- G .White, Ceca-I E-0OLI,' Sept. 10 -The We- aseisa Assaclallois a! the Unitedl ýCiircis inet la luela- regular month- ly> meeting an Thaliduda>', at the home cf Mca, Wv. Docker, vilS art Jattendanca cf -30 ladies. Tue et In 10wa. conducteai iv Ma-s. Santey. -~prealdent, wiIi~ tiie pa-ograus lu charge cf lue 'Itolabie. Cil,' viii Mca. W. Draper asi leder. Tue ral Csali vas -an5woa-ed .by c saylag a! Pesus. Mca. N. J. White led i a von- ahip service under lue tiens. "Jesut Needs FiUloee." Mca. ansea- gave a readine eniileit !Oua- Sasiling Quzeen." Mcs. Allan .Jonti sang aKeep ou Hohain',' anal Ma-s. Macr- plal Jones anal ias Lioin; Jones "hng a .hiCI "Once TthougitI walIt- cd vils Jesans." plans vere made foc tise 'eecaruineo a! lue Beginniera' 0001 i the Sunday tacheel anal lis esmof a $10 vas voleci te senal vool- lin clotline anal blanteta le Bng- lanal for lue chîlciren vin haro bien taken (rom lue London bonus hi tise count-y. Miss Seulie Glarbittîs Sundu>' Bchaaleloa held, a elener rosI on tue Indian Stone la lue uoois a!, PA Bras' Facans un Pria>' eveai- hIeg. Oily ana memnbers allihe cais vas absent anal tes, euss vere liresent, raaklngtic numbea- aI lue gatherine foucteen. It vas a happy occasio for ai fr001 thse prepacar lion a! the scioners. erer thc camp lin sud th. tbaeling o! macshmaî- lovs, 01th. ývorahlp searire cosudurl- e(d in.tue beaulillil settig on1 tise SImulela! lue little strearn assone the ta-oea as lise sun a sinklng In tise ment Hiesuof Bull>' ceai lise sà crip- tiare, Marlon Blar 0e.ffereel lie pra>'- er suit Miss Beagle Ganisutt tIain gosot appropriato sIca-y. Toc gilti proreal tiseaselvea moii efficient tn answea-ing s. group e! Bible ques- lions,. Mr. N., C. Buhoît, Mc. Rosi S5Ih suit Mcs. Dopes .ausiteal in the transportation Si vison tise gia-IS axpreisea thi tlants. Mr. andi Mn. Bay Wikin cf Bro- desitoi Bach, Florla, hsaveiseen U. Macke>' anal Mr- anal Mc,$. N. J. nWite. Vi8tsIc ul. lue ionu c! Mca. A. sav-roice tuis veet, vece Mcas. John Ijeablît o! Itedrun, viso 14 aI pro- c8ent vii. ber. duughte-, Ma-s. Davis anlMc, A., Nesbîtt. Mc. Warren o!, 9;cougbesu vas 9180 a Toc Brgoklin 'eraen a .Inîtituia ,*ère suecessful i wI1iaig ton fli prises aiid issue seman prizes sud a snumber o! luiccis ut tne COsawa Pair. Shirley ,InstitUte shiîd firat gmm aneu five 9xhibllors.. Brook- lU mintte von lue prtae Ibis pear i tise istrict Competitien for lise ,Whso vl sIicate At he is 4aICishle o! memoal:i ita St. Thoisie AneSeai O'bur'ceit eu siapY beut Prograni vils hirley otihif second. Guesto t "20 Stepa Inn", tua veek includeal Mr. ugi rosby-Anal Miss IM Cosy a!Breehii; )M.ML-ý yard Cnab>' o! CuRdillAc- Mi0à M. Gtiffùin, Miss Sus Devit,M.C. S.MacTrin c! Taroni. Mr. anal Ma-, Mugis GÃŽilci-t O Oshueu. Wve. vllu-Mc. analUMn. W. Jackson for, tisweek-end. Mc. >playfir a! AneAster anal Mcs. Campel jo! Vuncouvr are gestoat thle mane. Mc. anit Mmo.N. J. Wblte ttend- ei lue dedictilon srvie .51tthe" Uniteal ChurchIn laWisitbY* on San- day visen lue nev punppel choir la! anal aclan ver. deaicatasi. Mtao Chaissie Sinuiacu vas iii hec sistoc. Mca. W. . IMOalgnà , hi Torantoiauthle, eek-end. Oewing 'o ho e.ucoUtbreak 0 var, Mcc. Athiur EBlinIs,, visaintmidait spendlng lue vinter menthe vils sea- people hi Enlanal. hae canceleid bser trip. Mce. Ntr ElliotI vswueeees!sIU i visnntg coe of tthevahle prises giron uat Mas. AllIons Ceookinse Sehool" aI tue Ehaibition. Slervices vii l eit h le Iuta Cissodeail >obloslk an 7 O'dOck ýu nda>, Septambr 24. a0rulng service vill hi candooteal Spýth lue sosa-To. eveig iservice vilbe coidueteel SýpÀRa. W l Miontoxi o! Simca. jtreet Viti Cisurcis, Osisava.' : . : 1 b~ KIS ALE (Mm. Videor Parkt, Cor) i ZNBALE, Sept, 1.