Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 2 Jan 1941, p. 1

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t' -THE, WHITBY GAZETE AND CHRONICLE TI-URSDA.Y. JANUARY 2,.1941 ~htb ownshi Coses YerwithSbstan tial .As-You-Go Policy pted. Early in The Ir Carrieci Out to vnship's Advantage ECTEÉD MORE LX ARREARS. 'inancial Statement Pr e- ýented to The Ratepayers t The Nomination Meet- ng on Monday the closa of one of the hast. ncial years ia its' history, the iship o! Whithy had a surplus ,1,615.86 according .tlite state- t-presanted. at Couniclls final ling, and aise, at the nomination ing at Broollin on Monday, by. surer S. R. Rodd. e ly pursuing a pollcy o! psy- !u-go,Vlie Council met ah eobrI-, ons and closed the year .wl th a [table 'sliowing. he financlal statament was pre- ed la tihe form favored'by te rtment o! Municipal Af! airs, is 'very clear and concise,, with items of receipts and erpendi- !s claarly indlcatad under sep- a. heads. otal rçceifts for the year ware 978.37, and expendituras that )uZt less the $1,615.86 surplus. ecapitulatiori cf receipta shows main items as f ollo'ws: axes 1940, $38,806.47; axrears o! 9, $797.37, governmenàt road nt, $3,793.90; railway Vax, .92; provincial ax rebate, $1,- 70; âùrplus, 1939, $281.90-, patri'-- grant, $1,418.25, icenses, .75; scliool purposes, $206.79, rat, $149-00; loans, $4,000.g0: ef refund, $1,208.26; miscellan- 5, $26.06.. oma'of te main items of axPea- irs are: Roads and bridges, $7,- ,12; salarias and sllowancas, $2,- ,58; count.y rate, $21,562.50; ool section rates, $13.451,41-, dit- relia!, $1,408.63; deabantures, $5,- ,5; loarts,$4,O 00 0 sheep killeci dogs, $191.,S5; Brooklin,,Ashburn tMystla treet iglts, $800,98; ats and feer,_$1,556.25. jooa progre.3 lies made thit..yosr tha collection of current taxes, [le thé amount o! arre-grs was atly reduced. The couaceil- a 'na forward staP o reduce 'if slble ýVthe amount baing paid out ualîy for sheep killed by dogs. 'onté, Dec. 31 tP -aa army oficers-especially te ger onas--must"'keap constant- guarc o see tisat thair swag- ichis are rnoV taken for souv.- rinsg thle holiday season wth nany. attendant ýoclal func- thse sticks disappeared at a rrate than usual causlng higli cament expense. The younger 'rs su! fered te lardest, for feminitia companions s eamed en 'pmrticularly isard -byV-te mir huntllîg fad. e lost fout a! themn at dances dy,"' said one officer at Ie.2 ary District Headquartara. ona 1 carry ncaw i3 net as r as tlhe ones I've bast. 1Ion tisat they are noV50 axieus Le tliem if It la only s plain o! stick," i swaggar stick was sean more duzizlg the Flrst Great War IIQw. At that tima the mera se ranks carriad thean while r& carried caies. About fout i ago the stick waa macle a ulaory part o! a commlssionad r's unform ad at the samie prIvatas andI noa-commrission»; fflcers vere ordered Vo stop .rying tssam. :t la about two feet la lengtlia.nd ptirpose k. te show tisa-lands swing more freely whien mrch-' eor walklng. Ubee'more 1.ncy es are côevrad vîtItleather and va the off baers' regimantal crests iraved on tha&. rhsose are tise ones nsost llkaly. We îlited.to PASETES EAEN St. Louis. Dec. 3.