-E T- in i nvest m of your haî ean it up against experience. for you-are not likely to, see it again. Tlhe promoters of tconcern advertised extensively, alluow ingly,. in miany of tte inagazines, and are slipposed -to have taken in $1,50gfg to $2,00 0,000. They proposed to raise rubber, coffee, linies and other product ton lands they wme repr*esen'c,ited oown in Miexico, but U. S. Postal Inspector Snowv, who investigated, reports that they raised only corn to the value of $1,458, whiley v ought their coffee in New York and packed it as "*Cher-o rowth. and sold ilt by agents throughout.the cottntry. Now a raud order hias been iasued against themi, and the principals, %vit one exception, are 'ssupposed to be in Paris. -Criminal proceledig are likelye to be takien against thewn.iand if the ps'n a all ritiesco operate they may ont the usual "e-ih-uc"lines, and money flowved in like water. The ex- penise was mnostly in advertisqing and sale ofthe stock. Nowv some people are won- dering why they were su eas. ATheMi mnorali is phiitn: Know l;oint-ting about what yon are paying yotr money for. A Germniinsteamer r leports avn sighted eighteen (4eso ljsvn sky's f leet in Kamnranh Rlay, ont the coast of Cochlin-C-hina, 200 miles northeast of SiontonFriday, Rojest-sky-P %ui.t to have wvired St. Petersiburg fromt Noi Be that ie would not comimunica e with his- governmnent again "before the bat- tir." If this be true, it muay be taken to men that lhe looks for a general-en- gagiement within a day or twvo. Japar. is, leaving noat-hing to -eliance". Colorflavor, Fra rance eh 1id"sars nn lyn or f hebeen ndsauagsandUnj(of -the fneet errier Varttly de Dostrell imelf mergeýs from his i in the f rot ic.yth asd.à are the otrong points of la ibor-atory with pierea of cotton-wool; i' tofJenl' iingfane, lhe, a9> +S --nage nhsbuttons, and a shimmuer- ulsual with hiq. kind, falls over on hishe bol in of ste:el filings in his gray hi. bcsik h I l les i h i n 1 nele Dostrell Id experiments1 never get, slow1V l wae Ihis ta;]. + u dalthii ymoreuperitnth a a l"th .ial -+g! s. h mValuable tesultó Frn prme ©2 Qtrs, phurol moe and, unfortuinately, are The terrier wIeepimrly explatas m in +++++++ý+++.M n Iuendùed. like most chemteal exerlIlw lanuage, ithe .leanne. whIopsib nM.M aroiu sels mlrtnd in<nikydicvestht al otklurssare interestod In any per cent. aciutingv xeln eut. el,.e nn %mydear," he ssa' lehï a tlir îTis fool Nwa thorn ),rrprotect ruing thee laoagndpnso r at, à ,e tet-à r n eprnet T .Its R IC H, C LrE AR C OL OR, FR E S HF RA C RA NCE " il """ h hgýii dared. pt-coccuipied in the f(oot i te ne thing that unepay t'iteof Inseceandunegt.agaen rem'4e<%ul d a tie t'wi'ast%1oa" adDELICFOUS FLAV'. 1our ., matt---len Il ia d-. No amiouttof liekil ya a ecme.Tssimad nt o t rong e-g enog o iial tle AORR ae aehthotaove.Isu sra arne:nto - adined nl iso K-.th am ssgedt a temhe nasameua w o at. r l : t h sta of ý1l 1 ;1T:tlg.il;lll wilh (-,t r o fi (f it. a •. , ec , e xt.'Q or kerosene, hydrated lime and i xpiications durn h esn wt od friends. A re you one yet? "Ps~~~~~~i 11 -l. 1I se ften %"oildrd .