Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Reporter, 11 Oct 1851, p. 4

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I f4t~& 'l lu ,-' "'~-t ooui~*Isti pure tsîate,. asndpar- i~'rc tkay cpqpîoand souchong; ihe vo- B 'Litaft!Wqir Iies reapecting grees tea, 'iaèwvtrtW to (ïaïnire -u'lifastor y cvc iîýpaj fr tlat-e-eisa vérystogra -ton to bêlievié, sotwithtanding the eV- th cntýtrYthït there really xîtîoBethtng 'as" Iltiati greeni bb- md. tea.1" 1Thirtymmrptes of green -toa,'ou L twik ~iiotétion 1fruasChina, were exainin- butednckthf rewasuot &single leaf in an- ftpls wli.~h.kadudtrer- f4pgeiteral suea*is, oaid thse naterials .tsed in tho col- !cludid shelter, ouring -prueesq were slîown tu con;îst ,,He$ç*. sof Pt>ssaaun Wtte, ,iheral grq>en,_Vurî:l- ~yr c; 1 bc grï, ar3pieor o cppur, Dtols Pin k, vj Itis yy lrrnatquf qph i mrnaie ur potl- ân &ed ad il, hrunibtyelldw443haLlkgypoum, aid sa uac- ,wî>opo or Frouacit cinsti, sosie p Lùcjc be lat' whîqh are.ca icubmeto bhave a highly Sh Suddenly a injurious effeett upu» the humart frtme, latn the court.' andi Som" a fu isunous natuire . This n bis seat, rMn state of thingi Would ho besi. renie.died by the rediuction- O. the duty on tbu. ,Take >vhat, Lthy nve; xà£pLr4 FORNen.Tî 8u guticip-oieî aud trav'cllcr, flaynrd T'aylor, ëàefr*l i&iW4e 14ypti th eïOore tf ileu carefui source of the Niger, iras a few years ago an déb, id' p reuticq t» the praatisg busîwessin fblus- M'i tbëau-derphia. &-Sep Jay step be &rose in the worMd, ~grac'i*jSa fitble ls Pow qtacof the lirightet literar>! j... y oentof oi courntr>r. A peet, anithor, * w. traveller,. ono otthe proprietors of dt New - York Tribtan ad ail- by bis own labour ~ r 4tndf geaius., W,%Vi ight Quryonth akaie àd-"prrti r r hý,-hi'a " 1v ýnth"enoaltie-the proîad arcbteet ofbià own fortir. IWS o hé t m 1r. 1juHS, the celebrted teaicher of ~th~reo1- raai -, é née o,, a finie ut, loêino ~e ~is Mm. ~hi> e "iàsfo par ing î5ie'roffiowug away te lady '*teaven frotnttl creattares bides île booký of fate. , "d selsimd Alilbut thepage decribed," &ek. Pl -1m~~O The word in 'luthe second hue, 144 lies» parbed w hm cotnug tO, the word 'lit,' rxtààloea mand diaectlng bis eyes to the neit pupil, the tE# e going in - \NO soac.-wa the word nut, than plurnp ýs aas)hu~r,,wth- wcst die bead ofthîe Pupl - hile the 6"bread t1helbay would ae":flisniîtr r ý euId grow to Bo o!ho! ori l atrms trow.old and ieb luqtily. >fur it fs imbi~nt - , Vhtare you abut there 1" saidthtle ý frêt e. .But. mssf*vte tle former.' pýns ilititace? 