Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Reporter, 6 Dec 1851, p. 2

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lue~. tsrobant, sccota ed by ,Mr. Ctiii ri-~ fr~ N.Dauma, ~ .GENTtLEMEN-: poçw byN. arns, *ýe Adorae, *u»aving bien bretiglit forwnord ai tàitndad by-C. Dankin,Esq., Ad. OIuflussea b>' «lo uibaessiva Co ToCte, 'lhbe 11c. Wmi. fadgley w». vetltioins, as à% fit and Jîroper pausait "r;SW by W. Edmenstona, Esq., anar- reîireta:yomini the Provincial Pai citat, andl seconuiet by Mr. Jùh».Jone*s ment, I nuw saffler n elf un ta Cani -of Tattersails. Mr. Devins %vu prapo- data fur vomir suiiages:, ut lIme aplirScm «M b> B. Derinu, Emq., Adi-octle, andi ismg kleotiie, ta place -me ina that lait secondati by Mr.u.NlMatmuii. Mr. Pmp- aaid-îonourahîo ltimitieit. ineu was 1priposed bly B.-R. Fabre. Esq.1 Mvicwusn ie gretat leaduuagq ms4 secontietib tJtîlsm J. Day, Esq.- hou,,îrteileanidcin, m'b A show r ai'9an bine callet (for, ti e edandlaiddown ii yeur jîlIaffurni, ai majo'r ty' as w av resmivwus declare- in aocordauico with yumfir ow-n ; amnd te cl av. iar ai Meus. Budgîey ari' fwiîî ha îtîï constant l-imiitiainditiumb Papineaua. %Thus the canajaigît lias o-,1endeavit îr hof iueîîred withi yaîr stil jiect aîspaiamsy.Masrs latiey parti, tua see tîiem ,carnet! loto Jiractie; undi-Devins avare very ptumercasly ltf- opratiion, baliariv>g tintli wélfare tendes! from 'ratîersaîus to the ltstinars, e-l li mmae.sand 1tho- 'ilaterebts or <ur cr laji several or caur.leadingnen, tanda fimon cosnrydailpenti amiIflac ti)niet )rg-niîîmber ae ccrs. Oni coming li equal, ciiil anti religiauis !ilherty, aim ajway again, u.Pa3>pitcaiis'friendgsjtlhe jroper - dcvelopemeuaîoff liose pril mnjustcreti very iutriang u.1lihe lerl uidg i'I ciplés af seî irairactical Reforin. - rant st. .Tnaies Street, Iiheir proessiona B 3ing ane of youirscives, and ihnvitn bauamg chiai!>' compasfeti' fssegpretilv fa unit>' ai inîcresi wii','osuiv> Agrica:, dresauell voterx. Menus. Batigle>' anatiu fre, it avilIl le, ny miuuaim mnxmuiîs ilie »cvins avare fllowaed up the mitile ' j tiale nt ol y iks foster aatd ieiar file liîreet by a Il igllv respectable îarty.j that branci of luunam iiutiîsry, li On the. rightsmide Mr. 'Young anti Lau- j ilose allIier ltanuîunaitis ofi aeaîîh am ocqîre, werc fulloavet by a sunali nom- jgreaînos, cl, wihm isa inanagu be oafa raitunad. ou canal men. who gave -met îanti xra, are deashie<l ltin'-îcisaî a totich-tiftlmim'quulitly teatingdcown f day.to elc'vate lis, us a people, Iligli a sd'tnete pthe paliog near St. Peter Street puung flua nationîs oflIimýeaerti. " d u4 tttirlaaw their apdaueîs 1 Tmdiiugfuyu ct -tîte a -secms thfai l in( rale sarumd tle cneau-tlirottgh youu Delfegate-m, m1ined on' the liseo f plysicai force.- Nwarauacsî i liani aati eakicaovîetge We warntinn ime»tliait force is iot flic-r menmiL% for tlitmoaîur yoîm bave donc ane cure. NVc tiare remeonstuteti agitinajt imaii1rngiig nce forwaurd-as a Canîdiat, it anti agaia lrotest aguinsi -sucla à air- fur f lie aaaifl'rnges of yutur lurge iaît Intel kedcotarata. If il as tu haccîiployed. Iligeuu c>rtttueicy. howeet he fac caabîe elcectrs aail I 1 haive-lfli onomir tubc,' lnow baw tu pro teci Iben;set.,%, end, j Geuuleuîmn. WCeàioubt na>:4 avili be lirepiareal le dusai. Yuîiu hedicaît servantf, 'WVe are iii'ibralect fat a hotise lia lien a.