Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Reporter, 29 Nov 1851, p. 2

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-WOPEAN, NEWS IPER s$T' ho intelligence in gaIncrai i% ofcorn- mble ititereot ; ils two luiîja s lire the rcs of Ill te -FÇ!cI iet, n nd alnotîter relliankable ýc of 'NM. 1CsuLieli. TIreý lutter delivered in <2ujefflmgen - Fields, )e. whiu nrclriued tii tro jplace (rai ifs ni ethetlu'im!tîgrian ucnlçoîtes. ýi the riotto '1'uecunic Jrusîlh."- ý o ful!owed a largt lnrnner,alito wth eet, là-qtti md green groinnd, car- 1¶ fumr'î( Ir ivo: 'a, ing l. it;l jiscitin. 'Tlrci4 istt> tîbstncle hfc Tfrklib Flag, nticlr whieh 'lire t&s l6r heUnion Jr.of t Eg 1 end bnstqrs.qnuti stripes of' Ie "thc " .teesýana fullO*lng iter in rIcvaiona large silk hin:i:cr, haw- vir itil t .vel,"Kossnîth andtiz. TtiL-lîr wi,*4ii~rvuî otr KI f t a ' c i îh rtis(-riptioti in àlitir -'r.teriiity ci' te Pos sert ci' 1ee w-4 nairecarric'd ili bb finle rf coliet; rt'the Timrr nesq- Wh r** aa é1t.nsu-m tliera 1t, is M. K-isntti tir rn tarac fIirwayd o nb dieu tIse' vats snii l c dr sM 4e lccrsolit-lii-:ý hItc: ctI- v t nlaii :01 r i-e.4k; ai IÇSP itdrspstto:î Mr. 'I'lirrtroii act Somaisa.ud Ii i r un i1 taiforr -i*4lky a"eKteJd C;14kutOC "s-ec," ut a-c soatuo r et' Lheclteei oie=thotigh ir hsd iay nly 4taart ui'th, cwwI, Afttrerti PeCtte îuuuýOpi qtrioily desierie(l. i <9e War Wduesday, a c'y unieries _ deputîrtrors f'ronttire-Socacty ut tUic -iends M ltal Y, %caied lnmtn 'l . Itus- aUth,.8t iris resit!li-to lslin, slhwe - Lut it at c.s tpes.a'uiati aulcs £&4vtia.arsadtd.~<re-uiîMîe\o -smun iseu- platyimreindeed tt irlean assd alci dlit*Il rai ires , arsint fNu.zi.nî u<hotevniaatd a.Inigi. peson1011ai htit- ~ig W tMl..3 tie. lisîei' lesuileesa iLawd, s napenide nth saruil 0eûKati -d ine -'rc idlYical wli hoil eshtnioauggal. ise rena<neans twnaswvdd rve the -sCiltinCs Ul wrk tiiwn u,;l w srea- mel ieb ai.r is*s-'4belits le, l peaetu tse PtL1 frWW 4. ent-ieswe at in acntu a;n -fittu kwIisverto l m d ttrvcpm- marnellot<l Ille a q iesof usin è the(7liiiii; taî<mywiie rd >v 'umjti a ri p rc i;- addurcsses s wil sýat' ive as l4 dk. - ýe rir Ssc:ct proerlm; Ii hitb)e, ansput' ict? Mt il]p 4 'er iunar n l t hiisg e prc-si ai esl tirsk'm tl t ula r ' e a-upl rutuutr jsroeçripe jd >- wli t tiser ewcd tIli tire>' w te fu¾1i Uqoftno ri, ure'bsiit, oirnkuU , o . ~ h a n i ~ o f ýs aiu 'ssibwle- teli efultltiuE lle uîîsiee orîli rit dur - w; siu tIre 'la<idoeie hoë tte nti, >piractîcal lient te the] in tire cuse Of. Hon-1 14, Tise correspondent cf thé Tirnes in Aus- tria, aya:'-é Tire Ilungariar part>' in daily g-aunurg streu~ll anal couraoe, altiepesa .LVu$, tlte'oiga>of, tise.olci tomsarvativu, friraki> è dclares tint' tise mainiteniance 1-,of Iaia* 8.a state in thi>'polatical'orgmr>i1- zatiQJPtt4e 