Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 2 Jan 1941, p. 4

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THE WHITBY GAZETTE AND CHRONICLETHIURS,JAUR2,94 T HUNDER FROM: CE CHAPTER V Synopsis Rollins, tennis ace, dreamed e and glory when, as a Mem- the Davis cup teani he would ýor Amerca. But lie falis In i-b Orace Worthlngton, rich cIally prominerit, who la wlll- cldef ylher famiiy and rnarry f he gives up tennis.. Fate in-, es. He injures bis ankle andl >tors aay he will neyer ffiay H1e an'd Grace are married ve blissfully on the aala.ry as saiesman in a sporting ,,,hop.. As kils ankle heals he ipied te return to .the oourts. _s agreed te play in a tourna- on the Sunday Grace's f amily them boîki te the country week-end. Grace goes aiene. cou.id not sieep Saturday Sundaýy rorning hie tried te but Ofaces condemnlng eyes ôn every page. He-threw the from him and turned on the, But thie mu. le ailed to soothe Hle kept wishing titat Orace- present so lie coulci have it, itk iber and have the subject ,decided. H1e thouglit of tele- g lier, but decided againsi ng that wouid make hlm ap- ýuity. Appear gulty? He waIs- as an. easy -vlctory. Se much hie reflected as lie took his r, than would lie bis con- over Grace. With h'er, he even sure- stayed at home al of Sunday g, but she dcl fnot retu.rn. vr he went to lied and feu into .esa, treubied sleep. en lie arrived home from work ýext day site was there. And rd Wbyte was witk iher. Ili." Her voice and the lips aiseci te his were cool. Dc me in from Eastbampton. I1 Iiaii ,;Lay te dinner." sheeok banda with Whyte. couir. Glaci to see you." ing Richard Whyte- -seated ln ýg chair near, the çwdndow, Len nore acutely aware than ever of the otber's good lookcs, ise, bis social grace. heir you.re doIng awfuily ýYhyte sald. "<Cracking the' as tel he way you used to a tennis bail." could not explain to hinisel! rlhy he resented Whyte. There rnleihing in bis- tone, perh&ps. bad one or two good breaks, s, hereplied wltli a amile1., ýce saîi: VBut be's stili a ten- ayer at. heart and not a busl- mranl, Dlck. Aren't you, dar- bit hils lp. What was Grace, mnaking sport of him before >tiber man. ' He was' in thee be knéw that. But lie'd been wrong before about things âe'd neyer aoted tbis way. Was er idea of punishing hlmi ,versation during the simple, .was for the most part friend- ýt cool anid restrained. At iast had cigarettes and coffee ln viXlg roorn. Tien Wliyte t00k .ve. He thanked tbem for bospitality. conipllment-ed on the charmn 0f the apart- and hopeci they'd be out aIý ampton very soon. ce waiked from the foyer oe the living roomi and swieh- tle radio.,She sat in the ig whlel Wbyte liad receehîy va.- Fer sonile reason thls both- Len. But lie kept bis vdice unexctted,- when lbe ,pokë. want you to knowý," lie sald, I dîdn't tel you about- belng lied' te play yesterday after-. 1 meant te tel yQU that same gr youl toIld Mre abot tfhé l"- ind walked fromn the room. iowed lier. Skie wenî mb toe )om, slammed and iocked the ýent bacir Into the living, He oouldn't remember witen ver been se angry about any- Damn women anyway with rnarrew ,snge-track mincis! e had ever znarrled was More îe coulci understanci. Tbt*ow- eedom away in exehange jor t?'