Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 31 Jan 1940, p. 4

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YOUNG MEN'S DANCE St1'et United Cliurcii, of wlxlch T. dunce. held ln the Hlgh the deead was a mnernber wiio Sehool by the. Young Mens4 Club, mesdmng In Oshawa. 'fIc service o! Wiiitby, ou nlcliay evening luit, w&& held lu tii. funersi parlons waà one o! the most aucceesful hcld oq tii. Luke Burial Co. Ltd.. on~ for some time. -Mii. rooni Was prêt- T1%«4&Y, Januany 30, uit 2 pa..In- tily deceoated wlth the Club colora, termeut wua made lu Union Cemne- black and ned. 'Ibera wcne scveuty tory. couples lu attendance hi -enjoy the_________ evenin«'x dazxcizW. Music wu ro-RESPECTEDIACH RESIDEN19 vlded by Rîgnar Steen's orchestra.]PSE Thec management arc very griteful PatMnASSESury22d te mllitiiose who helped Ini auy way ILest oneday (muuar 2nd te niake this affair sucli a success. ClS. Gege er r(e.a.ntMm WOME'S DY 0FPUA erry vas the, wldow o! the lite, WOMEIS AY F MTER Geffle ICeM ywlo sunvlved her Tue annual Wemen's World Day husband about 15 monthzm&go. Suc o! Pnayer will b. held lu WhlLby Baptist Ciiureii on fflday a!teruoon, F'ebnuary 9th, at tlxree o'cleck. Toe 'womnen ef all chunciies lu the hiwn are lnvited to pmticipate ln this annual service, which, iL la peinted J J ' ~ I out, us& double signiflcance tItis yean on uccount o! taie war and Lh. stte of_______ C alingt1 N Eh GIRL GUIDES under direction 'Be sure ta attend t.onlght'a iteL-- lng, Guides. lins. Beecroft bus gen- < erously ofîered ta lnstruct our coin IIL L IU F pany lu !olk-idauclng, the finaL les- e UALUV voMIa sou te b. given touigli. Do flot for- - get your gymshioes. Our new headquanters wu blon- - ti orcd by the prescrive o! about thirty girls- lut Wednesday eveniug. The floons and rugs ver* duly chnisten- ed whnec ilunLrn wahked Dir@ ,k il but soon cveryone vas made ac- quulutcd wlth tue !mitiiful broom whieii stands jusL Inside the dace. u s a , F _____ue ofstl1ayN.B. Card of Thanka Mr. and lins. Irni. Clark^ wiaii to extend their slnote .tlia-uku *A the mmxxy !nends for giftis adMixn P'i r kindaxeus howu th*eirdaughxten, Maýrlon, while ln the. Oshava CWn- oral Hospital. especially thaaklng the. doctors,- nurses and staiff orthe.This la the concet o!ti. Mmm hxoctal for tixeir kind sattention and Citimue ndn. Tih. voikt .fthe car. duning her long àtay lâ the nodsn eagt hasital. A uew type of ski hms been pro- duced by the National Reehi Council o! Canada for use on higix speed milit" arynd civil aircraft during thie wlnter. GI.EE LUD [zen's Don the - L'heatré ibrucry- St 'e Prora..i »on and a chance te Ixelp te Gie. Club lo vel kneva m m asc -www--.mivwmv MAR-A---wANNA- .mm mm mm - - Upu mmmq AND.PRON.q~f7~ Mr. and Mrs. A. Barber and sons, work.- The solety Is aiso busily en- lyb»lofWibi f ln h.atWat of Toronto; vlsited oni Sunday wfth M"edn working for the Red Cross. rilyo bt, -fnucma a Mrs. Stiner and Mrs. Vernon. Yr M =rlW eh I H W MâM.Rose of Toronto, was ameeting of the ladies o the Red on Thutday, Februy jet, ait 2» TAYXTW8tJ Aie=s, Whltby, Tues- gustfo afe a: iast week at '2CrosSceluhee::iar onthiy boZ ::he ":.rZIG! lç AT ITH he I.9D e . hom o Mr CA oodelowRed Cross Worktwoiflon Wednes-, OOmetdi7. S t1S. ery as ! le ar omf ii loiis . th ebruore'ofth p.mC ._A ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ w b i he I m p PII O rder D auth- ' a» a." Insi e -th e l e J r e