Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Reporter, 29 Nov 1851, p. 1

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IpIBLISfIIII )EVERY SÂTUEDAY ?MOaNliNG. TEN SILLUNG" 181aNY-îADAO 581 B 8188.884 tblk aethI< humait Iad~IItea~t. ué."-Tarence. WIIITBY, CANADA WEST, 'NOYE MBER 29ý OXTARI O MARBJ WORKS) MANUYACTIYRERS sud DCALEts in lonuments, Tomb Stoesu à Grive Meni, Witc, Green, Blwc4- Vai*egatcd Marb4e, Ctntre Tab(p., Stand-Topo, Chhunuey-Fwteefî SîkSoda $lab, Sun Pilts, Ptint ýS'onss, &c. Every variety of, Y 8UEdU VOU114= domeinasi' sperimr *ta, of tus Ue»»t.trat and rai TernaLîi rl N, B.-.W. &Co. biug W say ihalt iley have r.a erunaeclicat wlîh asiyother sb1araeIadihy impnre heit Marbte fmom i. uI a u>e Rantd Quintes, Vernmt,: DPmiDAUST-aar, WIItIta. 77ins. Wslsa, Mar&ham Village, .A;ent. I3L S iireturn hlus tineereiiancto bhis - Tieriaud 1 he- Public ge»era1ly, for the '.ery laberat support îhey have affiorded hlm li imespast. het ta kea ibis tuthOor of0fr1mîng.hhem tIi'bc t now recriviatg (rum -z ,NEW IV .YD <&" ONTJIF'L, A FULL,.iORtZIiT O r DRGS HEMI<QALS, PATENT DYE STUFFS, BOOKS# STATIONERY snd every thiat; tise in bis way, which he wll tbc prepared to: 8.11 st Lew Patcïs. . ftOSUIYARY "DEVELOPEXENT$. COMNS TOCK MEIIINES- & CIIEMICAL PREPARATIO'N, SOQ wd l nowa i Cpdgoav e %t' saattrtly corrterfeitec aand dtotribntie4ira Cainadta, l'y iae very persots Whou, C'ver thear own, sitatures, bove atmiuud at Dr. .u ivi S-1 Colû-ritcof Newa Yrk, bo the ony Pru'prietor. Thesearsilces are lst-The GRtEAT PM.V EXTR..CTOR, (Conels.) criqaitl Duarr,and aIt Exterual Pan#ansuSotes. 2ad-BALM 0OF COLUMBLI, for Sîyigrand Iletoriti; the Humait Hair. - 37d-NEWS*'-NERP FR f&BONi LrIMENT, and INDLIN iVRGETdBLkE ELIXIR, 4îb-cYJR'8OIL, te cuire ail Dcaf Persons- àth-IA YS5 LUNIMENT, a wetl krîowri cure for the Pile., &C. c.- 6î-D R. s$POHI 3'8SZCK IF4D.ICJiE 7tit-.IOTIIER'8 RELIEF, for ail Womera lM liae Famiy Way. Sth--0 N GL E V' -"GRA SIr IXDPI P4N*ICEf.-1. For Cols and, feveristi feelitiî;ms andpreventiniqevr. 2 For Aidtiafi, LvrCoapalndttiious: ufftartieraa. 3. Foyr Parte, ofgion' and Losa cof Appetite. 4,. For Cuatue li remsalesad malesand ner-onîcorn rlainui.- 5. For tousach sarctionsb, ysàpepia. Piles.ý Rlheuumatisrai, S&CThe. rea l junfuhare, il is a ra Iotetake, peyer cavei pain, an. ne- ver teav e on coSitp. 9tb-DR. BARTIIOLOEW'S PlNVK SYR UP for a11 C<uch% or tonsura ticut. 10tbhI«)LlSlT0CeS 'VERMIFUGE (Worm Kthler) for eh idren r çawn peroons. liuh-.JJR S. JBRQWN'S GRJE-f T PA4IN KILLFR--N&>idititi bai bei-n diicover. ed that 1-i .Chapiadapmte o use iilrnel * a ita LW à b te, a od yet peloran guet vondea wberue applied exti-rnially ms a waib1 or bath by friction. 'AIl the Remeieiaire fualy descuibed in Pamph- E equie ,fur Ille GFEgEZll PUILY IIEC?0l[Y -howiatq the Remuedies wli'u every famuf y shnl knep un their boases,snd ite mauet cf tuing liai-n by-Whi-h ailtrrar mluesnay b. prevet >or spaedly rvetuoed, withoul iee ru&ae of th, Cnred, Everyfamuilt- sindaeulPeelC5bo ho refer ta saen àany rimed-y is wanîed-botlias t thie pslctular artkicntdicate4 by :6<>' tosup*bi anud alowiig where asncb remiedy may catways b liod. scons, !CAMAN AMAC FOR Jus' Beiuved sud f«r-Sale by JAMES 8.GERRIE, - WAtbuv rlaF,.l M S MIEA VIE ROPIT BI IEST anti CIIEAPE ST article Tot 'Palotfaor outside or OrnÂmental Painting;, Ouiy ;sat or W7lby. JeST R.ECELVED, J¶UfIl Cfem1eal.Eiract of.Cherry sud Whiîby,'?