~o ' W îoa opencccl l'y Masu. Voungi undt, Lau 1j Mýaukîan, Dec. lot, 1851. ocque, ini lium midst oatr ciîy, viere 1 thair buhlies eau ha inflamet iîla h l- 1 - IA.NTrE -quou. W. S"Iiv> au tipan Iliean tau de- r) ! SERVANT. GIRI, Ap,î3' tu J. V - sst, and waar ' limona 6< ttlecunsequen. ~Ham~., eu if they go uan. W ib ,Dc 85. Ut WC hope tuai Mesurs'. lladgcly ant i WîtyDc 81 1 Devines ,friands avilli nt et ainduace tIl 9-Ig ahn, fa ae rasvemonacntt from tîtair labuaiirs b>'I f ES imarihr offers f.r Sale T WC [hIt otcouraging slacets.. Ttmey havae ,Y) 0 13 L E CA RDJNG MA, but: &.*exert thoeestras a ucte ir CIUINLE, (onec i.arly îiew.) ie ick. reun. Lai thesît push an île gui] u, mSeaigMaucine><. ocSplu- w , r . -niuîg Janv>y, aindiune Dye Keutlec. W0 iegualt tohave lu raeaîaca ethte m--'fna IU. B mnenremcnît of mets et violence. Aller I- Ocbaawa*1. 34fr thse noiniuation, tta-0c ainnduaui geritta- 1Dc.1,. 4I men ver, bouten b>' pejseîts 5uî>pcsUid.ý FRHRNTI go bc uplres ofrte inisterial eau-LFRHEOiE did1ý# Tesegenleen rc ai.ej LLPersons Indehtedtotefilue Estate et Aime Dclroaa and tieavil!oui bath friencls' ll e late Peter Perry, mre hardi>- o(Ms~~spIivau e - rust1mi tlia: mad dis- nelifiedti fat -unless tha>- maIre f muse gret,éii-and titleul>' gratuitous an oc- fdÎf, ite ugnet of thair respective - arreco.a Iais wilindusae Nessr#m. iDelits,' ;ttgaproceedingu sailIlibe taken Wiong and Lsreeqîîe tu> refrain trunam pginsi theni. stiwulatiag, if tha>' cannai, resîrain taj' J. V. 11101 violenas of Iheir parf izaris.. Yesterdav,- Ane1i f utJxetora., it-bs twarituî.that a grantdeal ltue h. f Wlilth 'iDie., 1851. 314f qcar uas: hlave, been drink-iaIhîcir Iaolhs us»» wasrcqtîircd by amy bod- MR. 110I E. BRlOWN is an au- fiy weakaema un the part of thasa wlîio liorisati travelling Agent fer thee Onrio Lrbib4 ii.-.,Vontrepl Herald. f Reporer, ta ohiaiv> sutacilers vat!recciae MOMI#ATON CAN LA'fS fouders, for 'Printing, Aivertieing. &c., - - FORt TORIONTO.Tîn ' Dt D P r didaifcas aplwpeareti pfa erou>' ho claies the suffra. Id leuple ort iis Ciity. As i bc ehectesi, Ji' nighî ts SOuat of suola a aiuînaer, !old maka a satisfactorv we donhlt if any- aie wiit OPIUMiaS, o.afiretlime hiajurit>' of lt e coer, u J. '--O'Neil anti J. m- lires, bave heen brotigiti Refonîn iliteresL . fliey tae filaut. io eleveiitll air frietact lwiîhiua le of tîe at let anti>' ýVi:Ia Mui. ONell'. *Iitl.- are aLval ncîaairned, anti 'aot ina reeninmeîading Ibum electors cfr'ruranto. ' lilicual epumitns or f Mu. '0 Dot se waIl ncqainted. abrofthteccitizens iwere 'day tu beau tLiadeclaua. nises of lita sevoral aspi- amnasatim>'honOra. Tha imsad aoff'wilbout dutur- tr#m>m g porion cof the au- !r5 Ur' Mv. Beultuuî, isa y shonts' nd lgruans tund Ufdhuaipr>hmtm4pt-u e- JL LA I :j J .L j r "il rjl~ 5 Por &prerentatave offte ThIrd Réa/uic jANROS WRIGOT, Esq., Mmtxiux. 