Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Reporter, 3 Jan 1852, p. 1

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a P 1: ; 3Lfl LSIrjl1p VÎYS4TUDAY M>~lG TEN$X LNlsPEUiÀNtMî AVAU "Z aa a an ad think notbint bmu su i41*mt to m,O- Terence. 'VOL 2, il1Ir BY t CANADA WEST,5 JAN{YARY 8 15, b NTARI O jSCOBIE'S CANADIAN ALMANAC FOR iu ti i #laidf.1Sale hy JAMÈS Il. GERRmE. FISH'S MINERAI FIRE PROOF PAINT, rI~I1E EST nndCIIEXVSTartic e 12B LEI NN .51.0 of Paîtiî for eouîhide or Ornamnrntal Paintine, FoN~N&00,Pr Silç by JA NI>»S 1-. GERE 1E, >CTUREU Sati J)E A LE Sinii;cytiy.rffor 9WlUy. ýnLs Tumb tOnei & Grave tODMWîiîby, 7Ui Nôv., 1831. 3 Wir, l~enIue d- 1'arirgate'li Marbie, Cenite 'TSl% Statnd'r'opt, Chiniy-Pieces, 4-k, 1S4e sis, iiti Iias,, Paint $toîîes, &c. F.I'vry v,4iety or SZ4RMI$aU WOIM doile ii a stari-V $tye. or t e .s t a ial, and~ *fri.m* tibrii'l. 4N,11-W.kCo. l'ez t b u a i t îhlavs- IIi eoiîeirîi'tay ailer F% aihmt.t'î,alîd ity imitheirNlarWbe (roni thç well fameti Rutiati ~ WisanMarkarnVillage, Agent. têt.e lerl 531. 2- JAMES MH. GERRIE Fritiib mi, he p blicve - ' il iîj.,î hey havealoriod litit iioîittîw!pi mm.kq bs w'hod 'of iî7îmîthcm 1;41 lit,e;é ilo,à r~i~~frurn 5 Y WYOft K 4ND 3MON'Rf.IL, À. FULL AE$r)ITMI4N1' 0Or DRUGSt 0 E 7 0 A L S 1PATENT MEDIGINE Si mI; -E TUFFW 15BOOKS, STATIONIJY andt every iîhiing t in bis wüav, w îîch he wîll lic prepared tu Sei etLow Prtii s. COMSTOCK MEI)ICINES X& CH1EMICAL PREPAIIATION, - SO iell- knowuî in ('anada, hiave bt'.ii saarnefllhy cunter1'eit,'d amnd diliîiuti isi ;'Canada, by thse very perons 'Aho, o't itir uu 1sgaa.,have âglnitted ibat Dr. t.vciva S, tVemamicic f New York,lis the oy Ptoîeîm'àtor. Thus. ual -ta csare 1s-Tise GREAT P.1 W EX'PJZ.CTOR, (ouer urinailaBilana, ant IlEticrutal Pain'ad Soies. 2*0d-BdLlM01-'CQLUMBRLI, for Suayung-anti Remetoing the lti lair. 3 ri-IEW1 S, 7i'ER VF 4 B)o,1;E L [S 'JEN T. and 1JNDLI4N 'E71L EL I e cura bor ait Rhe,îmnatïimas. 4lt-*c.N4IK'8 OIf., ta ctic ail IJeuf Persons- bth~-JLd W 'LINIME~NT, a Weilt ktown cure l'or fhe Pls 6ti-JR, 8BPOUY'8 16SCR' JJe4D*CllE R EM E»Y. 7th-MQ2'ERS 8RELIEF, for al Votnen un fie YFamily way. 8th-L 9ONVG L E e' S GaEA T ESTIRRN INDL<%)>4.IE4,i.For boidâ anti reveriith 1'u.tiiçs andi treven;ing l'ever.- IL ,Far Asithim, Li'er Cons plao u ti EÏÎti a&ftcfions. 3. For Diairbot, lIdigestion * ansti Liasa f Apptte: 4.Fu oi' lvtnoea i ferrales ïnanimalp%,ànd n-rVnuacotttp1lits. b, For Stamach affectiona. t) pepsjia. Piles. U,1eumatibim, & C. Tht great pointa are, il il poîjitati Io take,- lutter gîtvespais], aiud lt'- 'ai leateil ont cocu ie. -, f«u kil CntugNe or Cortaumipi'a. lot1-.4OLf$Ocî8 VERMIFUGE (Worm lZiI-r) for ehîlclren or cmotri persaOns. YCLL ER -lees Medicine lias heeîa