Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Reporter, 13 Dec 1851, p. 4

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î_ - 1, 1 1 - -- ~ _______________Britaia or ÃŽhe charge 1 veèikt èreseunî, v' » D L TTRS .41W THEIlI, WCconi4( tkat w. ioho>xim reiy coN ~rENS. iupois the toleratioa of out ambitions ri- 19 f MiWbîe <mn Sy Post 1 vul."- reords too.nîuify Io thsesumber E" Otir ambitionIs ni vii' has very Jitt!e ik lt ps oikets whiolà dîring the. 108GY Iiin te matter. Tlbeiýc Colonies twe years .sding lait Jaittiry h"m bon arn cauel8t taking car. tof tlhcm#eIveo, rtwne4 Iothîe D.ad Letter Depanrt- and if Britssn~ were relieved- of tise mnt l(or wattof owners. Tt %von glgs càtrgeOOf thefm to-murro>w,: 41duecs nul f-otînd impossible tu state bow mansy tof îecessarily fulluw tutthiey intssi le- tiise were se.- on tiseir feet ogutit, or como Madid arcel.of thse îeirlIshoring hoi. nmoay remained fissuIJy delîvered. Uison.- Shuok istieli 11 col, ingency But o the-qiiesin concrrning ýIlie p- Dcceir, otur Lonsdo, oosiwmlrury imty porty (oid in tseteIettivrs ans answ es s auisfied it w'ili fot b. becaus e w r ieeîrned; ssîd-.»,Iat douathse read- 'mustp l>ut 1inCaJse wCrMay pleaae lu do et stipose wemits pîsrportl Ilow su-a -rffling dîfidrence, or wvlîiclî lie nweuiomay or money's worthls 1,ducg ï-cut applear lto, c ciuus, but h. imagine %vas conîîgned -to the Post whieh1 is stsfficiently patent to every Olfr-0, witiss) 24 mnths, so lciosely and Caisadiais or Bltuestst-]-PtitrioC. care1ls liat'it cotild usaI ho delivered T SA.-1-OM e(-efn ut aitl? NO le's t han cone million .vsd a UC Tssvr.--om gs 1fn qarter 8trltng!- Betwecn t<lise 5Ïh esers iroke mbt a poiultry.-yord belcung- ,.1 otaMr. WlVisî ieaîd carrieu off as -faimsary, 1849, and thse 531lof ainary, dozogn fat geese uîd letthse f<.llowissg 1851, th-re wvas foîsrid ins desid letters efrlission, accumî)atîed luy a slslling.tie-d -te 4ise stuas or £1,226.282 18es. id. in 1toflue ,îeck of' iai od tander, wlso waa _the shaPe o! b)ilîs, sud ciseqîes, and in 1ssup;sused -tu bIo--otougli, fur zusy iisr- notes £ 18,87 0s.Oi 4d. more. Tisere ket; are !ew pjers-ns, qye si:tspeeî, to m-hom "rNr. Whsite, Mr. While, this wi!1 ncsi upîesîr almuis: incredsble; We bsd yoss stod nigisi, nd yet b6re are tiserplen i e b-. For We rantntot suy aîsy liger, fu ieu, u.sowing tisai a pum of' moncy N aebouight ail yourpesf, excreding the wbvle reccipti of' the j Atd a pennisa aout it tsepude Great Exibition is every yetýr dropped A etteti mutwt h idri in the Ponet ofiu nd otier seis creum- The moin wisolimhbed a freshly.peel. xtanesi as te nueke il$ lum; Very possible. ed furty fuoer, high ppfar pule, andidisets Coicerning the. restitution or disposi. drew iltse polut up after hlm. hais ber'» lion of hus property, il wus tierplylait. enCs1gtge(d bu ride a BW itch-tailed horse cd in genermi terms ttisai ' early the cliesatt ree, wÃŽ0tiîuut stirrîîups. Ahoe ' was ultirataely delivered utiste Sianderers are lîke-flies tisat pass over writer.q of the.