Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 29 May 1940, p. 2

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ACETWOTH-E WHITBY GAZETTE AND CHRiONICLE, WEDNESDAY, MAY 29, 1940 THEDEITORIAL 'POINT C0 I%bliMed aVer Wednsaday mac-insly Times Pub- IllShISaCompanyr ai Ohawa Llnsited. . M Macfldy, 55cedent;. A. P. Alomezi. Vice-Prealdentl Crydon M. C50dealtav, irectar. Ifîyvhe lai Canada $2.00 a year lna dvnce; aiSO a Yec ta subscribecahantire United tetease acthat foreiga couties. The date ha vblch thse stbShicption s Pal la lidieated an tise addrecs -label. Ads'srllsu.ng ratea on applicaion. Il 5. ORaIeTaN, Editar and Business Manager. Office Telepisonr't 703 ad 418. W5rrBY, WELNESDAY. MAY 2e9,c19a. Further Opportunitiesr for En istm ent Arinoaîîcernt ai the Minister af N' tional Defence et Ottaa a iew days si tiiet Caîtarici iicîeaoad war offart las iiaclde ltre t'erruîîîîeg ai a tbird divisic opens thre door of hope for many wl have been snxiouo to oirlisl far moatl but did flot have as atpaortunity. Altiaugi tire ornîaury et Whitby, righl ly or wrosgly, bas icen closed, and ail th equipmeoî romoved, il in presumed ti facilities for tiose from Wiitby and dii trlct wiro wanl ta jais lion coloris wllb made arailable, mast likely in Oshsawao Toronto. The serioua situation now coi fronting Great Britain and ber Allias, asý dlrectly Canada, mill fn0 doubt stimula'i recruiting, so Ihat tire difficuhty oxperi enced by the Ontario Regiment (Tank) tt get mven in Wiitby and district ta enliai 'afber the war first broke out wilI not fia exist. Il may be easier, we fancy, t( Ircutmen for inisntry unitis tban JI m ýfor the tank regimoent. There ae r any, laa, wbo ment ta Join tho air and naval forces. Speeding up of îs'scruiting for those should open up mais: opportunities. -We bave nover heen given ta propbecy, 'but we venture the opinion tisat befare tht war in avor, the services ai e*ery ahle- lbodled man In Canada wlll ha noeded by itiba nation. Britein and France may suifai erious reverses, but these wll not and the war, The peaple ai Bnitain and ai France wll flgbt on, receiving assistance frým ah] iparte of tioeir Empiras, until vlctary over ' Elerlsm and aIl the terrible aorrow, icruaity and tragedy flaw no much apparent. thae home front -mis cannot anisi cled jupon ta redouble aur efforts a sacrifices oi great magnitude, eywlll ho isotblng ln camparisan wltb 'thosa facod by thase an the flrhng hinse Airport Question Stili In the Air Tise question of lie establishment ai an 111fport in the Whîtby-Oshawa district appoara lir be etillimn the air, albbougb. wltb lie announccd intention ai tie gov- erament ai Ottawa ta speed up the Com- monwealth air training scheme, ane wauld tisini tiat sorme annouacomoat should ha iarthcomitig Fromn rebairlo infru-onatcc at band, based lareh on the fact ai land options beîng talien iatd property tatles being acarcied. it a iuld appear that a site nortr- mcdt ni the liiv ai 0inhama, la Eat Whit- bv 'liirnshil, mai' tee 'hrosen in proes-oence ta fie sile l. zig taetv.nn Heydenshore Park and ('rrbetî's Point on mmici Wioit- by's hopes haa'c forr long been centred. Of course, as aire-adn nofed. thare bas bees nothins- dcfîîrte, lit if dopa iegtn ta look as if tireur hrîpes are tri be shattered. If theme o an 'vhing fie t..uncil or Chamii)er oi Corrmerce of Whîthy ca do Vo cap îstîrn on whater er chance for Wliî't". ori hie eft. t soiod ire done at once ihere ion. riîtnie for delaN Mr W' ' H. Moore, M P , shouiti ie contacted cI once, in the trpe fiat rne defînete infor- Mnalin one wuo or anatter mnay ire ai- tai rieti Keeping