ait d 'fore in my Jife. ýLaughtcr,) ,J will inow F 011- SALE Boston '.1efuscum ; two ivil a. NEW ADVERTUEMENTS IL lire oI'ý pa. er you as a sentime týý CIIL,'AP F0,R CASÉ, beârin,'," Ille moýw of i. "rhe--Pm* t e dé,ý JUDs0N1$,,ý o6d"; rarrà ý.1e, ilig. ý*q! cityorf to 1= und bond of Brothe rejity A Good Young nocli abwf oý, jîhe wili Trade M&ÊACT îJ1ý_f ou(, d Ott IIPZivpn in exchange for ptft-- woor, repr Frée -srh0oWý fWýîtirv1 mýill"que*Wn the %in- ree !Sc ho015 fbf 0 e 1140wut! for 1111roce; Ckt. F; 1851. let acri- rit. lin 0 ofa -1! rc'! the ffibst mu 1 haEot «0ýhcoîî&f,ýII ta théi of V ofl izoR SiiLE, of g(ýbI and lind ùià rems; :ît 'Býstoîi1 ldii)uld ýnot a. cal, of raniid pci, výa,, ore bc hFt Gorul L Ij 1 B E 11 Wy A G G 0 Ný )Meë of thw Papen bhape, loaded Witt] of Va,,»>, tca Mr- 11,lrkýitniio-, Al)f)ly;tf the webtm' townt-, which spring up îà a nié"nîe 1V hit L.Y. Oct. 1, M-51, froin I*' andgTA in thetwinklimrof uneye fýouj CHERRY AND LUNGWORTf ý;ètLs, esl)ott%, pid. chai ren unk 6vut or Riank Dveds NfemrnbU Arquos w Itr-ý Offico. Valtiedat,$ two Lni,,illli),t i vese drawii iiiii titi tilt Ii;ý lation, maq prmoic",,ý,s more nt pidly than Bos- Wiathroje il, fing ach by Lwelve 1jor>ooý,s; epeci[Oetl-"i 1 f --a tqil; but there is a stahility and a --,olî(lîty Congbgg Coldge Hoarsnesso, SPII ) ý' a the adjaittagi-M fi abolit -Boston, whitlj 1 must say à aurmë ble et B1oodýý Nigbt Sweat-se AFthmal! Il' 11 11À P 1 P c) I)t ler 1 ta an (Ad monarchist lik-e mysèdf. LIver Complaintst, and kiqla rogite-s in*' ; a lewig 1 tee budon«n in 13-o9on, vddch look os CI g Ilr 111 tr lot FT 1 ON wonlg ordorr. operand hy W ! Imm; 1% WM non W, ÃF intended ilot oilly inr the owners, but for their sans ands lisîlir sdftN' sans Io, livé in. Ç 0 N.-, U M p 1, 1 () ,Ç dka; (Selwt Wmà in ppera$ÃŽoli; fer they am âèp(l U114,-goiie. 1 k-iiow it i luremi A ixë can learn of the of Of I"atiticl IIWI 31arket, flotio. bas been. the practice tu sa ? dmt a Yankee Wi and bas lwen eurrd hi thmisands ý t frof cure hy ibw ordy arc lud to the condusion that thecountryl i flookhinderswith a car ron- bindred acres of W00-not'be >.-,atiqfiiýil witil, pýaIa (lise# if illere z prebi arl'i elnbosý,Ing .1- froui, the UNOVS (11101WAIS VOTA('l' a wenerfil clection is elosp xtl- hand. Last 1 %vas any, place farther west in whifli fil, fzmttiIý,, . 0 RT, wcck themenitigs of the (.