%b.v thevmakes mattrs worseC. Itiki .a ; , <h n en h niii tammcei. togrmxue e couldd e o neyt (01(n't iment >0omieting ý,silupler; if atonwibAdolsetracted from mixteroe and lime). demonsetrate that theor 15Per et.,oud obteshv 40o and 50a at ailllive grocert. you ht,me t-have Othem after l>reakfast ilthlo' otiie nreedanemiuery Ino aa chaand ery efetive ire -caneda umattsne ywrea 'll File if 1I ain«t fix a1 spring st eni- n w no fear. Se g el own on hier juicesl of plants. K-L-B in kerosene, lime lier cent. K-L ne e'r dy tr to ýu t .Jeanne, nmade wary by xeece ne, er ffhrgov1 n dfl adBOrdeaux mixture, and Io worthy of month& will etinyeaictçhebt ............. lings t her sktes tenciousivpand r inos othe cuse of touble n e. Maste ral'sucki destroy fungus diseasesl as well'tüa Is ncrease th epese tom c. A mE El clin s t.... ... ...eq... .io,..% , d iloe le cail iftoi. M s . a' u ng insectts. This is made exaly stronger mixtur. wtioe plctos aisa-So, thanik yoit.,une e ns.trirwthsteoeainwith in- Me K-L except that Bordeaux mixture 1is ls preferable. Teewsn oig nuy yo'lfile/ thern ail away, and disol ten«e anxiety and intere,t. and, on its U8d I"steati of water. K-L-B-P là kero- to these trees. Fo eut bandte thil _ý4.M.(pi " leb lbls epoi t a ma like I-lB.except that igtedr atsao . T et e et goang t eg bak of gatefulsatiifaction, but his Poson. wtiether Parlis green, disPa eof 25te drct. --'(eoeélm-o- "ITut tult:" snys the old gentlemlail? ' ark1i. to1 prmatre: thle thorn is gono e, nitIof0 lime or soda, or green arsePn . deaux) especilly o ec re, t e smilin. "Yo'ill ee apeiae s - b til o let hi n< an, Ith a s d to)the Breu itr. Th lthe errect OrltheBreu ixueaan1 eneeANranÀ dTalla thOretieal combination panacea irleaf cari and bonrtado1ppetes eell ofpain.nerfallibaek.and, holding a" the Isand Pesta of the orebard, ,. hr teIr n bte rblc o r "Not while it devours everything tat -up il egea rs i dal efuy.ther y sucking lnsects, biting Iiecrts lor preaet. he 2ecn.or2iercn. comies within lit% reach. But comne along. ,- ..en a iess. I s woty o sros K-L, with or wthu roi saor he uncle, don't go back.breakfast ildready Myuca a y ene;eainan rada ako l astrength wt at on o5at WAM#2ama======= And oh, tuncle, antfille shilling-s fo' "you por foots so swollen,rvsnt i? did to thPiee attu rps by rofoqsor X1 with b mpoed r 0pe en. The, itha ow ow hetaes off his -"That s r. Tdosýt ri-l-.**says Mrs. Brown. «'h, e ra y ear." says the old ai ute rr n t .Newark i . rDe w olles maermany not Ibe e sd ,fr ht, an s ieioi cally. Alr. l>ostrellan D s.. f the Park drg.' experfiments in the direction of the J- The KÇ--B o b peerd1bv l 'To what am I indebted for tis a t- trell, hetee.D -o now them mn ubn i oktspo l, Master Terrier does not enyitoadffruton of theinsTe etd us ene niesther xtres. h re hudb rnd tention?"lhe days, in a deep, musical sir bt lhe brin.-out ln thi g in the a winsfo.TanetotPohmupwih areutorhkoon Cue m tnr e spry iem adnsshae Voic. N tnt iin*l. ie nidwers. promi v- c y r >- i t se sao t ttl.ie, niaman's voice, cannot be substituted fr th ro n, mnt ar tem st ffti .a sp ls' Jeanne stares, speecless and Mpar irs. r nl-olý arouind te o m1-u , direc(tly twiiliher,. as hc i h etkiing agent. In num-- Pmpbhsl e -b gve to hi po t, ently frozentheiroomZine, anda copper, and .Jeanne, lauighing at mer Tt seems to do ltui deadlly work and to White no formon - a be re n S 'Do you Nwish to speak to me?" lhe von- I >e g o(IýOlr a u Ijý4to be enclu- sref aeda1 Jnteh bek ateis(aIt1 e tunitor muchnt the wInte pesietsa two or thrft wentant gUekl hde n panorer tinutes, '*0r-is this thet-regular formnality sion Ithat tiloderOf hers, be- fnnexom.pected sloun a human iiivoice, but Tlt.and seem to extend its killing period Pon why It