tim'ov.'r- edthat lah*epîy adpled un use intrrîatally as ,sri)pa Ino ,ieun, andi yet pemli ,m aute % #tidejrs Wwsn applieti xermtoJy as a wasl or lbatby ftici Ail theise Ritedieia are fulydireîein amuph- letr, to be çwan 1 ail -.. . L1 at 1Enqaare forMc - - * tR~IA AMILY IIRECTORi' Showlnthte Remecties whieh every fiimityxhiouti * ktp in tlseir bouesd thse menluer 4f iiaaung iherr - 1y whieh ait ordiltary Sickneas rnay be t pev*nle( or greediy rernovedwithouttise cxpetite of 1hi ,Feiliy P*ysic.anand tiSeutr Dangeroue-Diaei Everpyfarnilyasbottldearetaîîy presrthia book tc er.r îqwhen .ny ré--edyis Wbntedýboths i t the pautieular article indieti 'Yte *pialli and tuIuwi where s uch s rtnaedy &n»y alilays _b g o I ~ XsTil n.î;CEJVEID, m., 1 l rsc 1lém îcal Extratrt o( Cierry end~ Luj À MoaT 1. 1. F. URRWi4. Oi'TXIO1-OTEL (LATE RAYS.) C ' I sucr'ie ri lave lea.ue tibove Premises, j an! ae awîr.'pag tr t! in a superioî style for ziccntlu»)datloflot the Publie*h ,,,lareoîmprove- nî.'n:l.inilete fittim! andi furitiit. Is , by en- Itrgementii anti imirovemeni% in the Siobliicac- ' tmdiif.so a* ta place it on an eqtîal Woting for ritvpni tiice 'anticomftilt, wilb any oîh<r -otel Il thi New Coufflty., Hio; Bar anti Tallea iill ai wayoi be supplieti wîlh the best taI cati bcprocuril Iiii the 1siket, id ev' mv attention paiti in thet îrveiliiig comrnuý lâtly thaL Cn em1iibly rnakt thein ftel CUrnforatlec -anda t homei. m t ,( O'N', ThARg 10 'H 0 U'S' Witlsy, 7(h Nov., 1IK) 1 -q- 30 (III'IiT ndFARMERS ! F ARBMERBS 1!FARMERSI 1 FIWNIIEII & SaVnTIIT TAKE NO0TiCE CARLETON'SRI:Ç(,;-BNLý & SPAVN 11 AT w in%( pened the Store atyocpe CR. Only A.,'i'tkitî Whitby. Tby ;,'mLa PERZv. FMI.,anti baveilt zce ilVSî. GERRIE. for yoiutl ngilecttion o' il let Drug Storir 7th N'.1851. 30oLarg irtîlll'%>1, Ind most aîinai RRY t7 0 t;ifLtsOTH Y C3 A \lI W 0OD 1.J11gwood, Rled-wood, -lR APS,(O NTSCL MANSIX , Madur.F 't~.l~,n' L~w.o, utlnamRATS, CPBN ES LAS Coppet'&$; I3lue valit. 1&t. &e.. for sale i h' BOOTS, SHOESI GROCERIES, &«. &C, &C., eJAS. 1H. fîEEIU1E, IDrugg4d~lt'. 11iLby Vfag. t.' e m'ýrirt' A u tih lt~îl iWtîrV. The 0 i. '2,2 1 . 1> , 1.oaîi i l puiasid 'cpfe"i.IYfoi ------ - the' bewtatîtil tli')-0i' %vtî'îýish a teal to u amcl.,, %Y. (2. SWLT *s CELEBRATED li the' L () IV X '7' P R 1lU E, canwt l'ail ta give B-eiratifacInlliretiPJ rrîitmur awi insapv.cltlu. ly I HVA() ('11 NlSE BASAM ilst-mate Murlkmenltni Our own em.ployaiefnt, 'AIl 1 met titi:appm<il>titaf iail tho %vwh Isbm Sort' '[limiai t iimnarli, agha S&\'IYQUAIdTY Colds, Chole ic 1coin C * ro As Iii piic'i'a. thlt-,olîtii'bez tri aay, hai ir Iattî. .tley s.t.k t10t ta iaflititîc mi tht' privmtett5 oéfthose swF:lC'F'S l' v!- C. VI LX CU AIT 1PELwho pnbhlii4h aiepi ire andidemauiti attthrwhen 1~1 NI 'ilENT.the tsei..niner cote ta buy, btt plemtze tlieniaelves ( 'ttff- ail Pain,!'