Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Reporter, 20 Dec 1851, p. 1

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I'VBLITIED VERY SATURIDAY MORMNNG. TE'< SHILLINGS PtIt ÀNNUM-IýN AUVAqCU. 66 _ a" sd link nshins humas iffor.nt to me."- Terence. TWflLVE $TIIL AT THE MN 'V( OL, .2. W7I-Y CANADA WEST, DECEMBEII 2, 0t4TARIO MMiBLEW \ORKS, -WOLFENDEN & 00.1 M AM'VACTURÈRS and IEALKRS ini Mon imenl4 Tm¶îMnts &Grave Stoums l'le,;rcMBhm-. ,-4' ariegaie tcM<rl4c, $ k' d*Siahs, Sun ISiatas, Pa-t Skoîis,*,&c. va .riety of 4AlOtL1 WODZ donc ia oup.ri, r t le. of thust mIaterial, .ssjo rnt()içir-ifl nWitt)any otier Eçalssetadst Quarries, Vermont. 77fm. 1Wilsen, MfarlualmVilla gA~~t JAMES- H. GERRIE- b Is orsturu Isi, sinere lsariks'go Iihsk Fi ru Io'duaiiiilise PUblic ge.neraiiy,lfor thse very fl-rmal su po)rf the y ha ve affoýiddtri iîiii sirit t, lho tzkies1 tsu mtiloti of iisforusssrig theuistisîtt lie sf uuw vrérermgfruat - NFW YORK ANID MOXTR&iL, DUUGSI CHEMICAL-81PATENT ariui svery Ithing else is bis 'ay, wisicli luewslh plt-red Pr i ow Pascr.. TitE CgEIIATEti CR (OS TOC K ]M1EI)1CIENE1ýS & , Shisms(isuy eousitei(eited and tibulised sus Ca4nasta, by thse very lw.ros-wisa, over titeir owsî gi;ssaîarem, have matinstîti sishat Drý .veJ.uc4Sa oav x.of itew. Yuniti s e tiriy lioprietor. Tises, article% arc let-The »GRE.fT -PAINt'EXTR.ICTOR, - (Catinels.) curies; ailthlrnu.anssali Jx*te-ssal Paim# sud $orem Znd-ILLN Qi C(L IJI4, for Soyin; mui - leutrrng tise Hurian Illair. 3rd-JIl'EW.S' NEl< J'E 4& iONTELINIME2NT, andi INDJ4N VFe;uR T.2C'LEJ.EL1IJf. a~ m ie for ail hiiustaatîms, th-?fcNJR'SOIL, tu, cure iail Deaf Pesionsg. !>ul-I1418' LI'NIME.NT, a weii knowii cure for tise Piles, &c. &r. (ith-D) R. S p 0Q10î, $SICK I EE41D.ÇIIEI1 RkMED Y.-1 7tis-M THLWSRELIEE, (or ail Women i the Fsaiiy way. 8 1 b-, (ON G 1 E Y' S G IE.IT 1 VE STFRIN JND[I,V PJ'.INCEI.-i. For Coldsanmd frVeris feelings andi preventitsg leverst.- alfelins. 3.F«r UiatriSoe, Indigestion andiLoo orc Applite. 4. For Costiveseus ins femsiesmtu aiisuarn rvouscamplainis. 5, For Stamacli stectins, Dyspepuia, IPies, iseumatiinm, &r. -Tie gre.st pauis are, it i isrnet ibai 1 o 1ik e , neyer giveo pais, autlse- ver Icavit sm.rtstive. 9th- DXiMR IILOM s PJNK S YJL' fur ail Cs~s or Casiguursption. lOt~KOM8WK'8VERLMIFU(GE <Worr Killer) lot ehikirers or gsowui perstortst. ish-MUS. JRolVNI'S GREAT r.u: KILLR,t-N> Medicisie bausiscen duaeîver- cd tisati sgo iapply atiaptedta 1 use iattriiitly às Lrmpa to lie taken , andi yet periorin suth wontiera wiscsappiied eaternzadyaa %wa -or bts by frictiàn. A il thse Reseuii are ftlydeeibed iin Pampit tels, lu b. ;ieen te alil eo eaui al 7Sisowiss; the lesedies wiicb every f.nily tisult .kes'p inliscir fisimesantid t4 macli st iîig ts-TI isy wiich ail ordiirary Siekiefs; may bce prevesste norouneeuily remroveui. witisoit lise espesise 0of ii I.mnily Physlcg'au.assslSevere D;înge»rnsik Diaeas Eve;y famllygulids.,arifuulypldstrvetisuboulk la refer 10 wisei an> yrpnteil>if u antt-lstbas i tise partiienlar article indieatedii y tisecompiatîst anl tio lsO iwisere auelî remeuly sray always bt ~ .s~ < ~*-t; ~z-~ ~ o -g - z I s --E -4 c i -. JA %inl IMES Il. GEIUUE, DuUGGIST, Street, Wkitby Villa 'Whoi SCOB0 1 IS CANADIAN ALM ANAc FOR Justlltcei(tilà t or $ale l'y lOYvhillagj!eie. 7thî Ni\Ovetr, î$5lu FISH'S MINERAL FIRE PROOF PAINT, [E l~~Tausd('IEAI'$'rarticle T u'I P*aillt for 011îiit tir Oîniailiscttal Painting,i ¶Vhiîi'y, 7th Nov., I145i. 3( JUDSMS CheiralExtraut of Cherry land LrNt-.wo-r, . . .