Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Keystone, 16 Feb 1905, p. 3

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TUE 'UPRUAR 'I IN RUSSIA9 Czar Would Hear Appeals in the -Cause of Peace. St, Petersburg Students Re - fuse to Resume Studies. The War Between Capital and Labor Acute. 'folio tale: Inftormat ion from, tfie Sîta River iindir'attes itat the Russiaits are, coaîctrating at Citaitse aad Tsl'sii:, vest of the Ihua River, ap- parcntly in axnticipat i»n of a niovexuent one~tlîe part tof the *iarpauese t.ieattea- ingr their iits of srtjpit-. (thertiie thet'u-tîation is i :tanaited. A gent-rai battli inot imiitinent. Mukden i cmxr4,vlt-'i itt lite I1-s'iaui1 tr andtttI. :trihle lt.-'i t i a('r->iniriaa- t ion i- fet:r fti iy inauti-1ta te. 'lierc i s a1si 1 111it -ynfiti.,ixtix:in te Rt-it the ixtrreaîre. .M ilitarv î-riiv'-. jrn 'fki>t crnsiîi(r liaitthe' (-entre- of oach rn: Ls rt rotgly fortîfit-ilasrt.) def v îî ssat iii t l'ie lon-.iivess- ()if the lu;,iis-nusin aiLle taittlt >ill ut te-nu>t te tir:: the f laitk of G(lt- u xrîuk i. rt-lt>> ctrmnands tht' rilît witig of tht- Japate-e ammnyv. -\:err>lrul~- ii--1rthlie dîftrît cof th: i-il -i lii-thuit tii-he 1 i1\1aiii-î tîifl fi ilî'iti>-vnv>f te t-i'itiaii truggl 3e. THOSE SUBMARINES Were Taken te British Port-Japan is Protesting- A Londtoni abi:iî l: -pca<S t tit-t it ýi i' llfIt rii I i îl in-it t-n- l titi- t'i'.'.ti - Iîî:rtixtî lui hen i.> .\l i t-mît. nipor ît i el-d'irn i a- il> i-r-i o-:f .t-t" aji'I tttthe-n(iti l'u t nht.t. tut <t f Iirii-i>-- <>ti. u. I, î- ru-nai 11 iii ix n t> it i- ii-t t tt it i-j in iII iiiili t 'l- tr ri- tlw tr.i i -II RESERVISTS TEAR UP TRACK. Repomîed Thcy Have Cat Ruassian Cern- mua: cal oas. h.i>-I nn>il ui n i tilnîîIl xi i -i il- a-it t ir>i.itixxnIlti itî'î 0i 1.1-r1 >- i i ~ n -I - l" - nl-it r. - ~ri-ia> a> i ii li ii ni --.t r-' I i;, l u \ rn-l'ira' r ii* r li-t o-t lii i 1,r l i.,!a -' r \lin i ni liii - i )l r" ' -l 'I - - n - '> il iil an 1 'a- lu - aa --. -ni 11 io 1 litaIvut I t a h - 'r lit.- na--- i -r,- - ruh 'i' nul> jIv ni i 1w (>' u i rtuir-- .u 1 ru ir i l t> . t n . - i n n Ii> lt> i i van' ti r i, -n'rt. i i nuv ti-giui>trjt ii -nani. r - .> r ,il 11 î'a>i>t uni a- .>rrta 'iape>l- t r- n i l' e u 'a> i r- ta> iii ' i> iu' h i- i but>> i W ir -i r'lna n i a- i t jeii -ia i- înutl- 'nuim t n--r' .u t' i tation -rr.înîî'aî- int'> r-tia.ha u i' ('hîrîr i h i' c-11'. -:tt 'la alun ri.u ir -ic ql r1 n- t.Ilvuti i' Il-h I ln rît 'f Ili, n- gui .'t-a>< ~~ n n. îr-i lnr n. 1 BAIlLE EXPECTED Between Oyama's and Kouropatkin's Men Befere Thaw Sets Ia. A IToio caLle dt-spateli saivs:a'lite int- tr' ri v i i t- tîtat thlte ntîr-ii iitg battu>-Letx rti te atrit--'of I-i-i -Nar--itl t (tarmaandîtîtl iii. htiitmotl-iit Niii ot-t-ir bt'trt- itrr ttatui-ral tIiarr taie- ace 't, NtIi(.wlci ixrrlii 'ai:>t't htie counixtrv înttîa i 'iiiy bv ttg antI rt-xiti tte îîîîtîtîîtettof giiti. aîxxtîrrailiîrxt axît 'i l. i>- À î>-->r and KI-l 'i -, ocxi tînt il hratre gi\îtîi r t0t000r ii r49.0(00)r>>tirth- otil t nit îattitonal illi1 ii i> h il > itauc llxigiaxd ia. l tatiirv -' >il. 1- ta 01-r'r1-('i, itit l il 1,:i' 4- 1.' 