MissBessie Hudson and Jean- bring mite-boxes to be emptied. -0X. D1wUT1NG Do NOT MIII TEE PASN0&Etr !th upr ad rurfr'a d oouItfn t yourlater SuPper i All ialnts Pe)*h a ffort91ea Ii 1 ar wrtin toexpC_ Aniderson, of Toronto, were guests the vIlA etn !tie, n hou res0y*0buay tintirihotOaaro! nevz, est- gratitude and thak t o over the week-end of Mrý. and Mr$.' The regular meeting of the torian Order o! Nurses, WMilb. held froml 5 P.m., auspices o! AX.P.A. wII'fl clothlng ýnd blàiî9ts. Whleh and to ail to whom i.aeInet A, . Wakofield, Byron street. Young People of the tJiilted Church ln the library, on Monday, F*bruary dmson2cet.were sent 1t6'aid the. chiidren evac- ed, for auch a limeIy nw<ct- +~ was held on Monday evenlng ini 5, at taireo'olock. Reports 0f the _______________uatedfirom thie great citles of Brl- .ful Christmnas presen.ihp Misses Gladys Barker and Messrs-. the Sunday School room, _wIth PMst YOar's work wlll be giVen. Miss IN'IIRMDIATîE HOCKEy, TAy-i. 'Ibe Q4awa Branci o! thie many ,wl»1 write thlrta1~pr Goron nd oy»arerspeit about twenity-five members pres- C. E. GreenWood,<assitant dcitr1et 1 ~ladies, Auxilary to the Canedinsafyescilyt. ta il ~ek-nd lth hei moter, the The meeting was In charge ueitnn, Toronto Wmnuci, is ,aur , . Leglon, po-operated wlth the Vie- who, la lucky enough ilav h wekedwt hi ohrM fe r isiat. supi om t eitedent,3, or op v.count Qreenwood Chapter I.O.D.., jïrsjey wita socks to mth o! +m l t e C r st a el o sh p m t inb . Ath rdiag nit e k a t i x l a o H ôsnet m 0ViM h l g m eo nfl W hitby, in eç d ng as. w onderf il 1 end you greet fngs fr m u 811 M . ~ r k e r a t o o k s i l l . m i t e e e e t n g m A o r d i a l Vte e t e ntlC l 1 8 s X . e 0 d i t ~ I ~ t i a e 0 c o n t r i b u t i o n o ! n e w c l o t h i n g , m a d e mn d o u r , b e s t w l h e - f o r 14ic u Mr, andi tnd.d . m.fyone ntereted i this Wednwsda.night Ut 8.30. hi ebrs i.peiet.e wt i.hestai a rn Mr n r.Gog rp lO Little Marion Clarke, daughter o! work. b htrm*br.Tépeiet d"t h oeta recently'diaposeci of their !armn at Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Clarke, who ba.s __________.__ Niegtotsville, have moved to town been ln Oshawa Hospital for the zUOHft IN le . O. E. A14 IN , ,*Z 0 bu reeelyed . u PaO~P~l and are occupylng the Hewis cot- past two months as the resuit of a W.A. TRA SUCCEB8FPUL aid e! Counfy Hockey L«te. elotter ùôW thUe 1onorary seoretary TYours very sincèreniwth tige, cornier Palace and Walnut St. car accident. has recovered suffi- The, Liternoon branich of the WjL Sixteen god ri. 8.15 s ! he8Od1r'. airr sd ir told thanka + +f + ciently to be able to be- brought to Of Al Saints' Church, held a. moit Anilsalon 3» cents. e Asoc atinmutsnîigp_, Sewn eeingsotii .ODE Mr. James Gray is con! iiied to her home here, though she will sticceaful. afternoon te& and sale o01 I s IVTD OA~~< hcreoelved the an hîwa ale, ar, ew h e n PrdiL Cur the. Oshawa Hospittdî where he re- have to stay ln bed for sonie weeks home baklng l in astalohak upr ~ II f Bcueo L ltr;telter p& Houe, ed on iday tt.Rd cently underwent a serlous opera- yet. Thursday a!ternoon Iat. ke.ha» Divd Ir t4hKe n of laprlu e#-t@ b elowlnCrouss. T-a.ndrent ay o wo tin.Hi an !led wllbegad+ '.wus very prettiy deconated ln a err.ol: to learn that he Is now Improving A large appreclative audience color scheme o! yellow and white. Shrove Tn&day, P*ebruary 6th, at Da r. ol:lm for lcnlttig for tiiNvy A nicély. ++witnessed the Ehowlng o! the mo- Te& was s.rved !rom smali tables 530 p.m., ijbder the. auspimcefs 0! b efooilreaebist s !rh eld Mspeyal ternome erur tien pictures of "Quebec and Her centred with yellow and white r rutohe. deW adi5~Imperial Order t>aug4terso! 