4usrian éinpirdis necessar" hIti.!l addeI tirai. Iis muai. noîlbe susudr- ,*teod. ungary' makes no daim te an i'i- depeadent political existence, ab tis i -WooId ire opposel to-the unity of tire enspimc, but il requires 4'an iadepeneietinternal govern-; ament, tire maintenrance of 'its onen julicial bsuinlcivil matters, and thse indepeaident adminlt-atiorrof its oteir affals.'"' T1aére is consierable excitearruai among thse -Sousth slavonie races, Tire -Rrichas Zeitun;îigsws îisa t bril a censîderabIeý and tir.eastecis Europe, andlof eoave-ying btinihse ebitatries i kaowlçdger cf tisemste anrd prog"cs of publii' opinion l is theesi., by wii tiomir onraneipation mn>' ie forteard- mie and achteveil. Tire names of tireMeM- bers ef tise commitee, nui tise rulesof tire asociation, will 1e shorîl>' publisl:cd -, but la tire mennwile t I. topoael b place at tA»mtk4diPOW IUs.moinsof prqsecutiagr tise objeettebicis 1e ,bas in viete, by iolvitiag. thomo teho weoce anxions.tai subseribe toteards persuisal t£stimnoz)îia rci redclime%) ta turu their contrhboitious, large, or amali, itrt tis channel. As. tomporary' treasurer, 1 shah bc happy ta recels. sucir coatribi-- tions, toretlrer -witir coninuneatioins (from -tirose diipos.d IUs jota tise proposed associa- tioni or to devote tiseir exertions to forwarci- iurg l, objeet. DUDLEY COUJTT-S STVART. Our accouots (rom Gibraltar are ta the a1st uIt.'Nofurther intel-ligence IraI eacir- ed <lut place (constise Riff ;oast, relative ta tire Moorisi pirates, Wbo had beaten off ber Mjety's steaun sloop, Janu.s, exCépt that tire five faim takcen is>'tire-,Moors, andl note held la ciptivit>-. belonged te the Britisis bcig Nelson, whieh was laden wth Indan c*r-ud Iratben mptîsred dtèclng lber voy- ag (reim tie I3ack 8ea ta'CorkIller Mjesty's ship Arètirusa, 50, taId steamer Daurntlcss,33,arrlred atr.-lrbralrar, 3lstulî., andl were'tlere wlren tire Iéuiiîsc left. ler Majesty's ship Janrus, ws a al'.inl the bay. andrit war. xpecteil tiraI h--thre e irehips woof-d ipedilr re dîspatchei toalise Jiff coant'te siveQ-gçtire lsîe defeat, anud ta tes - eue thre BritisisisurtjectA Sbinlu captivit>.- Sonné otirer Wbtjs were also looked for fi-ci Sic W. Parirrs fleet, mad'ît waq proposei tr lard-ai sufficîeat force iteor Cape Tees Eorcas, la acIer, if possible, utterly ta ex-, tirpîte tire pcswerful aicil aring lbarde% of, Amibs wiro systemafictally ccab andl plonder the-merelsast siipping of aIl nations. Tise National Asseasbly wu agaùr openeil on thre 4th îmet.NM. IDupi was re-elected 'esident, andl M. Bedeau, I)maiuI andl 2Be- voitis d'Asy, vice presideuîts. Tire Message of thre Presideat 'van reaui. Thre ralintor aftewaa-cs, read a projeet of lite, procsiig tire complete abrog~ation uof tire lawof thire 31 st of May, 1850, and re ebtab i5isang tireelectoral, lateof tire 15Wi XMarçir, 1849. la virtue of th£ acte lare, ail cîiten 21year of- age, aud baving Iresidel -six mohsainu tire commune, are delarel electors. Thse militer>' Meo>are to'vote in thse, eqaraune - uhere riry-wtere bor anaid dl-rev tire eenscclptoa. 