- Jettere; but-ii s clear tii mati's go" paris ta liglit ussiy tulsois tlisat thn escaipe wae dise whllAy te tise llis sure's. provision madei ly gov'ernment tugainst the gotsc'al careiessncss o!' Ile pcpuia- A -coller lins juil locntpd bIsi e!' nt lion.,It is very jsrohnl#lv tbist Rome of' Spaldsîscz, and' nttractts attention- with tihe bills and noies tits'difscovered re- ts Wsigtsdeîossrl iiali îsreeeited but littie tuona ,fide )roprrty -<S tsr srlssc sosadIoi bitt aîilithe iineîsléetws .csf' thcip ssd sisurs, by addiîsg o!'feet, Ȕskintz cae r podi2îahle. I0QOpusîtîss I es, hndiisg thse'brtoketi, lse-ai. Year are actuilyr kdil%-ile h toisd'.al and Ie 'uLClU bauiik-niotes, nubbto ment'eioclqtîîés and 'intutuand flîî;stss~ ie INSJY wtls É<M, mioaey ordeum, w hieh î îl e in a fssr i e N>ciure nw)pMy. Asvieu gratts larizer PrOlortiors, anid wisich are litule' 'on thsemnat deseîrate case," lfe availabie (han cash, After f his A QUANDÂIu.- A baker wiîi bofu di#elosture it cau b. no malter o!' sur- arms li the dunigîs îp to his eiboasisd Priid fhat tise total i imber of casitalties i fiesiss thse leg of' hss trusers 1 shouid b. nhisoluity ungientjunuble. -Haw 70 P'RrEVa?-Suc s.-AtsIli- W. Maêy safely believe tbh t a letter hernîin senator, spesiking o!' sicide'. cotsticing prcsperby in posted, in tise wid, "lTise ousiy way tu stop it, insII, vait majority of' cases, mît is greaitercaremkel ca;t uf:se1utihbi thfin a Je ter containing none. and if' w'iis1 dents 1 tbse..Partiesîlar letters, therefure, ' dîe' Eitrétn r h e Iu suoh. isumrbers hhat their effects yield ExceedinglY ncesigaetenw £600,000 a year, wé May form nome exiieriments about tise eurth's rotation; coisjeoîîtires of tihé grass murtality. Cer. but il, is st4id (hsot a-ultile more bransdy tailnlv the PSoffre ausîiihoriîies ýare in' otr 'aber Lisans avisai wuil causse .thse jîîstifled in so earnes;tiy-beseeching peo- rotation of tise carth tu bc dsstînely vis. pie out te trnsmn-it muwy by posiex. cep pthuugh tise quffice crders. A. man in Detroit,' to illrsstrate flic AbST.ÀLIJ-Six weeks îater--news speed of tise Pontaac.Raiirotsd, istated, ii hem been; mc.ived to.day from Auistrolia, answer te a query as to wisether ho ev.1 arsd 't i#výry important. Extraso,'dina- er kniew of' any accidents oun tisaIroad, ry lumssps of goid bad been found, andl"Ney er;4 but ousco a m îddie-aged coup-. eus. puece wveighiag 110 bs. stid for le lefi Potiacs for D)etroit, aind died q,! £4,60,-ansd is.now n the way to Eng. old age at Birm în--badn-llal way !"t lInd ~ Apart froni castiel fotne ri âNo!'..