shodntbeometyefe- with which a stranger is greeted in Newvi ing ant artikt. idesianxious to give aun nt ait : jIlle r . k11el pet -e of beenu1se sh rco.n T t, and turns her ast stâtement laibrner out by treqerent ex- hat aoula be . LB- i ha r, ton Reis . lssons or wh shoui he cme to ew- t if ' - id. aminations. lu whieh Itwas noteu that a funcrous adisesesadatknsoinet toill Jeanneis silent. ton INgi)dA conthe snN< beneotlentof. Nour coat-that s it, IniV ein e.'nte ah sad hrlrger percentas:e of scalpeswas dead t atna with one remd.Te 0preet ol The strangrputs up his lhand, and, i'"A iery niced, maniâMr. Dsri.eteo n h l akei; a-victim o(f Ithe precledin evning. his SIX apraingeexmnainupt 1?e-uate ind:s compedo galnkrset still bare,-headedl, rakces the snow fromt ,ir. and :, -; i-l i-*er. Quite the schiotlà nahfiqscand fth.on gi sfelooig atcon the path above' HOW TO MAKE THE MIXTURE. i"cnt.an aae: the back of hit; neck. TTrit; A %er.v qTuot gentleman, indeel' utl al fjs ercia shies dark, eyes reý,arding hier with grv• •25ondtm.anagainwtr: The action rouises Jeanne to a sense of hie a They dd,-a %. a ý he ighlt do won.er U - g' i Ile' tamuemn To mnake K-l. the kerosene and lime, In Drcn.alto e4gloskr- V e rigid lines of lhre mouth relax, andllpli lhid; time in iIna'kug 'experimients; Tea n n tr t feu roul tr tu a t in. eprao ut as, d le1wmfer. th#4 1.ô Iih, ow nd erap ling, oozes from hle- ilin't know whLat for. lle's quite a sci- Ioptl h oks u hrl mire lime muet lbe added. One Pound ofr t-nni 1 n errihrd ps eb gntemnJeenne enters. ASPRING TONICI, rosn.ad"insropr·t,-nthe i- a wte- nd ,jn_ ce For a moment the strnger look lHer lodger n l .'ltakel up the ta " iq on osldppI oi ueaol mdtea. . .a o r o tinas i t nqn Ill aln o nwn gravelyat her; then iunder is,. mous- lpot. but sou:n that Mrs. Brown " wojutfon t enlpioyoe tou n e malionthf erosne e d ne tim nna, eoe½, tachte his own lii 4bend and hie smnilem. wincees Jeanne; 1 id(n*t ex\pect Io see you down• different forme of lime used seemtota e e ,,ws" ^ ," ,ny h a m en la to led , inamling, "thiit 1 "A-n i does no one Pelelit 9 with them?" lOu o i. -ahl els Il. are wet bout uninorni Ir equ arabi t to a br lime In Inemineltm. mient. Have you any More snoirballs in "nytei ehwand riee-," re-pli;saturated with inelted snow. Whepre did Stren«th for Sommer. ", "tha' e w"ol; mi°tus"i-a*f rst THtE M DRNMTHR your pock et?" Mirq. Brow'n l "Th it l,\Mis* Jean and Nta-q VOU go last ni!zht .- and lla boots are6 stirred with a paddle. to ti.col off all Orf• Jeanne shakes lher lhen<l lowly. tr H y T ei n etram . t tthe samle.'*r a n oi n aaa ter*loty' asis sentnee arn tothe - - "No II Thlen 1 rnay tutriin myboek il,.They-r-or n. A rare Tuerkizi .\fAster . 'enelo o fsa o p m nt. ne:I a tonie meidicinie at this season of mass will stik to elle bottom and sideg of Children 'hde teso iad sath a nkp! Gotefternoon!" A\9,n lrrv,. an id i uéýnire pp n n np e itonfnep the year. They nit have new,rihthuedbcn with good reon.Csoii i ei f a o ,li elae ii a, n pir .s, )ol Zj a ý;so quiet. .A!