*al)ir)i,-t tcýnderf-A mughterj But 1 Ihink if lis ý v y ý,% \ 1 ) f ', - ichine, -widi Ods Ã411dig and stitdoinX; App linred eiaircy ii m 1 C sen -ri-rnelly has tver before licen very Clay lit a. W"d nmM- of dm regmiar 1 tlifý,-îr îýt--ignation and nuiv ilid Que pidly incrc ,iort of Yankees sitai ta bave And lat 101 celwoobly , ricultural iiîjpkmewe gropiii ald n 5 are appui ý qpq of odur. ariielpq (Ili"l;Ju CONS lill thoir tuccessar ýMr- frofil dw diýfen!it_ actually iiiiinber, an excetedingly proper place for a permanent maist MU)IIý,,Iy location, alititouggli it happenci Io lx! une of the lunzs imie lEnck's, it is ruinored, mëi ha calhel uPtil tradés, coqmilleted Ac-, E)ivision- J 1 rin a ne'w (chind, but ow Ejamiltèr lý)i vision-ýNf4- m bas of ille 31l-, he Very faritiv,ýt cg3term. placci> in the wiloic hopolese, os* i* fi-ivc L#,vu tov (r) et ridctl!y Ilic be,ýt l PhYMemL% and hPqwl Io lm imm au ieN ïb"üy A lypm6b LA, and tiduks that the Ilon. brary ýýoîesoCintifý and Iloivird A, the CiIî7f-wý 01 Boston I shah 1 mr«oy, MA anums ihn[lý;io -o lyý- 41yirg. bue not attr'f , tyt to dc-tail thiqu inort-its, tir the, 1 hum Vawed by lho4 aie luM .1;111ii-N Nlôrri-s will be intnisfêd wîth flint scîth--Schwjl cliildmn in carriago.,s; iligtf- orrire. î_ ob ! acel m eu and hemiy ail éfvcI, Il os a toi co'gligti'-ion. Dr. 11olph w0ald jçhddmnnumbeHn. f t naine 6 Lougion p lait Arros is une merrit, nfýtjwà lirinqî vt bieil aie, pteulidfly ýqfLq)îqVej te) M.41 gr fi ve litindred, tà ýýf f,ý - ý lý1 wbich thicy aIwapi 1ýeor11 tu pomest in a great p,ýV-ýMâly ce ce umr y h" et b"m the man in this clil lud if not, been iulfy dcrturatwd u«6 dowon. and sn irrangcii -iýc frora i fie bill lti,5 the viriuc of courage. Vol GIIS AND coN,1ý1,MP770Y. IM"eln le MAL 5A4 rlnearmnu; jf Immes A the Idind mel6hhness of theegyounglond nue au tu the fluir sra*ons c enfle -'l by a wiwii on ir10ýing 1wry accmmtoy inio hiýsIojjo', 1 es lm ormus CMIldaIN" oftA Ridingf Who er)llltl Ille qJiiioýrenf, emitnd luillyolle. instance 111,0.1 Y.-Iliris i: conub "nd la ex? U"uj : !«" ropimarsto me illatilieir coura;;c- ewbey ce sy-c ai du 'a --- d towm; Ly VXK"ýwww. mw poquçch 4twelcn týeirotvn pro-yrfitivfý. appropriati fy lbr, %i- dwm. 1 sore a greaL many mihWry scýlh!ml rlwdze in "q hymimi uwl ries aLj ap, aCl ly cyy 1,M ,M"l ,, gTUdWýe% Oeil Me nand suaires >O coirmally q Go go, kvg, !i,)r«s lit- V. ljAlý i; -W, a 1 en pre:,ent, anÀ 1 wn afraitl 1 Atall CIMI- , * letige thela [laughterj-1141d 11Vhat -du) aloi nuswfp bave laj;q-fi if) gile iiii! oînjjîk,*i l'-ilul iy the canNtrvativt4 fur keeping tir. in; vikh thproine. 1 bc otrol> dir,000 ci ns, ce Wli Ilink that or(,ýamiýti wiv's? 1 ritid, upou Ilir, Pt Ayiffo rr. lt)lljli sitit of the iliîujl,. Ibn dume is which the proc"don ,,I, wer, juccAr wide ind Laaud1,ý trust atitiwtititý rirecerde, that die chizeux coff TUOUSAIPS OV CONSUMPTIVE, o no PM! in bervailing vdà t now c3untit be, d#.roraled with evergrecu,, iiýig- icui \Vhitl' M( 130:ton wet-e carrietj away bv an eMWe ielmmahy in lmvm-- in when ît wah fw.