Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Reporter, 29 Nov 1851, p. 4

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usnnIy exustence W85 itiDEXi- on the Liugu. He died onl ay Shof October, after an i1il. &,t uo weeks. Mr. Biggar in fur muany y.ars a worthy sud' ary xnembef of the Metirodist ;amd tire Ioof'fone poumesing [y- eoocllencies as adorned tb. or ofthtie deceaseti, l l e (Olt rire hsd the. pleasuré of au- me- une wiîir hlm. Ho died in th# mr of' hi.ago.-CAritian Guar-- 191LAÂs-uiOLv ACC'IDZY.-.On Satur- &dy lut~ Mr. Frank Meciran -came 10 an uutimely deatir under tire folbowing circimstanes:-Hle hd taken a bure and buggy 41eoeaging to Mr. R.egan liv- cry stable keeper (with wboni ho '¼s employ.d) ta wasrh, inbthebarboe.HAe ,wu cautîoed flot tego tire.as 1be drudgehad boom mi wockand hmd x- çavated tona <'ouiderable depîb along shre. NHoweever prceeded atid un- furtinuatelY got imb --adeep bol. from which thé lhorse could mot exîracat, bmm.seif, and Loth were drowsîdod. Aný aboti au hoti r% lime tire body wars r.._ Yosterday (MNotuday) thre funcral teck plIaco and was attondod by a mirecons ,body of frionclx cf the deceuse and of' bis farailîy, aud aise by tue fie brigade of ihieh*lo iras arniosi activea md os-, toemed motnber.-.;Cobourg Stair. Fîatr.--Betwoen eîghî and uneý o'cluck last night, an alrm of fine waam - iveu iiieia proved to bLoin thec ncwly- ttt.d shqp neet tbe Examtiner office King Street, belonging to Mcr. J. Lees-' lie; and ocnupied by Mr. Rodclen as a - lancy store. TIhe fire seems toï have originated from the gai in the shop- - window; il rnpidly extendeti itsecf, andi 'destroyed or damageti a large qnunlity cf goodi, Assistane îvaspromp:ly cen- 4,urod.,amd thre being airuu tance cf, *irtue flarneswere speedîly subtitact. ne F ire Brigade wereas usual, ex- tUemely mctive,-.pâtrioe We learti from the London Miercan- tiW'Advertser cf October 10, tira tire %rlmt trade hie assarmed a decidedly firm tunte mithin the hasit two.or thcee ,'reks and Prcis bave risen 2é. to 39-1 euq art several of tire principal marksets in the agriculîtal disrits.- TIhis advanco bas net becîz caused by a- Dy change iu publie opinion e tothre g;ene,MllY guod yield of ithe barvest, but- may bu attnibuteti rathor to the maturaI rmmwicih almost 'iariably suce' (zd oa periot of grea: depressioî.-. ir'bore c.u b. tuo duubitirhatlte value noan LEthe seoa eng once 'Ikai 1he loaceet 'point Lad do mrirhants and millena ous te add tote ioatocks. sâème tine farrnms(Ioe-, [in ta&Position cf aune a shillings per qr.. was soO4n iid from present appeacan- 4er atvanceà don not aceru prohibaiiug nogîcesand m oniigrating teanmd ccci- )n has beon decided bWLW mtitutional b>' CirfJ na case recently brougbtI Tire defendaut in i. cese, Lo leave bthe t ecnitory wî:h- sfrn the date cf ite do. toui tire Detroit Free Press 6rory ira s mmdc i a bar- cia>', the other day, Iat eautonisirmptî A yontli, bvo men thes wt,ibete bar-keeper to tire ctab- 1 dîscovered on thii. arrivai an f(<ontthre cet, tb e neO ;Fr! in umle attire, wbom osmrry I Sire Lad Leen ietod. T h.elhappy pair, lai mnot was ti.J, Joli for he vuesel of whiohher' Eu Capiais>.