Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Reporter, 11 Oct 1851, p. 2

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es 10 lthe lumbor or Ihave on Ilimust bc- a unfou. olare W* ut, lit thi. mâ- it tobhave au lm, utr10 .behaL yoUS ob't lu 9îous Casuel thse recurrence or tise EIeetor's birtb-day hý.s been theio.oca lion Oran0 Add ress fro lm th. town cotîn- cio .4Wt (hui*.lisov«reigulu hich tse féeiiug of thua body towa'rds llhlm vas espreuseinl a tone vcry untsial iu- snobh ducumenti. Tise cotincit actuali>' ventusred te lie satiricai, snd asuredtise- ?r to"hat their attenisment te hi$i perion was ecqual te bis respect fortise Contituitobn.' T1hesensation created at the Palace'by this depurture froni the custornsary îsbra o f compliment may, belmsgined.Ter.pyafone au angr y une, disguised 'a fttle under officiai language. It latnented t1sat ius the lait year the edtcenicitad ûwifcited its character for loyaty, andu fers msan y pruuIs of -1au obsilumate resistauce te lis sovereigna atuîhity," could flot but excite dispîcasure tîsat tise sddresa presented rhneid show how uitile the. mnumicpal body "b ad arnived ai a seame 01 lla liiegai beilavour." IN AP L E wo A letter front Naples, dated tise 4th Wu diy, stai,aye: is. Noapoltats Majesty very p'i r I a msy eaped deatis on Saturda> luti-' i4Tise King vas driving tome mener of thse bot -royal <isd in th isecinit> cf tise'Caserta a.nd Railwa>', and wuva but tocrosstise une, ctly not obser iag a traia rapidti> advacn. RnY- A coSstymsu ruieti forwards snd, eladtise tiy, IsOrffses'2sadât to tiese reat consternation cf <>c' lis Majesiy, vis., net perceiviug tise danger d, if iasghaed a hostile intention on tise part of fro~m tise mua who vas in-fact saviug .his life. T v il KE y My$, "ii'l 11851- cd bore titis mtrfbt.- ft tiMlDl s a1 d1u- d a roee eurried out. -Tise w.>' t. Canada' cust srrosted andi rttesptiug vo kid-i try. Tie escite-, 'h. save is reeap- oEmpanies are gosse ick, P. M.' tise examina- doors. Tise M. srrested for: ted filt the viteseas M. e 4d0u titf1rtbe prIotboodbUt wt ollmdolA s.randhe wuDci a rerf, obedieuce wus bis only pumt te~ - -o; re us i w cld cou u b s t o ite Of tonland miseryr. By como.tiag, ho at lernit secared bis «eiepation; forné- serf eau b. a priest lunflussia. lit yielded, wus receeved into the Cburch, aud it wus doring bis residence at the St. Petersburg seiuar th"t Mr. Jerrman <cii in witb hlmn, snd beaird fr013 bis own lips tise ssd '-rof bisi fe.- Blaclcurxxts agazine Tis e éivil abrtea u bhave apponted a committee o dial au ad- dreas nd maite otber preparations for ,the reception of the Governur Gene- ONTARO -U1OUs1l -M EW COODS l NEW 9081J$l! IEW 000118 l 4I~~~rnv d arton am th<srFait Stock of Dry God. 0* tng rcees4cSimCess ÃŽl Pug at, Of Oeans Clotisi, Cobourga .4,usln-de- Lalus, Print.ed Cas hmeres, Gain Plaids, Heyle's Puinttyd, V ide. Britith samd Americasi Gre>' sud t. ,A lettes' (rom Malta, dateul I2tb Srp- tember, aya-Bytise Freuncissteamer., 'wbiclisrnlved yesterday frons - Constantii- pie,. vo bave received tise veiceme inteliî-I gence of the-liberatio cf Kossuthsaud lbis %lleut canipsuions front Kutiais on -l islt 103utat.' - -Thse MissiwipÊ h ad arrivod site- 1>' at Constaninople. Its cabins. vere fît- -d up in tise, met elegaut mander, se