't ri \î i- u't'r ' a tti-c '11t 11i-I -'nt- baia in - ir l ai Ni i i t FINDING SCAPEGOATS. <t a-r 'îtrlî:rr .ir1' N(raî'x 15U nut i-i ltnm'Ii-lainstia 'itri t~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In-i' -n'r- i.u>A tiiu-ijî ir s-tiili>--u IIl tri I nn.inaî'tI r t l ii t11 rilte'r (u, ( ; t)rre runiv ieai i r 'Fn- epof f . Tht'2" uclarv' tuat are-- ut 1>trxu:x te rer-j ,->t>I tlt arnus, if ne>--sr--rrr, attenipîs cf lte polici- or suidiers to enter te unrversitv. Thl' iitt îxt:crrtx at rOder-sa Ias beca cloîre-î, thte counril declaming il is impos- sible t.o continue ander tht' present con- ditions. Il la conr-inced that the' student troubles will net cease until tht' studenîs aile convinced that fundamental reforma .dav at Odesqea, w-as prevented by the police, who would flot aliow the wouid- btc demonstrators to hold a meeting. The students attempted to hoid a nmeet- ing in spite of the police prohibition,I with the resuIt that the university was itastilv closed. Thc authorities, bow- ever, . ere urable to prevent the dis- tribution of an astonishing number of It-aflets. lîeaded: "Stop the War." Thcusands of these, which were sedi- tiou-.l v orded, were scattered on the ciief thorouglifares early in the' morniag. A tlespatcb from St. Petersburg says a uajority of the' worknien la the Gov- ernnent's cart ridge factory at Vassill Ostroff, wbere 5000 bands are empioyed, quit work this afternpon. -Manty of tîxe stialler factories in the saine district have aiso been closed by their Lands going on strike. The motives protnpting the einate again commence Ilite strixggicI are partly- resentment agirast tht' constitution of the so- called -torkiiiea's deputations that bave been :rcceived hi' the Czar, it being tla inied tlircextristed of covernarent uvt-rsccrs arndt not %votrknren. and partly ("aîîts ->r crxor-( leiieral 'frepoff's ln- r- utioris to atanrîfiacturers and thte >1ire-tox-- of te (Lvenment factories n»t t» ari'Nvith the workmen, but te t reati tIli>>a-rr- ik who have te- fweI picdardonx: and Nvlio are therefore law brmtakers. Thé,encapioyers are more eocreirega î'ting the Unverument's attt iude thait:an\aouste retiporithe fattoit-. At a xrîcting of strikers at Todz titis c'> criùg i liv offer of tîte employers w-as MIRSKEY'S FAREWELL. Priest Says He is Only Man te Set Free Springs of Lrfc. ASt.