-Toc Wa- Mens AssciatIon viii sueet at ths hanse.oa!MMn.Louis Dunu lula sWed- Cted>'altérnoon, Sept. 20. Mn., Dtnne gaoup yl have charge of tise progruln. 'Me Wamens Inttute vil meel t tise home o! Mc. Alvin Itookea- en Wetiueadai', Sept,. 27. RoUl cail, "Qotat nfa-cm a nature poon.l (Adalaes: Autuasn Pros ami Poet- a-" y.'SpMca. Annile Maria-on. Talk en "BMMbPlantine." b>' Mr&. J. Wagg. Pleuse note change i date. AU lad- ltu viii be mude welccme. Sundmy, Or;l, i.basbain st asi<11 for tiseanniv'ersar>' services. mcxi-1 ie a nalevenin. Bre. W. . Smart vii hava chargea!f bth servces. Speelul muit vil hi paoideti for bols services. the prticgaran a! visici viii higiron nexl veet. Ma-. wm. luiga a!rMaisllis sa been ependine lue past veet vils W. anal Mn. Frankin Rogers sud abher relatIves isece. Bre. Mr, Hlggs Joies hec on dundu>' sud bohat- tendait lue Bull>' Day service hue. Mc. Ma>' Marison, Misa Mabel Anal Mca .H.Croee>'oa!Makbaiu spent Satùrday latinl Toronto. UmesMay Astr o! Toronto apnt part o! let.vee vils friend I 2lteaale. Mr. anal M. Jim Richardson anal son. Haroldl of Cshavu, apeu Sun- da,,,lat ItI viMc. A. Barba-un anal Ma. Wni. Richardsion. Mr. anal M. James Mbonad speul Sanda>' ils relatives IAI- toss. Mr. anal Mn. Vi Parkin sud Miss Veina Saison ullenaethe ea-op- onie o! the Zion Churh ner Mampton. ounFa-laly evenhig, Sept. 15, ocer f111>' fInonda anal negibars gls- eard cI the hcme o! Mr. analMn&. Balp . Mabny sund paeenleal luem ils a savwea-o! rer>' use! ai articles.ÀA aiort pragcam consithie o! lue folowing ouimbers vue giveis. A vocal tiset Sp Jean- anti Milaün Movýbc&y; vocal solo,;Miss Zona Ce"; gulta- duel. JackI anti Cea-aid 11k- er. anda a eang Sp Mil. V. Park- ln. Short speeches *vare giron b>' Rer. MaVe, IM. Wm. Mannhig anal Mr. B. V. Movbnay. Tvo ]he&v»g laden baskets o! houseiiolal arieTte venu precenteal ho1h.bride -anal groom h iylls Movisce>, Ceralti ooker, Jack Hoater anal MilIeu Moaviy>, t10 vicis thebrida anal grdoens mada aultabla arepi. A con- test eu pas P4 on by Mn. Mookai', sfitar Wviiea demtrI>' lnch vas serveal wchsbrougit t10 ecloee a pleasant oeeoing. WaS Sunncxiary, LON DON - Great S1iaIem labeh inqAslen invasion et Polanel 'uijostfied," tatua &ho vil "prooecute thaeruvilS ail encre>" antli s"et~a hbec been aciiveal'; Germnn ub- marine alins Britlis haioft carrier Cowsugeoa, sndettc- mîneal Iumbea o! mon lest. SEIlLIN-Buesan anal Ger- man foces amet e a&-esti-Lit- Onsk as gelierale icav asp occu- pation lie for armies; Wecmav stili Po"sh&hndo, aIlsoeal again. M06C0W - Oea-oaI>'anti Rioa belleveal planning cau-a lion o!fmal Polish buffer alate belveu thon. CNBAt5T- Palah Covea-i ment troopse anti 100M000 Iclll5aa l.. Polanal for mulnie;"Ma,- Tocce' of Poilit"cdanesaer- allesi, reporteal quircllg. PAR--Pres r eo rwt eiini Germen raomarine; watlemf front