as te accojnodate 1<ossutis is famil>'- andaîl bisI part>'. A Tunkuis steamer wax t lelave at once for Glemeleek te take tisen on board sud to convey tfiernste tise Dardanelles, visere tise iûlîuisi.ppias It elInlureadi- ne%% to receive theun. Nutiin; couid ex- ceod the kundkes sud attention cf thse ur- kisis Goeornutm TisePacha of lBroussa, iu accordaisce vush orders furiearded te hims from Ceunstantineple, sent -no,1054 tisais fty "ta es te convpy>'tise exles to tise point of îbetir emissrkatien. Amuong tthos men- tioned as likely' to-accounpany Kosintis.ire1 flud tise veil-kusev1u0namies of tise, twse e- ciels, -of Viaosvki, a Gven"ra, and cf As- botis, liii Secretar>' aud piysician viii aise o vithishm. fCeunI Baiilîian>"s ove- monts are uncertain. Ri-Sstate o eatit is suh tba eisaIb a sxiens te gel ta P aris, in order ltcoassit soeif tise Frencisfa-1 cuit>'. '-TisoCotntess Batiin>' las been aine 'al ber endeavors vis tIhe Frencs .Ambassador. te ebtain permimion for tis change iu is destination. By 'tise Grou'I ,, ihs arnived ii morqu-. sng, ire isavr ieard tisaI Kossutht sud bis csp"sions ver. al ate on board tise Miis- as#ppi, andIbat se ad lftitise Pardon- elles viiltosu m ou tise 7îs, for.A.meica- r&eofk STORY OP À BU SSIAN PRLEST. efeet to ad- kto-saotrow Thse cruel compications te iviicis tise sys- teofet adom and ltebceneuasof serf cumoecat, tise ouvuers sosetinies le"d are utnikiçugl>' ezemi- it at about 81 plified lu tise sien>'cf a RWussanPnest, vis a thewo s va w iorniMn. Jerrian -mdeacquinitace dunlug eatrmnce ite u ezursÀoan ear St Petersburg. Tise es Degro. p.iesats littier vas a serf on an estate near re "md antise KMn, sud vas pes'mited bylise counot, biS ,oïn both sides muater,- to take service lu tise toisa, be pi>'- rteck 1eetig a regelir abrok, or finse, lu lieu efttie la- e -*m hidi! bour ho was bounil te p~err. lie obtain- but none se- -cd empioyseeu hantise bouseold cf a rieS goidsitis, and thons occupied bis liisare in Pr isi ad dravlg, for visicishbc sad a natural teste.- atgwrd Col- One day lit surprised bis employer b>'tise ow etook exhibitien ef a beautifut arabesque dea u litai>' msuster Tise joidsmitl4 utrneS b>' bis abilit>', rele- tees "ody,»- mêtaissufrein bis meuiliduties, sud too ise %W nveben a ap upü into hi%. vorksisop, wbere hi&i tal- entacekby bis uuvearied asuiduity, soon ver> groit, is coliverted tise duli peasent into a bigWy-> skitled artisi. Thus hoe outiuued ustil he - ~reachosi bis "th1 yens', viset ho feil ini love W6 vitb hetiegodsmitiss daughter, a isesutifoil girl et 18. Sseardentiyi'btssrued bis love, and ber-faduer eouseuted to their qsnioo en th,$, Cain oec onitin-tisat tise serf sisoud becoin a little'harrm- afreesean. 'T'bs couditos eould net be Vem bÀure- eomplied vitis. Isee iut obstiaately re- B.uoelt ua>' fsedto lbeate bis vassal ; ail tisat eatroa SMM robe cha euld wvng rose hlm vas tise promise, tisa &b « ##>' tu cu sm i p t -t o , ý pT o reu s% o r j. LepprDoa'. liCrftk, wii be banusolYMa'r- bepomvIuecordin i . WTb$e baie cou- tan$ tsophotos Fanuel, Ivo do Pyiped Sbirluug, t.,o iv. mý" p'irs Boots, SoO bnusov- ors, &c., packed op lu sa<-ou ru;m. JUtE'YMAýf PRTNTEB.wat AtedirmediateIy.at Ibis office.