Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Reporter, 10 Jan 1852, p. 1

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~Iit Butar.in PITBLI8SIIED EVERY SATUIIDAY MRI~ Tr?< SIIILI4NGS PER ANMI DANE TWELVE AT "Za n a ianejd thWe notblag humtin faifrent to ms.- T.ract-, VO -Le20' WJIITBXW -CANADAWEST, JANUARY' 10, 1852. - M ____________________________ - -- 'Te. - - - * d<LVi~5J~1i> 15Y-LA.WS pose Cl Es - . Ce ro..4 .- 9 $ o - tro c m JM SIl. GERIIIE, - DILVGGIST,. Maipt Street, WIduy Villa;.' Who0 s apposuausîl Wluoisle à Reilt-Agent 42i JUST RECEIVED - Bay the Subseriber, at hlm DRIU STORE, J >ta%,,,wvar* , W H 1T 8Y VIL LAÀGCE, tbe *uhiloutgartiei, ~wlulelîwil l e soit in large cor stêsi quultite$tapSut îirctksaii, iiet Low Pl'aiir. to suit tise bart hes: Wsshzg.Sd, Ai ruwRoot, PearliSapo, Bakin Soda, Jaaita0nger,Ciuonamou, Fieli . it01, UBaisa l1, Peint 011., ceQr$ii,(Pum,> (Ni VitrioleCrant Tartae, $upkBaPtsre, Swe5tSp't Nitre, Codi Liver Mwhib, 2oct.,1851, 29, -ST. Johns Losg'st Stommeh Bittera, Moi- ran% Pille asid ibnxEBiters, Wils' sai... WM Cher, yery.'.s hery PMctMI, Ram."%15hvp 7X& bTownsmnd'àS ar- -- For tîaking Affidavits. FALL AND -WINTR ASHIONVS JE s, tlCEIVEI) 1Y W'uîruî \-iLGE. -ET ~.1851 .1.1 0 sTIrE E, I~t5ANI> GE.NTLt2IIFN'S 'No. t4 ('11>'BuiUsnzi, Kltg -s*re#t. NEW ?OY eJIHE Stubscriber hegata inforunbis fionda andi tie 1Public, tiit ie hbas luit Opesuta Splendid Asaoutnwtit o! Tovs, 7ACY Goons, comass. Buivîst Puud tîu ,art YANKEF-F NOTlIONS. whirh ill eutb.Soitlow for CAIH. at rates wbieh wilt Coampesi. witla an>' other sini- oron in, l. , 18to. NOTrICE. T Ibuisiness darried on in tbis Vil- - lage by thelsunatrigoie as General l4ercbminfs umiter thse Style and firun of (;.f& T. WALLAsCE, is ibus ta> dsolved by Muitual consent, an mot p. W411re i autorisl toreceive ait deluts due ands liuidaIs ait l 1ius as t te r Witb4r uneh1 frorWt TUE~ Subseribet ONTARIO M AIRBLB \\TORI(8. WOLFENDEN & 00.1 IM Ni(f-'CTIeR oad D)E AL ER S un ýMotltrn.%,'FoibIor,%LGrave Monte, Vh C' ree'u, Bluc 4-' Faricgated i1'trble, a lt--ql"'. Sianul-TopiA, Chhimuuy.Pîets, -uulku, Soa Silas, Sun fiaIs, Paint S'.ones, &C- Every variety of LVL&RHLIDW'OEK donc in a Inpo;rî"r - tyle. of the s3ed WItorlal4 anti -ci tuas Liberal. Nil B-W - &,aCo,. I." ta si tha tiheî' mhave nn connectinwiih anv other Establishmnnt, ant iey impont their %I-arb!e from the uvel Carnet Ruilauit QUnarruîie, eimunt. Dvrin ce S-nILFE,urrV IT1rre. 7'bws. W1ilsn, àlarkhacnt Village, Agent. S eptemhei lasi,18. bI IlFSPl )ç Subers have Irai-!thnaov 'emu- j anul utai eopreanir gi ii i a Ptapertor style loi î'nmniitO)of tht'Pl'uic, ly large improve-1 tiu.nia iu ilie fittinnr anidfurnutuafe. Aima0, uy tei. larg.'mnieilmaîl nd puoveeinibini the Suluim; ac- sa asiOlitiultria> placil utouian equal footing lot-c ,eta'iicurandamticorrifori, uvîtb any aUner IBotel iai tis Ni-w Countly. liis 11àr amti Tahle,% will alwayé bc