Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Reporter, 13 Dec 1851, p. 2

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10 'o auaecnie of cithe comi .,cn gres. T h bel 01 mi ta er lies in i nal COipa"s, snd we rannot Ibut tbink tisaiil P*liticians of ail pirties wuuid cotisider the arimary. business iifair.s of lifé, there would be no obstacle in i, tesvay of trading witl the. British province. Ts proposed mea- satnwâfl met oisly 6ie of practituil benefit t the. Uniteil S a " nil Canada, but it là in acorde with tihe liberal spirit of tht aee which ll tboughvunqeria inilleoces, sudo- i- iii; , e ] tnu tr:iiole sut 'rcurs.e bettveen ditul'en t natiolis, t boitIse necesity and aihnost the 4 %I-ay ,fwmr,,anîd, in fine to anake àen. forger t 11t-<fi certain municipal purpoirs, miîn wSgin:siry iall, ising freon cartli te leas'n iviiles thetn fronut their felloe-mena n fcw pucesor a 1ev miles fur-, tier txetix îoriî -iéor« te thii enttis. As we udiendi.tIse w, triisa fi-* nfollows * À l.fw yvar, ags, the -Csnadliaa parim. iut, 1 evtoi-cnt of tIse rinother coutrj l,*ttLi; exc rci,w 1;iieî>owcr of fixing the ta- ri Tothtie îrovilire. lTO tncouragwe trade %itla te uit4éd States, and, ofC'oursel to rentier tLhiunselves mure indsependent of-En- gland, tIe Cwnadas timon aboliebeti al il«et.. enliai dsties, reduced tbeir t=r9fto a mere- ly re.vettuje ha5i, -ruj admitted ÂÀmnerican mansufactures at isosiual rat"s, varyingr froni sevea te fifteïilslierçcent.. « ad rm.- Mijb, idoubtlcss, they -tlis for their own naI4a,-e. but h. bas proved bhly beneficial to4w Uited tateN; and di r very certain W theii Canamia3 helsI back he - reduction of their tarifi, anti offereti it te the UsitedStaes in lieu of * reciproity" -in certaittraw-pro- dssctione, thie. would have stood in mucue licIter cou-dition 1.0.4"makc u trase"e)thug: they do sw At pre'ent, they have Only tilt 4 imnvinio flus!St.lle Làwrence " t «Ccatge for tho blielits expectedti to e, deriV 'd froin r'crn-cij.Ts iavigation, a'. far as Ive caili s;kei2tl oat, is flot worth înreh I î~est, is une cati doubt t1sut it 1-ill be sau.~1 t tome future tiné., 1 But, Sroiisw, e motive, Canad basa' already gvîn :Iel- lvaulthat Uic liaci, to git-tý, uir :1o serods: i i of lier taritLur n-iditn t11i-1b; wonlerfftîly intrwafed. Last yeý,r OCanaela t iok cfné,Amrican ma:tin- io460;21 I, cf (-!ise 442 1'.1 c f sah $68, ce o,16 .bok l7i6 f unenu- cdfôt»fcj. gr s:stnd ci l icbAercau i.nâprrtcrs ijb. s e ld Ieir profitx,) mer t's in 101,000. Ouîr total exporta ta Cana aslit i ar w,,re V I,8 wbîle tbecliotal erjients frorn(<rmat 3ritian to Can. ada wre buit $;,31920. 'The, Initeil Statoi Vis noiv assed to enable Cdupadia te eatens tîis alrcady large tradle, bY b-ving r Ca cac 10 Pay for ber Am-. in41h1lat 41e ljýi) a. av te it thsyawprodssction, of ber ýhf, neor catipbafe hed, -.pret that reciprocity lnlot benefit butrsclf5 s flitat ite alýeady adits our mnanufacrtureýs at % mere- lyfnominal rate, ant it Saiae will *tbnow in tise navigatinn ef the -St. Liiwrence, be it orpmore-. or Iesç value, as a teeqi)tatios te tht bàrg'aist. iSh furtbier says% that reciprocity seUl be aï benefitial te tise United States as te Iësrlef. by increasung mutual trafic, ami by makissg our canaIs and railroudi, anti our lake and oeeais shipping, tht carriers cf lier surpîssI produce, te Europeau ports. AndI we have yct to e mt the proof -that 'hr'f s1j'ea faltely. We s have yet to sec thtý preo trou hat with