1 lis back ea .4 ,Ta yv eb qted The LU THE KEYSTONE, THWRSDAY, MAY 4, 1905 lmarrie at parliasten. W fle . vry pretty wedding took place Ou 1 agter, MissCBrhaHw u n idi n Sponges .....to Mr. Fred J. Gale, son Of ar J . Gaie, of Port Whitby, the Rrmo.t 50 ev. Mr. Munro, of Bowmanville Pres- mD C R A N byterian church, o0lciating. Rubber Sogs Teda n os ds. ed- --, 90o. to s3.50 each petl owned in rcam ceope de pe'. ubbwer Soncost motrare, rsatede y e serMia full Pange of BPussels, Tapwestry, Wools, buS eaponge thn natural Camp, who looked- charming ý >l quntt o fn iile TiitSop M. lghJefoy o hiby itr Unions and Hemp CaPpets a7.ways in stock, qun to ine Cmied Tor et sop the ceremony the guests repaired to the 1th u e, Frdr t y t i in oo which wu decoratoda wt cae lofin e i ior stle ity rlatives and friends at down to . UTaIS lue n Har Brshes Thebride was the recipipnt of many xtand vabe handsome presents. The young couple T N .and ombs.left on the 8 o'clock train for..a trip to Western points. Mr. (Jale is an old Port J. Es WIL.L.S Itadhscamn rd eymc Nottingham Lace, newest designs, pPices Druggndisthe- Opseiciany. fPorn 50c. per pair upwards ; also full range Si itC3'ylh f ill dq The Northern Life PRESENTS A 61UCCESSFUL. RECORi For the first half of the year 14. A oprdwt'sm period last year it shows An inorense in P-esninsa inoonse of 21 pop oent. An Ilnocen-se of intermest Baing Ass0ts of 24 peoent.0 The Northern will give you j ust the --ind' of policy you Want, For information write to Head Office, or apply to any of O.urMNgnnLsI H EAD) OFFicE : JHNMnag LONDON, ONT. o L I-.B. W IL LING, General Agent, Whitby, Ont Medical Hall Atailea 1 dn - isorningdeath :4Of W hite DMusli oP uiiLi, iijljv[LLu BrockSt. Witbyt l is (jera r andfr and lace boPdePs, all prices ;also colored [e ,M tlR b e* m omle gnge previous to hier death hadl been ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~1le n°aenl namne of deceased %vat; ane Sci Cu t nsBo eT lo s u tng Hlyteld. She was born in the Townahip s rr u tis of Whithby, and after marriage lived wit H PeH i, t. t. CountyTown her husband at Salem. Some twenity Fielti cid ame t e naAn retMhR ss home of Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery, four Ad e . Rs Thoinpsona wall paer is od w 1a of w o m still live, the only %un, N C O H ENhes T o p'walpaperi o liveg in Toronito ;, Mary, lives in Detroit ; Mr. W. H. Piper is uqng an) incuibatori, i eies aton h io ereP-O sti9n to produce ià pring chick ens. able to coule homle when deat là called their L%,eLfLke%&%e- V-à JC%, Loel-à % A lacosse lub las ben orgnized in lother. n A aros lu a bo ognze.i All that was mnortal of the respected -- - - - -- --D aia town. ~~~~~~~~lady looked very sweet and peaceiul as it Ntoa eod n h aa etrw ao akso oicnne tion Hn Theolgy aM cM.Aaserume r lay t h e autni e f nsa afe- -- lue-cafo O g mZdstrt da td Tw ainaD veelj .,aed1oeas 9 m ntndo " st.noun to Salem cemetery, where intermient; Col. Farewell was in Toronto o u ion q ie.te a iébenatidwoforos atcia dev9 daysi .,e pt m u Te' Ladio ied oit fSt.au- w1md.Rv.V 1 mry sitdday. The effortmade bythe leading Stock- letter arrved sating te acousela Moandroosa.-nWibnMndyh ny aayedBe drew' chuarchin te n hlig hmer a-bo r aecnudtefneraicer..MssHewis has been visiting relatives men of Canada, with the encouragemeint ed he adrecuie tearge bn blsMayN 95,JnTyied eERdtr agod inadn, nousa , aaa nethCoullCaer o vicul Te , edwAa itr fMre e in Toronto. Of theDominion Minister of Agriculture, f rom a f riend named Comber, at Ritson' wie o .I, ot1mra9d7Wtef e o . " Wednsda Jue 7h Flle paticn. he ecsed was is terofMr. .e-Sherie Paxton was -in Uxbridge on' for a national system of recording pure Manitoba, and that a telegram sent thera e P t J. '1 man Gibson of this town. bred live stock were successfully culmi- elicited the fact that no such person was!HUM -I htyTwsio au-tn ac re d a er o W ednesday a trc ni M . .B il gwa in T r to n natd lt Ottawa last week, when leading known th ra. Instead of filling the da pril 9 9 5 a ulHu s n "å ese ad IT hfloe d fi tth eb o ri o seacslW o M . W.H. nn g anT rnoo tc -red r r mtruh u a a amind of the NAw Ontario magi trate in is let yea.