THE WHITBY GAZETTF~ ANn CHRCNICLF~. WF.ONF.~OÀY TANT TÂPY ~ i I Q4fl fl A ('t' funeral of her uncle, Dr., Anderson, at Clevela.nd, Ohio, lait week. ~Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hert.op re, t-be guests o! Mr. andi M4-p. ,Bon Howsam at Altona recently. Bn ,since his bRd occident luit fe ais' we are gla.d to say, imlproving nicely and _expeets Vo be as good as ever whenf completely recovered. M.r. and Mrs. Edgar Hern and famity, andi Miss Georginu, Reynold, of Myrtie, spent Sunday with 'her parents here. The Youn'g Peoples' Association are planning a. skating party onthe evening of Wednesday, January 31, e.t Port Perry, atter whioh they wifl return Vo t.he United Church and refreshmnents will be served.' T'he anflual congregational mecet- ing of the United Chureh will âl be beld at the United Church on Wednesclay evenlng of this week. Mrs. Alfred Clark who bas been qulte 111, b improving nlcely. On account of the heavy snoW- f ails and the severe cold weather, church and Sahbath school services have not been attended a6 regu- larly as could be eipected. We have splendid services wlth the Rev. A. Busheil, pastor, in charge every Sunday at the United Church ut 2:30 v.m. and Sabliath Schobl at- 1:30 pi.. We are sorrv to know ths.t, Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Sleep are selling their stock and, irplements on Februan, 14. They wili reside ini IUxbridge. Brook lin BROOKLIN, January 30- The sale of f arm stock anti im- plements cf Mr. Percy Gray held on Thursdav, January 25, w'as a great success. Ini spite o! a clear, cold dia'y, it attracted a large erowd and the article.- sold brought very good prices. Grateful hankâ are exterided Vo the "Oddfellow.s," also t hose - vho so kindly lent issistance tc tonkr this sale a success. Mr. Perey Gray is noix at the R.C0C C training centre at Pêts- vwýawa M-flitary Camp, taking a course as mnec hanic, and has noV -inirird the 48th Highla-ndr,ý. hir a~te , Mrr.ý. H ow a r di uring 1938 the nine dredges ô:- MeMiýlin. Grernbank, Martha Cijil, erated ln the Yukon by 'Yukon Ln 1-iýr 85th ycar, belovedi wife of Corisoidated Gold Corporation the 1. teGcorge Kciry. Interment haiidled 8,550,600 cublc yards -of took pli-tee at the Kendall cemetery, gravel, which yielded 60,055 fine VtIca, on Thursday, January 25. ounces of gold and 14,412 fine Mi1srý Ada Stephetis attended the otinces of silver. v somp YWHAT MWE MEAN BY WINTERIZED The cooling systeibas been filled with Antî-Freeze. 2Maximum starting eficiency cati be expected bccause' afl efectricai unuts and carbure. tor have bee» tuned for winter conditions. 3Car will operate efficiently ha. cause winter fubricants are used throughotit. 4 Safety 'tems, such a" brais, *steering endf iights have bees checlced. 5 Safmety increased by careful cekof tire tzead. 6 Unin:errupted, dependable Ail Our cars are kept inside, ready to drive away in any weather. 1C39 . MASTER 1939COAH. Heater, Defroster and Centipede Tires.< A real buy. 193 CHV.MASTER 1939 XE COACH. Heater, Defro5ter, Centi- pede Tires. RealIy -a swell car. 1939, COA~C Lit e-Saver- Tires, A-I condition. - 1938 BIKSEDAN." 44 Series, Centi- pode Tires. This car is spotiess. 1938 DOD1GE SEDAN. 1937 COACH 194CHEV. MASTER 194COACH. 194CHEV. STD.- 194COACH.- 1933 CHEV. COUPE. Rumble Seat. 1933 FORD SPORT ROADSTER. 1929 1NASH COACH. 1927 BUICK COACH.