Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Reporter, 4 Oct 1851, p. 1

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T1SH SILLINGS FER AN M1J?-IZE ÂpVÂNe. Zanas&s u buu.hmhma1Uwt,."TrC WT-IBY C1ADA WEST, OCTOBER 4, ilSM.* THE UM~A~UED ~ôSvEwr pacesof ,nythoroughbreds lesving conipe- ide) eic aimdSfo nkwI"Vcpestd.tatikdonwthoh-u U (iNr1~~X1i1OIIOTELM0UtoT.far beh ind. is its own avengr !!" o -lt em5 hreodp wihtri r S~U U tL i4.(ILA TE R A S.) bavempoI<eflon oor My lîtary rides ithe sub rb o CONCLUe.TSIbON.m cl g cd trc H O T ofStheiseisy babel, I wam attratcteil by aSi - Langu r4r*~ot depict te scene that stro es w t ip w , O OdO tY tr - w o ( LHE S Ib ,rrIre n a vsJh J-il' W arhave saîd IhSyon of b a t . tsent m Y blood coursing e s e , t e e w *. e b n W H I T R T V I L A G I X ~,lieY blh ovethPreensudi thtrepU S n o re -rT hl i is ou n reit W BS c b u p o i g g e s f . h y p a that one .bewa havea t. sgnorntoods Lbsais!n beyoccasionwheno te oothe1just larçe lIfUl 51,4 irnpiVCmCflS i tha îahliî~ a'W ere j înu~ tin.vea (cf. unn rves n She in t eh0fbiatteroken m noth r ha n S<,ortitae I - 1»in ana iwaaîoastye fo An 1t- lknecui notal bowf, notunc uphethdea, w ohtn hepsutheassed Offal inthetfao-butuPo W L Oo01teIule lrei pe1balea in e o wegaveadom niat h a alna o-tes pa g u o h eiadcu n fo ht & ï~ W AI n the fi5tiOfl a it e quAl ,Ilf ntn ' il e r ngh7Of atm m enpt 1gil --< - ia . III 1IOOl)1 Urocerles enmuche Aarla ilgramaîtrtanlaazzoat r td t re in Pvainreturned to the Ilague, had breathed ber tn e tu gîg w t l o o e lv DIT uredîta heari wic forwhach he iefoet. IiIcaunifronteeaBoletrieud> tat shei -alo trieeilevain ianimaisotd ednoiîa falengthinhcon-ar en- st Id $ d p ri u a n wît h e y 8, iîit ' h i,â ttav lincal, u- i a ix e e i l u , ire and M cceeded in placing the 014 ma nl cred chage, w îth dying com m oad, ne er < t er d b s c g .s fl i nty w ri d u t ahti luel abi bijt, lq ent .Site nsked repeatcdly, l»gb. Fatal injuncti on, ..fatally 0oh- The rnpupatflheziti u, whieh, it is confilently believrl.sej* I M AwY h ner ai wiha emtoin srbbladnw action., A trial i, respectfllly, aeiriltd. Ph.Chartres modérabi. -Ttryhm a rvrbertenaeyuhr? igzetnbrepesv ev4 (*llr rmtr ae nexcita»;'t. Wbilby ,i t l< 14. l -at éa alen 1au il waiild!face wt ncntOiinicbhcadW The accusations of themiserable ma, temd ttesettl eei W hiby, Juui5 14, 11451 9-t 1 1. 1 - NU U ,~Anti 1 waîld nat. culd not, ar i tn u,, the hter p rsa , (le so lin ailbitterne Of bis rem ors, in ru e se m t io ng t a th e pe 9-1il.1 ,o r 1 f C ti g o ld n tl r h ol of 5 L; su as ilSDi>u fy n ot w fland unrniike t biga ü toe D -i ht à ,st u k W CKI e n t in o e b b se u w : s r HIS1RAS11woulsl have bîn knoW I 1 ? buti, me; 1 aslced ber tante. site hltshingly replie41tte heurt of bis lovely chld-she dicd cma- otes,,, c emttalaia~-4 TIUE -Sibcriltell, of the Asn a braier,vb a î,ieiid 1oefct"" thank yoti, sir, for your bracing hlm AbulcfClmon ijotelainso e rit e- W4TYWOE ATBBatilturemnita okeep fwct En;It b ien chSfldFIin gy