Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 20 Sep 1939, p. 6

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PAGE SIX THE WHITBY GAZETTE grflll W Woodalda ofOtwi a ae ~IKIIIU fl honorar aarmn Re.D. . IIL ILi I IWI u iJoi sertung. Toe. r . cGordon, UU~O IUI?¶~ 4Slscoe, ecreary of tisa general coonicil. andi Re,. J 1;1 Mutchesair, 5isUTI~~f f theaaF i Board o vne. sr'rWalter T. Browni, Toront2;, tise War of SupplieS2 of Great el C A. Corrigan, Toronato, Imprtance as Weila Re. Goe aEstan, Peterboro, sir RoltbertPralconer, Toronto, Senato: War of Armed Forces" 10' Falle, Ottawa, 10c. George O. Failla, 'Toronto, Mra., . Erneat, - FPorbus, Weston, Rer. Amblle Gillies, Strength in war-tlfi la flot Toronito, Rev. Dr. GF. . Klpatrlck meaaured alone by shipa, gas andi Montreal, Rey. Dr. Robe rI Laird, airpialies. Taronto, Senator Norman Lambert, Money wtis ihicli to wage a war Ottawa, Mr. Denton Massaf, MLP.,1 and auppies with anobli (o main- Toronto, Mr. J. McCanneil, Jr.4, Mon-' tain fighting nmen andi iead civlans treal, U. J. . Mcparlane, Toronto, Rey. Jobi Muteis, Hamilton, Rev, ara of paramonit importance. Gorclon lta.yler, St. Tisoma,, Mo. Iniis colileeioll, tihe allias iave Roward ItapSon, Toronto, Mr&. Geo. i a tremenisoua adrantaga anr Gar- Roblnapnl, ,Toronto, Mr. R. F. manu. Tliompaon, Ottawa, andi Dr. H. M.1 Britali, ansIt a em=Pira ilites ToIT. Ottawa. behinsi lier. lia an avaranlainln strengiî. I tisa 1325214, aquara IIT mniles o tisa Empire tieal I1 Britaia hrsl prapitestes a maxi- mum nUltar tengtliof 5 Million mon. Tise Empire, If raquires, cau 50YEo L BrItan as an lnûatrWai ountry, leada in Europe. Fronm tisa Empire First Univerity i Overseas tsae cIn gain ait tisa raw materaaa eme the needa. Ber ran ands ceai re- Do iions te Be'Granted oûroeas ara Inexhasntble. It la trac Royal Charter ti mot ai lier asupplea muai comae la ber ovr tiesea-Iut bar naval trengtn, aniicis gires ber Ralieax. - Tise Unverity oi contri of ties ea, wlll keep tisa Rlngs ollage, firt ciartered uni- tradae routes apen. isaesin lnd in the Britis Overleas Do- Frace (e.minions, recentiy ceiebraied t Frane, ocfrot br on lnds15015 anaiversary. andi thosa oi lier colonies Cen ob.- O dR etWnoriyBisr tainoîarin ail(ba aie neada. Charles mal 10,tieAglnr Withln her biordera aise bas lise csal colag la 1 789,nx tse Aungirani andi iron aitu whiscb la wng a tisee Irs un0lar te jfniavio, ceafuiy ti. ar i opply. AI- Quabec, but In 1002 thea newrii tisanS se Jacta il. ti i cy ba forîndasi collage aas ivan tise dia. inPretd. tisanus ncain la tisa fet nty af a unlverafty ciarer isy lise lisat tha allies dominate liese aas. Royal gront ai ing George III. Il Gld Ressses aas tise firt charter ln Canada. Wlin I coes o walt-n Il aas to te, tisa royal charer Wlia Itcoms laweetb-ecas- sald, tisa 11motlier ofi an uivrroty aerlly measurasi la (rma of gold- for tisa edugation andi Instruction Brîtoin and France àgan led. of youtis ands tudenla la costinua France, fitla raparted, bee more forerer and la lia caliad 'ings goisi In oeerva now tisen se isad College*." In 1914 whien se embarlced upon e Finenclal aid la the infant egirsol e; toor-yeer aar, Brntama gold sup- aas providasi for bY an Imponial ply la ass large, andi In addition. grant ai £1.010 ennuaily ^for 30 Canede'a gold, producesi et ina yearo. rata of $15o,0a00 annueliy, wll Blshap Gvr-assied bouster thia reerre If need li. l pt its batoa i Canada, in, bs a maor pat la Iondaincliof thbecions ogis, play In lais aar ai aupply. Froua atudanta aere reoirad la igo (l'e iser comaes almost tha entire world 39 articles f ina Anglican faltis, a autpu; of nickel. Nickel, aI Course. praraqulatae capied frozn tisa Britishs la e vital necaanty ln thie inanulac«- unlveraltles bt una shebi pre-' ture of armamenla. judloed Kings groetis for evaa Aeant tiseae, Oerosay ba yaac ubtil t aas aisolises. J precticalif no raerre of goldi - ber Tise firît president ai tisa Noa papar maney la lackesi by leas tisan Scotie Institution at Windsor, NS., (ana pr cent, of tisa mtai wici aas Dr. William Cocran, Who*s la tisa world'à fiandiai gessce. ishe came fronm ings Collaee Nae rubiser. Mer Ilily ceçclanlaad isera aere twa other Itng'a col- army depénda on oil and rablstr for lages la Canada, onea t Vxëderc- Ita msllty ands ]Ife. ren Ila pea.ca ton, NB., noan ine Uinlvrrsly of r tia, ansi aven deapita ratinnlng Newn Brunswick, andi tise citier the8 whh u sd0 hie lmpoasi apan lier popu- psert Ulniversity ai Toronto, both letion, Germany atili