reeiproeh.y, Canada wll export more of her agrricultural wealtb îtbc IjUnited l$States, tiatahe latter of lier %vWur inwil export te Canada. Wel 1 ja n ai) lnlst tliaiwith the ibolition cf thé peeutf~auti>ngand i epetsive systei- f dseosutng dtitîr atIli laite pots, until news isiçéeivsii of thme arrivaI of the bontieti pr- shiée, in LiýPrj)1ol, thiat a great dealJ mre iàt Yeur, seuld net cerne arm inoanthe b infersor graifà, die nues but a imail surplus, if any, Her wheat alue à to e faréd b the. moitimiroms, --md sec ask in Ctourn0« sens., cao the quautity that Canada seulj spare lie teer ny visible proportion cf the ahnost uunumberedmuiliosss of bushela pro- duiceti by -Ohio, Indima, Michigan, fllhi1ois, ,Wisconsin andi Mino»tal If lber surplus increnss, wili not theirs mùceese, mntmarne or in a grealer proportion, with ail tht ad- Vantages l slurtiung o uligrown Anericais iddustry ant i istelligence We sight iatiuee aercwti of statisbies in support of Our vieses. -We bhave' already dont ise, more than once. But afler ail, htquestioi ih orne cf gene"ralather tisa partîculars. Lt i*- la be; decideti by probabîlities anti common attise, for sith re- gard te smre éf tihe Meut important pointu ne statisties can be ebtaitd., We are ad- vocating a journey ie a nese patS, as Jus- tifiet 1i b lhtaty, justice anti gjooticy. Canada lam alrtady givea us, uniketi, near- Iy ail sib hté t give, anti even tbough th. gifl seere for ber oses atvantage, we, like- vise, have been, henefitet. Wisat be, bus left site now efferi-the fret nsvigation>of te st. laienece-and set think it but fair that'shâe shoulti-bave reciproeity, toeoenl ber te pay ber tiebtls mmd increasere'ebts, te ourselve*. Hati she borgaineti before- baud toeseclsaneth reduction ef Our ta- rifr for reciproeïl frade mn »ugrieucuia pro- Fdocns, îLe mIgLI have acteti more prodently for Lermef ; but nQw taI sec are euijoyiasg tLe bencfil cf smcireductien,,shal w ire ts ber ungenerousiy 1- The total trade last year, betiween Canada- andthle IUitedi States, exceedeti $1 1,000,000, At present a fariner in Northern Ver- ment, sud a Canadian neighbor, ten steps fromn an irnaginary line, cannol legaily ex chanige a cow for se many buiels of whet without cositribstiug $20 or $25 te tie gev. ennmeotsof teIwo, coustîcisAnti tht saine holda truc of tLe two 10brtercrus auy-. ,whene, wheéther the Sit. Lawrence or D)e- troit river, or Lake in'tante, or La-e Supe- non, or a jîsere geographical uine, Only sep- anate-the one froin tthe ooter. Now ail <his in tht case of Canada, WC hsoldti t-e -raak nonsensse. We eau sce no more evii result- ing frein a reciprocal tradie sil Ler, in cer- tain agricultural protiucts, tisan fnorn recipé- rocal fret tratie between any tire of Our own statua. In the latter case sec, liu- of noc talk of disastrous cempetitiosi, ini any way., Ail caru, what they eu, su perfect freedon, andti th ie great lienefit of ail! coneerneti Canada does net ask, much, sic docs, pot it aI Our iigb tariff -anti at her own Iowr ont--site dots net ask jus bo admit ber own manuifactures or thm o f Erîglatiti. Sue suerely asits to be allosesltg puy lier debts ete us wîtheut taxation, andte be ai- lcwed to use eutcanul andi railroads anti shipu, and-»t employ cur mercsans, clenks, laborers and- mariner*, in trauVortiàg lier produeto our seabourti, andti inforwarting, t to a foreigo market. NEW ADVERIIIEMENTS8 TO THE ELEýCTOftSOF TRE TIIIRD R-IDiNG 0F YOR.K. VE¶iE 23rd day of Ibis mooîh