- e ÂÏ.ÂceZ-This remafrk- bu -Le ronmov,-d fiteuilyde ew Battersea Park, a dis- L two miles, whore it wil 1 1 wiuter gardon. The. kof whiclî ji ticomposed Lid tou, mmdthe quamîiîy is 896,080 superfciaI féeet. ie contents cf IL. building io millions of Cuet. The 10Soipied WiIJl be mrked' rab. by four, graite moni. »mW 5"S 8u-M n fa'tensîls-wll.t A bopighit yeatbl*y aarn4 ( hie"ia) of that bIue.eé'ed bonnet wbat wore .tbe -white sâunltlg91D5. Saywh!ere's tbem shay- cm 'tensilsl 'I yen de'tspeak, (Miè-cup) 1111 take a door iny love, and bu rst the club in.' When we left, Smithers ;ma talking a- bout the conmstitution to that kee-1o1e of a bid-ropmdq.o.-Aibany Duchmot. 6>' "ilFiggers vont lie, viii tbey 1", mut- terpd aseedy g __u holding on to a lamp post. -6,Vell, perbapi they vont but A sec a i T ont stand, anyhow."9 O'A lady wbo bail in ber etnplol a girli recently from the Emerald Asie, was one âay perplexed about sitowing all ber eatables mbt her refriperator, for ht was eosmil,ýr elle ber dimbes wè;re tononuerous; and eue we. srraaihg the. til rs aSmethat way, wben BridgetSsay ,"An sure. wby goesp'4 ye e atlrer takig the ict out; WoWldn, t that be kapiag cowlil Mfusd1, sudandlating plity of, fornor a»theé<thèr things ?"-ýEast Bos- ton Lddger. cj n Arisbinan observiug a dandy ta- loing h6 u" stiaitsinm Broadway, steppeti u p to him snd ifquîred, -eHow much rent do you asicfor thosé bouises?" 4"Wihat7do you asic me that forV1" Faitb, and 1 thougbt the wholé street bellonged t-o ye," replied the Irialiman. 0: 1 Wourea are formed for attaehment. Their gratitude il unîerpeachable, Their love jesu n neeaig -feuntain of Jelight to the ms vmebo irasattained, aud-knows Loir to deserve it. ém A'teaclier,,who-Lad faîthfuily laboreti te prepare a clau- -for cxsimiuation, aâkced a Young miWhio stood at- the l:ead of ber cImes, "4What is Geo-graplry?1" TJht pupil, much to tbe etertainsentý of the audience sud chagrin of1 ber infftrctor, proinpliy and audibly answered, "Goegrepky ùsa 1largc 0"A persevering Providence iln'O lems, tiras> a ereatàsg one. 184i1e tbaîgrpeads bis time in sports, and enlIe il recreatfon, islas ie iirose garment ÃŽsntigbut a fringe, and bis meat is noth- îs>g but sq~e. 0:>"A. Wise man le happy irben lhe gains bis~~~~~ of prbto ool wlren le recoin- meaisirieef t lreapplause of those about Ot>TheInian Wiro, pushes aside tire paper witb bis frst ip of coffee and says, ",tucre il nothi>g is> :t. and Whro turn3 up bisDose at typographiani bluaiders, aight fld a pro- fitable -ezecisei> trying menake -a paper of his own SornE evenir.ge audtirs get tire eau Mii opinion of bis fiiende upn its meit.-. 1 $.:>'AIrd tises sud wc must maire tire Most o etli tile we hive-asîe Gmo- cery keeper said when bc water1d iis vin- FA LLAWINTER OOODS. THOMAS DOW' W 'IO LDrestudiform bis custam.. Stores .,in W7dîtby and Columbus aire asusual, at this seasos> of thre yeai , !we1i stock- att with Oever> Vanety of< lvow Goods solectei personaly, on lire bearterme, from the lscgt Importirrg Bousesin 11 MONTREAL sAi NIW yo 'Mo andi witiibe founti desffving of the aitte>rieol &f Il inntinn purchasers. Prrea etceedngi> Low. Wh tby 1 Nov., 18&51. 