aaupplie-t ss itiite ue ethat cari be plocuneil imitde M ut ket, - .THE INFANTIS V1IAYBIt. The wsa hti.aeogl AndI tbrougli earîh window's curtpisi'd f, Lamps çittered ont hy une; Anti many a babe hat sunk to est, Andi many a mober'. yraining breast StilIl ulleti ils idol caie, WVin in a nursery'a peaceful bobind, Dy pure affection circied ïound, 1 lutard an infant* pjryer. folt Yeu, theTe i knet ; its eberul> face Uplaisoed wM-th auxions <are; And weII devotion'a heaven-bora grae Became a bro'w £0 fait : But seldom at the Father'. thrgee buch blest andi happy chilt isj known Sn painf'îiIy Io strive;» For long with irembling ardourfraugo-ht That nupplicating hip besouehi, 1'-Please God1, let Lil y lire'!" And euh ithe imploring voice titiflow Thatlittl1e couch hesîie, As il poai aîrk Lilys wo 1 t coutl tiot be tienieti E've n wlen the speil of auimbet smole, Wîthi aoohing influence oit the soul, Like moo)nlight o'er the il ream, The muritrtigt lite, the sobbing sirife, The Inoken Oula of Lily's lifé Blent wilh the infant'. tireain. Sto Liilv i !hmit fot -where ime 1- meaburtd oui by woes; Nor wheie colt w inter chilis the chtime lie caniker eas t thtose; And sie who toi aninfanit ricati ln agoriziîig love tid btenti T'ouîr the teaitul prayer, Fa(e rom the pang, the euoan. the dari, 'niai piercedt he rnourning parent'. heut Lives with ber Lily there! 01 I~~ SCODIE'S CANA WAN ALMANAC FOR 1832,Y Lui Recr>uv,'î andt for sale l'y 1AMES H IERIE Na le 4nuledsaiy orantiman aleuigxcFINI'S MINERAL FIRE PROOF PAINT, T E Ttri oa (w.Ns, 7CHE~u;siaîd<IAV1EST 'artice l Artifleil i rth inertid on I4old Pl ai1e or 1-voi, (il T'a-inît or ç)iitîîd,- or (il ttamcutal Painting, .Proni oie to an ri ire Srit. FîS It-l X EsH. <TRK 1 Offie oyez'XMl L&siçGBals IrxE, corner af Kut v«fw~ Mdi Simcor Strcets. r11 O)shuawa, Notv. lit, 18-51. ~ Whixbv, 7th Nov., 1.i.3 JAMES M. GERRIE DYE STUFFS. C E<~ taretro ii nrere -hnuk, te hk (C A M >)PL>~v .Rel-iwnod, Si Fi Fris an-h ut-be îtlîi reiil!y, îur 1he vsuri * ider ur, rI iiirf.a~~q. 'iier libralmurmuey.f.rt . hiîniriiiif-'upii, ICappeu-ai Bitte Vit'!. &r. W.,fer Su0e l'y lie takes thi. ne,,thatof ig;lortunuiîg the", i lat-he l ,AS iI.THI. 11Ww recdriing' fium I)rilgâit, 1Wilbt1j lllîuge, NE YJi YD MNR.I. (ct,. 2nd, 1851. Cr ] A FVLL ^A9ttiT311KT OF <ýv. ~y'sCE,113PATEI) tRUGSI .0RJMICALS, MAENT A,,l Ildie. DYF. 'STVFFS, BOOKS, STA('I0NUIV ati evry 1iigtise inh hîp wy, whîcli lie su aH le11' A~~X pireparedt e ett at Low Pxicb:e. ',E'< IA) 1117KSoirt- flajoat andiStrîc,(nîlt E~TjIURDINRï UYELO!MINT - lgx)p lgl, (ughfC - *ODIN9 DTLUAET. OuiPatle, &W. EB'ItRATEI) '1,W1i\i-1- \1AilV: NT . x l C1OM1ST(CK iII)ICIN-.,E, trt r CHEMI1CAL PREPALIATIO(Nï, the Fiwe, NetcovousIi-ad iid Tol îhcittauli, Wei weIkno'wn in - Canada, have >< e QuETut1, S shauietuily counterteited ant i dîtribuiet ina~~~~ .i .