>,,t propimil ILÀ) build a rail- hwh Ww ard in fmplamb mmi klpd. UN: must burkle un the ani"ur y th, 1 j:, :q %iid and fi(nij i but m à Wb hAvv Inavai my pihaitvecq, Lui roatl front liolioti to J'i(ovidence, imiter the Wicuw lm 15 lei ccy a puliclice but twrelà m'Il j Ar the coijng wQ e and mtand firui in and yy, pti; poin W, , m. ma c ow poiti ta il thit tLvl1i,ý4 Il i.ýs, thur rhddà m i r(c*4 lonno9, I: "Ms"s LU du.aqvnN I)mge the Wîe IIjMýqt bave a C-ariolidate in w ýd ,1ujý triêt M'ill itrivi»,Il.ý a<ý1o!oïý;pýg ,, litý- ofEcett and wturuhp MA aIl Éley tel *1lý'tn.jeey ý,c«lfifl, ait -S if , i 111111inz'eon. W% sooriats pasibloopon m hose ùzéd and prctay si -fini diait. vu dd beawaUowu(.1 u,ý 1 idily 'q .New YoýJi. ýmopo y "d MU A"ams nt lue %gy 4«h au ttnwa"à ng pnn(tjlps A peilqlle can Aw. Si "f 111wil, ïa ùje e0'. iliIOJ at!rà clu.; inonn riotif ýo"1, Tle- PJ,ý1t 1iýý- 1 lipos thé lk»tqn Imm w!mUy reroveri'fi and tolo wdl bis a tredit Ln ibis enalou'As seul el zer, 1 QW el C -l y- -u Û-oýw finit pçtnic. 1 think à à some ri? s UTU as a b"ilit tu the rnuutry in (hi i Coli lis, 4111; -Gs Vilc. M d(ilore of A Ont A % bol out Q ddu Lue, îlcucv. liovw tri brhig surli un c"i'! bons in railways since thut thne. 1 borg 1!l,ý iirý'kh noLfýj a Pu MMS oriv teblesny. 1 nos 4wli Mrin Io arv nul i. A qivAns luxpericure bu, M"Tut feyr minutes ltlltiule,* aer(), aspI Io cxin eNs fui ry pm 1 1 hat a i a c "à un rui MA atruci; in 14 trip lavom uivl,- ruyS pwmg gendemen, eveu, cuý of c j;;oÉ,ý c-epetIlly u;i>cmlwd!H dhâeuhir% W ý ;-b lyl;*, tilt in a », - trilliýý In in he'r 1j'alh of 'eu. ýiui ilid ýiic uauiecor M meN 4 pects a prqlliirvýtî:ifl. Me me MW m 1 emmed and eue ;nned if lire wi ncý .0 UASI Z """ 1. - . 1 on bc; 31c"w .1 :,ýi about ii Inast, was týf,-ceived with choi in (P&ls %, Si uhto"ýd ce toimvw* ei si. j w9loi !Lrov the, wlitâ'e eimnuwwy ha? - m- ' grud &Y vrbirh Lord J-Agin took- flie Icad -, afirr Ný-.V îcijý. ýe - ý .\VïQn, ww 14 tc. tnis which three cheers wcre hy tho-s', 'L'.. awl liell el Puy et you Gel the ;Iijiim and, defical. the it wýL>i lit- fiât '4 tîýý4flj pfïrlýreà 'ý., Lit' #11(ln141'(ýi- ai t-el in 1 ý,týrtiblt:d for Lord 1,Igin Tai)ized.' 'A prevmt;t recuit of A, natur '1' 1 N 1 P) aces, and ýql AS Fil .1ý11017111) 11) F., jwwcý et a dsu"ea omm(ýrji-,if of liý, IL vluid bc to jiiî)ojitjt a iýoiueii- rmEnnr y Lts(;U.URI% dis à itou) )a cmapowtl of plaiueub>LanLial We are- happy tu End that the diMP COPPLII, itiîll CAPLToN*-ý IV ;mt eXis1ýig in Ille rotilis lit leiNG BONE* A-cai horioc. and cijitttl, of the wl.? havë,, Aliol toi the, bl, inIiý1y, a Aucu orif doit 14belleinuv» of tlwtou and %Venin,,, h ed LA Me ni the Ding ilote, aix1l jbdon to -ea6t, further Lhan the lwos- 1'ini! me nov in d . G& w« Se Meu, thc enclosaroce ci AVC IMICU 111niCaldy DJI41 l'ri infver buy 0uýq..