'Public fuaaaionarie., and mnlnlters of relIglou worsiip recoez 1»' Use, state ar e oerelc ir elic tou-aI rght la tise consmne rehere they ,exerci"e tireir fssactiouss, wlsatFnec say bc ethse penoal of ihseir residence. Tihe miniiter, 'M concelusion, de"rnîd ourgenry" for tis Ineastire.ic, isi t hé1< l eustomnsry ;prelinnis a>'for tire 'p>rasures 5of mosi imiportanrce, anrd ives tbens a prece- ileoue of disèuss'ion'- efore any'ot-ser barsi. nee. Tise proposition fer urgency 'vasbls.- ly'.apjposed, and negatired on a division# Te awsribly's vote, b>' wiibUr gency for thse aew eleetorial bill was rejecte d, im- plies n't or>]>'tire dereat of tire Mnl!sLar>' on tise cardinal point of is policy,, but tise ce- jeetion of thre 1bill sas iusir-st stage. Thisis a tire Prologue Us cndlessdelaY. Th> ih 'viii nowr, accordrrsg to Use orgamie layr of lire Cortacil of-state, bave ta ire reféreil ta tira- examlanation of I$iis boî,--tlse core:ncas cf reisose labors are iowveil kaown. Tire detisoasratioiss la Eng lanird a avor cf KosanUs, have ceateil a great impression baethinu tise Gaverursienri andl People of Aus-- tria. - no ras, bor rer, ace pîiliis une ht wvts tboightt lait e tximove- ment of thre troops would b.te tirrcw àtuplies into Fuît- White and Cux, by w'hiecr tiarie. the arrivaI ut'tise rifles au d laucrs might be expecleil. eaabiiathe cunmmaide-iir-chief te perfecct bis ar- rangements. and'to enster upbonfutur. eperations upon a more eZteadted oaie, andl wurtirmûre decoisive eficit. Tire wase at latest, tlie amreavance-cf *mueatl ~tb 1 a cle ed, Ë el <iescérip tio Il cep .13, taed byI thre o S. ûJu s ai 'mo é d en er thse i-e inclined tI esereise thse sacreil oiffice o ýstiie-the paid spy is calied as vritness and consiutoal oinion continu- nefl 0 c1lh gallYs; PôIi9iè Iel iI.eicited îhson htie mediurof, the confelsional, andl bce tho wonuld obtain a gov-, ernenent apporntînent musrui lais ncighUor A more ateful systemi of imrnnmrlity kt would 11e diffleulî to inmagiue ia a Christian country; l ,t er- worst eiaupics of.huqnanity arc 4hoqen oxerie<b iiOf tiremost coe4 rrrpt goycritinent ln 'Iurope, -Thse Garion-of Gautl- to, ircasel tq,30,OOO.1 Preparations are in progrets to reiethé Popeand ii;cardinal., sioulId bhe events of France rentier lt necessaey for thre king fo offer agan ai asle thele nd legs of thre N.atiàno. $pain is alrracly t-lsi:ig to feel tihe cffets o(I lle power giveln 1Io tht- ctergy. 