m ne by ppe.deuted m.sbipped km delivered Oteleua tinte. andi forward- taabise ise da50cents 0 ferward it 'wWs in ex- r & Umainadiî- domut Dol a!e wuectuiiy inavîwi ii q to 1,1xatjtteMie- ciet, andi ait for a Lil*neoe fr experimntn 'wlibot cost, if tney choeaè& Piciure atn ia adu sveiun plmse t wealber. ~'~'7No1.F. FATZ. n11h. I -'sth $TRAME OR STOLEN FROm ;RO01LINt on te Nigit' of te'27ti Ociober lut, TWO, VOWi4, .one. of wblch wae a very Durt Red olour, very jar", itut in go condition, with Shi Legs, Btack Utider or Bas4mt was neariy dry, éndth ie lipe t ch- Horn waa rut off and toutided ; mite as aibout Il yu'rmoidt. Thet ibher îooalnttb13 Yeats '01d, the DIorois cituî ff mn tik' rer ranid urtwd hp mlie, slitewam fpereited il aiver wiîh Brnvvný andi White, ltait more Brown, atvtu theie iduuu Lqa n oan art ucbutl>, sud iot in -as'g'.odlcottuli- dîe sa the fermer, Atiy prraen ita: stil eave an>' inforsýatii wh.r i te saiti Cows are,or witll brinq the anme te liUoozLîh,witIl besu iîiabty îewémnled hy 1thr ewner. Dreetitin, biti Nov., 1851.30 MUNICWPALIT Y 0O,S1{AWA.- STATZMJINT OF IUCEIPTS AN»DL'XPEN- .&m't levieti for CeunI>' tar Id in the Pounud, 44 Il .Asyiuin I d " Attnt levicti for Village tax, Id.: in tel'oued, making £64, 7 11. Of titis £C2 211 7d reaainsuncoliec'tod. £3 141o retaieul b> Collecter for services. -Amount reciiveti by> Treaxuirer frein lte Col- lecter, 58 10 fi Rââaliod, R. J.. CuiineiitqE., Aianut levieti for Doig ta% £ St., -New Yoa.' 1 Ils 7diretained by Collecter eLondon Qaarterty Rcrîic) p.merfomtnt Gltetobv- 4,'2 7 THEa ROMXA- PATRIeT.- ~ eîîkue on ~bo " lnemi No. 3, te pay deb dune >nspirator Mazzini, as lie ia by"frusîees £19 6% 2<1; re- e for 13 yeurs lte rarked muan taîneti b>' Celector£1 s mn d"e¶vtilsm. luti lic varei Ainount receivv'd by Treabu- fout eil bis native Gertua, or ir1r4. r oôt ùf la.nd frein.wiicli Ilheu ' les oziled,dcath l'y lte hltr or natree-clfinJi. wotild have be bis ine-;'î. Wrentiu-UFrev *lu Autuia, ia Ruisia, cr in are lewI -partof Laster» Eutrope, lits £5;arneutit receiveti frein i r.NGibb* £2 lOs*;total reeld tavelbee ti .or - an'i receureti its'Trasurer, 7 10 0 goiti. 'lrntw, Sivitzerland, nrù. m*.4 wcr. the only couhîri"s Amount rcceived fratn M ia 1ffemivo the flegitiva. Ncw fror eh! plank, O 3 9 rthere, wnilited, proeribeti 'î in vd. &-1l' purstied jbis lesign---ixAuute insfruehi it of, cousirrey incarnate- £4 fis3d; amouint et fines r a*o nlo auist dsoJmws one tait y-ear s'nding 31%t 11,c. as Mazzini# eitîietr lie., îgS5, £1 IU iv3d;; le- or lky Ctregliondenct; tI(tielu- taI amonmreceireti t»'Trea- tir uî,at ois o ereprets, ai1 O( prude. Acrm e-.v uic surer, ouke athim yving talaus Commuted Ptule Labour, >pkd a ~rr: oîîg IaliitsWliole nn'îon A$sSstej)t- [,zltospcak his lat, itbiii Ioî j£101 178 Gml.; retait- ye4 tirhim. tla,ci.. cd 1.jr collection £5 7!5 Gd; rà nd ilor Franecwojuld gîv.e renlt initiîg uacolie-cteti £3 il tusuc4u a mn a; Engtal l13 6. Ainuint recivei id affor hlm a refuge. For by tl'rrr.92 13 G e a io nlgly, lie was 1un- FAnd lertved front Exliibitiuu~. ( Loudou..