304îf. FA"I<MFOR $lE T"E Subscri er fofr Sale, part f 1 1 MM13 No . 7&Iaituated i on tire Notir sie of SL.tQOQ L&U2, i thb.-14TH! Ciff. 3.ROE FIRE,' LIFE AND MARINE paies- NEW Y03R ?ILOTECTION PIRLE AND MARINE IND,"czp.'êJgy. INSU.I FOR SALE, B';DONALD McK-AY, PiicmitNG, edevery wmy. puce £25 CASH, oria good Note JUST RECEl VED F-IRESll TEAS, COFFE, RICE, TOBACCO, &C. &C. &C. RLeCENLY urcbaeed by the Subscrib- tin»theNEW YORK MIARKE.T,andnow off'ered for Sale ait bit $tort,* in WHITBY ANID COLUMB US, which wili 6e loui'.worthy of1pulic tattentiorn. THOMAS DOW. whtby, 101h sept., 18.51. PAPER HANGINOS, BRd.SS CLO0CK8, SAoe-.Makces' Findlings,-4-c. 8ic., TÉOMAS DOW. -wlii:by, 12bSePt., 1851.-- 22-1t. EXECUTOJIS NOTICE. A UPersons ha-ring claims or demande en the Eutate et Pt,*rto l FEilY, laie ci the Townshipof Wiltoiva, in the County ol Vour, clectased, arc requcstcd trrîhm itlà in fflid the par- ljculaFS thortoli Io1te Lxircutors,lr thi icoirsi- ,t1th lit., are aiso rcquedto bpay>'suchb iA 10 the Execuorg,. MARV PERRY, 1Extuovaz. R. F. fERRY, J. il. FERR.E Lzuos We, MàaI Frar andi R. E. Praaav, do a>- poinit J. H. PER a Y sole ac'àng Execror tin the seulement oflthelb.aove Etat, arrd as such is em- powered te recette and cotieci ail debts and de- mmnds due bt te same. MARY PRY I. E. FE11R1y. Whithy. 10:6 Sept., 1851. 22-tf. SUPEIIOII SALAIIATUS.. r $IP',ýubscrilwrs bcg Icave :nost respec>. fuilyt>' 10 ttrthe Merchania ail lbrough from .Montreail 10 Part Sarnria, ibat they are now manufat'rturiing an nproved oa.cle of Saaratus, whic heby farci confirist will give the utmost sat- isfaction, put up in boxes or barrelto auitpurcra- sers. Ail -ordersatatended Io with the luit posible 4.tay. WILLIAM.N MAGEE &CO. Brooklin, Wbaîhy 1211>, Sept, 1851. 23-tf. M ORE MOXEY TO LEND. A. GOOD opportunity is now offeèred In an>' person who has a tile spare cash, and reishes tu mike au invesîment in what is more valuable than cash itseIf, via :-Two vatuable andi .ixproved Building Lots ai IPORT WHITBY, 1*' ing composed ot the corner Buildiug Lot No. 9, tir Btock 3, adjoining Bates'a Bakeuy, eontairung hait airAcre, havin4a gootBar»thereon, an excueet -weii; alto a 5ood asortrrrent o! Graited, Fruit Ter. A. good board fence encloses, this Lot. ,Alto, Builing L-.it No, 11 , on Bond Stretil cog- taiuitng.trearly hIalf a cre,.baving a odim Ilouse thereon, which rents for $30 aj ear. 'l7ki Lot forma ont of thre most beautigul Building Lots inithreViage. T'he ahove wiil be soIt ini part, or the whole, ver> cbeap, and on ver>' cu>' terms ot, paynrent, sa as to suit Purchaser. JAMES BATIS, Baker andi Confectboner. Port Wbitby, April 22nd, 1851. If. WANTED TO BORROW FotaTerm of Osua, Tire or-Tuis>ie S Yeats, the sumo0[£100or £2w0, or'wbich tihe maost indis1utablre sâecurit>' wiii be given, ceéaI or F'et pplicatiosis -poil paiti uray re addiesdw M." Whitby lost Giire. Wbitby, Apri, 26.b 1851. 