- Petv:r-,l)rxg cal le r-arvt' Printce -r'~it'piik-iii-Rr' uie ~t -(, il te Illt -lai f (tri ttN ui't)theof t- Ir- t eriortttt >driv. "lite 'ru-t-tii)ig-a mre -ro f a r- ci-' o-rdtil îa:tî r',. .\flr a r t'i iori ,>Aiie. t ire fi tici ilitg pîi:--t that aih tliîxl-.ixîtii'--i ii --t 1r l iti- fî- tir1'( - .iiirr-.4 >1 liii i h it atiî>atrî\. foir a Iîrr ir:w-uI riii'i îrît i 'aioxiiiw PROLONGING DEADLOCK. Biamnes L isea Acsa nd Rosen Triai of Streagîh at Lrtdz BetriecaLaoor fer tht' Vlar anAl'als Dsasters. and Capitz:i. i..> tir r--lin- t--rai' 1 -r1. 'tr . at tthrit i> i-r-'iniji it ii-i1r hi-i-i>- a-h i. iaien'n iri t--r i.îrrn-î "ur.ii"i' l-'> \tri-t iii 1lau-ru i m t . i-.-'i.ih i p-at. r ; 11 i. ' l-i a l'o -r - lit'- 1 '1' '--r r r' >'- ' - 'Ii- in ilit, 'ix~11 il -ci lal iii'~~~~~~~~~ tn-ii' hax - ' tiir rf. ' C07rV-LX~-i'DER OR \'ICEROY. (;tand Cake ,Na:c-lav-t'Ln lu Go te Man- \ 1.> at ri -' i.> In 1 .aiizieger !w... i.nr t.irN- .r.înîu.an i i r 11a- iart1 - t) i-rii Secnd Bo'ri lix tii e ia -i ra a."i iii-- tir> tuit 'rî. r ar-- -a iii .r i-hi 1 i r an ln- x. r\aniltIr t" il'-(i i , iiir r-nx -n i mix trtirrirara unli r- i- irrxia ' ixiîlutIr>'-tir- -irINi. 'Tah . Wha a Dealer. nI Sa '-i ra iof n M t - ii'ifi.Can.a- rît - if r -i- i ut rnu j- -rm i .r--i' r ii ' ' ir li ni ttil l.iiri l. rtlr n-i rîuirt ti' n 'nînn--' I' un, ttW tld i, liii- tftt'tirirui rinn- -hinar- rta't - tai l trf ltn> ar r -r ' 'f n. t. t.t -r- - utIl f-nle -ri -'i n n. - -1 htri' t'.nri iutn-in M asi>i ir i-au t.'cii' r-ai';hnir i -..> avtria.. ar il>i ail titat issr-ibile to pu.-h the' sait' of opposition gioOds-" à A buvcr tif an lter large firm statcd Ibat ]wli lrîrlîard nething w-iratev-er of tht' mîattir. axai eetldtiiter contradici nor r':rif.v r> irait Wais-aid. Ilorver, if tîtere rt-tr>- aiYtr t iih in it, it rîoîid inean lthe xixixati jocf lte Canadian It ic-.ricrx-t It ncte titat lte firin xrtest jrosilivir in i1l teienîriation cf tîre t:tt'tIii:rî i 'f ta îtluacaxnrs rt-as tite ont' of r> iont tuie ipre-entalive cf lthe Canadinît ncaixixs efcrred lthe Cana- diax: As-ociateri lret'-s for a deniai of te rer Nis i 'ert. JACK LOIrTDON FOR MAYOR. Tht' Western Novelist Nominated for Office by tht' Sociaiists of Oakland. Sail iu ".li.1h-. 'atck Lonrdon. artîlîr o" b-li ->.\\ oci and ttlie C. liof tir> 11,1 hi, t îriir'iiiii.tecd for Mtayor cf (tImaih i- ai r - crN-t -.rx ixton. a lt'r -' a-h 'arualmii-selete xxi k l'ir- lx l x in i-hrcrire Icet4 iih.i if. p'o-aof t ' 'i' j>ti i>(r'itl-i î l 1 are rt'- i '-ii-'- iiiira>tati ît ii lli'i- r i r. i'u 'i la ii ii it> rrîl -r al> 'i .ttri"iiîi'- airrh it- na r>>îh- r p>.r l i 'hi - ilii" -Iiidex- BORI-ITS COMET. GOES ROUND THE WORLD ONCE IN SEV.EN YEARS AND FOUR MONTHS. ni .rr-i r i i 11w a ia i t i'l n j r i ii' - n ai-r> Itri" - 'i \î . t a ir ith t-a'ii-, .2 .uî.rr ix il.. .rî.t îrrîî' riî-'rîîîrîh 1"'. -- 1'. i'cr. ti-ij lt-. \i. r 'nit'xaIr îrtr'u'îr îîttît - 'n'a .a r>- I- tr li - r ii i i ' a t r hn r t- r iii-hiiar ii ir> t iiîi' r>ofU i l'- ; 11r -n ip o i.. I'i - li raIm-1ai 11ira i-t> i i ti -rî- ' h> - - --u ir ir nr'rrî'r oit --r tADIT- -mOURî-în-îrî xi>-ni United States MaR.c no Clim on Hecate St rail. n ra i-i I- 1ae> arri.