îhNov.,l~ Dauoorsr. 151. .30 CliiRING-BON & WA VIN ÇU.REOnyign uwhitby, JAMËS il. GERRIE. Drug Store '71ba Nov.. kL851. .DYE ,STUFFS. Mdderj.usia, Eiar 1vini. Cndbeai, C-opperas, flue Vlttioî,&C. &C., F0or Sae I 1JAS. H. GERI1E, W. ..SWEEIS CELI43BATED t'ýnii 1dIc ls ILIVATO C1I1NESE J3ALSAM C IVRES Sar Throaî 1%uJ Sioraci, Coughs,à Colds, Chofic Paiiw, Whoo-,tÏ&g Cougb, Croup or RatAis, &c. SWElirr'S FAM'NILY -CURAT1IVE LrSN EN curés* al ?ai'ng! Cramrpç,'i, umbnesa, Actie in lii. Face, Net vus liead atid Toutti Acbe, Catarrh, Quiosy, &c.""Wlr J INFALLI BLIE EVE W-ATEIt, Cures ote, lndurmed or Weak Eves It corneî well recurnndNl. r i. TUE 1'11F. 0F 0ILS, Cure* a.1 Uieerated Soi* Chilblainu, &kt, and àî îirallîtble for many extemul dat aîes. Tr>' it; yuu WMIipot regrett iL Ti liY UNEQUALLED MEDICIE* SW'EET'S CELEIBATEI) BLACKC 0115' FOR IIOItSES '& CATTLEý!! Tht lea âand eheapesl redlaine knewr andruil well tecuearrended by gi-utemeru of Our- ewn-touan- îry. AUiltit bave usadit i speak weii ont.- For teatimoati,traillfora psaupllet. Tite ollosinq certufucate i îo .W'. Sephenson, Eaq., !Mayor cf SÊt. Catittrines, taada Wes t- iMa. %W. C. SwttJYDT nruiuPU»LC-l hava f«r mîarayyeart umeai Sweet*s »taek Oila for IHerses, and ea1sal.ily re'commend t tote ublieas a a re raie preparatîont or scratchies, galloi, cti, briiseo. paad, atiir actt.sores 0cf aIl kinais. lt i nloah itof in this country, ara- lte demnanu àa încreashÃŽtiat. 1Ibas e usi-a aony pref4ratiotstoi boncs, but tue preft-r*ce 1 ve aUlhtitalia<Iy ta thec aelebraleai Black Efilsi, anunfacturedl by W C Swcet, Jloche*let, N. Y. t woul a4vifteteer hoeiownuer te keep a boitte iftht above 011. ci baund, foris timnel yuse miliaav ie tnsd money, yomteupau-ttalty'. E.W. STEPIIENSON. t3w For Sale byT. C. Satteua. Dowtuavitt C. Huches, Port H4ope; Dr.- Prinaile, Cotuouar Witolesale Su Retait by H ER Wbirby viJIace Anlgnal22 851. , 9-y SUGON f ru d r, Màyeconâutted ilaily for acydiseaseaff&ètiOtidt -TEETIi oR C OhM'S, ITUfII e~tinsetC* on Gold plie or PiT,1 and Simcor trti s. O.hawarrNov. les, 15.3-I ~.ThUiaîu 1~stuII~nw NOTARY PUBLICrl, Commlotor et the Court of Queca's fteicb, 0onvéyancer, Draugh.s'm4rn,: 1SSUElR 0F MARRAGE LICENSES AND> ACCOUNTANT. ,Office neat tue Court Ilouse, ViIlage of MbAI;Cl1SsTzR, Toiwnsk~ of Rz4CH, C. W. 4 L C. THOMAS, C ON V EY NCER AND »AV4GI$Tg ertoe W iaVilge, 22 if ONTARIO RJIOTEL. (LATE RAYS-.) Ti aa: unno urstlfo Iav1 e l n m i l im p ro ve t s i n aath t Sîlab liaug ac- commodatiion,8anUr, lu place sl nu an equai fa',cinc ia ibis Now Countv. IHua Bar ai d Tales will always b. mùuppied wilh the beat thal can be proruted ina thp M uket, and evef y attentionu paid I tra î.elir acrnmu- niîy taI caS pàsaibly tralte thern fret comférahte and at home. -I-. wt Ti fur3 ln vhuuby. Aur. 23. M5!1. 12-tf. ONTARIO fHOUSE MERS!1 FARMERSI FARMARS1 TAXKE vYrICE Il AT we have optneat the' Store latelY ocuple4 bh ' Pars it avm, Eîq.. and have se1<cted your inspectioni one ni *hst teît, ciitapest. amd mou asinal AusorlmrnflhZof D)RY (,'OI)-èýp CLV 7H JAG, IA.TSs CAPS1, BPNMVTS. CLOP.,I$ BMOTS, SHOES, GROCERIES, &C, &Ci &C, e'er oft-'ued fo Il' anhdltantaf i ii !»