-B la hv en tii kiod, ail thse miner, are irepor e Aîzf ~,Byshthaebn Io be making large avèrage-profiis, anti prperly reared are me-s ia poat o!' rse- . the excitement ah Sydnsey liait increa. fuinenaltauxteen, whiio tIsas. thsat-have sà4 toe suchw an exteui tIsatif -%Vas ex- beets brcuttglsu up ins idieeua are a'nusi- pecte&-the place vs*ruld lh. pertially de- snce attwenty.oie. rte in~ thse ouîrse o!' tr',. or four 1eeks .W'hen 1f>he warmssweathler setsi. BOOT ,B O S O T . At } resent il was we± autisevere, misd< SBC(T BO T . îtse i\onier herefr, bcd conqtendwi*,h JUST ftReceived and for Salel'y tise tv'ery disiurn!'orî. Tise sinelli 1uds. -S'bscriber, et teil "EBxaAtn Harsr," a ineas, it issaidare selîing-ooeusîr arge absd choice. usorbspnt of thse eelebrited iu-order tb go ta tise suiusee; and nie- M'ONTREAL BOOT, e!hs.uic3, and wonkingf. peopie o!' ail w51,*h have heretofore givets go murhsatissfactlojn g tb au article in-tise PAiti- ui rer, isisaify lussd tu pre- èarftti.*xfe.nt iaCalifornia. -y>o' ;>isan il is e:Statp has d isardiy a vesel leaves ibr e States, whieh dues#surt sman siflfrer. The Judge 9lower Courts of Sans Frria- ty sbated tilai more ilhan dJ andi fifty cases hnd cotne UbIuervation in hat City ln x asonîlsm,eusd the edits.r of . hiaka tisere have beesi at htisdred victinme aincot tis sf lthe place bly tise Aneri- ipore 1tit T IT ne Town ti!'WIIIT13YY tke0l;ýi adBlacksmithshop ately oceied b) N-RAI 1se location Is favurable for cryn u i extesive butine"s, ansd offers an exçell t opening 1-ffim esltrpraiîaç mechanme. Wlu, lit NOV.i, 185 1. L-' tue e t[ GOe O.loWAIN, MAqCVZy & Mc f risutisai consent. ,7 as uistsa, by, i myLY ing Delblôru tothe 1 nle their AccoucU i oui delay. ,n 4r- :KiT. Alotiastd- arreitesed to #et-, etrM kewstls- TER mACKZY<, 290 'nYDONALD MOI4AY, 1'!CKZ5iKNG, "-aBAY LUOu1fE 0T.osod. I4.atmn ed every wey. race Lt5(cÀàn. oa a aod Xoe lih I et, payable Oiss, tiese si N<ei'seext. COFFEE, RICF, TOýrrBACCO, &C. &C. &.. CIE -TLY purchaised by the Subscrib-! er in ise NE W YI11KMARK ETatd 550w offerced for Sale tit bis Stqros ian WJ]ITJY ANDI) COLt7UMBU-S, ,whiciswil ue ftone. worthyty ai ptic atuention. THO'MAS 1)0W. Witiby, 10:h Sept., 1851. PAPER IA NGINGS, BR.LSS CL&CKS, SIoe-.Makersl- Findinkgs, 4-c. 4&c. THIOMAS 1DOW. Wbihy,i2hSp. 1851- 22-I f, ErXECUTOJISNOIE ,,L t' ersotis baviuig eaims or detssiandts on bise Estaie a! PE l,' f PEIIIY, lare of SIto Township of Wili'ris, id tise cauniy n au aac dpeased, are reqtoeâîed fn-uthwiîh binstend ise pgr-l tîrutars thereai to tise £xerutorus, for thuir Consti- deratin 'andfetlemesst, .sda essan'lse ta tise Estate, are alto requea:ed ta puyaincis debtî Io lire Exectutors. MARY PERRY, ExEcCuiaux. R. E. !'FRRY, ' ? J. H. PERRY. xCUoS w.', MARLY Prasv 4udR. E. Pea.av, do ap- pointe -l. PL, 19 sIy ar'.ng Execor insthe sttlemest a tsea01£the ,aind austiscti us cm- rawered ta recesce andicoliect ait deis and de- srt.nds due Io the smre. 1 MARY PlZRRY. R. E. PLUtiY. Wlsithy. îoti el 585. 