ÂlmAL P E ERPA emntelinfvur of the P arliamentari. struggle which lie maiatamedgatdeP- NEWADVET8 3ÃŒ ss, a thie a tiontobave followed tism, mterestin5 to the g rs mjreader. N W~ ER IE ME N T S onyB ,w ol aeorevscncetosyi h d e b rdt e ande y -ipeat i o h rsdn tNÉ seEnanthe mortifying thought, hereafte- fhvn hi eF lvopr rEdssand h a m ýe ani- thêP 4eiañsr la iEuope.uTh-e:en . o.9,onAea e onetont o sei, ou orgi cul ce h fk e raaxesist hh se rla;, ii te 51-i aou 6 il ogadue '1 a b aetdinsc aanen ct bt ootanr a -cl eifn detn n adiqg ogoned f his AR%,th I oS. co. b o streams,00were in ancienttimes known iL Lot No.o, 2.ee lrn ape wlbeo mpgt abn inthe ageatn ie-woulday reb m'ote nlhe h meldh ix n thea 2d8tothedpeolse s Il the Cu 'tt s ai aonia; but now receive.the P ca.o, Dhec rothen ote for me who will o ed anic t ueg gos ec w elo ot an y h s pprtd ya on eÃ0o trUayte onon ehition, togeter an bs, who e rh ai nte$ u-at nts, Nï. vingin caves and e.redaijl o r canlt- fed b din e hl teNe so t eWekpci ytot FRr . à w s ntet ,o t e th> a d May ewas ix e to t iie wlace fi he ure pasdthe i r ]time is leept amiltesfrIn ,alirt %ila t.nTs 1arcn I Nasn M Mlt, fr a t vr o A ta g, as ec vedtheap ma fa y rco fiiép arat o ern eee th e ih cof lofthe r iLu-noftw ; b ut an ices a contr whie r qi re ng or.Uncb&co : c s ,a w sv te wavltx otmn fCes om i ne0orthri-am t maap kil ndnerey. Evrya dnsa wrobblte assue tatiwws mosi u t 640Years eforeChris. a st. c r .i. ui e a iii:nlpris , w i e lwe willot erw ise a et afor .T S g w as nt co pnt edPa riun t hg e n in- f! ..e al xof the h oe rt g e t 'a ndt hi a ribe werte d rivte n be ard bd e heis7 o he Toronto B uildinig.tIthis high t ime N e wlC ou t f n a lyhd h lat daöfte:nanin th s rt ws a c w 1ren of upr oar and cfu Masaetmne i nte t itor eof the n Ciil a a,îck o s thePreidet'sprola atinsconain ed th ere My 1in 8di.,Sigret ws t e d oh e fi rs ctre n hy RoulliaRaccoon skii e aho a llent aitif!rmpt t b amis ted in en t eran et o ewlaà v ad knd e1r fio, te xectie pwerwa tore Caresl but thir ervce wee o ued% sthcmerheri n orer fthe C uc- ""ey fth am halbelbealyrwa-1o t bem ote flest ui itedo te ou- bcd pe4111e The elecion was to te plae thJe pe.caa o 7oo le on TuedlnteitP.oas inceand garrioned byt Roma roos .IeD N. scterdovrthhfeo la c tl M -a1--n ia cnid c pSat in ;and teresident roi S r q u analwhenthe Presidentoftedbltesapelbabainsfhavng atad t !b, Duins Creek 22nd Deeell5 t- onequence of the hohday eree from resp 1 o gt o thened winll of tpeople t ngFreccasion by the frel ock,'hvustm te s ona n th ugrp lse d on thi aslle 'Idsol u tikta t n'i ery iew ho d il os e dwee mog h O e et , h tu M l i' or* ha nr e pn es:a-are ateF ec o pt.Cinon ri e toanta in Gthe anlve ý-i the I DS R R A C M1 'A N..anou ld be eneTe do by the unmiaý the en y ae etw e i n hi ud th rsofth