et o'sposileteh1' umbers and Iocliaty in tted lmy the authority aforesaid, tisat the ýý>tte sid asedJaIé oppoiuté of each rond appointed ComiWsooeraî ter expets4 the portioried, whioh jobs have tu be let by hIcîh notýce must b. givon mlet sixdays of etti nsg thse sanie by posing up writ-- ' in the ,Mmediaxe neighborlsood thereo. af said work, thse Treaurer is hereby iird t pa thsame tu, the order oif *unid êà id ecbedile~. O21Grig&es rcadl 91 BoCe's 14! f î 7bciMuillinst 31 %Suadi, 1 rot, . tdTylers IEpe4 liOct.t 2tDo. Do., D -.Do. 9! 415 -0 j Dof. Do.1 01 Do. -Do. ~~! D871~-j UaDO. 114 f19 li, 51 JoV i Tu 11 7ý2 01 0jDo. Do. iOfO1lturas Paxon, 2 3 114310101 De. D. ~23 10 0. Do. Do 21101 DO. Do. 'Q 0 Do. D o. S41 01t O Wîl am ýWard,' ' 0 ~ Doi Do. A13E~L W. E¶VERSO TCHflLL, Town Clerk. 'Town, leeveilji six moet Publiéc Iheu Firçt of peember ne Pasuod 22ud Sept., i Cnn dfter t» 'pisingofiilY-L4w. ofTownshs eoneil lor's shaht be held Ya.anuary. inthe Town Hall. in tIse Âü it shall be thse cuty of thse Town- writters or prnted noticcs theneof, in ein thse Townshîip, onz or befbre thea ext. 1851. DAVID MITOgH'ELL Towv ABEL-W. E WErS, i lrko' PwnRec To ra,0#91419I& Salaries of dlfen(ont TmçMqOffiert Be it enacted h; the Msînicipality Of ijReacb,-..That froni anud after tlhe passiitg of this By-ýLaw, the Township Officers shatt ho entitled te receive tise reRpécîive suais herein des- crb~~fur srvices for: the-present yenr, ant Io 0repedl By- Law,;o. 26, viz:--Treasurer, tise sum of two pcndttO per year; Towni Clerk, ts suai of twcnty pounuls per veut; Alditors,tire suai cf fuie shilling# eccb r year; A.eswsrs, thé ssm cf. eight. pounds'fifleen shillià gs ench. per year.- Thse tbove mention ed'srims are ail payable b), thse Trenstirer ef th. Tcwn ship, un prodiuciisg a la-Wftsl order ti tise Treaits- fer. excêpi whoee îtl otherurise prmrided by Law. Passçd lit Oct., 1851. AE .E ES Towi Reeve. DAVID MITCHE LL, Town Cley-k. * BY-LAW NO. LII. To -Repeal a part of By-Law .No. 48. Bil eruacted l'y tie IMîîriiiaiy oftiseTownshsip o, Reach. and if is he>'eclîv enacteci by -the sane-That froru and afler tIse passirsg of this fly-Laiv, tisai Isortion of By. LUw r-o. 4.8, which requirets the petirsosserste puy tise expences of the strvey, be and thceamîsis iseby repealeti. arîd-hhAt thse Survevor bc, pmid bin legal çItargeq by the TreasqWr. outi of -tIsegerserai frrnds of tise',Town$hil, n heis bereby requiredt ioay the sanie. J u 1 slt Dec., 1 85 1. 