- i --arna ir>f' nIita i cf jqi11 (-,ru r1 rn--tu ra11 i l-' .1 t'"- t he l. t as hirrnr ir alii IlTt:nra 2'Yition yath e 1t anliii nn 1ril t - v'ni-i ut r h-rt Cni 1litre ni.ratort n i l'l j x iuir. .lu turi i ni t i -I îeru- uirtalit . wt'->arr'aî -. arif t' i>l tuitt> iatr t>1a-> il--'un-i i'. ixntitmiiai -lieu er it Ilî-aur' Sru un h--i,rnle iblit-ri t'itau i tt n~~~~~~ . '-air1iui tr> ui>litl SIX CHILDREN BURi 1 DEII the Cab'dn on [ire. Sý,avannai. (Ca., Feb. t). R)ihad Door, e'nrrraad bis >fantrli2" conit-ing cf a r> ie and six chljdmenlirvcd in a log itut on lte reservation cf the Okeetee Ctlub la South Carolina. near Rinlgeland. SiW.dav nigbt Door aurd bis nife lefI their six ehildren art bome and went a shtort distance te tir-lt soute cf Ibeir nueiglibors. Puriiig their absence tht' children went to sleep, leaving a. big fire lante firepiace. Il is prestined tbat a live ei roiied Iteým the fireplace en- te tht' floor, sclling the bouse oi) tire, bturrnng b deatb five etflte cbiidren. The sixtii, a girl, 1,5 years et age, es- caped throtagb tht' door, whiic w-as tht' onîy exil' te the cabin, but ber burns rtetcet such a serions ebaracter that s1rt- tee, died tht' following day. The' funeral cf the six cbildren took place yesterday. are encroaehing on Pacifiec oast waters under our juriediction.& The Minister of Marine and Fisheries replied that representation to that effect had reached the' department, and every effort had been 'mnade to protect Cana- dian inshiore fisheries on the Pacifie, especiaiiy since the commissioning of the fisheries protection cruiser Kestrel.- A dlaim of territorial jurisdiction linlHe- ente Strait had formed the subject of some diplomatie correspondence, and at present is in an unsettled state. DID NOT GAIN RER HAND. Elgin Fariner Now Seeks Damnages for Injured Affections. Ottawa, Feli. 13.-A unique and in- teresting case ivill be tried at the spring assizes at St. Thomas. James A. Learn, a farmer of Yarmouth township, is suing -Mrs. Edward Bid- die, of Port Rowan, for breach of promise of marriage. The plaintif f al- leges that the engagement arose from an advertisement of bis for a wife, wbich w-as answered by the defendant, and so ardent w-ere the affections whicb resulted that ln about trvo months the bappy pair weme engaged. ' Later on the defendanCs presoat busband ap- peared on the scene, picking appies, and w-as se enanored that lie deter- micd to wn-mlber for bis rvife. A long and determined