. clamnpgeNumhneas, Acue i!l10 commence af'd cotnltiue to wly the ilieresl of the Face, N'vous leati aiffT."oth Ache, Latrtili, etai h pîm'la't i yving ibem .îcry adeantage Qminisy &e. iat <air lwe haî in the' S I " ý.Eng1îs1î, Frrnrle .un' lA me7'kan 3Mar4,ets. F A Il 1,1 B lE' 1.. lA I A T E -R We raw itnvite the peuiple oif W'hitby anti ath- Cures Soie. lnflarurýd or %veak . I ÇIte&boiîtttît tv.nstiis 1Ill fe ONTA/RW IlOVSJÉ. ;ttl recruu Tn ivi I'it. 1 'here the4'wiltut.! evemy ttiemaricetiniaplaini -THE iÇING 0F O1's, filures, ar i, utthe Zaoirut Toronto pric«. Ctires ail EIcetàued Stes, ChiiItilîa, &ç.. andî 16 .uch as %vil! iie et, tire âat iîfactiutlmail coifidence, ifiill' for niary externat ditait,. 'Fry it *ardt.ature the' ciitttu 0 tilt "lia&,hall patrunize wlitilI nol regeill. TIIO.MPSO.N ,PEARfON &CO. W'hithv, Augusit 15. IK51. 18-tf. FOI' V)R110RSES àrCATLE! The lietiant lcpeieeirie krtwn, anti is weli recammencied hi' gentlemuîenî trfOur own cuîtn. %iNEW GUDfS1.NEW GOOUS.! NEW. GQDDIS!! try.AI ht have used i t ak cal oif il. For teàiimanialâ, catform a afimphlüi. THte followiiIf11g~II~1I certili.'.ite ija <orn F . .Stepherîiom, 14., Mayor ~ UijLêUt of St. Catittrînes, CNnada West- ,MR. W. C. Swsî:T çXtn Tlft' Puatc.-l hae fave recci'cedjrom &thre Engiis& French lor mlny yeara ,tsed sweet,$'arç. Ou aor Hoîa'ea, oeu:d .nerican Markdi and art nootçpmolt'g l an a sftly reconimneri il t0 tut' pultiic ag Trs' their feU Szoi'k of .Dr!I Goudi, CkdtMng, l ait e prepa maution forbm a c ihe a alla chiat . bruis e G ro ceris, .c oltufùing iltP01rt, off s plan$, and,. in fac!, sorea of ail kintia. Il ix Orleans Clotits, te hauagbi mh of in thia ciuntry, anti trie denutridiCbug u~l-e àa increasiii4. 1 have ioued rnany4iePamatiotiî for Laiitsrnds mees, Shurci',. but the' preteefrre Iugive uthesiiatinizly to anPitaCzmrs th'clhatdBack O110, nîauufatUrtti by w c. Gala Plaids, Hoyle-s Prits, ydi Swee, ln hete N. . Iwamltiadlat tverY %vide, l3ritish iand American Grey and houaie nwtier ta keep a boule of ther above OjIa gon 1 Nhite Cottoh Shirting, Saock- lier,.!, fir titi mimely ie will aavet, mre anîdrmome.. Y'iumt rapctmill. E.W'. TEPIENSO. Ul(5 Tickings, CottonYarn, 1 :Far Sale hi' T. C. Sutton, Bowmanville; BLAN.KETS,&C., C. Illotli gaPart Ho pe; Dr. Printile. Cobourig;&c&.&c S. iMcCoy, Newczsile; W. J.Sutîon, Oalawa; antid -Wholc'alt & Ltail hi' -F' U i l ~ 'ýJAmES lH. GEaRRI, Whbitby village. T. P co, m-ould cati- espec'ii aatention* h Aiagiaat .02,1851. 