Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Reporter, 10 Jan 1852, p. 4

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..e a., orMesinain forniresesbles ,the. occason wu regardd uane oiclç an o ths ccontthecty wus one or fun and froie; and whhel tt &IWd 67 the ancientà a . eAccurding clusion - of the cremgy. iiGod ta, tradilios it was founded 530 years before Q. . " * sg l abyli th .r, tbr àimesof trey and ls tbcrtfore 964 1ear joined by toc lookm on in a @dr id&matbp City of 1Rome. *Iis barbor Cheft).-& Zdn 1lgrapls. bus bee adsn4ed, and is embelibhed with a mug~e of niaijbi buildingrs neariy uuifurm Wlg.tTRa AT QUznBc.--Ou lthe 26tm lime wiole ienetb. he4suares are adorned.l, I8 .m., tii. tbermfometerstood with equestran statues and marbie rotin- 124 beiow Zero; -wind N. W.; weather teint; and the cburches, convents, and pub. clear. lic ediliece are beautifut, audhti ily credita- Fn rQEE.OîFia un bie. 'Mesijua, in ils day, bau Deen a flour- Ftngls. ieeATt EUZmd uf the rio r-1 ishig andnoble City, but Ibe numerous ris- r111e9y1arr he est and ail thaiRoyageAr. fortunes it bas eavericnced harte sadlv, 41cr- tOlrnunco Stoescand lIitnge oth aed leniin h pandue" terrible>tbarracks Io ]Palace Gare, wero luurjt hlf its y;puaibu, adtiecrbd 4ow!1. Thqff fre originated in the bar- uma kso 1780andl782 ocso c ae ,aloe2M the destruction of a large portion of the TCUaot2ucok .M plate; whili i t he meent revoutio of hI Pertu, enys a London paper, hors 1849,p its unsucçmsfuil srruggrle ag'ain.i the Iadiias, are no plontiftil, and cals mNu tbrome of Naples for independencc inficteilscarce, that R hOrseiicilngIven in aildtionai losses of inicalculble magnitude. Joxehange fur a cat. Ità, population once afnollntCd to 100,09- CRYSOTAL PALACE AT NE£W XOK.- il wi now ouly about 47,000. Owimg tuthue The telegraph fromn New Yorkc of Tuesd;tv preseneof nointains,.aumd the current, of says the B3oard of.Asociaté Alderman have thuatrzaits, the. air of the1 city ii fresher and jawsnted to the use of Reservoir Square, in- more temperate t.ban that cf any other por-1 stesd of Nfadiion, for the erection of a Crys- tqos of th. isanji. The famous eddiem. of tai Palace. Scylla and Chuuybdis are nul fat froin li'e AnAircneio euastoec ort, and a few miles to the -Nartb is Strom «)5smsrleswmuoV iiifr1l~ i'oI-a vCiO~n tc se alwv runng, thatîîteire yearm' smbseir>ron, to send the. Umaie*of whicli reflcct their light !o I îîii a lork ortheir liair, st) Ihat lienay sueb, a dàitace--on ~the waves that it ' iNknlow thgit they are stil livinmg. îarn.d theeFaro, or the ligbtlmouse ofille yar viîls(nalrkrds Medîterranean.0 - lyaelstis(nacttkrJi in the treasury of'the Cathedral nmpre- IUcC like ithe L'flgra-ing"s onfa 31 bnd<,n serred the palladitun of Mýtesina---a ker ~ îer i Un1 enlis îby are uhlueram fromu the- ý iriîn Mary tîuit-,citizens; i n e uf Punch. consequence ofwhh,.thie Mmsine.se pre'- A Vul-csoinewl<re 1 lown cast,' tend tu bc pre-rmînent over the whole i- has made nac randd iscovery that a Wiri- land; nay,- over the whole world. IL ap- dow giîized wirh h!imirt, ia sûre -- pum