qiet. OOPM1OACE-rcndete florva>', Sveden, Deimrt, Fins, 1=4suit sud Ielnal c.ser Mu maintenance o! neatrslil. WASHINGTONO - United, Stateu officiait prepered. fac Hiler ieaco mos.in hi viai UnitedStaBltes niant hi a"kete putsipate: expacI vashbitSeo mavaer voullth"no." Pux- Bel>'sentie peadant mesabersa afarn>' hese forfMAE farmsing, idlatS Pin. la- tende te ressain a nas-beiger- ent. Greenwoob v5. ENy. EBowi, crresonent) mY UIUL OPEl 3W.OO, Sept. 19 --Lut Sunday niarnlng tisna y nii 91001 (Ms C. Harrimon, Cocaeapoateast> andl Churcis observ eciRail>' ay bY IMYRTLH LTATIOIO, Sept. 1.,- a plinteecelce. Neatstlnd ay wilMan>' fr001 bers attensiesiannivor- b.~0asiisl1o srvceut110 ?êi-saaervlces atPraspect on 5sl- lau 'hou o f 11.1 ocloaxe, Suisday dy1e.Jbi.c cgg a Sciiol viii b. aI lhe zautme' the.preachor bothisa ernoonu and 10.10 o'éloek.AUaewloc t bth sevce.AUa . clcm a vening, ansidelîvered' splendid Bueof tise Weet-endsal rssermions.1lu isusuai pieasing mess.. Spni latonnec. Tht, Myctie choir foroisheal the- ver . L. red Gen !~~~oO horal part ofr bath services. 1ev. Mrtit F.L ni aa rpen; Miu C. A. and *Mn. Gervan sangt a duet Midred Corbett. of Scueog Centre, ln tise afternnon,- for 5e numiber. andl miss Gertrude Corett, of Bp- ana lnhith.eeoing_ Mn. > no' son, vith their parents, Stewart Thempoen anal Mca. GerVan asang andl Mc. Corbett; Miss Zonait <ice, a dueln10tle early part o the sec-1 ,f1 WhItby, t home; M. and' Mrs. vice. folioveel later by a, number Kennedy andi Mis Mary BcoOfs, o! Irntise choir. oîenile Pn, ~UBSA, wii Krk Chorcis servife nexî isda>' at à anal Mc, Seelby anal John andi Mc. pan.,, lu conjunction Witis the tafllr MidlleenMn.Joh JosnaOi1 0fDay service. Sssnday achool. ut .45. midleon Ms.Joh Jhnt,, 1Evçrybody. corse anal Maete laa Manchester. vils Mc. J. Bof er. u rîy Mca W. G0. Fecin apert ,the A j.oly eveniog vas enioyesi b>'i week-end ils hec son, Irvine anal nimbeca of Howard Park ,Avenuec fanlil>' t tieir summer cottagêe t Churcis. Toronto, .1wison-about f if 1>' Lachln. of tierns scre entectuinesi On Sà t- Tise hum o tihe con bihder andl urday evenisse by Mcr . anal. Mci. esilage cutter la hearsi agai, ond George Wolf e as, their aunsme the. cocn la proving a better csop home ent o! tise village. Beore tissu ah finIt expecteal. . daclc, horseback. riding vas orie ,Las SudayeveingtheW.MS. ealure' o! enertalnmenl, ai vas Ledatnel en n iointisren- ' .alaso donbey inaine,' vien iMli hWood Cis opo meeng hifise eota-was broucîl out.,Aie. createsi loto voca Cisices wien fin re O0f amusement for tise young tpeo- frasthtie WhllhY Scisool foc leaders pe liosiv aeotbr wuS gicen by Miss Margaret Styles.. hiat se behaveal. heraelî in>'n Four o! lbe C.G..T., MIsses DO!Bbt but. tise mml sedat e anner. A ansi Lasovîhe Pegg, Marlory -BSytm barbecue, isuving been bultltlu ansi Mïldret Bcown,* sang a 'duel. ceadness foc tise party, mui.dO an Later tise Happsy Siaren QC.G..T. Ideal place foc coasting veinons. A grotip beome afflliated ivi t the1l- isuge honire gave tise necessar>' cal Canudala Ilglis, ansi aftocrlise efreasuents. Rtegistrations of scaln omen ail gathereai round. Il for a ihappy la belng caca-ed out for ie itrc sing-uog befoce .islddlng goM- under lte leaeosbip.o! Mn»,W, W. nîss ater9511 taa uI Ceei he lb unduy Scisool