bosan iways bitl, hainane "a»istatnce." Site curtseyed and . *tr. Low nlfelt althongb bowed with an o n ic ne fTiV ,te r e n o A ereiv th t i gty, m le orEie î- la i tw ae .1 i flrart sts temily u e ctit a ail erd'rs Far 1 ev r e mc i st l te li biadisappeared. e» e tne da k " t oT w cm m on grief, r t i e e e f p ii s n i i i n t e rn , w t u h g u e i ca sure îhim ihere ba% been nonie licter itil, tutu. wî t soîw :- Xî<,i ia ion fit tie subetf:n e bora passion--srngtegrom tediv s iliedepeaded ad a d c l ici. th e %Iake. '. 1h i A eteature *e lnvely air on hi' speed. 'fhe clergyman aone became t e Th cl g, f rt fi e y a sod 1 a c i Aise a%<miv case*. of Lndon . Blak anti D rmi, w aa florl 411n , rml , 2%. Mr aie aiit1 XC V itc î fo T a w aelil ar alIb arlse r' n w Uifuire f tns a fu ec e. Th ,rg t o ted c le ,W ih a lioga p ct e pou»1. 1,.I A ti r' hilokitvbcb oua bailim in'ai ti re nhupy itan o heetîs amor se cred oten. o u w l r e1 in h o b ns d b flesIl ;îler$iîBatsS" -7 .241 per . 0T1E Q N D U C î-aa nber unitd Up, n be cantiu'i ep . JfVTonto. ma,,u2r41 M1,51.iîndgîîtenit Wmip.1 2belotrlynt-. > eeîîw'lig lla %nâîytbmît, ulJ *icludt, GEa.ee lent-noiinducîetiaent could witlidraw hit inw sptso i nkn i p n M is., 1* ur,14 (dpr ar.IT oVN A ENli'ai Isf10 the wi41owed lqdy's cottage. huepuli- Paac. B aiîu n satf, a d w for a bm puli tatah 'ii rnltite iioI l :\fA ai t he 111 ihic1tCIh tflury, -rbe ftirl f lave. lic ascribed his mood ta therare cireum tnce lian tied tg îW d wo x a r î- t esrh in lier cottage oGç,aue ib (BA NI NM A il C il A P T E R 1 ofa a bride dying on ber ,narria gre da ; an4 1 1,ty i t f-e t i v c r c ft o s i 5l<O ,Wbilby. lier terms are lietal, vi, tuili r'Bnytt Pît l'eut' eery aiber ueuk, receiv OC sKL, .illitguaut aptiJ 1acbîggW o l sand Clota ;er Sttant- D A (>1 -Tun p i ei, I belîlber lveli ils #oseab salutte, ati a > a e rc aslf~ 6 1~ o d (romlasue10 abellseem* per qartha.ve b tin t ticois tinteàv îîîiowro îeHotholle tmc bMosthavelieiiut bis tfront, %witbe a prethd b - Muic anti Praw it extra. - olmi an t Ki f iru>îra'% Sotr,'Indaay. ai- aC il A I I t Iv -Ant u1, 'l'a ptt, 11Ilaia si ea e lun io ds t b s br t er u t an d n b e b a i g h h n , s Wbtb Juy 11 11K-133n ü arîu i V aut 'awtis aunry f'îiee. h ria f isnee i Nibehi tldl .ul y 'a'1,llartPerK',îuh îe Sîmujlall me cnramaîtime Ithuetaribest verge" lici awli. that tihat ete willi iloo a y i ntîarva ibsnee h vsamd a naking ueo i nte oagv ARies-mu 0 aoina atiattaloeimt'à;,lîie s teta" Ai ihiber knawiedge 'an ber presre i alle -lis eslates in chîancery, liins »IfinIâar il ollîrtItI. ~ 'el ta'- . N f) etra charge rt n a t aria e or ;i' l kdarinmai ta143111i; etl 5liaut esimiDegiaileti wid or n i wL u le w ith ber Nlrs. Loweîfelt previailed on A driana (a 9g toutd i n]n i sl, u l C O fC~ S INC'h,* a' laMeia -At t aejttt l, wtalwr-s.-be gtadly çontphied. 