isad la les- of lter oncletion. port wool. cotton, brun, 011, ceai, Alunani ansi alumrqa-tis0 col- coppar, timber, Wcieat. ceilee, fats legs becael co-esiscatias &t tha s and :fruit, tara oi tise centory-gatisara bere Tisa naval blookade, already les- whisra ina collage came, ater a dis- posel bythe Wed ower, l astraus lira la 1a26, la - affuillte maka such Importations impossile Amng D alui are lery, * is by sea. Gerceanira borderlng land isi gauaua freesta clege' (lie powrs, f.trîenàdly. bacesse tise only gad>aais anuici th oiee athean- poasible roada tiscouga whiicli aup. science faculties la tffl activ Ai plis ousicae.cesmemnoretlve services unse- i Falani las supplias af cea, Iran gradisatea wearing ther piturea- ansi où. Germany'a isope la inat que goicos lians-i-e-doanna f00181 aise May capture tisa cauntly-and an carfilr gencration ai <Wford ncs supplies. Wietlier se Wnit tudenis, paradeci anIti ditingul- :be paranitteci, la tisis case, la aork esi graduates. tisera la thie funl atent la doult- * 1'rke raditiona f il. Firat, isoacrer, aire lias la At ianmer they licara tise nid carpture ie n ae f 0 Latin raca anisigl bas bean saisi Garanyhanan rea of259000every deyIn "Commuas Ral" fInM square mlles ansi a popuation f as fer brk as tise oldeat satdent 88 mlfilion. An estimate of lier lm- can remeusier.. osediate maximumn silitalT min Tise colloge numisero among île POaer ai ,000,000. Francs lias an graduates clergy Whio rosa lai lgi &res ofi 212,608 square milea, ansi a office la tise Cisurcis ai Englasas population of 42,014,594. Mer colon- bth la Canada ai abroasi; a sol- ies adA anotiser 4,825,07 square aler, sir William . DeLall0y. Miles ansi binga tise total poni- E.CM.. wa idU at Watclo Sir lien t l 11,09.22. lier maximum James Cctran, a chiai juati;e of iniltar treagtli la put et 8,000,00. Gibraltar; Tisomas Chandier, aIU - Polsuas,ý lih -an area oi 150,413 burton, tise early Canadien nOveI- square miles, lie a population ai lat, and Dr. E. A, Crawley, lise orer 32 million andi an etmatcd founsier Of a sitar Unversity, AOa- maximsums snlltsr trençils of 4,- dia, eit Woltille, NB. 500,00. On tise programa for tise rausiOn Tise figures deI iiti man --s a pligrimige la Windsor, hse power. Nt la bs f orgotten isoa- tisa nid collage propcrty la usasi bY avrs ta tha fat thal women ;jn as,,a RIngs Collage Sobeul, ionai tise ai tha nations inralvesi la aar are l'eau before tise roulage Itsl. cages la hlp. I Polansi. for in- stance, tisera are lreaelY reporta Wreck OId Homes (bant they hava isesi rifles aide by aide wninh ineir mansolk. For National Park In Englansi ansi France ansi Gr- . ý Mrtyn, inay are alreasiy doing mnueaS t.Lus et o Bl MI war wnric Englani lias formei lier w oi.Sp.1.Dislaal Wnmn't Brandis ai tise Civil Air ahicis folindarsofn Si. utisoId fea- ruorps. wnirh weomn rdos able la ililas made them fortuanes durisag lise fly machines la sis la lise nom- ML,,%nionlipi Rver steamboat ara are liera ai tliose an atois ansi wars ta be wrertedibtisa feut to fonoalol aganst encuar air raids; Englansi empioyflest ansi a nite fore a tiaI,- Ors her Women's Royal Naval er- I PaMl la lioier oi 'flomas Jefier- vicea. bec Women'a Auuilliary Terri- son. 0 tonjal Forces. lier land grla. ansi Tise buildings are la a 40.lalocle lier transsort drISara, lier nurming axes, alang tise Misaissippit River servicas ansi lier ai-raid sersens. Meiiy oi (hem lie becin vacant for These -vauntary srvices are du- rear. Oinera have beenu sas for pilctesi lri France la Germany warehOusas. iur ansi bidea aeta, Weoman long have beer expectesi la prntrg plants ansi btter s5*stitlsi play a nins part I tlie aven1 ni fatarias. A ie paruousa all coula aar, ansi the services dam.'vded if seaal alien the ares aas tise amit' thern are muais anore izroua ansi of t. Louis commercial fiha lied aven more dangernua ilion tost unioe Seseal 10w ýcoiS b0arduIn- AND STR[NVTH Clsses Diating uished by 5kze,Speed and Hitting * Powe IBLE~Seris - Generally, but not aliys, (lhe largest ahip li thse fleet. Bulat as floaiing fortrases, they'are e ary armesi andi heavilY suaroei., Laxgeat afloat today.are, 01 25000tons, allisougl itlain liasý tisa 7000-to Is labeing complet- esi. Carry guna as heavy as 16ý-incl aMd armor platine as thlck.as 141 incitas.Cosat ta orounsi iM00,000, efld W"s complemaent more than 1,300 Ã"f. (cr andi men. Spees, 23 lanota (26 BA1JTLE CRUISERS - Cabe ba. * UTLg ANNIE ROO)NEI lmT EcMF- Fr ; iwTsLEÈiýA'ieOK r-

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