o po et h d dei. .f t ors grteatLoudn ebe to tgthe Re ebic f aC b tr les h ei gn o T aan vn. hisae - n 4tty n B r1tý a a , Povef ll the ounty in et. th eswould] e t ird r d m pneno igC rsm s nÃ¥tn4 d9.et dand hoiifseso the imegah, i werenoturbe d y d emaf ocr TieÉ des err buit aie awhcr h os n cleva nu,,eT M ana leigo h tc-oar e-er.a e tonrflantwtot the e. At fiu umovn-inthe mtt, a I taanso-,f thea te W e sei n whou e r asse er t rugg n lect, adidth ed Da ito i ll e bkltahirafhert aÃf hhb M n bockf n thwi ayo( or apther M :t'n..tmew% herpmn s thya werpr inc il frien er oe o e ter-o ryaà ahr ity, Pfoa . on Monday. the dnd dayna labournt:prosprity bleïlrleisteg t omlaitfh ecoe epeetya eoe eadhpiee dee tr td ndcoveedt Evnenrpamion g eattassfor the purpos fwa About the0midd eo te thid.century-nxf teproe feer i o o b vie y1 n e etorradr ea n(thno herna te kl Whfeerteme br o h e ghepwr raedb oplrsufae c ewrc f abrincaldGoh.ilt erefr h nsn .,,efrc1waint ibu Assembtyattempted teo meetlop l&inflly andle sree al Oth oe w o havetuifer- suinfrm te hre dvof t aied --fe --.j --ny--tr oityb gttrg o eaPe atopru t f ih u ic ihu n tl her eeer dea ofw d ise n j!nif iýhed mo t wy a r evolo prokig new one. 'rapeagrae nceonthe tfrotiersof h acian...>&46 Treaw r a Iar jcin orir e ry reifor.amort.esec largtjoosadpo-nw a we thef L euse, woere A nrete T w A goernmti wh h is niate d by l a r - and Pleannonand ligerted e' oýn the dof o rtintb eci2,s.a7-t sr eta th atdos otted o1iethi aiu (V.-)tú byte r U T hu d e hre b rs h d na rt ed up denI t at h, p a ne ýbd ih le sste w s f e l o fin. t e C art) h ian ount' a is e y fm alh --v lin rY a d t e 01 e s of t e uTouhe at aoun ngts e dman of thm through andsp aeihethLus e i soatn- eeed Daia drovce d a tl out ile G AIbR eH L n m s eaM n onnk ceI o r hat he eqentiy raee ne sed. nA il pa tew kernw h ç touditSe mission, comelWdle othe t atr-et , w hiafiRacoilc p f rO m.1 a en l,:p tan not hline d-e n e . lt ithe e b e o erppostion er "eim- hemg th rit thuertman.frm te ge-w - reinqaead tontheme . T le -1toma ÃŽofdes oeI. n o m cÃfdae beta o ftee progined eci a ty endithattree pie QWand e trength whic t h e aedûm rtire, ban g dow th e b rride hlat ta ils o 1111) . trihe ih h wha e eea m- NGC hundedae ber of he ssemly ad Gd. a ha buit, hat he arbaian migt b1 y15- ng tn il l MP e vte fr Geng uerffo r thetesit tek declar1 d the xir aderlene to the 0Prei Agratsnstin asbencratdinretrindwihmthi on1oadai. 