Ž 1. U9ir tif. W'iitliy, 7tls Nov- tS J'01 E L - P Ra F,T (CURK. os> At'st us île itby, JAI$1 i. (IERRIE. Drug store 701 lNov.,IlSà j D)yE S 'l F 1S. cA M'Ni) 1. Lrizword. Bcc-tvood, Ç Mad'5i- le, l-E, x,. Eitart IAtwoo(td sbear, ('opex-a, ltsr ' stioi. && ., for JA's. I.<;w il (1IýiiVt lli-Ttsî11tedit!S iolish,(o. l,w ilmIlVt"ssifg Cosslt, Ciu'îp) .s %V :E*i 1"S A IY C AT E Ils N'al1.i- 1 (sE. %*Il'Nsritssv . ie Ctlt ail'N, s f.i in lAvsCsass S Wi:E r'T1S IN' VA 1, L11ll TE E E "h f curesor, ofrstrir 5v,~-Ee.If coflîC ilrecommestrivttt. Tlry It TIIEK I NGO F 01ils, cure* tls i US tatu I-Sorc:Ê,Ciýillsiàmno, &.,and iîi irifalliite flSr trisas externat duueasef. 'r> it -II T' N, NMAiEiMEICINE, 'Vit" be, n1t-ep- tJrrel ardksswn, andili weiI tr.-mm.id'-tl hy zrtiemn ()fo ur own colin- ry. AîSt iaI have urset il-qak WC-Il of if. Fai tctrtsi~,rail forait jampIlIel. Thse foilowîni nrertif1atýý it, hOrst E. W. stephe-n3on, Emq.. MLyU of St. Caîbuçils.a <'a4iat Wc- MRt. W. C. Swi-r ..,stsj 'is.c.havý d fr mrany years 'séel Swetâ Bltack <lita for Ibories - andi cati îafely recomnrd àstu titis Publie as a fire Id tepreparatiori for scratches,tmItli. cois. bruifte 0spraist.and., i feci.tares ni ssiikiwis. If i Io îtuçht muc-h of ini luit country, and tri e tiaa . jài nireasine. I bave iuue<l uarly-preparatiSoutl horsts-s but tht. pst ererire 1 give uniseatalîn1 - t f lte eelelsrated lîiaek <Si, matuifaci ured byW * Scei. Uo>Ckese.et, N. 's. 1I wouii atvise ees horet' ',wnritt.e a botitle of tise aWe inv0*n p liant1, for its tinieiv ue wili aave lime and masse) Vous, e~.tnl, EW '.PES m 11ml pr St' lv 'T. C. ,*uttton.Bonmanviiie C. fluchi. st. ' irt Hpe; Dr. Pritîe, L'about., N 'S. Mý%c ov, rcit ;WJ,-SuttOn,Ushiawa; ai JAMS t. ji.ilLîe. A sgulit ONTARIO IJOTEL-j (LArVE RAYS.) T Ili F Sobhcrîcrshasveleaned the abovêPreriies, iandi $re row preparif»g it in a ssiperier style for accosmmsodatiofln te1Publie~, by large imptovc- menui in the fiting ami furniture. Miro, by cen- largemtiil iimprovemfeUIti the 8tal4îutig ne- cuýmmodlation' #0 a* tg) place il 011 au equai footing for conveniencI' atid comfnrt, wvithî any other floid ins Ibis New (?,tnly. 1ix îBar pui Tablex wilaiwayS 1>e ittpplieti wi i se beshiat cati bis procuicd in the M4ik<et, art~ evolry aiteston paic-i"tise travelling coffmu- ntthat cari osîibiy inake thpmesu cicomforable aii thome. RA & ONTARIO BOUSE. FARMERS ! FAR M ERBS ! FARMERSI TAKE NOTICB, T HAr ' we ave ipenedthetIsetore atey occuped Iby ,)£TYitil ntyi, Eq., andi have bmccced for your insptectionl one (A Ile 1Lirzrsl, Ulrapfrst, andI Most Faiblouable Aisurtitiit% of 1)RY Y GO ODS, (,L OTIHIXG, BATS, OAPS, eO0NNETS, OLOAKS, BOOTS, SI4OES, GROCERIES, &C. &C. &C, ever ofiireil tri Ose isbait*rt' of Wut v: ,. Thse ».y t, dnifs ývin tle "uiplichabeti expreasiy for iie hersefit oft those who jiis a reai goodaiil, at tise LI.VEJ8 lTP f) 1C E, eminsit (ail b give ertire itttiftartiofl titise 1i,îtyer.Tise <'OTIIGAND B OOTS S -'IIOES Beingsssalsruredlissides our ow n ifpeetioti. hy foittt-rate %s-otkmner, inr s ur ni payrneit, v-ii meet lite approb>ation 0ritalil wlsnwiaisfor SfTLE. QUALVI'V &DUAILIY ý As ta 1ricest. 