-a peer obscuilre 1t- AmSctnt >receiveti by Trea. »e.ted, earniag a luvelubeoti Surer fur 18.50 ri rt r t'm The great tmaas of peuple.. aufidst kn . W noîting UbOut Total Reccipts, "£14G0 colimes hâisnanme weuitiail-ce2160 uewspup.r couPled witiu ca- IPB DTud Fn roOinid nueceti wotrld 1 Sttioncry, Printing, 4c Ithereis Mazoini," andti the Csi ri hiu he a p*raon no addres" wotîld Fur Corporatiotn Suai. £ 1 12 9 Moeor leu of interest, oonlte G .viwBuriis for Bocks, O 1 ;-)0 cre of a.mai reMaiabo P loresK t i fr Table ~b~msd uir he brning anti Clitniyïfor Town lIalI, 3. 10-0 r, kia,,uy and dite intense anti Olittliawî&Wilite fur Printing 3ý 15 O emoy ef lits 1jale ceintie- £ 26 Ptbcwe vr. mewahione that RoatLv, Bridges Sidewalc,&,4c. ,~W*OVPIDcwthhne.halCiat j'aid James Diîtgle fur eakofhim as.a.snoble andîtrUe esîn c, a' lI an«of irtepuoachafise rectiltde Raising Bridge bîuilinîg, texquiito secal itîies, the 13tmel, gratiing ruati, <feivalran <d onotr.-I and graivcll'iig s-4nley 45 0 O le wI*'4isagreed witli hi' iil Makn.- fuiicittdranstCulvert 7 5) O enorcire1uationsad wj lDaing Grave! un Ksîug- hati ftity,'and tua tover ted> in politicat te absoluite ever tireti cf Mt, of 1listen- W him 'vitt Peter Turley ri-r excuvauiola unt lla'y'iiMll, 17 10 0 Heliry PeJle' fur grtudipg Bond anti Priîîc.îrca," Pîtîtitg ini Cutverts, -1 5 0 Mabucîti. Quigiy. Wcrk on 'lTown Hall, auJ s, teriais, 8S0oO Hall anti Sykes,, on accouai- of Jaying Side %Walks, 15i0O0O jT. N. Gitbs,. ple'k 'for Bri'J gt oaI$ush OOà awae 30O0 Tio# le. Howland, ilank anti luniber for erossings, anti Culverts 30, 000 feet. 39 16 3 George Hinksen, grading Centre, Baguit, Atel, Qacen and Duke Streetés, and Culveris, 14 12O Jolie Taylor, furt-plaek 12,- 200 ecI, 14 10 6 J. Warre'& cotg, iail-s, 4 7 à ~ W. Glenney, NaiIs,' 4 19 4 jebpU ylasxl, Nil, 0 7 10ý lamDes Cinpamoei, mendindg ide walks, n2n12 6 J-A.Brigbî & ýRepairnui 1 ide-welks air(resitet, 26 Walter Wigg <fir work donc OTown Hail, 1 9 syto7#5, infi lbgy anaG olumous Rre e.s mual, ut Ibis aeawoOfthe Yealt welJ stock- ed vîth every varicty of Nvew 1Goods, apileced permonally, ort, the be.mln, rom, the ltcr-si 1mpoing ~Hoosrit i- MONTfl.EL Ara) NEW YORK, ind wili lie found desevnzo h tt-moia 1 intedil-Purhusês. 't'iceâ exceecltnglyLow. Whiy, 41h Noi'., 1 851. G-f NOTICE. rg'1ERE- wîll be -'o1d by Publie Auc. A tlon, on WDES>Ythe l2th Jobt9 LOT o . . TICON. PICKERING, comînclincing et aiENo'clock, A.M., on the prêni-we- of 3ames Waddell, the following articles, riz; 1 Span Bay Ioe,3years old, 1 Yoke Workingr Oxen, 1 Steer, 12 yeare old. 1I Heifer, 12 ycars old, 1 Yokc Sfrers, -1 year old. SCows iCaif,.1) Spring Cales, 2 Shep $oSwii, 2& Acres Turnips, 30 teint 1*ay, j. laige Stack of Pcab, 1 FanninglMiii, I1 'etDoublé Itarness. 