Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Reporter, 15 Nov 1851, p. 2

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rU PIbe Cac. lich bad dnitteddswià iât towiards the Lake, btheJlt.> innocent h- Wau futind "'epended l in hiie-lu., îr sclothes having gaI holti of a slmr, and! d. W'Oniderfiil hu relate, - it was fuund to be f- ulive. and ie nuw as weii au ?Cvr.-tIû. d-. ion signal. le (Talegrupkic Depa.es ta *Me Batton d- theus, with twoloweeks 1.1er ÃŽiteli.. 19 genre tram Califnnt, w-us holtrly exc- a t pece: aince last Sunday, Lit hid trot, rt bee'telégraphed nt dai'k Iatbevéning. dp The eoficerof ithe ArcetiExpèdition - Drad the crews, are ta be preeuned with K moedal, un tho e : tNOVomber. to AzsOmum ?k>11tTlv Z,SiLxve EZcNT! ,r NzrT.-.At Syractise to-day, plaeards, of wer, posed warnngthe peuple. gainat ot te kddappers, who- wvere in qtest(ifa, il slave, the wife of a fret, colored i min! v. by tac namne of Wandell.-S$ho la b.- ta lieved, ta have ecaped. If apt. Nagi,, nectiseti of fradnrenýtv " >tining moey trorn theýGveran'à le waarrested at Waahington to-day,and] ~bel4 'tobail in4000. . ïïï= têq5!r ' àtJS. lIIJàRSfL 7FOR ir.ee rand Jtiryat Syra.. sori uan, -d TU. 8.ý Maribal Alcn. for ÃŽS Late îatelIigen oc IrsûMrxez i'o'l zf the eflýçîth"t the Gavera mentiwif Wa.ý r'. view toalalay the fevoluýion»ry etcite.. Ow 'ment on tbe Rio Grandebàd detrimino. aM ed to witbdn.w Lhe prnhi-bjtîuns a commerce, and to lower ihe diuîie. t NEW ADVflITISEMENT8 e -A WO f Waamade by N hl 1- fer abo 3s 8PIiRra1?diu.on or saout the 1 forbi purchung thesat, and the malier of the p -" Note is e6 Olid psying' tcs."me tanid PeM« .bSbttw&a bIUJ MRT SIMYED orrSTOLEY o PRONi thi eIII.TIie on the at.t Oct, l a »«k Ie dCows wihja sar i m the Foretzesd, ShSt Tail, 7ive or Sx Vean old' * vtIaer u»der et ze. - A ' ône CiD<n information ai iti Ofic; ri l i ta ber, shall be'hnd-' ww# Villag,. GA.Q*9 àmerome 1 I aou &mee Suburit aving beeu appointeti 'T'S iIeut OFT fhls .. aie prepîn..d1b receie asadicatiom ufoe Jv.urance Fiorn the ISIgb dIcSfatro: theablove Intliutin, amd lt. .w rates cf Preminan, me art couvinct<e ltat "tpnu bltaeiu rDow ofer..tfoi tueur. ac i" lteIahabiuaîeof t. 11ew Guouy of TROMPSON, PEARSON a Cè.. Whtby, Nov. i, 1851.1 1-f i-1 m e - te? ubicit, Ob* -viiicbalçe 0"n iLemmtor Tet Tny &Iigs for thn ad>antm. ý5-j3QOT$, BOOTS. eived and for Sale i tte ,t thé IlU8< Entà, OvIfa cg asrtmenî t ofte celebias* ÇTREAL BOOT, ýWqrc tires go, aanbiIujCtioti J-"., L~. ane trofawryamen "igit1 Ïood, on circumscribeti by a fev local interesti, but are suiflciently compreu vet emues rysubje c t tat ità cal culatesi ta promote lte interesti af the Pro vince ah lange, for iy suels genmrl prosbperiil as a