Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Reporter, 22 Nov 1851, p. 4

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donc& Holo tile do' :ney twîni, as tbey struit along inthse ,rid. ofchinffi-, del philSquhy, bow littie of he sp airit sud tomper of truie philosophy là in t Sm --or that humble, eautions spirit whieh Da itangbt, sud on whietoun nM b.th imniortality ofhiea geniise- 'boeio sa puppysu in infidellity for' whIch 1 have tno patience. TItboaght~ tiÉt 10w4.days bolh gentlemen audi phBIoo.phmvould have been sthamed efi- t hecomnmencementofuaitcn- tory one bad sme crodil in sporting thse Imuge cf uubeiefand infielity-fot tb7 vwote sipportoil by .tiseScontenance -ofigbfluWr an ýBolingbffik,who, in aM#on o, heir being jp=sof htie wi* iheir Mother tongue. But infidel-1 ity, iêke overy otiier fushion bas bâd, ts day; muid *inca the masserl>rand trium- rhant del'ence oh ont Engli4ui divines, it buom genetally abandoned by the. aupeuioermd moroeteiighteaed alasses or oSety, andtto mse thse wods of auOx- ford proessr, Às nov rarely to b.heard but in the ladguage ofbaketsand brew. 1M and ayes and bel1-rnnders, adboil' blover'% and backguada,- 1 reer bgiomso<ny.t booumo At la thé elqon f M faherm--I rover. il, not lbmoum. it as lbhestablishoil veigies o<tUy oouty-I revers 1, net bocaus. it Mu pgte, me thse omolurnents of of. fio; but 1 Xeor.adbooams.it in built = 0 IW fuadation cf i. progna- mé1beause it bas imp:-Oved the worM byv th.ebsnseohau enno- hliiigauOfhicy, snd becaum, by the. an- imating proSpect vhich il boldi out, it aleiektes the somrwe of out final dopai- turloeasud ohecrs thse gloomy des-' olst" or athe grave-Dr. ChaIuers.' A KEEN YAN-KEÏA.- ýtFiaimboosidg." telas tise fullewing, in ihîgLife of DanMarble: "kumdy Citomns, Who used to live ont hore near Frsmingha, u i a encute tDb« u ator'-a Tesi live Yankee- lways ready for a joke, id ibard tô beat. Ho wus one day in a country bat-roon 'dowu South,' whcrê-several Peruom vers suembled, when oe s o cummins, ihyou go out sud" osikaife loto nything vheu baà Tt 'il .11 0K viai iii tdo no suâ ~thiugo,'respoh. ton dollars of iel nid tise rudier que. M ltae .that wu oeptin, turning le tie Wod alaises, and Pli jiat a.savlv>r. in leu tisa ne Âesdepwmt.d au &&-pie., rite onbit si.om bt insa Llr,,at la il. etickiog' lu V udke'Yeplied lbhesoatheuD. heil ont hi* band tfur ,t K, it witawhý1e,' smid t i h. b.id uip the kandi. oh 1h i the.U... Ikalkilate the b, in 'ho. handis, wisenils vp in aù ol4 sîpnum ide of e of course 'Won tise wak.r, thbrner- loped tu parts un- Id cros of laugter."1 er burdoed vigist of the order, after baviua ,. 0 ' refuaitlslo pmy, upon ibmuntL indu- tol a irtiebutsi oving tbapiody .