struggle fol- lowed, but. tlte defendant's affections were transfcrred te ber present buis- band, and tbcv were nîarried last ,%pril. Tht' letters whichi passed between the, plaintiff and defendant will be produoed at tlie trial. nnd they are ail said to bc- lîighli spiced, and full of endeaming epititets'and nsr-'îrances of fidelity. The plaititiff. io iived altrne on a farni, lias riarried in-e thte issue of tîte ti-rit, but nîcrmrtliiciss, cilais Ite lie as beexu greatiy ie4-ived. 'lTe examina- tion of tUtc tiefeadanîit for diseoverv will be lichlaut S',jrvopt' t-tttoTrow. CROWN PRINCE GUSTAF 0f Sweden and Nomway, who wiii Dis- charge 1ingly dattes for bis father. SO.ll (L.T. R. RU.¾OPS. BAIlLE CREEK TO BE HEADQUAR- TERS FOR NEW SOUTHERN -ROUTE. t~ ~~~i -a-tn.trItl. ' > - spii offjý rai ir :ta.. i ra'l- , raiat-,ait- iii.r i siii; rIii u il-ni i> ar t Ir iz r. -' i >b- -t d iltit t lit, 'r 'tr> . i , 1 sOl ir "ai -e>irrii rtii-a q'ila.'r- r i ',- - i at. l - A T i ra; i - i p r rlîilrîr-ai il - il narri;t 1, a ài r ilrg i ai,'inribr1e -t x :il Ille Iîî'aîrirf rfi>- i. Mtrie wiarrt stmî'--i Ilý iaé il'ar - i --rI t f-r) lr t- 'i. ai Ou, O& île- por, aid t-a t of ina- s'ro'Irle r init'"ravy1irai hieai- a as-it-r i iî i' t i-f ritre- for tî-g i >ai 1011î1Z'. r> M ur- $r.,7ininîrn "fa. arni' l g re 11iii cti <r:itIii i îtu ~ - tnii KING OSCAR QUITS. Crown émi1nce cf Srveden Has Been Ap- pointed Regent. 110(r,11lt illi. 1-tb, 1:". Ir ta ia>-x- i ofîrxîî h>a it-- IIî-.î t d'a-ar rîî tik-> sietri - tht>'Ixuit- n>-- liais t "'un i\pu 1,ni a 1' ' ir> I i liait Il>> or men-u itrai the ' lra uxi - lri Adîduait jin lis faix>> - lriiaai i-iar I j- 7G rî Oî >>. Tho le Iui>i ltr-- xn irtriti Inl 'ai - <tutrui: -1 r-i' n i lia-, iIl(i i Lliii'>' r-titi-. I\liiA t r-t-arn t -n i- ita ,u nirtr> ui' fitatil-. i (.\\i'îî (nf Itli' a î-rnrruarta' ni)-ra ti- '(1-r 1x1--n Stiî'1: i iii N I-tta t i nii c iorr- n nii t>I l 1' -(il t>- i lai r tr -- ioni. un ir.rt-ni iiie ahi" " tr j i d - - --ut -r i ' - aria - . 1ha- c nifli dn a-trn Crn. r-ar" n lu naî t nuit- iîttt-ihg r ' x ."" i ri.' N r la ing 11t1)t1lit- t-u - r"R-î'>i- n i> jr1 >:: t 1 li i. If In' t -> 'iit 'n i- a Ntr> xii air', if rh-r- r - ilt r' ot-ti un xxfrtilti> t-ir- t tr- -i- ciii>i t nci il e i i CHARGE AGAINSI A CRIPPLE. Alleged te Have Caused Boy's Death by Blow Fmem Crutcb. Montrenil, Ft'b. 13.-A wetil-kntiwt crip- t-n tîestret-t'-> t Itulxxilagi'1ic-ailt drenr' lit: iabolit onx:a Slelglit -i lu-hii the police peadiatg inr'cstitnxttirtai intn' thre dea-itli -f a snarli boy in the e('-a;t eniid. Il ir- aiieged tht' crippie strntr-k tbe boy wvith. ont' of bis crutlires abolit four montbs ago, and tbat tht' bov's deatb to-day is tht' direct rer-uIt.