in Rernembrance Thase Whoa Enliai eision ouf thre Town Councîl ta sacure fusc s 'ermnat en t recoîrd fthe namnea ai ail nien \i hi> enli t di ring tie praent mar rn h-Is Ma je-r %'a land s-a 'er air forces. sn a ce 1-'o ot---r It 1, lîlesumet tint cft tie close nif lire mac some ctep wttt ho taken bu keep tire flancs rf theme men te gratefut Poer rbrance, A re-cord ofi t hesr mes sm nom bain2 crsmpiled r)« Wit1h licani t of fie Cana - dian Legrion. and tp tire Wrn,'h v Gazetie and Cirernîcle. sto fief fie Fieuncil &hourI n\lit'ielicr na difficultvs in seeuc-eCg an ae-iurwe liîs oi naces Citizert wha know uf aifle e-ltîitng frocs Witiv maulti ho pe-rfornrîng a paîriotic c andi conferring a avor an the Les-ion ansd tise Gazette and AC.osLJs~~mti-ng along their namos. It ile a ma ;ter aifloeen regret that, la addition ta ke ping e record of their nanies, sanie lave h4saoct been meade ta pc-avide amie git for men leaaVrng ta serve aver- comunitieas.b« A in aonthis aino mas cas, aa bas. b1 tn ose ri thr an ae suggestad by thse Gazette and Chronicle monthsaega. The necessary gavornment sanction for tbo exponditure of civic f unda for this purpose migbt nota It is trua, bo iartbconslng, but funds could bava been raisod privetely under the spansorship ai saine local arganizabion. A nunibeofaimon beving gane oversgeas, we prosumo bhat action lis naw tati ste. Tisa best we cen do la ta halp such organizations as the Red Cross and IOD.E. lan making sure that aur men leck nohinÉ la Canada or aversoas in the wey ai comnforts. ha, A Great Challenge ta the ht- Church et Addressing a meeting ai tho Synodi a-. Taranta and Kinrgston recontly, Rev. D ha Stuar-t Perkcr, Modrator ai lic Presb3 or terian Generai Assembîy, said: "I hoj >n- that today at lest People ara reelizing th. nd thoy cannot ncglcct the Churci mark an .t not bave somnelhing happen ta them b( ri- cause afit1. Tic chas ai the world loa t, la a reoult. Ticy do notiing ta stem thr st tide ai peganismn and baz-barirna, untili 'w bits thein, tises they rail ageinet God. Tc te day wo ara heving a revival ai peganiint la It bas heen creeplng up on us, and ani effective mey lu combat il is ta place oui Ln foot iirmnly andi carry an Churci mark at f ws bave neyer dans befare." ýy Thesa are slrang wards, but with theyr many ministers andi laymen ai ail religiou -,denomlnatians wil agree. One fias anly tc Svlew 4 te ompiy pews ln churcies; ta soi -decseaslng numnbeg attending chus-ch aerv- Ices, and the emphasis heing laid or r cbemeis to l'aise Ileaiay for the claurcir a rather then on thînga more spirituel be e reahize that thcy are true. In tiese dayc ofa groat national stress, tiey came as a r challenge to lie visible churci te ha uit *and dolng, te ipe out religlous chaos and c onfusion, and maec-sel thraugh its wlde and v&Jued InflÙesica bbe message and t conf ort lb hem ta off or aIl mon everywses-e. A Leason of Faith Those of us wia are neot toa, bg ta go ta Sunday Scisool bave receineti useful help froin the study of tira lue ai a man namati Jeremniah. That he shoulti huy a fac-n was noet an unusual procedure but the condi- tions under wblch se hought it baveaa paculiar sigailcance fotr us in those daye. Jeremiais wac scer. The city in whlch ha lived was belng hesigeti by bas caun- trys& enemias -andi leceuse he edvised bis manarch an c a crtain lineofa actian ho wec flung itotajail. Now te ha imprisoneti at any limne is na more detail. Us these deys punisioment las meted out hy a Stalute ta meet the ofience, but la those days if one offendeti bis king ha mas likehy ta hase iis ioad or sui fer any otier penalty that tic