Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Reporter, 4 Oct 1851, p. 4

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; Min 1GW la-la., cUy6q7 lo tel blet fifty tintes the ables, but hi& braie t»W ýve pies?"1, aid 1, ta eider n. go 'apple' and 'r1 put 10- appVe-pie,' don t tbey lis faie, 'la' and 'dy' spel la. rtand 11- nd 'pié' #poil what?"I )UMPkin' and 'pic' Wh at lit Pid. ile 1"1 saad'b., wîth a yeîu is succes rKisi or &Cmuz.- et come' .iting upontc maUaore of Americansitn that the impression ilapre- md a British or French, kesn iyiog lantthe barboi, nbtd Stutes sloop of war h"4 a Britisk> or French a the-city, suob a whsule- of<British or Freunch sub- ot bave takesi place. It ks (olowimg anecdote. ,o Egl ish ailou, whohLad crime ln Havana were hot. Tbey werc clearlv, *e BritâhitConsul insiwied tuld be tuled, This tise roliiaed. The Consul re- mil tise'CaptasiGenerul ut. Thse dur ut execu. a 'the Consul was on th. é rht witb him tise Consîsiar Union Jack," and'again] D ontrated, but in vain.- t the plaza waa about te 3 executiun. ef bis duty.-. ai»g ail- fîsrtlsc remua- a piaced hiatself tifront nfolded tihe Union Jack,' w over thse kueeIisQg prise dsU fg o e ot a tsai â remanded ta prison, and! ,7 e#cped. attirai tisat tise. mot ln- ion tbould ýsc felt by tlIse iple agains~ise poeseui natal nt Havana, but ilf if It tisat lie uuly acteci nc. e instruactions ut bi$ Gev. o f the-o0Pprobrium wih set bita. N odtt wien ubies an inquiry wil 1 lether Consul Owens lad etions (roui the 'Goveru- Ls lho Àsreported te have i uroua-.-.A Prussian is sid to have recently 'rY ian rgery taisiex. rabis frtereet in ties ci- of Berlin. It is the ai. flones to relîsys pain,.. foret ican lic tsed wiîis. lan er tie patient, and etuai in its operalca- cunto, a setail quantity ef 1$ tento twent7drops) s a. part sffeîte or un a aHightly moistenerd wifb ens applied, andI ai. bouns ad-a linon baud. After ths part la,. i pain is nu oui riscuma- tIers. After but uaually applications d. Tl ista- menterial on y of Paris. BWEttiaj I gpeut Em- as a Wife- ciels of 1el weaumer ta magpiscent. No -Ilptro haveobc.nissue to.day. It ltaiperfiet -Word's Pair, and tIil la lsîpu.ible lu giveany ruedescription t ti. ~The ?roeident ha% stiîllred consider- ably duriisg tise nigIkt and morasmg, (romt a savere attaok of thsu diarriSoa, a stomacb dom-ngement, *nîîar lu bis attack reeutly nt the - White Suililmr Springs, brought on by tIse change.of waîcr, cold und fatigue. île bas tise' best medical atten1dneý, nnd is uow mucaixrelievcd alid sleeping qttîetty. No alarm need be féit. - Tite President" andI Cabinet leavie lere ut- 5 P. M. ons their way tc Wash ingtons. Tbey will tbc accompiinicd Ici tiseStute lino, by thse LogisIative Consnitîc.