19-Y. 10 ititir spleatiutl stock of Fora, via- ________________________~~~ Grey Squirrtl anti sable Yuffîr anti __ BoaaStoneMartiifand I Minit do, i fs, Victor ines, Fur Caps. &.. &C. &C. A Vcry extensive 4uortmcnt Of SR£E.DQY MdDE CLnQTIW ~ ~?Ut ~ 1 c i .UtÎ t. Compriaing, every néesayfo Ol dMay beconsiilt.td laily for anydlaeueeaffe<biouthe plete outate aud wihhin id undes 'rEETI ~ GUM'~, 'their own initpection, andb> i nosfash. !s Artiflelal 1'reth ljtrUd oi Gld Plaitor livot, lonable and experienceil i, -as,' defy Frosaune to ait enfimreU.. cmei kOffice ove Mit. LÀîNle'aSroa, c<orof KI'oBo>etsCIoas, ishawls &"Scars to andi Siicu Str.eta. M es11 L Nvlaib, 185 1.3O In ^g7dct varity. ___________________________ A Fiji[ Stock ofiheir wicrlkiuowný en* tim 4uwn ~"OAR PULBLIC, COMMIS900aer of theCt ~f al etqn kch-p Couve yancer, Draughtsman, ISSUJR OF MMRRIAGE LIC ENSES AIN] ~ACCOUNTAT4T. Office near tise Court Iotse, Village of MANCHeS7UR, 'rownSip Of EXI 24tf L. C., THOMAS> co NC ER a4 theCJTY PRrcE.s 'I'leiT seally :arge stock of Groceuies ÇHEAP AS EVEUR- 'filE PEOPLE'S ANTI*EM. TUE v EJISZt ANJT.U Wiien wilt thou save the People! 0O God o(morcy, when' Not kiriga andi lords: but nations iNrt throncs and c #owns, but ràen,# Gýot Save the wmPile! Iim. xhey %bey ar- Tby fhkrn8 hneneu ait.', Save tbem from bondaeand-despair, God Save the people1 Wheu wilt thon gave Uth eopýe O Ud,n'f meiey.m.hent The people, Lord, the Wrpl.! ý No!tlihrones and ciowns, Iu:oen t Towe'sr$ thy bert, O G*darethy And shuil they pam IJk#î Wed# away 1 Their heritage a wiriterfil doy! Go i save the ipipe! zet nus lke them beome, And emniltntiheauty, Thehit!borniof otir hume, Iord they ait thine, andi we are thineo, il, Den rocli;e4, let us iwine WVith mortal vjte,-love divine, And he IErth'sttngets. ACURE FOR RlUÂ1M A Çtutv yerars nè-. there lived iii n se- qîicsîeredl 1urish of Se-otln, un old wa(,rîînîî Of the naie 'i l aggie Wttlker, t.0lot. (lîîring the ycars of lher widow- lleux, liad strpportecl lier famuly hy gaIs- t-riîîtr nuls wlîici she disposed of to adl- vna!eevery fali, in tise reighbour- iicity ufGreenock. A rl engIs, htîw'- ever, Maggino e ettue sick. and wua about tu te carried tuolier long home,. Amon -tise tany wise ad1noîionsshe gave tii lier chiidrei, collecleti arouuid lier dent h-bed sie; se partictîlarly timgaed tisent t continue the practice of gatlîering mils~, by which ouSe-hn.d etirnt lier daiy hîread,.Iaud reared wîth comf'url ber fàtherlcss effîpring. But fearing tlîuttliter dying injolnction ii hlii lie forgolten as sooi t s site waurîder ilie ffud, she entreaie1 thelu te plant a poke o' nuts on ber grave, whiclx wuoulti sool lecome hazel trets,and thuts serve as a living'remejuberance oif ber last mid .non ilion. ïMe-gîe(lied, and ias bîiried, aud ai a niatler of course, tise poke'o' n uts wai also deposited tînder tieseame kreen sod tittCl overed the mortal'reinains ol honesi Meg. It su isappe-ned, that two Highlander had lormiet a plot the sam6 even'îrugo lilealipg a wedder (uheep).froin tiseluit of tlic Clachian (eisurci grouuds),Farmn er.