Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Reporter, 22 Nov 1851, p. 1

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pUBLISIID EVERY SÂTURDÂV MOWtNING. 66Z ~amals#udtDnk"tiU ______ WIJTY CN.DAWEST, NOYEMBE R 22, 18510, ONTARIa24 O.HI BY CAcNSEA .SCLERAE - . arniy I I~dines. 1 R1O IOtS~E' &u'.î'i;'u';'~ 7~.ii hmapsd Of a congeries f facuties cach oon, darku*f te gae yEV O~~EW~O~! wOoD!!t Like On: o <terÃ"w'tef i aw. . epa epart perfected, it is true y h ETA IiVT HNS A Me And ishymrl weeter4rieee ome, g.a rchitUct, but flot indePeudet Of eacb Y'LEGRE Tritan tihe t nr.r t ulody1r"eradths r- 4fnsedi h e yT IURES bore Thrnat aid Stomachb Cosihe O ho JtUfOlt1c1U& (0 A estte erlt hoandbrIl, ter t8 hii ven tns di tene uCLV'fOlOSGA UT y> p ave eceixdfrn&tC Eigii* Freck s te ai.Iaub5Mer cen Sit., born infant (because it is our bfrsiirigbt) ai Ai deFlirsf.vr- r0~t CudCOICPiiu hoing Cough, Cro'ip i or R aittl, ý&c. if i LINiMENT ,M an Soko Dvod ~Mdg rirno ladeiwanti bron : poe wrongly appl, temei~ ~ IMI.B1I1 ~ V~TRK, SVEE'~FAMILY CURA'rIVE il dAm*ricil Markcis and are iVowopenifl# Aitumtlthestrwing teolee .,,-pFa ie. n s!!OUS ed a N umbnnsAche inh .rlasT a *e h ow th leavs corne duwn. ..thougli erlet!A laIf . . e- . d mo prt tsuce f URL E RSE. n I D L S ieCuesÇIca sCot¶,sp imett?(r sjd errsfr Some person said " evcry nman hamis t our~~i ÂU ~ ~hon witd;spmce's ÇI fssert that eve y i -1 as j 3 wEi UJ a t ro p lt la r v id!t i Lîke acAIpTlJ< ERtc and DEbieERS. la few yearluà,~ ~repriu*I ; ;tfbn d a Ijngleetht n -aremne '#icb 3 1 ;i i n n t , T o i u b S t o a 'r i . t f ! s u n s , & . E T ' S L a i s P r i a t e d C ae b m r en s , d lL l~ n ie a c P t fft e ' b d % r u U @ t a v l hrB p r Cr f b l s a b n g e ,l i r n ,11lkùe, Green, Bluc 4 Vaiegated Marbie, 1 N F A L L 1t B YE1, TE R!eGla rad e olrin Grey d t chine lwi 1 work defectively ; on the contra- country ÇentIeT6 ables, Stand-Topo, Chimney-Piecelî cures Stee, tri ShirtiorgWeak yea. It corns wide, BrWsh and Anieinan Grey an $i, So ahàab, Surn Diala, Paint S$!one*, &c wei recuimmenled. Tty it. White cetten.SiinngSmok- utu'v a setiinaa tz-yanw sue~in T i, YIes el b. 1a10 t.rI . donc io 'K N O I ý, gs, Tickinl C tto Ya rn,_Wilraplure nu wo:ide ting spirits bow l um !m ns n eeiilj et its cousu Term Li or t he»t.t a.adCures it Ulcerftttd S es, ChiIblain , &c. , and la BL Klïlr,4 TS * .? As waze on mihsnd ie F m ati.aoudb hn t uty- ma taltby ave n nfl dbe for mSfly externat diftitau. Try il ; -~ ~ ~Btth ena ym aaerordeani eti dit to ma. x e m TN . .