(a- pard ir- frequttntly molestt'd by boys.,n'>hoi tease his dogs and I:imst'If, greatly te luis discomfiture. Hie ir- creditcd rvith baving a bad temper, and il is explained tiratinl an angry fit -le raised the cruteli rith fatal resuit. Ran on the. Rocks 'Twenty Miles East of Halifax. Fourteen Missing From the Ship. Capt. Gorst, With One' Boat, Remained by Ship. Halifax, 'N. S., Fcb. 13.-In a biinding snori storm at 3 o'clock this rnorning, and fat out of ber course, tbe Furness Line steamer Damara, from Liver- pool for Hlifax, via St. John's, Nfld., struek a iedge at Pleasan't Point, off Mur-quodoboit barbor, fifty miles east of Hlalifax, and sbe w-as soon abandoned by,, the' captain and crew, tvho with three passengers rvho w-ere abeard, icft la trio boats. Olne of tbes3 cn taining cigbteen peope, S w asi cr rge of 'arpt. J. D. Gorst, and lias bee4 given uip for lest. The first officer\ took char;,ecf tht' second boat, and with hirn tvere seven persons, ont' of them a îra-setnger. Wltcn tire steamer struck tlle iî-dge tîte first thought of Capt. (lorst rtas to reverse tîte engines. Tbis lie did. but it Nvas found that the wtr r wa.s naking, vemy fas-t in tbe hold, anîd it secnted certain that if the' -ti-amîýr rvcnl into deecp water it rrould be onîx' a mrat ter .,f a ferv minutes rviîexî site rvourit sink. lThe engines ivexe stoppe(], and affer a basty con- sulttion t atanduament rtas decidêd tIpoti- 'l ir xoxv tnýasorr>ttit-that it rtas net ros-ihle b r-e iatore titan tite stîip's iî-:gtit. iand>itteecaptain fbardiv knerv tvî-tIre. ria 's,' e\c>pt that lie -,vas on a lec Iitoi e rrit1i anterrible calr-tcry rtiad trgtt ifi-rfil r-ca. Witit <,-t f'i-it tli w-o boats rvere jl r.ta>-eci a> ii -taie d ixn tte direction (rf tlle l rl --ttil:iicr dlistant. I)jý oneit C>i e tii:'-:iîiîoatsliîad reaclicd tllie* Shoix'-r i> t1i)ît ilils '- e nntg. tuati nl chlargýe cf t11w filt -t ffit-er. Wben tlteyv grtt or>at .f rextt t iti-> tig N raiz' oxtiy fot irrrx >r -o Ita t th(l, Dantata îciratit>l at r~gtr. >lrie peopie lu thir' boîatt <l lox:t kxtt irxr îcfate. tlc r-nr>wi aîîî'h rîrrîx kv iat kxt- nvrtaiing lier t'~rr1iî-rci' i rlix rrrh'll tIof. (ix: tbt' piillil. lltI lle îr-tirr1î'iriixs -a anld.the liaai t-r rtaî>- aiaitdiig pecatie:rs. ait ilt- rir' iii j n. fipcx'norrtirat r a Iit rî Illrî (,Iîrlr airi)trve ze-tr. anrd tri.irrt iie v\' ,r>Wi, -i>Ittil)iy 1tùr()k (d 1)ft" tr' ar- 1 >- rrtiî arxit horier-. xx j li--- it ir lrî r-iie ontixtioll r"x L'r ' tr'ir-trt'l'lt' boat in i i >0 'a>' Lîlhan> r>lete'1 xrîi'-a1>ti 1-r rî' iir'ingplate for the Niriiririrlristr h i i i tl-raaîri t stxiola. rl",xîcrcs irad icext e- -il>' .rîh hitaj.; trylit ticirepe for a>ri xî> ' iti r'lit Fltrlicrsq ixie 1v' x.rrt lier. Slpite ra t-t-ssciof i77t er ,gr--ani l1,115 iet. Fer r rtil. '-e iai rr- ai cr-rx of tx -rt- ýSENT 11OME-TO PRISON. A London Prisonet Askecd for Life, Wag Giv2n Five Years. ail> i - - ' 'i' -'r rt" a i tlit -tti\' r>; xr ir- ii i-niAt'. l-hhxa il er-, ;I taI "i> unrm us toge, il iri. 