-a. 'ie 11-y ('tx-)F. aviruz b..ai prrchased -*xprttJy for the benelt tt.oe. ho %V.-ish a tuatgom dartrcfr. at tht L IVEWR8 T PRIVCE, canriot failt 10grva. trahie uatisfaçtînu to the h'ayer. Th~e CLOTHING AND 1BOOTS & SHOiCS Ungiatis utacitaecd urader oui ou n jup -:n fira-rate vvoakment iraou>' owliemupoiiettt, ivîfl jmenS tht approbation cf ail *ho r-it 14Ir s"'LE,QUALfIfY &kIUJiAJILITY. Ar, t'A prict'î.th,- Sulusciibera beg tola y. ilual titey peek flot to infrirage ona th pivileutta of tholi- wbo pîîblhîhcracprtte and uterarîi auotha'r whtta the v,,siorer cornue tIo boy, but pledg' themselvesr to commence arrud continue to *tudy thse ifterkal t each purchasea by gaviat; temvera*'îy advanta-ge tba1t caial'e Lad in the «1 £nildis, Frcnçlr and Aincricaz Mark cts. W. nov intvite the people of Whîby sud nelgh- boairine toawnships 10 the O'TAI'RO 1101.1E. veher.- îhey va-ut ind every artile r airk-d in plain f ju&.ani t he lýOW#ot Toi-ente prÃŽcos surit as iitIeietr-e gauliactitOnain coniîdence, and seeure tet cuâtornocf al %ho ahaîl patrotize TiIOMPSON, PEARSO.N &CO. ME O!NWhil., 'atstiU, 1 !a. NE 8-tf. OIlI()J AS~ 1 , î~rr~n& n anut ericaua Maukdstanndaretao00 openilag Ueir Fall Stck of Dtp God, Glhizug, Groceri et, fie. Coaittni rnpart, otff Orlesans- Cloîb., Cobourp mINlihn-de- Gala Plaids, le'a Priats, yd, wide, Brillai andti Marican Grey andi Wthite Cotton Sitirhing, smock- Tislckia¶gs-CohttolnYarn, T. P. & ro, wnuld cal .pecnal attention te their apleradad gstocf Fur*, vi- Gry Squirrel aaidSable MItnud n lTiborinirs, urtCapsl A tcryj eten sire montment f REDYJIIJDE *CL O TII IY Comprii"ig every neceuirry for a coni- piete outfat, andtichlue beiag made under their owa inspcctji - , and by the Most FhA>b- ionable and eix eric8ced atide!y competiton Bonnet$, CIO s, i5hawls 4' arfs, In g coi at ?IW. &«Pu l tot heir well kaiown -t aitme-CITY P.UQES. Their uuually tîrge sitock cf Ortielies CI{EAP AS EVJLR. Ca!and Spe. THE 8Subscribers, of tht WIIITBY WOOLEM EACTORY, au, etil, atter poms edy tu ecucute &il «ore mvlcthei ler puaezop caslan>i5jay favor tbetr tTlaeir atate o prltc<wýifltbe 92 folIowo t -Woaul fro en .k iablitmted into Saîinet, the: if thou bast cnished a flower, The root ffay not b. bliht.d If tho'; hait quePirlheâ a lampo once mofre il mnay b. lighteil; But n', bhf Ar? oron tIr lute, < The. string wich tha'u hsstbrokif Shiait nier raiiweet noaand agia Givat to îhy uch a tokeai. l thou bastlIonted à blid Whope voice Of oUg could %cli. hee be Stijl, aiii'may hi. wun Frnm the skuies In warbte stur thi"; But if upon the tîotablO d Ott Thou bsst thrOwvn ia #tftaanheW.dd, flope n the wiaid or wave shafi brin; Jtctrrasiuwebuck When taeeed. If îhau hast ,àhfd av¶ine, Tii. .nmîier's breath la healia>;, Aat if$ chutera ?et 1ma5 çro,m Thron;h the leavea thelr blOor esafs; But i(thou haat a cup o'er:hrowil agi eaib give bock that iavished wcailh To cool the ParebedI!P's fev«r! The hemaI ÃŽ3 like th'-it cuP. If t hou woote the love it bor-e the., And like thatjewel tro e. Which the deep mîhI notrTestoie thee; ,Atd like