Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Reporter, 20 Dec 1851, p. 4

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-~st srviine inS cotiand'on tise 'lti C 1771 ii. Juring liii long 'tifshià 1001as ver, utsefolly emîîloyed. and b.$hin'Europe and Aiscrica ilb. highi- ust ezSltence as a religions writer Wvlà ;Rumstod witish ieis ame whitih wiii be Wuporpet*ulireasembrance. M$i lit wax one of vicissitude, and in the eariie 1eriod of i* caoreer especial. -ly hQ .encounuered al goWt dearof trou. ble. Re was twise inirisoncd. ou ne- aout vexpreung seultimeula Oitnsivî g o thse goverumenit wile ediior of a tI*Vupatrat Shetld. Ileafte'wards -» ttu, esta.bliil îs-ales as a Poet, butçwassfur whîlo repî:lscd and diu- oSuraed-butt in whas:over dmegren -h paiipalo,uhd ils what la entpliatically the cmonnlot of isumansîy bis end ws pesce; and- wu txay nuw un rcforcnce to I1imireniaknt hi ls own Ianglagc-- Thois etl forati eabmo ho weepl À rst fer wesuy piigrims four.d ; tbeY"(e? de, a sweehhy sleep Lewi ate rewsai. Thse mSnormthst vrmckm the vinter sky Nos Moredistirba e or deprepose, Tisu Sauiner vMag'ais atexs igis Whit &buts tIhe s'a. And agalu-. The stn iibuta q*rk oît ire AbaaîiutMeteorin the sky, TIse sai Ilmortal, seils siref lYàait seer dit. THE ADNIMiTTRATION ON HUTNGARY. Preudest FKLLMORE'S Message centaine the follvingpargph concernîng our for- eigu poey, isud-specialy on national reda- tions to tise Rmisan interference in Ilunga- rias d'rairs: "F.ifudy relations vitis ail, lnt entisng- iag milisces -vith noue, has Ion,,, been à maim witis us., Our true mission'is nolte propagate oar opinion., or #impose upon otiser cousIne% @ur toms of gorernuent, by arti- fies or forte ; but te teacis by example, lnd show b>' our uucces%, uaisdem-tîon and justice. tise blesalagu of self-government, and the advatam sof fre. iustitutionu, j Let ever>' popie choms for itsdf, and malieid alter -ils poltiesl i stitutinq te sait its Own con- diti matd coureaiesse.. But, wlile ire -apqovasd luaintaiuu tiisnetie-al polie>' etsr s0",wara n.ioa o mecthec sami' for- Momee aos tis part -Cf other niom~,s ssft oews flgovrmenc are difereut frm u r sown.paTise deep interest vhieh vs fsel in lise apreati eoflibers! principles sud tht eslabllisment of free govemnments, sud the ~tsy vaty itis viicli ve vtness e" srugg apist. pprsssiois, forbid 0~ A t &wýa o f aforeign M>wr ù *à5 mt * iePublice nltiment and Osm e spiru* o<freedom ins any coun- 9om bas tairesjust anud 00 t11. great'- question, deed, as it coud not but WEUiTta for Seeretary .d h e tii<Oun talion mua in 1823, snd vin- neriou occasions front doue siuperioub.. .g loague. SA*aiuiuttiou vnIl!b. de- wsIble to sa>'. It asserts, rexplicit eud ehiphatic teruts it b. ladlferut" toany case, %trong arm or forelgn. power, je publie-sentimaentand, re- )ffreedomin 4fltjeountri." E course, be é4inàifferet" ta OtEusuia againt st uwging lte contrat-y. Our pon.