1 Scotchitlogh, i1pair Double llarroivs, 1 LogrKing (2lain, I ugrar Kýettie, lilfl2Joz. Chair.-, IGlatN Culphoardl, ./J quayihity o/ J>o)ta(oes, &ýa.urn'd Lumber, '-c Al-o-A great varicty of articles t00 nu- InerouS tO Mention. i Terrn.-Ali under £1 Cash, all ever duit sum rwiIvç. lMoti *credit wil bc giLnven on frihn approved Joint N\otés.; if paid when due, no inter*'4 will bechage.if flot. interest will bce liarged fonthe day andj date of 'Sa(e. I N.3-T~ Ilzy i i4 . $o i y tige Toit or otherwLs, in suît,,purcer~ J,.tC. $TE' LING, Picerng,1'Nov., 1S51. 30. FOR SALE, e--.very wmy. plure £«25C i o s'oNoie witi inîrtemi, 1y tb e Ite mNove-mbe-r next. Ptclerig, Nv. , 1851.30-3t'* CAU IION. 7111E 'îbliîcarc e brcaîîtni'd agaîn!' "'ptirrhaoiltc a N ()>T 'i'E Il A SND1) e.r l'y nie te CIISJO'îRllOIfijNs or Bèailer. lo e, iunrfut£2 its., ditej ou or abolîî it h- lat (Ielelur, I i8t l Thiet 1iuîiths. i wIiltot 10,Y sai'1 Note, ad 1 have tv-rived no value fouîfile!- Port pcrry, 4th Nov, 1i51.30-8 cl SCOBIEIS CANADIAN ALMANAC FOR 1852, Just Recciieul and foi, Sale l'y JAMES Il. GI<E Uîy.dei frh billnfb, Wbiii'yene, 7No1851. , 30> JISHO'S MCEniAL FIE t-r o eryNNT of ain WoltîdeoOrnmmtlDainting, wbilt'y. 7tit Nov., 185W. . 30 JAMES il. GERRIE, 1)rgibre 7h Nov. 1851, 30 C IR*g - OENDEN'1 andT Ca>' i c TONuti< utaifr 'Ç ulise&Se AtcINglt C/Rm nc teAgent ilhire &tt (i tore 7h Nov.. let5. 30 Ma ni td fijai, for y seaee t is 0the MR lGI E. 131{or N h amau toisti ael linsc Agent11forli lte onrFio .R.eofle ne obtan ubereati eci erger r F',forlrnlnAt frie f ing&c , WHÂTBySAT m'co, N-Sir ga 1851 Wfan eedcar& femoariarsl ita fi c b Meit. ezi, înI el E tons a b nu1 tbortst.RreAectfolite Titrio 1 ding t l o a iiyn âread ec eiybbc Atrerâ aormeeitin lte B.dermer ot&ce on $ araylie rsadiestiaof Nove. lowshi ofe lite Cbiuaa JOl) ooklap- It is deeply ýo be eplored, the selfishi local interest, tbat 0o~ne eni,'l dlaim to liberaI sentirmenîs, will aèlttge in und tiilow 1lp02ntriude andi dis' th he harmoniolns wowking ot c f thc'ee priirci- pies of which they profess le be suc.h woarm supporters. On Satturday week, et the meeting te eëhooS'e delegales tu the Brougliani conve nton, Ihesame fa- tal machinery %vos et work ilia dejîii- ved tbis Province of the services of Dr. Rolph as the lhcad of the new Niinistry, instead of being as nuw, uniy a fractionai part of ilt under 31r. Hiiicks, by their coUIivÃŽing and intrigtîeing le gel a unokincwledged unpopulnr niait luto the vacancy ini this Ridîtg, Os a a sterpiieg tune to te general cleetion. Tihis % 'uq an uinfi'rtunate error titat ail Mnen rendiiy nckn<'wiedge ; and wlty îhhrstte iîtb . Mimilar couirse, whiclî widt hrminate iii a, resit ltat %Y0 may heve Io depiore fjr 1the tiexi fouir yeurs? On ilits occasionlte petit)pju:xi.