will decide 1 whoisui representus in Parliament, du. ring the nez t four years. We wanta" pro- ýgres aive Constitutional Rteformer ;" thïtt$,, one wbo, while he zcaleusly supportsrefori menSures, will co-operate witb, rather tha legialate 'l a atagon<sm to, the Isnperial Go- vernuieat. W'e want. a ma who à8 a stateu- man as well as a thoroughi practical fariner; one wbo cao net orniy holti a pIough, but framne-a ill; in~ short. we mnust bave a mani who clearly understands our wasts as au~ agriculturaI eonstitaency, a&d -vio, irres- pective of party, will support aay mensure iiaving à tendcncy te ativance the interesti of the farming comsnunity. This man is E., W. Tiiom»on. Let us not then, loe. the opportunity, of aýending him to the Le- ,elatiire, where lie can. andi wil. i. etvelv nmtters dei diseusseil l o! thse Bar 5 tOJFr* ot-itht reti.1-f a tbormons subjecti of tcr is Spros- ybut %Mut te .ALLPersns indebted teL R. .ry ai pidby the lut JÀ".4rsmv ext, they wili b. h a.sd bis Attoeney for eollctîon--none ex-' cept.d. Whitby, Dec. 13, ImI ffin. EXTEMIVECREDI . SALE OF tà% Sbeie will offer for Sale on on thi premises of Robert Bell, on TUAei day the 23rd Dec. bust., tht fol oW*« Stock iand Imhplements: lt years eld Colt, by Old, Clyde, Mmre by Yan~ Clyde, 7 Colis, a Calle, 2 Heifers, two year olti Id 2 teters, three years old, Cr 3 Steers, fro years olti, 1 Dunbain Bull, two yemriolti, w 1 }Iefer ont year old, 1 Steer, one year oid, 20 Le-icester Sheep aind Lambs, 9 Jýeri Pigi, imnproied breed, 2 Lumber Wapigons, 1 Double Seated Buggy,. I pair Bob sleighs, i Markcet, Sleigh, 1 Pleaure Sleigb-double seated, 4. Scotch Ploughq, 2 pair Double Jiarrows, 2 ;Single Ilarrows, 3 Sets heav*. Double IIres 2 Sets lighit D2ouble Ilanesa, 1 Cooking Stove, with a va'riety of other articleg too numer- ous to mention. ýIï1-tIoecomemnte etaI10 o'eloiek) AM , preisely. Terlas of Sale. ...Ail sums under.C1 Cash; over, one year from hst Janury next, purchasrs te furith cpdorsed Note n if paid- wlen dlue. no interest chariged-if not, interest charged fromn date of Sàle. J. C. STEIULING, OLT-The -,ame ]Pairm on which the Sae takes place, for a Tenu of Yeara; 90 Acres improyed, and in a good state of Piczkermpg, thDec., 851. 35-2in. NOTiCE. rhIHE Aisatal' Meeting of-the Pick. crin çArtcultural Socle. ty w L ho eld at, J. (,- Ster. ligsIotel, mn tLe- Village- or NOWOD n Wednesday thse- Se.' vents day 0f JA nu, RySiT lxt, uttXN0139 fur iLe purpome ef appoinîing Offlens andi trsnsacîisxg iueds othèr business as shahl C, oue befure tihe Meeting. Fair- mers, sud qthcns, who wish svell te Ag- rienlusire, arc respecfualîy requestedti t attend.- Lt isaise proposeti, that Mr. Sterling issul proiride a Ditiner for the Membens of tise' mo'itan i h ïWio shahl honour lem wititheirpresence. IIECTOLI BEATON, Pickering, Dec., 10, 1851. 35-49a ML HUGH E. BROWN is an au- thoriseti travelling Agent for the Ontarjo ILorf# , to obtain suhicribers and receive ordr for Priating, Âdvertising. &c., THE REPORTER. WHITBT, SATIJRDAY, DI)czuuzga 1, 1851. Mondlty next i» thse omiuaion day fur the Third R.ding. Canada «x. pects every Reformer to do hM. duty. To the Eleetors of thie Tiaird RLIding Of York. You will abartly b. callupos" teelect mmuepreeattv teo Mr ProvincalPar- ý4 W ' just demanda-anti aow, 4ettis obtaied,l the priaciple granted,wbêtioes not profésifÃ"he in faveur of flesponsble Goyrnmet od a ûW tutinal cfor Bliut, gpntlemenpý-be- 'ware Of those- Contituiod eores We say bewae, anti on your guard, for we neYer sa,« a Congü taionaJ teformer Wu fore election, who was flot a Tory, or Con- servative if YOu pIeaue after election. In- variably -the ce; -neyer, we, believe an ex. ception. What bas those professed Con- stittioal efonies,'or - more. properly speakcing, tories, of whicb Mr. E 'W. ThomfJn,-one of the candidates now soiiigyour suffrage, ever done to entitle theai te that.