1rdegagbufxligrputîeec;t 1)e ir'erii repartirtrveirhelsanie et the abauus butiat - ~ ~ 4 "Z IL . tii cul i n- .4d t aiir I ~ oletmîIlu u' ciiv h sne aIteha t îaî- foi iirealrie ue f um;lsni a l a immliî' tair etb tth uon c h o t e od I id e C LAW E-1- ot ur tiiid atd ilýtoeti -"bot sttimets e ' I r y i.s, uitdiut ber lac eliesi, mamd rreaî.é ii we Ë cars- etipiitw , l)etrick7s Case pronnunced fu Io 1 on lais traveli. >09 I»tber, as aguarti aimewiiYoru.alt'd. iaîcurabheonrs. Lowenf1lt qîuieîly mleepinta taloncardble.the strongeit gsieepingbis, - V ery ilei-ilil>l , ~5 t i' ~C tivaC te ' et u nive sl W l l vii alla" U i f i Ol , a ta con tinue biN- IL 'ro . . be side ber adopteti c hild ,a d A d riana occu c ia w s o î d n t r n h i e a 140WC R maE at i. 1 NiaA,. e -An ir*risitable farce (%vliiei 1notlitg pied Uic cottage. ite continue41rdaiytelo enbte unse uti e Whad~, 'i~ ~3 iiil.19 if cd ta rc1roairh aîa-1 p îCult!i~îaart dayittventurel1l- ei latilt beard the joyfia wrd.heptient hal, c.Aatth ulaok f i p grs iMtat11rautdSit 1ictan, thu'1enive exatirs whicil arntititted thé -mOnatto ta rs. Lowefelits-tbebuntane physician i i et.Tebul ragsdla À LSO - instru entq oa > wntitnra, TH. uIOM AS, abh-î. gh(411Y acî1îî4>,,Cd e>îinar Isp sug ti t i vce.sa tl îlclgte~ umlnatnepest bt etur ipnenwi hi etw alteh i vriois in iexe itcd dttidti l i, 0lt C N V E Y A N C E R e aa v i ngatti ay liart. ICoiuiîicu mu n w hwtite waîk. Tis unpretentbng thoagbt that bis wialiif complied u'mih tîgt~ uuiii pn te logv sudmuerit dores V7 (IfuiAlv-,NDcd îaty trave il txd(!slCt -c~ aîso ,~e unepradise, .ortaititg be the Means of restoriaw bis alienated min4 11Wt'he rforrvlteludttut ptiti cns ihiP5 An r i tralin t d(I C oiiiflsio1îcr f Q Uc ee en in h iyscîf br ver froua tthe sc.ne s: f mu>' b it bi ng oai ilotlicss pu tty, o e w lua,b>' Seue -this is the reason wi4 walls of unus al fiislttg i o e t w t u r i  w ard ,A rti îeî u Agr.etltC Iî. V ailsFor thkin geAffidavits. a»d ,.rra'v'-- 'FIa e stuaJue 1u~l iýus r n eu i ,înlprebe ünib e po wecr, tinpired ut>"vItle 0li t surraland s ti ait u pretending , b lOuse- bl w li o lprfg f t e d s rt - 13l',ý(rticIcà utthe ocen i icen for ttc tr!aI timie created neW btauag; perftly frac froia paiusion'î eeihirhere lie wandered day sitr day, ini a state abahsitf îl erotesno 'W îby ari- ,,n -tot-de dari:tg coure, cf mat i eférpet 1. - Bra1tin pt 13 ivO 2 ti semiet alna-tprstirpta u> ts ia sterel io , l viied un'ofar 'itt b alngvi- o-iiîc ; b rebewebc tteterstifreet-heùl en nyiîde n tefieî, t»ds ius uus a' 1,150 2 fst,ýêlibe stoumd ;te t e uacool breatit af Eve on tie ance, and icit its ail healing bain; luerelhe, nimnesloo rvsadhu G O TT .N W II B B IL IN h~i,ýris1l barque ua» ds. tii i vil n - -'bran' of toit'variw ght, il sootied iny s' 5O thll gnation, closed the eyes of bis i aitbâ a s C O T 5 tTO XA n 1iîiu oralt>Aa te mid, i s adivin is e it il a e.îfui nurse, and tbenceiorth hîved for act of T e i~ c e d d s s~ u i g a e u UST BEC VIVEI). 'va-re î~ao îteideusttaaîc s 1belield I'a o peac afin41 courtl>' inanners benejoîence alone. - dalos o ietb pntele SuAn ojOtTSii.