2. W. THOMSON. Thais avack, we Continue te gire fttracts Mui. Thomson's position in fthc lieuse front 183U-îo 180, am, the important quesion ai -tht' just andi equtable settlemenl af tht !Clergy Resara s. -TheSe rotes arc noar ai -mucl imprt.ancel, asg tht electous arc refer- r,,edto ta ibein i>proof ai the pohia>- a ilI padrocate if laetix- noar honouicti avill a ceai. SOù, the 121h.Apuil, 1,839, il avaismoveti "That ibere ha reseret ou purclaaisd in> eseh ýnti erery Sioaa-v>hip of lime province, ane Whmorc lots ai landi, of 100 acres oei lot, <du -a 'flebe or residatce for one or Mort resident miisttvs af-'the churches nioar recognizeti by laiw, &c. &c. 8&c," - fson,.Ç:g anti 16 ailiers. NATs.Camr NMlfatà andi '30 .&gain , '0 a u e in&dY, il aasiovoet " That it is iadispensably necessauy tant tihe Clergy Resaras be oIti, and the inter est aviaag (ro ti-ie proceetis, 6e iappoution.. eti asmog ail the ciuitisauidtnonations f .oasdby the Stataites or Liaws oai bi N T-Gw*Murny, Q'hnhj $ Iýrovince; and suc ncb Iemeiit te wliOdraw plie "i wnranccýqf thequeWiononu-Attisait. And a"ilwelcomne ta aiEnlgrai nt4<oe aon e 3 $erýwOQde 39. gsintewhole or in parfk frum' which lievoted. Now auch an u sefr OC ad bv r. tie tfn scrrumstantile ay reqUire.ilctlcbmen, ad h!bnIs t61kitfuibr nateTht itQan gviga wo -vt nauimporantues - gj l taods ie in 1 11nS serves far Eductit,n te lsJuly, e,1837i bml gJgoa ota.e-a I *ficcbi.'BiS2 d . r1 137 may île lawftll for. the Licueiant Gavernor, iion, mîigbtgo down w wth th Ële1ctors of the Dly Mr. j. 1-1. perry, n ,av.,l au t thir Woig applied for~ generài pur- ýby and with the adrice as afoeresaid, in the Second ItiLing;- buts the Electors ofthie At a late, or rathe alyh*,the- pari t drcity Ma pO~*tOia t~uPoyncml~lbt t eetlir ajstlir eis îsu- rhid idiag, can*t, ad womüt swuilow it. braIre uppleased with eacb WLUS{ad 'it't, "aur attent eflr tgan d prpmte portions 'r" ,ft~I ocal traite betv 'barboiars ome ma ilms, on lIM Feb., 1838; of ai![Laserves not exceeding one hundred 80 complcîely discomfited were Mr. tbe anniversary, ibat brought them s«,obnp- -Ciaa n buto, the - 2th April, 1839, virtually de- acrasin eacb case, as residenees for.oflici- Thlomson and- bis friends, tlhat they neyer pily togethier. ,cOur (re)ntier. ind clared by bis rTte that the people-the Bll clergymen -or rmnisters of religrion, aven oltered a, rebolution of support ta the onT tORUPR AAA hi s ubject 1 ii-Sovereigu peop e---shoua avi no roice in lie%,vs hprches hpl.mdpae fpb talc'orhp hrein, &c c.&u meeting, and the lectors retired tu their 1 H urra hi for Storifloft !J3itnîi Ml in- atr htvr A o imi h Be it further 4nactecl. 'Ilat the said homes well satiefied tîmat _1r. "oînson s I omrrtred V -itieEýq-ý l r fe a e a ili A se bly hall pas d bil% in favour of the rents an d Ç r ee und (W mn.Maiticé,Esa maiy ped brahle that b- praceeds for ~ ~ intrest rnqney aimait ha distributed p n r~ I .n o Leforin -wcr c wtgnul.I m aOrty of ont- l:mndred and f rty-nin e.,- - l t d b re pr ,h rce-qfredeation-aress after ad- annually amongst the different christ i:in de- adfli i;s? n15,t arnale old-fash- aûii 1a r i î tht iet-gia151,thTh'i is jclear gain, a 'i atreprpeetaîive Ilai fea nominationars a id, in proportion tu ilhe imclie 3ii~iG lidreis, and résolutîion on resolistion had been amouiwib hyra eerlyriew th- it htllie was in 1836 and '37- Iws1 or.MrIlIma. ihu 0efr' Spassei hy scores ta accosnplish the- saieein ibis Province by privata contributions. fn,1 ,tl ,tli izg c Hu irra for Wh7bitby ceîn, in Upiîer and Losvtr Canrvaa have rngi ni fil 41- thing; yet Mr. 