ý 4ricieà in -inuy (if w) âm W er uwsk Duel 2 Leî J)JY (lit rulin- tmnre gate to 1 Im9 of thir coimVy and fil(, true and dig- arranged. A11.1joitiour il, ffic nothle il pfkil il yuu-Wousj J'msou. A In; - cAfn; 1", puried acrq'n Lus ed !Àbmak z4- cpi (ywo-je Tie-y havr- i nified re-prescritation of thosir înlrems in bar touldatrent; ccolup 1 mis ilisph and Aniti- tlllu%%ell thocre-l'y the cricirriv VIF Himr liq- 71) Arnrrs pf amf DraIrrs iii 1[vrses. i Badon in 1sý 141N.Siotis. TIu,ý plati for the isel- 01NT- lem Ftagc; Ott dis JA"Itfurin vv,ýr,ý tIli.-ly- f \Voc thilik týhaL yuch a conventimi of plain ! tlerrielit of file ()f "rz!..té- Illitik 'r and plain-'s aL le, "leu, hi who ýisti1j,7, was the cotily huilorab"e mie tfat 1 'die difilvent imoeivau state., oue quvea awl if Mhe contdili .cotild li(ýtlîvist-iî, nainelv. As call n', t', lielst there ýý1quIî1 be no political elielliy t Vilwi, and one the findlesm of lAberi a public of illers J'foi) .11 1 suriuien, tilt. Kwke ce, mi Ha>* ivoili4l Ca Wekht with it, A 1 increace fur the Ir lie 1,ýiiiiff ('f rry Inouï uf the fouunty tu A UIKOI Ille finie th, Varilsé? c"Plyonling hi fuxcel;pn- popultion will ex, lut the f'r isever Luy cultmom ùmbe auo1_eXerci.,eýa putent, indamnce oui t4t; rebult i -y ly and 11=0 ufbuldinpi il CCPIVCUUun allý .1t, armi,,-'l in dit, lllatffeintlley ebl;Ujmiju in sui of the coitiiogi election. Froui sutAi ibe mode of vlectirig 1 Cl", : lady repr& J',JN(;-4ý0SE (1,711E. Ã9 out of' pli promtieun tillieli venfion theri. could hi! liq bafk-i iisv-li;wsý a iwauùsl bolotri, loch t F(ewý Ille rtir,- stinvin. lione 1 1 IVOAlwà , and Nlà tit--a rolmed,ýý» ýdtýappoifjw4I Oqkaus, and C0nlýI4vfjI1ý c4acz tu ahide hy decluu of a (Duvo-> 1 t'411Ç l'à , 'S ter [().Nr - Potv ! g hi 1 S50, a hall t ïoa so wte tjo crowdi n g, ron, &NI) i 'g'rcater unanimity at ille poIls. A candi- ntiruinrs lO fi je date brou.1-5ht out by ?ýach meil mitu jýý-ccî- ý ut1il 11rr jýje c0J',L!îýJ Ait tIlfmsiý ý5c4ooIý ijeýts throuatois, Whether tiley liked mens The cliangeo nt weaher and eoreonn wilh the! tjy be universdly cropported. Ilppm- ; Éwi, t1ic chief Magi-teatc t'f and are n« gme or not, botit cvjýry Ang Ûdn open, usid ýe and jjýei. lidv« a terv Lneât etriWI i 1-1901, encomitored a orstronL-,, a ýN-> U"fi roir Spraîni, bi-ü'iqcs, xciddtp gaffi, szccllrd jalidsuppo>in-7 it mùved . , & , of ali kilnd* COR ItESPON ac the rate-cif 1ý0fe Dd inclement sk-1 ga1r,ý, with it lit-,ýivV sea. tv 1 Y) ljer hour, Wilich is Yery slow nor in zthe: ùjr aliout, ninety igissoli frets* Cil l 1 fum 't; ' article, lgr bcirbe,§ afid caille are Pire. parçd lmp) the- rt.,cipe of a very cripbraied 1,,ti,>iiibb LETTER NO. M. it WOUlt! haVEc been five miles long., in the vrorlia, "de Ar Liverpool, G11,011 %VnS firin nttl)r Farrier,' acil iviii clireo. niiýety-ilirie limes Olit of 1 1- 1 1 1 "Af'rica's" quotatiolib, Flolir iv;ls in one, bui;tlrtxt, any ofthe a4ove cvmplainIný They -3TON, 2-2nd Sept.