- Tlîey wistV go throtseh Newtport n. soon us pousblq. 'Mrs. Filllmore in Ibere and will accQmiUfy hlm tu Waahington. VERY FAT.--A fseld slave in thse Souths aise day foîmnd in hislitmp a' p utmp rai>. bilt, Ilotocsk hîiuot.alive,lisld hÎiftn-- der bis amis, pattes! tins, isrd begtan ta spectlate on-hi» good qtjisusities. i"Oh, hou, Iaîl-betjry Çfat!-tise fatlest 1erf did sée! Lei me sce lîow Vl i lroil hi I No>he. gu <it he loec iii.!de grense. -1 fry hlm!--- Ah.- yes! lie su berry fat lie fry bitrseif..- Goîtyl 1mw fat he bel No, 1 woî't fry hîm-I tew -himV', SThe tboîîght of theosavory stow made' the isegrg furget Iimielt', aninlsprcad- ingonit the feuetin is ieimagination,, bits astis relaxce&, wlws-off bipp e M I)ra bit, ' ani-qîating ut a guudly diistance hoe eyed bis late owner wiîh cool coru- Pointe This negro kuew lisèré was an -cnd of tise stow, aoïd aummoning ali afl h i; phi. Imsphy, be ttis addresed ise rabit, nt thç, saine ime sisaking lis- list ut lissa: '¶ You long-eared, wlsie wlsskered, red- eyed son of a guis, you are not #a berry fat afier ail!" "I do net wisli 10 say ssnytising a- gainet tihe individllal lu queetion," said a very pole genîtleman, I ilst I wousd merely reasarinlutise lapgssrtte of tIse poet, tisisttuhiml,' tlî his strasîge,stmii- gem than fiction.'" A Duwu caster advertises fur a wire la eumethîr.g lîke the lulowing marnuer Any gai what's got a cow, ua goos! fentIls- er lied, wiîhs comfurtsshle fixiiîs', five, hundres! dollars in bsard pewter, oîic tisa'r lad tise meuiaes and Iuiîderstss,îts tenditsg clildreîî, can have a cîiselmer fur life, hry wrîsîs- a sra1 billet-drax. auîdressiig, Z. R., andi stick il un Uticle ,Ltbs,'îsozer's barn. 11111sc,11 was never more anîsoyes! in 111s. lire tînan by the reccipt osf fle fui. "If tbe f.ther is tshe ed of thc (am - ly, wisat's tise eldeet Sulr' 6 Wisy, tise leir, tu W esare." l* the wier Wi1ll a theuic>Pscîs Office lie will find our Tlîick-iitick il) ýwaatuîîg. A tvornan"ofring to siga a dee!, ltse Jusdge usked lier whetier lier hisbasd cornpeld ber to sign'1 "île canîpel me 't said the lady, " nu, 'nor tweuty like bisa." Wyhy wua Jouahln tise fishs belIy like a fassisinablo yeoung lady 1 R ecause iseIbail more of 1h' whale- boue about hlm thon wus good- for lins. Wisy arc tise Bloomers of thse present day like thisel"furlera hope"l of a bt-*îe. ging army 1 Recause they are about tu thruw théimselves intutise breeches. Â YRRE.Amnwiode a Icara by experience. T H.E 8TËEA M E It A D MIR A L, Gaptali Krr, -'TILL lasse TORONTO for ROCHESTER (c4ommencing Tucsday next.) every Tues. day, haridy, ad Ssturday mùornîrsg, at Il o9cloek, prerisey. cslling-at Wiitby. Oshsawa, Darlisstos, Bond Head, Port Ilope, andI Coboog aasher permittîssg. Wili sve ROC IIESTR for TORONTO, cat- finçstheabove Pots,(weatlaer perr0ittinic.) every Monday. Wedaaaday, aMt Friday morning, at F o'eloek. E3'Thisla tise tuarssZ, PLxeg&WTZ5T, and! CligAWZs? roule fo NewS York. Timu.