king cas-edti flict. But Jeas-aaisms biali ai good alufi. Ia spita af i» bi i n gerîl and notwithstand- ing thet iaes beseiget ilis belo~fed countr-y ha still bcd iaith laniris own destiny and la the ultimata ihesation of hiri country. This is prsved hy thc course he took. Hie cousin came ta vîsîl hum ane day and told hiss that hisr Jerermîah's family in. beritance cauld ha parciaseti and mitirout vondering if ha would evor get out ai prison alive or if bis confry mesaulti ie lib- erateti Jerernich hougitthlInd sitar ha bcd camplieti witb bbc ncea'tary forasit- tics. Wbat c lesiore for uit Have me ns faith n, aur omua detiny, Or ini that ai tic Brt- ih Empire? It bas becs said, aired rigiti 'v las, tat oe goati invest-ront lsas,itfba lîfetîmne ai savîngs and yet people et oaci a lime of criseis as thîs as-e cpItir o se the-ir heada, and fling theîrr moat treooomreel possessionsQ avorboard in reckless abiandan just as tiaugi mc mseeunder tic domination ai somne foreiga foc. Imctes-ee under tiseire-el ai soRe dicta- ter- tyrant aur masi cherîsieti poosieselons would bire aclbnothtng go mhat ce tie tane ai sur losing aur hoais. Af the leasi igs ai danger irman heings lave a bendencyte t staispede Tiet is mhy he cri man grava ricier andth ie poor mon poores-. We humain bings have thre fontîsir habit ai huyingmire-n lhîngs cc-e an tireir hîgiresi figure and sellieg tbec et tre- tome.-t enstcad ai reversinw izte pracese. Jere-miai knam that one ai tiese days ire woulti came ast ai prisas anti that oves-y I mean would be sitting under his own fig tree and enjoying the fruit pi bis vine. Hie visualized hl.mself in that hxappy position in the future. Jeremiah's head was screwed on the right way. He had plain cammoasense. Sa con- vinced was he af his ultimnate destiny and the final liberation of hie country that, withaut any hesitation, be bought the family inheritance which was up for sale. We are pessing thraugh a cloud, a reel black one, but it is nat a tinie to get flust- ered, but ta keep cool anod keep aur heads. One ai these daya thinga will right them- selves and thon we shall kaow that this was only anather ecperiance through which, in ono'q ifetirne, wo have to paso. -JOSEPH DENNY, Prince Albert. War Savinga Certificates Test Our Devotion Canadiens today are heing askcd ta huy War Savings Crtificales. Wbat does bila moan? It meens tuis: That aur ansmer miilho ticemeasure ai aur c-cal devotian ta demacc-acy. To ircedam. We have icen told that demnocracy la decaeto. 'l'al sur iticala ai freedom are mneaningleos. Thab aur wey of lii e cansot campel tic devution that goes ta tire ttalitarian creeti. Wer Savingo Cerlificates con ansner, and pawcriuliy, thase saaemnento. To tire- extent tbis et cbuy boni axe mill tell micîher or sot devolion ta demoerary and liberty does exiel; miretier there exista tire rcality of damacratlc rosponoiriliiy, of demaocraîic layally, of demaocrstic usity. I-n France today the matcha-ard is: Ad- vance or die. In England Mr. Churchill exclaims: "I ofier you bload, tears, bil anti smeet" And ho acdes: "Frc al lbtab Brstitn meas, I appoal ta yoa. .