1 he Suittcibers beg tini'oy. tia they ieek fltutu iriftinge on tise privîlegeso f ihose whri. 1uiiili îiae lituirecausdi ctmarid another wisen lihe t tisftomey contes 5tasuiytout pictige 1hemseivc ta rcitrfl5'i tll rRI&ttitite ta stu'tv tise irnte-t af cr ,ushve l'y ivsig theris every aiivatibage 1thntr edri[le i.sd ilIle Wc flow inviîte the people if Wistby andi neigh. àbusîri lizsvhIo' l te<0 TJR1R OUSER wisere uhey m-il ind evtry aitiele rnarked in plin figures, ati aitthe L.wct 'Toronto prlCoe sudCI av; ieertr asfse oigiiconsfidence, 9anti seure thse ruttg'fTiri f ail wiin tiaIt arottilc 'lIO PO.PEARSON & CO. )- NEW COUPS!! I1IW GOOUS!! NEW COODSfl re la id 'ru Y. nd Wliitby Vlae May liecoeulaiedlaily fur atsy distesite .etiug the -Ait iclal Tr.etisiinrled on Gotll l'te or llvot, i"foLt onte lt aentire sei. Office vies Mia. Is-u ~ t.cal-ner oe Kzsuc aussi'Stjwcg)le Streets. NOTJARY PUBLIC, Commslone of lthe court of tens-elh - (]o-weyancer, Draugkthsmani, ISSUER OF M~ARRIAGE JIICENSES AND office riear thse Court IlQUse, ilaeof MAçCHEsýrtE, 'rownsbip of lItÂcii, C. W.24tf L. C. TI'OMAS, ANDi C!omisicne -Of' Queen'8 For ialuing Affidavits. 13,OK85N. VAULLAND WINERFASlU JUsT RECElVED NY - WjIITYVILLAGE, 1$SEP. 2 A .qmerfran Markets jand are noie opflinig lheir Faeu 81ock of D)rt Gouda, Cla1Mangt Orleans Clotits, Cebnurgs Mus# i-de- : Laias. Printed Cucshmseres, Gala VadIloyhe'si>rint,ydt wilc. Britlisand Ainericasi Grey and W blite C'ottmn Shtiriag, Smaock-: isgTicking-s, ("ttoni Yara, &c. &c. &c. T.- P. &co, 'woti5d ail espeesal astentta to etir spienidutl stock of Fur&, virt- qrey Sqssirrel and Sable Mufis andi IBoai.. Stire Martis anti Misik do, u ffi, Vieboriries, Fur Caps. &-c &. &c. &c. Al 'r,' ex4ene re msrtment 9f. RA~DY .IDE CLOTJHYMG rosuaprîç,iag every neceutary fer a coin- îîlete outfit, anid wlti4 being made under biseir owsi intipection, anti by tieseut fas- inable and eperienced artists, defy competitozi 1Bonnets, Cloaks, Shtawls & Scarfs, A Puîl tocbk of tiseir Will knuwn aithe CITTY rRICES. Tiseir ssalty argc stock of Gruceies CHEAP As» EVIER. rWforld of Chantre: THE .Subscribers, nf lise WHITBY WOOLEN FACTORYS are utili at their peut6 ready tu exeetite ait erduirs wisich tbeir nuaseroua enstomers nisy laver tin Thi cl iprices willbe as folousvt Wolfrein saek trahi icaW*dinte SsbtiMe, thse A LE SSON POU YOUNG LADIES. IIY MIRS, Moi A. DENISON. ThIe village elock struck nine, and atint NeIly, a dear, middie mgcd rmiicen lady, who %vas ainîoat thse idul cf the circle iu wbseh the moveâ, earefully 1rmked Up the =o upon ber glowing heatî, placcd ths ilver watchi'in thse littie China case -o'n the inanîle. and tabla g froQW the mai l >ook case in thse ecorner tise fainily bible that had been in~ use for five generationsîmsat liericlf dowa ini the old arrn-clair toi nedilt te Thse -windtniuued withuut, thse isjna y'y plasises of tbe raÎn felI disme'ýlv igainst tise windows, tise gruccr' linge aign, ùuipositc, sliriced' and wlisted as tise blast shock à upon ts hisiges ; but tranqîil and undisturbed at the good