'J7omSsii spporteid their &c."'r lCsmajority avili exceed 300 lintliýî!resulîed 'in>falloir of eform, vi: lr.l'c- ,franititeL "e appropriation for tha support -of the IlChris- Non peculiar circumstance required ?,!dr. ltownslîip. Mr. TI.msonls political admirer ltefr&ha ieradM.Mattice itima Denoinatins recgnit~d byLaw," and Tlîm-on"s vote in> tiN instance-nowant ci Icniseîysupr hma le frormoT. _________ andMrr. To i. against. referring this question tothie Pro- of confidence aras ta ha proposed in ta~ll h ia rmvd trogbMin- uncF iL .-Hncd.Reur- Wi an. aa MIl vince, in order to mcertain the public riews;! jutry of the day-none of those utile "ne- OBekin atsmmr hta rsri oued.WrrcvIveD îÏ]lm.(rida) n<ningsaelplesanohe was et erylongafir iis hi' assry mnoouvrngs"in ia t O s. 0aid inapolific te vote fer a non-rp.sîdent.,- a Icîter frefin 'Joranto, statîng tlaat -1repnrt Jbfi -publie L lit vote aâ asgiven arlen hacaras cdi gcd ta arcomnpîliha certain peint arasin tliis case 'J ley made a great, ado about notn-residency hall just arrived ian town tiat. 31r. hI ckj.i.c n vavsion. wlai f ýid apeulto fic Scond 'ddîg ofYork at, equisitl butthe cestinura whi fid- pelt lcScn iigo rat cîhic u h usinaa &s0 adi wert Dr. Rolph aras spoken of. WCe hope 1wa.- returned fer Oxford. ment la anly a t 'wbicbtime lis l'arliamentury conduct aras mc dralini up deliberately, and umquem-tîyaiIni tc o larpicpefi ' rî- brel5a i suiandby REcr frc and indapendant! tlonabl mo('l.%vemonteujet arîou .--he True- araeKcircula-Ia l- alaters. jr er ~ bis iewvv n theabjeci omn c-«,, reprem't, a cotùazii4reeyfatsA:e WviÙiris ps in- om. p'l'bc îpnn oh o wo.ies, a l ResAAet ve',7tlat ail file Itesrres uinsold ïuittb le, itfaras ibis and hlîw dees bis vote 1Vrh-,Iï t for the Tliird P.idin'A*Wnht -iwsontlIs su j",-orIU0liv m di lie d spo eti f andi investe ti in P rovincial s a d r ro m .ject Lire the saine as tbigse expres scd b y . g e e f a e i Debemturas. tlaa intereat of wbich ho ha di- -flrooklin Meet1n-. f lotlimat Dundus. r'ornis te mi vid e ti as fo llo ars: -c .,ift i . > T I m nlin o n . - a e s h v r 04~~ ç ~ 4~ c, an~d3 o:hers;1 1 -ntoslAw2îe meeing A 3rDec.,inen. mmd abtr& brib is.T a ahCegmno h h etn a«organiseti by nomîna- b jageatèr hr Englanti ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ tigJames JBurns, hisq.w Clamiran. Mr.;vauc rhCsîadvuî~A a tbigbsv nual stipenvi not te exceîl£100. i andI 3à others. ITone eaaan vn vrmcaîî ! t.amrsirmintlaeiI)ranaie-ort, tîouk j.-ice omal mariage ellectio 6rid4y l Thomson heriCfaga n, eeit litrtmlîs tse "iimd. 'Po0 v ecdi Westeyan Methe- ,,riec yearly incnime from the Ciergy Peha - he tii at the previetas' t ,li- . tfinr1sli1 dtC hurrhliniv>Caniada, a sum nont toecxcee an rndthtledda hepeiu IIed vih (aýýclrellnedy fr fIthe el e.£100 per annuna, fer as niany mijiters of i 4crvr,.." lie thinlcu it.-4 expedient te appro-' etns r .H er vsinatn >~a<soJua ~wlîatWayis ibm Sit ht C huirch as there shait b e lot i ranfteUdet 'm r" a a d m iu d t 1. andi convayed iniicaci> circuit.