11e Gazette of the 29th Octo- ber cuîntains the i'olowving- royal ordle : -" On nacconnt. of the anti-social ad irreli!iunn1 >luuact cf lte îeriodical pnllished uûdter tIle tille of the Eurpe the Qn-en'Iras beer, 1îilcased tu order, in accordrruce wiltiste opinlion <'if the culiic;l t' î nu:istes, flur te suid pe. rriclieal tic> jr:ppre.-sted.(i e)Bet- trant de Lis." Trhis royal 'irdýer Wns * ear'ififrrn<, cewhial re- Ilactanbly<- ii r înîance rît'the' urgent demnandali' the Pop&s nuncio Mlon- signor lrunelli, Whos atnîtnion had been calici by tire Sîuanislu clergy tose- veral wel vritten articles i suthe EEuro- pe on Ilile concordit, aîd 1tu one espc'cinl- ly mn haNte '(ofîthenationsal gnofd, and ini wti:ch liheclergy' andti lîe rdh-n- oies tire îllerv seLvervIlv h'audied. The' Professor of N,%uttoral Philuoophy in one' (r te lufiticuIpI UuiytC5itilC Or' .ain iras bettu dettrived of higi prufessurghil' lis cunsequence ufthei cosnjialntsof the ishop or Orenso, W110 accrrsed tise peu- Isreit'fheretical doctrintes. Every jîsurîsl, vxcept Ïlise mnneuicri- al Order, wl.îcl keepas slencre un tte £uLject. coridems n la ivetruaigest termes Ile arbitrary sets of'Il ila i;Qitry il) supjircsrsng Use evering pr e, tue Eu- ropa. They u:ghly iy urmoe Susal. the mneasuure la brtai. ite<giiuîiisg f a razzia nulIle publie press. 'Hic.V(4cion cuiciudes a. Very cffccîlve article un tihe subjeet MilrtIste iarting Word% uof thse gladiaiorIl CScsar, n.sriluri lu sale- taui t.? - The provinîciail Ip-ers bring us a t'oa. fal catahgu of crises cmi' ail it~ assussmations, suicides, aind higliway 'nuE KFFIR WÂm.-By rtheartriVaI osf thre sietner 4Busphorus> ai Southb- inîplone Wo have news frota CapelTw to thIst i.of Octuber, sudlt'tom Geai ham's Townl to lise 2Othocf, Septembet. 'No itnporturnt elrents have oectired la: the - war. - Colonel Mackmn non easud 00- lâtil Eyre had returured, froià patrois ins tlaei?:sl River, bs, having suffered severe u, wllotayuigdr. Tire oýfficiai aecouai. of' hssus il tise Fifi: River bjush, -a, surnnary ut' wiclV reach- cd us^ by-last niail, is mure dunai dtian il wtt, ev'eisrsujpoarri lu lic. 'The te- Itîrnu sirws tire serions total of seventyr ciglît castuatties, 0' wlrîch no fewer tin twenty.nine imersare kil leil Vostise spuKt, Itwo have omti ýdied et' thei wonstids, anad eigit. are ,.nrraeonted ýft#r, -but have- lhercr lim 1 dîri iin 1y tire hand I3IJItGESS &LITMN, Corer tof Kiugarnd C;ïurch Sti-ect,jîiing hic CJurt Jtouuîu. To>ronto. N'îvi-mfb.r 1-8, 185 1 . IN THE COURT OF BANK-I FEATIIERS. FEATHEJIS. RUPTCY. For tMe UnitedCmuntims of ,NmthMueil)>cr-! 2, of)0 L13 S. G.; ýLEEs ET11 land and Dhm, oimcriii dur C oert u WAINTE. tsrmfo, iR, E. PEll- Y of Bankruptcyfor tlie District ofY-ew- Whith, Nov. 281h, 14Ol. 33-b-liî On the Petition of Robert Gxil les- FliR A ND PLUJSHI CAPS. pie and Others. - Sbeie s3 rm ccce T BE SOLD BEFORE GEORGE 'MOSSS Mtsotrl &cn.n lîtCp Ubu T BSWELL, Esq.. Judfge f the'ointy Court of thbm saut Uîîited Criuriuie4, niuir i pro-AfS Settian of a tCOmmi""ionrof Banalopteyawaid-d t 50 KEGxS W'iryTIE-PAlNT.f and iemoei,, d now in porsectuion aeain4t Joulis !E.