î- -v:w~TVi Canada, lby the veiy persans wtao, s-'o lueuri T,1wnlaIIý iiture%,,have admittet illt D lr. lIu (urguâ S. iu'dor %We.lk vs iru C9MITnCK tof New York,, in thet.Poui>lrieln,-oi. A rerowmennînd' . Ti',' a. Tbwsparicles are 'l'îE KINc, (F 0ILS. luït-TIse GRE4IT PA[A ENEXTR q(7'Ofl ;01e,, LîIcet'i'î'îi 5e< ,(' hilltlitisu, &-..andli C2onueIs})curirug aIl Butrs, alit lail Exiernaidi ïîtkuti ileinnoin!1V -v!fnî-ea s Ty t;a 2nd-B.ILM OF COLUMBLIl.for Stay rne andiyî ulnluo l Retorinq the. luuuan "ait. TE<IL iNQ A.Fî GFNICt'E 3rd-UEW4S' NEItUE & BOf-NiE IlE'VS E I ~I'B>AIE)B>C' and IJNDJ4N tEE.1LiILXZ V 011-O A)t~lS& TTLE !! cuire for al Uheîuuiatisinsi il,~ î~ -ie m'sînir'ulrif te ootnandi is t 4th-.VA'MIR'S OIL. 10 ente aitl hi-af l>îr.oris i',%,.înn unî tv iv n.'i-1g-tnue n, ul on i uu lf- -51i-Il* VS' LINIME-NT, a weilt knw u tae i lry A'- harloa" î',d t apt-ak sini of t. For f0! thse iles, Ire. &CI. tcturnoutiacl u. a ,un. T heit. u llowig 6tls-u1)R. S P O HN' SSICK IEI!ci~ êrîi .Ot f__ E SeleîunEq.%layoi. REMED Y. of SI. Cutht-nrn-sCan:,a "ur Ith-MOTHER'ýus RELIIF, for aIl %Womn iun M:t19. V ' C su i.î sun t7Pnlur -1 have the Vîuily wiy. loti an ;rs î-n 1l set-r% I-aci-k fat for flirbes, 8th-L 0 S G LER.Y' 8 GRI.T WFS TE R Y ind Cao s-.f". tî'vunm l n!0uille I'.îltlîcaa nu furt ENDI*N - PAXJ ~CE.-l - For ( !' id u.utr pmnparaîii ' aa'e rai-b.-beil, t4. briiiiem. feveri*h feelings anti pru'veriitag (pvitN- 1i prallise atiudi fart. uunt'u ut al kiuds. Ilu u 2, 2 For Aetbmna, h eoliip 1,; i liu'uu -îî, ~ i i -,'u u , aitit rît' du-round a ffertiotlm. 3. For Iiuttauro-lueu-., -,-u 1 l puua-ît p . mns'prpuf'lor o sit 1.%N ef Aîupette '1.i -o 'Ci' l*tu ~t .- . ~~ '"u ihésitai iatiy y ta! in femalet ti m r a. 4d pn~e nuu~uui -,--' bytI - 1 . nu lu a di~ W C. .5,.For 1 %% i-uoi us~a~o.lî" au tU'i n NV sont d-t ar Rhum us,&c. iThe croiit lwbtitin aýie " lqo > mu-n 10kil-) a baltif. 'f4 t. lnutinve' Oua on he uPot bluIo10tako, never XiCC lpain, anl tiit i ir 'tr luç uîs tîP!,t-lie s> .1 ais t lne' uand rmot'. ver leaveb ont coiluvt-e. n . \.s(E>l -%;N Othe-'.IR, BAUfTJJLOME'S PJNK SYRE)> .-l For So> bv 1% C, .stillon. Bsmtvle for 811l Cougbn or Cotusumritioti. l. 'Ott lote - Di. Pridîr, Louia -. Jth-KOLi*S.TOC& r'RII<,E<omS M<' mwai .'; %W. J3-Sutton,Oàhawa; anîd Liller> for ehilifren aor 9wi per#Onsý %Wholesale k Renail by 11lth-MR8. B R 0W XS mesP.I AM5l{F~UE KILLER.-No unedicine liash i-~r - whthy Village. - d e.t iase asppîly adapted 1005sie 1it#riinitI!yt Aiîeunl 22,. 1,:t3 i .tarpe tle be- talen, and yet lrlrnsurfai wouidpe awheea %jplied externtuily as a seath 1 m. '4 -' or bath by friction_. tliiaiiU0I Mt cilu AUl the Remedie are fuslydesctiluet iiwtPampli NoT.' ~ et$, te bd <ivte o SII -M i JO C.111 atNOT PiY P BLI X,.G DIRZUBDrug Store. * rommliutiontrr Of Ih1 ('Oor t ofqurtenilsBnch, LENSIA FAMII fllI~C 110-1W ER OF MAIIlAUELIENE AND) Slaowhuuç tie Remeties which every f.umi1 mlynîu tc'r'A" kapinth.it bos,arud the mataiuet "f ussiig tliu'uu, by whieh &aH ortluuary Sicknctei"unay be jresm'at'dOffice nu-ar the- ('ourt 11louuue, Village of nt -nedil e wAei#eïthulut te exlwi'e <tfthé i CILtEt wauupof'REAÇil, rernovePysit,.dStv~eeanugeous Diseabes <.