- Blank DeedI&e mnÃ"Tls f or aie et MsOffice. TERE PORT £EIl W11IIBy. sATIJI1DAi, OCToBSza 1518 T13EM ÎÈ ?y~ *u mieotry hM bb eytiPmttm# Hificks bau beeu appWealobylHaEx- celleney to try bis band ut Caibinet ma- king. On, FfidyuYOk lbu was aussi moned. Io meet the GOvernOf general et.Drummordville; Uftr.whÃŽelîhe re- to Toronto, it is prosumed toecon- soit %vith .Dr. Uoiph. Mr. Morinulias since ipr's sent fur, and it. ilg presumed by 1 he Examiner tiaI the cabinet- will lie furmedl by thse latter genîtIlemenas lie hacd beén sett -fr ailer hi$ excellenecy hud advised with 'Mr. Hincks. Whichevei' uftsese gentlemenl bas b'en Tbroîsgisoît tise province thse stir of busy prepanation for tise eomissg eontest, growrs moere active aud ardent as tise time dras nearer fer tise peuple te select "ier law msa- kes, for tise omit -four years. With tse ex-1 ceptioo f tise '1Srd Riding, every consitu- cucy lu tise Upper province bas ils srscae cf tasididatm ai least, itise field. But net- withstassdingtis.sapparent apatis> amougst us tise spriiof referu is l by no menu s lurber- ing, uor o09 iLs guard. Wben tiehe bur'cf action arrives h itil be found as active aud uuited saslu days cof oid. Witis us at leaàt ELECION NTELIGENE. ciari tryh tre l nu dontOthe i n- noulnCeflfelt Wili take place ini a few clays. The RI'ev. James r., Byrue, formeriy of Brocrvii!e, b2s aeeepted a Cali from thel Congrieatioai Cbusrch of tis towîs and wlicommoee W MinistU7 ouSabbath nest l2tb inst., _______ Thse feformers of Parlington ave invi- ted James Smitb IEsqr. . P. for the County of Dîsrham, to a, public dinuser on 'rueiay 14th _isst, when and wbcre be wili lie prepard te answer 8157 questions Whiite Coitton sblrting, smock.. IiKigus wIDUMJ r l ~J ~resperting bis,".Steward3hip?' durlng tise last iugs, Tickiugs, Cotton Yarn, tius rvstrrese tbey nsay'be cati Prlssetlers raneet frts LA K I',&C-1 bave bad ne influence and are net likely tao riaet Te ranmeâfote ba&cu. org&dorc.i Bt safels dinner, bave been piaced'under tise charge sudmuemotve ctute tie eectrs;bof NIr. Rinhsds, of tise Waveriy .lieuse, F U IR s e, and ne otiv acuats th elctor ; thewiich is a sufficieut guarantee thot ai leasi T. P. à co, woosld cali especual, attention . mmediate seutlement of tise Reserves andtirceigswl ests to their splenM a teo f Fors, vi: e.orts~c o- tisat pari of tis rceig iilesls Grey Squirrel aud Sable 14uffhsud Rcois h progressive prsucupleofcn Boss, Ston.e Martin sud bMînk dlo, stititionai reforni; and wisoever niay e faetory. Ciii,, Victenines, Fur Caps, HTYltL) G SCE . &c. &C. &C. &c. sent from this Biding wiiili e piedged ta aid VITYJ4ItfG 501r. A TC3'Y exte'isitie  )utnwf in <( lcarryiusgculnilsose principies. No couibi- earqusetoclthatnin REIDY JI.IDE CLO THIN'G, 'nation or coalition, iscîveen individtial. parties of te soar le rseofteeauiltigsteo cpetontfi, nd evisi ceiîug a dy ound jjcm effeet tise iutegrît, cf tise old iandmiarks - y, te thse gerterai annual meeting iîs l ilicir ontfinstonsdhi h e msdefiie-of reforni, as tise>'are uuder«tood hy tise te take place at ÀMr $criptnrcs, on Monada> iouable and experienced artista, def>' ipeople. evcuiing firsl, to receive the report cf tise competiion Mr. Bldiin iu about te visil bis old con- Sccrtary, sandd lccidirectrirs fur tise coin- Bonrnets, Coaks,Shawls 4- carfs, ~ stitueuts lus the Fourtis Ridine; but altbousgh,. ing year. A LIîS g f eai r wUkuwnienced poultcsazss caui alwayssou cced to a TUE LATE WAIU) MEETING. A Fili to< ofthm wel kown great ext.enl, inu irgiug plausible excuses (et tâ %tt bsO f omission and commissien exlendiug Onr cxpo!se of a pronsinent anid peculiar INIIA-UBE1te . k. . &. over a period cf four years cf parliamcntary %,irtue of tise4'-aquire"l of tise Jformcr, X et t/t y ret o Rck ropis. 