2-tf. WANTED. AN intelligent, active îuung iNau, to betal eneouragemrnt wouid 6e affordeti on apptica- lion, iflrhy leluir pstpaiti. Whiîby,1 916 Jul, 181 ~ECEIVEI) ud -For :SALE at the' JMOm arIo o uu01e, WIITBY VILLG E, A Few Baie$ Of Wbi:by Village' sept.8, 1851, 21-. MONEY TO LEN». HE 'fAIubscriber is prepared to L l seveal Ilundred l'oueds, in sumoaIo suait p- plscatis, on Securit>' oPon iReal BitaIe.. > -veiaojrt appliciaus or.1y aneted to. None nerd apprly ooîy trS. Who tan turais,h.e ostaarz.euoo bit aeeurity. Tihe Subdcriber coateues Ioatted te, bis clutie DAVIDP CRAWFOI mt Be GSrnmoi, réspectfully, tu ijtimae lu tbe iiîîbaicants cf WJu.tby n si M04 di>gcoutnti>'ltat Lasase t beStose late>' occupieti b>'IL. B. Ã"O C 0NN OR, wler ci nwNO. 3e COMMERCIAL I3IJILIINGS -D î hfeh ànwopening obt the LER GEST, CHEREST.aend BEfiT ssole IO't -GOODS epv f4trd for Wae in titis part of the coutîtry.- The a<lvs>iloges h.se ses In diret trm tie A PORTINýG AILS STOCKbi ecsitimtuihe itricti>' b the.< g sy te, ,wii inviro 10 ;tentling purchasers, Mis Stock mli atways comprise e-rer noveit>' of tire Sead», togoiher wih an imn se Stàyock of Staples suitabkefç>r, Me Country T rade Tifoltowing comprùise fe'wof the leadin; articles --Gala Plaids, M. 'DeLaiius, Casihmeres, Coburlg CobAlapaa, r e n os r, Jeiny'Linds. loisir andi square Plaid $bha*ls, Flannëos, Blankets, Serges, Brm ltrC imerca, Canada Clotirs, Satinets, W1Viaie Sirtin 8, Factor>' Cotions, 5b4 ,lraIdeuxIl"aL antidd%er ,Printg, Cotton andi Wcotlen Yarn, Battià ganti Wtititg, &c. &C. S< AU1 of w/u'ck lac Ùsdetermined to rSpe t the ,rmallest possiib le paying Profitisfor CA4SH OXL Y., A' large stock of Silks andi Satins, 51 sijandi Cotton Velvets, Riblicus, Vlowerf, Blonds, Lais Bosiery' anti «loves. tD.c C oud b egtl0 d i r e t Utctt e _t lion ,u o A sec prFarinerg anud others lu hbis STOCK 0F GROCE RJES, i-ýhich-were pureirasetinj New Yark bofore thre recemt ris. mn prices; he is therefoér esrabled ta lf'er a GOW dI.ill ke t a Louer Priae Ihan iî can now le irnported for. Likeïviie a 'omnplet. Stock -of Wnruc>3,Sept. 24, 18. EVANS& IL T40,fN Clotbiîig, an'il General No. 5, City Buildinîgs, ,NEXT DOOR TO J. R. ZrIOUNTJOYIS SIGN 0F THE, GOLDEN EVMIS e HAUIL TOI"2- Custumersanmd Frienids wihl always fatîd un baud a large and well acd stock of seaonable wll-made,, welt-trimmed, andi fashimabl.e a RAD-MDECLOTHIN Copiisting 'of cvery kind andi style of Coats, Ve»:, and Pantalooru, !lotAs Friointhe extra £aelity for making îîp stock at their Establishment in Moitrèal and pîirchasing it the ehcapest Wholesale Markets. FLTEECE, FOR CASH ONIY, They can, anrl4odsell ClICEAPER.Çog. titan 'ary other flouse hTrirT Wbiol esale -bîmyce s spplîed ronRflon ' ble Terme.* EDWAIiD EVAN$, W B. HANILTON,) .McGil 9treet, Montreal. King .Street,' Toronto. Toronto, Jun e 7th 185 1. - 86 mdc. AV 8ONTER -sTOC CLOT}IING &DRY GOODS WHO-LESA&LE< E TAÀI L Clothiersi, Outfltters and-,Genercd Dry- Goods Mxechnts, SION Or Tifs:GOLDEN Lroyw, Sic*T H OLE. i 26, KikG Sratt'r, LuS,, Tatoxco.