'ensregrhe-vrices "r Tro wid aoe o s* hee trbnetsii utPaisbyth aperaceinth CnsitCi ï e o tl oe thei r c-onquhest-,butra- '.rfortoe nsai c ,ng Liegalredia is rninl(owáms e nG Lbary ld elgapni h e dspa fthe frm esi e- one f e af digs rbticlo n o whpich " thd e -v r s ot tuP n e, stunt ti tftes. rrl y w t.f r fth vioe f rn-a op l t o y e h e r e t e The nenetionfSitsat at ý)OOthe ioe re atpatyofOrder"-sac cusd oohvin1A outthaen oith furticntuyoris or uiion ad bar pewek r nd ia ina -p eaea 4t f heFrsien hd ee h i,,d CraniedNatdrngadbomialecnti- n theebro barians bvca ed ho pte rmI),l may b ce k 2nw v n Dnet he M . .ra a eahr ve1ol 4 o ente enthsad m;these rep n 'ort mee aywtissi h the -Pu est i as85un,1hatisth peple isuigufomthe Urm ipa . ne f t heen oi ng topes of f ie ae teeg e a ont r Ã¥renaisuetlycotrdited--pa n d pcarclo f helog tadig onpi tep n dNothog ernAia uhed clthruhJAMEsiDdN.dei.heapatonosh ,Ãc uk reol engue o «Irt 11%VIodet h dbe n erectedIlin aey, and tat if ge Assre mbl hd een th dfies f heCapatias.upniteser youeDed 7tb18c n fm ! o f rligou d no ia tein. i> (r1 l int M.dow r b °teroopsi.lan A se Pnte o t mauracopdu i omnvd ofte lba t ed At in tthie MR. IC G H E. BROW 1lAN - Yy nielossh eponia " u't(dpnswr o headeie hna nhly qoesphed promnent si itis ters wld ae be en rete the se m- iif Cunary tiltthe reCou tr .Thi ephEldReore, o bai sbcrbesV Tof the soilbje c t't h e re io ,ew a n ar! teaianenthrpo - Tu ere s usd ed kaiand in atacndiet. O b- ly uelf, ndi tle Gratmovemen a oimo-hog ujetdt mn i odr o PitnA vran ti ti- c a 1r oscne irycotie uars l000vo rs Enedar setio ofth-Asemby cn- uceedd, n efor woldhav beronde bsitude a-foridmo r hn tie D u bde y e r moone hehte s e wd receyof'iwiing"n telso ihi u tn 0 riya ~ ~ ~ t. anne sddc d o te epal o- t à o ng tPes-b d n t. i m self ud ohndatinw op liae, rngfrt e s m e T hm. akIan-nvuhur s tofh toiltel i athal-pat 11 Th a op ilten thefd identand hs -im eh- to n h ot hcenn, ýestoawitee i - 1htrr a e.eame t isu t, edsse i a o haIdtrsd nj tcPtOh o e rl-at hmbrbano hehu ad! w in th fact fHigh ir#sn. the Metgseoanmpahetthm sdnmia nsnth Prvce rmeCut omrminadurd d e then tusesand the he Eipa - aind hi r iende s wmer nýofvrdsoe n h a smdth ae ayrsyl uhriyo n THRD I iopoeoal su a i i cprompriatis cp h aypri r asr arroe andgo numbverd been hlfpasmtisng 'eck . orthe atoe ofte or Magyry, adtheside weretenindfnto the efoers f tisRidngan th Vmntio rn eno 10 v ied I wengr1,d1vo tiè-vrthe na em mt try ieu sre hn such rateplan. yet it isunotrthe ; with is, acon bAradcrstsedhCarthi an to o tl .intiai ons k- r oudled .os1tohv abll rlu ýD cmbr2 elirerha t01stdri hIeisntl adyrvete iedrceo toroht.urperm ndtatarergrs ndotand iype(eV u K sui rrvd eethsnfarwse ce ia ároppliadéh it a p a Ing17 1-e>r so a thos e npoiti -l orhae uffris"nd ,aromtans, who nowf ihe abie idh ions ol ersn hstuypors .B.'sigss htteto ph qatr Agn Wy nrde t rpo on inoat fth ac. Thsflgartmes Cutrtndwoua n ssmdth en it idn i arimet tebl laefo ai el oudheci salint h thy e n* sid e n rIo i ", n ed m(ms he e eltin rs of tha e L egi t o ue out an muopeae froy ith theaCi ra h its epeetveo nan sa'idcmtr.ao rcs Fcfiei.wrda aruing, wil: l foundedly d vidd mngt e eve, t hog teHus n te ayas r ..th prodof sg inieandsusthtmaidrth- n n to ov 16h Mgg ar unte byth co mó hatedthe h anervd Pfrom the amlneTarie i ' thar , 4, wo i, trogh rat dig ysu scriio enor -.Tit 1 h g iratd oy f th toth en t of th e 10t, h e cembter. Thgatfte isof c,.