witole, oaci separae coutmnity mws flourish ; andti us1necquine tbe, i-bat lehool, and by whaai magerw*ce laisea*liem impressions inculcatcti, .and (rom whasc ex' ampl'and procèpt 'tiey -wert-reatured Up -a imhnood 1'LTbes. ane important cansidera. tions touching lte character ai ou r future representative Lth ini religion andi politicsa and lte influence itbey miii gir. Ibrougk it to titis imeportanut llidiug In 'the 11oua. ol Parliament. Tiert is, tiersoure, nu l ime nairto be loti »"setting our house. in order,"1 andt aena b. us ta conte Up mît trenglitanti colula dr-ne tb tie. polile memuet unge, UtfTI, UNIT£. if we, ai), it muât 6e ubrougi the egreguous faly aif hrying ta force, frm cral lieâ, men upon the elechorb . m ticy cannt cieenfully, and' mt a mita!, urt suportahtte polis, 13y ex perienco o; -avery roenct d, ie have smmn a s distrouàlY a certain unpopular family clique succeedeti individing te party, thse result of wbich iras te n nnin of a aneta lCdl the. vacaçy in titis Riding, rbo mwu never contempl&ted by thte Conventlon,aud titrou'h the. means ofaie thctie present disoraie stat. of te lW~orm pmty in te Province Onust bu, attnibuteti. WiII the gooti sense of R~eforiners alloir the sane gaine ta be played mpm ,w&IUtslmnuÃŽty f1h et t e hopd nol for the salce ai thecocuntry. W. Irait ans- iously for te' resuit of te adjourned Con. vention, irbich wmli mee tagain ai Brougtamn likely, aluring lia.let weekat. Dunîiàx.-Thýfe difliculty in ibis Cousal> ie to be seeued ty a BelaM convention. Mr,. Smith la aut for re-elecctien. Izn 18;7 bis majority aver D»Uin, as 226. Pitu ic,*EDWÂRD.-Congermsd Stevn- son mili! aain conteet Ibis Couoty. rbe voe u 87 raConger 659, ïteven 662. 'rt. election wun probaitly bceaxioe OXIOEtD.-,Mr. Hineke pased UP;a0 Taaedy, on a riait ta bis constituents. -la 1847, the vôta mas, Hineke813e Carril 418-mjority 335. Mrr. Vasusitart op- poses tim n th e Consenvatire interusL. 'Nou,otic.-Tite requisiîipn presentet u Dr. lilpi, 'ta stand for "bi Couinty, cou- taine th ie Signatures of upy-ardu W 650 votera. Datbuiti the Doctor wil1 be ne- turacti by an averwbclming majority. 'The nunber oai votes polied in 1847 mas 1072, of which aver 650 are ulready pletigedtet support lte catis. af Reforum, l 'go.q.Ma1colm Cmeron l sring eerytJîing bdre btt lattis Couuty. Mn. Cayley's niajority In 18471vau ont> 68, and ftom the. succes- hut bau atteuded r Caema ourthrougz due Cauoty, titere le 'no question lbut btat te wml# b. eturneti bl a lange !ujority. WÀTERLOQ..-Mr. A._ Ferp!son, tbe present caudidate, bas receivedth ie poulina- flan of lte -Ueform Coivention. He miii bo opposud b> Mn. MWrigiî, Ii':Warden, on thé Cossenvative iutcreést. MnIr,'ergus- son', eletian le sure. -H*#Tl?