%WhY. for practlcally every- he want-ed te do lie had te n hii seif firsîr "Wil it be ht 'wlth Grace?" or 4Wiii be wiling?" or say, "I'd bel- Lire sure Grace hasn't iade* plan."s'Tbat's the way IV :Qlstantly. Grace. this, Grace Grace the other tilng. It the dcevil was she doing in She wouldn't be a littie fbel. rsc net. An argument-sure. ie woildn't-bathroom. The, bothered him. H1e dldn't lilce niade hlm thinir of razor and ilodine. Only yesterday paerle had'read-he was ballirooni deor knocing on Bsy VICENT RICHARDS "Are you ail riglit?" He raitled the -knob, 'il smash the -door clown if. you don't answxer.", "'-all rigitt," came -in a small muffieci voice. 'Titen open the door- or Il'il-" lie threw himself aganst It. The locir turned,,over., He twlsted te Inoli. Openeci the dor.. Agreat andi overwkielzning relief fiooded hlm. There was neititer raser biade nor bodie bottle in slght. Skie' was merely sitting on the black end white hamper, -sôb- sing quietly. It waas stock cckicng tlnieat the shop andi Leri was countlng andi re- arrTanglng eqiýipent. Perched ten- feet above tae floor lie took the 'boxes Weir handed .up to hlmn, atacing them'on the stock room shelves. Anether row and thte lacider would have t10 li ovedt. 1He considered. changing Il even bèfere startIng te, next sheif-, but decideci to reacli the distance. By stretckilng arm fuliy.extendeci,-he coul i man- age. 'The first box was piaceci. The second -one suid as be tried te put il' on top et the firàt. It b appened even before liehad time te prepare hunisel!, te regain, his equllibriuni. Thie sharp -intake of Welr's.breatb -and his own short cry were ýsimuitgneous with the scraplng ladd.er as it went out f romn under him. One 'thouglit fiashed, penctratlngiy clear lankils minci a lie feU'hiseilf wbirling tbrough aspace-the- ankie! lUs itands fiay- ed for, somethi'ng te holci te: bis felegs andi bedy prepared then- selves for the shocir Ihcy knew. must ceme on .-collision wltki the hard. cernent of the* stock reom fioer. Andi tIen miracuilou*sly lie was standing there, shaken, witite-faed. breathlessiy amazed' thal lie was safe, and Weir wýas inquling'soi- cltously -if lie was hurti' H1e sheoi kils head, still puzzled ai the Imarvel titat lie lad -managed te land upriglit. That lie haci land- cd, the full welgbit anci force of lis six feet and. one lundred and elgkity pounçis, almesi upon the weak lef t foot. Andi tle ankie anogie way! banegve Unbellevlngly, kils. breathing net yet regular, lieirotted arounc, _,x- perlmenting., Wkiy, the ankie fait fine!, Sliowed -net the least bit of strain, under. the terri11c jeit il had. just wilhstood.. "That the foot-that was njured?" Weir- querîed,.kils volce a lîttie straînei, kils, face fluskied from te f riglit of liaving, seeni young* Rollins coma hurtling titrougki space. len nocideçi. '"Yes. Fuany, lsa'I ItTiey told- me If anytmkiln lime Ibis avec bappeneci Il wouid-buî ie sfuny. Very.funny