&CO et a hate ae nifli 1he iory m o rioà&a straft. reonrethe &rdlyt Uocaueofiomads,4ffdinÂc gaf. 0 ùiior tict artefr b l amed tatid YuTil uE tret l - à QJLE)M1)CN. . j J ~ ' tr he;tb> ilIoi ýhte W8aei pet,.3dy-b aB fwmns~fein zeiet <te2ud biht a colnreton wiih Loy other EF y mmVt*fl tw yuwil u r CL E MEICNEO re hr Cad r ie ntibH.i D that ite i5placed in a false position, o ram of cine to ondn illpfttei mriefrntte el âmdRui TIlF oNb ut ttihe il too ,eager ta exntrust the regu- a -manuatqc uufo ti lno~ h QýuaUTîse Vermont. VEI" EEfl1MAYIID 1BL CK T. P. cewnuld cai epeial attenltionl DOlmVA SaIT WsIWAY., 1j..4 for IIOCE & CL L bi p<~i mlof Fus, vit- Auumfloi breathiflg a heavealy calm,on 0 7 'h o . W i So n , M a rk h r n i lg, g a . T h e t a ti-,%,8pft s E . S ik oC n A T E I o G r y uir dspi nd s aock U fP an i o at lt e alo r s i t s'n ,er are apen t, l ti s ' fth i s p rec iau s b o o n ta e v e rY P re . a n e x ten s v a i . u i u e s n u e SqteM, Illis.on . l 21o Mlg , n- Th eI eCom'fl Cf y entleneolfo ut owr olin - to p f. 'Mti l0d Miik do, A nd cac b ell îea ped vleon avett attnd ier. e fcw on onthenkcaus e a teetbihlO to teso iantr -.---. -.- - -- - - - - 21 - If . w Ail thal hv(nen ed i î et e I , t.B o ",i. V iî ,ne . U ÇfpA re ,e*tiflg i n #w' e I content. W lk N1 , n t e a s 0 n ap ' lt i t ah e poéce n ia 1 1 t i JA E l G R I ebtimoniais. rallfor a mph -.Th b . &e - *&cla. r for ismtsrm heipa AMSH ERE ct sfonjý .Seherv'£*-t E yor-nt(f r orstffe, *It il 80 tedjous to think,"1thus shep ewsiy udrteepca arng fteJprm rr R E .dD Y .M dD Clvr &O T H LJFoG , thea u ey )c a r wtho W death ledor plunges into sMre rretri ivab e error, o ern ft ,s d t lap e r n e p ihe Fit'rrids and th- Pd 1 o1ibe W.t, SailTbut the tve ReAca ae. with cotn-Tee generail iutrthe oru caese.,toi8c i. ___FrýJi nd Pbile generatly..tor .the very ~ .SETAND tPU 1'PiC. bvCLe.y x0nsv andtm' o Fr beqeeil ylLwihle a» t eun i re mitin e a Swe~ al erinf BCa adaW it $ o lrtEeeyncgsk, h nai eotr r h rc tii'eral suppTt they have afTor Imitml clfor rmany years'r5f'l CO hc illrare, nce~r o cm .,.~Gdaj eutl4thly.-aFIY mrrit agesart rcrsor be tha twsa1olwdem a ay te 11f takes ibis -mnetod o! nftni;tbernthat ei aca aeIy t clePublic as a irai lp -nd eeryicb being Malle under W masRrhS çmth vl;tenido h oigbie eeblpem tliblee eei a slow reciviisar (rom rate prepiiratio for âýcahe, - ! s . liibruisi, pétée o ,and b h otf Wlqie h natrbnth n iei NEW VoK ,*IND MONTRE.4L, sprairrs, and. in tact, sOres l a ilkiotis, Illa their QwII inbPeciOflm and by the m1851t fada- A rLL ASS TP419T or * - t yrnug htnu of in ihia courtry, and fc deoand i onable and ezpereticed atisU, defY \ jî B , r o .,1 5 . r se i t the ms haind , e tai idet .- in a a ,itn et y te e fe e io b T R~NO LS ÂT âTiiucreainir. Ihs IC1mry gyocompet bl p eoan ent iitl sste wfaS for it11Eou SiPAT NT. num oIte wrth ldi s peiyte inusppr i dvrit. ,~~ NE IIN S oras, .but th,,eifer".>nc I1 ive unhesitatiticlt ert oeteapoebsad oewo ebp,,Ae (ohr lebae lc ili anfcuedb -BneteCikSal Of Worcestr, will not Judge Me as a recreant mewo ebpmvr"bte-rest.ietosaeemvd ev ry ilo aie aei w yv ich t Ic >1 e S ee RochCte. N. Y. I1 îiiadrise eery in e e varity. 'th ase of my e%, or expressîng opinons e laBu pr er ti te inbisowPaYWi as.