(rmTo. ronto to New York, (orty hotaro. Rloyal Mail Steam-PastketOffie.,> Torooto,ç May 1, 1851. Ç 49-y. )jvore the caue movy ~ is beau, or 61[ howlossg statdin if elP$sca 50 el 1 Il m , par Box. -ti TIýWlstby, Dec. 7, NEW CI{EAP HAÂT STORE' IVkarly ç tuealethe id Globe" Office# Kissg8tr*eet; Tarnte. HIE Subscriber, listing bas! long expcrîcuge T inthe in ,ri afol nuaincestanlthe an eicellant asartmcent of HATi, and! alto irAtap., 1Buffalo Uobt@,, Ladica' Fun ofetcvcry drcKrlpllom always on laud. Dt:3 The hîçgsésî price paît1!lis cash for ifatting and! Siippisa Fuors, JACOB BASTEDO, Iater ansd Furrier. Toronto,,Oct., lm,0.26 SarsaparoUlae rPRESaWrberliasnow n laud, a $ARS.IdIULI4 ia Quart liotles. Wfathy, Jan. 25, 1831. 41 .11 "Blow, ois blow, y. heavenly breezes Sint. oh-,sn, y. teavenlynmu*"s, Whate 1 malte yaurWbotsesd ahmu-ffse."1 VJIE Sisersber begs tl acqlalul fhi$ -riendasas! tbe publicahast he asconeu Mhe *bave lînessu itS East endutouttise Wmw rai CARRIAGE FACTOR-Y Bi.ocia, Wberestt C*on tom Work aili be don. aviti ncseatsfudeliiy (and tlsal's more thsa;muaI Sisaesakers con say) sud detpaicis. J. W. TILLOTSON. Whi!by April 112, 1851. 5-f HALF-WAYHOUSE, ROUGE.' T T itbseriber retitrnsîlsan ks fuor tise jibtýrs! s8upport since ursitrtaking tise tl stand (Ile 31fro. WESLEV'S) et tise 1{l)UE, sand lipes Iystrict attentions ta business ta b.r fai'pred ilis a casinuance of tie se aa!patronsag<e, Ihe Bar ftrnisisedwitis cioice tiuasand ibs Tabile wel! suppleul wiîi tise suitusatof Caiada. Goos! Stablirit: ami a steady Hoater in attendlance, every accommoastion lu malte travellers caorl.rt alte. Stages dai!y ta uns! (roum TorontoIoal King- Iton, &c. A&c. ANDREW NOBLE.' SIage Houe., Marris 1~ ATRDW AIRE. 44, KING STREET, TOIONTO. spiRZNG STOCK 0FrBfi.kDWAKD DJy varioos Vessets (rim scié, vîz.:-Lorut George Benlick, Anne Crolopcr, St. Andrew. Niagara, Catherine, Zephyr, sud several ailiers irons Li ,ver- pora! andi Lons1ois ad in a few dapy he wîi have a complete asortment o<>1 leavy assd Sheif liardi- ware reasiy for Sale, and at pricesos luw as asy in the Tr-ade. T. HA WORTH. 'Torono, Nfy 22nd 1 M . 8 tf. COMMERCIAL MOTEL, V IL L AG E 0F, BOtELI1A. 'CI~E SUBSCRIBER retîîrnx thaîîks fâr the liberal uupj:ort lie lias recei- vedsi unce lac comytenced in thse aid $:and, (for- merly kept by Mr. IIUNTEIL>. et CIIANI)LE'l COR.NE;R, saisi bopes lsy strict attentionrs b tie. nasau ta ho (avares! iýifh a rouiiuanvs. .oflihe pa. tions;. biherto conierred!, Tise Bar in furnishes! witb thse best Liqîsors. snd thse Table usppiied aitis tie choicest eatahies tisat cao be procures. GOQI> STABLING, andi a stedy Bustier un attendaoce. Every areosrnsadat.iota make Travellers com- (oitabic. STAGE dait> ta andi (roms Part îIVlit- by.