'Town Reeve. DAVID, MITCHELL, Town Clerk. » Ca (rew wero capturod, inclding the, Cocitin-C hi- I1itili a fickIe people. TO day ý worsbippiMg - noue, cubera delivérée theiteefes ais' but an ides] image of liberty, running neot in soixesemped. Thse Hon., Company", teins- Jtlsc-,rîîirance cf tsi e'a aiga ma 11rvS, dtae4Shisp or JHoogly wu sdispatched ho Brisa o béec lasi cbieved tisai perfection. cf Yiberty and 4p sa7,....t AWonglit if ths ue ii couhd ble saed and is lettens Jeuht Imhte al~eb~suiifr frm $apore ats the1Raja of tise country te deliver up to-morrow tbnowi' îesl iiels Lk r te ala Sal-thse uity paries. lI there urt nime sonre arma cf tIse firi military Chiisrio bbadtIef kitti 0i s e P'a>«', of Ib e museproeed diDn "aire boit te pdence or uuudcity (for w-e cemot Cal tsupi te $trde r of &eiuag d surrendored tibeasslves up Inti anyuimig else) ho seize tiies hy tIse col- IIUSJS$hre mudes' cf t " l.,but tisef. aie not beiieved ho ls udgy Ie hk.1ieitttc i.>wcr~ ad akt4n aay part ia thse outragestitan thse natter ix tisai ýthse Freneit people are 1 #etioOf tise 'by such as they were iu a meiasure compeleildmet fit'yct ho exercise sef-goirerament. nu, as far as y -have to do by tisreais. Thse riagleaderu, afier 'Jbe smasses ire toc ignorant, and -ire toc ýaea fPollos ;The 5051e' excuses on fticpart of tise ttjU1, toasIhy lotI bytise desirning kaes whbe Waa A,- porL4cmandw.e edured sand akesto 'Penansg' , *here issloüst tise stage snd-deeire thons by tseîr 1ýi tiey w-il b. tried on lte 17tb OJ-xovom; ju.gging 'trkkx. The bittory cf-France f ,Pv r 7hrre uber Iry tise Recorder, Sir William Jeficet for tIse asi stventy yearsprvsbibe Capai Roeste -ql yend -cmvii. In ilsese ctncuumstances thse 4)51855 '~1n~ ise -barque Rajah cftIÀ'grpool, frOns coup d'etai cf ;Napoléon sua> be thse boit à pPha4p, a. porion iudoIisaseîlwn 5thing that couhdbave bappened tb item"- si~ ~ ~ ~~b b,,UI 5 ip ile iras on fie standng for tise land, 1boiter a thousand tinstisan asotier Reigu tiIO51US, andi a Cocin ub-ut MEd uot proeeed te lier asistance, or of Tror. unider ,$oeiaiist auiqpices, vmt 8 it is probhble, sm of tie s e stu taires i isig forth ai every -beave of thse poliical as,,wù atlier cfan carited out-of tise quarter boat ntiglt have 'voleýssc second'odti scfRoispie. IWp~ ~S *5V1II*4 i bén rescuoti from a water rve ieMurai, andi sucit humaisssntr ets ~ ~e 7sf~matter cf lbe Rajah. on the Iolcowing day ý ne tyrant titan tbirty. For alil tisai ow- IQt 11015, tIià 511r#' 1- e l U i ià ber Majesty's shipAmnazgon, evor, Louis Napoleon is a get raes]l tie -r* w . " reporitd wIat lie iadwitiiesud tise Preyi-ý andI no doubt but bis day cf punisiument be eou; m4ay. The Ansazon w-ist. in tise dire- wll corne. Ho bas by a bel andi luclryý T'tio*indictaed, bat found no vestige 'f DaY fIit seated ti iiself ispon a tbronte foundeti e'4wee m ndvesfel, tise.Faw-n, baving it lda pear a on tiseniis, cf thse people's liberties. leubunned to tise waher'a edge. JW. suspeciteéwifl id tire crow-n one of "ut% N hapoleon.1. i r,,wiscit wilh >'eh cost his tise beat wvappie e ' upon wisich i isphaceti. Tise severt mil- isa Lascars do miel As there ixs $0mach am i rent sdabout h i~os -re fthei dl ins"'be wisr la w1 l wy, mode of pui3.