-namne Was it their unceas- Iranscript cf the Britishi Constitution in this Province 1 or their unwayerntg opposition te tise appropriation Of the Ileserves for Education 1 on Ibeir succe.uful sebemes Of establissbig reetenles- in this Provincei whiei rcctories, fifîy-seven bavimg been es- tahlished, Mr. Thomsonsaisi on t'ne 9th Feb., 18.37, bybi oe could onet be legilateti upon,!'anti U cosdd nrut, Iereforci efil/ir invite or sanctionar$.fntrferencc igits being." invidabe;" fîough Lel ad- initted after the rebellion, in bis osen report, thattht tutewmenî Of Uiem~rocteries vas' one cf tht principal causes of the troubles -of 1837 anti '38;-,tltereby admitfng tiat il was Lis vote,_ with tirty-two others, given thse saine 9th day of, February, 1837, tisai 16 as one of thse principal causes cf tise re- bellien." Anti, Electors, wiat.thiuk you is Mn. isoruson*s excus*e for tIse above vote 1i Wiy, tbat il vas -,iven in ignoranice, that Le Lad net real!y pais tisai attention te tht subjeci xvihbi4simportance desuandesi,. censequenîly, votesi wnug, wiih greatly1 assistei, aiecording te Lis osen report. to ex- cite tLe people to, exasperation; ansi noie, tinte Le ha5 paiti more attention le tLe sub'. ject, lie is net se mucb surprisei ai tLe ne- suIt after ail; -andi still, gentlemen, bies sanie Mr- E 1VW. Thuî-isîî is again soli- citing your votes te retunt i is as your rep- resesitative, Lis esen Risling having approveil of Lis i b grant votes$Ly'Ilven freesolders.a W bat dit NIrM. Theinson do irhen he iras support nuse, is a question tisai nia> pnopenly be asked 1 particularly uasbc lbas referres u te thse 1"Journals of tise leuee" in proef of tLe stnaigltt.forward andi upnight course Ise pursued wmien reprcscâîing tise-Second Pid- ing. Ia il -busopposjition tteinstroduction of Responsible G;overnment-his support cf l'oise Bodeiethedwuivsand ionbs ofe1 lieue connectei mît tht unfortunale nebellion (sesicis dnsîtel l bi ov reort to have been to sometent casiseilbLis own vote) cf their third of tht e MIproperty-bis votes genenail>. i faveur of tise largesi snwheu the question et salaries ra.s before the f1ou"e -Lis proposition te give J. G. Howardi Arcbitect, ju-st tIce, tLe ausunt Le ehargeti -bis support of lie flfty-Seven Rectoies-- bis votes for tLe ap propriatioti of lhe Clergy Reserves foeigsntrucin-sosn bill fer tiividîngm tht reserves ferireligions pur- poses, anti estabisiing ont thuuat recto- ries-bis votes vhich he nov san>. he gave on ignorane, but tht rebponsîqbilit>. ef which lue i sâtilî vwiîlm*g te stand b--or il ittht assodain of bis naine vith those of Gousn, Draper, Cartwright, Murne>., Rd>in,nSherscvxl nt Rmad, liai be se irinsaphau>.refers te it in lie 66Jour- naI of the Ilouse," te cenvince us of the simllarit>. cf-felings and sentiments beivreen hum anti thse tittons oft"tidi iaing? Tise .jou"Sa te vhiies .Thomison alItait, bavei been examiatti, anti litis founti vaating-b-isi naine dmt not sied witb tiSat sinuh but true baud, on any ofltegreat quetuquof tsej day, sebicli tht> cotometi dfor in a tark