cbristian ber m.'ek brow growing brigîster as the wurds of insp;rutioi gootled lier spirit. Rctszrniag tise time warn volume, after sisc bad road lier cisapter, she iboved witli a Iight, uick step tovvards un jadjiniag aimrtmont, lier hienatiud tasee rbed,.,uum. Gutis- ering lack lier vét dark tresses, withi the serenîity cf *a lholy faitIî ishe kncît dw to upray.' Rememiberiflg tihe ild- rsess of the trna the close of lier petiton, mIse iu rmeèred', "Father, pity thse friendler, and forsakcîi," wber s ae wu s artlcd ,,v luud und rejîeated rapt nt the doort uind a xblrill vuice crieiJ above the ý.igiiig of thse elemnt- aurat Nelly, ]et m.u in, oh ! Iet me hile irtirg anf erfbrsul, et eur Ale snlse tisofer mp ausdîlshwnga ;lieahe bothlni ndrihtrrit l 91ije aount r ssud tis kre wtu rcmbhiusg tands.rid h eywt "cmary, Mary h ua, ie xîia ,, uary a Magsfretpraug in"she ail- ed soi taa icr er wgil th ll trcsijn leeandmrdwi iieer wldck sasîn i wosd nu brerîe her hMary ras l sy pour d :hyaryt "My motiser, my fatiser," use- balif hbricked, franlical!y fullowing analt Nelly into tise rons; Iltsey bave cest ne out; disowned nie; mmcnd me; cîrsednie ;" cndomise -fell spon tise sofa, rcvulted witb thse terrible -emution lsd cienied lier fartiser utterence. Aunt Nelly, kind ocature, stuol a piclure o-1 distress, aisove lier prustrate rurai; but, with a true insighit labo lin. Miau nature, furebore le may a w'ord un- fil tise violence cf lber grief was spout. I'rescaîly se ccsased sob1inàr, and raisiag lber head threw bier damp anid heasry, hccks from her forehead. A flas of augerbriglilened lier passicisle, dark eyem, snd sise mnrmured with clencised teets,. "lcruel unuatumal pa- rents."l "66Mary," said aunt Nelly, IlI kuois net wisat tu tiik of tis strange coun. duct, but yuur dusshes are dantp cisild yan are ou delicate te Se expc'sedib tus slay, I wilI kindle bise tire lna smup ment." 11,No, ic, anni Nelly, doa't ircubs yourself for une; I care pet whebiscr: live or die; yem, my clutises are we througis but tisat is nothirig; mv lieus lu broken ; sn liert is brokien' an Nehhy."1 IlPour ahild," saWdtise good -wo»ma: lsurryiîng tu religist tise nneovcred en: bers, di toil me, you trouble, Mary ; will advili I you- and comafort yon th, boat I eaa." 1 bave ilsotliin g lu teli beyond wisî yuu knew," muid tise girl mourni*uily si 1 was t mneet I3everly tu-rnorrov and my paretits Payise@hsait neyer en ter tiseir Jour. 1 îeld them I luove ii, aud wolild ma.rry bini ; tisatI iwu esgaged- as I amn. My fatiser tur >ne pale wilh rage, and deeiared b. woul bury me ratiser titan I sliotild wed busi -mv 11oer wss very firnt-and di violent outisurat of' gr~et'. Suddcnly se exclarned, startIiig te her feet, A borso'm houfs; they arc bis, they are Boverly's 1 oh ! let hlm corne in, aunt NelIy ; lie mid he shotild lee here tu- night," and she alaiost 'knelt. ut lier feet.. The geod wonlnn liad no lime te re-- Plv, before tIhe stced was reîned Up ho- 1foie the door. Mary Grâlarnm hastened lhcrself te givetho new corner enîrance;i tihe wind threw a sheet of spray in btar face, but she cared nul for tisaI; is e eized the extesided' band cf ber lover, and prsing il lu ber lips. Ieâ a tail ikr btieseittinfr ronus.Ile lad_ walked thee heur, wrffi1ing her biands, occasional y jsiný-to take a fearful glance. upon thse paid face of the inani, whu had indeed, proved his truc devo- tion. "T amnotulworthycf hil, ci ny one,'ý se rnrmured ; IlJ1arn a pasionnate waydvard, wicked girl, and oh ! Father I arn rightly punisied-yet that one mc mseeringiy perfect should hc su depra- ved, ch !'