22-sf. fuliy 1t u iorm thé. 3Ieehitiilsait througls tsom 3loitreal Io Pou-at iuss, litaI thsry are nuw Uaauulartltiing ian inpsored ar.ackoi au $.a<us, whuch tlsey fee coniudentit llguve thse otmastîast- tfaction, put up ius boita or baisaIl u luit pu-chus- ders. A Il os'ders attended f0 witks th.m itast posible delay. llroolin, WILLIAM MAGEE &Co. WlsiPsy 121h, Sept, 1951. 23-tf. A (10 C ol)'pjsrtitîsary is now off-red toa asy pcessoun who Sas a listies #part cash, anud wiajes id make an iruveainaeust uin what à mnore vaiuable tsar si teclf, sa:"o atssand iauprove l Buuiling Lots ai PORT W I bte- uii com;posedci ise Cornexr »Uuîdsg Lui No, 9, it Siock 3, adjoirsiig l3ateis a skery, colstaning iaitî an Acre, hasus- a goÃ"d Bain ibcreon, as; excelueîit well; mîso a ;»i~ assoriment af (iralied Fruit Treeu. A good lsoasd fence encloïes Ibis Lot. Allis, Bluildisu k ut onou ond baret can- taining neasly hall an Acre, isving a good Frarne House theron, whieh rent.4 (or S30 a year. Tbis Lot torma one of île t tbeautuful Building Lots in thse Villa ge. Tise ahovwiil b.uId in part, or thse whole, very eheap. and on very easy bernuts aI paymtertt, au as to suit PJureisaers.,i JAMES BATFS, Baker and C<sîfeciuoner. 1 Part Wiiby,_April 22ad, 1851. f. WANTED TO BORROW I 1'UR a Terni o!' Ors, 'rwo out fi:ii '-Yeart, ihesusîof Llt*or L20,for W4ic tise most indisrutable seetuity will b. gsveuieai-or Per piýelaubsa po.s aid asy b. addiessed si 9 WIuulasr, Arsl26ih185. 2tf. WANTED.- AN intelligents, active l.'uung Mat,, bo 1£k.&e as Agenjt for tise Reporter, tt wbosa a fi- betalencourii.erunî wulud be atffrded on appica- tuona, if hy letr post Paut.- RECEIVD andFor SALE at thc -4 FéewBales of THO.>lbUN, PEA1tb(sUN à&Co. Wbiiby, Seput. 6,1851à . 21-t( ONTARIO CHJAIN PUMI'_FACTORI. rf I1 'Subserîllwrs are ijsuufacUrÃŽDg anud cortâtanily kUep ona l ail ra4u' for pauiing buiS>WrLLS. by VIii.;,, sept. , , 183 MONEY TO LEN n3g t nate-to u auslytlm we bave nowt tupus nspctin, ilI bW fousd of uei style tiss e ve r r lsthl atig W4 U cunspiete aggorîntesit of f NTR JO liue,, more extensîv.e ai irezords qoaiiy, and ui mi "fsubmittiuîg otur cui)morsr andth ie pubic Tai orn nilA.8aç ueo td titat ePtl AMOUPUNING;S FUIR>NIS1flED ON '11E SHORTEkST OCJ Z'e'sEofeboolanq C4eu, from is8a 'd DMen'a DUésikkin Trourera, from e20j do Whitneny do <do 17â I I oY'e* JI;offT- do de 6ï5 do Fille ~ Bot4eoth do < > *><, la JbPjWily du do .53 di o g k of.