<,tfluv lt E£ey forh I Acg yTedeof lir'ariding uludautiilly aec0 wftotida>ýd ultivated« inits itnlerse:a so 0umkatown i tig 1 R E P R R . , ho e f C fl .wii -ebe . t % .&Sir?-dep LIas. 'artedi rau îi t>' ny cam pa i on ut t and secluded front tise w orld; lîke the G entle reader, ere I a em e u trt Y %I n 1w o d r w n d e i» g i o i We tt... bPRI- tis, St yftte ipsIlt'Tne.e -2 -t% -(c esShare af £liO 'vuIl lui ltelti a .N>' T IC J~. - ï loe, ai b F E ' clac0 uiscu itlsv tuir , ii s crils tlitit. dwelling, île>'see mted te me oui of Place; de t>') te your met-lied criticisi. ,- i h evi-. tnI ;a d tie'i rg t. Bu n t peccush~dbtC lubbc4C.tt If J ANIAM PERRY, I ng eVsa di in h tbIpOp!-- and me it prove41, unto'vtrd carcumnst ànice î dent, yen sa>', te writer is n ton ofbt Sa-elay 4 Treuu' r a leaitht Iur opaut pa'vCr -uet-arnt l la1 re u ay aifrtnk te compara- crat. r ucemoat sapent critie. titisisny s diaiaüie leuplhst n lt aI m o ,c I)ickeranig, are brre4 l'Yay rTe rr fi of rvl x iwtified tIao-rnme îfoiititI! vestrlî uruid, 2îid ,'îatudt) retirentent affardsa asure and 1lat- 1 promise to do better neit tiane. Agama, thcrnlavigte ubi eoa ~ytttle lisas' 'es? tht)is 1ub(1ru 1 , r halfht mare' aadguaatan me, ail S Alsit tilt afiIbotiretavilt< t aims. araimelt th anmmiiiEstaîro. . PaR « t h ea i if ibR al be .I w a2 oý Sst a t e .e w o d . aih on0r o it m a c b a i h ie i> , o tu w a e u c t e r n gw-b à - u u-e td-1e 1 0 ph& i n ar s n t i e l i 'v a r a , w iel e o c I l a r u a u , - ~ I d u c a t d l a d y', p m n r u&a r i , l t r " i Fl i h b r P W r u n s 1 n t hl e fu l l a c c e p t a t i o n o f p r s m s0re s ; y o u n I o w t i ta t t h e .p i o u s t h o ns e d d b t s e , n u h ro~~~T. - aîad~ Éi th eua fi ot ler tat ema! ai > l> te w 1) p o on a lnglérMi al, l t evon w e hb pok e oîbutMit w o u h y fh a b r tth a e t b t ,011 ___tiî -t-_ILt.Mlton ImiIe.Nt 11ROCKERY! CROCIERVI &t~ptembr lt, bl 1inuiil iur tite Ct-ste or oLbcrwt5~~ I . e edd he ie fadiet sitarti>'alto>' M y>'a?- r a e & oltd a¼ am s . ,,nu 1- al---t it Gld b e 3a i i ar s S o 0 ascfatl ez i îi n ap s B 'c i u drct ron tht 'M t. "s C L BR T » .$l adthe tiLles anîd patrimnial eiitaesdoert A mi worthy of titis trasîni ooerilBuildingS, tb Vllgete ilause of Peurs, I Pasugd b>' the fer.- cd band, qiearl. that badldeliberatel>' repu- ?laz<ede 'rotos;others ilnagiuaid Ihat tS otbeW 0lslItl4a Conbisjn.5hI5o ur ia bîbyVllg. NIdcies esede t e.(-ini'i teto'nPaIorya iieIol>' ltera tfl iin- whIc ,shcldbeuaîbt wu a tte ne Wistbl, Js. St 581.1II AT( CiIN~ 4E BÀL AM mer mepportdI5O ou 1 oustj0ii a.r eing as pure, s >ass îrsalMc cc& îd e tut ucti e -thia et bflcb tts% 5 ieu1 Est ou-CRES Soie Thînai sand Stommcb. couche, part>', titinkinga ai5ltu M l O'~,pi- ,,îy absracion wu*me cempete,lthat the sled a ffsat theS 4iiUD ti toto- iba d poie nidroe J11 clean r el - -)a oe o n mu>' îlady pgrew ala ned;lite laiduber band 3~ Ii y~ -ta.g o~ jColtis, Cbhic Pains, WhuoingCu5hC iple -,ypepni'sitaul n-eDotho divorcedIW T "'~ ~ ogîitby nd Sft St.ftgSor Raile, &c. but 1, Whoe coutl nover aubuiit to 'oofgddlaygewsu te41;melyard eu hanit ino e i a i o18gaiM42.iP1sibe!IW :hysi juua~ Witt, on mtewnavr 241h i t t urune ils SW EET'S FAM ILY e U AT V E. an>' kiàd, 1 e idmy§ehi te iither wvudering titotgtls . 