- I4%.Mpie<omnd a.Ibo easaUr. cama tay, hulba- in dàay, -. toU.w ieM«a&l say tlmlag who mires would puy bo po " h*lii no «the.day."l ,re Gumia Youxr, ua mpay o nne. - 'ide.Ifyoirbande cetmot employel, attend tg tise cul- i huis. Lt have aiiy perms, b ok v'" 1os i ff0lg J u.iwflhF rY"KeaDfoUir MbU.E5, MU55.8J$ F1rmv5*Mlà , maosant litd goo advee,-tndthe folowedUàx ACCOCESigi, ~'ffi~e @ods#1v.,'bnd ieufollwedNORWOOD, Pzcauwo. Why thotuld a te.4otalIer refaituN oroCe.2tj fror a nriaget Boomus., if b. got a FOR SALE., wiveah i$ Principbos wouldnot alhow hlm B DONALe <MoL4AY, PICKEaRIN0 t0 silp trer. 8BAT ItOiiE SIrisera 01& Warraos. ln au omnibus tise,,oihor day, a lith ktle wuy.faim#, or a good Nte frItyahi on the lait.ro. .1 girl flot more than moyen years of aie, Pwckern 1 NoIv. 8, 1851. 00-3V, asked an old gentleman "if he would JUST ECEIVED ib. her father. -A lock f surprise 'Wu$ Fs 1the, repi . " Objt nid the precocious '1PAO mue,"conîye kowj yU'I .MY COFFEE R CE, TOBACCO, aher tltii 'he furtsare collected, 1 shul&P lu CE 1 &et oiff for. haf pricil, 1" Tu LI Tu ,us-Tewhre]RECENTLY purc6msd by the Subcrbl- abboutsof the slosSt bas' bas adrorded inucb offrred for Sale ut bis StorsMAin T cdn cdurionsd critical iavrestigaiion, the Picton WHITBY AND) COLUMBUS, Gatzette bas bit upon a plan whicb, if adopt- whic wili be foad worthy o1 PUblk7attn. ed, ho j. uutguimewoud be suecessfub He TROMAS DO W. very facetioniy mye, if Goverument wouid Whitby, lotit sept., 1851. appropriate a certain amount of Lend Scrip toi eacb individuel,- à certain speculator in PAPER HANGINOS, that nmeigbborhood would bunt te up BRIISS CLOCKS, every man, womazu, snd chid, in tbree yhoe-Maker$t' Findings, 4e. 4'C. Soiçs or TiEKtttZRANC-JIhe,,Grnd whitby, 12th Sept., 1851. THMAS O. Division of ibis Order ha. juit clffaosedO SNO IE their-iîet s:Brockville. Tite office EXEC1JToRs v Ng lisor eTIE of he bGrand Scribe, which, wuaformer A th F a PETE R dR, e ofd ]y held in liaItown, wil i a few dayir theTounshpfgsnhCaîo o b. removed ta this city. H. IV. Jack- deweaed, are requeswe forîhwith la tend the pu!- sont Esq., having been mppointed to that tsculars tbereoi to the Executors, for ibeir cousi- circo. deration and sengeent, And ilpe lnsi'ebtc The nuniber of Divisions -in Canada tp Uic }.xecubort. rqc:dbpysc et West t present amounta tu 33 1, havin g MARY PERRY, Exzcuraix. over 20,000 metubers.R'*. FERRY, £fco.s la Match lut, the returne showed H.ERY 5 uoy4 4memberis oln ni-Pat and R. E. Pssiv, do ap- creuse.(rom tuat lime te tihe present of point j.Ii. P1sgR y seace *ins Executer in the about 7000. seulement et bbc ahove Ltate, and a s ucht is enm- Thé Grand -Division are now an in- poweedtoteYcCOive and colleet ait debti andi de. corpeoratod body under the new ct, mands due tothe sainle. MARY FERRY. an d the. numeroits Divisions are fast R. E.* PERRY. availing themmelves cf the saine privi. Whitby. 1bib Sept., 1851.- 22-tf. hOgc.