ÇGB.The Convention bas again, nominated Mr.-1B. Flint for titis Conta>-. Hi& majirity aven bis,,opponent ah the lastr election, iras 28, irbich it i, iowerer, b. Iargoly in.creased. Mr. Mumney, te Ioien niesber, is, againout in opposition, but thte "No Damer"Ilsyàtem in Dotu go dama wIit the electorn of auinpt. J'ALToq.-Mnr.John *1. Ee'nr wiJl le oauosed 1w Dr. liamornm. Mi à. la MoGe Robc', 'lSfui< ý intel Moanc - - ~~We are- iidslied lu ithe juîiienu Ï.0j 1 trieeILor.pà4 appit- .eb' Ti.unde»rnsiu;d Tricul qaiteo ,Mr. Nurs,- tif iah. fita u Vhnîww nut orId"1BUAul»$,i:s " th that' Ille Uurîers <of %V 11llly'wil lUnc Pearo&Ci, Ur Ille dôiad n'o isu6 , ;i-à~ adni.i ,e.p ut&ôkînon Sattnrdi<,- he tiIî < h 'r yo b o k, 1 'oungkIa . airo Novermber, at 12 cltck, foihe sc' uriw4o Uh',.. , a*oetdw oiVwTpii a uii1,del aiâ' u cuthé tajj ' nw pr just starfed- in Casididat fr electiu fitj'Pmrt.ame1au. - 1b"% OtOIý1 tbe ibie lO5hW LhO 4î~ »s~ , --itrt ut, grelâ tierjos r, "ItIi -d A A ?i'N~ i'< '.- - i tw..nL. u.I* the .AL.t J Ln'. Ok hâ .,g jority'over cobie wasi 2 I.ja;4fil ho .1 i.r iui l-1,I Lo ~t ~ ~ nrn~ a;, î~ I:5 g cr j~ t~ hur » 5 wart a iî e r Uflts M b y li., r p 81t.1 If-lD ï M4 l . e a~, a o b.en ain "enyxeca rspcsof(rzwaadl5oki frLteRiovei. loon Moîrth - subjeet boing le o e Con t4a .ruban. Jli cnensn Idii d ~ ila' malterOb>cor4i.ai4arendr tb ban of thkeV' » il "IfilJ at ofice, 70Uaw iedl2iMYic.,,cbap.su, techrct4%9Jw 1 t~RY aOu )trico. MW àre- uplsdta eecathici , ib ead hi llos:- fbt f'hned are t iahbi pyt'oruIt1l- e tatdos "~uie bod wlu i r(. Thelitic re y" tit eý o.h& atneoe fIeos t ssabliie adprctca iforntoowil m e su a ifirresnatdiol, he Co eventio dîneef bis oc, <ra enrod lyexcdin prope ctsd ot saa ndbeserice o Lepli ,orthe p e wihcr; ysadMouRopon o ir.clèdriotihu thengben bettrejtuia o t, 'àîjeis y d ; a '1rÃ" V4Aa jü. ' lieco R1ntie CH. notiad-4 lrin uboîzd u a bsnot ise Iby sra C ti »it . j<>fî jx t tAICI or eulca, 1 uialigàact ioffie." eiu0W f nacotâ ftb rtnd ifches ejger the miesnt Toawnbiee Gounc i f i le ga, Se shw odyWts aeJi ot i n la;cWbsbbi rc ri.»l it ".> uîip .r 5.Tlyh ieq i ll naecaretm at*te f curs e . retie ,ba en d F( i otb r i' ,frilaen y t iniaUr e rta.zw1u .u T iUSJ.zy 11w 2 1 tt d oy O- vIw i4s-LjUJ ~~~~~~~~ oIle d hr as n t ethg a i...Id ut Levie xand'rlou".' ' i'.T î~J l a 3s d :re bylaie Co thei Van ti h o b otitesa o ntt TL A O H R FitwO c vnn ablgake tc ntrL '.<11 irdJ a i C4iVeéIii t tCu9nh ie th aiocourse. n, 2hVit, hp.8,teada laithe of :i gbo ix cfMn..or Ontaio. We .j. 8e. l .îîr» i'asetat i 7. ltwe. A at eciO c-, w oul red»flo bave rend r iged oref yta bsthrug ui lasùiûç te cuir u.1.