ý Ai L alowuioe peoplee4M'l'y bc aux- - ontIr, and J -ryto ,vould diagrace asndcf Iis pecuiaritbes. 'WîtbëWôv T îjoion weTb tseori o u ýr un b'h a',~tunfier py fbmf thé fôlloîvingdéérijstionfIsp r05 là t. him with cus a itishe igsshoii. [à lays are proverbsial Gerum a ned Stabi, ais' >, u4erc Kingto>n Âia. is~ris~ ponen f là -axsM à A tear Captured by ClUofo.,'m P'Àp"tJey-,thse tNever dd 1behold amor omaning A pape ulse t]otuaSan er, buit uch rwo not mqjpt.anacc. An unwisolesomegry brwn e ulstt tMsîua,~an uvtadahga~A4 trerta ,ta oeyil~i tit. t'qlènéste i ves an accouni cf tise capture of a hûg aveese, ad te C-ý at m t tle bar, bycloraformt, whichJas rboaewb3h a-, esoIvèd b lic revn- Fî. p r, bre ise d Iiy a trce musing. ' lis baarshsiji iati for a long timrn, ~ 'itssami sy'o haisw-îisouî mtiiuy. beea the thuron cf tise- district, entinehy de- ià latngû hmg leý stiitoýwih té mM orpto f t1 1 ilýttemipts ah çaptu'e. E'Veil tise i fe th Catai toail mpe - ocifie; Ialia. Fenc, ad Mst arini, huÎiers daged hot mpprocl, bisns for tiè oCîpaslo te ai EuônHsc *tna -tlli,pw f teishs sfe ently' nèar to'give luin 'a deatIs*iéundâ ~ ~ant ~otle ba~ vas1OtIo lits glorr. makj tb4 ntiuneev. MAt'stilI tieïs Bt deviii puý44 o :L"e ii.p7r n réd ex uu~ouamî bd and hi onetiý ti go e f 6ds", iL anwe .- 0 1. .5114 -iti-1 lé-s' racy and14vengeani Jahprycan fi fEIJILi ne ; t IU GogsbiIm in the t-1---7=7 street, and evenate lîs r- à nquets de'v4affl' Vy, 4onsirnu, Broo*khaii iElysee, he tmay find theýi te of Giistavus.- 1fnot- in yolir, part of Capida vat vas, but He whlmb beer; falsjo al 1, rniut 0 Dy lk in - New York-4n da& part ofde 1e4 for falsebood, and is doomed to da;ly and fo tta ati.Yumkevegad nightly feans of mutinies, insurrections and tatsvti.Yu a uegad reveie. Conscience cannot be altogeth- nsistake. er~Med an~-wlf imeime -otrae i '~osiÂro; yu mm Bookinwith ber horrible phantasmÉLgoria, tise ghastly con- pse«i of' tis Boulevards.' a y. I mean Brookîju wiith an i. It îs $NE W A OVE RTIS EME NIS'.- nated, an;dis wellleaiculatee- for wliat g>*E. PERRY is still Selling tIse ri»- tlis jetttion represen1ts. Besides it-s 1 maindef T'of, LixS tock o ii Iiîne a5c supported b l ise>p.aîneS-of t COT RmiEr rmno-tdistinguised-ti:ùens, anivof tgire hbu a cffl, as he is satià tsed lie canIliere 111 Dr. -r" make it advantageous. "éAhi, je cornprehiend, ver tssany ut WThthyJai. 2th 182. 1-Ss.ers from you r part of Uppër-Caniada val THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL vas, fur de leettle office, jus now., Greit, o E r N ~the MucarczsýAL CoiCI.of sîrsni u eU ir.~erciv A the TfmmONa!gp f 1 tF a reg-far fuiade cf-de ull.t deaux whe 14 ts Overtecrs of Ilîgiiways, and ether vit so grande a specimen of le maître de tTOwow.hip Otflcers wiliIbc appoirikd. 