îuis, of the la-stiX ix tontis rgnrunghi ruunty site agun fwitid ventltriwil t O~iwaClique, aldt'd hy thrt- (ý,"'11- t ieîtjeti from 3. u!i~,Wb i jpjear do- termiiiedilu acrnfleîrvaceupi- ripie ut te shrine of thsts ifuritinn'e l'une of dinteuiît. Nov 1 t Ii.eps he- in- laken by both 1Brc'okiliu i adOshawa. lu seeirthie coî;uly s in ecullber ot their respective localities, aire IfloSt caletittî<<l ludefeut thtj ulIre for inii tis.etideavo)ritit w pIit vlp t/u Rv'form Jîorty, in their niertiuîgs al)(d Cunti ttonis, t bey lire Virtual1 Y' trow. ingr obstacies in Ilite wny, ralriiulrbd to rImbarrass the preeni gorerament, ini fle Naie %wttv tua: îlv~y i sraî Ille ptartyby 'ronunating and (iretsiruiiîg a eatîduiuîe ini olibiotit u Dr,. R.ilph. Tue mt-eting on :Saturday wvas the legt texprc'ss'ujn of the towîsi i that cotid lW, leui, hein g attetided froir. ail parts by the itiost iiufi'uetttial and weaith iitîrn- vrs anîd 'tiîerm, yet lte v.iice uf UIle pro pie was a-Mgaitî nttetetd lu he set nt itutiglit l>y IIis uldetliqute fromite at buthap1ui wiituî lf:cl; ite deleg;t' of te ÃŽ cJîis buce betng appoIuîed j îîearty titianinioiiî.. 'l'lie DISlugtes for te '1'ird Riding, met ai l3rougitaîn on lte titinst.. but as there iwas a prospectî of the election net takinco piace betore the la J;anuar>', anti cote- quenîl>' betore îté separation cf lte Ceunî>' of Ontario frein te Cotînt>' ot York, it wa.s tisongitt advisal by lte felegates, to adi- joîtrn, 11tite ierioti for holding lte cleeiion uieulti le matie known. It was, titeretore, resoiveti b>' te Convention, 'Vitl-titis Convention do adjourn until lte lime wlîen lte electien for titis lditrg te lake place, shil have been matie known. W. DUJNBARI, Chtairman. -Z. BURNIIAM, C O R Et E 8 PO0N D E N CE. For teOnttario Report«n. Sir :-Ttrgrntveilitigouthliecmini Stage r atd, fronmiluhe Eastern limita ut WVlitby te tIse flge b>- contriblitictus, iiuereby making lt for ever il frec rose', ineeîs i aîn happy lu aay wit muicli etu- ioiintuertîent, ii tis uuarter-no 1I olut!cln tu lte itiuandi 1u0 cie refuses bu lettd a itelpinzr landor lte accoîn- plilsiment cfIte objeel, anti aIlt Iat is requiredtutcoinpleteltcelplan, is lu have te principies of tIs chene getuertilly kîîtown. %Wben lte irujeci was first tnenticncd tlu nie, by MVr. Perry, sortie lwo tiltontta aiîoUe, I titovghst It in]poss.i- ble te carry oul, bis views, but lIte itcre 1 titink andtitaîkof ilte uiy iteigihours, -the rmore 1 am ecavînueti cf iîstaraibiuty. A large pr! tofte rond *»s nuis'turît lu- keti, reatrycjiyeeceiveg-ravel, atuntigoti shiare ufttuI is already gravelleti, nia- kitiga mut e tter roadti dantte fa- miolls Govero'ment Coîttttv, or jota' stocks about which'it se nuicli excilemit was m1atie about a year isincu. Gvv~d gravel cati reà duly b c baineti alung te whole lîne, eonveniet, tute ruati arîd titotgi wc weuld have soea bshlu to couerd wilii, yeit tey arc bîtinsur- niotintiable. If il is not Presumltion f iYPNE.