*arpmuhan lobi temp e vit fi lty, timpaty eune ya aoà tt lae ite poa i hundrdmnbr it ea res o otraywsrAisdegte mnh hn h omr I sspid,;de o 1 vrai.Tosn w ecn llrpryude ade to te lst baits;nany Sale r ya n fro h aeferiod when e s1lctn n tte Huns we, redvedutt o to O • • • Ilmist ey which is the pro- t ba$huaqiniýto ieh leed . i pta enend (Chnaa o ccý t ui theTuiller..case reathestadthcat those whogr t mjsieacr otelte etmnaScevidpneto h su sukredshgl bee hel m hs roms-metin wher theaftewa-rdeli4ed u nthem. 'lrd e o r hte i ao w pee ieest h sut a s thte es(f I cire fr , m t e asIll vi g h tthéaretngr ni aghn o- apin adafe e rl o r o heg g mneri wih eCogegtonlChpthnetrug tr'rma aouh da iër fo-tie ur ben iscssd. n hiO iee i n¶ te era agyr en. onthe ide wiTth hc e oehs Def A. e T. ei ÃŽb ubi W;fr ù atplace and der st~~~~~~~~~~~~~i tiestrbt.It ws r mwged rmi ytpr' cladm rs otm o frhrrm Vr*"' °* 9 n O crsnd i ias' atd ha en deoMastr fLoisPhllpe howa re-1abtat.5he2re aya *nw reen b gvnghestIcoe t att ere rtf orthenenon7 atnr S.4 mnwrekledo resie tiq theRpiof t e plot ate uis d ro e very oithr o rá w ý,r ar1 tn a;>fhee pr huü d i reacthir diral nc1 teP e'daant u. i ei hdas f m ik a-1dmrmy hef s anintenion mon d 4says teadElyse n rgan. I thd e textnus h aeau e ak 8 rfo htaM e @I e ng Englandsiitè eo propoe ha tehbjctofth cnpiatrs, s o hih tilprCar eteet cab 46 8 o nr sa eet udne ès ca testimsÚal t Mr Grnn i e t, a r tor re,5 shi in tedprsof in mAnerut mer nd o tfi wo rahces rv e r53oudh bß Saeur p% keto tk r no ou c t in Gven gera hagrne9toefi- se wudpheear o ua tyrr4l,20iato serve )tparties inu s tthe eageditiont he wbor t metih t tix qtth -xldiio- ilch h ave lxen to throw the Amemibly out ofthe prper may be ju-stly dp ledthe tean anna nssut hirboe t h e Ioitltyers earch of Sir wno n o o nt rapeot ienft inhagtnts of the .so , a but minto. Btill the onspiratrs a nwsidt h.wh adihbie teCrW'i l Th lpr e ebe ll oon e sov hba d itto en tM ge r Cbl o nquthIleJz i mraIl u i pl i E et a s te i t. de orgaii nit jâhe «ýý w nitwiihe et io nsit b Cavigatesinctheyjcainnort hae auWitrs e S prfcyt sntaeblai pÃ¥ the y lections an the e êatdr d mo at th as a a ted s a e s k t e r ek s r n y e tdsidandoMproduse.tf1ey c to tee , ! isipb eu as td o raeu i tedteem tio ath A sem io M trveies m aniny theu h nU.a ti.. Ã… it M a a i a cs.nct.e a uc:-- a ve a W h.ite- p r ptt e os i ne te dco tr l by enof ahcune ividence a U >Ituntý id of him mu nos tri «t. nad f>. aof Mrm s4taunch a- J e'd their inot met Witt Smancti ey worulc ley ligl w e rdmi hhl