611 î.mbuuW>48 the ;j1c.rl, as you toli me,' orriwyrepliei l te la. liSl45~iât n Vth* ails aua heur, îla.y jet; for Nepîtune id ypars froin the losdU Ward. ýetiUu or sujeri- lun alwulys have andi gentiemnan Whuo havete melum St sSelle- ȔjViwb have tai ýégi tu facee ut> gues, behinic um in which, on UT1I3bILi~<D M CMeynliai announced, in addIre.ss Io tle ctors of ilis county, is attention sot teo fer as àa cun- didate for re..elecliçon. M1r »umanL, the present populer VWarden cf tLe couaty, ln nainet as is successor ln tle re-prsenta- Accordivag te the oMfciai stiisties, the ,number of visitors tc thee Crybtal Palace' rosi May I1 toAuguait 30, watt 4,20,06. -The fuilWt day was July IQilu, tIen tIen. were 7.1,122pensons ia the building. Tite Superior Court of Quebec has just declaed t lat îhe lisbop of Quebec 'is Dot. eblired tii perform Chriâtisabirial on the deceas c ld of a meniber cf ts théurch tif Enoland, ona the groaaad tliat the, iiurch not beang established in Canada, and enjoy- Ing none of the ps-vaeres, catanot le cein- pelled4 to perforsi dettes cf an establisheit Ddidion The W uiMOSener My: 4"A Young 1100, if man about 25, years 'ofaire, nained - clWfcit was oiti this mrôvainwder thé Vagrant ,ied by Act;,'--rztght tOdlars." Wîaite men are not worth as isuch as id pre. aI. -o r ranoTh lie Indiaua Figures deposated inl the- Poe ial 1y Worlds Fuir by Z. Catlin, were overturn- atrimo- mand destroyed by a drunklen woman recently. des the lI~ T IlE-S T EAME w ILL tern Darlizatei, â TO for ROCUSTER- Mday next,).ev.ery Tues- vort Hope, and Gobeu;, ER for TORONTO, cal- aahr nemittiire.vjrv hv-40,or o ~ ~ ~ 4 lawlong Standing. Price 5U cents p ô Bx. , Wbly, Dc? 15. 43-t1. NEW ~ CZ1EAP RIAT STORE Narly opporite the, Globe" Offie, Knt Streei, 4Torontoý Tý110 b _w a oangeestê*-t ani excellent asborýtmcaeniof HATS>mend 81140 Sur @(tape, jufalo Itoliei.,? Ladies' Fors of cvery 4wsriptuon always U-" The hiatheaf priceepaid lua cashfor l(atl Ê' and Shippiag Furs. JACOBI EASTEIDO, Haller andiFurrttr. Toronto, Pet., 1850.l Sarsuparitta. IIF'l'L r ibe i- nuw %von lband, Ia -LQia4aauyof bis CeJebraied #EXTILACT of- S.ARS.*P.lRLLIf, in Quart Botts.. Gi L13ERT 1B. WEEICS. Wbîtby, ian. 25, 1851. 41'>if. "Blow, oh blow, ye heaivétily hrte2 il amour the teaves andt beeeek Sini nia sii , yeheàvenly amuses, Wlifr male yottr boots andi shfeses." - T 1-1t Suibsoraber begs ta usoueit bis friends and the pubie, tbat he haseomnetJ thea lmev buiguiesin the Eastiendi of the WuITSTr CÂR9 AGE FACTLORY 1Loca, where ae Cus- tom WVork ÃŽwîil Le done wilh 0netsa.fldty (anti thates motostils»-most sbftaoeres eau s&y) ta de-Patch. TILO S07 H1A LF-W AYIO.USE, ROUGET Tl5iberl s rM r re tndrtng he olksfitand (lie Mr$. WESLEY$S) *é- the ROUGE, and hapes gyîitaîeto o bousineiss to Le fanred wvith ai contiuuarice of the usinai patroniage. The fger ftmniahea wihchoice.liqiîors.aand Lis Tulte -Weil suppli telîla thesubstenisaof (Jaata. Good SiAlirig-aud s steàdy iloitler in atterflaince, everyaccommodation te make travellcrscomiort- able, $taVesdaily tô und i rom Toronto Io Ring itou &c. . -ANDREW NOBLE. Statre, Honge, Marelh b1851 . 