- gai rae i>adcfii iitr ftes<dance to explain 'the mianner Mr. Thiomîson hie1 . asrnerinlribe 3rd 'Pa srlaus f iterat ielchir-veral1 Christian denominations racegnigeti by lw outti appropriate the Clevgy Iteserves for; ici evr up usy i d' wi edispo!ced o, c i. e hi'ciendeti iiaujnid r," for thie atvancemèni af the chuis- i Education, in> accordance wiih bis voes as; >dî eîr orier C101' the heraugbs' n, th,- erection of places of public wort-hip 1.n elgon" udqd ben n amadie by I Iberappear in thea-9Jourmiats cf the lIeuse ;" liî uf llîwd-y Im1nir-aprfo narhae v tbrougbout the Provine.generafly." the 41 Lieutenant Govarnor. by and witb fili- for'i .,t ha-h drcs ltatetonc I: rl* mîo.40511lk't hv Ianpen r iàtateibdietteatetoofkllaise" 1l h ep i bani sirkd u IYr..v-Gowan, W.%cLeann, urney,1 ho- atvicecnf flac Exécuîtive Colinci!,"19 whichi the Electers to ascertain blis positibn on îîîIl iseini l .rogr. Tbatp't'rm vczh w role. neI fbinson, CTmonsosç ;~herwood, Lacrutive Comîncil avas nottahocline iv> îyway alsioz. %vontea ca1 a respon!aible to the pcople, ciŽpsequently thae 'l'li meetîne wabr wiiouhtt a l1fowiiu<ieeiei h~">tit ihti iOU NATs.-Cameron, 31c1ntorAi,' Merritti public would have net the sihcocntrol li by the Chairman Icaving the Cvair.- iilî!îî'virumîoîrA. -. wi!lsoa: h itaiot-he'd and 1S ailiers. over tfl i aIfer, and wuoulti only hknew tuait Ilowever s:îîfieient ime a aas givcn tu' Mr. %Ir. TiÎ,11î5Park (i*îekrn :auJ. isfe Accrdig t th aba'eresliaiom, hit h.' w'~'d:posed cf for I"the moral anti Perry, tu reviewar afear oi Mr. 'bhrosvas liiglît, ils à amrcîpli e ,tI:t'y.,ieauicee ~ Tre hrce wr t ecir carec; dgisinittruction of the communiîv." votes durin- bis Pariiamantaî'y carrer.--- 11101e.ilimreci îvo fret eleVea inctes ni'tiu i1 id à the spoils. N educaition-.-no gencral pur- Thfli -ebiei was qnet thougïht atvisawbte IfI r. Thiomison bave ne better pro let ~fîîcrimfracaî wleial-pbi- ous ea-m -poses-net aven an equal distrib.ution mneny lauli l havc erai '-btn lé100aiai fsceui>fh obrtanhp hn. ~~pr>liîjîîe o f the. - _0 cte$ n oscce_ tnthe der-a!t nhîrstha if, tflhepfi. thfe differeni religious vtenovinations aras an- eacb casa." amandnol more than tare in eaich Wliitby, haeavilI net bc required ti he 1 iii.: -ththm ticipateti. Onec crtazivChurchi, laeaever 1toavn-îbip for cachdi inomination, for a glpbate l,,ecîcra tu chîanebis residence Wfo'flic Ta therLditür of the On»tario -Report r. ledicoue ara paqtionaneqalfotig nt, beorreidcnefor iheir rcspective churches, nexi four years fromu the . ecomd Itiding of jr WityJ.li f Ilrlapatuei *Church.ci Englani, vandi thesatlemremit warasjanti for ea'ar aiter n,) interierence avriîb ri-hts IYork. IDCA R Sç.J e~ pe-r cf aturtia coulur framn iva Cf1 V 1 lastyou mentor acit ileeT1tc satisfactory, andi no quesioins asketias te thus c-iablslid -- .-.... Il. -.-. f ta , unton ai ;c'.ai Stam eredn, ct(eoiia the balance. That saas net cf thaelîliOlstM ii s"Woas~"hiisuk nithtfasdosu ihcaiya 'Those are saine of bis otes ta which hbc nd D ec. evenng. a r neti eith ism ac e u e ti 4 i u. 'tie d'sti rconsequence as long as to Churches avare '"confidnl appeails to tihe ioairials cf the A god it tendance. Jaelan s. e aena ap ei~riyuta h aoeaoiaa ini tlc saine position. oie"I aprove ihaitlatey acre g ' n vascalledt te echair. sna'ata.atihtbru:kigisehéfirniwaan Lius," tegicuonarsntriv-il dteo o,e ci lir fetipipes. su '..e emrytj. dv, The Cleugy- Reeara Bill iavin- passeti the >ail occaions" lain"faveur of uqual rights anti Nýeaiiy two heurs tfane avas ocpeiî rsabsi nie hir vtr ai> een uicorateâ îtrmppiu, Loaver lieu.se, aV.s sent tte the Upper leuse, pririteges." M.fosni alnto ft~p lcy t e n, t;l-wiga cf Isow arbi(cl ru mn jby a ofad i wblere it aras ammndetanicnuqaci- Dtui'Cn -firht of làiiParîiamentary ca- bcle aomîmi pursue i ilte lieuse, if eI.ete.