-'.Paul- ints defeaWtehtie league-l",ding Louis Flyars 2-1 here Sunday rht in an American Hockey, As- ,lation jarne. Tise Suints are Ia aead' place, two games behind tise MI~.' Lloyd GrSsa acoeed tise vin... ig goal lI the third parlod after ck Keating Ismd iad tIhe count, U Kendall tallted for the'Flyera. RE-ELECTED OSCAR DOW$EY Whio will ha tisa reave -of Whltby Township for the years 1941 and 1942. Ha was elated-by acclamation at tise nomination r meeting lsald ln' Brooklil on Monday afternoon. AI PRISENT [EVEL (Contlnued from Page 1) years the deitý had ibeen cut la baîf,.standing at a littla over $300,- 000 today, and witli mo'st o! that ameunt t, , li labîlity o! the Éub'lic_ UiVyCommission. Mayor,,Rowe anounced that lie would again be a candidate for Mayor. Ha tliauked bis colleagas in Coùnucil for thair fine co-apea- tien during the year for tise good job hey lad. donc for the tewnf, and lie also expressed lis apprecia- tien of bbc co-operation and. fair. Pl ay of Vise pre2s, and o! tise faitl- ful- services'rcndered by mambers o! thse ofiestff Tells of -P.V.C. Ernest 1Harner , chairniano! Vise i.Publir TIti!lyc 'a~ cn pe Ing on a nomination for mayor, gave in detail soea intercsting fig. ures -rcgardi.ng tise growth of tUe Commission's services te the.public ovar a perlod of years.- Furtlier raI- erence ta Mr. Harpet's address will appear ln aur next issue, as wa f eel, it sliould ha given mare prominance-. Must Reduca Dclii J.H. Ormiston,,, speaking on a nomination. for muay or, -told tise meeting that until Vise Council*.- annual major expenditura,,the psy- ment o! interast and.principal on Vise tewn's debentura debt., wa.% further substantially rcduced, tisera vas littie hbeco! any, great rcduc- tien inVise ax rate. ,Haepoînted eut thafthte Council isad*under Its coôntrol ai er the taxes were levlcd' less; thian.$7000,vitI whlch, Vo op- erate the varions civic.services, and tInt Vise great er portion o! hsý ameunt ' as* expended& on streets, insurance, and the maintenance of 'tIe fire department and:civie prop- erty.' Mr. Ormston eliarged that Councils- o! past ye ars had exercis- cdfalse economy in neglecting Vise Town Hall, vicis, lis declared, vas flot aven safe for public use. A littIe spant ascii year -woufd have main- tainied V-te building, -ha sakl. Nov, or rather before long, If the prescrit policy was msintalned, it weuld take a fortune Vo'de tise work. ýOn tha question, e!o a twe-yaar term, Mr. Ormiston said- that the Coun- cil had macle a mistalca lanet sub- mitting sucis an. important quesýi- tion Vo tise'ratepayers, aven lg Vie latter had noV petitl ,oned for I. Ha saici that la othe r places the Caun- cil lhad takan tisa Initiative in ttis respect, submldttlag a referendum Vo, Visa, lectors. ,Tise speaker. con- gratulated, the- prasent Couacil ,on b.ts caraful liandling.o! civic fin- TOWNSHIP .,CLEK' WILLIAM G. MANNIWG Clark ef the_ T.wnsipo! whltby, whosework uhmae bis ap.lntm"t severai monthsamgo has beanu marked .wlth progressandmxisuecees andi witIs satlsfmtlrn t the Cou.- CiL5 JNICIPALITI ýýIN THE' ST -POS'ITIO-N .FOR NUMBER 0OF-YEARS Mwnnrôntv mi 'ti rk. . Nne weiirel asked. Mr. Irwin then annôunced that he- would'again be a candidatei for reeve, and asked the electors fer support. Reviews Finances Councillor J. M. Reblin, as chair-' man o! the Finance Comnsittee hs 3'ear, speaking. on a nomination fer Ree've, ointed eut that the Cooncil had. closad the y ear, wit h a surplus due largely te the, geod'work cf 'the varieus committees in keeping expendîtures down in the -face of. the financial handicap cf the- bs o! half a mill on account of tise prgvinicial subsidy and the unex- pected extra accosint 'ihinh the Town had te- psy te the -Couity of Ontarie, both ite'ms i¶volving a de- f iit of shoot $3000.00 whîch -had Vo be madie up. The Council. ssid Mr, Rabbin,liad been successful in éîeanin-g up -censiderable taqx ar- rear$ and a poicy whicli se Stat- ed sliould be. continue&. witli every ratepayer being required.te psy lis just dues te the tewn. Couneiblor* Roôblin'pai4' tribute