sthat during ber rebideice at J ersna- diratiois limat the (>CCilfuntha,% seen na lem, the Messieebaving roccîuly <'obra nuilcU1v ced tii. religIon of thc CroNý, were, indurrd BiUIVLWU.Ubsbe -O eh« acl mdds11,ath an embaxsy of four cidtylwlnlelcurhan Prm chre with the duty icf asuin omî,;Ç- wilth bugs ~f elua mur of sasir venerationand respect. n ,a, 1hie, aud a lasidlordeannot, hold a tenant haowedgemeut of tus mark of considera- repNsle for the rent, if Ilime latter tion, the t'rnaMary volunteered lu take g~eîj h es i uîcîemeu hbiretity ni er immediat protection, the premuises being oo deusely popila- sund ýrrote lthe letter in 4-esîioti as an abi.-tdit ewn 40& évidence of iber obligation.- -flhc let- ldihvrnn tte lwfi a gret curiositv, and translated POwRTPn.- A mai praimsîtlmg rter, from Bcbrewi; utc Enalisb, reads a:boi td hat t ww% suexcellemt a bevermgc Iows:- : 'hat taken ini grteat qitaîtiies, t almrays T'h. virgia Mary. daughter ni' James, made Ijimi fat. 1 1 have seen the Li ' ' thé. Most humble mother of out Lord Jfsus saÏd arioher, 'wlen ut inade you lean.* Christ arucified, of the tribes of Judah, ôt ij When ? 1 should -like to kuow,' ai the race "of David, beahth and benediction the culogist,'1 Wkîy, nu longer auothai of God the Fathber to ail the 1 suns, iat niglit-againut a wall.' "II;beiug certinthat, dwiinF tu. your9 grext dth, y ou have, affer a public deliber- 'PÀnLIAMEwT.-T1ie nanada Gazette atibn, gét mue tiiese esner;andd sce ic(f Saîîîrdmxv lait cntains a Royal Pru- y~é~îtuha ou So w od id lsdclamation, b)y.wieh the içeeting uf yc *mt ia u o ' - n i6m'ý h.b went up to e a after bis iPitrîjametut is proiogued from the 24th remmein, m yoa have bec, ihstructcd byltlimuo, to the 30 inâtaum,--not. fur des St.ad,seuas.an aposîle, we bleses y patcof bus.mes bt.eel -oforma togelimer wih l ii jur cil,', aid we wish !A lit! le- girl, walking oie day with ltobe alwaya<ousderedasyourprutectress. I lier mother ti a-grave-yard, rt-nding "Tii 42ud jear c mr Son, that is t o une after atioher Ihe praise -of Ihese my,. lthe Srd of June and 27tb of lb. Moon who siepî leucaîli, enqutired, ' I 'v1 on- JérsalmI der where they bury tue simner* 7" The peop1eo~f Messina bave a passion- _____________ Mte dev6liop for the. Virgi« Mary, aW have Wielld 20.streets of their City after ber, un- FLIR AND PLLTSH CAPS. der varions titi.. of honour; and ithé monstTH Subàcriber bas ju*t received a ne"' $iOus baptize Ibeir sons addaughters .Let- .rrmmmofu udPls as oc terio and Leticrùz, i-onor- of the. stcred Cloium &c. letter.AL , Thme grand fstital in commeInoration cf 50 KEGS WHITE PAINT. th. receptiou of rhLh. palladium of their sale-1 t,' takes place on the 4th of Jume, cvery Whilb y Nov. 27h185,. 