- 191CHEV. Haif Ton 191PANEL TRUCK., Coni DR. NALD MOTOR SALES CeeueG.M.C. SALES AND SERVICE coAurST. EAST PHONE > 304. NW EH TO-LEVI ON OLU ESTATES SE.EN INCIIAN5E Amendments ]Presntïd to Succession Duties Act by Gordon Conmnt Toronto, Jan. 30 -- Ameudmuxia to thc Succession Dixies Act of 129 necessary because of "practical dit- ficulties In the Tieasury Department in the collection of duty, Interest and penalties due ta the Province," wcre lntroduced ?Mlay to the -On- tario Legisiature by Bon. Gordon Canant. There was na discussion on thc bill, according to agreement made earlier lnx the week when Conserva- tive Leader Drew advised Premier Hiepburn he would be unable to sit ln the Hanse Friday. Tbe Qovern- ment, by special arrangement, pro- vided each member with a -printed copy* of the bill for study during the-*week-end recess. Wbiçb ojibese t"Un.'ies is the longer? A -B or C.-D? Moatere them. Tboy ore e.xa ctly the same lcngtb. But you can always tell our genuine' LAUNDERED COAL Wjhçn you buy Famous Read- ing Anthracite from us-you knowyvou are $zetting this gen. nilaunderd coal. Because it's plainly trademarked at the mines with red -spots. This j, your guarantce of the Iow ash anthracite -a premium bard coal aetino extra cost. O.A.-CANNING for value reeved," Althoui thus ostensibly a five-shilliî the nunieral- "F" appearsJ upper right anýd lef t cornei no ather explanation. The smy off icers o! the histori ciety, five shillings "provine rency" ver. equal to one United States cub'rency, esc ling being çworth 20 cents. A the English pounds slîullin pence were officialI -n Cana Vil 1859, when the à lecimal was Introduced by act of ment, Canadians as a wholcý the United States system simpler for orclinay t a n Examples are Vo be found ledgers o! amounts expres many as three different sys currency and the total se as so many "dollars, shillir pence". The old bank bill was d, Toronto on 1'ýbruiry 1,_ 18, signatures of the treasure president of the bank, m-ri the. foot o! the note, are -cou lIndecipherable, the ink. in they were written having obliterated by age. The paper on which th was printed must have bee thin even when the note w and with the passage a! a] century,; it has become exce bnittle. Canadian bank notes vintage are very scarce, ov their perishable nature ar, historical Society number t' note among their rarest tr( MARCB 26 GllO gh 1V is ig notpe, ini bo th ýrs, with !act is, cal so- ial cur- Sdollar eh shil- .lthougli îgs and îcla un- system Parlia - U, ""'7 F'or the first turne since Thurs- nimchs day's searing debat.e on the dissolu- in old tion issue, Mr. Mackenizie King re- iasveahai that the attacks o! Hon. Dr. dtein as R.J. Manion an-d J. S. Woods- t dowîî ,1 worth hiad in!luenced bis decision ngs ar.d to dissolve Parliamerit four hours fafter 1V had oproned. He had beenl -prepared Vo remain in session long lated at eriough to give an account o! his ý49. The Administration's var effort, but Lr anid the censure o! the Consgrvative itten n t anid C.C.F. leaders, coming on top xipletelv; of the Ontario Legishature's resolu- whlch tion, had convinced hlm IV would become be useless Vo continue, he said. IV was rec-alled that, a!ter 'the e note Conservative Leader's a-ddress, Mr. -n quite King declared: "In v[ew o! what vas new my honorable friend has said, I lmost a behieve dissolution tonight wouhd. eedingly b. advisable.' The Prime Minister added that' o! th îs he would have asked for dissolution wirig to on the night he received details o! id Vhe the Ontario Legislature's vote cen- ,is oId suring his Administration, buJt for ,asures. the fact that ho lia- given en un- , certaking last Septerrber to caIl Parîxament before a general elec- tion. Ottawa most a! the timei duct their campaigns through newspapers and and con-J malnly by radio. "The prescit Administration ahliIt-can Vo further Canada's war effort and Vo prepare Vo meet Par- liament if returned,", the Prime Minister saicl. .