-iss kpthr4itaea"roondscrtevn blood to bulild ithemu p to bear the try- and hose, for fromt three t, tive minutes, old-time barb im o nl ti e stridesoff. anns )t a.; n: i pli s manly a kp irmsa- rfudsce vning lhent of sunnneir. Dr. Wilhiams'Pink depending lapon the garni of time used. pulsive !z atstbu i rps n And Jeanne stares after im iilike Lotl by sr eoby Ilhe cliff they keep) a frontlai. lias struggledto forget an P'ills are thle greatest spring tonie in the For doing this a noazle Ilke the Bordeaux, torture dollet hlrn 40enmt- wife-motionless. batte nc lMIlsecalls it; and wl-e itfrome h atletnoappr eni e -oewrd veyds ae egthrou na semoalsolia ren 14 is . ain-eaueEh' s alts ete -- teydesa tha je can i mal this boat as Iv. An the stranger 'lave hbeen meni en- richi blood-new îigros life. They either case the stream should bie directed laxative whîicdasntgp;aco- CHAPIIITER 11i. isele t fiiibier barn. Shie a never so -• transformi weak. wearv. anlaemie irls 8o as to whip the entire surface of the forting C=iie hc m e'vnt happy a %%Iit. .th.ough ito walk around nd comiplam! iThe ..g mixtu4re.'This le necesary to formni Before the ill-used straniger hd h apyasu11n-141aen out in eed fluhshrfc.he h uso into healthy. gracefuil. -vell-developed wo- emulsion, out of which the oi, will n new-bomhabewtotero am timeto 'toutof igh, amos beoreay.A rred a'y g us ae sbolfront. men. Thy make debilitated men strong, separate. it is bient to have an extra bar- These Tbaemealtemnril f Jeanne lhad openied the side door, anoth . ia tth at ios Thie lboots wiil] drv. nutnt.lWe wre utp nrgei- hy ie on est i hechtomox the sproysene arie litensadpmoeaurllep er footstep Fouinds 0on the hard patl. 'TSver mlie t4ihey were ( uldren. Mr. Bell, u ntesnw « edr feno.despondent womien nwhat n o-uls etoet pate rsn.and repose. Ms .H aeFmg timo it is a lighiter, more hesitating step, ti uae eew ar-bth o' And, auint, Hlal watnts five idhillingi for a f ort. They do this every time--they add the lime and stir with a padle unta vale, Ont., sy:"Ilidgea ai- anditbeons o sal, loigteachOithemdrawingy, mir.aiofktefrthPrkounw"cnotai.AeraorsofD.W. they are thoroughly mixed. Add a few faction In the(s fBb'sOnTbes youg an wth ban, imle ac.1 ls.Br o ' Igrlookd;rathelr r ar 'ou ckantcbuyfoktesnvewon R -lam'PikPilweer.anad«oall°"., ofwater and tur asai , to hwadonokowhwIoudgtlog He ils aressed inlithe reguilation long e_ tti peeo nomtin niJanrne."° nn ithstand the summiner's beat free water. Pour this into tfie spray pump without them.Te aecide el skcirted ioat which our eurate have a141 ih ul -Ha]lIcan wralk, over Ino MarIv from bhackache and heradalches, *eakness 'barrel. add the balance of the water and and keep them l. n o aea opted; and waspc alad a lhuige aa u . "lIal will have to stay in thie s oring, and dsod ncy lrs. AM. A. Whi tlaprbablybesomt t et r ro hrdey teguarantee à thatteei o n atce comfrter whih wids iskaparenlyn.i-ara n1.if lhe litening o ut this nfternon." says "'eal Cove, Qule., saye- " ano pase five minutes. If the e ay à pump barrel -bas o Paeo ama;au nti e initerinable lentgth anrounidhis neck le o'ne,. hpe1r. ut:%houhtAut Dostrell. Nwith mill.1 firmness * Dr. William1s' lPink Plills too highl a removable tort. &all thsMixtncn een.Sl ymdcn elro y cariies thck ubrela i on han an. lit- sing v,:r pupi0l top 14alooks the pirture of de.a)ir. but They have inot only made a new person done bin kit. sa mentmae itot t dl t2 et.abo ywiigte aà ook In the tther, andmi nt gtor 'Ju wt 'Janeeeos.eanne. haf.bov at of 1ruydelbut have been of inestimable a>e.n Nemrt a' ie.tr- v' illiama eiieC.,Bokili Jéa;estndig breeadd ad pri an u-1 un . n<iit a.out b, ear coesto the rescue. au in miy famnily. I always keep the cett, perhaps, somte wbteb- escape by out' led 'with snlow. "l'lien