coosis .Ty Dolford, o!Toronto,. causal the chsancn duing t115 veek; aftelr- ih us aunt,. Mias zL. O!0oyie. on nSagn ld aveoies Jail i ridY .Wednesday lait. BuW counitry'vonen.maynot hava Mn. George Hono>'. o! Nevcsc- muais tisse hi apare but il al coente tI. vas a viaitr at tisa home of and salvst«ver You cen do vil hi a!f Mc. D. Luecyon Thucada>'. oarjvce ana appreiutesi. Mns, Roy Farcît, 0f Scarbosno'. LOsI alal Mn.Sandenson, 0 Tor-clateal lait Thun3da>' vitisier par- onto, ver gueata Pl- Normant anal ent, Mr. aa ME, Bedman. Mma.Wilson anal Fred anal 1Mr. anal Mns. ogge Mitchell Syens on Sunday. Mrs. and two chlsren. cf Ballyduf!. anal -___________ Mr, anal Mn. L. Wlaimn, of Pontypaool, vere Sunday clatltors o! A irdle Mr. analMa-. Elvssod Muetecq.. A u ly Mcs George Chisholan. f ï7e te, vialtea on Tiusnday wl$h relu- - tives. AUDLET, Sept. i9.-Keep October Mr. Georga Cooper nisirneal la 13h for tisa local Instituts 5net- Maladtie, que,, on Saurdty, afcer' bave a happy hliday apent vith liea- Wlstrs Broir., hv enengageaI entaoanal relatives. ln UxrIdnagaesn P. M. Yeate buila- Mr. anal Ma-. Bier Vaosafo Cunsiderebia falviteat hbl.eu week callii, on frmer sitighois* &G >'Umenti>. Mca. lRoy Thomsoei anal Jack Ciias. an salW. UeryetBrok era n lu ronlo on Rateirta>. uncie Urban Blake fer a fev aays. Sois Val1r.wviso hie donneal the Our onclis4uee&due ta leaisal sniforos, vos homt on Sun- Donald S*snder. ilpon hie cecent day. asarclaf e. Donald ha& 9510551 bis Ma-. T._Cars>' vas home vils bla ulsole lifa *ithis u pireito here, fuml>' n on rda>'. lud la lgs' iy respectasi Is'tise con- rtc.,John McClintock ban roSirai- muiti. cd home alter a ,lices ,monthaf .TbeheriMme fricea ,o! tuai-holiday apent vIth ,relatives i le' Obsich it yl be held on Suroday, akatc havan. Octobén lat, aI 2:300 cisik ana l ii Mranal -MnH 'iltHliday. Of hi conduteti b>' l. . O.G. Park, 1Tocoto, viaitealon Stinalay, vit MA. o! Wbtby Unitedi Churccis pe- Mns. Holiday., cie muai. On Mdonduy aI i 8pa. a Misa. Pearl Taylor anal Mr. anal 1rg iiile rn 1bpMn. Sprat Mca. loyd Hugison, o! ToDronto, ,-ia Samale quartette, assisteal by Mn». Tay1cc, .P-i? and. Jean, >o! MmOea. Puleka-lo. eiocutionlaî SBucteton, mns, MeCQlOugis. o! Lunch viii e aerveda t tise caie. Mentreal. ,nal Mr. anal Mn. Milton Admisio 25cann. csilice ~ odgsan, o! Ohtawa, vers guet cdiin 2 cna,, lrn 5o! Mn.anal Mc. Ãorman Hlghul _____________ on Sanida>'. Mca. Davial Brome, o Solito LM E OF CANADIAN OEB vas a clitor is Mr, anal Mns.O Tise acerae lle cf a be uru- 5H. Lane, les tveal vhile en roui, ing the asomqer montha i Canadj,. "In' Yerc'k on a m$nter ttrp it la agpProxinstel>' six 1veeke. but t ir'dessalafroix Toronto. vinter tiseirlis mueI hi pro)long- Mcf. Frank Harrisonoet h o et at e aat eighsî onthsa.Toudo IlOn Monda>' iesu he viii taka- tli reaimsits a caseafu esi 01 o!Charge of lbe section in tise ais- COlOY Stengt, fod suply, ant ence Of tea foreassuWvista sol- protection lu relation la intocine. ý10n Inda u>'. oewhch At DO ne t wilvaslougil tisai Mr. duecase.Hrason itaaltise hies ce tilauerviva tise vinler hi mW rtUine' o! leing on., 0f hie mais>'Parts Of Canada Unieas bus- rahiable Ayrgilceenalait veej. ed l hoipcail> cuslructeal cllaco, Ts oll'aetn fts but the apiarlea of thea Dominion