Ibat strugothat rl ute GenlIy. O0azentty îouch thte borals, So "in forever ,hattered! À HESBAIXDIS LOVE. Strnqsr tarthant ledesre- Piîm a»trnîth i t*elf cafl be- Deeper than earth's rentfal fire- Bonradeàa as the oircling sus- Ya't ai mute Ai broken lyre- Io my love, dear rade for tbt.! Fuit many a day fjreveris lost By itelayligr tis wdrk tin tlo-morrow; The nutu'es ofuloth havre often toil Long years of booîlsu aorrow.' EXTRACTS FROM »JDI. . NAPL- . C's. LECTURE, - ON VIE 1Ct7T i À1NO UGAnBt, Als gelvercd before the Farmers f Dum- G il ai one quarte,. taxea romparatively notA-i ing.4 Th aenow bécfore the publi ,r diferent fro.n thosé in E rope, end far from eeing illîy cause of k sourage-1 mernl on -thc manufacture oif indigenous1 SUgr, J1 pereive evefy secturity fur the ýAmeriCa ibas furnim-hed Fronce and i Europewitîh many important, discove- ries, o ,f which, they tire rcaping ilic ail- vantaga, Frunco iriow pay iîg us ini the ame coinoie a.,traceci the roa foîr us-it is a >plain. anîd eASY pon, nd 1 an sure Canada ,will nel long remoin bcihid, but contribute largcly,by unfolditig the beefits of ftlie prcions gift of f Mnîîgnvtl" and Achutrd ta the celebrity of Ilicir Dames, and cesentially promnte tbie, riclies end IaroMerity tof titis P'rovince, Gossi p -a nd xlancleroaas uttlac kstry Io undermine nîy îderîukiiig, atd Itu dis,- turbintre, leut riever itd; utad if evca alunie, withîouit aîqi oe supp1Ortcr, Iwl go on. Lt is Iow IiIy or.ly airn. TluneI will prove tu ny encmîies t 10 cor- rect jÏidgment;.iheir 0uwî: coliscience wvill puisii thjem ;and mxuy Wottu il-.1114 shah ho fur ever- DO RIIGT-PEA4 GOD-AND UZAR NO UNZ ELBU. AN INt"FUPJATED WHTALE.-- MÂRVELLOUS ADVENTUItVES. 'I .1 I Il t I This estimute, by to, means exaggcâ- rated, shows, clearly that double thte :iih f Sugar .s otstained frins an %cre o! land, Ibat, thb.aines an supply î nwkeft t Againthe leavea ot th. Beet suplily a aseful ananure for the soUl which produ-. cd i t, aud tîh epulp cakes a pplie das food 'ar stock, give mhorelthon eqltivaleat fur the wheat sMrw, as a niea:os ofraai»- aiaiag andi isoressing.tic fertily cf the ground.- 1 havé seen ut fIc property o! Prince Couberg la IHungary. that a givèn *uh- laceof lan1ud bu supplied dtubletheïi. weigbî of tuegr ltait it Ls fursished lof Now if tic piice of titis [ast produot iia lower than tisat of the tiri, il ja soie- ly because the cuiture of tihe icett andi tie expense Ã" *fconverting itito stigtt, requires modre manuai Jabot ;' but it ia preciseiy on -tuisaccouit iat w. mnay_ fairly look for ruent sources or employ-. mciit forthc ndtustrýy andi ingenuify of our t'tdlow-citizeas, and increased pros-, perity for. the Province. :- Saîar unîliitoreumaitiehn nas-, c'.essanily itarese lte alirrnitary ret sources oif the country., anti ut thc same, lime ils population, andi with tliftthei demand forlurbor and prodtètinis, of every desription. Tbcy wiil, Ioe ove!,' Supply agricuilture witb ose' f t.b matfi effetuai meansof, introducing a' g6od, rotation of cropnq, and affimi~l grasses, for th ese benefits neyer st'n itccoýptaay limr. - 1h às proper 10 remark, that b'thc becv culture, a rew andtimpor1~lan tti- cie of!focd'iscrea'ted, without, i n ýny manitou, do>minisiingtheiiatial produc- tion, of grain, OrIlte o o411fur stek;but, On. tic ccntrary, niat.orially rnucaii4 tbem hbothun as his partlcularly.