49 1--u -1A RD-W ARlE» 44, .KLNG STRtEET, TOIONTO. rfaIE Stabacrier be'to iif'urn is Customers ibat h. la recei,ývg îg s apRING STOCK or' HARD WALt] By varlous Vesseisrommsee, vit -Lord G;eorge Bentick, AuAcnpr S.Andrew, Niaicinai, C'asherine, Zeïphyr, and severai o'hers froui Liver- ponl andi Lotion; atiin afew day î lewilhhbavet a complPte assorimeni aoftleavy and Sheif Hard- ware reaîly tor Sale, and ai prices ais Iow as aaîy in the. ITracte. .fA O Torono. May 22nd 1851. ! 8 if. COMMERCIAL HO7rEL, VILLAGE OF BORELIA. e'IL"E SUBSCRIBEft rettorns thanka: i for the libi rai si prt bc lins rei- veti since he corn-i ence7 an the olti Sanil, (for. er kotby Mr. 1IUtTER), utaItCAIÇDLP,'S CORNER, andhopes hy strictattention iiibusi- ness to hé avored witb R ronitinuance oif the pa- tronoige hitberl.o ronterreti. 11 V The Bar i& furnitheti wmîh the bestIiîiq'aors, andi the Table -%upplied wilh the choicest eal.ahles Ihut caua b. proeured. GOOD STABLIN G, andi a steady Hostter i aiwndancee. Fvery, aeceornodation to niake Travetters «nu- fortab;le. STAGE daiy b and t rom Port lWIit- THGlo.ASmGOREY. P.S.-Carrîgeiniattendaaaee on the. out.' >ielia, J ne,;th 1851. 8i3 i VALLABLE PROPE RTÉYIN FOR SALE> p.IG the Front Ralves tf Lots 5 ad 8, in the 3rd Conpesmion. Apply if E. 8?RRELL4II 79h OONCESSW 2- tf- JENNV LINO KNWIITIY 1 ILZA5AIÇgT-E5TO antidB ~ AN~ r i ro i o- [ AS lieen lately ai pitted A e t, by the M sn ~~~p1Iw 1» ÀIAA FAIR.- 0F L i±N 77 W ALKER & flLTCIINSON, WIOLES-ALE &IRETAIL Clot hiers, Outfilters n enrtDrY SON oY Tilt GQOT L rrguX, 26. Ut,,<, Sirvu? kA#T. TunxT Goods MercMlZnts, Slc"ow, rTa GoDNLuit, UE toiýfom the reade:s cf the Whiby Rpotr n uAeg Drjythat selected frmeitb best. Stocks ii Foeagb Maricers, andi pucrdsse o CASH, willl e ,usd, tapon ex- imination, unsarpasad ig tbseiCsy, for îjuasity, dtîyie<an,Jclaspfls. READ 1Tlik - 'POLLOW'lIIq s Black Orleans Cliii f rom 0I Coioured 1. il il O .iulack cobourc 4" "I O <2lottîred -"l1 -2yd wide" I tinu IeLaînes Id 0O Pro iia1lydti c si -6,', 1 yt (iînghams fflavy)" O I*arkSable Bus. "3 Grey Sqiirrel" "2 st6ne Martin " 1415 Nlirk di "40 pr. fyd. fi Ilfi fi 1whie Cottons& m Grey " Iyd " S4etifli 2 d. fr4 Itk 0 Ga laid idl Durit Sable Muift, f Or.xy Sq îi,' el I chnnu erlun Toçýel hem- wiih an excellent Stock of Faahiunablc 1)RESS GOOI)$, correspiondaug plices. .dtso, 1,s .00 WooI scarf .ilawls, warthv;of -w J)amask Jlorecs,CaptD gii 