Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Reporter, 27 Sep 1851, p. 4

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0 rer of fie Dusa cnclave îsand i m'puýssi li lipon tany li tu glure any îît biîîil werc quii ll#rs,* and ma n tralned tû 1 4>Wield UUtilit hfick and th *ckwtniths of C the pi kcefa cure of e!adIt buisîreosPf 41 athe busj- iwt uwacier waoo. atInad,tno esape I1bWed.biàg left, they hwl cotue hith ar to die. î4eg the y til NIt flZloyable u in edrea7y spparst 4 àr die~i xws by the c Li fe0" ' etc of -the hot air, they stlil keep ther ji Iliive'rsal positinttiug p u in golemn ceticil, âttetnoflto whitle ver the dread Aroopiagus silence Ne, aid lite- lbroods everlastingl.y Out of tilà On the. farin of George Moran, È sq., at, the gra ph.-. Gross Point, flierë ivere tiscqvered, a few ,ld excoed days !incc, 0. vcry 'large quaütitjv ofbuman igned tu à b oucs. Frontappoearatice, the bodies %werc of people depomited In a flue, wkvit hebeadâa out and litiy moru- the feet convergtug to tbcentre. Ev&y streets, as.- appearauce aI4o indficaté4 that these-boues 3delîtitl n flhI%art b-en rotitiiig (tre for perbapsaa )iliîic', atîci century, ani it is*suppoiaed that they are tlhe iman iro igremin, of the red vwarriors who fleU at the if 1brnatioîu blOOd battit of Couil eyrd(ort) if ail 1 radeb .a abort distance îhls s4de eof (Jreluse Point. icklv y rails- - Stoî f flic -kulis icar evident marks of tua1y hand tilt hlPw u ifIle fatalwar-club. kLd glolves, Ani. ac3ut 1thiey Ire zone Willi theair nid lestii wîi anti deep, tg haer AiW we have bouit our bornes uponI emain er- -Sfild# wilero their fenerations sleep. leerwa,-.lsesbr oii jar infan . the towil es wps fthe lo pilace. iday- Wcd- ad& w soin- criiy aliv. every qua;- r, othera -iovel4s, and waah.hauid I tràaiumpmenti of cvery hiutg frum thei satde bcw À.,< the e rmins-6frtli ii- r. Now and titeit a reti- snuan, %wh a d 31toit uge'olàsntling iuiiront ut eh called a cradlc, and 0 m's about tu rock hlmi ne, Sdores have rusluod res, provided wiîl4 a bIa- ýrtyad ajick orgrulbiog p le tasI dy or twuo's la- I ftfr pookels witîu thec 1 ad we nave hcara cfaa Who)bave sfarted %wLthout. but a blanliet and' unie iis f todig with. $uchl ] rihe xcitentcnt tinat peo- [Mot regtsrdlesi tor their il, and tlti.iîk cf autltùung have Lthe -utlioriîy ut asi iaun ïa Statilig ItaI froilt andd ansutanhi. impie- ail W-11 have left fur Ille fud wihhilueir imistuimble Ibher respects, .sutcuess is Lt fte labeur uecemsry tu mety severe, and lie vi- jalon, tlisaIrno more tn WUIt become J>Cfi»auc1-t ositho cousequenices lis, se ini the.priveoff lis- Vhich rauagd from 29S. tu bIas becs solif for 1%u.; Jinost everyuther eatable ïe ad vancei ia equal p)ro. id very materially tofan t -i t a ntàe$ was -Ie of Nt. Neaie, the bre w- 5a of pure istuIn, eg- fur £30e Whuostarted tu e folI1iwiîng day's tuaili Uýi diin j fown wifh a mnau, ighing iu ait nager of lhe I3a±hUrSt 1eià s~or Aüeralia, There is an old "md up towu,-of goeNo-Ur a diapo.ition that site curdieq al lbherilk in the Iheuse-uot even the nilk of liaman kind- meas% cxcepted. Won't ,uie '"ic. jung man"! stop i l avset tii. ini'y? 'WIy is a lady's hair likc the latest news-Wcuein the miorning %ve always hnd it in ti piers.