*tion ni of the eartls ni espociai- . tise rtpre".entative of Re- o! tise princlpi. of Seif-gov- as te tae.asuactive siter- flet me ot war, nor doe% it ýe (rota the counsels of t do.. pledze our gov- mamirea azaiut tihe Det- wil! b. sbundantiysns cu*npeople. aId" ircuthse par- i, Ihugarsau, real or ra frqp Liverpool . H. Taylor of tisat te i5 giveit asMaxi- 3uro Boumgattner. Md weii upotted ou &il onse Who elopeil $1.20of berhuq. scat u asfousnd e batter, su wh*se moglt by repreeut- Ir to tise fanxil'y of huigpursued tihe tr- u )e in a 1 a At Li:rmitin, in tthe Vole du Nùrd, ân rn- divine service, a btsîd of inaie- fa'ctors entereti a bouse, and, having ct o of the owerss lend, -carried it away or Iï t, as i t haq fot Leen fod. The f- ~ trators bave esaped deteelion. 1 ec know a chap wiu declares that ther/: leis aiUsîo lit lu Us heard eccept -ntire',, andIo1 lits ear the most plea. sing of nature's harmonie» ore produ- cd when a cal j, liclcing afryintg.pan! 64Do Von caslthibnges here 1" inquir- ed a wag, as he sauraered, îît an iron fundry, and eddressed the forenan.- "Certaainy ! it ià Our busjncs. "'-Ah, wcll! eut a slîaduw, wîIt yoit T" le was eust out. A STaETOII:R.--A pasUS ont Welt 111- invente% a new kind o, dwellingu. They arri made of India rubber,'aud'i are so porta- ble titat- you . cao carry a row of (htree-story atora u your bat!1 ---- BOOTS0,,BOOTS, BOOTS.* j UST ýReeeied and for Sale hy the 8bribtr', si the "4 EcAL» lHouat," a large aî,8i choire asaortaieriî ol the celebiaied wbich bavre hereto(ere gîuen s0 murh satisflaction 10 trhe public, censastng Or 'Ladie'andi Uhlrea'Wfrauuîla à cati .¶kin Ilools, leu,%sýtrong pegged & Fine cati Int, e, te. C. G. ANDERSON, Wliby, N mw 13, 1851., 31-6w. TO ET i te Towno WHYBY, occupied by N,&A y. The location is javourable for esrrying on an extensive business, and allers an txcellent openusg I WhUby, lit Nor., 1851. 00l ERYt DISGOWDON OF PARTNERSHIP. TIE Partuerusip beretefore exisu'inbe- tweeti RSV£UtTBft A4CKlIY send GIEO. 4W AIN, under !the style and Firni cI 3L Cxx & Mc W& y*, wisbis day Disoivemi b> moniasa coasenî. The business will be carrledoit in; D)ebtoro l te ats :Firsu, are reqnueto et- t tie their Accounot.wsth SylveSeur bMacky l. GEORGE MCWAIN. Whty c.29, 1851. 9 iA for i - jar bo s Asss j s'ti.J. ,O55ictioU Wiit fbe Sivu Ion the Instrument bdeote 16 îpil la ieqaalnled with tbe notes conitainelin t6e line. and spamo; alter whicb, aise will <barge ()n# ShilntgOe'y, per Lenon, or Twenty SLilliîngs for 30 Lemsne, puid i dvance. Oïppjte thse Granmnr f&hod. Cardin% Machin *es for sale ThE Stiliseriber offlers fur Sale VPWO ~D0 U BL E C A R DJGM A-« CI!fES, (unencari ew.) Ã"One Pick- 7or, une Sikeariiig Mméhibjî tie Spin- itg Jenny, rand one î)yc Kettie. J. B. WARPplÇ- OsýIsfwwn.lot JIh',. 1851. 