33 j. year. On iladey' a long procm. ýon is for- 35-if1 nmed, in whieim aUi lasses from tic Cardinal ImuUrBce! lasurauc!! to the. meadicaut pauticipate. The rase TIl' usrbr ain em pone eoataislug the epihtie is caruied by thei3imh- Agents for the op, apaisted by si Senathrs, bearingýarihelia111 lasuraute cOmpaýy of Utîca, N. Y. ,tuooy above it. Atthe same time, pain- ar rrepar-,l îo rekeive appliceationa for Jrsuraîre. twdtnbgthe special asuranec or traand favar of tie rMadonna<. ties haie been seufortunate as Mes- lt bas suffered from cal=lnties oQf description, *ud Ibis day the misera- I destitute condition eo' its Iower class- ies the. kecacit feelings of p ity aid feramoa. T"e~ things, hoirever, ot occasioued an,' abatement cf tleir ote rime Yrgim, or'dîiihisheci ticir me in lber as tieir al-ufficient pro- a. Iu tlhking carefully upon the aesiljme tbaî tli.Vurgiu ~her hmesuplications, or imatalic lass su imd nthlie ability 'or mncl-, .is -lituaed in a vaut, ucarthue J Mtoent .t mmmdcontai»s. a popu. "1àolit4t SO Soe. Thme City'is irnOt enti mi, of Za-ea ntii. a trge0 and Cimeice asu--tmen oôht liseceleb-ated .MONTREÀLBOWT, whIlch have heretofre given so muaî satisfaaio ho the public, cenistin;c Ladite'and bldan' Iù Cîa laf XkiD, B00ots, >cn tWI g iîggtd 4, Fine Ual! kt , kt. - - C. G. ANDERSON. Wiitby. Nov. 13, 1851, 31-6w. TOLITI n heTown of Wl{ITB'Y,- occupiudb) S. SAY. Tise location la favourable for cirryin;ç on an tensive btusne,an><oUfero an excellenhc:penmng te ai etiteu-priiîmecbanic. 1. IH. PERRY. W/iftby-- - ---------1 ,W- rdii;Maehlne§ for sale fIRE Sti scriber Utffers fur sale T Wo D 0U LÈ.CARIDINO M NIA- CHN2ES,(onellearlynuew.) Oie Pick-- Ore one $hariougMùaeîne. urmeSiiîi- iiînig J-enim-v,:Iaîol ot Dye Kettlc. J. B. WA1iEEN- Oshawa, Ist Uce. 185l. 34-1f. ADVERTISEMENT., A <arpet'Bag i% nuw in the Possession of thle Subocrmi<r, sîmppoed to belonc in somne person in Whîtby or neighthorho<1 The owuer mai have thme saine ly Provmmîg Puoperty anid Pay- ing charges of arlvertiiîg. 1.IMFOR -SAILE. 'IIJE Subecriber chfers for Sale, part or- lOTs MO 7 & 0. situaied un îb.- North side of of' Gt>Q L AKE. in lime 14T11 CON. ci'the Towssuir if CARÉ WRIGT, toiotationc o pwardot EIGITY ACttEt4 wilh StYFvmwrv c Ieared smd under good feîce. On the prermisi.. lhere are 7'WO Comfor-tabl# L4g JIOJ/S(' a md a 7fx Log I3arM. Theme j, al*o an ORCI4J iwlh about j150 Trees, àome ufti<hem bemring. Thi' irus is lwis- lifully situaîed -in ime ehor.rs nitih.-' Lk, rAlloej POINT PLYtASACT, about rightMimles tiom llort Perry; a StcarnIfont passe » îally îo sand fret,. Lir.<1say to Part Perty. For îerms, appiy let1 ii baduribefr in Vxbmdze Village, or John IL. Peî,v, FscIlimss W'1iîtb, JE$iGOOLLI WIIOESALE & RETMIL.- 1,g flg o intimate te our Cuetomers-tbe Jîhbabitantu of Toronto aid surrcunding countnytmaî chave nom uecema.ed Our ctoripiete aRsotiment iof WINTE~R G00D8, whicli, lp nin wîo, slil b. foutmd of licIter value, more extensive as regîrds quaîiily,and mot-c variediMm style lisan we bave ever haod the salistaction oi submiliiog1 u uscir mm iebic er. ToIIig In;ail11its DBranches, ezec-Uted wlth tasto £ dosatoh. IIOUItNJNI;3S FUII,,\TîîîIIE ON TFIE'o-SHIOIt.F,TESTNOTI CE. Readym.Ylgade Fal ô'Jf'nter Clothing. lMeD'i kltoff.s Sbootnc Coats, (romiss %] ~ M<s.B.-k8Ljn Tromreérsi do Wbiîney do do 17. 