te hbib colleague. coat*,Iclt'W~ii.et 'îusnfi i patriotic, action la volunteering in the service of king and country sud stated that he would be greatly missed ýat the Ceuncil- Board. Coun- cillor Reblin stated -that he 's'as lcooking,,fer advancetnent ïf he ran -at aIl and promlsed te make an an- neunicement ta the taxpayers Vlraugli the local paper'as te lis intenti.ons for 1941. Coimmittea Saved.S20OO Councillor P. S .Mills stated that the sum o! $2,900.00 ha9d been levied fer the townh property çommitîe of whlch lie was chairman.. and-'thiat after. meeting ail expeniditures there W.as .a;.balance Vo theecommrittee s credit o! $200.0e. He pol.nted eut that the latter amotlint had iseen .-set- aside for Town 'Hall, imprevet. ments but tha t iVflad net been found possible Vo do anything hs year along hs line. As a matter of- fact, thse renevation bf the build- ing, fo put it in the shape that IV slould ha in, woubd require a large amounito! meney. He believed that aIl worlc dene on civie property' sliould' have as- its object and final goal a colfiplete job, and th .at tlis would have te ha the case, in con- rection witli the Hall. HIe pointed euoýt further tia't censiderable work isa4 bean donc hs year on -o.wn property andthat ah local trades- men liad been given equal' censid- eration-in the matter 0f awsrding' O! Contracts. Councillor Milîs ex- pressed tise desire ta "«step up" .and- deflnlteby announc&l that lie would be a -candidate for thse office of Deputy neeve.. Maka Clvic Services'Psy On ýa, nomination for cotaicil,; Andrew ,Xuir expresse ci ýthe view, that cvrusps ould be made, a paying etterprise if properly oper- ated like any other business, and that-Ifsuc-h a pollcy was embark- ed on .by the Council It would*nôt be necessary to borrow* so much moexey frornth, bke ach year. upon Which huge amountý had te be paid4 for Interest. Mr. Mgirý ex- pressed the opinion that one, reason the -taXpayers did flot attend Coun: cil meetingswas thatthey were flot, lively enoUq&h. "Create something interesting and you yuýl soon find that the ratepayers. will corne around as they used to do là the good old days," said Mr. Muir. Councillor -Johni Larkin, chair- man of Relier - Commlttee,. was pleased to report that owing to im- ýproVed emplOyment conditions, the towW' direct relief bill had. been lowered'this, year, but liepointed out there had been an incilease in the cost-of hospitalization o! indi- gent Patients. Mr. Larkin said that a dloser -check 'on the, la tter phase Of town relief was going to. be kept by Oouncil next year wlth the hope. thtsome reductlon miglit be made. .Mr. Larkin told the electors that as a meml>er .o! CoUncillie haè en- deavored ta -advance.whenever, pos- sible the interests of the ratepayers and If returned to office next year le would pledge his.,utiiost in* sup- i.oet 01 oUnd civie adniztaio. .Mayor to. Serve For',a Fourth* Term anceé. He deplored -the lack of. in- terestinli civic affaira5 at, a time When iJt appeçared- that industrial development in -the district woul have a favorable reaction on the' town. He sald that- it h ad been his ambition t b mayor of the town at one time alter six y'ears in, Coun- cil,,,but -the lires. of ambition had now smeuldered or died andi he had no further desire- to serve on. any clvic body. Saved Couflly Money ReýeveA. Mansell Irwin, speaking on a nomination -for th at office, took partial credit for redicing,-the numb*er of days'spent by the Coun-' ty Councîl at the, three s-essions of tjie year transacting the County's business: When lie cam'e into f- fic .e, the Reeve said, he