'iii- l a ' - i-r ý'- - - i - ' l - 'Io ' llît i in i i-t'litr It r -ti xt inIo '11-' h '-"' 't-un:a-R foi'.lxxixul n airs, i I- i- r .i - i f>' rgirve ilt to une 1.-i~ ~~ i>rtuii.r1i\raii aitc :home. 'li>' J iîl-'t Nix:"Of tas in tis r-orld ge l u1 re Iar-aRfor, anti I cannot gratify ycrîi. br:t yoîr iili gel a quarter cf trIrat yen> ar-k for. Tl'ie prisoner-Give ilte me for life. Tht' J itde-Dont stand clratteriuxg 'lreî e. 1 xx î>xît givi' 2oii tr'etty vears, butl yotr vili have fin-e years' pi-nal ser- vit ude'. The prisener ivas rcemoved front the' dock exclaiming lcudly, *'Make it ten; sir, gi-e, me ten." WOMAN GAVE HOPE. Danger Past, She Swooned and Wal Carried to Shelter. Hali fax, N.S., Feb. 14.-Believcd to have been iost in the terrifie gale that lias been raging with increasing f ury for two days, Captain Gorst, tirree passen- gers and ten of the crew of the steagrn- ship Damara. Nvhich foundered on Nlus- quodoboit Ledge Turesday morning, are safe in the life-sax ing station in I>leas- ant Poinut. The party lawled f roin a lifeboat af- ter 12 hours 9f cdesperate battling witth the elements dur.ig the nighit. TIhe wind and thick snow prcveuted communica- tion being restored with Pléasant l'oint until late yesterday afternoon, and there was generàI ixnournintg for the seamen ndpassengers long aft er they w-ere ail snug- with the life savers. A remarkable story is told by Captaini Corst. lie sayý that wlhen the strength of the mca pîactically vas gone tliey ,were inspired to furthier effort by .Mrs. PVowsp, the one Nvoman passeuiger. Mrs. ifos bore up Nvonderfully until th.e likeboat bail bei-n puiled on thie beach Iq the coast gruards and sonie of th(! 19 tf the crev of tue l)Daniara l who irad tiande Plélsant P>oint in a lifeboat a1 tow hours after the wr eocurrtýd.- 'lheu, eoinplcteIv exhausted, she faint- cdl, andi \as borne limp and appareai. y if-c to a fiihi-rîaan'ý, cottage ncar bvy. liere- site w ai rî ic in hialf an htr, and ilowi\ 1'-, rictltillîg thle iorse for i- e> cx- leie ue.sae ighit firostbite on hodh cars. E% -îy-N person in thie lifî,boat t"as niouîed by ir>-)st. It m'as -,wtih the gp-atest ditficulty that the' shore mas reached. L'aptaini Gorst said that after lie had put off truai the wreck ite attenipteti to kî-ep withini s1ight of the other lifeltoat. T'l'i Nath- i-r tvas se t ]îick, loce.that tii-t as ixipossible. Foi. fonur lion r-7,the inan j'a- lnîri-d ila talat,) litad the ,cm ft i:or 1>îasa n t Point. Tho ge alv cautiglît 1. lie lif"Loat andcr d it tari out to -4"-a. it iSCji'lSi i f13 j! W e tîl. ooao-fd xot dah,'Said Ç'a1taîin G<orst, ut \\r0- >irisld.na ili) v 1ia son (of :1- -. li il» xx con -îa xl) . i rit-i -g thitt -\\-o r :xaiia itadwa v t>w ard lanîd m-lienît:-i vý(» as at-h cf U- inuN- tCw>-ebe- ixîgr icat ext au:k. Sti il. we' c<ildtx fot g'iV iii) t h e bttle w i tl ii -nlta 1>1 o ky I1ttU- w N\Ilion uxgngi tas .