- , Bacrear.of the 'Township of Daeiigiiî.. 21Mj1efr. lwth fîyNR..n F.. 1,x.L at tse Gf.OBi YtFL', in '14, 1'ows OF Y Q. jh, COBOURG, 'nitire Counîy of Nitaltnl on SATURDÂY; , s xtu as or DÈcrbtupa . -- Frfl îLroRpre. CCEX?, b.îwcean he hboireof 'Fas and ld*Twvta 'ImEco l"<' of te ic.nIFrnobe ulidellne'nîîoried 4 ITX,- otcjina ur Propeety.aaei-1 - Isue. a letter <po-, tbsubject of-'.oîr Lot ?Ne. 1.--Aii*ad lsipsise <bat eprtain areml' Iigbts." profcscedly -frou a alady, isonagi of-aur-aid reaieseiuac i tre owru.:e.ofsom~e ofIte illwstraticirs nnade ur'c of wctuln Dalnçnafreidmdcapo opari (fLots eô-'edoa14k NOS. Thiete n d Fourleenuic ire SSe<adCiç t- aiik nlfor iemner la c ainsi of lis940aiTotsii -, comtail; 5eiwikh ns>'naine, and a sîtteinîen rmade bel1 cisîins-asd .ixty-eemr> Uniesin a direetion suat, fme, art meaitioae-d, 1.consider mys-cif, aii tomnteen anad a hal<degrr-ms ail (rom I'nr u.,rndl-"4 1leasi, nusifiablc. in commenting upon il; j e-rner oft te-norib-wcmiq.saeter oi Lot No Tiair- y i u1r c reeninrtheire 'onul Conc«Suiufýnotihes 'io~-wl l ami arxieus t'> do<>tlarou I sbpwbere a post ashein inplaited î No . 1 'hetjier, if anvtliing ci-upupulir is adrti'sml.l< nonth fourtoon anal a hait <iereesswmt. fontr lr4iiýthetiure. 'jim, andl otier e, ovevre- tia tuitstoapo:~ o. - -Titn ocui-sce'ea.~-qtIL--e irle lube bUnef ; as I ames muci <nloce uf i rive andal*a halitcegrees West, ten chain, To a prst, - No 3.Thcnorît ursy-uevsa <egrrs ést u- " îorking tien-a literai-y teoilair. j chirmiis'sifenty-fivebîka oi poin, 1No4: 'rt hi: iseinti oductioui of tire abovPe mnton- -o toaifrv-atc'dege- st* os:, lh'eeaili;6 sIf) ibt'- cd suririetise antbortes-s sarb, "'IThe mn-s No .Then ourt.,weety dtmgmeeea -',r.£'. cisains tcc'm:aryj t1vm ln Iob sart Nuô,il6-'fl ics g:ctofbra .as- ri d u ui not mvr-ve and à haîf d'gexes at, sixreeýin# ithe -eaigcitt. 'trzrigt' assertion Ibis chaiêsie try linka niore Sorts, To uhe placo uS wlîeai ai so elalitit bryond the nar- be;ianian onanis aîeacres and, ti:reuy-:neroît' wcirce c f -th1irl'liidr-l aarransi w- 1,od'yir tire saumore otles., tenit niÂt- -r namea é iheetobl>to ongiui i thesnpulte-. vantaemu 'vir:ccmmunitis rand' mrnaonscarrs Lot <o.2.