(v.,r Coati, d,) 22# &J VWmnter Diaweroi. do 34 Bd do Whîtuiey do 'Io 20e Red Fiannet fshiris, do; As 41-2 dol Beaver do do 35à Me . isEfffe Vogt$, do -64 3d1 Bo' -0r otdo Mls3d1 do C.ss.imere do do 7* 6J1 do Whitne.y du do Ils 3d dà Fancy do do 31; 9j White shirlà, do 4.4 1-2 ýdo Satin do do 7s 6d Stiped-,hirs$, do 2s 6d do BIOdt Cloth dà do 7& 6d1 MNen'a Elofre Trousers, (10, 80 9d do ('.ssada 'Tweed do do of 3t do ])oeskin do do 13.4 9d Baylb Fancy dri do 21 6(1 Oo~ Ca*simere do do 134 9d1 do E10ftý do do 31 9d do Canada TIweed d d (10 ,t911 lOnth Capo, do 14 101-2 do Corduroy do J 0 8s D94 Fur Cap, -do 28, 6( P uektnd Neck 1-lnderchiefs, Shirt CollaN tand Fronts, 1,Vmberellas and Carjet I3ags. MNSPARIS SATIN'HATS9, BLACK AU~ DHABO. Flinnels, (Red and WVhîe) fI r»m 1, e d Quilis and enfinlerparlet, Blan1iets, (pet lpait) do o 8.lf Jlied ý'i'ck s:,d Vawels, &bor t Sh.swls, do 133, 9<1 J onztihbonai)wr, IrM 3121 Factory Cotton, 211-2d IliPuis. (Iast olotirs) do> 5,1 -2d1 Cotton %ValP, (per bondie> 'du 4 41-2j Gala l'lais, do SI Ladies, Cloaksansd Bonuels, I jtr com:on, de a 1-2J M1uff and1 Braie, Ldo Il1-21 ..4aps!siaa(1 inaîp-rials for Mourne»g S;5i :Shsîs 1 1âo pires Mouu4,l DeLaïne, &ood style-s, yard mwide, at 10 1-2d per yard. A L 0 An mmeseassrîent0fshol, Sitiprd, Clherkul. FiJpwdmed. amid Plan Nlàteii for Ladies' Dresqes -of lhe n,,e et5ytes and Fi1,rj-.ilbn.Lrs. . Edzimps,. Gloves. Hoserv. fInweliî, Cap Frotita, Veils,mulin, sewed Goodi, Silks, Salins, VevesSb<awls ansd Handkerchieft, &c. &c. 0~&eo~~Ve * 4o,rer o Aing ad CAurch Slrectisjoin ithe Cqurt oue Tjrauio. 'Nrsvc'sslsr 2s l. 3.3-1, FALL ~&DNEW ARIVALS DYOFOD~ DAVID CRA-ýWFORD) B EGS most re-.lireiÇu!y. tuinimate 1> o withhe a f !Whitby Ind $sr- roundin- coutilry, ihal he has Ieas.-dl the Store laiely ncrui:d ls Il. 8. 0O1 C O N NO0R, NO.- 3, COMM.,ERCIAL. BUILDINGS? where hk-la 750w opetinnoutî the 1_1RGES7', CHIE.IpJT and JESgT sssoitpd Stock of DRY GOODS ever offerrd for sait in thi,§ part et lthe courntty. Thse adevatitages he p<oaseaseî in IMPORTING III$ STOCK~ direct f rom the Man'si'ss-îsrers, Ions! kW owleilge of the Trâde in Cinadia,emd his det.rmîio to adhere sîisiy Io thee 0as1< 8ytem, wilIi inuqre ta intending puretsss.rs, litsStock will always corrprise ever novelty or the Seairon, togPther wi:h an Immense S'Iock ofStaples suilabLfor the Country Trade- ie floi opie a fewtof theleadsng articles -GA1li laids, M. Ieans aheeCbr ClOthO, Aapacas,-Odlean&, Chro»., Jeisny Lines, long and squiare Pilaid ShawIs, Flanrset,, Blasikets, Setges, Bread Clou).. Cassîrnerts, Canada Clouis, Si.it<eîîs, %hitc Slirtings, Fariory Cotîoi, f -4 Litae and Mider Prirsîs, Cottonu and Woollen Yarn, Ba4ning and Wadding, &c - &c. &r. 411 of tic/t /tc il *termined to SelI ut t/te sauiest possible Pluying prc/îts#, for CA HIlOJXL Y. A lavge Stock ci ç4lkz arid SUfins, S11k and Colion Velveu., Ribbons, FIowers, Blonds, Lusis, Houiery and Gloves. D.C. would heg tu direct thse attention ofl iotisie Keepers, Farmers a nd other-rtu bis STOCK 0F GRJOCERIES, whi<ds were purehaied in -New York hofore tihe recen t lise inu prces ; e îlat;berefore tria bfed 10 <fer a Goodl4rticte ai a Loùw Price thars it rail 00W lie imported for. <Likewie a comnpleîe Stotk of * ~ ~ ~ ~ o {x t-3i ? lat ig, 3-t i ape, Y$ure, &. WHIrsy, Sept. 24, 1851. 