1 service, m ote readhl>'-tissu if tie>' ere wisîciat imtîes gels tie better of -bis judg- C TH eiÊ iisA Py .:A g e stoc Ecf brougit ta accouai by shorter settleuents, ment, bas brouglsl ot a labored article C I-I1~ AP A S E V R jyet lie -vill fsud Il up bill work ta satisfy tise ivierelu ise apelogises for bis ridiculous PO- CA1~ 'ND SEE. intellgent ycomnry of tise correcineu aic siti on at tise Brookih meeting; tsai hle bia course eostise great provincial questions, merely dune tise ulliscunorabîe" thiug for a iMP>R'A N SAE. tise Clergy 1{eerveus and Rectorues. Mr.. "jouie," te offset shilar "disisouorable' 0F I'ricee l makiug great. exertions lu tise First actions of thse opposite part>', on tise prunci- G R C R IE S- -Riclug,*but vils uittle sucr-ess. At a.meeting pie tisaItve " disiscuorabie" moves v ould AT TUE STORtS OF beld ou Venge streel, aI Powell* Taveru on niaie oee onorableeue; wviic, bovev-er, H A.Y E S, BRO )T H ERS, Saturda>' lasi, lie received noeururagement takiug tise,46squire" As a speîmnon, Il vr ~m TIE.except frins a few cf tise tories pre4eut, vise, opine" isjenet tise case,, fer b., above al s en, oit TUMsdY litit Oct, 1851e1 tise Exaiiner rsays, assured hlm Ibat tise>' bu been, especiali>' favoured'to t"st tisa WILL î oruazoj isd nefaul te ind ils u. He deciared 'priaciple to tisefliesi citent. Nsu BOXES rvangau>'wn Tes, bis unequivocali ntention cf runuiug.no nitt questionatgle ivitis us wiseter eue wl be 100 19 Blacis e ter vise a reforus convention miglit bring lieves that" triais" sud *houée"cmeatitis 50 hIîyàonn 5km, out, anid tise meeting lisereupen i>roke up lu or lie made -6greaier or lesm, longer,_rd AIlefrecntimprttinssu Ca.-dlgust. This uupriucipled course cf Mc.j er, or narrever" (vide speeh-at division ol fuily seîleeted iuntise markets cf Nevw Yorend sud n. Prices, viiimeet wvus thise weimerited te- j Dstrict'meeting iseid at Brookilu iu tii 100 bags Laguira Coffee, 1 buisSeIldeserves, and inhi tuever siu-smuner <of 1849,) could witis preprietay do a 50 Rie do, ieue>' mch, arrogant egotisni preseuts itseîf Ildisisonorable" action for a "4jeke," and it 50 " St.Dom odotoendauger tise progress cf rrforni sisouldi1àfrW u5i,<nal hte tdc o 10 his Lan Sugar, 'coD5si tise parties concerned, te iufsusy partake ef tise nature of. ratiser a sericu. 20 tierces Cruid de, 'sud disgraco, ever afler, as public men. "jouie," wben tee distinct atteuipla wer 30 bris do dn7, We spéak thaïs strongi>', iu cousequeuce of mace te as&it u tiis dishoborable magsut 20'iecesFrù CÏoma UC , report- tisaibau corne ta our ears, tisai a vre ansd palm hiauself off as a musuicipa 20 bap Pé-per, tin gentlema utitis Mdgidl àba threat- eiector oft tiis township. But tise "tfarcicà 10. e uspcesued gopursue a similar course,.sbouid ho circusstance" is noî evesi ended bore, foi Ϋmatis Casi, I al te be nomiuated.. Tise Coherg Star thse 4#mquire" stili