found t' 't7o muchitm was' being ';"e/t 'which was non-pro-ductive at ý,e session, côsting the Count'y a lRt cf money. Largely dufe to his. efforts, an impirovement had'beený made. In 1938 the Council sat,26 days, but in 1939 and 19.40 only t.wenty days wererequired to complete the, coun- Ly!s business. and -it was- well han- dled. Mr. Irwin 'said th-at the tîme- sav ing spirit was. stili in the Coun- cil, largely through his efforts, and would benefit the county in future years.,He pointed eut tnat, the time saved in the two years represented saving of $105 per -day ine diem aflowance. Mr. Irwin alsoà re-. f errèd to t1h-e fact that, due te hiq. checking up with'the gas.company in Oshawa the county was paying ffyper cent, 'bas for gas at the county jail than 'itwa.s in 1932.' Mr. 'Irwin stated that ýhe had endaovor- ed.Lo give the town his best service both ln town and county_ councils. and offered Vo answer any ques.- R. S.., McLaughlin Tells of Part Played by_ Gen- eral: Motors. in Empi1 'War Effort Tu r ning Out, 335 1 Arny, Unit"s Daily - Sees Wider Opportun'. 'ity f or- Service in 1941 tBy R. S.. MeLaughlisu, Pres-.dent, General Motors o! Canada, Linsited.I The People of Oshawa, 'at Uhei dawn ef a nex year, have' thesatis- factionof knewiîsg that one cf the great industries vital to' their cons- munity lias -plaved a conspicuonis, if net the' leading, part.l ic he'ast transition te war-time efféctis"nr"e w'hich characterizcd Canada in-1910.. There .i.s ,ne paral.1el te tise a'i"m.t c! t's î:ctot' diu stry in. quick1ý ge'aring up fori preduction.cf a flood of arnsy ve- iicles..Tise numbe-r of units. deic- ed has been phenonienal, and Bri- tish. authorities hav'e 'been qucstcd as ssyingthat the Canadian trans-~ port equipmeut is "consider-ed to l'e of a very, soperior chara-,ter." Thousands o! Oshawa people ptayc(t their part in this task. sud to thons General,Motors extends thansaisud apprecistien. O pportunity f or service. pre"ent"F itseîf on a larger schle in 1941. Ex- pension of our prod7uctive effort wiil be eîstiýely in".une witis thse o- wnodledged enlineisce cf cor inicits- try lu the'* war pî'ogram'- te wlsch everyone' is lending bis ut-nosc"t. Ceninilmeuts alrcadv mnadeidi- cate that our efforts will be iitibizod te à:their utmcsftoteuraoiucé tise tremendous quan'tity of material -re- qoired, by bbeEBriis sud Canadian. gvernÈmentz. Today, in tlie midst o! tise seconsd Great War in which the.meon car bas taken part, it lt pertinent bo recaîl '10w the 'autemetis'e industry raacted te Vhe impact eof the ftrst werld conflicet. la our own.Cýnadian cenpany, the output of motor ve- hilhes in. 1916,more than detîbbed the 1915 total, and 'thc next year, Ilui R.S. McLAUGHLlN th' Os fi ure. again s.osred up- "'t', "s""" han aýnothex ' 00%.là e. st cf tnrose!it consditions and c c""iss:sts, it is neiit beyend o f Iuossihjjiîtv tîsat-pro- l"r"'"noie-ses usay ierecord- cdls:'"s tise preseut van. Ils'e',es Then, Vebicies Now. H>'otise ro le of the atotme- tis'e i, c! i iý.ir;'yuisn 'aar-time lias- ch"' dI greatly alîsce tIse - ay of MosAmiens sud the 'Semme. TU" o"ail bis limitations, bhe I te~ ~'ilIssstsis'd sscîs ef the i"ansp; 'r-Lponer for an arrny, and a DIx'iýi i"-ioiï called fer enly ,a h,.I"' ts of iisstor .s-ehicles, with a touit'uior" ,pcwier of 4,000, Today. a Bs sDs'ssicn oýissua 'oessess '2,710 's" ,?