- THO MIAS GOREY. Borelia, June, Oth MOI5.83r. VALLABLE PROPERTY IN FOR SALE, P IGthe Front IIlegtf LA., 1 ns.6sd 6, in thse Srd oepsion. Apply to E. 8BIRRELLii 71b CONCESSIO 2.-i.. JENN-Y LINOIN1HWHITBY i B'. BRYAN ASbeeatately appointd Aent, I>y tise Mon H ufacturers, for tise dil4 of everal zseav pattern stoves, aviicis aera pateateu tisse. aontlss &go, and tnk tise prise at tIse tae NIAGARA FAhIR. Helbas on baud a ganeral assorîmeai ai Tlgbî Air, Parlaur, and Cookisg Siove, Potauha Kettias, Gid front, Dog front, Door Sirrpers, Patent Ci*- tarsa Pmm. &..i&. . Y' ILOI WA] Clot hiers,9 OUtf 8er Star; or Tut Gaz. Dru Lions, 26. lCua SvzsT E4sT. Tassusesa Brous! Cloho cassimeres <Plan &1 Dorokigis Pilot Clothos Besver Il ' .Moleskine Vestîtss in Woollen, S11k, Worsted, Fasse>) Geweal Dl: GoodA TfrcÙli Suisar vtit a GOVICK sLào* I J, Kuo eaz? EarToaanOVT fl EG to iinfarm thse rentIers ofthtie Whitby Reporterg endI public gencrallIY, tisat l- haY bhsve compleles their Pull importationa s t.çîspte ans! Fancy Dry £4aads, vtieis havÎug beau malads!rom thse baul Stockasia Foreign lMsrkels, and! porcissees for CAH bwl e tnid, siposi ex- amition, uiurpsmsed lu tiiCiy, f«r qoaliîy, style andI ebespsess. 0. Blactk Orteans Clathtiirons O Cotoured sde ' 5 0 Bllacki Cnbor; " "0i Colosure11, 1 l-2yd vide."1 ,Moiolin.DaLsinssea " Prints 1lys!. aide "01 Hoyfelà di , "'0 Darti Sable fBoaa '3 Grey' squiirrel " "2 stuaue.Martils ' 4115 Mink ' di"40 READ TUE FOLLOWING: s'. 8 pr. yd. 10 " 9 .5 10 fi 'i 7 s, s 's whsite CotIo6ns fruru Grey là i yd. do da Io American ~ Shseeting 2 )d. Stripesi Shirting lied Tsck Bruswoia hlanul G;afa Plaids Dark Saillte Muffs, Grey i$qrirrpl .4 J 1Sirsue Mrt Il 48" Milik 4 do.1 9. Do 0 3 pr. yd. 0 4 s 0 du 0 go 0 41-211 0 7 1.4" 0 71-2'" 1) 7 1-2" 39 40 t 37 6 otice. Waotered, and of ele.gant Patterns. s. Lro~s 6 " 8 'i 7 " 2 'i 3 a' 3 's J 0ranS i isîsy C:nti 36 ILinuikin I "36 MÉohair il 23 Arruericaru SatineUs f) ICausadiati 4 6 6 44I Clothou, 1 31 coriti P laid, Swanordonia, flair luls. They rould cali particular attention to tArir assortment of C L OTHIl N C' Tise whaie ai whicis beunc madfe up und-r tieroav suspectlsors, ry thse hst ai variauien, are ual equalled iu Coensta. ibr style of cilsu.qsll of workmaushiç, ans! material, andi generat essilabta- ne lu thse ants af the peat'te. Parises aboust tla srhaxe Gooain u iis lune msy 61 psy tan dear for tileir wvismle Ilif llsey bu>' beloe luokirs; aver W, & lla Stock, amngn; abchisull b. foul O;rey Over Coati FlusAisnc I Pilt 9 Brsaver " Iuanskin WVhitrsey Fine Tautes idFrocki (rom 1 i jFiurshoolius Contas il1- 3 Faucy 1)'e Paulm "18 9 si 'Blak "25 (i I " Saîluett 30 0 "Tweed 30 0O Back- Satin Ves, from 30 0h Fanrcy 4$ 22 CI-.. riinett" "30. 