lh'rtIlitwblkyouriver. terHarryand sliann ,, . . ,, ills in Imy home'. a11l the reult is 1 e8vaprto. Atogh teKMde o u o be lche 'hen I1 walk ver. ant. sh wave.deterlorate In a raoabelntotIme, g tonishmednt, droVs h boom aniiid cill ,_rr " d--ntaMr.. r.roun < le .andAuint Do.,trell.vnq uhe t aillliare no40doctor's bills; ror have I any It i -probabi3r best te omkit f romn dar toaBSOTLS£ O EA tervoustly at his gigiiii 1ault l aL • r )N l %J ' n '.t\l -r. , idelicate boys or girls, nile the pille.keep day, sasneeded. lit may b le colored withM- - "INliiss Jeanne. is tinat you "hide. .th onshode \rpoinfie.s. owuy an< re uetantly produesthe sro ad eath. onstaatly lamp black. If preferred. About 2topouinds ecinooimsPprWl hw h> Nrell'- jut Ithe fentlemian to base -two half-crowns, .whille Inl no.14 grate- un sr!9an ialh.lme. -5 galons kerosene and 44%geall* 5 tclo mans. n awek, oftso ulch rn the soung "?peopnle arn as much as4they fully neroxttith- table, and indllesIn a rcmedtelil t redadwater WITT mate 0 «allons of .themixture : WhniesEtnt. gle throughatte coinortl i. ot Nadthr'spinl o ohrsbwsi uet n - e edance onit he t ip of his 1 "".as -ar good wordS from thoseHyrtdLmadBreux itr.. enydVrgyreewinhePra "Good-evening,. . Mi.r . , Jvann he:thee i« ad n eogn.te eldD'Ir. Williamis Pink Pills do not alt Alter the mixture stands for .a time the Temnpsa aboou yM.Bismrtad ýdemiurely. . "1)oçesit. Mu··' t Ii Nr Lk l agteplea l len r ateMllios .t ospy mutri nertheupon the bowels; they do not botheri lme tholdtn th rtb* OOmy u e" Abrwhchetnkitrstgin snowing fast. I l>~~tatit!],,1,1 e bound; and the pig to bie manipulated by Aunt Dos. with the mere&symptomso ies;t h o n h la ae tnsb*isl n-a naubecnrbto o "Ye, lit',eane, t de< 7\n' trell -and Uncle Johin is all anxiety to they simply nakenwrcl lo, ween the two layerso s.Smetutbo Tebo eo1teft h catch v-ourli>riitideath-~ bem t o acLk to teeticiblesllalf anhourand thus eure all the common ailmete grJoweswoaemde-Ltosthi g. "Thîi hl bttrooon.- mo'eth .4>r fae h t h e t iterwvard Jeane ste es. alrisk of 01life. But you mitat get the genuine Dorath* ase IttIoel sa tfrh*bsltlyiflibesg ne proptlgand drts of hke u l hteran .. topld hmrt. remouves an imagin. down the stritaber lithe figure clad in, with the fuillname of Dr. Willams' Pink naturalconditien o ettra l fdah etsaei in f Nr. ell Ill safter her blusiniigly forarote anhrmoo coss hléish bnd ca11b11.110bytlâte i tu fin th ,ae a ~ ~ ~ ~ l m!et hn olw.aneti that lher mtie%roiuislodger à * a stru .hair rippling in its tighit coilg under her telslewhere OrIby malil at 50 ceent& aboS condition exactly as when fIrs'4t a nchet th0rls. thelitlecoz palor fids astr lalgling artist u ho hall come tolNewn close ittle sealiskin lhat, her beautiful 1Or six boxes for $2.50by writingr The Dr. *ettita as K-L ato ttwo layers et'ime i oe ad qiey nZ4n tetbe rreyprlei in Pearch of pupils. face bright and frank, hier heart beat. ilas Medicino Co, Broek He, Ot a lt a ntrnaehfooMi Ihgyvr Ecld, s f e hd eensi et to htimself, the mysteriousie ndi. ing blithely under the influence of the . Setou- of the mixture. Awer«-,C"..art -n4dog-- pdni t for hoeriu ~mrabetatvidual drawvs his chair nearer tth le fil., cris pT rosty air. 1 A PHAnTON TRAI.on mustbe a,"en e ter-br Il ti e ep thn dmirab' tarhlpt rod in. tain.a.tem 1 itesI s:e*!kcj"*tJn", Od=Qebe-Stry. a e f»'à »f"önth tba ere anythi1ng you'd uke, iir 1en ety Da a om n st» a o er a o hy b