- 'hilsbs, cf 37 different I Iue : n a total horsepewer "'e"172.470. W ' ' r' "enoîsi'zaior. of the E niz piz 't. rin'saroaclsiug Ibis lilgit'de\ý ,gree, ' sala ti'emsen.douu'by inpert- "u-t " ":,.e svt'sih arose esrly iný 1940 in. co "ect icus with tise preductioh I iýf 'liles suitible fer war trans- uort G sîscial Motors of Canada abusis ti ocfay' preducing .215,mil-i- 'tas'y tnits per day for England,, su'd an ad-îîIJticul 120 vehicles per day* for Australia an& Indla-a 'total, 01 335 upits, every 24 houra..'Thiz repre- sents oneè unit every t.hree, minutes per working day. The predictien thiat the total out- put: for Canada wouid soon, reacli 600 military units per day was made. recently in the Hobuse of Commons by th e Hon. C. D.ýHowe, Minister of Munitions. At -that.*time (Novem-_ ber 20), ha>reveale d that 30,000 army trucka ,had 'been. delivered. in this cnnection 1 -should lilce te pay tribute Vo- the -ful ýdegree of co-operation hich lias been given. to the au toriiotive lndustry by, Army and, Governrnent engineers' and I tech nical. exp erts, wvho have lent inaua ble asseistance and guidance, while 'at the same tlrne refraini g. from any Ihterfetence- in the actual processes of, pioduction. Spend Immense Suma ' FRED T. EOIVE Who 'smaor of Whitby for 194Ï1tici 1912 by acclamation. H a occupied that office for three jr.aid jsý also. a formier county warden. This picture of-the mayor was taken n to cai fi on of the inaÙaguration of WhitbY's dial telephone s'y'tem to yeis ago. OnyHist ory WiiiTell' Part G.M. Atou rke rs ,Pl-ayed in,-Liby-an V toy Muriel Kerry statlng she wMuld like' a car wltli. a "ýTishar Body". _____ The Younag People ara givlng their_______ dialogu e, "-Sqllaring. 1V WiVhThe Bosat. Manchiester'..Commuunlty Club' on ThuraUy, evenlng. ' PLU G D Y 11We he ar John Ballard got - lest O LN DA - one -nigit "a -wihulea o, batter st.ayPosopnfo on, the road naxt time, John. éiopnfi Miss Delza Lak&tv, cf Cedar.Grbve, is with lier parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ths Lk .çr the i1dp'- ___________ Immense suffisOf money, have been expended by Canadian. auto- Five in The F.ield For ,obile concerne, In enlargémnIit.of "The Council, With Three plants, Increase of production facil- tiesý and expansion Of payrolIls, to to Be Elected enable theinte continue their pres--___ ent prodigious -output, of military ThereP will he, a real ûd~in vehicles. In:addition Vo army cars fOl teTwssp9 'tR and> trucks, it' has been feund , net pos- tîou~ sible Voadapt one O! our largéa Gen- c eral Moters plants in the Dominion Cote) frco, ms fo rlite manufacture . of munitions, somie of thep p o o. and production 0f sheli compéenrts Howýever, thhrontt(,:' is now proceeding et a rate whlch'afodeu-e.vs i t few yeafs, ago would'havre-been con - Council, ibere pronu o o h idedincredible. - great deal of intercat oFoo In the urgeY o! thé milita ry de- nm" ato0metnw, o~t mands, and -the strenuous and ef- last Mo(nd3 y, eetinîl n fîcient mauesbigtaken to tical]yl, nc. st"" " meet them,, sight :must'not be lest sceie.Those ulsýo iae týou' .fthe' domestic markcet- Canada is ierbt nterigaeWri' a motrizedcounry, wlth a presen'tDown oei Rdyad r .A ratio. Of one, motet car te eveery 9.5 MEe.Oldtmesret h persons. Our wliole.schele of un-wlil a -sPlit vote ts ons i~U dividual and1 communlty 11f e is bujit veryc close. arundthe-moE.car, and only tbe \\illiaIn 1Rte&r t a oos 0'.us most -extreme emergency Wivold reeve byaoimtoa sU . justify- an y 1curtailment In the -pr~o-l ,it isfn os duction of privâte motor vehicles. ; n~ otsi or s "FTreezlng" odlsLgial S vrweicinoaina i -tiiwî"rc The " 1f erezing," of current models in Mr. ReePsbr's favcor).' is an entirel .y differettmatt:er,ý and A vote'is being -en on 0' iV js only logical that less tme and question of a second ter "1d1(i s money should be