0 BI ark lPltibsis ' si 25 <0 " 12 6' "13 9- ,'10 (0 'i 8 9 " 7 6 'a 4 6 'i 1 3- Bouys' Cluthing lugreat variety. Paris Velvet-iap lIauq, Fiîstt Cloîls Capo, &c.&C. (jarments made ta mensure and warrassted ta fit. L3'Farmr nud utiers resdinC in tise country, anunt arquaiuied with tricks pîaclised on sîren- gara. hy msny denlero. avaulsi duwell la caiai lIbis estuîlisrrenl, asotsey bave but anc. itraigisî (or- w as-s mode of doing busIness. Aa;tsi usart tise (llainq: NO SECOND-PRICE. Ali!Garments ualtssiinc, exeiançesi. Ail Garmeuls warrantes! nul la irink or spot wuilh rains. ,Att piece Gouds, cul luntise usual lenglisa, excisaugei. Tusontu. Novenstier 1, 185. 32-Y1 BlUR ESS&LESMN Coner of King 8f Church .treels, joining the Court Houe, Toronto1 HAVE ON IIAND The Ltirgest.tie Ciseapest, and -the Be3t Aasortment of Heavlyaê?lade Cloling iffand Dry Goods IN CANADA WEST. (I LOTuS, Cassineres, vestîngs, and General Dry Goode, Jnîputed -direct froni "Britain by Ourselvmn Garmmjtt made (o order ofcvr description. PARIS, LONDONe AND NEW YORKC ÏASHION,»s JIECElIcpI>MONTHLY The most approved style adoptede R EAY-MA D E. Man', Brownu Hallans! Coats, Do Ciseck'd do do Do du Nfoleâkin do Do Black Aipacs do Do Ruase!Cor do- Do Princers, ord Jo Do Gambraun do Do Tweed do DO Broas! Clati 'la Do C.saixsrre la Do 0illd Wate-Proo( do Boy's Browni Lissen do DoCisck'd L,înen do Do do Moleskma du 1» PFaey lTaved do) Do Alpaca do Do Risiel Ciard de Wite Shirts. Linen Frossgs, Strl1seeldo .Meàls'Moleskisa Troaser, Do Linen Drill do Do Clic kdDrll de Do Tweaadsr do Do Casimere -do Do Domkin do Do Buckskia do Do S.tinctt - do DoûF.toffe do Do Cbaisett do Jior Ji là 4 1-2d 0 9 0 4 1-2 0O 3 a 6 - 4 1-2 Carpet -Bags, Unsbrellas, Stocksi OCL OTH9 Do isismeretta Trousers, 'sDriît! do oneaay do l'DoIlrab bflskin 4o Po Clseck0il do, do iaDo cakin do Do Cauiimére du Redt Fîsanri <îShirts,, IYu<er Siirtasud Drawers, megs's Black dotS Vests, Do -Black Satin do D)o Faucy Situa ýdo Du liolaid do Do *Fane>' do Do Velsat do lIa luais do: Do. Malcelles do 'Do' Paralisea do Do Casaimera do Do Taveeda do B a Faney do silk do Do Satin do Do Taveede do Do Clatis do Do Cassimara do Clots Cap#, Shirt C1,llars and! Fronts, ING,1 [ruom 4 41-2 4, 4 0 s' 4 41-2 item 's 's t' s' 9 4 41.2 wi SiIAlifi LKE.R &-HUTCHINSON, WEOLESAL9.& RETAIL. ERITI E NANIfh'£URX.Il WIIULESALE ANDJ KETIIL. Wbilhy Villaire. Jue.1950. 4 i' EsTc .m U'WAîCTURE. Cit Steel Hueos and Say Forks,- FOR SA E, I0 doz. Cast Steel 1fines ands Hay Forks, marde ram Nsylur'a best Cait Steeiexpreasly for the t Suabriiser. 