-I c anriot conceive how, with thé, great responsibility restîng upon niysel! and m3T col- heagues, we can carry on a carn- paîgn as wre wlould [n other <lays." lnfluc'rîed by House Attacks MI1 Only hint of almost certain heat- cd argument, such ai characterized the passage o! the bill at the special Succession Dutle3 and war emner- gcncy session a! lait Sé-ptember, wau given when Leopolti Macaulay, Act- ing Conserrative Leader, dryly askcd: 'WIll the Minister (Mr. Ca- nant) indicate important points - -if any?" Mr. Canant advlsed that the pnin- ciple o! the~ bill was flot altered by thbe propased amendments. "The main purpose or e!! oct o! the bill mlà ght b. bnlefly'described as malt- ing applicable the laws ln force at the date of death ln determinlng the amount of unpaid duty, interest and penaltiesý which should have been paid."1 Tuhe chief amendinent, according to a comparison o! the bill, wlVh the September measure, is found ln Sec-. tioii 23, which would repeal Section 47 *o! the Old act. Explanation for Section 23, as given in the bill, states, "The purpose of this amend- ment is that the law enforced at the date o! death shah b. the law whlch applies to. the collection of unpald duty, Interest and penalties in aid estate3.", In section 23, it lg believed by aw ýOfficers of the Crown, are re- v1sions which will enable the Trea- sury Department ta collect dues from aid estates accordlng Vo the - 31 eleetion pledges of Premier Hepburn. Act -To. Cautlous "In Vihe 1939 oct the entire body o! succession duty laws o! the Prov- ince was reviewed and consolidated In that mt,"ý Mr. Canant told t-he Hanse. "In so doing, an attempt wu5- macle te remedy possible de- fects ini previaus legLslation. I would point ont, havever, that those pos- xiblé defects were noV mottera *of judictal interpretatIOh. As a mat- 4ctr.o!t act, since the firpt 8ucces- sion DuVy Act wus passéd in 1892 therie hu neyer been any judicial Interpretition on the constitutlonalr aspects of the succession duty laws o! this Province. So that in revis- ing and consolldating the succes- sion duty laws ln the act a! 1939 the possible defects wbicb were TeMedled wcre purely matters a! opin Ion by 'departmnental officiaIs and counsel, and were noV the result o! :Iudicial dctcrnination. "The act a!f.1939 Is penhaps too cautiaus lni that respects, eertainly trra the standpoint o! the practical problem a! calccting revenue for Uic Province. In thie final resuit this Government intends to collect revenues which are'-justly -due Vo -thc Province and whlch the Prov- Ince undoubtedly needs. The pros- ent bill recanciles the pre.ctlcal ap- plication o! the law witb aur con- stitutianal limitations 80 fer as tliat, <an be attaincd. This bill applias the 1aw in effcct et the date o! death as Vo iabillty for duty, rates o! duty, exemptions and alliez such moatters without attempting to demi with the v&Udlty o! muchl aws." Mr. Canant Wsal d ldt fot want to give the impression that defeets In ;any o! tht old legislation were admltted or cancoded, Best indica- tion that it 'wu not defective, lie said, lay in the fact that for aven forty years, the respective, Goverix- ments o! the day collected nxany millions o! dollars under that legis- lation.. "The achievement o! this Goverient demonstrates in actuil reslts that there were many more millions that should have been col- lie gave details of pans for re- cording the votes o! Canadian sol- diers both here and overseas, and exphained that the niitary vo.e would mRke final tabulation o! the resuits Imposs"ible until ei-ht davs after the pohing date. Notlîing of the soîcier vote will be known wheri the general returris are being coin- piled on the evening of election. day. The Prime Minister said he had no doubt o! the Government's rig-ht to f111 Seriate and other vac- a ncies before the ehection, and in- dlcated he would be making sonie appointmerits shortly. Late Apnil