- horfe Owner 10 keep a baffle f <the ab><ve Ou. -on te the cd " bis boed th asico teinbt urte *Bth . niiaioS omedo liant!,te SIfort ii Ptttirn e Winrr4 e wi l fime Cand motey. A Fîmil Stock of. ibeir Weillknown ataoitic tw those advanced by thheduie Ladries ord. (A ÃŽyrfutdb bêvn. A.fwo tts hald frit tmtyel 11anagw ..ohrge the as, iee, of her *w.) Se(A ly at5 er bl o eabr h Yor;r"-eifiuiiy , F. WS TEPHfENSON: qtýt tZt ovnin;yt mrcn h reves e ol tiidetfe. Sei EI1¶AOBDIAKY DV»Ey gL NT. tl Fr Satbv . .Sitf. ow aule; Cn nin ee raigheam vesc lthi.PtIlr#; r.Pide orre î R1 ?:&.&f&.adicitd y hoe bue. he cndmo 'i, wfe bcase e reeredber ad het; stor oro eyerw ls teprca . ~ rai crV4iATr S.MeCy. s~w~&l: W.. Stio.t)baW aid - ~ ~ PR.CES ani .Ilwould remedy ; but arenot adopting the kne tht she was to marry sOme person feuat ; , c H EU ; I ! i - l i b lA P a g e S I B Vn i £ B l . ' r i r î a a e m a hmnda f a i s o t O t i m e , a n d n o vw l a s go o d s a n y O t b e r " .p u a r w s r svaii CO MNSTOCK INEiICNES & #;(%I& i-..tiTitiî,rIyarC~ok iGoct~ w.eL an ur e nt ob an afisi c ilE ICAIA PRIPARATare, he looks ot beyond t at ertaity ; the Tbv~g Fw.IArOl-.uknown future would present a blank, bu atenn icmtaewscondw Weil kn.w fandCste1ult e are-fond re her p ieTemEc uderth-met.dis A ~o eI kod ii Cî«da bvebect wh, t, wl babs atanedbecuea srenth fr erfon ceaios. Aftr heruicn sccssfor ncorber'e uderakng, ai C an erls: y c ser p e s a ri erovr PI b U F F S. s pa\YsI ) Sber bi - e pecu ate oêi tea ures tio ar %~ ( __ _____DY 1.*b p.:Wie colmplaitits and puny resistance, u8t e itet omn pecpin a nti t h r~~~~~ a1mea l*ou).retv at0riiîrDr< trL Iidyunfold. she il content te oey, net be- ece rsa7 eii h ubr1e ed thatDr. 1-club %ocý jeca,!Icnd aaotne pi cene si4aures, have adm ittet ert A. ,Miu SM w ( ) 1). Ijlvo l. Re I-w od F-RA D IN T Fi' , B IIOite tla %y , bu b ca s i l s »n ai tut,;ERI. &C% a 'ieaoi ptrent ak which, I confess, na 1ialto folow those in wh6m we confide- .dofhe e.n o l T h e Grt i T p $Il eE X T aCr eC OPe it r a B u e râ n at& u& Ctl oaS0 0h Co n î. urinçSll Bîîrni.StldAit E ,%eflsb Druggrstr WItitby Villg. W li fl ITE rîLÀC.E. SEPT. 2r)182)1. i. ne r4eape ,afl o d efi d t ure er inng m ber refleitg fc tism or, aO be. p c o e o cones)f, --- omes t Uic industry o! yer citizens ofsud b. Pititi an di Soies. o rt. 2nd, i'<,1. 2 F- : . 0-~ -- - - * - - , 1. 1 S '17 E fl- ration. 'ih s is te reasOn w y we s n kps) p î fu lo nse josofr bedi a - Restorin ut OF iLUM A ,fe r Si y O Y L n re ?;) GENTLEM E IS . rom the obl jiation, (for w bo i truly disin- p b e o i i g b r tl o o a s s e< iu .- arefor iz , l urbeîîmati. M E NT, A I I AN restet). We ar de"ficient in perseverance arro d i by b er%tlol&a0hlo ngi s s hwbunic h b- ot( ocsee li> b Il ,g t% -nti1 teeesto tory o e binaoen a Lur INr iMENT, mat I kr i ue KN T EE ,CpE FV NG ,-.