Auxellar>' o! 15. Wome ofsM isn Exp)erimetl lFerma bava ahon a-pSial'a s isaihé ti at isioe luit bas cau hi aifai>' vnterealOa! Mc. . Redman on Thua-ada>' outdid a hiPaeklng Case. anyviere a1bu«e lat ii e aî at-1l lu Canad. pravide thtie colonieasuce utia ice-preai t ndal ara pZrYperi>' resldoring lue M", vwuDi theechair. Mca, 1M. pnevimuefan. e' udeihaf ýcharge o! tise devo- tionl extrimes. Duinge b smi- Codit let t hitttae toufistme, n u esson c. pBedman wvasap- and Mmn ith goid-'<cioî. poite«i presidnandsud n. CerVan. STATION vice-preaident for tise, balance 01 the year. Tise cail-cali van ceaponal- ed hi, by a veniecfSrtueAlr repesti frsm ,tise different depAri- meoto, Mca. Cico. Hune>' cfMew- caille, president o!, fthe:,Osawa Prusbyterlai, Xave an iotecestioc tli, Meeting, cises ils u ýhyran "Aide Witis Me'l, ansibenedilti. LIgis cefreasmento vwers serveal ly tise hoste, hi vison a iseacly vote o! tisants vastendewv. Voietr>'registration. fuasserv- le. inatinal .einergoncles vl hi madie oct Thun3day ufternoon. 1-5 p.n., analoveaing,. 7-9, anal Friday aftanoon anal evening, sans isouts ln tise C.Pit ' station. Ail laies o!flise canimllnity are sakts hi regieler. .Tise annivýecoary services o! Myrtle 'Unitedl CiurchIl ii hihelal lic fias Sunday ln Ochiber. Tise gumlt speakers vIll hi lue Mev. Mr. McVey o! Greenvsod. ut.RSER VICE TO' THEIR IOUNTRy RegistretioMa eât Myrtle Sta tion Made et Home of Ma-s. R. Thompson MYBILE, Sept. 18. - Ma-a.RO>' Thompon.local Meelatrar, corn- menealhec alsilea cogisteting aI eherse aI Myrtie Station on Monda>'. vienlise ladies o! tise commonity aigneal up foc active servieif caltai ipen -ilnUie aI easergency coiýng lue great strug- fie thal bas thnovn tisa nations. o! tise vorît inlto such a cisotie alato recenti>'. Remenhia- 1h. sapper anal con- cect hib hi gven authle cisucci Wednesday evenint under tha aus- pices of tio Women'a Association, vhen tht MilmM anfmily. paPular anleatierefront Epeans vii hi an 1h. progrmmue besidea local talent.. Cossgraulalleaus are extendeal tu Mca.. D«eurs LoaendiMca. Clarence Harrison upon recalving so zmany cea tiisee n tsei H M ade Miss Helen 2Rues, nurse-lu-trai- At's Mt et. tWesteýern ioadpial. hTo- aunits. Mcf. Boa-h DUff la isaving soute extensive Improvint dont lta tht ex- terlor 'oI bis houas. Mc. A. Pille>' 0f Raglan bsathe contasol ,& ver>'cordial invitation Ite x. tende oa&U hi ailhttenal lue annual Bail>' Day service visichis Iiibc helt sthtisaSunsisp 8011ce1 at 1:41 nexl sabbat4. Service viii b.est tise saal houa-, 3:00 pan., witis tht Bei. Cursus ln charge. Former achalara ana ldelfrienda hec. vers &Mm> uhile--ofo!tlis dealu ,o! a former tesciser, Mes, Dors. Parking, o! Toronto lacs, voek. iss Parkins realaleal atMancis- hec prior hi nsocing te Toronto anal lier body vas brosigiht tuPie Ca-oct cemeiftr>, prince Albert, for Iolermnt. Ma-. anal Mca. Sert Duf! enJOYati a mot« rip lb'Fenelon FaIla on Sonda>'. lihe localchoir isîsicharge o! lue muasicItproaplet annirersar>'. jeasndy afternoan anal evenie, vison a ecoa rpresontation oI lue congfegation Iron iece vers Ais- prtaonl anal enjopeal lue tvo ser- mons so ahi>' delicereal b>'Roc. Jobln o!fSnsxa. Bec. Gervan ex- ,dhangeal pulpita vilshlm nfor lue Annivenlucp services thara. 