persistahantise"l dishoaomn £00 fiisand jarsMustard, 4 cases Liquerice, lsfyiý thit Mr. Birrell, ConeVvative, is safe bIc manSutvre" sud couats bis ovu volA 400 packages Manafactured* Tobaco-, for tise tisird Diding if ivo referusers stand. eue, swaing hiers vere 35 for yards, whei iacudmng a fuarsOrtmeutot fine sud If tise adoption Of tise Ciea Grit Piatfomm, thi.ehairmn ufethtie meeting oui>' countis meadium qualities iv hoie,laaf, juan- of tUn Norvood convention, vush the ex3- utidt ter sud eiglst bobaes,.4 utie 400 boxes BasinsMR sud IÀyeis, cePtiei* cf on, or tve miuor'cossdenatiou, 'ro a>'Ozs.eait of itj if vas a plie 25 bariola Zante Currants, notâpeeialty laid dovn, makcà Mr. Binri lim deefo seuvs huete 40 boxes Maâder, ac1 era coo ountla.tt 'felimpdee fos r amavha o er aeideat 2cases Indi ils, ouuvw og "eteSa rtodro hspoic o eiet 400 ~boxesand its part>' on thseir rapid progos. tovards 100 dozen Patent Psi s(me ~ cosumonsens. vievs on tise Ieserve and ts uicptttogsh e> .b~h ufctre)elos qesios&c, utvebae ei'e b> tise kigitof Hssmoansd tise "Gsae uractre') ýctor quesions&c -,but w baveno yet iC4ue," te attead a publie mee 1ting, of , tb 60 hiaes Candie Wick, bheard flut M . Birrell bau alloved bimsIelf tvsswdsi~twsi «isad 30hares Sola 011m , to ebo rught out. c atosip tons isaustoshipor tisir itst, as 1tierces Wlslti iTse bet jeke of the seaso, wsat sutst; mwbo isafor veiit 4vst a 50 boxesG4(À -the unanimeus n àPipes,-&__w 004&c. &. &c. Tsquire badpel",41 hiad t u- quaini i lied ut unleas or began t-a saidi1 dias 1 enan iac ed- the DI etite w of 1 replie flékir. 1 1 Inee; th vas taIsen died, anddlb ovier te Ou is bro vas to lee MJSSCATIEILNE iAY$. $IGNIORIAL Tzw A »eWstarn4I*aIftX#55 wtratly of delegate ,Z,:" tmllyl-li(" Ird eCey cotinty1 ýbd.fair 1o otsthiü and jý j1.etFi ore Jen ny Lid, bi apeëir iriXe' yOr i 40 , tô take inuto CO iu the poison of *4i*,Catheïnfexys S,' ê usto yotiug Iriush lady, Who las àà o orpI5B t permanent Cou i noTti Tentire, auj every vocaiist Who bas 1,receded lier. îîasten'ng itstu ,Added to 'ho pectiliar richnesq of her Seigneurs are aIso voioe, $a il§ id to pmhssec uperwo -on the i111it., and mde iti asaid, îc nil, beauty, and Unlike otber popular; am icabl y by the twi; artistes with isapronouneable Dames,1 py the Seigneuîraifl with geuine Irish modesty, she bec Times. îfravels acompauîied by ber mootber. A -TguRittIC CLAN She lias been waited on hy Arclibish- more tcrific that itl oeHughes andc1 ctîer dstnuih i tel ennelc op ~ ~ ~ ~ b dsngsse bvany ôîher--took mzens of New York. The iIerald says-,fies, ucar 'tirubul "Yesterday iss &%Hayes received a large day last. -Soule rm number of calsfronfrieuds wITQ visited afileld, aud,.'ithoi ber for the s ;,upoqeofcongmStilatinli er, were throwsi sI<wi onn bierrprfect sticeason Titesday even- lightniuigand zeti xng. Amon g those-whocni led, were thse couds powerlers, wl mÃœembers. of-Prsidetit Flillmotes fami- peuded itspower os ly. Ail Who converse witb Miss Rayes, wbich ià shivered s speak- in higb terras cf ber coversttiofl5l explosion wbich In powers; she is ever cheeritul and rently, flash was of thea mi; bas an excellent mranr.er, ebeoses ber W.e are glad tu sal words welI and witholit fny apparent mnen %wbo wcwre st eQirt,cnstracts ber .sentenre4 in sncb [aurtiser injuy.