Session Unlikely Mr. Mackenzie King said he hiad beeîî in!ormed by thbe cie! elec- toral officers tlîat April 25 wouild bc the earlîest date Parliament could nxeet, with polling Marcb 26. For that reason a "pro-forma" Order-in-Couneil !ixed Vhe date of the next session as April 25. aI- thoughl it would b. more likely a week or two laVer. It would be difficult for any par- Vy to b. ready Vo nicet Parliament within a moritlî ster a general ehection, but if Vhe present Admin- istration ver. returned the Prime Mînister said the session would bc held as qulckly as possible. Since the way started the Prime Minister saici b. hati mot bad a single day's relie!f from work. He proposed Vo maintain that prograni so long as necessary, "but there la a lumit Vo one's endurance." H.e would have weleomed an op- portunity Vo discus merit's war record in iV could have beeri the Goverri- Parliament if dorie wlthout h. Pneent ed to Museum London, Ont., Jan, 30- - A relie of the dayq when busines tran3- actionà ln tus country vers carnieti on- in a dual curreney system, la a 91-yoar-old bank bill recently pre. sented. ta the muscum o! the Ten- clan and I iidiesex Rliorical 80- eiety by Xubert J. Trumper, o! Delaware. president o! th.esoiety, 'lThe Old note vaslasimeby Vhe FYarmer'a Joint Stock Bank, vhae beaciquarters vere loeated in Tor- -,onto, which canipany, .accrdlng ta Ui< ~ e wrl opthe bih -"wihl pas' the bearcî on déeM"and five shilling& currency,- attheir office lnx Taronto, 5 SERIES: Arrwow I6; SpeW S"a 4~; Dexe6"; DeLuxs"a". Torpide 418" Reai' of the"C1aSS JUST TAKE one look1 at a 1,940 Poiac. .'.'and you'l know why Motorip'g Canada, acclainus it v. t' Pontiac designers and engineei-s have put the extra the style sensation of the year! - nance and extra distinction ta make your motor- car a proud -possession. Why flot cross flic lime From that sparkling front-end with its distinctiveý from utilhty to luxury now- that- llxury custs $0 Silver Streak ta the gracefully moulded ttrunk, i's uie etrgoscdenw ntiaStdy got what it takes ta, be the Nation's Number One Beauty... .just as it's Number On. for Value. 5 New series for 1940! 20 thrifty new sixeï ..7 brilliant new cights .. . a'nd prices start wvith the lowest. .There's a Pontiac ta meet your nceds and purse exactly "- and you can dëpend . that the Pontiac yau choose will step you right Up into the - hcad 'of due "class". For into ts. 19ý40 cars, L t433441-d ,nsaau c polîtical cojîtroversy. - «'I Vlirk we have a good record," lie said. 'But we cannÃ"t carry on wiAh a battle on three fronts." Hie referred Vo the war lin Europe, the one he believed would have raged in Parhiament but for dissolution and a campaigri on public plat- forma autside Parliament. Intimation by the Prime Minis- er that there might be saine Cabi-' net changes before the electioa, e'aused niuch speculation here, ln- m5. W ~UUU E,. "s a,. 1~~ cluding farecasts that Trade Min- mari of the Tariff EBoard. and Au- laVer Euler may go to the Senate ditor-Gencral. ,where there are thirteen vacancies* Durrig the ,enieral election'cam- In some quarters iV is believed rpaign al election speeches Vo be .Postmnaster-Generà l Power would dIýI1X rra over the air will have Vo b. transferred ta an important porýt be subnît-ted to the -radiÀo censors in tîhe overnment se rvicerand that before belng. broadcast, -1V was Fisherles Minister M4ichaud miglît leariied. recelve so'me oPther appoinfimén. f This is required under thec De- Many senior posts in the Go',7- fense of Canada Regulat!ons,ý and ernxent servioe are. vacant. ini- is thýe sanie ruling. on a Domihioi-, ciuding heai of the Board -il! wide scale, w1ilch prevauled 'durirg Transport Commissioners - -Chair- 1Uhe Quebez electioh h last fiaîl. rnrnm~ TOWN 0F WM II-TBY "Who s &q~4~ ~ud~ -A- Auto Agencies & Dealers DEVERELL MOTORS ROBERT DEVERELL, PROF. 301 Dundas Street W. - Phone 429, -B- Bakeries RAINýBOW CAKE'SHOP Chx-,lis Astrop, Prop.: JENNY LIND CANDIM CITY DAIRY 10E OrZAM Brook Street North - Phono 910 Bread - Betty Cakes - Pies - Paitries Beauty Parlors HILIN'S BIAUTY SALON RELEN TURANSKY 150 Brook Street North - Phono 7l3 PATSY BEAUTY SH'OP Ailce Smltth - Mrs. ]Bruce.liturpea 104 BROCK ST. N.