à o & 26, LeSvatzz'r Las,, Toacerot 1 3 EG ta tifo m t e re de oftire W htby Reporter, andi public gemerafly, tbat seleiesroitiebl Stocks in Foreign Marketsaand purchased for CASf, wili ietmnwd, upoaex-t amins&ieIo, unsurPassd ls Inbs Ciy, or qualis>, style andi cheapness. An X»sp9etlin a Invite&' - READ 111E FOLLOWING: Diae*k Orlens Clot Ir fres>0 8 pr. yd. White Cotlons frco 03, p. yd. Coloureti1- - 4 à 0 9 "i Grey a 1 yd. "fi 0. 4 I BlacirCobomarg 44 , O10 di ad 'aAmerican id 0- 4 4 CoIomîredl~i 4 1-ý2'd wide" 1 9- di diaaSheeting 2ÃŽ-d. d'i O8 s" 1'austin teLain" " 0 à# I Sriel hrtiasg "il 41-21, Prîitlyti. wide 05 Bd "0 IdTc 71-2", -Hoy .'s 0'-1- O7 " Brown Hoilanti 0 O71-'VI à yd Lngbams (Heavy) ai 8 Gala, Plaids " 0O7 1-24" DarltSairle Boas idD skaleuls t 3 9- Grey 8uirre1" 2 6 Grey S1rirrel di" il 3 "15 0- Stci'aartin " 4" 140 0 ,O - mink aa a40 S9 M4ai, "37 6:,- 'Toére~ vi> a~cc1cniSlokofubinabeDE SGOODS, Silira, G loves, lioiier>', &c., at 457e49>idrg priss. ~ 1>Q W Wooi séaý hSawls, wrh of notice. Watered, and Pbamask-More'em, Carpe&ý- DruggÉits, 4-c. 4-. f elegant Patterns. In 1Uýciz woolcil, Dcpartmeint art frm5 *eeà 2 Piot Clotirh i 4 T/ssii oulddcat1l tculari ýTir'. éhble Of irbictb ing matie up und*erîbi equalied in Cersada, for style or ettldg, .tîli ->' C:*Otbe- ,an Sattinetts Clotas, bt/ssii' a#3or'tment of NG Item. dé Ior6 IMANUFACTURR0F OP SOL4~ HARNJ?.S LUMI e ltA Cqp/apaid for Hide, rand - Aira, Wkeat, Oats, Potr .ad P.arl,4#4q lVbitby Village, 7tb âmue, 186M. ALSIANIBI TIIOMflSN, I tM. Ex*lëýtent accommodatiions for travefftii.; Gocd 4 Stabing for 1fo"eIê* 1 A L EX.. P ILI N GLE. WHIITB Y VILLibÃŽE. Mllortlers in his liue prompoy e: ggeutd. F21C I T#'ic bite» Faaioiu almayuiojeàand. A Whitby, April 19, 1850.' emu orrboea or A D 11IR'KL, Wbi$1.yf Liaptala Kerr, s w 11LICIYC TORONTO for RDCVMRST£R HTEE' ý inencinq Truelay siext,> *vexy Te$- T Quant h»rsdahn y'. andi Saturday momigg, a: Il qj p. o'clckpreciroty, callinàr a t Wbtby.'OCshawa, Darlington, Bond Hms4, Port Hope, sud'Co~bout ç, Wb~~' w ex athr per nttinz. b t y Will eave ROCHER dy TOQO0NT0, cal- lingat theahoie Po ts, (wealher permttint,)eYçery D Monday.> Wednesday, and Frîdiay mornhlig Sat 9 roccor -CI This iu lb. sitoisT, ?Lzàà*Ir'Z5T,tnd eoWalia cuzýpr« troute tb New Yolk. Tisa f*om To. C rnoto New York, torty hours. wiby Royal Mai Sîeai-Pe'ket Ofice, Toronto, MNay 1, 1851. "49-y. JUST RE CEIVWJ I. th T TJ. H. GERRIEIS Drug 154 bock Store, .ASCHOOLCRAI<TS' A3IERICA.N Indiars. 1Thei llistoT, condition and prspmects cnai>- Cam Iliur"rated with Engravings.- Whîtbr, 24 3uly, 1851 15-.11. COI FOJNT-AIN PENS. VIA L L EachPei lacapahle of conningIloiï et=oçir ta write tIwefo 0ap pages. ,T te>' aent aanti beautifrrl, anti alilmys reati> for use, as lir> cari> ihrir own inir. whiîb', S&Pt. 13,1851., 22. J AM-S WALLACE bheato b rtua that hc bas b..» appoir.tet -Aet for ilg anti tira lte iipr",aed Iofake flslls attI*dfliua brancrhes et saiti CorpaW>. Wkitiry, iot .pember4S1. Stt l. . SCROFfEL3 ENMPORTERS LD. ' .! bea tro -fl *Whftb>'Vinage, - Iast Steel B r4OR SALE. bei: Cast Steel,exj loronto, Jane 7t geseraaîy. 270 packagel extra1 60 packa-g aor ckag ,, k 200 p 6~ 7, avers -~ as 1

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