-HaM. Gazette. SUPERIOR SALARATUS. Tite number of Deer in and a rotind J,11E :$ubscribers beg leave most respect- ibis neigliborboM jeisvery canuiderable Iuily la iniorin the Merchantu ait :brough Ibis; season. In. Blembeim, on 'rhurs. froin >lontresl go Port Sarnia, that they are now diy, a herd of eight were startéd by martufaitturing an inproved aritte of Salartus, whicb tbey féel p eoottAeît will give the ulmotsast- nmre sportsmnen front Dumfrieo,,and une is(action, put up in boxes ur barrels t ait purcha- of-h hembrought down. In Flamito- sera. rouah. on Sattirday, a noble buickrt,. Ail ordm-sattended te witb h th lesat possible cei;ed a charge of sialli1shot ini hie face >ay WILLIAM4 MAGEE E&Co. whichi thoroughly biinded -binî, and en- Brookin, abled the. doge îo desuroy him. Alil Withy 12th, Sept, 1851. 23-t£ arouud us, vo heastofohtie freqtiut MORE Af OYEY TO LEND. Visite et ti> noble gane.- Gale Repor. A GO potct snwofèe ter. te any persan wbo bas a ltnge #parec cut,and coxmPL:zrçràsy DIN U. n . Wu*hes te makein învehtmont in wbat as mort nesday evening tant, ut half- put five valuable thancash isei, via :-Two valuable ana o'cick, coplimnlar D~ner as mproved Building Lots ut PORT WHITBY, be- o1éloc the a cmsito r y a nse,! 4w aoking composed ci the cerner Baildîujg Lot No. 9, in given ut th so lue e ok tock g, adjoinisig Batesta bakery, coainiag hult bvr tiie British,. reuridenls in that d'ty, to an Acre, havm*n4agood Barn iberten. an excellent Henry Grinnehi, 1Ysq., and. the officers Weil; alés agoouasortueenî et Gmaltd Fruit cf tse American Arclic Expedition.- Trocs. A good board fence. enclostes titi Lot. Aise,,Building L et No. 11,r on Bond Street con. About 150 gentleman were prescrt.- ta"I'n" n1111y-baf an Acre, having a good Fraine Anthony Barclay, Esaq., Britioli Consul,-lie8s thelreon-, which renta (or M3 a yoar. Tbis occupied the_:Chair. -The roin was,- Lot e(Omisene of tbe meet beautitul lBuiWing Lets tastfuhy dooraed fr ti. Ocasonintlb.Village. Theaheve wilibesoi in purt,or tutfaly dcor'"-fortheOCCSiOlthi. ,bote, very.cheap, and on very easy termes et anid the oight eau &pent wath the gica- paymont, au ax sit miPurchaimr. testharmny.JAMES BATES, ----- ----- ite<kr and csnecuoner. Mo Port Witiby, Aprit, 220, 1851. if. -WANT-ED-Tý) BORROW jIO a Term of Oxt, rwu or TtuRax Yetthe sum-o(£1ooeor £200,forwhich the UUiffl MDET8T, soiindisfutable seeu ity will b. given, testJ or Xay becoouulted*taiyfovanydWm uaffectingîthe .4,hilb PsO c"fhe. l rEwrJ OR GUMS. btyAtl2h18. liAftcI ltotil lutoies otGud Pt. or hPAtOISWANTED. 05e t<> fls t& S f rlti' & t> A N intelligenat, active Yuung Man, te Ofic ooiMs a ' Boz cre &of Kiii@ I%, ct as Agent for tlb.Rcrt.r, te wboim a il. antiStu.: "'* 30tf.beritentoura4.m.nt wîild ho afforcded on applica- O(hîWa, Nor. li, 1831. l0t' ion, if by letter post paid. W hi by , loth July, 1851.« ECIVEI) and Fur -SALE -eitise NOTARY PUBLIC, VLAE Coumbdser e oht nof et~it nl'S ch A Feu' Bainsof Conveymar, Drauglaman, OCU2)y zû lf ZUU QOF MARRIAGE LICENSES ANÇD TMiOxbON, PEAJiSUNà Co. ACCOLYKTANT Wbiîby, Sept. 60 1561. 