~ Wbjy la an tinwelcotpe visiter like à SWa dy tree-We're glati when ho leaves,. T 11 E 'S T E A M E It c aptala :Kerr, W ITLleave TORONTO for ROCHESTER <eomtuencing 'Tuesday next,) every Tue->; day. -Thîirstia,snd 8aturday màralng, at il o'clock, préeisely, raliinit at Witby. Ouhawa, ,Oarlangt, Bond Headi, Port Home, dCohourg, a-be WiIevrOCH fiF.ST ER lfor TORONTO, cal-, lific Ilhe above Put.(ete emlii, vr Mtonday. WVediesday, aud Fid.tiy nrornitig, at 9 LI-Tiis âthe Si>T5,raswxT n Yi uA P FAT rOUîe t4)Ne W Vurk. Tinfte(rom TO- routo ta Neuw lor k, ftrt y heursi. Royal MaltSemakt Oifice, Toronto, '%ay 1. 18-51, 4 9y. HA R D W-AAISE. 44, KING STREETe, TOONTOr. 71'IE Sîhm~ibcr bcerg to itîform lis ACustouners ibat be ih reeeiviug bis BFIN~G STOCO r'13AIWARZ liy various VesiSlx rom es, viz:-Lerul George 11eleitick. Aune Cropper, St, Andrew, Niairarat Catîherine. ZephYr, aud seveisI otho-rs frein Live- pxool sud Loi,41on; and in a few days 'he wili bave' s comrlete aisortunent of lleavy and -SheIf Hard- ware re'ady for bale, and at prices as low as any !a the Trade,T.»W TH lrrno ay 22n4 1851. 8tf DOMESTC MANUFACTURÉ. Cast Steel Blus.-. ad lay Forkso FOR SALE, 100 doz. Cat stei-l flots and Uy Forks, madie from Naylor's best-Casi &fetipexpressIy for teSubserib)er. BOOKS, SOUKs, BOOKS, AND IiOOM PAPER, A.TIONERY, SCl1ObL MAÉ LN DEEDS, &C. &c., for Sale at i BwOLIIU, by fh. -N.B-Urders takoen for ail kifnds <if Eooki. L. Ci THOMAS. Broklind thAiii ., 117-3w.ý çeqwh1erau to their cortespPz*&ut, a h r FRESH TEAS; 219 packages Young Hysonjcbmpiulni s. extra fine, ~eay. *rqî 4 veryuperÎr ýeen ý inco 0bag Rio, ydney, amd1 8 bags St.- Domiuigo, rdeya» 6f 10iattsiJava.- urefro, et OBA $ide these 200 packages amsrteti; rtictular ih- 32,4, &C. &C' SZUfi 35 hhds. Bgibt Pôrto]i enceti Cal- Londo Loaf8s5r'Lfve Co, b, poo and Duc rsWb4 lavnq ad ongexperjfée publlic tbAt'he basopenedt e.ahv premises-wftj an excellentauorment of IATS, and aiso. Lais in us of cvcry description ilways U30 The hichest price paîi hl ior Ilatbug aud Shippini Fors. JACOB BASTEDO, flattfer ad FArrior. Toionto, Oct., 1850. 26 SfRS4PdRýILL4, ln Quart Bottîles. GILBERT B.WEEKS. WluIy, an. 5, &,l41-tf. Bllow, oh Iblow, ye beavenly breejes Ail amonç the joues and Iréeses. sinz, oh xing, ye beavenly muse", Wbils 1 make pour boots sud shoeses.se ¶11W F uscr b ç»lbe to acquaint his friends anil te piiblic,îbai ho ha.comminced tàe ahote butinesuo in the East end of 16e WmlITBT CARRIAGP FAC*TORY B LocX, whore alGos- tom WOrk will hoedonc wjtb iueusfldclity'(sud that's mere tha!î imost Shoemakers can say> and de-~Pach. J. W. TILLOTSON. Whltby. April 12,1851. 6-f HALF-WAYIIOUSE, RO0U GE. 7J'IIE Sb e r j~retisrnrithanks forthe ~Jbe-al supirt Sirice undettakint, the ol stand (fat Mi. W SLEY'S> sath1e ROUGE, and flopet by btuitt attention La businesso efte o aedc writb a continjuance oUtheb usuel patronage. Thei Bar ftrished wif h chelce liquors, aud bis Table weIl suppled-,with the sulbstantiais of Canada. Good Siahliîîç and a uteady Hoier in atfendance, veyaccommnodation ta make travellers comfort- able. Stages daily Iou und front Toonte o-Kîng- 6ton, &c. &c. ANDREW NOBLE. Btse HuseMari ISh,151. 