13Y orcer. ut tse Cotsncil, case. RT.HARRISON, lFrnokim, Jatn 24, J852. 41-4n. good sir, have yoîî got. no onse here thast Mas cKusrr wif remsm tIs duies .4 Non, sair, Inut youir servittuer horn- of ber srhool on Nlontiay, '26îIsinst. ble. le comprehiend ver mnooch." \Vlitby .Jan. -24, IS.SI. 41-3t. 16 Welli voit sec, tltes are natueo MB~ TI GI E BROWN i% an au- thoriêed travelling Agent for the Ontario $Reporter, tco obtain snbscribcris and receire orders for Printing, Advertising, &r. 'THE RlP 0RVýT E IL WH1IBY. S'ATURDAY. .YA',;VrAy 24, 81 Port W bilby and -ake ]luron R-oad. à rmeeting; of the,;,tockhofderm of titis Cmpany iwas id on thû'. I7tlîinstant, at fT. N. Scriptuwe's. when the etports of thej S-,cretà rv and Trc.asutrpr, for the Iacit rear. were -prcsiented and adopttd. T1'he Reports were very satisfactory, ~howtng the Comnpany to bc in a Most pro5- perous condition; and though theexpendi- tur e for the improvement of the Road î"as beavy, stili the receipts being large left a handsome balance on band, to commence opeJâpQnb sith the present year. i l¶e meeting was fulir alive to the impor- tance o~f the imine diate extension of t he road, to the rear ttowuilship5, wlîich wrould rove of vast bene fit to the 'Public, as Wel as vield a bantisome revenue to the C:ompa- ny. Tite tine ha.% now arn ced to pûsh this work through,,and the question mâst be agitated ililts fi ns] conipletion. The people expects it--the County requires it- thse tînes dena:nd it-and if thse uew COUD- ty of Ontario ià to take ber proper positioni Witb ber sister Countie4, and for which, nq- tare has se 'tWell' q1alîied ber;,-l4dio publie roads mu st be mteto, open up thse 1 coutty, and, give increased facilitiex- te the ,fariners, for rea cbing thse iarieus m-t-keti Thisi,-oad > 1n; hrougls the whole Iength .of the caruntyi, wi>th Port Mbitby n"n thse south, and a world of beautiful farming çouuty on he nrth, tise natural outiet of which isover this, route, gives à t an ununual -1 ,importance;5 conseqtJently tIse greater neces- Sity of turgildg-be %vork viperotisly forward.b The fllowing arcr.'the . >irectors, elected tj for tIse présent year. Jaumes Rowre, 'John ilï Cimpbell, joIûs WcLh, Robert E. Perry, S John MîarLiti. ' Ons 3enday, la.4t, lwe tindersta4d, bî JohnsCmblJs. st ~ç1n eto ~Vbiy ciiro~1e or Crîe>ee,~ itha tE putitjoti froin the mnediat- n éighbor.'91 Lood o r tisat pa. t th.e Goverrnmeuti, s nxUyin-agt :BroUiiir, ht be fileéted L ui corer (if the Elym e. ba4 th O ~ A l b1 e~ ~h e c o l kesa le5tm attli [ b e % id m u t M r. V a n s i bad'beeil placed în fi i1 nWn tlà ý Chl - httin a hort tine. lie hei af Depuatics in 18 ,iai-tkn 1MýNl would le liberae dmwn by order uf the (Go érT» t. 961 3-."Does not lie, Don$ NEw ~ 21. rrlakc it his lioamst thut lie ( DEsT1WC-TioN co? A MAIL STEAMIFr.BYfrqîîtpsoal to hîmr FIRmE AND GItEAT Loss oF r Lî're~ to edît a Tur- 'nvowsjl Isetilamr)ton for thse 1W'st Jnidies,.look 4, 1 es lo Ie v. Tie tire at 1, A.M., 051 Sunday sixty 1111;eâ (Ç' 1 hv- P.. CÇiitrcil) 'à West of olym~dwsettirely'Qun-I îw. i-lîi on tbe.