3 4-t f, ADVEWRTISEMENT. A. Caret Bag is now in the possession the %bSuscritier, suppoeed tc, belon;<o *orne Perion ini Wbitby or reighborlsood. The owzwer ran bave thse same by procîng propcrty anti pay- - resuidnee of tise young lady, And calleiiber si ont. 8he., t titis request, went wul1h hm a e few utepu frointhtie door-i whea ttc offered n"- olence tLulier person, sud tbrcatened deati i if the did not suismit. - er ucreama aroused 1-ltise neighborisood and b.ed. On Monda> -. moruing, ho vei t to tise bbrîmat flouse to en fitilisris.Wiie tisore, oilicer Aua 0 0 Putamn, with an assistant, entered tise bouse a to arre .t hlm. On tise vaj te tise police 8 Office, he drew a pistol and ftred aI Putnam, tisaI gentleman oni>' cucaped death by a -hairs breadîis. A. quantity ot arsenîtcval found in- bis pocket, vils viiaiho vas in. 2 tenitdug te deatroy bis o"slife sud Le ttreat- aens that if bce gels at libert A le viii kill Ha-. i ris, thse young -lady, her fahei sud unether. * -Spingfield Re-p. MIRACULOUR SCEscRROM GolIqGOVEi TifIl. FALLS ov NiGÀ'Â-Bi-flol, 2nd Dec. Yesedsy san Englîrshmeiî narncd Bainbridge, wvlie going over tise fout- bridige tus te Tover, near tise IHrse Shoe Falls, qt Niagara, slipped on the bce and feu l itolthe Railids,'anti was carried n ear 1hue rinkftet b.grei at lus where lhe managed le catch isoi4 ut a1 rock, wicih ho clung tu for lhaIt an heur, Wlieu ho 'was-furmuna:ely seen byq a parsy Jvssng round Goa lIuland._ TWo gtîidemn stamoil.- BJrewster and J. Davy, look the reins fromn ome ber- ses lid hembbraterami thuewthemn lie was drawsî onssore in a very ex- brsusted state. The lxio f a yeunng-rman an4 vetnug ioinssu, h'îuid txogether by peck- et hatudkcrchiefs, weré fotîndinlutise .Sehie, ut Pami,. b Inthse oce'tof the tman %vas a ivîter, ctatinR hittthey hzîd comiitted suicide beca:tse tises lovet etSh otho.r t.sderl y, and Ilîcre w;ere Ob- stacles tu t lier uniotn. 'rie Sixiniîsls iaipers mention Ituai a G"it1 ninuti- lte captives in the city pritisi ut Meadrid, n tewday.4 aince. en- sled in tIse deatît and intilatîois ut a clrat ti lîns-glar, who wvas slabbed by WeiMARYl'inuy and R, .E. l1'xcn,, <hap- point J. Il- PER '-$y sole .ac:ing EFXeculor in the ireiglermnt of o leahoce EuRtate, ai as sucb s. ern- powefed to receive andi coliect ail del,î andi de- MIARY FERRY. IL. E. FERY. -SIJPEIIOII SALAIIATUS. I IE Subscribers beg leave rnos~t respect- Sfull'y 10 zîlorm thseIcrchanlàï ail ttsrough front Montreal io Port !Sainîa, that they aie uow menufart-turing ait uîproved arÀcle of salaratus, which 'bey f..î Confident wîll give thse tisîrooi s- isfacîion, put up inboxes er bartelîtIo luit purcha- #erg. Ail orders attendedte l with th,- leasî possible Brooklin, . --LA M d&iteLTsi Â5?tLP,. Whiîby l21h, sept, 1851, 23-tIL MORE JIlOME Y TO LEYD. A() GO P-PurtîWniîy 18 now offered 'l ny an Who haî a littleupare caïh, andi wish. 0m akan suve.tmeoî mn1)whaî is more vatuable tban cash ieif, vi, -TW~o valuable andi îrnproveîfBuiluing Loto aI PORr WITD1-y, Uc- ini coinpoged eithIe corner Buildinig ot No. 9, ins Block 3, adjoining Bates'a Bakmr, côntainisg haill ait Acre, havin aU;ilgoo Barzi thereori, an excelle,î: well; alto a ;"Id aforimecîa ut Uraited Fruit 1 rees. A goot i sardl fence encl'oses ibis Lot: Aloo, Buildinig L nt No. 11, on Bond Sirerî