-' t hio'cus ei ik. "anti dexerri.se, mou ly requiret tu> ohtain tiecotisent aif te Low- recu, tie naxaja cf W E V Tioïn NMlsrus. A. Farewrell, anti J. Il. Perry, puut W e brg lirQughyo-ir celuans tu ratuira ranelwa ier îuse le t hst acducns Wbcaîthe a4oi.Cý aippeairsreccudeti in favoaar of* flac Surve searchitàg quastionis ta the Canu tefa. Oursilvacere thlanks to the inhabitentsof Port radiant.aibti, ameititil il ias brougbi belore the alise appropriation of the flserves for i9 Reîi j wlich m rnariull efftete'J bina arhthe L-Elc- P'r~4i3cueia orin c eram sirand- alnJgîeits fou ticmir concurrence, 8tb May'. 1839, Mr. gosDeîîoniiatidns ;" ini tha second andtom tr. A Uesolution aras moret,"thai nis manner in w hich hy turneilout tea amisi msere rr v ig-ieusn thtS verè f<yÙ), ro Beksmoe9ntueduinitîird Sesin liec loltrt saub e cousemeeting pletige itacîf te support a Residi-ntian rai5ing flia "Woeî»i4. N" -to liernatur4 bis prozmd atVeeiant '<[bt ilha epedint fr tu peae, 'el-andtic <.feîrîli Session-actuaiîybrv'g in a aAgrirculturat as a Candidate for t1ils iýding poionom lewtse da"ueySc-ht oyt t'e lar pn ~ed evermvmemî i liia irumn",bill prepmnrd by hiiaself, dividing fie[le. andal lItsaid candidate le WrgtI'Ib cuar bAue tha: ilie reraticn cf lunùsfu (lie suplport Anos î'Salira trily, -' bednue4 tais, th -f'a Protestant Clergy caseamat thai tesares fer religionis purpesas, anti cstabk,î- Es'ýffj, ai Markhama. - I, COTro.N & towE.* ( iarQ age dPraparad bj Jcav anmd att e fject te ia th Cnreûml-ur rt-stc' i - tcumnssmnceq attending thse sniatonit ii»--- »4 i -4aaL chureb aroasît be claecked ait once. Irf411 mecordance "aitb bis rotas on mlli Oea On Frida> Eu'eaiung ait 7 o'clock, in fit ui. correspondéent t- Jon: use, w< noead weue granteti, fiera avould',ha no bi0I5,'e ais recardeti on11the Journal, <Of lima sarne Place, thera avili lie a publie meeting T II .smsur oan m e 09d M tr. lue. <r, he meas near endownments to -maie or raciories te auteo." Sea>- bn e dsc nde i J, W b . UlIOraOL14u tstablislv; and!as the Chuarcliofai Englanti N.wCerymnan ohe ,are expecteti ihfiQ iomiiuted a4o- ' ' goi the stait b>-fifiy-seren, avii hwiaich b- -te atidress the audience. teToycad 1e %b. 'Ime ôtru'm o comd not sanef'n oni 'iisnl e IW * nv .. .. a:.. - " l u aamr,*£wo. t - --.... t. 's touf.rnca."arbalever, lin tas"Ilrigibts lb. as-' tablibheti,"h. eiàil"inviolable," lta oni> ahl_ tentieaas, te continue veserving handi tiff equal I"Rightsmiad puivileges " ware, se- couded Ilta ail 1-erMajexty's subjectet NQw are comle doman te Mr, TRKeMSOyç' orna bif! for tae settlesaenî ti isquestion, rdc. w.'nMuWWS MEMGu OU Mondayit-1a, Air. Thonmson balti tnt aoflis stries ai EîectiQveering-meeti in lIais ltidhaîg. at Seriptatrwe'. HalI. meeting aras largely'attended, chieflyby fradanti aas organusetibr plaeingJ Guan ia the Chtiv' Mu Titmstiaope, the Ca&aapair b> referring tiesa, lectoa 1

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