î ,.uld i r .T e Sc Ili the laevenJonr hàen of e ad of 1t0r:gto a tv "itcih . s t e 2Oh A1gust; wherelî,ievealiedri<cfacbile ' I na in il! e uc h Iîî'N~a isr àpretsen»ati 8. lmw Rel been dec lare pd cant ati tonleI.10bol e ie ianera trhe 2 ~ î e*Tige. uIX duie<s o s orie , fhour a e b ee c ni- Iom ce riof a theer icen tir pb e , tl i res le d. -e ia i t h, a d 1.gt c' o ee, t U.~ ~~~~ 1nttro1ore,1i g3.osor Theou re Eleiwiol ýoInreg aedtar bttl'idj t a vl' të ttc oni' e e otI nrl on sutemed ,,iib'fl & fr- u el %V. , N i IJ P OFÇ R .x t . . au e sr. 9 <4 yI firoit 'r.thoriz1e, sot*, absent hr miiihn.sug Ctiliw4 s'. iriteesn hm o.eMy own pi offi."' Atc 1 aira meetingcu re biosurancIll.1 ite "Wfiurils . Illeas o th miet:ft he'ouncil, aoflthepriheni hime, go longIe.u ____________ the_______ of.l , a.tiest . uvr iinige-5,vr'Ille *ls Mayel a rgn teal a Twns aîe caoonly . l ind h etid tlteOxotii iUIt?;..S i P(uge al rOn fromnitenarlufaniestlebutwwiilabeiiiost8hap dyytalT)r.; IVO 01,1 Sbee presn ta iscar ingn eor.and o ha ie s'aarr i.fnt .'ie î,>tîgi<. f cvits gntem n.. ,a;u,# . ~ theruief, md itheld20(po th aul e n %IILILt N J3J4. 1the*rJîVfl rÇ 10 t W t< li.Ut h Iats i turld s an an eror sSe. oul wulIhave renderd o nidy a tede .Ji bo L ,'e of #. bly 7.~1-. '.l11 ~~~râr sui .lesue1asiS.. adep1.trei n ât illlÃ"u1iJt5 à. the 0rh (lg.st ;w.i eu vore a'd iiîo bai c e- PlToen. rvei liee wellawrkingacant andpreenu sytem1cfth.t beohaiku'e. te ams apeanie oisue ..a. <iTIReoluduoî sief ay go eret st orth bavebrconsi- uroe5t r oof o f -te o lw t i a;Ii iliat e R irold.- i a 1 f fli C J, 1..l .'.i,ofU tixh nete varkc nwichipaf radited ians lsej&4p ahveUcoujeii,. 40!hJ Mn I tO ? SD Wth Co .!. j' s hô1J e telicnsumd ÃŽlefurJ..fi iawia 11 $:. fiiitl lisaromî1' 9«e. ldite bly .9 < i rerdooklm , Sthe v. 151. ,toux(of Iis e t Sh»Lie..d 'v 'f.t 'l.. finit lic- -I . rie ..0 * ct s in- e r . /se On taii eo te To n 2diur c e l the noin at9M ion e a s buo1auad. I liLI*t ,.1. u4t t q . 'i. i- Najaaq lteev*s r r. M o v l c iv. ta i x 1 t f d , lit ih.' s1.4l hvi d. Mn E iîu.-1 ch> . opinion îeu.'r » -'lic llwiI r.'iu a"y o at M y, n . ae l,..rqr1'y -rgs.u . v u Ia -il eurh.as .c t h s uv 's " R .'f o n î c m .' r e à nt d înl j e , c r n i l a t t t b V e S o ~ n e, i. w s nioa, r u a t î î î t . ' i r B . u r IfV 1tjl u a ti e it .c gal ly o r b ize, ndt oc saM ccr nnwud y ,M.luiin è ca cî. e plihîîe Im e yO:xford ~ e. 1r Le ~ jt~ l4a -lia ~. f W i'lr ,in n w iie t ttravieni f li l.g *rwrnel i taa e.'n.o,tl -ut,., a~~1 l' rsti. ;' .l'.