ýçîxsae im ed, %witti he nm ails, offi(e ' so c ew , i Nl-T hcs r o h anid puaesengers, excepti 2#Y j5asoîis,, viz - ho mdded -Mr. Vineerit. mcsspmn eCtes 5. ,NWht ci t'nlenmail of thse crew, anid two püsstnsgera', wl(j', kmst Fall visioced Perths in C( Stirceteded ini gettiisgoff in 0110-of LIne 14,r'Dimi~le.JC. MacNai)s rn bou ts, mand vre j.rnked lin uftcr he i e ûnd t i he ; s aî w rit~et'I" hur'.Tie 'totai Pme4>5rtrîsdrs1erth~, anxdleft paSne~ s said o be It>. 'Tite 1r o h ter~ ot L n Îs stpposed to Ilve beeérn catisCL by spor- ~ i 7' r' ,~ '~ I e g -taneoti.m comubustion-, ~m~,rurY The floval Mou~emli mrailiss eeto 21fa sisieti or Lverp ol, wilî t li gt" by ht1i 1 ig7,% t<f - hov ite pua fsa WHTBT I oAI ÀÎyAY.--At _, Cyb-rs iif n- of tIe Directors, heldtie 17th tise Batlhirst Dstrct! le following wre electeti Ofice for Tt îsay hc tri1me thut Alli 5t yea: James Rowe, lresident; f duad, onrîsýssitstIlle -Vs îcnty tiav havé» e1*~e-:,te Perry, -Secretasry, John Watson, f!e lak Fraser," r e . S tî ý I t a C n m ' r i n r d - - . - - - - j r (A s u d e i n i i t h e ] 3 a i h u r s t NCILLORS Fort WH ITC11 t Cîî.c'il - lime uie affidavit iras 1, nrtman, Reecve; Ifenry Wi'deiis. Itie «lestt of it, a fles R e re ; R . T-H . Gs; s, ( e o r g e ' o a d m it o f a n i o rrî sriia 1urd %lsieh tIse records i G.]3o.Iie. cT~o e~irs f i nitiss aee is foot for flic oIa of pnocu.ring a suitalî tczîimnorîiaî kîatts rcz ýt. to-be presenteti to John Jimpo, "The amîerti(jn, ihat i t le , aTeccrlUs bavofakfi e 14r1nro is hbyi;i a vit, 'is a vtil,", 1Sxcicty. for bis irsdefmtiigube er- sbtnueas the Editor nr t ire a à t f o u rte rtn y e a nr ., W e n it i~ t h v e w c il k r o w n a *isaMagcitrate tof th e1 ctebitimonial will bechcsih liheral -ifid tan? îriaCms~ iâte ; such " ihil do honor to t he ooumirîa ~f îhreaf1id ýfM . iLson, and tie tast e of ts f0w e iv ts distilict rE CoD - ys OUNCrTY'rh - c W I Iîuy stà ys hat thE of div titsied C olintivs of Yürk-, sit~,istM.FraSer,' 4 ald P'eel willIncset h ln rscsnot n "oritisirr lncesd4tv, tlic 26th inust. )fi! gcmtlen keeli taw \VILITJ3Y CQUNCIL. - Presentationef a Bt Tnewzeanps' 5w fi, g sd a m etir inst., ths thse pres J. 11. Teh ai isicb I 1wisuh tblay before I[~li cljPstn lency. Vu ebr sD.A -î,j~~e M.F--l, ansd - up "AI), oui, oui,farewdll, adieu, mon. of respet ~'u.1 sal bave youir Icelle prayer in Esq-, lait fIs vtn of I13rookhin vit (le ï, laid; bfrse cuiura/ son £.rcellcnc!,, for bis plüs grandeý cors - vices foi sideration. 