4c4c Breadi Cloho Casimerea (Plran & Poegskins d Tw~eeds d Pint Clotho i Ileaver I' d Vestings iu Woolien, lu Irir oolln icarticntarc a.m 1). iîeCnh f 3' 60 L ilcii 'e 3 6 LNînhair éý 326 Mar Id- atn 2 3 I A eian StnU 46 CanadieC dih 6 13 i lCorda -l' laid, Swanonwnà, Hais I'lushes. Fauey) 4'4 -4 J 0,141-2d 7 71,241 3 40 0 376 ,tiice. aeed n ofoie gat Patterns. loi. tram 6 s' 8 5' 7 T/rey woid cal! partirular atention Io their assortment of C LO0 T1NG, The wboip of whieh heiug ruade up lînder aher irnwn inspection, by thi estg ef worlamen, are pot eqîialled in Cpiandas, for style of c'uliar. quaiiîy of workmvaîîahep aud materfulj, andi generai suitable- neas îo the,-*auis of the eowple. Pal-lied about if) îorehse Goods in tii he.may " puy bondemi for theîr whitle"lif thcy buy before look ing over W. & lil' Stock; amng wtaicb wall lefoud:- Gyrty Over Coati rm 76Fine Shoolint' Coat* Flushing id " !3 --o Faury Dne l'antis Plotre 48 " 291 - i )atit Fine do" 30 bo I " Tws<d " Lionakita si"30 -> jlUack SainrVesi Whitney *'fioru 3«W OF.tuyTo' Fine Taige"s 2(I 'Tiliiuett" "~3 0res 3) Blaek Pluîh d" Boys' Clothing ini great variety. 1Prient V ve-t-nnp lats, For & "25 "12 6 76 4 15Il 3 Garments made Io measure an~d warravated tofit. r-1-Farmers andi others residiug in the country, amti mit arqtmairtsril th tricks practisesinn siran- gera. ýby muany deialers, woulit do well tn ralistatii s eabhîahmnt, a*e Uacy have but anc straiigbt for- ward muode of doing business. Amnoig their rire are the iolluwiuç: NO SECOND PRICE. p Ali Garments not suitinc. exchanged. Ail Garments warranted nt b*hrik or @pot with rain. Ail piece Gonds, eut in tbe usuai -engths, excbanged. Toronto, ,Novenlwr 1, 1850.- 32-Y Conerof King 4 Churc&,Streets, joining thc Court Home,, Tôronto II,ýVEB ON 1IAND The Ln>rgetft. the C hcapest, and the Best A"torfnent of Read-wIadeao~tngand Drpy Gootts IN CNADAWEST. C4Lo'FîS, Cassimerest, Vestings, andi-General Dry Goticis, Ini purted -direct frOni Britain by Ourselves., Garments made (o order <f everyrde#criph.on. PARI8IS, LONDOINe AND NEW YORKPA'IIIIONS RECEIVEI> MONTHLY he rnost approved style adopted. Men'# Br ow n Holiand Coats, (roim 4ef -DO check'd -do don ." DO î dg 4%ofeskin do " 8 Do J3olack Aipsaa do " 10, Do Russel Cor do id 12 Dc,6Pisnom ord do " 13 DIo G#ibroon do ' 10- )oTwped do " 17 Do Broati Clath do " 30 Do Oii'd Water Proof do " 12ý Ba 1' Brown Linen do " 4 De £eck'd ILinon d -M Do - do --Molekilasdo i 6 Do cFpnc>rTweed do 4" >6 Do Alpaca - do i" 7 DoRueItl 'rnl do di 10 White Sbitis, Linen Fronts, " 4 i tl d do di 2 XeC ua' ikn Trousers, (rom .6 Do Line» Drill do di 5 Do £Cb.ek'd Drildo " 5 Do Tweede do Do aissimere -do Do Donskiït do De