21-tl Oic. Dertbe COurtHoum, Village of ONTARIO - ANCIIZOTit, Tow ipc titcu, C. W. 24t1f IANPU PF C OT 8COU'8 C mADAAMANAC FOR THE Sribebers are Maiîufaeturing. 1832eMWcnsacuLW P M hW JAMES IL GERMtE, ailteuy mi uuglaoWELlS. 11h~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~'h Coehr 81 fe L1.hain Puip isube bes=ehapesîamw 7t Nvbe, 811,databe. Pomp in thse %orld, Ueea odi0wull misW8mm R l FREpROOF PAIT, roamdy.o yýuing n,"Yih igfisI Yor 11ale by JwEi. lRI, or.T C ba amp ar prefzthé toal oUi-e Whiîby 7tb ov. dny 4en*for Whafb1. ers, wboîovo i bey have bossu trWoti Any pamo 1861. 30 wismg Io purchsm, milido wiraIo 10cati eti ls 3tTSTE~ECWEDFactor-y &W"0sontocinlaoperatio. MST RECEVEDf P.M. CLARK à y. RAY. JUDhOfl ý,Cheisai Ezîuit ohCherryand - Wbtby Village, sept 6, 1851. 21-t£ Lttrovoa'r. 1*0ýý14NYT ED JAMES H. GERPJE, M NYT ED 7t o.,iS. DAPGooJs?. T"RE'4WniRriber la preparoil te LoË Wbùb, 7t 1>msaeai ul dredPoomnds, insuins o i P- - phsautson Secriîy upon Reai Lts au lonai COMISVIFONDER OITNT suad 8114U005 m»or-'y suet'"to' Noue oeeml aPply CARLETONS BIjG4SONE & SPAVIN mi= utru&htem aflU CURE. Aet nntThse SuL4çrilsercontinu« to attnd tu bis dutimo V I A<NU.Rhkl,-- - _ e-.- .. OC vvN S Clothiers, DR LWLI4(t nuL 1VIOLESALE & Outfitterg an3d General s OmorTui GoLVDzM Ltoi, 26, Kîtro STatz? EAur, Ttox7oý EET AIL D&Y GdaMerclurnts, $las or vus GLESLoa b 16, Kwovazz A? e e BEG to inform the. readers of the, Whilby Reporter, and< puiblic generally, that tbey bar.e ompletcd their Fail impoîlations ni Staple ami Fancy Dry Gccds,ivbich bavinç been seleied from the bout Stocks in Foreign Markets, and purteast( or CAW ,wlil bh aiont, upon ex- arainstion, nupaùed in ibis Cii7, for quality, style anhd chePap8h. Au Inspection i I nvited. READ THE FOLLOWING s. D. Black Orleans Cloth lrom 0 8 Pr. yd. Colouretia. id dé09 i Black Cobourg fi if O)10 1 Colosired dI 11-2yd wîJe 14I19 - Moulin DeLtines id O 10 Printul1yd. wide di o ô Hoye$s0. 0 4'O07 1 yd Gainghamo (Heav y>"à'O08 Dark Sable Boss id 3 6 Grey Sq'i:rei" id2 6 Stone Moïartin f" 115 0 NIi n k "40 9 White Cottons Grey il 1 yd " " Amers s'Sheti ing 2 ) Stripeti shirting Bcd Tick '_Brofl Hollanti Gala Plaide Dark Sable Mugti, Grey quirel ' lsion.Niatin i %l i k f Together with an excellent Stock of Fauhionable DRESS GOODS, correspondis>; prices. .J1809 1,000 Wool Scarf Shawl8, worlhy of no Damask Moreens, Carpets, Druggits, &fc. 8f c. l their Woolien Deparimeut' art Broad Clotho Cassameros (Plan &Fancy) Docokins . Tweeds - "d Filot Clotho 4, Beaver "là 40 Moieskins Vestings iniWoolien, Silk, Wsorsted, (rom5 ' 3 e d 4 .4 # 61 3 Whitney C*:Olbu Linnakin à Mohair d" Amerîcun salinetbs Canadîsn i id Clotho, Cords Pliîd, Swanidôwnu, Hair Plushos. so. 1. from 0 3 Pt. yd. d. id 0 4 i jeatn"lé 04 d d. dé ( A 0 di 0 41-'21 di 0 71-2ti di 7 1-21# d'i Oa 71-211., 'I 3 9 5'40 0 d' 37 f6 Sai, Gloves, Hosiefýy.E&C., et otiee. Watered, and