Sean for Canada, andi sen it ws Dot net vata 1 aneents of th uad n thutanimof das exenofthe ostr atieto>ustdao dhollar, tesgivthe Muitry te Wrreuo tb.W sn"eseethe t bie rks--,ý4et Iota iardmntof aott PuliesWoRka-mth tota dieud tef ail ryineus of Iuift ble and extraagt xenu tq-<b oe wran$8 lie aundoti tra at eniter ofobld t lat in er ud s tintteyProied, atlruipt, inse ode 10 mre tise Proineofrotheuin, e is,"uo Detues-ar semeefrétiin troet- ingts' tidsam eathe yet rsofthe el~Thrs' mdideireDo sthe lenrsofeth ac1el oird B.iin desIf t c utosne en yocte or aa 'sin i intb alererhof 185u vo fora Cortyuin 13andeformer" 1SM, who w sand a Toy in 136an deis lthe volitesstad rocesonsa.tibe n dfentputho votewsh an proeedutinaoutthattife fen doa surt winh opetsition t of ose ad pre ea paue and opposit boerefgvn oru ntior pE W.nsi refl eore gth ervdofteo econ W. î lofmYork; but ifjonteofte Secndi iug f r; ur ihadamt, ohie othe pobad itG ouer visint =ie at lehve Rés-l pthbe Goernmof Qovcant uI lrg <Lesre machineriat C'ornneî-tîr genera purpses-the aboîhîhment c f du-, isse their Lest entitavors te rectoies-Ile extravagance of our Govert- phant victry in th, is Rin maageti by Mr. MicbdI princqsllWYP ana the hantiis calliug thse n*etiWý%r ehoice of delegates in 2icke1%illMask bin, wert printeti bJTIgod apd itrtu- pIed by.him. :ro prou . MMcbelipthels people were put tlothexpeuë aund trouble of inother Conventibe -whotJen gave bin. fcu votcs les.;than thet ifrt, and bc, lnt Once declared himstf 'satisfed, aiui uqualibiedly ugreeto euppertthe aqwlaee. As we i before, Mr. Miche!! ii a dangerous mail. Hi% il-temper, some lit ago, changeti lii whole conduct on the County liri.îioq que%- tion, for the purpose of thwarting the eer- tions of the late Mr. PeMn, and the saie ill tesper 11w prompts hm- to violat the common usage of honest politician, yjep- rti.zing., if nt sacrifieing the intere of the Reformn party, to whicb lie attachs hi- self, te grtfy-is révengeful feelings tnyards the Convention.' A matn wo allowq hii bet- terjudgment te be governed y bis passons, is unsae in any public capacity, anti w. terefore, most urgently caution true Re- formers froin paying any eed te is atdress. Let thexn bewvre of the man who is the re- nment reducedti 10ti lowstt fig ure-bishe ne- sisction of our enersueus Laîv Courts-tht abbhishmcnî et tht Court of Chancery-tbe furtlser reduction of our Postame-thàe' at- tasument of hhose refonins asked b>. tht friensis of pregres-in short, one cf your- sd'ves, a F armcr -reuiding wcithia tie ,c oun- ly, ansi one iho unders<.auds yeun sishes, us acqîaiteti. ilt your feling, ant i vii urtect yur rhts as British subje et.- vct<k for ilM ,i nof tise:,PeFple- Jm11os IWtIglst, in sebom wie eau place 0I1 confidence asî a Irust-worthy servant. Electon.s, <is is an imprtant criais for Ca- nada; andi Iet it net be saisi that the Tisirti sn.Anouse !:lie active, estergetie, perse- -vening anti prompt, ansial vil! be seelI ; ansi cur chiltiren anti cbsdren's eltihdren'imdil have catise terrratefulîly a niowletge tht services cf tiseir fonefathers in their strusiggles for civil andi nelsgious liberty. Townsshlp Eleetins. TIshe inie is close aI baud seben the peo- pIe wm* lbec alltd upon te select thein tesen- $hIIP offices-s for the * ersuing ycar, anti illis bigh tîe that the naines cf litting parties to, fi tLe office of tewnsbip ceuncillers vere befee tht public, that a proper choicemn> better Le matie of-hose whoee elI knesvn