WHITBY, ONTARIQI WEDNFSDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1941 1941 SAGE * ~ i~sa ime.ssge to everyon~ in our whole co*1ïýOm~tý;ýwwn - 'ind cpun±zy il é. k in' apý%-CbrîstmiAuppeal-taw theI < ienci of îp hin4 i .W. jhavp c>u l 18shopig dqrs >pore Cht6tmas. seèi of çwar1 w tum* -theapiit e bybérving C py 44n Wauons if obsera ismaé f thy cap i fer and secr'ecy.J-aplwca anýd' shah,, in tii.ùst4aIway, 'plain and shop for our gciod-wiIl gifts. Lot us steirt ,ight-now toi$ . frismnot a bit toc, arly. In this we offfer comramexit and séeto, Wadesourselves to bath town people a*dl ontrypecple. To thosé In the cou4try wté-^wou1d say that WhitIay, for ovor half a century, d.evéd anjdïgoIt die- whoehearted support of this country- But the. automobilçe 4 Laà chanagedi:this ex1nsîîo1ty. Now shopping -goos sbre4to a cop0.èlrable degee-to the cigie. where an odd cent hée oçtnc4therto iùviteiê i-aving. a te hé,0" o 1gâs snd ou o*1eth, -ail -this-yttç bargaîn' was.there--it waà adviri- tisel. -FIo vrwt tvii~ ~rsrictip usgigto- *greener« fielda" tîfishom, aiste greatlytcho gocn. Saright hero W. 1i1ntroducç tii. pIe of conscience And goaclwill. Why, vigt let tus reoove this Ch "tnswth war iupon us, to hairk a b the -jood <laya anddo Ail of our gift mng in tie oaid homo 1 Ãk - 'ý, lie .RL