-OCn Tilpçday l185,tb1 4tUil , publie ser¶rice wailheld in the Con~goti#l Cni..bl, liirecolctbt DWtW ,wtiur au. orut aranpeople récely Witon" 'lie -There were, 1 believe, tbree plans; one was the BRey. Jahnes T, 13yrp h hr approved of b>' ail (bth b pectatzls and an 1 C- icI ouncillorir) as being the most conveint asserbli1g -it the aforesid place, Tihe in arrangement, andi ais, the most appropri- Bey.Mr. Finlay, Locheat, Clirnie andi ate design for sudt a&building. There was Roaf, Offciateti on lte occasion. a specification attache to t at plan, whicbh--i____ amongst otber tbîngs, suggested the proprie- , Great indigation is-expressed in evarions t>' or apointing ant overseer 10 svtperintendqare ePcern.tUimnDinw b the' work hlî npor1 - t c ttM Nlcelpacked tUic Delegates for that Vie contracter done bits duîy in fulfilling itî a, recment. As soon as theUicotor reati To*wnhhi?. that pairt ef the specificalion, be threw the plan andi ail, 1 bel ieve offthei table, excam- EnnÂATî.-The Divison Courts .au- ing' that he hati seen enouéb of that. 1 sup- neuncement in our last, should haire been pose your readers wil understand that move thus :-PÃŽckering 22nd Deee at Puf- w ithout'an >' xplanation ; but l est th ey *botild 9Ce k a d a s a w 3 d D c i h r net, ~ ~ P Iilgiemopnn.The profession- aI gentleman wà S insulteti aIlthe idea of any Sce Aiverls.nwn t Mr. Thomais one thinkîng Ilial a T1ownship Couneil, witiiD. iitew gütds itîtc-duys jlaper. a sage like tt.si'a its hunti. was pet fit w________ superintend a 1o m rHall. 'i licreeuit wxl, FouRT*H ,ILuNG. bthoe mitoh er opaswsaot T he votes in the Convention stooti iha.- by Di ihyJocter. the otiter îwo Couin- Joehiata,----1 cillrs beirg in the p sition efthîe boy w en Joseph lla îrt ------ --14 hie tý!e te app l biadntting te say - J cbî o s,- -- -- -- ---8 N Ow , Sir, ÃŽtis w eless la sa s anythîrtg abou, J ohnb e l n , - - - - - ----- adi e ubc one efthie worsî designs in Te e'fe Baîdwins poputarity à te be apîuaranee, for sîch a building, that _"colîdtîti i -. t it va tof fd liy fo i [ îo)S ubly b u got up and as for the sork ra - t e le ti a nd u esti o un trp n h ship, i l is d eidedly benea th any thing tha i. 1I ___________tion could have conccil cd. 1I huard ef t ilrqîat- WIIfB UICIPAL COUNICLL. dl>, but coulti n t believe unll1I m ent t e SPEC AL >rYTMU N sce il ; anti I amn snformed b>' gooti autiierit>'y3oki, c.2,IM th-il lhêtibitert were of the rneanest and oolnOiQ81b. -smail,t poïsible sz':-o'sbëinc abhnîî Council met at 10 e'cleck, A.M. tliitiri>'iches aPart, andi oni>'eight incitshcbrprfn-Msr.UakAnne$. du'ep. andi other timbers un proportion. 