ý 18511 Accordii]Or, tothe pfý0c, ýI d' wýn w tyrzttnmeythE intiet e, foi w ilave 15cen U"d by fattrerg, livel y-men, glage Pro- KING as tu, bave, take moderatc denimid ut prie - SI JIFAlt REPORTER, W Il I)IaéO' ifà mîà iately gMt mdrbads rat prieiorà and oliicis, with the ajoà t marked à d de- 1 (-,Qrn was eýcarce aml vointm4il- cidvd jaât dayof t1je jUý alier tlie it %vas, howevei her uantalied tac ded t*(i!l priet,,ý. Tfif- i,)r GIUTION.-Norw ran 'Ne -,,eniiitio unleis you Friday, thc third and lied 4ce to mereb Westeril fi(mir were 1s'g l9s r1-ý1lIht- tiartitiotj. carlion ýümf10ck-on the wrdl>. bilee, waýs a pmud day for Bobton.' Aï %Yýewcré:fuijy per off'ach aritvie, p1lia Ulid iiiiltinit.elv 1si a en-aged ia thut ýpleasing -RV«ýatien.- larbire aâ wete the crowds previous, larger 1 gs a 17s. %%Ihite Corn 27-s it '28,i ; yt,ý- Thetent crected fur luiv 09S a '29S Gd ; mixfýd 2-5,, M 'ýi 216,s 'I*hiîiâ Ife moet for Werm beyond comparison were thev that day. lit the ô= i a wu ever it efléciually eradicitits Worms l'tom 1 le, u widfficon. contend *921ft, Indiali 'Meai 15S a 16ï, Proviss .. was tstimated by several, that tWe were n9thr by 150 i' ;OLS ltcutýli'utisui'm the nýoà i& lainingamiteand wqntrterof tabWsý and enterpriae- ia generally eltil!. lh-licate iviant or >troljk"-ýt affilit. RI)d vever fitils 1,0 least one hundred thousand -ýtmuger% in' the 1'lic report ùf the staic of fraci(. al la front utille à whielà W" abe à pet b!)[i le, patâ it wiffiia reach of city; cars, steainen, coa-ehes, and al! publie Manchester, is so considered aliufwj ail parcias ,ý'h4j are ývi;h01jI conveyances were b at the north- ézid of thé pie te vvitý ber Aloï There hâd been several botii ibe jjýt5of thrit riiiidreil in ilme ebîad timewith tbpï:r un- paviliont wilis ari aiLon(lôn and Livet"l,'ali(t 1his to- or y(ilith, -, lilotaid", T'(u tor the usual extra loads. imniouse Rail miad nià ýý Jý name 4 CoȔftuck 4 BroUter, propriLioje, on the -ether witli the unseitled ýStatL- of aflairs of At an P;irlv hnur routes of a 1 tl,- i (A me cily, if tî Bo'stom and il 1110! ri(.,Ck- f)f 14 'f's, sviiirli Is now -rupied in fille yt 1, au wa and party. > îl thr, fi Zi plarf, of il IV luded l'fer 1,1â'ceutl thë roll I'Dëü" 0--it whom' the iiiiiiicle et' lias 11îllen. aiid cljecrs.) Some- body nitist m-rite to t1je Prcsident âtid tell I'iïffi liô'W- ilitit rë'fl1ýr1ç about liiiii- wasreceivetl. 