6&s li n ife o1~ do do Fine Broad'-Ioîh do go.n - 1 Wj râtiey du do Etoffe 0Over Coats, - do 2 2,' f64 Wlri )rawerç, de Whitney do do 2?i I t,-qlîlinl shurts,- do Diraver do do ;j ra 'oti' Vests, Boy's Etoffe Coats, do lis 31Il da tagoimere do -do Whiney d do<10 ix 1Id31 do Funry do Mlhiîe .hirts, do 1,.4 1-21 d<o Satinm do Smriped Shiri., do 2s 64Ido(laBlack (loth1 do Me lsEofft* 'rouse;s, <do 8A.91d ed (la flada Twcýd do île losin do do 13àa 9d Boy'. Fancy do (!o Cassantcre do (ln 13,4 9d deu Etoffe do do Canada Tweed do do 8.9,4 q(Jloim cap&, do Cordurov. do do g<99 4 l Fur C am, Pocket aid Keck indrhe,.$itCollars aid ironts, Umberelîas MEN'S PARIS -SATIN HAT-a,- BLACK AND f rom 2011 dlo 54 do 54 do 3à 9 do 41 4 142 do 6. 3d d* 7a 61 do 3,. 9d do 7& 6d1 do 7& ()d do (k.,Pl fio 2j% & do 34 9d1 <Jo - Ini10-2 (ln 2. 61 said Carpet Bag. RAB. r. rom dou 2,11 3 1-2 1 An în aman t rU nani SI"! S< i-r, <lîeXrl. i..",reqr d Mr Pain Maiedjl fR Ladies'lri h# Mi 4!v'l cf t Sîlyiea sud Fa?.rl". J<îbtn,'.f.mpcrî ,neî,fiwo Hr*,rv, Fl'îweliu Câp Fronsta SesIMîaîr,.%.cnd S5Mlk,.Sawin.Vgdu-el. Slsîwlîsud Jlardkerchiefî, &C. &C. JUST RECEIVED Q' SJC1i ~ c~ COFFEE, IIICE, TOI3ACCO, t -rnr nf Kit andl C,/Ir Ic rtj(snn;Ite f',urt IIrn cr iiilise NEW YORKi MAR{KI-'I,adr N EIV ARRIVALS 0F ûlfered tus Susbc iii bis $orea mni %ilbttSepat., 1851, ,.Ni It\\s exx îg yn PAPER I-ANGINGSt -Di A 1'lr spe M7- "f'!0.Rt'- B Rd reslCLrO C h!y, B l imaI ha bas fc> ir iminuî,immî4 ofWhitby -mrd simr- B ?.8 L0 S oursdinq cossrury, ta I a easi) thelie St <r ld>ocrupm.'d ky Il.J 'CO N l Shoe-Makers' Fifldn, .&c. &Sc. '7t% -.-Iff%".. -. - ,. 'IIONIAS 1DOW. Wlm"itthv. 12îh Spt.. 1851, 2271C EXECUTORS NOTICE. ALb Versons having claims or deimands on the Estate of Ii'IHPeiîlV. hat<- of lme Townshipm of WlTar, in tue Counîy ai YORKc, dpcosed, are recpested fo thA ilh tb aemicihe Pa r- tirulars tiereol lu thse Execoitort, for thlei mon dertmtionîand seulemenst, Aid ailtessair-eti Io the Estait, are also requectcd lu puy such djehia lu tise Execuiors. MARY PEREZY, ExrcuTaîxr. R. E. PERRY,' ?Exc J. H. PERRY. W.., %Itny Pînat.._qd R. E. PEIItt, du ap- point 3.Il, PER '-V sole aC,ýing Exersîtor in the Pettement ol lime al'os'e Etlte, asti anst t-lu i. cm- powere<1 10 rreeve aiM4 rolect ail debts an.d de- mnasdue ho the sane. - AYPERRY. Wliitby. Oi Sep., 1851. 22-1if. 'IfORE M O-E Y TO LEN;D7 A G-OUI.) opportuni£.y is now vf!'red1 to any person who bas a bltles#pare cash,and wiaimet le make an iuvetlmemt in whai is more valuahie timan cash iseif, vuz: -Two.vaitisîle and improiïcd Buildling Lots ai «t PR WliITBY, bc- six eumposed ultme corner Buildisig Lot 4Nol. 9, in UIock 3. adjoiming Bales'Bakery, coîîaihmîg hall sur Acte, haihi a goo<1 Bain Ibereon. an erxcellentî ibo ia gontr sorti-nt ut GUtated i Fuit Treet.-Aà ood taoaid ferice cnt-Joi.IbhsLot Aise, oui, ïing LI No. 11, oit Bond Streethton'. îamning iearly hait ai Acre, tiaving a çood Frame H-ouie tiereon, wiicb -eits for $30 a year. 