-., We must saveausseivea frinmthe iblack nigiot ai barbarism." In comning weeks, the people of this countr-y, ai the loyal and puîriatic tawn of Whithy, bava the chance ai aiaming whether their thaugbt ai irecdom's mean- lng, their ondesstanding ai tic meaning ai thia tesribla coniiict, le as deep and resi as thal ai tise peoples oi Britain andi France. The real challenge ai Wasýî;avIngs Cer- tifîcatea is lie challenge ,4 wb4her tise fibre ai democracy is as qiiùg as lie fibre ai dictatorship. Tira'challenge ai whethor the discipline of tb. ash la as pames-ful as tie discipline ai freedomn. Let Canadians, or taelie mas-e explicit, ]et Whitby ciizens. iy buping these War Savings Cestiiicates, iy aaswsý7ring witb al and the Ieat ai Ibeir me-ans tise greal cry foc- belp liat goes up, show ha-m strong in lie disciplina ai ircedora. Let thona determine tbat i il mli ie remsmbered in yeasata cama liaI Canada tidti orvent lits anger et irulelity and injustice solehy la mords and gestures. but that il tursaed et Ieat c pari ni itlinto sacrifice faor fs-a dom la irncdomn's hour ef durç need. The King's Meis sage A year ega on May 24 iis Majesty King Geoosge VI broaticast from Winsnipeg a mes- sage ta the Empire. At tiat lime bbc King ant Qucen merein Canada on ihoir mission sf peace andi giuidweill ta Ibis con- tinent, asti thaîr vîsît dîd masch ta inspire anti hring confidence ta Canadiens. Ons Friday lest in a dîffe-rent atmasphero andi under conîditions wmincirwec-o la strong contrat ta 1939, tire King broaticasl an- abher me'tsage ta ticemFrpire- anti again hie message irîrught iîîoîuraîîî,n anti confid- ecc, but aItirae same trne thea King hati no illusions a.s ta thre aîm aird objectiva ai aur common enem yHîi a&a rning is mac-lb repeating: "Let ris one ire mîrtaken. St la no mare territorial conquesfl that ori enemies are soekîng. il is tireav-crf iira, complote and final, oetich Empire anti corsyting for hiîch il stend.9, and affer tiat tie co- quasI ai tiche wrld Anti ifhai is-ll ps- vaîls, thep miii irc-ng tiýiîtaccompishment ail lie batred iantd roelty mhach they bave alretiy tiioplayeti "To a]of usý in tmp l.Empire, toalal men ai vision atd goiedrh iii througiaut the mac-Id. thire 0500 in i i, ii i life or deabir for us tiefe-at iii ruaI otmean saume bnifeclepse frorr Aieh aame iii omerge mils strengtir renemedi ivlhi mean de- struction ai aur îorîi air mn hava knawn it andtihti descerît of daraness upan its rumns.'. The calof tire King for cora-ge, resolu- lion anti determinateon tn meet Ibis chal- d lenge is biing ansmereti lit bis subjects tbrougiaut fie Empire. Airaady the Gav- t as-amont ba& issueti c cal ta apeeti up in- ] Ti EVHITOY GAZETTE AND CHRONICL duatry and it has been eanswered. St lis ais much aur battis, as that of Britaias's, far een if Britaln fell we would be next. The caint *T eyre" So Convenin and vigoraus message ai his Majesty hlasI iaund a ready raspanse in Canada. Aiter hi. viait to Canada a year ega we regard hlm more than ever as our Ring and Ruler. S A LU *Keep your hearts praud and yaur resoîve S A unshaken . . . - and wlth God's help we. IB shall nat feu," were bis claalng wards; and* Canadians are not lhable ta saan forget T A B C those wards.i Industries Respond Quickly to Menace to World Greater Today Appeal '[han Ever Before But Day Not aThe "go" signal flashed before the eyei" Darkest, Radio Newsman Says ofCanadien industries engeged in war 4 wark has met with immediate and patriotic John Collingwood Reade abilets'. Dar aller day BiaL" resons. Acadin taan ttwa isptch Anlyzs NziBlitzkr;leg planes are shaooting dowvn tblrty or respnse Acordng e a Otawadisate Anlyzs Nzitorty elsemi' maýh isca mpared the supphy department was inuodeted with Technique _ S a y S wlth a liitiCof! 