6. The regular monthly meeting of Processions," ini color on Monday sprlng flowers. Tiie preuidmnt n E J!TDcuor the.Empilre ln Canada. 250 gar-+ , the. W.MS. of the United church, evening. at the Baptist- Sunday William Downle, welo Medti. ocIU IOn aEMwing oarwse mente. were alloted to us. Ail most ACA+ O RA+ wlU be heid in the schoocl rooni on schoel room. The pictures were Sues&sami ourng es, y e A lmat. o yôur ilng ate re- sta» o u ed.Wr, Aayrcard ha beePlsse o Tueday Feruay 6 at3:0 o'loc. resnte byUicRev Mr Smll.Jaez le4hhtolm iand M1(18B sonable rates. Also !sncy applique simple, hard wearlng m ad prètty us. o! thé women inCaa.Th Urs. W. J. H. Richardson's group Secretary of the Grande Ligne Mis- Raîpli Adye. Those asslsting in the dP~~kQut m pos and bnlpht As well. W. appreclate I.O.. hais recelved c upl n wlil b In carge.sien in Quèbec and were sponsored tea rooni were . 8.ale Ge"y ny emiera othe un4erstaridlng and sympathetio will b. plea.ed to give acprt n Th ais. -by the B.Y.P.U. Mr.s. .rskiu% m, J. Wilson, Mu. forsal. ApM- n eibeormessage !found lu the box, 'which I on. wlehlng it for da]l s. hn o! Ui CatolloWo- + +J. Toms and Miss E. Pletcher. Cèn_ shaU copy and send away' wlth thé. secretmry, Mn. Billi,32 men's League, helq..a very success- Whitby friends were saddened veners of decoratlng were M n. ______________ _____________________________ fui etichre at the I?çme o! Mrs. T. and i.hocked on Tuèsday wheu they Frank Enukine wlth 3"ra Jack Wil. 'rau WOMEN'S .ASSOQIATION ýDesmonid, Brock street north, on learned of the death at Private sou asslstlng. Qonvenffenef !tea o! the UJnited.Church are hold- wuS boru it Zephyr, Ontario, soute WEDDING ANNIVR AE Tuesday evening last. A nice sum Patients Pavilion Toronto Gentral room were lins. A. H. Lerarnd lins. ingthii,ù annual Valentine Tea 78 yMais ago ad c-Uieci at the rus! Mr..and Mrs.' Willm WUs nealized by the ladies for their Hospital o! Mary B. Mitchell, dear- j. Vickery. Home coooklng tables nii.SnmyShoo aloud1e !lersii -w (r 0-Coet'Potnetandsly were lu charge or lii'. Watts and Tuesday, 'Pebruary l3th at 3.30 ard MoMilan., o! Geenbank, Ont. flnao ensa rzlgli lins. R. Bell. Th ii.wmer o! the p.m. Good prog amme s980dis. 4&miMrs. eMT. e8m m-Mre suprsednw LUi ta ou ws play o! applique and patchwork «On Who re celebaig hi lirs Wannamaker. qulls and prons. Orders taken. i187 and iid a g0Odenweddng fortieth wedding afni'eay.Ti Tem 25s. ln 1087. For many yftns they had house wag prettlly de& ae m GIICSNEIT rog ITZZSreidid on $th Concesion of the. fhree..storey wedding e<j CITIA ORECIO!Townehip o! Reach. Sevon chuldriled .4thie, dinng table. n.Wle R 0AD A ORRETIOndj twenty-one radhuldresi have fManing rmd awexus sd Th !lnînclally assiat the Witby ,la the lautIssue 0o!The. Gaette bluamed the uio.mastel déock and cnleslk THEATRE- Citit'en' Band se that as a musical and Chronicle an erron îppear.d i o qtwelv~e yeara ago the. hippy ~peee itax geLaO oraiainl a ea retalned for the report o! the. list of o! ficens of coupli e YLire to Prince Aibent, loo Un.lr, :Don sdli IZYLYF'7'D GtheeToClub, Whltby, theii.wtb)y ecystozie Chapter, Royal Areh Ma- Ozitario. rhey hid -thehippy fac- AWmth i. m-DoM.Cse WH BY Phone 618 e Cutirougii the.kindness o! sons. Toc name o! the retiring lt- ! xLenngt e z eAe h .,Smth. Mar.ld uJàap 2, 190, ________________________________ MM. vRowe, bas very generously FiraL Principal aiiould have rad the nclghboe- Wbére1ver thiey- mdc liooM .Tbair ely daugtr Of!ered te give a concert lu the C. A. P'n.eman, wiio 30w assumes a home. Tiis wui epctally nôbtic os. ieawthte THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY Broclc Theatre ou Tuesdîy evening, the office o! Immediate it First ablewii.n tii.y» wert, Ii turn ila~id r.Ue it hsn o ~iss P'ebruary <tii, comznencing at à Principal. tort ag ibro l rom Whitby. Oshaw, v nto Two 5liowa at 7.00 »»d 9.00. Saturdey Matin.. at 1.30. 8 o'cloek sharp. To Saaement anz4 zdnlibrscm ibdm ooto 4ii~d lr i o! the. theatre, in co-operatlon, will fareveli to the dean one upon lira John> Webb,*)4n. sdlr. IIE ILIIUE WLD,, OESJIM Y TEWART! g, D4ahawiom tiiey wôuld nevergazecupori CleunOMMVFn.d'iMxseleAl concert là being anranged by the. A forme reudent e! Oaiiaw, fer roacts ilmoit Impassble but txail ins.-Jula Hevionmtiiro ia Citizens' Oonmttee whxch reetly mmei 22 yeau, Charl leIpssd did net deter the. onu who hxad cUJueron>,9 Mr. mand . aw1o banld. lti JOseM chair w',y lIthe St. Cétia.rines Genenalknown the deesed ld ui! hVy Shed g h ir- pt fuSna,,Jumy2 rom , eing pirésent iLtihe funeral tar-a 8ur.rTo,.. le howlfg iaiiert mttaek. The d.: service.- 4~ RED, CROSS RETI N representaive o! the-MU.icpal andceised waa lin bis 'lOth y~e&r. ~ atninE TR X C 1 social service «ganuzationa o! th@. Boru tin ]rîingtS n sbjp heaged, respccted citizen te uis be- I R town Th& 'rOmu O lofi ofWU peecase byIdéwif, ti linqspoiue wua always ~ the. finest conq.ertsaf t?.seasuon former Mnlly- Hamptonx, 13 yesrs thepleasure o! their mcquaiutaiice meeting o! the Uxlebr auc o because the wonk .e lub 8ci .&lo . cupe reslded lu Tyronecudnebtb.mpeadbti iiCazda Rd rssw hd 15 50wellknow yn n e*- 1111fr W=O M .eoaprevim onatcomtlxg mta eoino h p o- in tii. igh School Audioim o prgrme lU e D rei e ~at-sêan1M. Au elnploy« et pie ln the sum~.et o! their days hup- entire executive was reine t ! comnxtte.l ey neU te th Ue old licLa.ughiluOa.nnlag Coin- puly surrewded by a lovlng !axùilTfice. ]Bnýok Theatr0 znana«ement for the Paiiy, 'Was WSwth the !irm flU o.5 f chidren and grandchildren. - Excellent reports veep.sue use o! the. theatre for>tuis céoncert, It firat began to build cars. H. wu ni showlngý a Teai co-peti- 1 and they are confident tiiet tii.arn active memuber o!ftg» Sons O! Sheir n Potenny c. oect thnougii the district. Ttswsci calibre o! the programme sud ti uladLog.rtepth@S impso ofun Po sricsst e oduy evdecdapilylutçcpl Epsom, Aahwortax, iloamnd BeLli- e5da. These workens have aince the organisation o! thxe branch lu Oc- Lober turned out 144 pairs, o! socks,: 20 scanves, 56 pairs o! wristlets, and about 40 pîcces o! warm clothing for ciudnen. FEBRUARY GAY IN ST. PETERSBURG NS St. .PeterÉburg, P'la.Ja.3 ruarY le eonsldered tue- Iirst Month o! Sprng, mltiiough IL 18 dit- ficult for onxe reared lu the North to distingusx between tiie seasons. Fcbruary miso secs taxe winter tour- lst season iL lis peak, wli tth nor- mal population here quadrupled and wlLh the month ms crowded wltli eutentalnment, hUit i lenot alwmys easy ti docide Just what to -do and whcre hi go. Tops ou the month's socitalum- '. eudar, undoubtedly, lae