-Al ad-est haï aattirtaio ur r-l swaenycl io auels b>' local anal intereîled -or tract-o! Litdanad Pemrmessiluate. lyiiitertd riews..Ilow f(ccvpersoas can divest t lir: a. btuiiugs inte TowusieiipofDaHi»gnion al'>uesaïd -leSiv hs eroa rjdieeç containg 6>' admeasuureeenELEc'zntAcmnu a£$,iee esoa pliies ctugs tire saine more,4or tebi~cornîoiued of ' p s *1sciltcomprelirentl the grealt tnuti of tire cent-! r Lots Nos. Tiiteetisand Fourtecna, iii tu' Seii.l mon broîirerIeud ofarnmokinal; tire coMnmnani- Concesion M tise saut Tocvosbip, wiiicl said r(y of ieueres tire uiait>' andl oneness o; porfl Landai asy ieberter known as faolot ,: lulndi, and tire uriverc5ality.of trie laits 'viner CttPnjci9g scixtei s daine aand ixty-bcovei iiks m -t l.1o e sei le inaa ir a direci:urnsmautb, <orie-n and 'a bâll dcerieeif venI.hlî'fw e a hemntl ear4 rroai tiré nothumu onru b iîi-ur i u il ryic i arIi, tiseterirat là f e- quater of Lot No. Taineeain lui u' ëieid C-mî ii-ience. Yet sucis nut- exist, or al pro. 1 ceessof lte MaWni Tnwrasbip, rehere a 1.utt4ae-'grsacsoldbe imrpomsible, and l al Irat, pires- been plantd irsriced ÈN. 1 ; tit:as suýhcuesî-f - dve ansd a baif do'grtree, -it seve:iltei chaus cn.saIsître lrrau. Aswts atr -aiffy-tive inkis ro aps"uNo. 21 :lheii euîh 4-n'as r'0sithmi-id;l; ike causes, 'viii produce like ansi a liait degrees, main thiîirti v finî ii tr: ti ., ffe(!t5 1ion >-tire las-gest -asses, ana li to &Pest INo. 3ohen 55cr stiUc Cpi-k ilieut ih.aasta f cnaiiesî perceptible entities. Thisesutheir' more or lues, Is a peu No. 4; Iburîs ini 'vsl-ro view humain alâirb inathre aggreaîe lire degrem, eait as nite ebtainu <o a ntN.z-11gae thenamib tlsirtiy-sarcondegrets, east live r-isaiiu re thre oeil>' nels reo look te tire causeS oft tlfty linkst osa-pur No. 6, tben srort smevi-mîy-fic'e evil ;anudtire>' aloire are preéaueal to -Pre-' ad is aîf degreesi, eau lhmve ehains toii a jsout Xn, -scribeanu efficieni. renteil>' .ýfb r r ain andtwety iab o te pare f b-gi f- I W ile, begýtà'le unde teod, tiat I do uing, with tthe Mills andi ottsesr udings ttUrcu not'wVish foc a anonopol>' of, or even a Parý- *s.-si. - -' îionuin, tieýduties and homo,-. of COn.1- - AmeLoiNo.1.-tt hifraretoLan ani "e5s, and 1 btiee'.tiat womanriasas - Pemui sifaaitaiand Wbinç lanthe T 'slbp QI11, ,'s a DsrlàWm xahtfù ai, cotaiminlu;y ailrenssure- lui-e indiéatesq.a 'gi pciuIar 4spre ila iea mont O"sUqairter *f'an Acre, atmeiee ien.Ia s 0rimltt t4) k et auieof te. ,,n..i ünder the o.3p>'d .rf,îett, Cof jufr' j IUFqç i vlçeiga dyél, 74tb UlgtýnderÎ uon thdiiorn-C. ~ept:g~lbCtfeb me éiwght-1. -e L I% IIL4ýES ALE- & -RETAIL I WBE BeF to intimate tp aur Cuistoiner--tle Jnbabitants of Torornto and iurrounding country-fhà,twe havý,now reéefted our c-onrtplPié xmtrnrnnIof JVNTEiR GOODS, wlih, lipon inspection, wili be foutid of better value. moue ,xe*v s.reaL!r'lýs qtàantityand moue vatird in styie than we barle ever thIe sat.istacîîvoi nr îi<~to uiiu t-c;îlirome6 At the pubhlic ie fore. Trai Ioring la esiUts Beantls c eWÀth taite lç d.spatc. Mem's Etoffi43 Ehooing ras rm S i dn' fwiITÎtrerl, from 20 do Wtoitney d&do 171 6'Cul ôy 'È ,Eltrf 'do 'do i do Finé- Broi&dlolh do do 30g> woJ4.iIj.