11,atigliter.] '- - GcmIenicný 1 Iluve felra very 41cep interest In tite lerogreu (of tlie lines -et' railm-ay cp, Iii fil Il n icat iOn, (if %vil ick we a re slow aast--mbltý-d ple- Lion. '17he first tltilivay' tllat 1 Cver lmvcllctl ltI.U)ll Ulià tit of thVgfeUý 1 ine wili.cli ILOtr tim- tm NI(mireni Io 1 liad illeI)IL.U. -Sure, aIX)tlt veun agit, 10 lx,> travel- ji0fr u'illI a 1'ticiitl> ut' 114-s far a-lýCmtýOrd, til«)Il finit filie. Lord ELGIN-IIC lfý14 COI)tMdittýPit MÛ; lie mys iL wa-S Dot Concord, but Franklin but 1 will %tate anotfiiir 1 in whicli will not contradiet ple iý,fit(lh iý4,. that a*,- thlouë lh we. Iravelled "togetllier Iwo or iliriýte days"over bâd roadhi fiartof the way, w4c, nevt*r ré.»ttr-lw»d, a placo- WIýà cli could becn ivitii aily propriely ý r hristefied Dise ord. (Laug-fittr and Il M'ell, gentlestitti, take a decp interest in this lice, 1 mimt tell you, 1 aever vtish to sail tinder,,-e colons, lkl À ýs not the expriusilve objý,'Ct of my -Prefer- ";- for 1 am'frep Io admit that illeregre Pother 4mconhecting the Vaieid" ý%,kà tlic- ocran- at etheýr points, in wilich 1 al'o take a lWéIy 4»wcst., But 1 coin é- her'r 10 f!"- Prexs my Neljýw of the greai obliýr4tion whicil t1w trading portion especiully tý Ille peop',v of Canada arc under to the ciiv of* for their à 4rmlity and Dot î)WY beram. theY ý liave opelleil cIj.lnlîe11ý Ow U-dde, but af,,ýe bvcausc Ire ilie greut ouilii y in works, uN sfaied by tlie-,ýlayor, RIA hy Llic. !ýKti,,fü1rtqry re-mits of fljow, you buvC sbown how greatly the of a m-W-Coutitry mq lit,- advarrred, ljoýV gré.atiý the valus- of I)mpellr 111.1y he iij. gitit, wt:;Zltli gùaylj(.ý by CmPý'1j Il- iii;ýe3 nf n jiidîci(ju,ýly t(niffut ed. 1-thilik tbat froui Your exiiiiiiiie ttiý Canailimin will- rt-,tu*rli home, Certaitily not badulerill but - ý,viscr Il- men thin We catrie herc . 'fiïc.o-e wax anotlw»r rea9on for my entyý'lýg here ut this titeie, 1 1 ý wanýt(ý.,d to by my jimence liere, t'hat and Ille moral and bocîUI, as Weil as -eCono1jjiü.ýj eflects of thi-be, incrcaxt] ni' il4tef-ýý BY cf)jrliog fiere avi-r yourA, to ti-nder Io the liand of food 1ýL1lOn---hîj 1 Wà rItf A 10 ýtf1O;,V flint 1 Waýs aw-'ire triat % Ã"11 tý fint-S wert triadt. to transport nien and wc;nt-tlt. as Weil uà for the curriafc- of* balcýý of g-0011b and bancis of ileur.. 1 -rnmict tliu tht, year mi which 1 tlitm éomf! tu the hand of good a li)"Iilý)rabie year in tWý fiistory of ýur irj44ý IL is a Vear in Whicil a new plalict, ba.s becuadded Io our :olar sysicui ; a plârjcýý vvLich " be-eni W" biijgular félicity and . 1xeUeý And &4 1 have touebed vte,,igi Iilut pointi r allotv me to hay, thà 1, bave â1t mo1ýt deepi ly the kind terni* in w hidâ i Itinglaud lm ule! Wa't eîn aljudcd to by ail 1 hav j t-,titf--i-ed with'ai Ille t-m'iI.Oýy of the Vriâtd ' [Applaww, ami fric-, Of lieur, heur.] -1 carmut hay that 1 feut *ur-ý , prihed Wilen 1 lient ilinerir-Uý'4 Spc.1k in thc tt'aý. 1Lký, tiodur aie Il,£- >r*ýt1 t5bocked aithough now murh mure rarUy 1hzmý soiuc yeurs ago, 1 wij happy Io >ay heur litu- guage ol a lilfercul lind froni Auwricanl, cadc of ail uf ail wicif-kn, (ý riýÉkèii Il 1 advantaveoubiv bitiLlated than cannot ee!