24-tf. EAN IlHA 311TO0 N'S ClotingandGéneral INo. ai City Bilingits, >NEXT DOOR TO J. R. MOUNTJOIS OIN F THE GOLDEN FLEEGE, K/J G S$TIKT E T T. stock uof eascmalsewell-mtrde, 1e-trimi»<d, ais4 f<rv/twnalule RU;ADY.mMAD E CILoTl-HING Conats4ipng o ery kuid, s~~o!' Coats, l'ut,, anrd Panta4o'nt, (lotis, tromur tuse extra a - W110LESALE AND Jx'rAIJ, NrrATI7FR0F SOLE UPPER,.IAND Cash paid for Hlices and S'kini, FFkeat,! Outs, Pots and Pearl 4,/tes. Wisiîtby Village, 7tls Jone, 18M0. 8 ALEXANIIER TIIOMlPSlUN9 PrOP*I@.O Excellent mceommtodaitoni< for traveleTE< GOO sid Stalbli) fer 1-lrses. i WHJ7'B Y VILLAGE. Allorder's l in u rmsIy~eutd T/te lateat Fas/tiors a a3is on hand. %V 1) tbv, A prit 19, 1850. ATIIJ STEA LR Captain Kerr, \I1LL Ieage TORO.NTO for R0cti1STF-R V(rmti-ncinlT 'uesdy UCCt,> every Ties- o'rinck, prp4-isemty. ca1in,ý Ar tiliy.Ohawa,t ilarlinzion, Bond Hleasi, Port Ifop., and Caloug, Sweaulr ermitr t inLrt' thf' alover loi ru. ( wsattsrr prms!tlt!.) everv .M;No(1ddy. Wedneeday, and Friday zuornn;, at 9 g'This ii thse sifoitsiA, LÀ<5T, and c liFttFýT tOOl ta Yorkjai. Titue fs'om iTc- rotiO fane«Çw Ynfk. foriy Fhours. 1Royatal miipsars-Pa.klot Offcer? To orola y 1;1851, ~49-y. * JU.ST BE CEIVI2IJ The-tr flimiry, voniiion arusd prospvctx, Cnai,- inC Tlsrsline iNarrà*îtuvsus. Dint expi0itf,&&r, &r. llUnfer' led witilh grvps Whitr24 j uiy, l-4liI 15-tf, FOUNTAIN PJ1,NS. A Few of tiisýeuP ce-loarated self-f§uppiying SILVEI l'1lNS for Sale ast t/ris fic- Ea'h I',-rs us 4apalM of' contxiinge;ink eifuoo;h tb w<i ' e swa o lseap raçres. 'Tiey aIre n.21 andé beautufisi, arnd alwusys ready for sas. as tiaey carry their own isik. Whîthy. sept. 13,1831. 22. INSURANCE OFFICE. NVAM S ALLACE begs b. lalirsate "tisat he has iseeni appoir.te,(' ,.Atgent for the COMIPANY. auI that he is jprpared to taIre riskmaitiseé ordinsry raIes, in thse Murl'rsL, Paoo.rA'rày &MI branrhes of said, Corsspany. Whitby, ltiSeîm r,15 2-f WHII'DY, C. W. L -l.-CIOFIELD & Co., 1IAPORTER$ 08 F BRITISI! NANUF4GTC'URESB, AND DEALERS IN~ SION Ci<tctrLA litSept.,Jr185 -1 1'. i. CLOCI< A CEIVL!ATI4CUIR Offh i l"fst1iîl 01-11iut'tDon Di or Grees, Si.'l"-'. ; . J ,ricarti« Whsts .,r.I - eI',,<'e a k onîA;euat ,M ltfgpal .51E Whitby, Jan. 25 Re!a t, 2! Tn Wbs"l, Jtrletý ceived direct V 1L L Whstby Village. Jsue, 18M0. flM~fCMANUM Oaat Steel Roas and 1410r,. SALE, 100 do: Hloés mid flay~ Fork, ma hest Cuit Steel, CzPresswy for thg TIornt o, Jnne 7fh 1951. rt svîust!in Store, îiseir Sprusn CERtF.S, coisprising tise usisi whici they are enabl-ed to offes t<eotiis terms 6ta tiseir correspondj gesserally. FFHM 20packages Young Hyson, extra fine, 60paekageàs Twanka 30 Lckages assoried, Ulaek Ti 25 e$ rspowder. 45 S ;, vypnprior Laguira ils mets They eau, V. 1 -P H. PERRY. 1

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