'l'lOS. lIA WORTI. Toronto. Jue 7th 1lml. îf *BOOKSI BOOKS, BOOKS, 'A Xl ROOM PAlPERO' Great varielyantbath,avilis ailkinds of STA- PVTIONEET, SCIJOO0L BOOKS, B]LANX &CED , & c. for Wal at BXQÎXLI-4, by tise Sufliber, N.B-Orders taisais (or ailkinds of Books. ",L. C. THOMAS. <Brookliu. fils Act.,-18MI1-. - 17-3w. SUBSOItIBEItS are isuw re- Tcesvi.i tolre, tiseir Spring stspply of GRO. CERIES, comprisin; lath ualusiassortasent, aIci .whicis lise>'are enabled tus affei an ver y advsusis- Ceous terma u t hier curespocsits, andtIhIe irad geca. FRESHTE-AS. 270 packages Ytàssa; lyon, cumpsiqiug wm extra fine, 60 packa4res Twankay, 3() pakages aaasrtted, lack Tes&, COFFEE: 45 bags ver>' sperior Laguira Caffee, ou bus .Rio, 18 bagest.1 Domingo, 10 matse Java. 200 packages assotedl Toisaccu, in 5'l' 815, 16'.' 33 ihsis.Brigist PnrteIt(ica Laondau LoauSugai', Lîverpool ýand Dutch Crimie Stiger. 3 tans prime Americart Chtetse, jot Iassdcd. 6 & 7, St. James' Butltdisça, Elrsg Sr.,? WIIE.dfT, PLJI'FORMl, OT R OF NE PRESS me MANUFACTURER 0F SOLE, UIYP AND HARNESS LEKATIIER, &c. Cadh paùlfor Ilides aàd Sktini, fWeai, Qats, Potr and Pear? shs Wbitby Vilae, l Jue. 1850l. ALIXA1DEILTlflPsî,ProprictOf. Excellent scasflda fas(r trveilliiir. Goos! Dealer in PROI>UCE BOUGHT AND SOLD. BelwcanStroud'i and! Flait";.7"-e ad 8ide Of I& ,arlçet ALEX. î>RI1NGLE#. WHITJJY VJLLAGE- Allorders in bis funepromply eXeentOd. The Iate#t Fa,#kion# ala avon hand. Wh itby, A pril11 pJ, 1850. BROCK-b-TREET, WHITBY, WÎItbY Lde'Soiay OPPSITE TrHF GR&MMAIL SCIIOOL Puiblic leuseq Can ie stappises! with a irst rate article ni - .Ale or Btroag Boer on ModersteTetne, for CA$SH, at CLIARK«S BtI1EWE.RY. Whitby Village, Ian. ,7. 18.> 21 .WvH 1TBJeVIC. IW. t.11, -SCWOF[ELD & Co., SP RIs (IF MR. SGEG OF NEV PRINTfNG.1A7<J .ALL CC MESSRt, L JO OÈIFPU TYPE & STEItE aof avios. massttacttire eanaral astortruesî. Ti sitlo 0aeu kîswn. ti an>' reusssrks On tisaex, n"v bave ilu Seing able (loews s!!lisey eau;reeji offie., viii 6e apparei TUE TORONTO1 a brasset ho Eias tal ageîvent of D, K. F E 1'saonto, ptacro thsa Fr1 Province uspon au equai laken la exeisatgefer r i for djru, ai fbd. pat i. 201 pet cnt, erhga, 'caver Doties, Ft.igbtols cil AS. T. 1 Cornt Montres!, June 3Oh. ùinm todthe above, avili repwe peyas by puit;has&wg lir clni m e caus coufit. 1851. LARE SOUGOC !. .lMci R E1 WORK Toronto, MEN'S PARIS S, mI Dam la lje w jiaJ. Tffant., bIh Auut, m E Talgesher aviis an excellant Sîaok o ai siinable DR ESS GOODS, carrespos.dinc prces. .Illso, 1,000 'Wool Scarf Shawls, worth' cf rm Damask Moreens, Ca~rpefs, !)riggiis, 4-c. $je. lu lhcir Woollen Deparlmeiit arc Tho* N othing 1Mk, Lea**r 1" 1 to

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