1MJ. E. iledmsan la isclsg itte bydro installe lnhi hiebuldinghigils vmek. SMr. andal ma. J. C. Lavrene, Lyi. Shervin. Mis Souls. Frank Devie> anal a number 0f otisers front here ettendeal Linadsay' Pair on saal>. )&, assai Mn. oscar H. Dovney sisteal tieir a=uRap ln TorontioOn Utica (00mm A, BeypoOlia.Corrj UTICIA, Sept,10.-Tise Sepleehr metig o! tiseW.A. vas, ici St lue home 0f Mns. Oea-novai Mass- chuster. on wédnesduy a! tamosen vils* a-gond atondance oai membera anal fa-tends. mpoing lue usinessi sesion,. pisa wre conuipielca fusa- lue -anniverar>', whichyul hi iselali on lhislt anal 3rd o! Octeber. Pull purtictiars later. 1lT , o voen o! lue W.A. accptedthétseinvitation 10 st. Pauls AglIcan Chuci on Pnl- day, jSept4rmbe- 22. vh51 Bride Brodier cof lue Taconin Globe anad Mail &ta!if vil b. tisespecial speat- M. anal 1crS,.iH.,Partin o!of n- sale, vert *Sanda>' visitersa aIthe home cf Mr. anal Mca. Jas. E. Mlitri. elt Mr. ansi Mca.,W. Heaven, O! To- canin, vece week-end vincts citAi Mcr. G ec.,MitcheIL .Mr, anal Mn».E. Meron. Doris May anal Keilsetis.a!i btYitie. vere cliii tisa latterai parentakiere on Sunsiay. HexI SundIa>',septeoibec 241h, tic church aO(e ÇçaI lhéue ioloachurch vll be baçk ta tise si isur, 2:30 pos. vils the Ber, A._Siesell, rmi- iteri charge. SaisSas Sciscel at The Bail>'service on SundaY cci volt attendeti. vils lue Roc. Buh-j en latine lue service. Tht stOr>' cas1 real, Sp Misajean Warti. Mca. E. Hocon o! Myrtle Sang lue suis, 'Ifarnine Noon'isud, igist," wvii vas mauci Appreclateal. Sice Mr. Manueil Gorrov bai left la train at Wlsitbp Hespitl, lefs, Thos. Latey has neuimeal ber od lPosition 51 the orean. PRK AND, ARClI WIIDECORATE PEACE_ BRIDE[ Canadien Enta-anc. Beauti- fieci in Holoaing U.S. Citizeni astone Canadiasi asamoivle Malien Part anal Méemorial Acis lue latte., expeCleal hi hi completeai by Octohir t ut. tic Fort Erie enda a! lue PeaeBridge. Woîk On. tue park viii continue for anindofinile penioti. SOIS projets am nusaual be- cause lue>', vili have been bufit bY lise Pravince of Ontario thi )sosr a nativebOa-nlmrinscItizen of rpre.ýrevolullsiars>stc, nov living An Lai Angeles, Calif. Me la Alonso C . Maluer, 91 peurs olal. vhs made .a fortune ln Cicugo. Sp building r asllad cars for truspocing lice- stock. Me la a dejsndant o! lu- creaeanal Co1ton Matse-.fams 1New Englanal Puritaut divines. <nle o! his ancescae as killealfighti v iti lue Amer-ian forces et tic bBatis eo! usidy's LasselalnuehévaZ o! 1812. The besutiftii park et tis eanalOf tuSb Canadian epprachb tlt peace Bridge vilf ulfili u droans o! Mrù. Malier visicis asUi t eïVe $orne lastIng ameohihi&ielong fcienalship silu Canadians ami ýa monument laelise long ami>' visicli aisas eisted belveon the lys cossai- rtries. Me suggested lise ereetion O! lis. Pouce Bridge ai 1o0g ago al Itlaisbhleveai lia Imas>'yeanS ugo. Ur. Malien Camne fron hia Oa- lire Cisicago toSisit lise saine of tise btIlee srois anceator vag killeal anal vazsaltuct vilstise beuit>' s!tie Canadien frontier 0anal la poaobillties foc Indlustrlal ex«pansion. Me isasia f irra talter liaI Fart Brie la siestînedtihib.