Biscicakin -do Do Salinett do Do tainett do' Carpet' Bagé, tJmbreIIas,Stc 4 1-2d 6 6 3' 4 , Pa -LOTHI Dm ashrer.tte Trouseis, yc laDrill do Dýo Faucy do Dic Drab Molikin -Io Do Cbeck'it do do inDo eeshin do -1Dn Casumere do) R!W Flannuel Shirts, Uuader Siins anti Drawers, Men'à Blel ClotI Vefs, 1 Do Black Satin do Do Faucy Setin de Do lHolîseti do Do Fancy do Do Velyet . -doî Do PInat'h do Do Marehles do Dà Baratliea do Dq Cffiitnee do Do Tireede do B 9's Fancy do bilk do D 0- wee& d 1 MGo frein 4 41-2 4 d 4 0 4 41-2 (rosi id 14 44 dé 9 . 4 41-2 Ã"sPots aW Pearl1 he Excell.ent uceotnmodatinns for îrevellers Got titablintr for 140me. 7i. W. TF F, wDc Iertv flROCEKIESI LIQUMRS, AND î<YIOS PROPUCE BOUGHT AND! SOL!). Betce'îbiIcaud ntd Pteitt', 2'm, £0i, Eut -of tu Market, ALEX. PRLNGLE. WHITBY VILLAIGE. T/t loes Fahios lucys ~sand. 'WjitlŽyApr1,190 0~ Na*rrister adl Atlory ut Xsaw BROCR-STREE r, WliliÉY. Whtby 1Ladies',he ouI7, 0??OS1TY TFIW GRAMMAR SCHOOL Public lieuse, AND Can be s'îpplied wii}a irst rate isticle ni le or Strong Boer ou Mo<terate Terins. for CASH, ai - CLARK'S lIRE WERY. %Whithy Village, Jan., 7, 18MO. 211 WKIT DV, C. W. l. lbSCIUOFIELD o. I3IPORTERS 0F IVJIAD p AND IIWNI11 Whîtby V illap, J lice. 18F50. Cast Steel Heoes andi Ray Forks. FO ALE,--100 doz. cat Steel ilirs samilaay Frmade from Nsaylor's Lest cii-t Sieet,exlrfflsiv lnr thi' sihsorîher ýri-.tJQIA IVOR'TAI. BOOKSj, BOOKS, BOOKS, RiOO0M "P EIR. k 'i< "r-100. O OKS.1<, ~ 1)EEIS, S..& aie ai %ooc.:,by tar N. IP-Oreis t"l" 'nIl it 'fBooks. L. i. JM AS. rLivaî ri tre, their uiriut sspply o r O'i CERIE.S, comüprisin; lhe nliguai tsnln»,andi 'Wbith tlaey ar e eabled luo ffer on- ver y svansa- geous ternis tu bLeiCori espouet, athe trds FRESII TEAS: 270 packnges Young Hyaou, compeising- souae extra fluéý, e0 packag:eq Twuakay. 30 packages sorieti, Black Tees, 25 bxes Gun powder, COeFFEEr' 46 laga verypu perior Laguirs Coffe., 60 bag, Rio, roBACCO: - M0 packages amsrieti Tolaseco, in y'a,9', IWO, -SUGARS: 35 Ilati. Br ightaPerioRico, Lonadon Leaf Sugar, Liverpool and Dutcb Crwibs ebor *1fers higîe!fu The foilowing Agil wîih tli Fornily- OF N MESSRS. WOOD-LI MR, GE 01 ALL MESSRS. iL OP PHI TpF,& bsr PU utff whsrnarufaclui -seneral sssefliftlt. âie se weil knownuIti auy resaarke on the 1 bures.- The rnnvenieciiC now have in beini a, 'donosail they rau re office. wiIý Le appael a brinel of thiO Tooaplaces province tapon1 taken ia exebar fer drmon, ai 35f. 20 per cent, cover Duales,Y lMontres!, Jaîne "bOt. N. B. - ?Ubi i*hOrà or tdoua to the atwbe0wïltf hy puîclaasing foinuri count. 1861. LAIE 1 'hre y NI ON!" Al 3 tons prime. wuB .d I 0111e! i di

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