- 'I'ey accordin glyi met in "the dîis nt the Kirk yard gale, to execute thleI î'urpvs, when il was agreet ta oni slîoîld waei on thse kirk yard dyke wlîile the vchier wenu teh ill fur 1lb Tise watchmnia, te, beguile tise Iime thuuglîl il ne sacrilege lu talte tir>Maç -iem's 1îoke o' nauls aud>crack îhem, dut i 5 ig the absence oif' hi fui end."P Ini tise reaîîtine, Donald, tisebell man (Kirk omeier) on' bis relurît lfror the Manîse, overbeard tise nulI erace on thse dyke, svhicis brougist befure tii aflrigisled imaginations, the Munesci Maggie l i ulyary SWitis iair erect as boar's bristles, au heurt- beaiiug tripple lime, he b)utudî le, tise Mnse,aiid ru.gardess of ceremi uiy, ,rusised imb tise »ulinie's utpd, le exclaîing, lu ail tie e)tuquence d er Ilture stnudorned," Il 0 Sir, 0 Si 1- MN-aggie Walker's uip and cracking hg ry poke o' nuts un the Kirk-vard 'dyke !P H2ogt, awa, -Danauld," ?espondd t l tiiàter;" I thuot ye Ian t better thi tu belietro li anu thae faities."1 Il Na, nu. sir," n.id TDonalIl éon yerael an' 'yeei1 se», for seeia' nmaket; b lie vil' a' jieè warl oer.' éAhis ? 2Oiald,"replied the uninusft "canula anove aaig1e stop ji, thi COiNM1,RWTAb INTRCO1U)USE ~Noth Americau proini BETWEEN THE UNITED. troducton ofa systeiw STATES ANDTIIE BRITrISH und'ér,*Ibkh the local, N,%ORTII AMERICAN COLO-' taned eh effectivec* Nits. governmnt. The côlii WÀsrz<OTY, Deo.~, ~5~* %vithdrawal cf 'the ?pi'oiý ' etîjoyed by the colonies 1 N T .&R g a T I Ç r r F F C U C U M E T S . t h e y h a v e ' b e e n l e f t t o the markets of the wc In the Presktert'î, Messg 1a -UntdSa»o SIOIi ix mTadet h e r Ptt ires furaco- tion. Uncler the Mon veltio np n~h'siYsc f r airo l difflrentialdnties wee trade btweeu the:tUnited Sates an4 the rde b.see«th e U Canada, wmb h have b icen .r eived froe#Î C a 1ada Nvà <,f the !,M( the, BritisbIM inister hee. As tse sul. inimpoiraiiz characer. jeot fil oee of im portance, I have pro- Canadienl Legislatures, W 1111 l UIÎII AMAdifflt.,4itl- 0I&1jiil'A~t 1rîe...anac __ o _-àfrnr eureti, a îuri uLie uluit riTuco it- n viofthe ir publndeicatiuo. t. n J3arTl L wr1oxro triehe- 1851.u S1n,-I h ave the honouir tô etitio1ee go y ouhereirit'ut, copy. 6f a letter whiclî was addÏièss- 0,';jhe Chaitrman oif thse Coinrnittee ou Commerce ini ihoe Ilouse- of Riepresentatives, b)y M. Ilincks, (thie IsetrGnrof. Cas- loins ini Canada, and ait infliuenuial rnember' of 'thse Canaçijat Cabinet,) ilien lie visitéd the C'apitol-in Deceni-, hier lit. The letç#uin quèstion rett'rs, as you w Il see, te tbie commercial regu-. lations tobeb cgtalîehed bètween the Unied Stat.va and the ]3ritlrih North American