busidstes abilities qualify tin for the pub- lic service, W. wanbInieùi iaving a pra>. tical knsov1edze of business affains, ansi uith- mindu far' above local jealeusies,--With an eye eni>. te eelfare cf lte tovnsliip gen- cmal>, tLe eronernical management of its ne- sources; with gooti sent enougis te discev- Cr tIse wvantâ of tIse people, anti firmncas e- nough tatdiseharge tbeir dut>. manfuil>., hon- esîl>., andi feanleasly. Themi are plenty of sucs rien te, be feuns iniathet tewnihip, andi te whatever quarter of mî tise>.ma>. Leleng, it aheulti he oun dut>. haviug an tyet o the general wtlI-being of tht viole, te bning thein eut, irrespeetive of local prejutiices, sebieh do no god, but gener-ail> resuît ln baum, b>. bninging men ie office, urerly Lecause lie>. belong -te a certain locality, vielier lie>. be quilifiet or net.. If there.. fore Ihey are knovss toise isonest ant i ntel- ligent business Men, Jet us bave thoin, anti thetreguar nomine. eJmos #righto- We have Do tisse',-vi li.s late heur, te Say. assytiig further, Toao:4ro LzcTtsr.-Irmortal te-- nown I e <e QueeniCity ', who bas jît electedt <e prince ef-p6haw, we mean Ilcicer" fcloiws, 1BillBoultot, te relIrCeesilier mi Provincial Parli- ment. Wbosays taIthe Yankee City" of Pittsblrg outrageti nýra1iy tIwo yesrs ago y lectiuig er Mayor out of priso, whleu the "oithoroughly Brit- ish City iii Nurth A mnerica etidorses lier view, f îrullicy b>' eIcting an in- soxl vent teb tor te ua Canadsian ?arlia- ment. Go it, yeý Tor-o rlo-egi(yals, thercs creditiný store for yoi. e ___ils te Leho-esP itai Mn Sherwuo,whvo is nexi Iigliest on thej1 îoIl bc, will coliteslttis elecii.- W e l s i k i P r l i s n n î c r y C o r u i m i t t e c w o lti unse ai M . l3 u î nthat. M Tory if Fsrthe Orsrio Reporter. pelleti! FOURTII 111D 'ANU 0P TIE COUN- wi1i'au T V OF 'Y QJP ç - ha, il During tise lasI eek, Mr. Ilanbian as ie wili een ca nvassuing lie ectons of B r c i, T ic- an ida ra, Mara, aniF Bach, vient lie lrai mot the rfC crnîhusiasticallyreevs-th t respect lent - fi týo party--ail unîtin,, in a desire L> secure eýd hi,5 retuiru; hiq electinMay, therefore, lic censititreti sure. An endeavotir bÀti been Il Pl raisedt teprejudice ls intemet, byrepre-. of theC aenting Lita as an 4nnexationuî, 'and ibat tien be sens causvnasing irel>. in entier te mettre vile. M. Ilaldmin'u return, te sehoinil vas a,, bies el letget, he - inendedt teresAÉ h isterest. thirt i previois te bis golug t e tse poil. >srMr, t4t t tiartrnan at once st tie matten at resLt te try the entire satisfnéton of al partis vIse b>. tie hearti hlm. ht payorîy Le proper te utate, meUSà that Nr. àrtrnu anitithr is, non eer 'y-sa rtina an Annexationut; andtieh.stands paImgeti nô et mt<om te resig iniu avise fasye. th W M a s eib e s te r , R e a c i t, r u a i S ,. 81> D ec., 185 1.4t U P utiay tht 6t im mai ,Mn Chriitie, Reforme by aboýut2%manjuriîy beeri returneti for di ever bi.s oppoen u, The citizcns tut Tg day, for thea second orss tIse disgraoefal nifficer marclirag tp1 sideocf hi.; rcgimenl, Sueit an exh.hition tus City Homec.few the tirne, drettforth nation of tht pres Pîarty. WC sare, uts 1ais v( regunl The< Toronto, if' net, they ÃŽ11111 be bettel Duning tielt lt tve ceiveti several communic cenduct ef Dr. .&ison,j tht CouenalDov absout tise>.er vanstuer tee se, peciailly on Dr,A, am management ef the, Tom mw«qmm%»ý at a timet menü of the 1 mure a atrîum-

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