SetNtril nsecond Prince of thet Accnti royaldynasty fiatiiag,.Iad à1h4d ;N.B.-W. & Co. l'erg tîeay thai tht-y'bavoen o-.c unzaary, fie was, in point af eminence self inlhe îiëldani cinunectioni wiuh a y aier Ftabîithmeut,anjid thy and populaity, wçhat Stepluen was ta royal fes'red on i hm the c rmot ilueir Marlile frcm1 the well fied Ruiîasid hoUzit af the Arpats. And by bis genlus, and çansoçtraie4 hi =urnies, Vermcrnt. - DVVA0Svuazr WuuTa. tgiiatii'e andi warlike, bad, brought *[un- bis country- Markha Villge, Aent. ary ta tht bigfhest position he ever bett Maswio a violenuce in the bloom or dercwho; tulasse ai ber enthusi- iti' grest 1the sueeeediug reiga, hero of C tb. Chief Solieir ofthe that tîlîbi ing stature end lperson- A iew i n for thetitslofubattle ; inly.- : Y, intelltatuai vigor, and immuediatel i'tht iti ofaithe nation. Hnyady. rins ai battit; ant inluwbcue bts, rt bis sagaeitn andi integ- Palatine, f t upremne autisority. Ladisiaus~ victorinaaver the. Infi- theê%run ' -m out #if Tiansyivania; grade, whf t a peace wîth theun for Hi~s friendi 1»' the Papal Legate, tiren of H te b~reak tht Ottoman Ladisiaus', rin a ne wcampaign. the prest luuyady wert olvercome were outrn garian army to Varna. Tht cuie toruotus. Laduauq was Hearta oe ai tht -battit flghting ppe o erows anti bis Got.- cossplracy D direct, the distra etei ret oa isi e,now without à saver- anti bis pec -or chasen by thte<peo- tiouai 'îct écusuody ai tht 'erm - 1atihia ystem ai elective.Mou- son, was te fuugsry fromUw h days hy the pai kpiess union with. Aus- aLlier clair Job 'lltruyay ~ orer thirty of tht country. fIe itary akill. îsud defended Hiun- lit gai iCplacable fues, the Turkse anti rs ut *deînestie con- selv-es ta tU the, yoling King nuli- to the Wall Ujunyacly carne fiam crown ai ibuîrgh, andi reaigueti Get'nany, muùura Jfto hie hauds. pluceti for' ense infltuence with' ai King L 1witli gtory, enriched he tak pa lie thjecits af the ronized ee - aegaspeti ut the nifiuty ýrzd_ hi bs yotuimuf(l volumes a: aud lefu tta bois oiwn at Prebu,ý vas loyal and simnple- press was 1 brave anti pdwerftl. aschalar ,m ntry, nat bisuiwn am- tivateti the rema-kabie )f this signal tritinpb rwere bis until their siege nti was tht 1 nitilpe, tue anicieut anti tht le ,,1 he'rurks had be n'n Msgyar T ans- of conqut"t. Ia lergitimate i ,tory llceti Mabornet -riirty y thraneof Constantine ai Louuis 1 ek Enu.perors iailia.g father Wa Byzantinitbecamne tht Infitiél, ýrkists power,.qdf--utrSl st Christia - ,empeor ihad begmn lis day tise capital of oi the ere Dozsa mua !amesrmed, aidteven andtiulieu "ir dispuites, the mon- PeUdalisn ud E tu lanud trembietila terrible i tludr l'ai Stock of Dry Goudeis, Ct.utMuug, rorer.CoYuautil'in&partn off Cobourgs Muslill-de-. Lains, Priatetiasmrei Gyala Plaids, l*oyle's Prits, yd, wide, BIritishu anti. American Grey andi 'White Cotton '$luirtiag, Smock- iug, Tic1igs, Cotton Yarn, ]3LANlÇE'$S, . Iuj - XT &I

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