of ele gant Patterns. s. Ironi 6 " 8 a, 7 " 2 j' 3 '4 a ~,' I TIrqy would cal particular atention Io their amortmnent of SCliOTHING, The whoie of whicb bein rnmade up under tbcirown inspection, by thbc but cf worktnen, are not equalled in Conada, for style of cutting, quaîy of workmansbîp and matons1l, andi general Puitable- noua telbbhe *ants of the people. Parties about te purchase Goedi in (bis line may di puy ton dear fer tileir Mtiitle I if they buy bdfore looking over W. &s H' Stock, amnong whicb wîll be fournI Grey Over Coats frott 17 61 Fine .shooting Coas 23 O Flushing 41 4" Il31 Id Fancy but Vants 12 6 Pilot "44 18 91 '6 IlBlack Il 1 13 9 Braver "25 O0 "Satinet 11-10 0 Fine " 30 0 Tweed Ji~ 8 91 Lionskin " 30 0 IJ-Black Satin Vesti, s" 7 6ý W itney "from 30 O0IFancy "il "il 5 9 Firme Taggs "'22 C 1IdToiineit"id 4 61 hFrock6 30 0 Black Pluâh "id Il 31 M. 1' Clothing i-grcat variety. Paris Velvcî-nap Ilats, Fur & Cioth Caps, &c. &ç' tGarments mad- to measure and warrant cd tonl. !,3-Farmers and others rrs;dinq in thc country, and not urquainted vrith rIçÎ'ks ficted on stra- #jri by many deuleris, would do woeli ta cali at this establixhment, sa they hale but one straight for- i*ard mode of dois>; bnsîness. Amas>; their rules are tbc fallowîng: NO SECOND PRICE. Ail Garments flot suiting, excbangrd. Ail Garmntns varranted not to shrink or &pot with rais>. Ail piece Gonds, cut in the ustmal lesigib, excbanicd. Toroto, Novemi,)er 1, 185. Coner Of King 8f Churc& S treets, joining the Court ouet HAVE ON IIAN",D 32-y Torontol The tLarge.'t. the Chcar>est, and te Best Assormment or Ready.w?1a4tite '1otUUngand Jury Goods IN CANADA WEST. ç LOTH$,, Cossinieres, Vestings, and General Dry Goos, Inipurted direct trun. Britaiti by Ourieives. G armmet.Made Io order of n>er3 description. P'ARIS$ LONDON) AND IVZW YORK FASHI0NS RECEIVED 3MONPTHLY The most approved style adopted, UR» AD Y m dADI Mon'. Brown floland Cous, Do Check'd do do Do do Xolashîn do Do Black Aipeca do Do Russol cor do DeoPrincesCoid Jo Do Ganibroon do Do Twm.e - do Do DitostiCloth do Do Cauumere le Do Oi'd- Wataî Proof do "0y' Brown Liaes> do Je Cb.<k'd Linen do Do do Moekln do Do fsncy Tweed do Do Alptit do Do Bousul CS~d do Whhtie Sbins, Lin«nFons Stripati do Me'-Moleekin Trous=>. '>dLino« Drill do Do- Cback'd Drill do Do Twree do Do, Cansjger do Do Doe&shn do Do Doekekin do Do Saibet do DO £tore do Do Cas.isioî do Carpet Bsg., Urbrelli ftom 80 fE 'j 'i 4 1-2d 9 0 6 0 4 1-2 o jBoy's Drill do 0 oFancy do Do Drab Moliki do Do Check*'d do do Do .Dotskmn do Do asasimere do Redi fiacnel Shirts, lJmler Shirts and Dr. wers, Men'u Blaick Cioth Vests, Do Black Satin do Do FanFy Satin> do Do Holiant do_ Do Fa4cy do Do 'Vol roi do Do Pl*u*h do Do Maicelleg do Do SBashet do Do Cassinue. do Do Tweed# do BYSiikdo Do' Tweed, do Do Cloth do ýDQ caaujers do dl10k Capi, Ît i liats andi Fronts, *a1nd. Satin MV.t. rt.