-ion..and wc twpý claîixgliards a t thlicon rs h ont a t er Itînîxr::: il W'-wé, -i> nahir(d tg)ara ke shir-o ) ix-ail j!.r ift (if the WmiI. r ttc tl-iii > toara -. i p lier>: tii i t t>> t itoth t 1> -a'. \n e t c - a x x"-r r aid 1-r1.- and rhc rr 1:1 e-c. \\ ~':w'we mexrab 100 f .t t: un: ilt 1- -;Iii. 'llo '- l liite>! ')v ;1 9t>.u r )If* 1oh tii--tî.and a-r lAie r i *VVgt-ii l r itxx i-h 'it, tai. r in 1>1 'w- o . 'rî1t d>wx:ixîintant!r _ P t> x i r> o lha i ;g'-t>I touhal'a i oi> xnii tii" iii<'a>,cl o1it:l 'îLe Nwtrt' tiff V.-l> c * It '-tr- -tw> t'>ihrinot ln Iliod-I-- -'t"'1-011E(: xll t a t ir txr ilinj' i-u - Iii l..îiri'a terr, rît: Ill rai 11>> irt VESSEL BROKEN UP AMID ICE FLOES AND MEN FROST BITTEN. a-t -.~ra.--Ni F--'lt. 14.-Tire or-x f ri. t i Ill u rta' <t i-h-u: tlil i- the 'uni:i , -.. '-i>r t'. wtu - i! ira thre t>oiti-. at-i N\1*0 'ii' rt - tiîr'rî. uaa n trk- i .>l >îdI nîlîru'. i- i. h ni xx. - n i -at tînt r il -i . r a i-- - -. rtcrd: t a>~t r >> îî'rît - w r.iar- l'l it' -- n-i -"n 'i' till i tnt h i t >OI It unI u rIN , THE -jrHI-PINE'. t n-' c ;iiii t t the ni',art t lu j i-'tii' -rin t nat i li I lu i i ie i la.-of tcou 's it a u an ai t lit i i t -iaa on'F. -ut> t i i x r tî '- r-s ru r-a.i.aTht-a.-eix noicniutrr' s. Onbtr' Frui , - ýnr xi'.i l.ise 'nd lieu teanar.tto-f scou' i.>> r le N a i. -oned o eth Saotmt'ulEnaage havh Pulajanestd Cap-un Tgdu atfr Six unsbyo. Ou oz nr c -rt ira i -it nu- tert at ihe Wro p rt- ioo eugientent.etscotsaveth PlranesaddtiSan j anc. antar ofiantrF e Cn Sixgunavee teître d Therseries n e aulie. One ionair Pisnes l-basbeen ioatedtMant gepo e e. I ave erdonered anxuddtionat icy. -', KING OSCAR 0F SWEDEN AND NORWAY, Who has handed over the reins of government to his son. i j -f.- f i '-j REFUSE TO RESUME STUDIES. Violence Thneatnined -by St. Petcrsburg b eCa oi rm Ùe Pae etn (0'..>.ol Fo Fr PaeSttn in tht' present systencf government rvill tic undcrtalen. Coater-' t1irtati uilîs anti otiier fac- tories at Ltdz ha~ve adivanîced tbe strikers Lbmee dar's*raer.aillîcrîgît te money r- itot legaiiy dut'. ltitcsniills m e- fused to pay, axnidtthe - -rlxten titrent- -ned te wmt-ck the' xiils. A inax:ufac- tumer orf the name tif Slcigert aIsr-te- fusedi b paîv. lie r'>as st'ttd and a r-e- volviretr\vats hieh t t>luts li-aid unjil be prontîa'eîi to pnv tir- îxrrorx. Theme tias arit to-a at 'ailt ijt.l'ie stildier< I i sierr-ri titi-ritr r-ti ith a v1 e -riich kiii1ed ont' anti rctritded ti ier'-. i

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