1 1( and AlliSon.1 arnais imormd, y bte ;îm aîllority. 1 ieput>' ieeve in tbe Chair. ihat lime article or ai.reeîtent between thet' 31iuute eofthlie lutït meeting reati and con- Cuttîlractor anti the Iiiilin,Comtitîee, etftfrmed. w Iti Lr..ellîson ts chief. dot.i.,el ou.s Moveti by Dr. Ailison, secondet b>' Mr. Word about lte size tof tianers. kinti of n- An terial. or anytbing ese, on yt>'biat il binds That ail arrears ef taies of Wild Landis. Ite contracter te bîld a bouse ot sucb a suppesedti teLe due previeus te 18,51, shahl 1 ize, andibinuls lte (:oIamite tobPar lhe bc refundet te. the parties qwbo bave already sum et four iundred pounts. le-aing tic de-i paid te saine, andt ltaItbb Colector be re- Voted l oinslij, w4hiouî aîîy helii aaisim- !îjueted te roîrbin froin fairiher c)liecting, position witatever. This single transaction arii>'Part Oet hat wbich is supposewdti te l alune. is more thbm eroui te convince tisti, dite anti that the Treaiturer is bereby au- t owvnship that lio,ýe samýe Couincillorç art' thorizedti t pay lte saine on te trertficate nçt woritY tlebc- entrusted'with the financial et the Ce'lieutorttat the saine bas iteen paiti. cittceras etfttese wttse buiiessUi>'are -Carried.« entrstei wîlî.A.,forl)r.Ali~,o, ~ Dr. Allison read and laid upen the table nte ai bs phYsieg woîîld cenvince an>'one a peti'ion front A, Farewell,.prayintg thte titt h ws ar'Ore beceunrtgsubjeet for;Cou 1ilte les>' a ta% on 'scol~et bue Asi-ium, tan a 'l'wn.ssibouacil ;î aind . for thet purpo1se et building a Scitool ls for bbc oter îtree, 1 tlink lte>'feîël in euein, 'andi nakiner alleration i t their oiwn breasîs, thattltc ouid bc betterjbOtinadaries etsaiti$cîoiSectîon. empioyed on their farmçi. It is te be itepti lôted b>' De.. Aulison, se'onded b>'Mr tuaIt Mr.Annes wiIt keep lhem sri ittle Anrtt's, raînnaderof teir esman î'biet, t htn o- "a ie sîtm cf £ 3 149. lti. be paidti te lune, is limited. the TIrustees etr&tîoOi section No, .1. ag a yoitrs, balance due on asseqiment, andi that lte AN On3sritvYn. EDeputv eceve be autherizeti to grant a Wititby. Nov. 6, 1851. warrant oi tlie Treasurer for that amount.- IÃDITR*l 'Carrieti. L ToS kNoTE.-Wce are net ret.pon,. Niovei b>' Dr. Allîson, secondet Ilb>' MIr. ýSible for te viewys and feclings et an>' et Annis, our 'rresondets.'or leave te bring in a bill te regulate - - . lte alaries, of certain '1ownshîp offle-ers. Ta thie Editor of (the Ontario RCq*rter. Leave given and ilI brought in and reati 'i: 1>ickerit'r Nusv. f5, 18.15, st andi second zlune., Sir:-M. 