- tf Cured. j~. Every (ami ly elule8rtfu ly Preïervthua1Lb>k. L.c.t to uuer te tie.n aruy reumedy lilwahaIot1L..uuila ais t the. pssticsstar article iudicatei by the- cumplaint. C'oN V E VY A -N (IlE P snd sisowiig m-here anti îemedy mi>' alwuayâ lie A 1%I> 6a4, .----------a~~' ,,,-,, ?.',J Bonnets, Cloaks, Shawis 4 Scarfs, A Fulh Stock of their wil knoss-n INDIA RUlIBEIIS. &r. &c. &r, at Me dITY PiCE,S'-. 'rheir usual>y'large stock Ofif ur cle CHE, AP AS EV-ER. CaiI and See. ONTARIO . HOUSE. FARMERS1 f A BM EHIS .1-FAMERSI TA&RE NOTICE: i ATt-e bave optned the Store fielyaoccupieul T b>' ?Ir.'nsPKat Es.<l' aut bave elunte for your anspectionrunonoiseh La ct heapeati and mest Failonabie Asortments ofet DRY COODS, CLOTII(G, U&TSe CAPS, BONNiETS, OAKS, OOTS, SIIGES, GROCERIES , C, Mo60 ever o<fered ta tire libalitanti of Wlrigt,. Tise Dr.y Gaudi bavin; hea purchasas expressly for thre beueftoni thoie wiso wish a reloed artielo, atthe LO0WE 8T PBRICE, canaot fail to give eçr. atisfaction Ito thse huyer. Tise DEliTRt'CTIVk FIR= AT Qtucnzc.-Tbis mruoning, about half-past three a'ciock, thse sentry at thejlower gate of the Artillery l3arraitks,, gave -the alarun- ôf fire-a-moke was secus issuing deasely from one oflte- mcna rooms opposite the guard room, whicl almotat immediately bllrst iùoa a ame.- Every effort wau af course madIe ta amother the lire but in vain. It had originated, ut is said, between the roof ai No. 9, snd loor af No. 7 rooms, and there was. no get. tinfr at it sufficieotiy soon ta preventi mis- ebuef. Thse most the mon-living la thte roo»,e od do was taendeavour tasaint their effects, la whîch attemptthasert'sid- iag ,in tise Idwer roomi 'eahy partially suc- ceesied. Cap't Frankhiui' are reported to have' last ail bbt 'whist they upon tir bauzks. The winoie square being threatened witi destruction, Col. Iliggas, ctommuand- ing the Royal Arthlry, and commandant, orderned that part af tise affleers' qusi-teri wbieh adjoins tbe mea's barriioks, and wu oçcupied-by Captaia Frausihltao bi bown Upeand wiicb belug done, arrested tise fur- the prgruss ai tJi6 "es in that direc. hip Ieaid boId howevev, of thene. rten:sive Ordnance stores inAxwsnal stree# wbich in a few~ minutes were bcopehcssly or 01? TII rMUNICIPAL COUNOIL TOWNSIIIP 0F WITBY. BY-LA~W NO. LIV. To compel certain persgits ta pcrfrn& Statute'Labor. 