--- TS 1 H S II!the endurn nv courage anti energy of a Bruce ;f, te î ; Dvr elsS cno - t - ta M N .* iJ 'S G IL . t cîîrc alt D el Periens. H A T 1 1of a vd t e e ry e s n i l a t leoào s u t O 4i - i I Gr E TC R ERO ON E ATS I IA TS - < a e ne t ni e od eie h evrelss e aun o ut an b ttr ae a - t-fY sL N M N , WiHlwncueO RS lo-y9O. feel that er fate i that o a baruit jot B tanauaatspl, taeep ae fo h l N ' S S&c I E I .4 H ~ T D O R T O M i ~t 5' cifia Y ST i E .litîle rip i ing strea in iiew îii; o u t o f t e mr en a pi o ï _U k w n a . REMD 8 , li SbKriCrC«tonçrmîîîfenH 'H STSRB, hnvirilîJat le- dicthden bssnaUcsource of a apiotonuknofses 6 tan îliP u b lic , t -vr d H E s V B p IB t l fEn l ab-itî b i T he n A y s i i a £ e o th e v i is , a c b ild o ri -na tif g u n - im p t t t s a y ic a i o s d î.ýýubrriberhem hFteticalat 711-%OTUEIiVS RELIEF, fer aIl Won In n d heP blitat lbchaJ t .iOpeneti a 'ai c$ 9Vlste âInii ftedrsu. icmtne, e t h e F a t n i l y A ' a Y . p n di d B v . s o i , ai r vxt t A m r N eE u r i o r la n d1 e x a m i nr e f o r u h e m ie l v e s , a s b e W b i c b o f u s c a n s a y , t h a t i n s u f f e r i n g a ý t t n a l m t e s o m o t n e 0 o I $ tb - L 0 Y G L A ' N S-' ,yh ieR Ew T I V E S T E R -V pr C 4 S H . cV , erd E u l e t e e n th e re b a s bh em n o n c h e tie l' itit o w r o n g , w e b a v e C a lm ly O P P O s e d r e s e fj t mo te n t , e t in ua i c e t e r f ip o rit y ,atncet A . t e- m al U w1h esotrcd h efctwth au& mi ijstcjarbrpotrîy ogt ot eotnwb hoSandee.Xvr c.ltdre 15for ra Jaocan amure tthe auase INDLI4N P.N.I1, il eS .-sot. d h efetteir çVeoColn f e feveris6h feelînça andi preventiiig fèe rs.- ai raies w ih wl o pete îc tîh any ter simi-' odu eed w cb ate t.L no lgk ad D a 2. lenat netone ofadthouo!d. I re. W 2Fan hti a Àp iîîîC.'4 on aRdlfu s Et abisThm enO t .in Toronto, eharacter ; th m d is net as preCociOtiS as c ~ t~ . affctins 3.ForDirzbeiloittittitJAMES m.A.NNWG(. Beaver Hats. IOEH~ G R vud eelam with thc inspired writer, 272mmttr itleftb theerbutbn mnêWth p cul-W anPoTstnofArb Ti YPl'5i Pl..or ntAJne RIO 951. bind h,"and wbile lamentinLias ',ifui siiteenl M~en iDberit thé e DtItu1aOn G Rheumitilin, &c.l&&t e, iti.V on I o rPP - d d ro s tju t or p rtfs. , is ait ar t10 rae, ney r eaVS~t~it M me'U T\J.N& ' B O U Sw at Combe says: " The chara el'Of t U i t, w , d itl te b s ha P a - - ;a inanne 0 I T À 0 Il-Mn 1terity by individual referai., h e nl eefin ver leavri orme r-omtiv -' 1~hr~OOJWSPN<SRJ LATE ' * FRESIFA MRSIFRER nitisidvda efribwihyo ohTseost'bv iini!iiun es 1 d~w sto u~m4%r'm, haît. rý~~~~~~~~I'eir $cale of prie" will lie aufollew l-w n o urîi cfist ubtipeg teele nds n fassume tbe renOfgem :~ ~~ ~ Won (ro mak I abt in to sattirtl, e thebmclîigt uciE )~.Jd btheiiClft 1eaiyjoct3 Of IrnPortantë intr dpacedbyhm wi eExrpU no rný iues nldigWap %»pteach rbsrby g igtbem every àdvantmge