ianixual Cabaret Baill OfUic Junior League, wich take;s place aL Uic Hotel Vlnoy Park Lthe ulght o! the. l6ti. Tis hMarlous eveut, wicii tus yenr takeïs the naine o! "Casa Ban- 'ana," sees Uie young Leaguers Id theiselves taking ahi the noies ln tahe Iloor show a! Ler muny uights ido! reiiearsal. lir. Henry S. Bay- uard Is generul chairuxan. Headllnlug the. month's sports progrmlJe the. annual St. Peters- burg Open Golf Toumnmeut, iL Lmkewobd, the 28th ami 2Wti, when big gallerles o!f ans froin aemy State ithe. Union* výl.1 !eflow stars o!, the links front W=ente green. Praticily aIl o!f te top- th netchers lu the gaine wlcomplet._ for Lthe *5,000 lu purs"a o!tered-by' the. sports committe. Otiien Fcbrury eveuts include a dmeci or se golf touroamnicts open te wlnter visitons on aIl the !lve links lu the clty -the. Flonida wlnter trapshooting touruament openlng the iTth; National Siympiiony or- cixeatra-the 25th: National winter stamp show, 19IMte25th; Arnxj th ami Navy Club Wasington's blrth- and day dinner, 17th; IH. V. Klteuborri. notednewsane.list, <Lii; Edward ToinUinsn, expert on South Auxeni- unx affaire, l2th; visits o! thé~ US. submnlrne Scm Lion sud destroyer 1Rovaa; aud arriral o! thc Wonhd IChamýpi9n ?New York Yan»eesanxd St. louis Cardinale for baseball 6m trîining the. 28tii. N ~ 'GI-FT'WýARE- SHOP<0 0 Inlviteis Y"-to risit tli.ii xu.cive S1ah .hop' i31 the. 0 (JRoyal Bank BuildiÎng, aôuth of the. Post Office. ( 0 O WE - OIER THIS WEEK. 5ENG.LI-SH CHINA 0Cupsanud Saucera of distincétive designag at soc.~.. 5.[ PHON 5-60 a -u gi g li te a l it r t v e -son gs, ga08rnisluwhiéh tlxY repeat dl!! 1- jstanxmenng chl1drezi have becomne PERFO MS TIREL carefree and norma initae joy c« ther kn dte omo b FNE, SERVICES hrb>t elmto e flu 'rix W o en's W el îr esg . a .fo ded su ff erers h rm - d efective uS~~~ giil lae n<Iegvo"u.yslht.W.en poOr "e abou whch ôà not&ealy nlght bas Ilutprd wlth -their aou te whlch or aet itelY touachld duties le 7 ewÎng and ml gaged M'via wkor a lplajet o! actîvities 'reuirig - lose appi- bIt env oier tkn or itie. e Icati=n M"yAPPIY for and recel,. bn.l oathre e the Se. thglasses.Men, too, vii. are Imable i, thi ere at.wr vtxte flud Position or follew their w» ciirnhandlcapped by specla calllnga becaus.ee o! thts vuu de ects. t Ila >-alel knewn fjet .may avalI them &*eles e a prir that a large perc e otgo o! t e - ge.Of13p yn O U P a ut s O ! o u r m a t a l m m i o z i l s n al . T h l d l y t e e l h o k d n institutio ar e peO O pI& vho be cane h th a e ils, 'th i mle * ds wi ilefits or ma»adumm d té e !.In t«M o faI ist e -in e 4fam l 1through, sonme ptl ,or physical WIar or"-los alte tes 1defect. Difficltte u sc aess.! flue sa lu mc0)z i .8. honi o n . o ! tae so u r c e ! t t s m h d r q l e o iee sp er - a or p m e- Ju st r ne n t. i n c u r i n g t in. . d f . 4 c l u s i o r Iro vi es 1lu chidren the Women'sWalIate cre!uily cisnhle.O Ll . L eagUe have been Ym ed erïuiiy su c- b. sp elell . <r it xt a &yX cessful and are per!erm lzxg &gr . e & or a lanoca are rui e xtared. T cs. servi!ce to mn klUrnd. ,R egulr are up l ed by t e or d. Eb es 1 classes O! suclih h icmppe<¶ cM _- cn theys d thie Bhaird. ar e o dren are ield at'Simooe Ral ma d t lued s d iv n h fll reunate unden a routie o! tnilnlng hi suiferons. 'j i i I I t 1 c Il Il - t, - or thi wwmuw iwa -ý- - - m lu jw7w %PJU x

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