cors- taîuiing nearly lialf au Acre, baving a good }'raiu flouse Lîsereoi, w"ehtrenta for $30 a ytw,. Tkix Lot <ornis une of tht nsmat beautilul Building Lots iithe Vle. hery iqanoit wull bu sott prt, vcil taise bi, tu rytusuip t ou cry ay eri, pay~nî a auto ui 1'rcasEr3, .s Bae nd oBA'irF , PartWhiBakerrl 2and 61.ioe OýT.ARI ONTINPMPA4TIo. ali reatiy for puttsi liu; LS nie Chaius Purnp istbe best,ibeapecst,and meut dus abe lPump in the %WorlJ, tlsere îlno diliculty coinedtej i th theri -niu Irezing upi, but Ulways resdy. By tûtning a crank, auy ehilti eight yearo olti, eau peoep witts case. N.IL,-Tise V.mps anti Chaine arp aitrnanu(ac- Iured by experienceti worksn*ori dnecî omnthe lrgesI Chains I'smp Factomy in the Scate oi New York. Thée above Pa"mpo art preferred Ioteail oth- trs,, wberever îbey have been tied. Aiy person *wiihi zg tgep0wdsae, wildo Weil Ite*cui t e h Pactoty and sec one in operastion, 1. M.- CLARK & F. RAY. -whitby village, sept. ô, 18i. 2 î MONEY rTW0LEND. Tu'E Subucriber 18 prepared, to Lc,ÂN severai flandîci! Poutis, ini sums to Suita[>ap pticaçz., on Securiîy upon Ileal Ksîaîe. Peîsotsal applicauprs or.ly attended ta. Noise ne#,ti appîy- on17 these wbo tan furuish the mai nexceptspzsa- bIc ïecurity. WIIOE SALE & RETM lL' ]3' eg tO lutimate to otîr Custeaers-tbe luhabitant% of ¶foronto undduurrouudig country..îÎat w . have ,ow receileti uf complet. aasorfnent ai WJNTIJR 0001) , wbicb< tipot nspetin, wilI b. founid of better value, more extensive as egàrds quanlty, and more vari d in sYeta ehave ever 6.4 the satistactior of subffiitting te our cusiemers and the public befr. TiaIiorfIn 11 iits Branches, Oiocutod with taito à dflstOh. men'aâ EtofiTesooting Cont#, fmom ls qd m'n'e Blitiskin Tronrers, 'Imom 20i do Whitney de do 17s týj Boy's Etoffe do <lis 59 do Fine Broadeloth do do :ios do JEitne>' do -do 55 do Etoffe (ver Coats, do 2 -ls G j Wi<ter Jrawers, -du 3j, 9d do Whitney do do 201s Redi Flîsunel Shirts, do 4o 41-2 do Beaves- do do 35à Meu'is Etoffis Vemts, do 6os 3d Jy,& Etoffe Coais, <do 114; 3d do Cassuimere do kde 7s 6d1 dô Whitneyodooglu lis 3d do -Faut>do <te do 3s, Bd Wte miSirs, do 4s 4 1-2 do Satiny do do 7* tit $"oife izdo 2-ç titi do J$lack (lotIs do do 7s 6d Men's Etoffe Trousers, do 88 4)(1 doe('aiada Tweed do de 64 311 do Deesisin du (Ie 133 Oti B la Fancy CIO do 24 0(1 éo Cassimere CdO îl .1-îô ý j d Eiffdo * de 3' B, d do Camida Tweed do do 8# 9d Cloth Cap&, do 1a)01 -2 do Corinîoy do <lu 80 9<1 Fur Caps, do v1 6<1 Por-ket andi Neck Ilandttrciefî, Shirt Collrr and 1-Fronts, TJ'rbereilas and CMret lIngo. MNSPARIS SATIN HATS, BLACK AND ORAIL 11lanls Re ad Jhl ) i'om làYd GOt*an oS:epae Blankels, (piet pair) do 3 D¶d J i «utssdTies S c o r t S1 h a w ils . d u 5 3dB f i c n de T R o n s , F a c to t y c tto il D o 1 2 1 F n tst i b o l o u r a )n Cotruîs Warp, (Par istliuît j o4a -2J alPais L adies ' C lOaks an ti Bon ist , W b : C it , uffiç anti Boas, i tCo on C ap e, an ti m aterial, for )Io Srî iugpe Shirting, 5') iecs Mossoisi