64 1%he requetef Ia The publiep rtl Y c itd 1 h atiIlthaeso et n&trp.LINIMENT. rbi :Or tiyrmaiaed am inacfive spetator hUd 90 &tinrîe eYcfdivrsiti utttatîhî TIOSur wu, ' C ulte ait__Pains mca ëg .N M ne s r ein oc uic y nt bill., ISb r now edge 1 Wîh d! L i lt e a ccm te y t e la e of thc royal resi &et ee, erow ded > i $ a b reiT .eeped) t EW ' R EE'cleck t acN rvot -e $ed a ToutItAche, CUt hl, ac uire , by perona oservailoti, n , r. î i o p-vf"n hl ii i t h ie nu ibei f to etr 0wanlZ M" Wt« ouedition and requireneets te ffl ntries con- or <hoox y>' nowan i 3l huadred peIaf îransporbd frotali- B , e auuiad- frore 's * , Quins>', &c. 5c y Si CG., ~w s E T ' S . nected 'ith Gr~eat Brit=lu, gave m an i- d~ frein ennonical rates.didi>fu nreso dtab o% -Proprîitos.1INFA LLIBLE EYE AEvnaeoem'cn mprre.Ttiot >' euet odn srhni ycft~~~>~ Whitby. Mireis 1-71h 181. 9-L a eor, Infamt o r Weak Bye,. It ow isinfNobjm nîawer nly eîiducton h1ensauit emg .ga ___ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ mI rcdgtitlid. ryiLo ; thegai nabotithis tiiae, 4htbtray Atlte sppoitt8d bout on te folowig itl(135t (U i 105tZ5P1 ~ ~~ d s ~ ~ U d iTIE KNGOOIL . ifactio a ralt es sawit 1i(g tSd e >' the clergyman) drew up 1ntomuei6UIe. itROONDgbsTJOTu - n urhsîLnrmmt fesrCelquin, n. sthsppertunitici i it travellingin y traveln ,raýwe weréto preceie e hebnjeliigé h t annetîbobo ig i iiati iualibefo ac> externtadisam. Ti>'il; tomuai- 0f .s~a isrnn; wîîî ~ au. . reqIacIl O tsir ui tiniug u g aiu immU tlyaftet the ecm - ai Ma rto U n di é te p O'l>ld~- ~ ~ ,~ EnMitL ouaeand ditod. l Yo iMoyeadyeàj tu10Mhr bi m pinliç City s a StJt@EON DiTiar. N Y ~hUit3lerat' S~;OI SEE'$CELEBRATrED BLACK enquit-r~ a ean f> nue ' s~~~I a '-t os e thi e c. gea- tiat net , MaiestV tte 1il .~ -felebried Sugeoti WEEss 5at4becgne of my iIYured ife ,r 'b-ats VFR I1O S ïa'm i En'indSotnd fr o rn ai'wu ~1rZ td m w ,n fon a b O lU ES d& CATTLE!! duiingthitlongteptration . s b' " dmm an t» dng*1n.i Mjcl e tr arpsicl ti<t of t'vlyt yarsi Thebt and <hem m reahine kpew, W su8 l etlyfr en, or 90me aaevcamsthe lb. I box - -Éie #>o P4 M ho rhics <itister confidece. -y.e il co me aavb e.u aitleq ofaOro " oreS i - ploec ea1>' oncesion 1 O itne, n e , Mya cvel bte m uakMye _ _ _ _ _e rCn 0 Itik vrel d it15. o [0 40, %Igài% stîO&I, clifeuatg Myf asWh tutuMt t rea m>', . Wiatm. 1 Y, he b f Si. Caheines, Canada r èt- MW T e trs rai vsosr" h % al ait bUw of t i . W . C Sw Z St A W T m s W t Si l Pber c u ma ,imp sit . rw ii. ' a v u ijw$ . 41 - -r ~~~ uai wVm oit4silav ie *iO t« h ilyt.taser.bx b 1 o m eurnf aca. laf l< moeck ails ]Ba vai itwalscue>' .4 oieggfel o y ia ri teb ' acn saélydtîotamendWiMkOipr u t, tail Waria deligisi pepestixd44 ruubhta wM4 -St rab « mlofO 2fl @ v ainî ttb f at b - M , - *rA ..t.J r..i.m .l

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