expended, for' .the elected ne-xt ody tte" duration ou the war, .on- annuel îwo ye'ars. changes in motor cardesign and Fr oicnjjcil tere ae u in sU"iý construction. -But -'any Anterference f ield, Blak-e Anisý, W iiimW,' with the mobility o!. the-individual ney', Firank Drt',Gt's '1s: -such as reslri.ctions on, theýavail-' and A. C. ljiion.ijc zee a(-ý :"' abiyor use o! private automobiles t îci~*s ---would ha' a serlous: blow at the___ Canad ian civilia morale In thee '5 Pickeisgiý, Dc. -Nnnrto' critical times. i Pickering on Ioda' rnis *Furthermore, it, is only prudent' ta ot egit ia fnsU" e 100k ahead now te the day of vic- didates with sixbi,: s'sîae tory and the Inevitable recenstruc- frree ste û"d " '~~s tio eforf 1Vlaonly by. insuring an titeen foi'. nnto ais its «'autoniotive futur'e" th'at Canada conslt)rizsing n'tslIy n ,. . will be able te take 'ler righl-ful eprec nlci~mnU"ss place in. the post- 1war years. Care.th 1940 boarci. must be l.aken -o that aaa Wm eso,1940 "i"se . should, not, emerge from .tewrHDonfo pîs ivltb a 'deflcit' li er trisporta-' o'rwt ossii'rsB"-'~'t tien: fleet, There aie-.-ppreximit.ely 1,375,00ý0 motor vebicles at preient 'eperatîng on Canadian roadsc. In. an' average year, Canada produces 166,000 cars TàT E à' and trucks. If. production of these PC ER N î'flýw units were balted for eïen, a P C P U couple of years, IV iîs ebvious hew; A mneeting of tise rse'sc quickly the result' would, be faît in at BRrougzht.m on Mondas DPfe the slirinkage of the' civilian ve- hlcular fleet. 'Commere and' indtua-* meig'a enmnl a Vtry weuld.be seriously lmpeded, nsa- Deptvt-Reee and thr Coînc tional pregress obstructed in many Councillor. 1 ain a c.i[anidatefoir f ielde, >and.aà posft-war handicap made certain. I thave sersèd vn for il1w pa In iCanadg.'s best int-erest, this' vote and influe ne for cev-v1odu L muistbe avoldfed, for a great destiny thyer14.fI u rell awaits -ouf Dominion, and Vo thàt. pertsiriing 'btlie Town,1liip bt deàtiny- the automnotuve industry- .fa'orfvr 1 if peýrnitted 'V o develep uphamipered - fa rfvr -will con tribut.e in greàt and grew-' t.igmeasure. yacsoescte i h in eh,' 'le Otk bi pofý 1281, and I wa-, boriin ahVe I soul lke o tkethi epoî~ '~ ~~aoperate and '-o bav -unl4y o! expressing publlcly our a.p- <1 ecatgn ta our çplendid and loyal 'ing and Coîînly, of Ontario ai I ée ploê for' the héart-warMing )ef OrLtVhey have put for-th ino«ýrder Thanking îoiu for lthe coiii Vtoenablea us Vtoi get to thxe Front at te as, rnslî, yours failli .the earliest, moment, the, unprece- tdented. requireMnettpf '-the British and, Canad ian .gqverneit. J1t ' how mucli t.heir unstinited efforts- have.contributed. Vo. tho.ucso the -present Egyptian -camrpaign only_______________ -history wlll divulge. '___ To aIl our: employees, their fsm- Ries, and te t1heý citizens 0of Oshawa I - anid- district, I* extend my 'beat 1 wlshes for the New, Vair.To te E ct Mr.sle Walker, .Correspondent) epctui' Tv Dec. 31-ongratultio esoii To the Electors. of Pickern Township, As* senior member of the Council, 1 arn m seeking.,promotion. to the -office of TOWNSHIP of -PICKRERINGý 1 have taken this- step also because of the fact that the deputy-reeve of :1 940,ý Heber Down, now seeking re-etection, bas -sold bis f arm in the towniship- ;nd wiII be moving to, anothêr rnunicipality. He should flot therefore be asking xe-' election. *Ihave* served you. for, four years and. feel qualified that 1 can serve yçou in a *larger f iel1d. 1. wiII appreciate your, vote aM ifuence. RODRTRUDDýY. POLIGDAY IMONDAY, JANM.6

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