't i l'r tisas e eeerm nd its wiree clogged with tele- of thir ooaa .Itliras brrii pro%, teleramaMethod Will Net Wark that thi Roi.il Ali Foice acinesr phono calîs fram contractors promising ta fApidt rts se ' eli1ýucli lhul meet the government's appeal as quîckly if Appliy e a Brthies ai t e iii i 0011ri l behind as possible. The urgent damand forar pstth ord ias nownea ns s dro-aItsbenigterb bh rst he orl he kasenJoh Ca- tha Germsan output thr atiso ow ia speeding Up of production and the insme- lingood Rteade sati msndey Jnight os imprirrd tisat il stands at SIX - diete response will winI the prvla e ie Simcae Street Cbareshir11 teen liundred a mastc fer the diat repone wll in he pprvalo ironcrtr,ln Oshrawa, but lt la mcn- ailles as rampared clth otily Itose wha have been demanding More ccd mce r arîasly tiran Il cver tceenty-thiee isundred for Germnas1 action and will in a mfeasure setisfy the hau bren Tire Oerman 9.5y i5as .ft miaist be warîh aur white ta groingimptiece he ba ben aeep jgrnsaiiîcent etaipmeat backed by liat mare tirta tise mer thon ve growng mpaienc tht hs ben seepng ceats ai sacrifice aCs driven foc- liave in tise part, t waa cuggested, acrass the country. aordby iepul eaPfieRd 0Iailn ad Mr. Reade ritirizrd Premier Iceder Yn psMackeneKing for hic oadden dis- Canede's contribution cen be of immense RW Han Winoton Ohuchsili hias solution of pariament cehicis pre- velue ta the Allies and as suggested et cna Illusions about the facmldabiiity vnood lihe .discrsoncof tiereo the rgaizeton eetig hro a a eagu orlie f oclhe faces.Oie has ashed plans. 'Tche emay fnothave hecto the rgaizaionmeeing ereof LegueOff tie British people the vaiuatary any aultale alternative, lhe admit- for Petriotic Action, Canada's contributioni ourecder af free righl.s, free lias tot but sscrcty noce there la saine- mey be the determining factar in this hah rtiey bave held Inelalate for, tsing me cao do astruggnd e.rs nd whiclsare "Persasme con ohame the soit- strugle.lýeIg gurdedsacedlyto le retor-amenntinto daine oomething."I Fromrelebl inormtio weleao t e d evestoaliy. Itla srO dsaconclion Mc Reade romsnendc'f Fromrelabl inormtio welean tat houghi ttieryman and aoc- tise Red Croscs'tncehase behaîf tise Canada hes produced lesa then 150 planes on n o Oc-im haecotme a cccv- cncert wac hrld la the first eight and a bh a nntha aiof ei'tof tis ate Tise re Ynais have ______ _____ the war. And the autput for the prosent tcviii sa grîîtvd "Tiey aiseli sol year isshdldat a fw ovro e pns! eor tt ".cÀa.ayii tbousand, ai which appraxlmately 160 wsh 'fMice Germans are sing a nov techisoque, tise bSiiszkieg, wisicis ho for Britain. raisi nley have heen devinait Sy a i Bearlng in mind the message ai Viscaunt Irecuil v oalicinus brea. McMr Readesald ft Segins Sp making Celdacate, Dominions Secretary, whn ire govercomecits of cmail noce- cebled te Canada racently, it wauld seem pontsnrfay, .tsen y apent s imtperative thet Canada acuet extend ber forain 0f antha ot8happeinta endeavars beyond enythlng that hias hare- ibreat and finaily an atck. Not tafore been attampted. Thse uigency ofi the amasaoid sltack but a faftli colcuan uprioiog faitowed bp tise ianding of demand la seen inlaViacount Caldecote's parachiste ,wisaprepare ithe way cabla tor- isw-flylog Scambing Planeés. AI- "Thefateai esten ciîhîatia, unar haugs ths technique ha, pravad "Thefat ofwesernclviizalon tidr ernackably sueestul ltbas Sen Cod, in ln thi banda ai the Allied- peaiplas eatracrdineniiy castly. fItmut I would hike ta repeat that tho irçîportaTcýca&asne o inc awy as, ailt hth ai avery effort ta produce supplies was Oas-mass ara already scany days navre greaer. ehind scisedule. lise radio caote nevergrisaere enlator pointait out. "One airpians lmmediately la wortb ten Tiose she-up la Ose 5Frenchi in six months' time. The pat o t victary hlocnomnsan asmaaclng, ha muât ba trodden by an unwearyisig effort e't at l. eenielaasen s onascalo nover befare attompted." foc-m