'rims L-ot fu-ms-onc of lime must beasmilvi Buildiîng Lot, i.ue Viliage. The hJove will lie soId iii part, or thme wlloleLvery ciea , andt on very eaby lent.. o p)aymes,t s u us Io ouit1Prchasers, JAMES BATFS, tfaker and Cinféclcioier. Port Whituy, April, 2nd, 1851. If. -ONTARIIO CHAIN PUMP FACTOBYS r i't Subscribers aire Mmitiufacumnin g and<mtisantly keep oi*hai<! ail reautv for putuig iilo WELU5 Th~ie Limain purp id the Lbeaî, rtsapes,anid mobt duu-se P.mtnp imm the IWorid, liment t, ne dîirity conmî'cted wiitimtem-no treezinu; up, but l aways 1034d. 13Y tssrnimg a ct-ank, any ebild eigmî yeas old, cian pùmp wmttcase. N.B.-The Pumpsand Cisains au-e aillmanufac-, tured by expem-ienced- workmen direct (rom tle e largest Chmain Pump Facto-y in tise Siate ot New1 yom-tk The. aboie pumnps at-t preetetfo ail osim- ers, wherever lhey bave Imeen tried. Any peu-son wiaiî;igôpimrelmase, 4viii.1 dp w*ll te iiiath e FaétOrý- and fse one7um operalion, Pl 74. CLARK& F. RAY'. Wlmitby li"i1age, Sept 6,1851. 25f MONEY TJO LEND. REt Subseriber isprepared te Loins scierai Handred Poundu, in sis nto Isit ap- plicais, on Securuity upen Rel-E#tate.' Peiomal applicati oory attended ta. Nbanme need apply, easy ioeWiso (an funnisis the mest-unecepmoa- bl. sceuu-hty. - The Simbcriher continuez to attend te huis duties SSAIJCTIONEERausual. Omt-door-eai.s et Fartm Stock, &c., punhmmally attended to ai a reaonable ratee ofchsar P. îT :No- .3, ( COMERC I ALBUILDINGS, vrbere he ta nuw op-iiros.! ihe anEV, 'I.t-FZ id ItS?'a'iystd Stock af DRY GOt)DS fr crr f~r iS.ile mn it, part 0ofise rno)tntry. 'Tiscasivania'a e i pesuseýmin direct 1ltom Ihe Mantifacturer,, le oi <rwie-ti Ill se Trtdo in C'anadaetsd litsdettrmuinalion b a'ihctrv atrmctly th Oe cash SyAlom, w-ut iîs're to nunugpî-laes Ilis 'lsrck svsH .'mlwmyt co'împtrw..<'cr nove.ly utthe SasnétOer witb en Immense S/oc-of Slaple.ç suilabL for the Coiaitry Trade Tire folovin.sd cumprse,-.ç a fetrof ilie le.ading artirles...(ala Plai'),, M. 1)eLaîes. Cashmeresq, Coburst (uhAlapacax. Orleafi,», henea,' Jeiîny Lîrida, Iort, ricd aqosre Plait] Shawls, Fiaîneis, lllankptî,. S'erge3, Brosd Clothm. Camaineres. Caniada Ciot!is. .Saotieste, Whiiîe Shirtirîge, Factut-y Cottoî-», 5-4 Lifac anid.M:ider Piits, Coltrtn nnd %Vwooîýn Varn. Ba!tintranid Waddfinfg, &C. &C. &r. .111 of trhick le it determined t'o So<lf ut tMe'ma//est ,ossible Pli yin 'yProf( t'y, for A large 'Stockcf etk anti Satins, s50k at-ndfusion Velvsh, Ribimoni, Floweîs, Blonds, Luites, Hosiri->ansd Glomea D.. uoild beg fi) direct theittentitiii tif 11 ttsc ecjorFarnersansd <ther% rtoIh s' STOCK 0F GROCEIRIES %liieh wvere purt-lineulin ?New Yourk bofort!lise recem ig ismn prit-es; lue is îhtteforu tahlil ord -fa Good ./rtiie rat a L*wey Price than i tvan"rsow ieisxporied for. LikewÜse a compiletstock 0t1 0Aita!iît Qmu~ f r , r EVN &HA 0 ,-îf C!othiîig. at Geuieral - No. 0,- City eBuildingts, NEXT. DOOR TO J. R. MOUNTJOY-s ISIGN OF THE GOLDEN IFLEECIE KIJYG S TR'R T EL3ST. EVJXN 4Iit T ON, s Ctstozers-and Fni ends will always fmnd on baud t4 large and well aed stock of seasonadde weII1-mctde, e-trimmed, nid falhiouzble READYniMÂ-4D E ÇLOTUMING Comîsisîimmg cf eveiy kind, anmd style of 0oatt, Vesta, and PantàI00n tA From thie extra 1iyfer~ making up stock at their Establishment in Momtreal and purehansing in nie chcapet~ Wholesale Markets.