(yod help Ine 10 ieast his ainage frorn my heart. If '1 hdd on!y trîîtd fathor and niother, ail %vould have been well; fearful, fearful,' lemmn-if pour hardly eatered, tise briglit rala cf îthe luii ftIlsemudent, wso bad!entered'witb un litt1e lump issxd but ligisily pencillcd bis Aunt -NelIy, and wilh lier assistance 18 >f ce agaînst the dark backgroun4r, wben had îomened tise clowk, and stucceeded a" Mtary a1prang f rom issus wildly, and In.restcring tihe puorYoung maislu col n aut Nelly cxclanied, IlFrank ltay- (seloess. rnund ! bow paie and fearful yoù look' "d'He mhould le under tise cars cf a Mary, cisild, do nol faint, or I fmust ikilifus urgeon," said the stisdent;"tglsim esud fr doctor Grahain. 511 duwu ds n-an Ol itd e.Hmsmiten~ Fraik ; 1 kaow sonilsti.g untusual bas.dst -adf il happened." IlCan we gel hlm te father's," asked 6,1You have net injured ki s"mid Mary ila«*Lubdued tune. elie wenld If 'Maryila alôw,exlîausted tone. T know know what te do." p yvu flated hins, but you canusai have lu- 6"I coisld walk there if il wam net for tp jssred i3creriy." this deatbly faisitnesu," aid Frank, Tise yotîng ma bent rpon ber a feebly, as lie, tuirned a look of deep gral- luncof thse not motîraftsl eloquence itude 111pon Mary.-1 -hlm le15ips were white ani tbey trein. "'e liaI Wosld nover do; Il wî!l jnst go bled as lie essayeI bu meak. IlMary," overand lsarnesm up; you must ride; lic excluaimed,« la a ihrilîlng, starthing and 'Ise student alter smancinig tise bun,".11would net bave harmed a hair blood,and earefully bîadng up tise arus, of isis isead tu save my life-the knuwl- litirricd'baék hbee. edge tisaI yous l5ee lilas waîld ensure AtIiimidiigbt Mary alept~ uneoNiîy; safety, even lansmortàl cambat; huit Mn- tears stained ber fair chiecks, nd lber ry, 1 have bad news bu tell vois, though Isand was Iocked'ila ta of liser mother, i~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~h wusdhv nid111ts orw b at besidelber only but wilflulcisild bust, i %vas ex(hauted-i coohd go noc ber Iseart leating bigis witis jey, thar farilser toward* home." thius se bil been snatcbed frcm an0 Spectral-Il ike Iuokcd pour;Mary, asslie awfl and unbimely fate. Noither miset santin a distaunt cerntr, lier clseeks osf a uer tise Doctor haâd inowa cof their (L_ thly buse, eyes shisniag %wîtîî excite- datigiter's absence, until Young Frank ment, asnd tIseliseavy waves cf black Rayinoad was brougist ltiste door.- liait falling ina wet niasses ou esels side True, tiseyisad refmonsîratcd witbh er (if liser face-she fixed lier glance ujir and bier father's warm temper bad led hlm, lier liips parted, but se could niot him to.ay orne tisings isarubly, but - spcak ; se wotild, have lest al self cous- tlisy did not dreamnof bier désertion. mai;d bi)t fur tise dreud thsa:t ber parentis TIse next morning Dr. Graisam wore1 woîld o summne. racl g era sericlis face at thse Ireakfust table;0 isands bard