of offensive vihn- k Ie h m plane, Generai Weygand Sna %c t That message is e challenge ta every bo an aaWiy diffacent mlilfacy man and woan, every industry and ta sohool; ha la an loaprovisor and aniy sur gavorniment. Cen we be satlsfied until as Improviser cas save Ose dap. Alreadyhhahlis arhievad romark- avary lest effart la bcing exerted ta fulfil abl si onsi. our obligations as part ai the British Ei- i la shacaeteclstle of Ose Gar- vira LetCanaa gt mb tinswsr n man enny tei mcclreascance by pire? Lt CnadaSetint thi wa in branîhing outInladîffereet diren- real earnest. lions,.fTt sa aver af movecoant ft differs fraie Ose lu atvr ln tuts oecessanlly permanent Oermany ihas nosauhatantiel bodyoflemr Editorial Notes----ý 1 asd artliery la sendi In to beld tse AtodBU Cc-oa s~~~~~~aas.'lice blitsalc-e aposes tisi- Iacsi Dtlea or esCa tacher In a cary saciosa ay and HAMIBLY'S CARBONATED Gaod marnlng, have you bougot your Germena isss are asprgfacsniad tri BEVERAGES car sevînga certificatno yeî la itîçi win îallitacy hlaorcy 7heir lasses are OSHAWA -9- PHONE 7as aolatcy fantaetle. decisrad tse ha war? speaker 'lie Germons aa àPeaple aally ladt arrogant. elvan t eaxtcemas o1 The mlhtary salate signifies an osten- aCuioesa and hie Tey are eLius barîng ai the rîgit iand tii show se sucs tisaI Hitler la rîgisi PaI? lisai iavs nat fisucb.d la reverses Lat na weapon is conceaed. Aeîd tila a -- e situation ila heUatant îark ai militery respect, as well portta s Spne caas hapelca. Ille Word trop la bains lclorrectly usedt vYeu rannot trop e million and a Members of the Ontario Regimeut irait men wIts a long-dracea out UE AV (Tank) ealistiag ironWitby are înclud- In virils tira Fin oohesbakrounlteeTOONT pMrnRe aince andt'ir eirnri cor53Ta i 40 psin Id in the trek irom Oshawa Ibis 'teek t 10 eae oodeal Thage.ni 30 24a Ip5 _. )her training graunidsaend thoîr eas ovrc tac(do consier97:dma4,0a cc e c 1O40 P-a achie Il dîffîraîr for tire Britiash r Ca e0t45 OP.. asI week-end may have been their lest. hng op supplies Neti c toa il4au.na 5 :40 pa. 7h gaod wishes of Wbîtby cîtîzens wlll nosycî heen donc, lioceven U:40 e c, 740 ç,s Flacidera tire âaseaher gOaared hic@c-s aep.sc. ollow themt wherever bhey go. auiensce, wuli aot fue sehellies p ý tse war Osnlire rootrory, Il tise10:30 .. oermoos are Oîissaiceasful 13 h a-daiy carrer OSusd.an ed floedaecs Frocs Peru camnes the report that doost fi o iselier Hitler vani con- 'eaai -scss a ae creatura bas been discovered wbich biaclerglti ireIn@iim1ssirle - davc A TION ATe mimes lic attrîbates ai ticelredgobog, atil ther atîre ic ol irefareilt là MeaS. 0. iEW e rebbit and the reltlesnake Sonda ireunac t - Poa l ae an animal tbat might have came fraie Tia litsle t tetisa hIrse"' laa - Oa I e landof nitie Nazis. Mer Reade pointed oui. Seneuse sea l fin l iL -- ~mcnsof115 aaoreao dependa an lac- ceediete aid ta tise parachutiste and ,Prener King laid tie ilame for aay Usa Engliah chrai peesents a con- parent alacknaess lathe Gox erent'8 elderaba prabeos SSotland was a raluabie etrategîr ar effort on the haevy t oaime-chaniZed atepispngaOtoene On"trese Ovmans arfara. ha these days mien dollaors figbl aralt Hla. vee a o0 cealler ta get lote Brl!un te au$s3/ maIl as% bomba. boere siould iv a suapen- 1irose rac rontrceý livtng aida b, 14 oa ai the union rule Ihal axe-rfimne muâI ride se sail arîghuis ha dit Gontrannteed Trust forti dtheir hsundacy Ceralfiaaa ipaid at tîme and a heuf, et leqt S t o teeaudience vas able te rails 'vos-amont mara and c'satracts Men whoatc the apcieaagatists VIEW

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