-aa.Tn rst neu ow of fhrsoweir a iw osn e TaeuatiiwaTetn oerCompany'ssonday awernon. ,,peeing ,ariousbreeas signed with suspicion this fact convinced him mE'am"E o a thertaucceedngasnw tuor n ,T RuesdyRUt. Mr. D. A. HubblofMrewsi agrements with the Minister of Agni- that no evidonoe was available, so bha ftedr.cnratr ut and ~ ~ ~ Cl rainThWednesday morning. pro-- s t own -MmBonWdnday- ureforthe co-operation of his de- promptly dismiss¡ed the charge. Chief Hoa n tMnnaowt!yra Oh for Manitoba, MontanaCoordo Te olomgisth poostin-re -Ms.Brdd, f xrigeiswihtehprten ad poite aNaioatR-henel te rot dutelia At.,rokln MinDpaa., i nt oodno Utlad Wa singctn regnB.C, ng-sene oteWtradLgT omi-sister,.Mrs. T. O. Deverl.iod Cotmittee to take the responsi- tornev- enera fOnOnt h epid1 M . oMss. aBowfrerylwe.e nyo h1tner lad Ieln Solad.Coieal inssioners b h nai oe C.Ta isEtetGl a eundfo ility o=angngmttr o nomon that nothing could be done furthier. Te oft.,tnile n.Mol' RD ocen andpritwaypote, Seetb ehe-i porta aionft e ooitîinwhic a sk g f-iands in Toronio. intereSt to the yarious Record Societies. chief on Saturday last went to Tronto GAf.S-ofVNAP-lte eieneo trvon, . ppsie os andeWhibyhbree ofuture willre eal Misn Ada Dryden *pent 0a couple of s d eut ofth gemnse Mn-ad wo mi hitneeeoO ey pto y the "t e br£VAi ' ar, in o e uet s ravelling. whieth rayote at ft eprp sl d yslsieen oono te netas hal eat tahed9Wtof all etil-e he n anyOlimba of e la se es o lt et e M r n M rdJ.Gl fPotowae.t ath e sf M r. 1. 0 . D ow H onored . w ill m et w ith favo rab le con sid e rtion . M r. M C in tof v isi ed M r. an d M m r c t es of r egi t at on he n ta p rved b y bm e n a n mbsk l ofnd t oh be a k e fth e tc a m W hitb y t s B r h a H , s c n tia the 'metiong fhen TaroEdua. t Ohecayaskerm h ow.fJo4RhmoeLGo ria. .an oicier appointed by him. of their usefulnes As to what would auhîterofMr ToaVatap tional. Ass owiato hi oto ast suna-smiir met and a spedy Mrs.W. J. Gray and son, Bert, vis- ýThe followmg were elected as the Ex. ha happened if the money hadbeenu...........o. wekM.o. B. Dpow, o Widty.a eiin u the ncldeclined to be ited Mrs. Thos. Confin aoier Eustr- eentive Committee :--Charman, Robert stolien freim an express company, a rail- - -- anoimeofh soyiapponPrsdenttainly a scared into an agreement ,at the point Ms hs olghsgn oTOrO'n' Miller, Stouffviile, Ont. ; Robert Beith, way company, or other rich corporation The'. ßre in Ohw atTusa cohoe. e1ocainwa e of a pistol, and though, unlike Whitby' tafa e day to visit some fiends. Bowmanville ; Wm. Smith, Columbus ;va can easily-ges, but Whon it gamin night, whic arily etr h ,ompson's Wall paper. Opposite 1they hion ylaw tk denae thersLaN oo htr ,Borra Trn ledbrae tewgao akadwavryl-DN F .O . t o a m o r e c o n y e n i e n t s as o n . T h i s i s v n t u g i n C o l d w a t e r , b a s r e aT wene d e a n d r . , B r o H o hi c k , rQ e . n , P .oWo n -o a ai ole b e na u pt o n ra d e l e i ao s e ein f o m by . T e s a k - n POTN Mr. H. Breslin iis starting a Seddâling the Company's lutter, evidently hurried- C au.s io My elTrnol.a appintd Sero-fdamcoud dJobhneenoo forth will have a wagon on te road he Watr and ight Commisson of -Mrs. ugge) eintyre B etufu T e ood Sea aof Wb Th gonds they may require but may db 1Stas,-We respectfully request you to Statea. htaen th eeadated ostitioprn m- -- waer dteoert se(benu have time to go toe þe store for. Mr. grant ut for at least ton years OrtsaY -Judge MoCrimmon basfakcoupl' esngte anadian N a ouîc otioa ie-oc heavrgoodbtedmnges or eaeaera Bresin i entrpriindtwenty years, a contract for the furns.Grbodboefrisea Association. A memblership represent- ar, of $1U0 ayear. 