-y <4> do, Di do Eroffe Oecer Comta, do 22* Gd WiroPi Paw ri, dO 3a 'id do. Wittey do do 2fbi Rfd Fhirur<vliEhir1e, do ls 4 1-2, do Beavtr -do do X! b r'deuu s Toffe , do 6k 3J1 Bocy'. E:offe Comte, - dn Ils 3i1 do;(rasimere do -do 7# 64 do Whitney do do J1 i P do F<uusey do do 3.4'id Whiten Sbirts, dd) 4o 4 -2j ido -atf iiitir do 7. ý6d Striped Sbir:s, do 2g «6,1 da Blaclc (bih do do, 7# f64 Men'e Etoffe Troomers, dis 8x 9d> do i,'iaa Tweed do do 0 3< do Doetkifl du <Jo 13q'D Boy'$s Fuocy do. do 24 ed do Cammre do da > 1 3à 911 dit Etoffé de do 3109 da Canadî Tweed de" do m iPd i C.tri p, d(in *10 1-2 do Corduroy- do da 8x 'il For LCuîs, doa 24f6d Pocket and Neck Ilanderchiefs., Shiirt Collai's and Fro0nts, Unubertllas-and Cerpet 1kg.. MAEN'8 PARIS SATIN HLTS9_BU~CK OU DEDAB. 1)ilY GO001S Flannels, (Rdad Wiîte> Ionle3<1 Qui!:, and Criante: paneý% Blasnketi, (pet Pair) do 8s '9d Bed Ttek açd 10% mis, Seori showls, do -13j 'iW j ?ontiê-I Riliions, lion: 2 1-2il F.ctoiy Cotton. Ji 1-2il Ili'rîuîm. (fast d>ioursy do 51 1-2d Cotton ap (pet bondie). da 48 4 1-241 Gala.Pl~aidrn, do 'id Lades'Cloks nd onntoWfite ottndu 3 1-241 Muffe and Bouy prdSiiiî-g, do 4 F-2#4 -aeadm terials for Mounug <id a150 pieccus .Nouaselu, fleLaisie. rod u'wyàrdwie, ai 10 1-2d per yard. L ~ An immense aasortmp-nt of Stiot, S: :i prd, Clierlkrd. Foee n Plain sletrihsl for Ladies, Dressesi -0f the n-ere,:tytroand Fahrlce. Riblîss<t.iec>, Eiaios, t1ovP5Hosiery, Floweix, Cali Frunts, Veils, lusiin, Sewed Good<,sui îi, Velvers, Siawf.aod Har;4lkerc1iefs, &c, &c, C\&een P'&e For Repi esentàlive of the TiiirdRidisg. proircusion. 4308 WRIGHT, Esq., A JI . giWiîh rspert ta tie Ciergy Reserver keaiing fi q:uesîion, tise JourrraL cf tire fouse beore opin ion ho Rlidgo.fliFor.. vùedfor- ir p- 2Mê qvadti propriation tor Bdricaionr 1oppobedth 'Cxi!ting' etle e t c 1 e-Itlroughit lun- lise addresr jusî."-Ad r.rs f.E. I. 77iompson, 3id exîracts tet Mit-i. 1ý '-ý an Addres to 1AMr. Ncrttt the ]ileetors of ii -14solicitiurg tieir -"' 46 ý,- iam IIecnur1,eto-Serein mnore tian't a f tPil-,1 ci-D eecturl anl lie oanounecr ti.c uia!T Platfornr, un- cor.!,nt of 'ce Rcteornn ecus iiilaiproof of irms si-b>li M t*Vais to tise jusî lýet1Piret o«the Clergy R 're,-reférs ii te tire - Yo"rW%î.of tire rit>' of tire t'r-.dnitig tire liai>c wich e hir ad thre courneil tih( tuonour of r;oldiuga, seat forirIse :Second I I5uUft Eèiî0<Ungp(wirichbiitlinglhm.since, la apprevil I secuie ts of. ris I'arlanientary slewardsip, given blm .et v f t1iè >Ls ELEVEN votes,) but tales especia ald gellern care not, te state <la> or date on wikbuid y vrotes" wrt-r given, or on- usiat page of thre Slýrai J ountulatise ame of E. W., T 'l Psoesz' Na~- can be founal ia favour of a juat and eqisita- .Ruatns ~~le ~ ; ajseet accordaaa t'eh rtire rieJt