-itted 4 take ticp place of the falon, oz to x1tea aie -witi crfps of grai'm, uoad'-ifi s i sentialiy faciliuae a -gooti sybtoax o In -this antiipatibnôf ierèa",Ëd iý tie productiosn,, of geog4tp there la nbliing fancifitloiý'~%gget Fand il a sp "ee$gI>, aI& Me', p'rovince ç! jper~q4 Tice ship.nn&loadrCpt. 0ebloa, s idfrom New ÉeçfWr, Mais, ra>n ë,1 t., 18S50, fra cniise in the South >aillcefor $Perm whale. Havingtaken. aixîut NO0 larreis o! oit in the Atlantic, ho eshipý proceeded on berveoyu ge to te 'acifie. 'Nuthirig of unusual interest éccî,rred, until when passing Cape Horn one of t1he men, narned Jackson Walkeiý 4'tNewpor, N. H,, ws bot overboar in a shorm. Reaching tic Pacifie, she came î;p the cast ihd-stopped ah Valdi- via, cSst t' Chili, for fresh prov isions, ad thî1e 3lst o! Mamy Iast,aheo called at Faits, for thceîftrîbose of shippitig a mnan. The vesel proeede1 on her voy- ýageltoS otiPacifie. On the 2Ouh of Atugu5t ltt he reach- cd what la weii knowa .to ail ,yhalers, astie "lOff. Shorc-Groupd, in lat 5deg. 50t inis. Sonti, Ion. 102,Ieg;-- West-- 18~1, Cap. D7ehIdis'was ut this',tun ding l itii ni-headisoiI thi Ixow, witli crs in hfitnd;teaàdy, lb. xonsfer'a dadaiJybVniw'"s tîppear; thé SLafp' flo#IDg ab kuantls, when workIfh«'n fte si c eihi p, lio dWoverecl thë uchite tuwards ler ntthe rate o!f flfke In a it in ,« a nt th e m o rister u#t p s/uap wtrtrempndour v iolence, ur<romsitem t'o sternAJ4$Iq under thte violence oft the ýsli suie had strticlru pun a rc furecastie, and theire, tchis ho'i covered. tuai tthe ilstor 'I, 1l1W Sbip a'bout îwo' foot fromA ab:çast tlie forewtast, Ir»ocklng raue entirely through hcdxttotr wlaich-thle water roared an4ý,x inl*tuct:i.qy! Springing toi i lie rde.reti thenialte tct-a a;hurs auJ get the cables ovei lteep Uthceship from sinking, as aiargo. qua.tlity cof pig. iron oi fa oiîIg tiis tie rmae suceed uIkcvîag TI one a achorsiud en the oihîerhsvitgbeen fastcd ar forernast. The ship wast1Jep rapidly. The. Captain went te in, where 1w found ibrec et, h,. howevr, succ.eded in pnc ehironomiiter, setant and ohari, ing the d4ecks hoeorderedthe,: cleareti away, and tu> gel water visions, as the uhuip was -keeli thc boals, andi leave thi hi1,, 'J the eighborhood, unmd abi, samüe day, uhey staccedeti fast to une,. Two boaW thaiI tie whalea-the larboard a board, the former commasa -tirimate, snd the. latter b-i Mois. Tiie whui, which ,strock, wus harpoosed by fi boat. After running some wbale turuîed tapon the. bo iuig ut it with ucèsndoua -% tod ojen ils enortnous jawu, the bot i, tcUlv crus] fragmnenta s alai as a co chair f Capt. Deblicoaitmmed, for the scene cf lte di"sa iarboard boat, and suc<.ete ai expectatiuns in reaeuiago of tie crent of the bot-n ber. -There lwCtC 110w eim-b.ta tie ,,arbbrd bouat, consiuà Captýain, the firat -mase, att of bohtit bouts. Tho <rlgh, ba4 becti witnemsd frotut lthe waatc boat svescalicd il 1snd sent ta hucir relie..1 àfroithe ahîp wR, about ai., 2, s îw aat boat., VO0L. 2 1 -f w»ý 1 - 1 1 ýjý Dm

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