- TOR CASH ONY Thýey eau, addo ell 0: O C1EAPER.Ça tlimaiaruy cher ilout ein th, Trde. Wrbolcnale buyers supplied on ReasonabIle Terms. EWÀRD EVANS,j W. IL HAMrLTON, McGi'I Street. Montreal. Kn4ËeýTrno Torento,June lth 1851.Kng'fceTrto FIRE., LIFE AND MARINE IA IN 'INSTJRANCE. T E uli ae iiON. Pan- esmn -NEW YOK'ROTECTION Fi Wlmmtby Village. 7ih Joie, 1850. -t t. S atiîr ' ,for oi rei, Il A 1J. X. 1, 11N G 1LE. WIII1 'leY V rILJ GE. The 1<teet k'gý/,zna (iiyç/.ron bandn. WA NTEI) TO BORI<OW 11#-r ppliri'amn ope t î'.sd rnay liead'..~ .'1."Wllmtimv 1,041 (ufîî'e. - VIL I.. u<; A4le ?/' J 'ps-a ;t~-~~~---. WhtY, 5-i 1 01.2j -t, \T . . m.(ERi I)rgif smn.d nkstore' .A 8Cll)O1,CJAFr.' AME N1Ii n lsriu ,' The, r Iligloty, condition aid (jpr1.%pentratn- in Drwum trtlvs >ing epioite,&c. &c. Whlittbr. 2l Juiy. 18M - 5-f FOUN'TAIN PF'NS. SILM. -I J'EN'<fe)r Sale 'st t/rhi, J'. cahJnl apat-. i ctanmsgirkersofigli (n I write 'wu o ot*fap pasc~e. TbeyVarc oral sana iwaifi rand stwaysi rensdyo- ma, aa lIs'-y carry tlieir on-n igik. -. INSURANCE OFFICE. j~ ~ ~ ~ ~~be JV1- ALA1 le' o ri! mîmmate 'thai lie bas lsen ippos.-ted Agent for îhel i'IOVNL'îL ~I' kh &GENEILAL l. NhNE r aites. îiii tie M t; AI., pPRop yr'rAicv & %ssIkg:f îraîschex of saaîlctmsssy Whittiy, let Serpsesrkher, I1851. '2 1-tf. JMJ'ORTERS 0F BRITISH DMANUFACTURES. MIILSE ANDIgTAL a,-: c libR 11,mp-o netiv-kkepi iv Mr- 1UNTER) tue!!# Talp'qplied Witt, lthe CI,( 'A l pocur e. G 0 0 D S T A 13 an<l a 9ftesd fomle in aisenda y% ery a c -111moldahictmto m1ai futhi.STA GE dai1l b and CL cast Steel Hoes -and Hay Forks. SALE. 100 dJoz. cast steej flues aid Hay 1'ork!t, mrade from Çayloîs hestCaat Sieel;cxptualv for lime S.-le 'ÉHOS. 1HAWORTI. 'Toronto, Juie 11h 18531. -f TUE Ul3~RlJ3I1Sare îîow se- riVing in Store, Iheir sprig suiplpiy ofGRO- .ÏRIEs, conmPiinmi)t$muainSassorlfmenî, aid whîch îbey are enabiccl teo ffer on ici Y adîsota- ,ceoutterlis te theiu- cor epondents. and lime lude 270 packaues Young flysn, corupiii soute etafine, 60 packages Twankny. i30 Packages aisaortedc, Black Teas,- 25 boxes Gunpowder. COFFEE-t -45 ha;. verysstperior Laguira ÇolTée, - 60 (baggRo 18 l'açSt. Domingo, 10 maîJa Java, 200 paciiaesf sorte4J Tohacco, in b':, 818, 1l6's, 32,4, &c.&c M3 bhdç. Bright Pnic Rico, London LeSt gr,, Liverpool andi Dutch Crusiaed -f CkiEESE: 3 tons prime,&merican Cheese, just lamde. HJAYES BROTHESt~. 6 & 7, st. James, Biiidimw.. K;.ne S. . "snue po- able Ceai.. BE AND E INSU. ià O L E ~ ,D U B L IN I P H VS VC l A rt , C t S M 4 ANDT0L NDI. DEALER IN TEAx, T(BAU({is, fICE17,NI'ri AilO 2ahpaid for IIids and.Skins, JW frd Oat8, Pots and Peur1 l- ks FlanîrJai, (Redsiand Wité,îe> ru1m A 31 Quîlis and Cooonterpane<, iltmkeig, (<pe at) on xi< 9d1 Bcd Tick and Towelâ, Sroit 'J.<ls O 1j <1 f)oroeiRibbons. 1lmeoîy Cotton. 2-1Prints, (hatcoours) %oto aWrp. < r hnd,1 'J l 41-4 (1,rIaidi&, Late'Cluumkx id Jionficia, W hite Cieltons,d an i,!tia r oornur lupd nrtg, < MJ ue.Noui!-elmo J-Laine, 4god ut' r10ad esi1-2il pet- yard1. Whîthy Viillagp, 7th Junet 1850, titi

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