-6; a mariner Ibat . v, ecndd t ie rimn- Wbilst tIse goOtI prored Wbss lsecouver<~5of q ic3 are endeavouriugt of interest lier couîuîteusasce liîghts îip, îbBoon asnd ber animation adâ greatly lu ler Kinpoan ar personidcharms. She is remnarkabiy make a sride in aa Wel inforrned on ai matterd of generai rendy dubbed thse intere't, and converses witb an ingersu- the NwYork of U -oetigc%7thiit is equaily cbiarmtng--and t lie î_)sof tile 1,rts commendable; eise pcîssesses ainotherso~- lbave gnsdtiftily M? cÃŽl virt le -of géeatvalue, btone -wbicbîh . cot ne ' la toa ofteus despised:-she is asi ite is.triet, WhIchliras Il tener, aînd ziever appears unxuolus for the 1 i'iiontreal and enýd of the sntence which is beiug md- l'le .1rg is exet dreased te her-. in short, Mixs Hayes <is- i'the subjeet, and ai Ipiays ln the-soial circle ail those quai-ta eaio w sties wlsîch adeous a hîgbly educated 1- acauofuît wori rish lady; and lt-lias becomne a tnite say- rIcnet fatlu he in- that 14an Iriasn lady is the mo«si lady like of ber sex."1 Mrs. F ilimore îsdAe- iTelatm liglsted with is WR,and the membeýrs tbat the peelple of 1of lier fansiîy to Wîîom, she lias beetiina- Carelina, have bs tirWticd." jrt week or two trudîcc." -1.vile Insurrection. CO. I:T T HtBOToHRILC poseci tuobc en:i COL. UGY T TU' BOToivItAiito se!5bernies for an ou JUEIZL-I'.Barker, Editor et thsereedndffet ï 6Britishs Whig," ini givirsg au acecotint IeIni& lt osf bis late vý-is lu Boo, ia$the fullow- "me ofibese ha% ing richzorceau regarding tIhe fitr-re- ittirned iucsse, wlî nowîiced and munt redutlalle Cui. c;gy rsniWiLg5. of Lik-i.p'roseenitg ntis.ity - 'riscLAYO.NTAl i saîd befre, tisut 1I lî i dpaced' u- o er e p ae at b self wtiî elsaracle.ristie isurility, ini the Wdesa'ng Very besl place for seeiug imd lbcarin fr u 1< enim us iso LaI1 uid aongide if e ~ cupçied by thse }ios sc da <leàr and iniusate frîieuid ,Mr.I rigbt uallthe fIlon. tJ 11-Y, <of port Iiopr. Slîortly befure jthse leit the lion. NI -thse ilibecarlie crowded lu C xcC5S, L. Vlee-rs d. Cuonel Gugy camne duwîs the cu icntreiens 1csrtition wherc 1Ivs ssttii, I uu jokinIon td"e occa:4cu, Y Fn asent.,Se i e, lie -tol1upcd a Meli(Jhujo esaitited me wîtlt that cordialit y and ex- mn ilie, in cessof urbanity ti "hic50sugrcaîl is- j Morn. WBitos " in gulubesq lm nfroixu i s feliuw men., an sd Mr, Lovar feut Isigbly bunored ai thîs public reeogr-1 nizituce, and ruse te receive bis ksnd $ ýýUCu)Et-A YOM d acivances. See in' y seut vacant, tihe coumuitte-d suicide .etiîlenîanly Colonel, muîiterissg ssme on thse 27ta ait., bi thing abolit bis shor t-sigbted, iusitead 6sf rP.IC asa passing alun g the lilse of seats te a va- chant Of that citY. 1cant place nut i Sr distant, essimly iook A-,;Crroa Vîci IL aîy h;gh]lprized iocatious,and trivig n ie2z i getlu slîwt~bi ui îyfind i absoi y lert, madleScan t y rSerafior tue un 1over a baik os thse rîgbht. vas ttugtetitiaig ukilled.lHe w e 0 ae.anonigahoit ff sct1euî' iag by %ote of the way insagisbete iaetis ýe guan1- u îat wit a Ly tb 1 citi to MI UPI ainc quoi nde or the Ne ýeedii Xgue ecoul e Pai een 'r Seu tpiarl ire Lx m i tise ýý il, a] Mr. rr. Li Tse woee per Tif UN vvas tutten] îrece%td1) kplace il, 1 1 4 kâ» m nowep, iinent Q

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