130 it enacted by the Mliîcipality of the 1 Township of Wbitby, That froru and after the passin g of titis By,-Law, thaï ail persons upun thie Asisessrnent Rali who shal hob rtsséssed in the surn oP-fifty pounds, and ail anms under that ammint, shahl performP two days Stattite labor in each and every yenr-, under tbetdirection of the Overseer of llighways, for the Division--in w1hieh, said persons resides. (Signed) J. -JBLACK, Deputy Reeve. Passed junle 7,1851. R. T. HARRISON, Clerk. BY-LAW NO. LV. - To repeal Dy-Law 52, anudfor at/rer purposes. B3e it enacted by the Mutnicipality of the Township of Whitby, That fronu and after thin;ussing of' this 13y Law, that the ruad laild onît and surveyed by John Shiers, Road 'Surve.var, rîinning throuîgb the-- rear of Lot No. 6, in the Fiftli Concession of Whitby. as appears from bis report bear- inui date l6th May, 1851, leacnîd is bereby establislred as a ltiiaic road. And bo it fuirtber euacted; That the petitioners shall pay the Survevor bi% lav'fui charges, auJ ali other experises and damaiges tberewvitl cun nected; an 1 that J3y-Law No. 52 shahil bc, aind the saune is hlerebyrep)eaied. (Signed)- J.BA , Deputy lieeve. R. T. IIAISMU 'd9 Çlerk. DY- LAW NO. LVI: To regulatc the duttier Pound.Keepers and ta repeal Bye- aie Xo. 47. B Be it enacted by the NMunicipaliiy of the Township ofWht Be- by,--That in ord.er ta prevent the destruction of property, that il and to provide for the persnal safety of the inlýabit9ants whera thîcreof', that the folowiug anfimais, youing or aid, tbat May o't be fotnnd running at la rge, shahl be bable ta ho impounded' O bai a . id the owner or owners thereof shah, f or .civery offence, be or co finî'dtihe fuliowing su rots for cach animal impaunded, viz: sorco sitîd bouse-s, (wentylvc shillings;, geldings or mares, one a4y ( shilling atid three pence; hila, fifreen shillings; rais, ten Proi shillings; bôars, feuti shillings; swîne, six pence; sheep, b, 90, tbree pence; geese and tirniies, twa pepce ; 4he Pouudkeep- csl au being uiut.horised andI reqrrîred te receive said fines, and contre pay the same «ver ta the Township Clerk. cm SBe-t ifouther enacted, That any of the above mentioned sad animais foînd trespassnÉ, shah o' lijable for ait damiages cli susin ed"wbether thie fences ho iawfui ornot. yi Be it furtber enacted , That al other animais found tres- passing overai lawfui fen te mnay ha i-mpounded ; or any aniï- tise p maisthat shah bhave beeîx proven ta bave bter in the hb1it ic S af trespassing over a hawftilfonce, proof af wbich sEal re- sa qutre ta ho ftruisbed ta the o Porukeeper atîbhe tine.the sa 1animal or animais je brougbt ta PoÃœnd, or the Pouindkeeper pr is flot anthorized ta imfeund tihe sanie. - pr Bce it furtlier enacted, Tliat Potîndkeepcrs. rnay receive tas fees for every animnai sa inspoandcd, as 'follotvi,; .an ail passe horses abdcattie, aid r youung,oeshllhing and titree pence perbeaI:siepfutr en ce half penny; swiuse, seven pence- - ait' penny; geese an1 ttirkies, two pence eacb; and the Hike amounts or ench Ind every day lie nia.y kep tt same~ iM . potunded ; aud for uîdvertihIngr and selliig, two shillings Tao1t 5 ad dsix pence. C ,1Be it enacted, That if witbin twenty-fur1haurs after the 151- r ."nimahli a puunded, lte pergon imnpotilig shah flot gave Tawl c t!