Provinces, wliieh Wiisa~then hoped iflavý Cuhgress weîdld place ujieul a satisfactory-foting of reciprocity-2 Mr. Ilitneks, lowever, States withott isg uise wlîuxhie deemrecl wouild be thie ,eling ancl jaoiyof the said Provices, i f the epd~ 5tIl~si1 rr disaipoid ; and it, is tio% my painfial dutytcuamurince to you,. that frôn thse information 1 bave recoivedl fr-oni thç quartiers above alluded to, <be dissatWs faction that lins been prodneed through- eut British Northu Americu, aince 1$ hýts beet! known that no Ubisanpsased tise NUnited States Leigisiature replying tu ic ftiendly disposition whîicli has long heen maanlfWsed 11 he lritish Provin 3 ces in-North Itieriea, to improve theiî 9comminercial relatioîns withtha United Staîtes, is deep and geiieral.' - The Citnrdiatis eqpecially--cclnsideéi their: application, for ami nterchancgwo. Sagri.:ultttral produçts lias fai!ed of anc- qf cess, hecatise tbey have generouuly il and withotit stipulations. conceded ma. -nyý commercial advantsages which iJ was in tixeir pow~er tu bestow upn the r trade of this country ; asid they se'ýn iý ie believe that tliéir only nodépat, présêŽlt 2, of obtaining adeqtutê attention, latst le replace theruselve3 in thse aituia;i1a j whichi they wer e previeus tu laXini t, he at'uresidconcessions~. ~.For many reaseis 1cleemn it desirabli r- te prevei tasUoif as possible, his féel ing, if it la a mialaken oeue,-from -,aiii il. iug groitnd. 1x have aise had my attentiotsn ieue 'and b eing an xous to cultivate a freç r ýcommercial intereoure ,with, t1i e powcrful and éntèrprising neig'hbor', i removéd the. ê,isitn, difterentil iiesg u and admited Ameiicatt marnfactures j and foreigît1 goud piaieased inthe- American ninkets, unl the samo terml9 as those frohi Great Briain. Read Ca- nada, at- that~ timne, stipulated wvith te United Staes, that in reurn fu er 1 aitînusin of h nuricau Mnufactuîres,1 the dn:iiesn.hnld be rernoved fr»uî.her1 producs, jI. vold obvioti u ly bave been the interet of thse United States tu hve ag'reed te sucis an narrangenient.,N'I stich propohition, howevei, %vs mad, and titiis êrry' l ,rtaut cènreuuiioniu fbvor of thse United 8tat.es te whclî 1 laveadverted seetnis scareely to bave atttt¾êted the attention of yoîîrfederal GoverOrent eand su-littie'ws it un- derstood, that wvben Geheral Dix nrged it nt an argurnênt in favor et' the re- ciprocity bil l itthe Senate, the. 4faet was disupted. M.Not.imprtantreslils, hôoaever, have flloived frmi vhelceis- lation of the CanadiantPrlrent'i- Since 1846, the mantfafidlures of the United States. the teas, auigars. frutits,, »and other foreigit luxuties, purchasedj by the unerchants un the Atlanitic eaé- Ouse iti t în'nl belli sia lie 1 wc [41 1 1

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