I I wonder"'- hshrugged. "Shall-shali we finIsh Up?" Dr. Laopoide Weligrat was a shortý, totaly baic man 'witki large owlisit eyas. .The speclalist -llstened carefuly Wh'lla Lentold hlm every- thing,, about theeaccident,, lie ne- movalof the bandages, wliat the bosptai'doctors itacisald about kils neyer belnÉ able le play agaln, of bis lall from tlie ladder. Net once di Dr., Walngrat Interrupt, -but wkien Len finishleci speaking lihe nocdeci thoughifuily. So-o-o-" lie sali, titan'ordareci Len te taire off bis shea and sockr. Thc doctor placeci th e foot up on an ottoman under a. dazzling white iigbt. H is fingers moveci swiftly, su rely, ovar tee sicin andi flesli, and. bene. 11e lappe4 genily, twlated. '<Hurt?" lie grunteci. Len sheo i is bead., "That?" Anether twist. 'That?" Stili anether twist, tle* ether way. Five, minutes e!ftitis,'- then he growled.- "Well X-ray It- Iliat is best. Se far-"lie slirugged bis heavy sbouliders. "So far-what, Doctor?" '<Ail riglit.^ Perfcctly. ah riglit: But' I can't le sure, young man-yet." - H 1e wagged a finiger. "But I'm net of len- wreng, young man, Ne, net o! ten.' He crosseci the reom and wheeled te X-ray machine Into Position. Four pictures were taken- one, froini cdi de, ene frem the top 'anci another. from the botteni. '<Coma temorrow il Ib-tis timè," Dr. .Weingrat said unemotionaliy,. "and J'Il icI you .know." ".#Se," Dlr. Weingrat greeted' Len when lie was usherec an nexi day.ý " on time, eh? Sit dewn." lue crame te, Len ,wltk i peces o! sometliing tatl loied like pbotograph film lan bis, kand. TIen punctualec kils speech wlth flourishes -o! the banci titat lielci the X-ray ,revetations. "Young_ man," lits, voce was 'gruif, but mi. "Your case Ia a very., strange one. There às a smail bone- ln lte anile-",titere foliowcd a detailed scientiflc anci tecînical explanatien wblcki Len someliow survîveci. DrWe- grat conciuded, -while Lea itung breatkilessiy on every terse word as l came from lte 3p ciaiist's.*teicir lips, "titaeeIs rne reasoýn, n one at ail, why you aliouidnt'Iplay tennis If yeu waaî 10.- Tiat ankle yeu neeci neyer worry about- again. Il is' as slrong a-,q-weii, strong. as Ikiat of a younk~hôrsel!» Thte room wu splslnlng. Len,' try-ý .lag te keep his. voica frem. cracking, mereiY sali, "Ilil leave. my name andi address wIth the nurse se you'i knew witere-Ieo send'tee bill.", And tIhen, la a daze lie founc h is way eut mb ite sireet. People were passIng, by andi automobiles were itummIng -aleng Park Avenue, losJng tbemselves in.lte ramp that ran. around lte Grand Central others lnîtersecting- at giVen dis- tances. And over green, grass gleaming, white-clad figures' were swingîn- racquet!ý asà a white bail f iew ever a coi-rectiy sioping net, andI there, was applause-that sounded like fain -beoting heavly on a tini roof. Ai one of the playera .wasýhimselI. * 'Durlng the iext month Len pay- ed at dîfferent clubs against flaen *ho- were ranked in the f irit ten. 