çu the Potupdkuseper ini wtitihig, his denland for 4ampages, shali e- the Punindkceeper may recase tiieni upan payinentaf hie boa-; bî ji ia »d if wvithin for-ry-eigit heurs aiter the noaimal is impourï4.- allow - cd,' the dlaim and costs behot paid, thenoPcnndkeeper shthi. of W r îýmu.diateiy notify îhree disiuzerested fàrmers xosident infiflme t' the Township, ta appraiqe *the dam~ages anid ju4gle o tIn i d htawftinessoaithe fence, which aiward the apprams nishall ,,T -iv in' writing. 1'rovided always, that if before the uwardT o - l made the owner shali tender fr-r the dnaiges a 1a-gunt TU e equal <iu wbat is afterwards awar4cd, thc pazty claiuin T e extravagant damîages shail ho iaVe -f.alcm ieùed T -aiter suot tender; and if withil forty-aight lidu@the W ir mç - mal impotunded bho. not claimedd.h ln Jwfàl'c'big' nd -T o amaunt of damatges paid, lte 1'Ã"tndlFeceY ibshll, RIÏ 11p-, ir three publ ic places in tte Twnhifo a eat Wesdýj d a. notice aifthete ixueand place twhc'hr i t ý* 1- gi'c'ng in isuaitnotice a description' of the sîo~~P3 , and if 'te cost s ad damages lb. oai l > wi ïs sh'allsell-tine anal or animais,, sud aé eatng1,ýw ts cost and damages, he shall ipsy.ovor th -over-- un ownorsan idenand; butif no ower shaia pa ità4 ii, r- titre montin, te uhall pay té-velly' . -bis - Be it furtiter onactu n'orcoss üM te iffpoiuPded, if u cat 4ia h, ,epui-o ifr 4 in sball W so01;8*nd 1#r tt i . a -gblwdaeSVýb i teen days fron t lit. of1tùdlpÙmà Il 'E vored as the- R. UIARP,,ISON, Clerk. th e R,ý expend Maid p Passed BY-LÂW NO.,LVIII" To prevent obstructioasr in Road allowanceç pp)oes. -Z *br t etîact d by the Municipaity of tà Whîîby-tThat from. and afier t he pasing any perso or persons who shall wilfuhly ai struet eiter partially or total ly m.ny road' or by wvhstgýuever means, or shall stop up any1 or otherwise cause a hindrance ta any ptbl shall damage any raad ., or wilfiîhly destroy obstruet any water course whereby the ruad be overflowed, ar-shall practice horse jraciný geraus amusements wîthin the Township sucb afférico forfeit, for the use of the Towns ecceeding five pounids, together with the ai don e and costs of conviction. sucl asui recoi of lier, Majesty's Justiceç of the Peace, ul credible wiIàess, other than the informant of payment*,the Justice may commit the Jail of the County, for an y time ntexcedî Provided ahways, that nothiuxg herein conu vent tise Municipal Council froni granting dam owners, ta overflow uany road ahlowî Township, upon bis flrst makiag, ansdfutui pair a good bridge or cro5ssway, or 'othèr - the overflowèd road allowance approved'oa thonin asuob case the Covncil rnay,,at its license ta, overflow the said road allowanci (Signed) ' Et. T. iIAPRISO).N Clerk. BY-LAW NO. L Ta prevent certain moneys be it enacted by the Minnicipalrl rby,-That'from and efterthe lx in no caz!e where Statute La re monoy shall have been paid atnte Labor, or atbbrwize, or *w -basa appropriated by the Caunci mtacte4ýfbr, ecuber directlyoi'1: af -highways, or cormmioi sun or sums of mnoncy under B !ided always, no9in'g containe4 construed.ssna.s pro-vent rnzch <o fur ti lie pal wd Oct R. T. t L ibm are ethîl s;, tisait poati ready which seir uinerotsm casiu Ir. à mue- ant ueuy nititiil paidt the ii'traa'elfing commnu- Suun-n ' it>' that t-an posîihîs mnake tiiemu féel comfarahl.e AT TFmpTLi'ri) -> t'.