eLane,9-1 tyls, yrd ide al Ã" -24 er a ld tom da lu 3 1-2i1 Dd 3 1-2<1 "<r ito (rire- uf'Aîn<an,!C/ss rýc 1lî jomnin; tiheCourt Hou. NEW ARRIIVALS 0F MoEst nresp:ectfiliy uv inhinmaîp to tsliitlînbimt.s cfrWhitby ,nd sisr- rouidngcoti r, ha hefis eafl ficStrelaely ocrupseti by ILf. 1 CO NXORI NO. 3î, COMMERCIAL ,BUJILDINGSY, wliere Fie iànuis opening oli, the 1)~j,1UGES, CJfE.qJ>J.T anti lEST asseîted Stock cf DRY G;OODjS ever uffrrid lt mS4it ii par- tiise rotnuuy. Thse aatiatagea 6e poasestr.irn )f Il'r1,71N G ,1 IT STO0C K dhirt rom lise Mntîîrrlong k;,eicige ofIsle Trade in Cataand big dlE<rminatiog to adhérée stricilyIo Tu ise (ras1 .yîerwiinsos-e tb înîending puresasers, IliiiSto)ck ivilI aitvAY8 comprise ecer novelty of tise Seasn, tegéther wi:h an Immense îS'ock of Siaples àuitablefoi- the -Country 7'râde Ile folowing comprises a few% of the leadin&g articles ;-Gûaa Plaids, M. ýDeLaines, Cashmeres, Coburc Clotho, Alapacap, (Orleans, Chéopse, Jetiny Lintis, lotis anti square Plaid Shawls, Fianniela, Blankets, Serges, Itroati Cloîhis, Cassirss, Canadîa Cloths, Sstinletts,, Wbitt Shirtîigs, Pactes-y Cýoiou, 5-4 Lilae andti lder Jirburs, Cotton andi Voolen Yamn, Biattit' g anti Wadtiing, &c. &c. &c. .111 of w/tic/ ihe is determiued to eldi t t/he smallet poswile po>ing Profits, fr CA<SH fOXL Y. i- A large Stock e9 $ilks anti Satina, Bit k anti Cotton Velvets, Rîbbons, Floweri a, Blond, acs., - îlostier>' anti (loves. D.C. wotild lieg to direct tise attenstion ot Ilotîse ieeri armers and otIsntu Iliîs STOCK 0OF GROCERJES, a ksnh acere puoehaed su News York ho fore the récent ise in prices, be i. therefore enabie to 1erffers jGoMd.1 r!icle ai aLJotce, Pria. <han R-sit ri ho impomtedfor. Likeuiiea complet. Stock et ~~r~i1iiii~ 1a~iiiq ~n~ pg, 0PLrat - &t. Wiz,vtpnA C Iothilrlg anid Gne O~T kl JN fWUJ1 l No. 5, City -Buildings, Iý G NEXT »Do'oI O JR 0Uro' SIN F THE GOLDEN FLEECE, AJGST'REET i'~T E VJ.xeVj . 1I4MIL T ON Clîstîuzmers aucJ FrîenJ, stii aktav ftiot!on baud a 4rgenisu eII aed ,tok of seasonble iell»Made, uelI-trmmed, aid fa4kionable R-EADYSiHÂ,,DE CLOTING C unssfing c f every kin ud itstyle o()r cets, V eto,, and Pa t l o , ' t , Casmere,, Vestsngs, &4,-c 4. &c.- aal >Cth rromn th extra facility for snuikiî;gup--stock- aIt heir E"Stabliuhmnent in Montroal andpuîrclia 51n" mn the clieapes: Wholesle Market,. FOR CAS H ONIV- Tiscy can, and do seli l CE WholesaIe buyers EDWARD EVA NS, .McG'If £treet. otel TootJune 7th 1851. FRLIFE, AND MAR -uniaisutia, kt,, bel MANUFACTUJRER 0F SOLE., MPER, AIYD HA-RNÉSS LEATHER, &c. Whithy Village, 716 Jupne, 185. RUBIANERU TIIUISON, Propriltor. IÉxcellent accommodations for travellers. Gond WJII Tii Y VILLA/GE. Allorders ini bis liue proi»ptly execiited. The lateli< Fakiors always on kand. Whitby, Aliril 19, 1850. -WANTFED. A'N itelieltactive Y0tîng Mtt atasAget orthse Rpporter, wuhoma i heralenrcxsagersnt would te afforded en applica- lion, if tîy letter Post paiti. Whitby. loth joly, 185!. WANTED TO ýBORROWl FO ý' 'crm of Oiqr, rwoor TniRII 1Yesrs, îhesusm o0(£1000r £200O,for wlsic h 1e meatt indisruLable 3ecurity WiIll 6e given, real or, Per pplicauions post paid rnay be atidiffseti E !t."Whiitl;v PV-os Ocfire. 