1 "aI-par le dîable--la trust 'the quartre temp.q. My pea sttip sal lue ver approprià cold.-Ax.1ieti, Monsieur le Catiijsbehcl." m'eritýý of can Babtiste, w-bile Ilr.Camp.r- Jdouon. bell look4r for bis rai) rmueTs isxd NewoW f the,-W-eek.I .sicî .>A1RRtVAL 0F 'THE- A1CTIC-'. ri ;n ons Wedr A'TrTrEm)s AssASSYTtONÇOrLOUIS XA- VOLEN-BUYINGOr A MAIL rAmr ,k¶D LOSS or LIrE.fJae One Wek Latcrfron 1urp 1 TIse-i" Arctic" anniveti at quanantine ibis moniug. ýSIsç bings e7 passengens. Live rpool Cotton Market firm ; ames ýfori 3 davs, 14,000 bales; îniddling Orleans! qusoted 11d a 4ý4d. rhesre wua a ffpecula- tive deissanti for, both w-test andi ftoun thse 'latter isad ativanicei 6d., anth Ie fermer id. Inilian Cern neglIecteti. Lard bail inprou'ed: 1!§ te h G6d. Western CanalPIilatîelphia,- Baltimore and 'Cacadian- Iloun isquotetilat '21s a '2'2s. Ashes quiet. At.- ?sanchester prices of.yarus are fiu'm,-Isut Ibdsiness ver>' isoderate. . I Franc ,e ail w-n quiet. Commercial. reports arc satis 'factor>', andth ie revival of confidence isatistimulatetila !spcahativ 'e ell- siaut. 'fIene, bas beea a rin ip the val- 1 se of. agnicuih'trai productions, owing te purchases madins gerunaîsy.- TIs JIon~ R sANCEz. The:it;iiiturpùblishes a decee ener-, ing tilatil coeins in golti) silver or copper bhail Isencefonth bear on -Uthe face thse effigy if.Louis NMapoheoxr. Several changeâ have leeri madIe ansong tse t£drasraais lu comrfnast of thse difl'enont stations ! cf'thse Firensch ixavy. Balîs and fêtes Iin lsoopr of tise President continue to i.%re place. Paris Bomne dull. it is saidti hat as early nain- berof te X0niteUr wilh Icnain.tise uîew tsnstiturtion. andth Ie flnst article will b. tisai be President sall take tise tielç tOf Bispe-1 ,or. Tise F, renci uà mmers eôatnrdi'rit tse.1 ita in ,ou James D.-yden-.Deputy. Ion, C. McDermot-Cýollecîor.,, J. 1.Pery-?A~« SJI John IShier,- of tht S 31A L L r ox i N x n ç . W , - a s a t gret to have tu snn.uince tisecoind prevalcie ni' ofîhýSidîscaseeun Pickering. they1 Ir lias ndJedaUliten viètini se ulisfatal tire ct list, ýMa. $EYEA IAIGIT who died on l c Mlont ay last: We eari ibere arc ma- r ny more casce in the neiglsbuurboMI. a li Cilidren ansd adults %who lhaire ni ye-, iWate lamea vacciimuu'd, sbomîld a~ttend t9 that au riluty iimdimtly;ev scai if mhe pen hi lsmsve ha: -i, fil uruy ýW-uY !ex1iu.Sed to .thse adufr ccii migs n.It lusu3ire ho preveqttIsthesCital confluent, or fattai stsm2O of the <di8a-S~es. Coanilloýs'ror héra. haf c Eozasaetiors or 'Thra!,. ite ____ La]y .XrcliltdM. ftaini. 3rd do, Archiba1d ceM. d4i John fuinn. Badn W e iare rcqueste d tu stte, tIatIthe mut 1 and hi 13.ev. Ti'iorint m-il deliver thse fiye taihsmf t villa,, are unit ýrmay osf a cou rse ut' Le chinie's lrustittite {%iny tise aXtoni,, >5IIAWA, Cop ty toi 9«F l' .L.. î;7 -ýi