13b wrke oty[ WbtySprt ceiEtac li.ing Of electrie current from orBa-0nts tive of the diherg.t.pæodnssandof the m"kng a totalof $000 na Whir eaefrait cooEntance Class. legh FalesPower for your corporation Rev. B. Abraham, of Port Hopehas larger exhibitions ad nadme. tà v*ýThe avange day lahrerge-,ENI Perlden7,ta ent rlstmntElen 0,electrie light plant, and alofor your een visiting his paenmts ,Dr. and ?.&MD _P ThrS ada-00da .n ea,.r 0?--- Goud 2,pe cnt, Ien Lng70 wterwork@' pumaping. We fout thast the A braham. A foDioeeti s drSmr wr n ea.Infryi yeas he ear8,- ehrb iht oiytepbi ht Cneeao Rtose Cofey 65, Francis Melntyre 64',rc1hol ebae pnsaea heM.ad r.MLren, of -tawa,,rbae olce :-PrsdetnJh Dyenof . h iommor$W*0, qu helaywA pn( .D - L isie Coffey 61, Vincent Barton 60 , current coati the Co rp rahnaiprs n be vitin t eir dang4ter, brs o. 61 nW - PVie.pa John Dr, h o-ck, " w u ue of an or den. To qu " FbMVIM @ag emond 57, John O'Connor 87',ysem.W ontNekabnu«04liry eidn fQe.Eeuiv omtee-Ol , A- hisleanin caatquires twelv H. OConor 4, Vncen Cofey " fom te twn, uchas w deene it h ut ar sheera' ro, haubeen McGillivray, Toroto ; G. A. Gig"ut, years at ob"oodof180 daya each, or 9 ais'Tl2in tr A Whutby Boy ifeds. nor do wu think the town should souk &WibbtnwQebe;Atu ontnGenodi10dy.1D)1"d_"22,000,1heva*eo McClella.nrW-A sMhoa'rou.fomapoe wih oldgeei b mperalBanToË . SMy-treas , A. P. W*estelToroto. *an educadbonby ,1(00,number of da ON Siscopal Church, Battle Creek, Michi. the bout bonus to industries alreadyiand Mut. Wamothe oThose with the fDoin frn eBondnqu lag git, Ad* KnstetatO aa April 29th, b the Jtv. W. UH. Os. tobe located in the town of Whitby. nto, hbu bee tng fDreos:.-WW aatnSrt a t i ot itemrt Ilr.Ge. 1Me Ianr, raanagr Imdaeato sakd sohrDomdunonBank 1ttf Dord, Ont..;1N , B b% Imha St.11114 au11 $10 touthe pupikl. Ca 't a'oMd t ep3d ores o otee he e f t hE Crow n Bank of Ca nda, Com ber, m arket» for our pow r am epen da , ad M .K K a ,o t n w ' o m t , Q e o fw et. ï "l' t a ot , n w E .4 a M e e mn Ontario, to Louise Herrett, on ly daughter or rgneaio ntrou ncenaW*atwnonodythx.e fMr JB y d ackt of Mr. and hMrs. BB. Andrews. Mr. u raiain'tmeooW ono ody hese fx.JB « dcision the wondag week.The*out Dow. __,M. . : T - . C. CanadagTW- ntse at y the iqe-To r nW_ 449 Mr$0Jm. io el u to s owonM. amcanhbe Sertaied by your megie ad Mm .Gee. Newtonand M hid toN*.: .L ssad haltongakhi eiask sH-tealMhv l t alade ~Our cengineier, Who. wißbbein the dis• North bay ans Mang her Paut'PwBà .;AG.bfb4ueAsa ee osetr aaasao t Gete. W trios Doxt week. I trust ta" ah o- an d mrs. IL GOrien. P. TLbo1. PtdenAt;J -"h eagmsn h MissDeRohe esiged• tien will beutakn to-pigt am willenab Kms.Bravener, who hus been i ,y .IadteMave ihefamly Mis oh, one of the C.I1. suit in such a beniellt to the ft»h futr i.mote hartrndben ookiA. P. hwst1ervealt have adol0in ir star of tahrwscle oeim- dustrial developset of the town of M9r. Thee. Pattesonet CareSswags aine esets- ntiagetlns e mediately upon her return haro fromWhity. asbee n ing d Mfoebtermg at M lssassèebs eyn Mnding the Easter vacation ut homne. 3. A. Ogs,-Vwu&4 r epso as n ntePene see h se fr the sam rason she has been oom. Managing DirectotaoPower Co•4saswsalet pn oes M i iee iie to resign her position on the stat. ve M w» ids siatster, mmyen0s who the Sons t#ladi thyeuag pi labe te eo Tnietebes, the sormer nS. N ate r .et C..tea L eteEtCod ts a Whity itgas a l afmah laa *M0da a 6haw ei0m lete Eta i id 4 bea ,et .---. Toi,