'Whitby:,% plil, 26th 185 1.,-f R ECE[IIîIÏ) auJd For~ SALE nt the Ontar io Uoo, w H 1T ay VIL LA G E, AFwBair.so TIIOMPNON, PASN&C) Whîtby, sept. G 83. i21-t( JUST BE UEIVED ST-J. il. GERÃŽtIE's Dru-, and fBook :Stole S$CHioOLCRAÏTrsi A3ERICAN Indiâaa. Their llisiory cndition andi prospects, <ontain- ing TbrsllirseNarte, Datin exploiti, &C. &C. Illus'rated with Engmavings. W hitbm, 24 J u ly 18-51 1-f AFew-Pf tfbesce elobrated self-supplying ¶111 MIVER PEINS for &le aIt th Q o fke.- Each l'en is capable no' contAinitg ink enough go e 41 in wr'ite twofO aa ae.iThey are nes andmoi ly ký beautiful, andi atwaya ready fur use, as they carry CORNI. their own ink. * ness Ite Whitby,!Sept. 13.185f. -22. Ironag;. INSURANCE OFFICE, the Tab JAME S WALL.XCUE bega to intUmate cII) be that, he bas be,rn appoirte Agent for the G 0 VIIOYIICIAL, XI1AL lkGEt4EIAIIIWJW a nda g andti iat h is p!cparedto take risko nt the ordintry by. rates, in the MuTL'ALlRPJTAÃŽ&$*i. ~e ltrarrles or saut Compariy. Wvhîby, lot $eptember, 185). 21 -tI L. IL -SCIIOPIELU &CO., L1PORtTERS OF a ei If, JI ri: -L Quantity of WîhJan, 2 D)R 1 Whit Agi) PEALENU l'I IVIIOLEMSAND £1> TAIL. Whitby Village, Junf- 18lm, OCast Steel oes anid Bay Torhk FOPR SALE, 100 cs. ast s Un" and JBay Foiks, nmadefront Ny best Caït Steel, expresaîy for the $ubsevibet, '1*rnnto, June 7:1 I51. i wbischth çCouf ter gesseus1li 260 pack 30 pack C) bagi -60 baga 18 Isags 10 mati 200 pack t..-.- sa mej- $5 I 1, brother uf klis crafi. WILLIAM MAGEE &Co. i *Ir - ý 1 31 1 IL t 1 S. CI,OýSS<)N. Scrartorn. thâYov., 1951. 32.3wl Pr. avid Tucher iqVAEine Mînlir;z & ARni,, rtrITYi CoLLEOC,, Dem.zi 1,11ài 5ÀCIN, Suaotozç, AN.» AccoucilFun~, NORW'OOD, Picuerrxa. xomwoom, Oct., 251h, 18à1. 28.iy JUST REC]4l VEJI. COFFEE, RICE , TOBACCO, ý.R E E ,N, r L ureba sretiby th é FS ub scrib- er nuthIs. YRKMARKE'r,ond now offiered for Sale nt bis Stores in WH'ra Y ANVI) COL UMBUTS, wbicb will be iuond womtlsy o1 publie attention. 'bU'tSDOW'.. 1 , 1 . 1 1 1 1 PAPER IIANINGS, iS'ioe-.4jalie.î" I"indins., .ec. &'. hth,12h Sept., 1851. 22-tf. EXECUTOJIS NOTICE. ALLP Pr.ns hrving caimm or detanài teon <b. Estale ni PE'î't'iRPErntY, tet .bTownahîipof WsssBî, in thse Conty ni Yokx . decesssed, are requiested tisu itin 1 seni the par- licisiar, Iberrol in the Exeeiîtort, for liseir cotnui- deralion arnd settlemnei, Antial iersons inlebtet in the Esate, as-e alao requetiA t u pay Auch '-bt.. go the Executora. MARY FERRY, l.XrCeVaTRx. IL. E. PEILRY, ? 1- An imseuseaasostm 1 e 0l o, Stiipeti, (heek-e. Yliwerei. andtInPain Mates ial.for Laties'Dres of titt-, utýesît Yles asi Faisies. Riboip. Lac,-,*,. osierv, Flaiseri, Cap Fronti, 'cils, £**nstss, S ewed Go,,61. aieVelveta, Shawssandi Iantikemchiefa, &C, &C. 1 1 W.11ilby, Icith Sept., 1851. 1

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