'to0photch ýcompetitien q u i ck 1 broughl. back bis game. He was, In facz. better than he had- ever bten befere. SincQ bis enforceci retire- lment hîs strD!,inqg andI service a-p- ,peareýd te hav e impreved both in power ai sk:ii. The newSpapersý ave him columna 0 f space anti mientienedt. hîm frequently in- con- nèctien with 'he Dav'is Cup te.m. Th-ere awa a change ini his rela-. tinship te Grace-subtile, but defi- nite. She dineti alone no-,-when he was late, instead of waitin- for hinî anti of ten ia s net home when -he camne in. No longer ditI shè Storrm er plead with iîim about running of week-ends leaviDg her alone. lt seemeci. after. that first stormvy scene when hé had teld ber abeut Dr. Weingrat's diagnosis, that ahe had resigned' herseif, to the - imvi.- table. But il waa Frank WheIýatiey wne first opened Len's eyes andtI then Len, blamed Grace ând not him-self. .He went,direc-tiy. home fellowifig LITTLE -ANNIE. ROONEY 1 DON'1 SE I4E5 A OOG-w ~ANYRN ECEF4~ ý-4E MATES; -E 1DIHA N LUCA? WICE SACkl -r W1N5TIIHT -THE PIGHT.W0GD PO «THANIKWM' YU POP SAVIM' MY DOG WHEN He: DOS- KETCHEQWA45 %CAU5E ZEPO-165 THE NicE6ST LITTLE POOCH F4 THE WHOLE. WO;2LDý AN' I.LOVEHIM JU5T *I LIRE 1. WAS MIS FATHEQ AN' MOTHEP 1/3 ~ r '<p 'v YOU STAMO -fl-EE AN'. iN CM5 yOd 5IIG JNLE ~1f nSUT GPAWD ýAN' EVEPy miGHT IPEMEM- BEQT0 eAYAPAE TUÂT !'MOTHIM' llWIL HAPPEI4 TO ER match toe have it oe1ut withi her,-but G AN EXTENSION she was netthere..By -thé.L time s-he did arrivýe, he iiadex aggerated-h~~O U O PA E truth a hunhdcdfold. To Be .Continued. Torito Dec. 31, motorists ia, DISASTER .ON..-DISASTER etrawrgiea1-dyp- Foý of grace for taking eut lCý4, Scaristen. England, tCF> - Fw e icense pl ate and. opcratiný. pe- .men: were killed amcl a .- abcth in-i tý iured in -a fail of 's tone in a u Hi.TB.N(Qne, i-'s*r hamh celliir'.Tilev wNce reniov- of Hîgwaswh, in gil :. ite iI.. ersfrom a rvosfýali. fextensýion, l. YOUPE QIG4r kT-HE i A DOGCAcE, WAITIMG -ToT-pAP ZEPOý! OFCOURS5E, DE5OL'tONIM4SDUY-B-- l CLOSýEO TWE DOOQ AN1ý WOULD NOTALLOW' iHE DGdTH~ UCOME lIM -- OU kWOb AM' EMGKNEOOM 15 A IDAMOGEROU PLACE MITTrEID TOENTEP f AMY HOISE, 5-4 ZEQOI Gu55-l'O DIE -,AM' iF ZEQ tUie Ak1LLBII MFEt TrHANk.YOUTOO.10 LET'5 kNA WALK PA5T THE 5EZEPO THQOUGH mi r OH;YES, MA'M -1 T -rH TE FOOD 1 5W'ELL .wE: 4AvE- mEATAIti' EVEPV- TRN~ 'L BETC14À I'LL 500MGE me 1sf j bv Prc tutU? anti l'iH: t) 52 cher ' Ils saîti SI:. M staicnwîtt. At 7~îi WONIDE.Q 11-4EM DEI JU5TLI '/QU' KK.OW YOuAPE 5UPPO5ED k -ro 5TAY lN rHAE .LAYQUD ANO NôT LOITEQ AiQZOUNZDTH-E -' YE5. KITC:HEN M'A -TUEW I TE.LL ME.WHYDO0YOU 5PEMODSOMUCH TIME PEE:kIG II'T0TM-RE GAQBAGE CAME? 7~4E COOI-<PÈPOQT5 P-E k14 NO11-iCED YIOU SEVEPAL TIME5-PEMO)VI G T;UE COVEQ5 AP'4D- t WOIT DC six By Brandt GOODNESS19ÀClous, IEIO"MiA"Yl".LOOk AT THA, MAMI STAMOIKIG IN, çPoKT OP THE .LUNCM-POOMWfTH-,HI!5 SAMOS IBEliiND MiS BACK!ýf =É.IVIED.A LETTEQ FPDeA «TH c w«. ya*IÉ. MW-Am ýl e4OWALL DO l ABOUT rr-TWAIr -15 ITO 5AY-ý i,ý r-ýè46ilZ- fflM HEELPED A STRAY-WG - 'THE DWÇZ WA5 OPEW lre you KWOW 'blLýFROM«THE DOr--CArCý4EÇ>5 kwfflý»N- .4mo A sTiPAY DOG PU5HED, THWG ABOUT WTO 7HEýEMGIWE-P0Ã"M _rHE MATTEQ' PM- cr; Jm a [-

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