49 1-mý RO0U GE. J BLACK respectiully cqiuaÎntsthe Travelling *c miithtat bis flouseid Stijl kept iits usuual comfortable st3 le. IHi§ Bar wil 6bc loued weil stippli .d witb the tbest Liquors.and bis Table *%ýîl wihl theoicesî viands the umarket affords., 1 Hi#s Stage i*s tili rutni g]Iaily, Irom bis Bouse te 1'oronfo, leavîing at Sevn n'cbock ini the 3lorn. i, and retut nisg the saine Eveiiing. Every aecommnodation-canu ho afforded in Tra- Vellers, with -oM I tallng and attentive HBotters 11014;f, Nfarch 15, 1851. 48-tf-. COMMERCIAL HOTEL, VILLA-GE 0F BORELI A. r'~j SU SCRh3ERreturns thanks for the 1iiheraî1 Support lie lias recel- rutl sbvnce fie comi:euîced in the odSt'and, (for. Imrcry L-ptbyMr. HUNTER), at CRÀNDLE'ES 'COIE AS andhope. l'y trict attention to busi. ness te ho (avoreti with a coîîtinuace ofthlie Pa- tronage hitherto couferreti. The Bar i& burniabetiwith tlbesba Lquiors, su& tihe Table tuippflied with the choieest eables that Cao bc procuu'ed. sudt a Wsteay Homiri tten c fortabte. STAGEdail> Io andi from Port Wiit- t'y. THO-NAS GOREY. P,. S.-Carriage iu attendauco on the Boat. -B1orelfa, June, Gth 1$51.83ni VALLABLE PROPERTY IN FOR SALE, PEING fthe Front IHaires cf Lots -NSe. àand6, ini the 3rd Cqncesuion. Apply- E. 1 f i&EL L,à JENHY UND IN WNI1TDY i. WHO SzowO» iizGOLI>ZN Lié Brad iotbi-» Pa &Fn Cafsinâ di Pln1&}acà Twesl di di' .Pltweedis id ' - ,1Iloî Clohs d' Ecaer k 4 Mleking#s olei Stini Wrst en, They ucould cati partiecl1ar attentîon to Mheir assortment Of- -CýLO¶IIINt,' Tii.wboie of wbich Ming mineop under theirown inspection, by the befof workmen, are not equatibedl lu Csads, for style of clttiug, qua lity of workmanseii and material, sud genetsi suitable- nesi te -antisof the people. 'arieà about tu purchase 0=tl in thisinue may Ilpsy ton deai for theirwlutle"if they beybefore lookingover W. &It's Stock,among s'bicb-wili o nd- LISALE- & RETAIL; *s and Gencral Dry Goods echns Dit, SuOx or 'rusGODE LoN 26,Kîw S'UT A5T To or), KING STREZT EAOs Toxaro, te 4 Wiaitrm thereaderi of tient WAitbytll, ha t-iY bi'êmPleàdtheir g) ()jprttiostaprerun pblc euraly ta ssethdfo u.~Sok pe sud janýc y Dry oodswhic h aviu be a90c ma he on, St o nFo ign 11auets, asud p1urchast d or CA H w il e .ud,îpo x ps " this Ciy, for quality, style and cbeapn si., Au 1nspection 15 Iflvited- RFEMI THE FOLLOWlIqG., PlackOrléns Clth to . o-8Pr . lourlansCiob fom() 9p. d El-Cobourg .91- 10 fllac ourg "!1 - " O e 109 olo reLaI -2ydwide 10 M,,ns lnd.Laines 05 Prits lyt. l4, " O llo$i Iehs" " " O Iar Sabl Boinaa Hevy 3 6 »rkS eBa Stoe Marinre 4115 2 teMa. n '1 Togethor witb an excellent Stock-or Fashionable DRESS GOODS, Silks, Gloves, Ilouiery, &C., at corresfponding jirices. .4180o, ,0900 f 'WOOl Scar! Shawls, -worlhi, of notice. Wate,-ed, and Darnak Jtloreens, Carpets, Druggifs, i¶c. ýc. of elegant PatterAs. luhu oltnlfprte9 r White Cottons fo il di Ainericau" Sheetiirg 2)d. Stripeci Shirting Beed Tick Ilrown Iolland Gala PIIIids 1>ark Sable Mui, Grey squirrel Sioce.Martin 3 pr. yd- 4 44 4 ' 8 4 1-211 7 1-2", 7 1-211 7 r-2ï" s . from f SIWhiitney C;oths 6Lmnnikin 6 IMohair ' 3iAmerican Satinetts Canadian i 3corils IPlaid, Swansdowns, s. P. Irom 6 1 00 8 6 i '7 6 44 2 à' 3O do 3 di 1 Grey over c"915 Floshinï I Piiot d Fine' " Linky Fineygc ilFrin ags Boys' Clothing in great variety. Paris Velvct-nap liais, Fuîr &Coh-as e -Garmertts =ode to measure and uwarrîznted te fit. t3wFarnmransd others resé'ding in ttee onntrv. aud tint a'qiuainted %witb tricks ptactisc'd ou stran- gers, by-mauy deaicîs, wouldido wo»ll tricuil ai ti .atllih,'ict ty bave but one atraîght-or. ward mode if doing busiiess, AmonitieÎr riles are thte fifliowing: a.