againsltishe ariasof tise o1d- rJ 1 ee a hgs ieud m ruhbiîled chair ini wisch se. mal, ike an th.e wotind a dangerotus unse- hi glpisced immnovable statue se nerved iserseif te .ut' Mary; se was in tise et. ofconvey- îi#jen. xug a. cup of cfe to lher lips; sise ut IlWill yen isear wJat f 'bave, lu tell il do'wZ untamîed, the color left ber facse, you, or shahl I first speak lu Jocbor and and rising fro thtie table ise lsaitened 51rt. Grahmisars to1 lier ruom, lier mother tarted to lr o me' lu me," isie artileslated, -folow lber, but Dr. Graham laid bis whilo ber lips scarcely rnoved.budpchr nmyg "yu, leWell -tises, Mary, pardon me tisatI! Ict lier go alôus ; she needs *% thil. dWs osust wcund ycur feelings -. tis Ileier y cipli5e-l5t lier nettle betweea ber Goci la nul wortbyof you-wortFiy!" he agalus and isersef; se has been very bea4-. 1exclaimed almest fiercely, "lie is a ývsl. strong, and no douhit but fur Ibis thss.fy1 1lai n uf tisa deepest dye ! warnissg, wituld bave eloped with the, L Mlary felIl*ck sinlier chair, but lber wr'2eî isw u bn ler iseait, in sPite of 4eye fiashied tire. ^.our warninhgs." i "te ba a wîfc-a dying ,viree" bis Tsrce weary, weary weeks passed by, *~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~n vucFrwhsy 1sa ir pk u rank Raymond, but a shadowo witis ber ; 1 beiseld bise leurs fail dropismrargoffr ser.tttelbs V by drcp sîpon thiaI marbie Cîseek us shie long siekIemS eept. down btiste parler, * bld me cf lier butsbaud'àçdeserticn ;tulci bu pou whose art»i, 1sad. wisouee. ye nte--tio save you-; Mary, fror» disgrace 1looked &0 hovinghr in bis fisc.? Mary nd infiirny; fer if se had not heard of Graham, supported bis»; sheiai been - you, nu power eould have wrestod the. a faithful nurse; nhbis delirium se bai feurfîsl secret cf bis crueity fransu her learned bow fervent and detbless wu e breust. 0! my God ! losec a woranhis affiectios; she w wth a reneWed 1 a fragile, genîle, angelic, 1eig.wasting vision; se rementbercd »sany thfiï t lisur hb her-ani orpisined, frieudless that were grosuly insistent witl thse rt wcrian, ilying with tis so% torture of suppomed Puriîy cf lier former ,'adorer> t a brealting lbeart-Mary," and is voicesasist.yled kimself. Often-wt=e~ grew awftilly ca!nt--"' woîhd You, thes~ orruW, bail slip X9grtted tIIPithe1W n f'air and pure, consent te weâ oune witiË 4ee med herelfo uc wsett1u, e 1- suck gnilt ihpcsi hissoul? i*ver wepê parents; snd »cwltsb #oixe s XP 1 I, a mnan, macla 1bitter tear#, as wlisn j and loving wie 'of iF sk'%oi: ec stocil Iside tIse concis of tisatsufferer. mile looà c c k il ibtjýiltrr 0! thse ie s ipcui er 1bâi. were»noi zor,1 un ber 1 ioentimàel al inade by toil, by care, they were- gra- W ýh05Om ar entsd repeitedl4t arý yen by thse band of the oppressr; bet ned' lier;fur-ho w i V, bumiband, ber murderer, exualta in the tôsiacan us 55 h1 rô ,hpp n- tilouglistthat tihe sodwijlimuon bide lber home,, jis ..coua:' d ia" til jin tise gratre." Ii»,511W U'1k as If. Mqlry lhad bIre Mus» theatti d inde of insmobillty, thïs information issd rd strssek ber speechless and powerlewa.- a ; Sise did not îssove until aunutNely pid, t &4 U rpu,-z NV:- e- vey"iy nerMrYfsý> 1- il - Il;," im rio

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