-ts,,a fil(t 'rqt re be àh s î.th am in e n errore.and tatith yo»no." i. aub mc t .),-illen eh r.iffli-l,î',~ ,~,1 . fr, u-u .u't li u * I tue f Tu a.rslui:i. ntaofhc i uur d o a Cri- s ,N'oit In- rJ s *s li use;usf rloutut 1titi- -Ili$,If la; I3uIha Dot wie allvfor then pruumlose of bri P0 nT in ty àiIA IU l Ré:.a v1h(Ciu 'o uih1~ r.file 2. ~ ina ro,1 assurjuslîn e " WYOU i ill fruet 1. rv:îg AtttC¶ t! l 4lî ttr'I_ t n pI.. iel s r.as, qui, un vsrv <~ s e ntvo . iefti s tror sapr u, he tria rgdrof a kaL ii(M.b n the high orkia ing of Our n, aI! s h.'uio. ct .J I. a ie t fyinut'aMe ti cl itù, Ãœ 6d h ir rjr ' entiv . ac i u d u i ,f sel îorieu nt u,u se n lu thru j ou r descf royd c sitipped n .tIti fsot, à a i ln a:é i d lie h .r h-d ~s îtc ila c~î a ' v e 1 ; lt won of ' ta. lteripi" aC y e nrpo t. fl7. The i, l iti of$it-s >xrvu, Cu Wlrr o-t yutt I ny lu i :ru. îlu .ad t lu44.0b i. Ve bil iat 050 itM Ilfilâtilt .-th & e f<1, - es,' ut' tht- Fîî c ' ' u r r wh e 0 slyn u u u S i uc tl e ts 0 . D o m i n t s f O h t s ; I u u u io n ac eit s v e ' u ,îm.I n *- 0 < 4'f f #C V i l ti é l n d 1 ~ O < W Itig Zomi>,41 4 it'UltIlh utuvns« îg. l e TU M E ING 0F' TO cr. on cxv liàrG.-dbte vi rumourei*thtanoîl6f «a lie lut efgjewuuît, l'(gr KIariî.r Vl- f 1 Ucc' [te litç 24 rit aebiinoimdwvng if" Ila e? do e t c hfa ike th e mslledîisy o.' tIW l1; ive c; iiiv! Fuu' 1*4 Béuing <fLrtlUi. firdsal i ineligDr. gublieoat an t. r.- foý'ri (làkae, stsenat- C K ty o fi 'ilrk, -,li-li S lilIl CI mi 4 Wr I ait u e In t s§ f ums 4 limes. Thfu s an iostalment 0, Ille bai -ail, ïrqu iisu, l i xelier fur Ia pitigtel t sn ld em du-l ti"[tt.t' y.'.W iog a l atifct rx lan1alit ,ta tic peo1là i *fn a l o fj byL e people of IL IA Z.iPOWsLm gor-a d a eia e 6 a ou t itios a l- l u #,big il, 14y, u geuta.îw u st C çiii lu 1w'Deulc t/l sendrmteral U¶U~ 12 Cn' uiuu lu, fr isepîr~tus ufnlvwung TU n CtUililJ.WAlit lisPurî *'rn1yho- a t nturi) flite real tuinines orirzitel cold w ei hOtus for a omiactg W,td ii, fi(ETL MI4 le iTtw 1q ith Tos b ilt. tr . , o. ti~~y c lle l j. w Ifî'da aî0 emeî>11. a oor iel eiatt p&d fhoCppve,,- deb tî4% isI upSl i 'al Iteconura lwrih waaentvd ' errîafns <'smo . Lff t» or IE.-y 'iUo .'n f lit objet i calin lirtiriin atentont as;, .Wh e wentwer ee savilîbyes;r-_ . Wtip £;uit usd h.1 oatJ lit ttiiaiuhr ls We haylve mraceîvv a ûaiti! ca!Iiuug vvhd*neFotrum biuuu h rLey L ta e n re. 1lMr -al ntýelsiii n t-u I'nu4, in frt fÇI wih ac iltcie ce valicir' W011', laahs i ey- ifi" c1 o le y -si9 ande aslie -sd iliuux Inktgtwittg »of' ' e t y.-o uiua.#wrttzodn wîl' gea su. ti the et-turx 111 il~n t, ff i L CT O . of'.det aee p.ctî liexander, c pt Debloisrte Lt5 50 s'loi tof wbalets, o boots, wvue i the.Ca iîgthoshiji mmd.for th, breent Of th, idi thto î ýes loked ua ,Ca wtully at uhe :iption of the L-t, it ohol'*r idonce of<his !ooTe,]ai# A'. f orne chid, e patife andi 'e iatonoei- 'Ibre the des- and flue ronds witla cor" e. b. infýito the. vhale Lw

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