Unlapitie esuemimansdecoShil 4-24 per l.. deterierate from ber Worth or importance ,CI is I Wre p e ct sun d secam ,no te êl itV - im o co o ~ rionin; a Ti Vn i tt W Fliai O ue , a u ing E n b e nc a d  r e ic n t kis n does il make slaVe Q j ,ýh rbecause ushe pien e i su d s& e , n t h el i-t y. one . I ~ ~ d o . M b t . n d W au el , o c u d i g nviten db e p eop e ! W b n M rt i i b - b n po f i a s r t g r aDrb r c v _ S o i t h . s i f r i l t e w d w t i 04R10 HOVBL npeeyar.cbrberowa.yhola i bee mL«O fow t d, - ~ r .' ~ ~ T U ' b P o i P C i O V i> ' o th r w ~ tk CMiV w e o h w in v i tev e r ye o p le W m t a n r b l u" U c a r c 1 a s t rd arm ^d a s e l m y ' i n c a p b e o f a p r e i 1 ta y ttd t1e i e a n ;& & f f t « j ~ . o Si ~ ~ '~ ~O UJR CAR m onhp e b ONT 'fo BO S. Thini you that th child wo ld bave ported inaal rp ro4 #b.b wIl Z, r-' ingantida$Patcbitg i elantiClotiti eiWitain- figuret,. 'anti et Iii. Zioo~W t IS@7C lgj bI, eeIth.mtirof fW.. >.j3g " r Wonman, ili th close et navti in, io~aciiil1~eîîsîsatoîmncntewe . ~ hv rp elc 1.~ ~ ve li Point, a» 'inOV tre ida Cali- andWuf0em 10 M I U THOMPSON, PEARSNCO. d i wisîful, ioagiys..4b0eebryo atMýeeva __________nd____________Pot__ ed t r j!hý ý an ouaidfia;btleh sor s *,. r t- . weol andi clotb maybe left, andi returned dÉi ce inn;buýlete im Ws Il o 1 e< kb 00e xr cag frladcrt r W H AT 1 W H EA T 1I t apa hs i_________eif h ebi JO. te bot. flsnbe lf SIIII5onIHE wiilpay the highitltpfce 111l ea jinber besoin, and tti y acknowlëg &à ' Jj &o o beraid by an recve he sineal,: T be gift awared, ber by the Cretor, mrl -iedi ndeusnmrs. Shri et'ntlliîmtead of b srn h rca V - s .el orr (ri 't.'FantidelitireO aS PORorY. a thyskkl or ! ~ . <ti Io are laite be the promtemofi<elasting frie b'.cfGO4-FALL W&IEAT, ci2vdi A ati PORfwo 4 o #sll, o , j. ~ ?Ver>' desirablle, u wie are advoette fsert cl WHITBy ifarber, on or before the t1t9M dof.Idedlwu *>S p ce .and eider. rCj io r ncZt Il 'im , . JÂMS gGoM, BWRALNGN e ~al&o preard to ýx<r- Âvnczi On 4iinrca chaiga9of IicV.EBtrP,pPPSQ$' lÏrM, Whtb, u; t181., ~Flou enA Luipare, à etI ç ual'»4-9,1'lb -D u C10 cnsined t?'New YOrtkor Mouln1s (A.f or poirnofoeducïùti t te 1,e*a anyiititydf»ARLZY and OATL hr, a*1 deidoly trni< o.' ty m a i n S$ tr e e t, W k itb y T i l q e , L .O C i K P O R T J A>y W L L A Co rt b e r $. a ü dw wD e é q ù e tb r àot d 't ~ 42 c o ô t~ , s T O SJAMES WALLSACEtî" 9. ic.tXppre."iOn, ** ~BT gent. 42 May., tbis 1110T01E ,Who if a i W S*1e Rt8YVLa G ,T ~ jle ba uIUi A aUW it ç@1s A itpU 1851.kIS14.vine b eso vof, yÃ"0 ,-dyl8' 1 e1 *urin Albe% Iol I?ôf CA on 1'O;T o __ R CEI EDy pr4b1 t <lit VtrisIire aënTartar Su *$Wer, at bislRU T Cd Ivr, T~ ~i c s4r1do ftn V - * i$ HESn ri aey,, a4âbie . . . a i U & 4 . X U W f 1 # O UV I L L G E , f u l l Csi .tm e1t o f I.'tr,-',-:i i-i .h e r . W

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