-L ING, frein j' 'j 41-2 tg 4 41-2 from 'j E' E' 9 '41-2 WHOLI DEALER EN 7T A L 0 MANUFACTURIER 0F soLE, UPER, AND BARS$$LEATHER, Esc. Cash paid for Hides and Skint, Wkeat, Ou#9, Pot, and Pearl AsAcs. Wbitly Village, 7îh June, 1850. 8 SCAUBORO'. ILEX&ODEI THJOMISON, froPrilOr, Excellent accommodationt for travellers. Good Sîabling for Horues. 11 A LE X. P I 1;G L E. WHJTB Y VILLA'GE. Allorders in hîs lhue prompfly execîited.. TAc laies t Fashiona alicays on hand. XVhitby, April 19, 1850. T liE S T E A hiE AD M 1R AL, Captain Kerr, WI7 LLleave TORONTO for ROCHFST£R '~(cotnmencing T'oesday next,> evýery Tue*- day, Tb'îusday, and Saturday niorninc. at Il o'cinck, preedsely. calline at Whitby. Oshawa, Valmngton, Bon.l lfead,-Port Hopeand Cobour;. weather p.mrmîtintL Witt leave ROCHESTFR for TORONTO, ral. I inant the almve Vosti. (wethber permittinac.) every MNonday. Weclnesday, and Friday mominnç, aît o'elock. CrJThis ja the stua ns-r, TLtA$AI<TEST, and CHLATEIT rOUte te New York, Tirue rom To- ronto toNeix York, forty bouts. Royal Mail Ste2m-Païsket Offie, Toionto M1y 1, 1851. 49-y., JUST RE CEIVED ATJ. H. GERRIE'S Drut and Book Stie, .SCHOOLCRAFT8,1 A3IERICAN Indiars. Their Hiitory, condition and prospects, confaîn- ig Thrîinir narratives, Darint exploits, &c. E&c. Illuis rated with Engravinge. Whitbr. 24 July. 1851[ 15-tf. FOUNTAIN PEINS. A Few of'tbese celobrated self-supplving Each Pen is capetile of contairning inik eniough tb write tvro WoIscu pages. Tbey aie neat and beautittil, and always ready for use, as they carry WVhsrhy. Sept.. 13, 1851- 22. INSURANCE OFFICE, J.A4S WALLACE begpi to intimate tba~ti he bas heen appoir.ted Age.nt for the PROYI.ÏllîL, îII &[ KNIL D ALIWRN and thai be is prepaired to taJce risk he .rdinar) rates. in bhe MuTuA&L, ipB0?ELKTAJ&a MNtjt.t,t l1ranc1ýs of said Companry. Wbtby, ist Septernber, 1851. 21 -*f. wHi'c iy, c:G.-W L. H. -SCiiF1ELU & C. JI1PORTERS 0F 'BRIITIBH MNUFACTURES, 'AND DFAL£ne 1i DOMLr- I MA.NlUFACTURE. Gaît Steal Hoas and Ray TPorko. P4 O SALE, 100 doz,. Cast steei Hors sud Bay Foiks,miade from Naylor'* béit Caut Steel, expressl forthbeStibt1:ribet. mo.H WORTH, Tora"fo. lune 7tb 18MI. i f. $U UI .JBJ RtS are now rte- criving in Store, their Sprnn; supply of' GRO- r(ERfES, comprisinq the umual assorimenî, an wb'ch thq are enabled'tu nffer on vriy dvanîs. iceaus terrm tW ibeir corîespondenta iW b rath ç«n0ral1y PRESH TEAS: .270 package* Young> Hyson, conpî iuinz "04> Whitl.y 'sý Wbîîhy, Jan. 25, 1.4P OR Td. ati thar t teTrnis as constanbl' cheap andi givinz birr Refererg "on, Jaiael Wbatby, A pril1, 1851, COMMERCIA. VILLAGE OF 'E"1HESU] *fi'r the1 veti snce he, Morfly ki-pt by CORNERS, ar nous to he favo fronage bilhert The Bar isi i bbc Table ýwpp cas> ho pretire and a steady i Eve ry acresr foittble. SrA by. P. S.-Carsi Po W SkSt. lames, Junt L'eeL aUtCQuJSilk MEN's P

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