- PHONE M8 ,Special ia Thermique Hos$erlee Perm&nent WAVIng." Coufectionors CON FfICtIoNRY I £00 Brook Street South .- Phene 97* 10e Crean - soit Drinks masie - ~8MAllW34~ Daimes HULLCREST DA E. A. Wakefield, Pro 308 Byron Streit SOI PHIONE 301 lRestaurants" UIRY op. nth Tou Just oan't beat milk from Hhlîcrest Dairy. WHITBY DAIRY . J ColeProp. 123'Dindas Street West PHOlNE 770 WeTry te Please" Lumber &Fuel WHUTBRY LM &COAL CO. LTD. IF. E. Smnith, Mgr. 213 Pipe' Street ý- Phone 417 Lumber- Bullder's Supplies Ceai -,. Coke -Woodl PÃŽthntens & D)ecorators L H.. DULLING 307, ZUCLI» STREET - PHONE 394 Hav e your work dope now at winter Am piriceso.'ý P Appt fo Eatouu paer PIumhing &- Heating 010O. . HAMIRS, '114 .ê cStreet Northx Phones, Omfie 93 -NighIts 9M2 bbxet'-Notai Work -Furnalbes Air Çenlilioint P lumbing DIPANA SWEETS' 106 Dundas Street W. - Phone 991 Choc. (.uated Fudge, lb 15t; 2 Ibs.25e Hurnbuts------- l. 15e or, 2 lb 15e ,Mixed Ciocfflates, lb.lDc for thls week, only. Meet your frlends at DREW'S -LUNCH- 115 Dundas Street W. Phone M75 W e specalze in home cooking Annie Laurie Chocolate, exclusiveiy Roofing Contractons' -Si je GACOIGNE 1009 Centre Street S. Piboue,743 <ý35 years -experience in ail~U neof roofilig. Service -St*tions JOHN'S -PLACÇtE' King- at Durnias'Street 'West 'Phone 427 B.A. Produets -Exicde Batteries UdDunlop Tires on easy ternis» CORRELL' SER VICE STATION -Ald'Correli, 1rsip. 149 Brock Stret North Phone 851 ."Arto Ggs 011 *- Goodrich Tires, Whitby Sign Studiýo HARýRY LADE, PROF. 191 Dunda.% Street, W. P 1hone 770 Ali types of -sigu work t- kscreen, procese- - specialibs AS ELECTION DATE BY PREMI[R IUNI Attacks by Manion and1 Woodswonth Influenceci Dissolution Plan Ottawa, Jqri. 30ý-Cariadiaris will 9o Vo the polis on Tuesday, March 26. Vo eleot Cariada's nirieteentb Paniament, it was announced over the week-end, and openirig cere- manIes o! the new Parhiament wiî be held early Ii May. Definite announcernent o! the election date, made by Prime Min- ister Mackenzie King at a press conference On Saturday, brought a semblance a! or-der Vo the Donîin- ion's angled poitical situation for the first tirne since last Thursday's unprecedented dissolution In the first day o! the session. Until the lait moment tue Prime Mînister bad hoped Vo hahd the eleetion a_ weelc earlier Vo avoid canfiiet vith the Easter festival, but. the chief electoral officer Inforniec him iV vas physically impossible Vo do so. The sanie issue wliich brouglît « about the general election in such unexpecteti fashion-Canada's var effort--seemed likely Vo influence also the nature o! the forthcomiig campaIgn as Mr. Mackenzie King intimateti that members o! the Government would remain close to WHITBV îf's Reading Utica ( Mr!%. A. Reynôlls. Corr.) Utic;.i,'an. 30, -- Tliere paasel- ta ie rew,%arrd ýoi M o ni d ay, Januairv 22nd., nt I11w home o! Mrn. Neville Chamberlain, wtt e of the British prime minister, ac - cepts retreshments front a Caonadian soidier durlng a visit ln Blooms- bury, England, to the King George and Queen Elizabeth Victoria Lefgue Club for Service Men fromt Overseas. 3DONALD MOTOR. SALES 30DUNDAS ST. EAST Phone 304 WHITBY * tL 31 ý 1 DAec PONTIACMovquotoele à "-- THE WHIIIY GAZETTE AND CHRONICLE. WEDNESDAY. TANUARY IL 1940 Umm.- READING