On tire 1 uaderstnoolri.shex of the pecoe, et diml- bortant qrze5tion. If Me. Tlr<rusS on twi-t thre fôllowinm exti'acta ftrs thse Jour- rais of-tire flouse,andI Iis votes on tise'sate lalenti s in favour ofthUe Ilserves for Edscation<, be'oft, &ý-l' slWopr, ià-ebnded brý mr. Oibojs,j 1, h t s o m uA s o f te a bo r -u mta 4 ,re the prGýeeI& of tire s'ales$ of the CI~egy, tieserves, 'vhea-itransfecr'd to tira Prova'm Isd 7t =aV ire applildtùiIre purposs f Generm .i 1ý il 1 catru0.O! pij7u4ý t. Jad, 187. '~s lenl or )dcIn; l s-d83n ,<i - r4iu> [e esray as - £Lqui ted by man, toaf"JbôÏ tenS !TI8W '" " mY obtie r owes the priviegO> reatl Pm,. tWnsiM,(r aind looking upou .jj fh oa tice~ »Jacoba ay it b" àù --Tborbu-n, asd 16 prelucnd Illesentence, "îthebUM n i s N YSPae zornposed of a congeries of Çacultie5, euhl W. Thompsofl-4 originatinig a righit ;", but goci on to gay, and 14- others. tbat $hé Caffidmit to be " 1àeqUUit we ieve Bill ",IL of mechaniawM. tac/a stparate part perfet- ..a ý&Pj ted." .Not al that -IMrs. .TbOSIà*" TVVO$W $<pp9 rtant, teax, tfiait te existence ad goveu- sMd- Rueliginai, »É ing lates of 41 es. fieparate part," origna-e ,_-he t a rigbt to i- exérèise ; nor could thea arn-Sesolai ] -tener 1e 'o consînîid. as ccc» I -i inu esson ea Mn titat 1 conuider theen independent of eackz pay witli thîe Re3 otlwr. 1I bat îhey are asfitedini tire new as îhey pleascd. bdin infant. as ii 1the maturej biloscpher, ê.4* Idn ii*t dlirfte. "'<SO .4i1-eM e1lj*'Tiir1 ictd organs .tl Iiid ns 9 ast ti<'w born bahe-, if YDu pLease, Sn as ta pr- sustain Mr. Tiwî> ventî itfrom ever beinig u*ed, and eICI> oW lf r f"tri pretil will lel ttin . t. rel in ess-fIlth nco-s proves lih righit tw xercW se L The tion," andl appea eanhe law gosvrns tire ental 'farulties.' ci mn e.D *m -Whaî.Jacoba, meuiby <,the. "41110< th1e Eli" Mg0 ner. Ic-rnfeo,q%lf o not, Inow. Io it -ms bungling, or thre 4imînutivýe beads -of ii . 1  1ni 1jr k4 that m ake tt-i.ums',ich- 1The3rd clau " , iau'bis «îotes standieA eniwgiutn t-Me. Docas heCencan te in5inoat' e y',<l ',omg tileul that il ii sit of place, or unnatu.rul for wo- i Ul,4n formed ta icrason ani dots Pot i remembter It i3 beyond oui .lacoba, there is no effet -wibiut a cile,. pirate and frequen Therè 1*5 riothin.u' relevant in thereewinder .%O'* r f, m of thre letter, Î illî therafore rios", as nys- -'e mudle ialready Ion er than 1 intendeil. thre PrOeed01' ;MIls,. Mý. H. THOMÂS. to tbe 3ourna!o ir.thon, looke IMR. 11G1E. BROWIN la an I9tt ab other. - Ta thoriu'eil travelling Agent for the 0ntaiio Rqiorfrr, te obtain tubser>riber> andl receilve INasoqhr order-i for I'rinîiuig, Advertising. &c., cating and sustainii diposat te&,the 1 1 Li" Il EP0RTTE R. " leavivg o Sae' ~ tlsey ale&wdeil." afi

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