elovne, , th a grim in n lotyh m e o ons o the hs praua bo ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~U hà $ en nwhlin.0i . tie pteel enI Jna o o Esu Yeneating o th ohia own . t" te e. lrof the c onratMn fi re«. ,ean onlyir abltenMr 4 b a und âtf heuets/iing gimly t te idon- -" lvih a eon. d irng ad en ort e l h ,eu girl whom hetilet hil l s hia nu dfanlyaaistte at iss W hJan a kes nIp et mrin, Neh aobaflt WWatid v i r ai ovr him; "1,t'Soui lit oseqdefuene i ngFetrue*urmeoe ewo ad t the the 4lb d ou H) e -oo en ugh to ip of Re a; he cas men wi do a a e e r..ameg hes a itleaet ipotp nt Itik ansae to t h eed w *fth elicateUgrof «timethe øeingb=to0a19niC n1ibek nka oodsar i rnnd heod wltat aer a lt s taido N er elseeâs# The a itit of the bo ys is ,dred- te, hselavsbus ereiao i wo e t berla er " e r a 4tid aeeO-h-go .9f4ully a the coarmiy t. Toth is o me heisdesed»JU.adrgsa ay4 ahe ba el'tlvsihou hv%ccth r w t ou, alir, bnne-bx r m- idve. adda-a . dw ub . It'sallo$ o w- tersr- vageh Jankn eoJe saae spnet- okg, e e artoronn h >etter t, th? thun e l d t ruthe s hmeerate tonthe a bek1 at,Us«W* M n t %vll l o e,"hesass lahst he dan éf Xger w'he ca"Stten ded arics aUMOißffla tiwik g'ts tb nr klye a aeout91thed Gadge 1House. Mrs. wasthsa2an g a a-* eauiftwm n ått pd f ouplasad areiable à to a &M t iksi aseesekà M «Mt a ~ ~ ~ l d:.a-;iab rd genie, w il*o e d, ka was fat-tre la ws th'il r e tecat. Toasl hich ee nan b Àdre st a M et n Yeg throne'redY h'teeura aaladu-oxfe toe wadrd»y &M dt ta g er ' pf cg tttbaemeb wMt%* vi"h ib 11111..umin e • : c t erfor a 1l(!w o to 1 (l (Ji 98 o 00 S 00l t o l ti0 o10 01) 75 to 02 1 17i ( 214 013 tof 1 :I3o 'to 0 40 1 PO «t.I 0 00) l8 00 to. 9 ,)0î 5-1 2, 1) to 7 50 -4e t otoid at iltur lief !I to 14e per 11b. 'tolck. rat large.' Prkes1 per owt., w ithI ltit le Ilt $el per i j1bout 1$5.60 Oto o$, 0 : ; ows at An-at $i to O 1 ýt wt. .2) to $ 5toi $e; g oo i $3 u i$li: rk l v m4j $2,7:, Ph cows awl c miany "os p :smanly of tId 2041l fur tuf)" vos 90hW nt il10 A-0 to 5$4;:eOà ice L common(n year- Ir c'wt., spinI Iris rep)ortki the hiavine ,pal i for. i1ghls ai' igolet-1s fo ynsofhay orThe,-on- ih1-dIactivîity r.The gen-.ý n th 1obral ing ivlu in- ve y du in h ml. Ther s ry goods bud - 01 s f iungrnts tn o bsie ftradear pie areg T r là ther ed in t4 She haï proclaimed defencev zones suar- rouinding the Pesýcadore!4, the Island -of Okinawva in the Loochoo group, the le land of Ohima, and the Island of i off the Province of Osumi. They -arc thus4 closed tu navigation. Th71e RusI.an passage through the Tsuigaru Strait,i will be opposedl from Oâimna Island at their mlout i, if hie attempts the outside rouite to Vladivositock, whlile the fnar mnay be neéd to guared 4.hè Fo1rmo, Straits. Bases are convenient at Okin- awa and Emi Island. 'Togo î4 strewving" mninesl whoeolhe thinks they wdil be of iniost use. There Ls a repbort-thant firin-a wvas heard in the China Sea on Webies- < y, but it la diseredit.ed. \\ en 'the crash comnes sotnethig wï iill give waly. The gun strength of the rival i eets i thus stated,. Russia. a - .. .- - .<-.120 ila 2......,....12 Inch ils . . . inch .... 20 ........4.7 inch . 3-f ... .....1 ers4( "" "' 139 The fleets atre evenly enottgh .mïtched4 to make theé fortheoming fight the mo'st interestirig of naval history, should th entire force he engaged. A age Jà panese force is said, to be .naOtank n Xiin. wbe nthen..i... c.. Th 'l'h