'ieiel ati'r.ur<.w<li Counril went into Comuniiu' f lte .whele happetîrs Uare îiiig ic naust d<l ste.sion lte li, le rt«gite the usalaries of certain tîteaits t l j'ck teir Delecatcs ftrir tut Toîvnsbipoiicerr-Mr. Annes in the ilrutigbani Cui centin. N'ow, ai'r, nitîst Chair._ te iîeuî)t, b hrotîgli nhteir pîyittilIt- Committee rose, reperteti progreus, antt' liuuis dtsitis, have eiîtar (if tv»#e îwu it.itketi leave te sil again ccxt meeting eft he emliopultr Emciititrist 1 t)il ntfiernl'iîe- jjCeuncil, ulle is aut open annexaiî(mist, anti theIii.epert receiveti, andi leave grveate sit uetlher, in r .1 ri>ttr ;rfesstd Unbeheer gan 'i'ie ue aîralu, lu tu 4td,--th tti<', Mvet ,I r. A nnis, secondeti b>'Dr, bu ltis cattittiry. Novv, %ur, %vî'tdtt Alien i'icîcs <f tIis idi gtl)ùîilt tolu oci. '1hat lte Teint Clerk b1e intrucledtil ait ins-tîfit f',lue intelligence atidti, ur- fà rn!sh the IEditer ot the 01ua-orepre aliiy (if Pckeriuig ttswiors ietailutica:îy-, Witli a cep>'-ef the pr-oiecdings eft tiis Coun- NO !!! -1 cil, froim lime te lime, f'or the purpose of Youii tritlv, Puiaio,-Carried, taiaing whether thte peple weuld austain te DY TEL EG1%A P If Convention, if it'brought eut NMiCUELLj, andi- on te question, whether J. H icitmy beBP AL.ltNo. le $,rote( 'ARRIVý i' à ted iOnýce A terrible exj azinuî occurred -o.n te l5tit. S. ile poliit hluwin a .distar, lte bouses ssej qui»ko. A Pleniputen arrived aI Vie»n ,,oîmbue a postal tu!atiiig mi bite C il I lte Candidate, there appeared Jour ff/r fer Mr. Pmrryout of the electers Who were Prett-Cont. Thte U. S. sitrn*Ip A. Motiltei Commander, Hok at JO& a.m. t-day, tu her wharf about 12 o'c Sie left Co%%es Oct. 2' ant inbs matie an exceli The Frankline pased'Oc Off St. Alitnsitad, a l jýtcIiably lthe lialtili nci 'l'le Fr&n-klin brillega f il4M'get, 8Iio0P ' Clievller de Sedile, Env ary auJ i Nlistr Penutx lie Court of 1Brazil tae îh Catgitruq, bearer of die Maitdrid itti France, Lieil 's>,, U. S. A., andthie Re% boxrnle, of* Plilatliîjllia. a mioderate ' btiiess lias ilie (Jdeine noliced on Fl a 6J per bbl unt 1our,nmid Crn) b il itleenquured inally qîoted. Macheier as ymr iv-erpool,, liuisesa ein1 a g l u u m- y 8a uî'ec t, 'Vite( Africa arrived en LouiNurN MONIEnvMARICF ,y; iEtigi îlsit uiids in a 971, lThe comimercial titi coi'tineiiî are dvvisid "lie ling c(f Ilanover1 cul cutiititi. Acctains front 'adrii 151h.Th lie ediu of ttec cîîted hy te gvernmncîî It-en ficquitet. A letter freint Paris Stag ver> seins. l'le irarl fr ilite Ne w ,Cabinc, arc 1 Fo'reign Affaiu,.Gen. Bt M.PatgrJtecr Etratîceb ;tPati Segnîn, I :Surrale, Commerce; Rù Idai'rui l'arsenal,lMari. tiard, lit l.q1stroict'on Th'e p rty cf order seen 1,0 lt of glrtg way. -Th qu st. A public meeting wwasJ ot iuday evening, furt agreeing to an addressti lits lîtierationfrcsm captivi Vtcppia ---eîle 3 saie