- comae a great clIt andl ivuiles haudily thi bart up his contention. eBe bought many acres a! landt i tue neaighhi-ng tovnship ana lnh 059-ny vays vas a benefactor ta IL 8 Ha aiso bougit thse largo tactO! lanal lylng aionetise Niatgara RAm and rsmnig vesl le the aile of the Peau Bridge, Isslendira Sasseies hi, buildal a ydro-elecîria pover houe. Ma-. Matier enclalital tise lime visen Buffalo anal Fort E1>1 woiild bhiaDetroit sud Windsor are 110v. Seversi pear amgo. i. donattedal Intraoflandl alonge isever aminouling hi about fifI> aRues, andl *20,000 th0Nisagara Parka con- Msisaions, with tise eqaseal liut lue la" behimade loto a parI enlaac-' big thé beaut>' anal ayrnboligut cf the International peace acch. ne. off« Wvasaccepteti, anal Cad"Isa raital etise coniplirnesil Sp lelissg- Mc.., Maliser havwu tise porsifi- cation o! gocalvillbelceen hie ovu cossitry anal thisea-ovo. anai lue th1e park woild coolulo a memorial to hin as veli ai la tise inlana- houaI pesce bridge. Wak wvas tarted en ltepark "ee ortaber. sien lise Niagara Pacha Comissioin began building x breckwte- alang thea&MMr. lise v511 l is Wtf;est uigisanal la but of a-uble atone. som Places O! vuhch veigu lice tons. AboutI 200,- 000 perds 0f oaa-th I w ert duig &long Gihmur rad ta level Ot! tise &lie. The excavation resuiling la hi- ing aede isihi an anpisitiseatre be tise Niagara Parla' Comsionl ana i.e crpecteal a h ae ak vec ASHBUkN (rca. xi Herssa, Con.) ing hecriaist. stthe home,0f Misa ASHBEtRN,..Sept. :19.. - A very Ethel Strelttaford. pretty weddsng iokplce Y, c Ui. .Currle ,0f Woodvila, plait- ed at the hamesetofMra. Wi. Taylor' home ofý Mr. and . Mrs. Clarence recentîy. C-OYAui. of txbrldge, on S&turday Misses Almasand Gertruda Lynde, atenoSeptember ttM , whess are enjoying a holiday togetiser. for, MsJenAnderson Parkec. formier tise week at Fenion Fais. teacher of, ptiley'Public. 8clsooi. ýThe 1Ladies Bible' Cosamet 0on became the bride o! Willia EsI Monday evening ai tise hInoe 0f;, Xartyn. eldest son of M, sud Mns.. afra.Ë. Meron with a, good attesa- W. J. Martyn, Prince Albert, Qnt; d ance. Thti neit meeting Wlli be Rev. J. l)enny,. nIPrince -Albert. held,,October-17is et thqý home of co>ucted the ceremony on the lawss tr*. Jamies Duf f. uder an arcW ,of everecena. Mc. ÈNesunday -wlllbà rally dayi roxa si ococtsdtise brida to tise tisa Sunday, Scisool et I0o coc.An alter who- lookeallveyh weddinà interestlng progrl la beingpre- dreu cf, whtte tfftt=wthnet cci ppXged natiecollection Willl Ço tù- caueht. In, place wthIlily 0f the, wArd iselping oeedy Sunday achoolà . valley. TisebridaI finvers vere Thereguia c urcii service; wtl .fol- Opisela roses, Lily0f iotte Vailei/ 10w at eleven o clôck. snd terni. Mfs. Clarson Plapter, Mcr. Davidi Grant la iisving his of jBulington,,*as muid o! bonor. boise . euglted. vill e b rooms brther.Mcr. Alln Ur. and Mn.szU. MOGe1anssi martyn vas bust man. Mn. B. dasa'giter Vrie, attended tihé Linl- Winsmaket. TWOrnto, ister of. thaeay Pair on S9atsrday,. groom. playod the. vedsiing. musaic. Mr. Ãnet Mca. shervin Lyleando Umis 1orine Croxaii sang dellibitful Dsreen. spent SuOdiy vithifrienalh solpa, 'I Love Tes Trsiiy," beforac e t H anoda. 1 . cerenony and >'Ail Mine Aloe?' Mr., anal m.m; W sWalsce, or durlng tise igning oflthe regiltes.. Ciarmont.' visiteal frienda Itise Mrs. Ccosrali, becolnine dreasesitrn village during the week Dahlia ceivet witis corsage of talla- 1fri. Prank Paiarand grand mans roses. recolcalthe gueis. Mcr. datighter,.