ý thlinking of an cloquent pa-Sha-e lu the writing3 of my mcybt eloquent fheud, now no more, the lateI Dr. Chalinerii, in which be refem to the siin'uýltaneous dà cove- ry of the telescope and Microscope, lie! dutes in lis gorgeous language apon the fave the Queenl as if to'ý rq liaving"riden to respond iment was greeted witli e, and follows: ,r and Geïtllemen-It is not iry wilh 115 fur R-IIY indivi- it illion himscli Io -reti.1rn le fonst whieli Vot4hâtle )rdiiallygo %ÃŽ nn ildditiontil diffléii!1ý, (111ty it 'ý1f41 1 have nt my lef' J)o liolds ii-n iiniKeriýýtý ' ! - ,imi in illi,« ýotfnttv, (- ýý ý Ptoil) and from %V110111 a ,al teaut, %votild CoMfi ý1broprintély-than froin ýdienCt,, Éovvelert tu Ille lonor Ille Mayor,' and il) believe, Io Ille wishcs cf m'y left. I riwe Io express of all Britisli "I)J*Cdtsjlere 1 réel that * evm. one of . eqaal right wîth tnyqelf it tonst--JNrmdians, Eng- chmo»nalid Irishmen, In al l 1 IK-g leuve la e%- hieh Val and Il =,y fot la C 1 9 1 have tlhe 1100or to-- - M ' 'M', 'e ' .If 10 a whicti ýe grenter patt tif jemous Arr diffciej),t itt« Mhaps 1 im. y1se perffiit. C iliat %ve British xlibit-els, fpectoiir'Qttern, not ùnly Ir xemillntycim.ict(.r blit md private virtit", -and tact xiid 'firninc.>.u wlilch ýer le reKeet, the vple, nl.-(t Ille mail kîtid. blit ive reco!znize fil 014- col l' reditery;lirotie upon wijivil thesynilxl (ýt'onr 1lnIîo1l-ý the type of the contilini - fy 'nce as a people. (A 1 gentlemrn, hecause there Il Anierien suille little mis. ilh regard to our charoc. mw, tif 01-nerve tfiat- wf', thotigli ive be, Pnjov Ille, of dclibern. tive a«w - niblics endant blemiti-,,suf eùttcll- raturs -and lu- rolitirys- owd 1 atu nul, sutéljiit we Rve a little ripe-laving--. ýUghier)---nfillvst if flot Ill. qimi perfection iviiii pur- nt own, gentleniet), tltit 1 gly arnused the utlitr da y, the gentlenicn who did F o Visit aile nt Turonfai il vitation urtfle Cullillioli he (.,orilomtiuti of tif,- ciiv' erved tu Ille witit tliti i1tý that bc hud been deliglit- enterin- vur Legi,,414. y nt ",rorotlto, 01111 tlivre Much liberty of bileec-là Y tWy ufthe kýn(! lit iliis 'lýüt1ld nul >r that if My kind friclid x0r U% W-illi bis coiljjxlllý- ý a few weeks, we stiotilli nutistrate to hi$ enti re, wat- the 9 tougile ie q11iteý-;4j, Mw-e cil the Norilil mde ou this side. terrien, yoil Milst not èx- have not Liie voice for it, )retend tu tindertako. Io Xspeccli tu yoti. 1 'bu arc notoriolis stuîv of inadcquat ýca>inr bu! morc, à l'! ýI):Ln lie ijý ý view of P. rat, vail Fi ià zý J ýveD to bic. ýk;jiAi-s of ý' "S Of 1,,.Iýt art