-n ri(ay, andai atrci. & litb mt, a young ISectchsfeunale Dame(] B R YAN C, . Iistiana I'ennicox, a doïnestic in the fami- P.S.-Chargt sodrle u' y of Mrsi. Clark. 'No. 86 Franklin-st., wvas 'à ýýf_ tc bouse, in tise coal cellar, bleeding pro- (i 110 Dt~fuscly from a gasîs in luer tbra hiont% had inflictcd with a large bread koife uuith NIEW COUS 600-S!! -EW îGOIIS I!intent to take ber lif.-The rasatteunpt upon ber life was madeienl consequence of f" disappc.iutment and chagrin arising out- of a i'u'1'i~lhilove affair. Lt seauns ihat for some rnenthis 1 av-e rr" it,'a"dfroin ftht E ngiih*lF re»chý pas, a young Scotchiman naned G-eo. Wat- Studid. I - r . eSon, re'idingy No. 242 Eigtb-av., lias been thaur l'ill!lüh of Pri>a Giuudîi, GlOthing, paying. bis aàdresseai to the girl and receut- &rcis r. inau aru1t, (tf ly ofl'ered himscif to lier in marriage.- On O.rléans Ciothý. îWCdnes!da>' lOth, tit bis desire, sbe accom- CobourgaMu-ýiin-de- panied by ber brother, repaired to lhis boume L'ain% rrtd!hmrs, for the purpose of deciding upon tbe day Gýala Plaids, Hjoyleýe Prints, yti, when the roarriage shouiti take place, and w'id'. lBritish aind Amerie-an Grey 'ndarutrangiulg other preliminary matters relative Ný'hîte Cotton Shirting, Smock- to it. After waiting until a very late bour inga, rickirugs. (,otton Varr, int the evening for Watson ta corne, tbey BLANKETIS, &c., inaily left wîitlout hum, the girl is a very &c. c &cdepressed slate af mind in cansequence af ~ - ~the disappointunent, and on lier way home 1? I*l said to ber brother that lie need not expect T. Il. & co, weouha cat edprciat nîleotin ta îee ber again alive. He bowever, eni. ta traeir splendid ètok of Fors, vit:- devoured to ebeer ber np, and paiti nia par- Grey $quirrel anti Sable Mtiiffu' anti ticular attention ta the remark. Sbe con- uifsVî'îrine,,turCap. - tinued depressed in mind until Fnrday, wben Fur. Cap#&i-. eue was uissed aud finally fotund in the coal 4 rcru, exnsire As»orzmn! jo celiar.as stated. After tbe attempt tapon ber lifeliad been nmade, Watson was sent R E.qDT Y .1 M /DE CL 0 TIIACXG, for and soon arrived, but manifested great. Scomrriiug ever'y nuce,-sary for a corn- indiflereuce in regerd to ber situation. Dr. dlîte. outite cand which being muade under Hosack dressed the wound of tise girl, and heir ouun inspection, and by the maiîtfmhusb he was subaequently taken ta the hospital. ionable anul experienced artistâ, sief)y ~.NYTr~~

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