-MissPeggy .Ebleldon anal Martyn. mother of tise groom. vor f rIenal, Misa Ma. G:reger, ail of To- a. lovely nacy erepa dreusvith cor-. roi. were vialtors vltb 1Mr. andi sage cf AlOrican S3easty roses. -A Mca. IRobert XMono on Suiday a*fier- dalnty bu6tet isnniston vws servesi faon. to about aeventy eiaests, aftcr vhicis Mr. anal Mns. gay Wliken, of tise happy couple le! t.for Tsos- Floride, ara tise guestaof Mr. ansi andl Islandaansi points euit. Tht Mn. jamies Wlken. bride travelling.in bisne dres a nd coat. Tis. bride spent. hor chilal- maa ea isoos anal achool sisy4 l hi iScli5ii borisoalwit.hlier uoncle ansi ails Popi8NU tise late Mr. and bMca. W. 3. Par- ker and >htcommruitlyexten a i Vw ihz-obride and groomi I ALLPRO VINCES sate ae Up thierhoeI Viaitora wthMc.-ansi Mca. Cordon 1Dosuiioon'e Fsguvee Set Et Fisiser, on Sunday were Mr. andal - a O Mca. rank Mitchell, of whitby. 9,0 ea. Mr. andsi M . Meconansi fsmly e,00O0in Two Y«"r attnded tise Rsily service -ae Utîca- on Saind.aY. Ottawa. Sept. 19-Popuiatil o! Mns. Male Beadie anal son Mur- Cand on Jimne 1. 938,, vas cti- ray, called, ou Mr. And Mca. John mateal by the Domfinion Bureasu .f Quinneon Bund.ay after5oon. Statletles atOSOOliO an hnicease o! Mca. rZswe Sneelmor. cf aiton. ,000 c gmparea vils 19»7. ilsafe accooapanit<l by mca. Wni. Meroas vau an increee population iu anal Mca. ýPeter iRobertson, ocfBrockevery provInca cf Canada. tovi <i.p calieci on relatives la-tise Population by. province vus esti- village on Priay lait. mtids fbUo$, vith, 1937 figures Mca. Arthuor Essry ana ltile lurt bracisctà : Prince ivaird Isiand, daughter, Sarlsara. of Toronto, on- 40W (93,0005 Nl.ova Scoie, .OtOOGO loyads everai day. i Dur commun-il- îsNAe w; 0e unswick. 45.00 ity oaling on many old &trend& duc- jQuebu 000); Otco .1.0 271i> ing mnm, vith bronze pkasisl o chevan sto (939.000; AibeïU.ý tise vullis ecocdlng 5Mm5eOf issu 783,000 <(778M0); anelBriltIsh ol1- history ef the Mailler f amlly ana lshia, 761,00 (761.00). 11> of lhe donor hinueîf. Tise sch, la Liv. bicthe ICanada Isalyear expecteal hi coat $75,000 on the le!tdwt wilt be asiselter bouse ansiCôMfO vaca egicet a7329183 com5pared i station. A pisa, paveal vîtis iat- 22W,235 lu 1031. Marri ages hricceases atones,. vAl assi rosu tise arcs to 10 08,290 fron 97.00 tise iverbaiik._____ _______ Tise deeIopment has beanu snder tisa supecvisi0p Of tisa Bon. T.B __il. __ McQuesteo. KM.., elsrairoso0ftise*.bcf Niagara Parks CDmisoss,ansi C, I Ellison Kauuoeyer la genecal mess - a 1t:Xl L ager. il Wile it Jisexpecteal Mather Alcis ____________ viii te completedi Otaber 1I os ,~,~, datebas boen &et focrIa formai - ois..., das bu é.e5' desilcation. Everyone Is Invited asseasty l tsiaaa lai visiels eu vaca a » osa? Diyau oece»0»Sactist »Wct.8puasc maim a is aerau atel Md c.a i«em % aI nin, heaa -mu tu e ttcle I p ra mliis anA SOm t.a ci mas. vse tsc igs au»ti te ta M « ea ?m silo i " _ etîle w feaslai et le i retc n"e rt e mipis . i- maft u ise Gmel mi C iscenleis fl t pe u nt. ta t.lapiseai, urte. n a A rvotten gem taial a tema cftawa mid attr et liceaitajaiL TeaIl aJY thie attie p etu. ip la tht aic tis e ft isSeievpepe. U eS vo "tg iMsl ie t Da. -. TetegaatfelyaIboalaaau*, 1939 .PAGE THREE RAL; ýCENTRESý