- from 1 "22 "30 Fine fthootiug Coati Fancy Doe Pants $9Black I Satinett ' Blatîk Satin vesti,' Fttncy 4' idToîtineti" "2b 12 13 14 1 '4 7 4 j' AliGarmentsno uijc-exhnpd aI rmoints warrated nontab sbrink or .pet Mifb rain. Ail piece 000às, eut mn the usual. icogîls, exchanged. Toronto, Soveniber 1;il1860. BUBGESS &LISNN ýConierof King $;,Çhttrckh Strcetè, joining thie Court Houme MAWtIFACTURER OF SI IIARNEM 5LEA' C.kpaid o Hds Oats, PotB anadJ Wbithy Viflage, 7tb Jue ALEXANDEK THM 1 Excellent accommodatio* LAMD C'OWV OF FICE , opposite the Court-botI85, VJLLAG-E 0(F MANCHESTERY REÂCHe, C. W. 1-1 - W. c u FE, Dealeri GRCRELIQUIJOS, AND PROVISIONS. 1>"RODUCE IIOUGIIT.A'N) SOL]). Beticun Strotul's and PFIatt sTiarnt, Lait Sid. otht Mrket, reIr.Good WHl7BY VILL.IGR. prlag end ummtr Publos for 18i1. whitby, April 19. 18i5&. A-LE X.PRINGLE. WHIITJJY VILLA/GE. .Alorders in lus line pramps.Iy exectited. Tire lut est Fashionq alwa3,s on Aand. Wh itby, A prilu]9, 1850. Earristor ad attenaey ut La'w, BROCK..STRFET', W11 ITBY. Whitby Ladies' Semiary, OPPOSiTr TUE F(GRA1MÂR SCOUL Public IHouge, Cao be a#îpplicf with a first rate ýittc1e ol Ale or Stroing Rosi on Mixlexate'fTerrrs, for CA Sh. at CLAIUC'S lItFE WEE ýi. Whitîy villageP, an»., 7, 18S50. 211 wiH. le CID YiJC.LII.&Qi 1I1PORTF:RS ( t BRiTI Il IAIVUF'AOTtRE8, VI1OLEXILR AND RTAIL. Wbýitby VillJaie, Juil6, 1850. Toronto 1I ý the' hIAVE ON RAND ýTIie Large.tt, the Cho-apeat, and the, BestAssortmnrt or Reàyuwlae Cotlngand DrY Goods IN CAN'ADA WEST. Casimee., Vstigsand Gencral Dry Gootis, 1 terd direct from - rifain by Ourse-Ires Garments vmode te ýorder of every dcscrip4:on. PRIS> LONvDON, AN]) NEW YORKC F.&HiONS IRÊ'ëE1VBJ MONTHLIr The bost approved style adoptd READ~MAE OOTHNG. 6îen's Brown H oianul comie DO Cheek-*d do 'do, De do Meeskin do De Black AlWaa do Do Russel - Cor do 00 prinice"5 erd -do De Gaxubroon -do De Tweed- - do Do Broart Ciabt -910 De Casitmre le Do Oit'a Water Pi-ouf do BOB ron in , do p Chekýd do Do. do Moleekin do -Do Fauey Tweed do DeoAlpaca do Do Rfuda Coul de White Shirts, Liuuen Fronts, Stipeti do Men'. Mobeskin Trouseuu, -Do Linen Drill do Do Cheekid Drill do Do Tweed. -do Do Casiim>îre do -Do Doecikùn' do- Do Buckskiu- do Dos Sainot -do 4 s e% 4 4 1-2d 0 6 9 4 1-2 3- Do L'ashmerette Trovmersý Dlvslrill do DFazicy do IDO Dra b Moiskîn do I-Do Check'ul de do Po D o J>eskin do Do Caasimuerie do> Ried Fiatniel Shirts, Uode" Shirts andi Drawers, men'. JBIick Cloth Vesle, De Black 'Salin do DO Fauncy &alin do Do liand -do .Do Fsucy de DO Yelyet do De Pluàh do Do 'Marceiles do Do Baraîbea de .Do Cassimre do DO Tweede - 'do Boy'.3 Fan FY- do De Silk do , ,Do Satin -do Do Tweed, --do toa4 41-2 4i 0 "4 41-2 49 4 id 41-2 1BI~ Toro.n- c )to. 37, rJ' Ait e Rder. pattern ago, a Toron Prori, c»vex lion4 te by pusu] count. c 0 N 1) PRICE0 32-Y 1 - -

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