Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 20 Sep 1939, p. 2

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HF, HIT BY GAZETTE AND CHOICg ;ýENEDY, E TEMBER 20, 1939 'HE The Whftby. Gazette and Clironicle Ontis CouasII Lallng WseIy enilbues-vey Wedg-eaya ,-oslug hY rmMes Pnb- liodls Cmpay a QiseeUited; . aM. 9tindY, ELon; .-t.AilavsY, Via-preutiint: Graydui &n .yw iiri ,lis Canada 1$2.0 &-ys- a i danta; $2.00 % yecs-tôasauts-lites-s iltheIse utaStatel s-ratlir - 'adulaefitiles'. Tise dit. te 'salis tso sulsrp- tion >âl 'ha la lu ad ii o~the-eus-mu ilaboS. A- L.IL QISMISTON.gWlter- uni& Busi .ness Muage., »uaisn Bell '0; lSeldem- É 59. WMSTBY, WEDNSASI3tY BPTME5L20j1939. Pratctica.ýS'mpthy> and Help Synspatby And adis-aÏtig.a for tisa peopla o! 'thise-formes- fs-as republit af Czecisoslu- vakia bas been glv0n talamandabla -'and p~tcl~pression 4y tise Ontario Ladies', Cllage, Wbtby, ails tisa nnoantament. tisaI a yaung labfasiltiat, couaIs-y is ta hava tihe nft ai a atiselassip. maintain- ed by a publie âpirited Tor-onto man. Tisa studentf's %ther, , t--asnaounced, w 1as prias- ta thse Garmsans invasion af tise cotants-y, -an outsttndlng ciild speciall9t, aiso bas "coma ta Canada but wso iilI not ise allowed - ta pracica. Ha lias takan up a humbles- occupation, ansd the education o! hie daugsteaaItise O.L.C. ailanodouht ba vas-y antatl-aag. Ici bim. Extension oai.:tise bausd .aifChristians fellowsipinlatiis casae wi, we predict, psove 'an jncativeta aIses- instittiosofa laaraing in Canadal. - Asaured of Good Support A bsantis»of tise Canadian 'Red Cross Salt aWiitby 10 noa a realty. Tisa neawb5is ai oftisis -os-d--ida humanitarm li organlzatiol, -se as-e pieasad ta stata, Égas tiae support ai ail chuschas and social sasvie. eýrgssization&in latishe aw, as ýt ded ttisa meeting on Friday, and Ibis augura seeli for, ilg futur -a. --Wiliing iwork- rs las tisêtryllg.days aheâd foiCanada> ani« tisa EIpire ili fnd mucis ta do, and * ise --b"hosed bý tisa f att tisat ba- bssd tisemnýAre 1tisa citizenu in ail welles'o! lÀý eIsgerto hlap'la 'aay -ay. #ies e. wru ai la usae-ay luteriera !Whith tet e 4w -alilites- baofls 'ath is ke ain's'iànd. objecte, vtit il il seçrve to co- oÎdinale alil sar-tisiie effor,,ts so tist sfteed. a nviefflciency mey ha abtalnad. --- DjtinguiahoddEducatioflist M'a Be Loat ý- Tlrntan hlutard, wldely knott'f pria- ipal cf tisaTas-nta Normal Sciseol, is feaeod tobam ong tise vidtima oi tha Athenia torpadoiag. Wsea tisa "City ai *hiit" cairsyiag survivons dotkad at Hall- fax a fa-s days ago, Ms. Mustard formes-W ljsted amnag tise survivons, vas nt ahoard. ersa. Mustard, tld neaspapes-man tisaI if ho bad reacised Glagow' or Galway sise beiieved ha wouid bave cahled relatives. Siaca thon usa word bas been iseard ai hlm. Ms. Mustard in weli kausan ila Wiitby and district aises-elha bas been a promninent ipeakersetaI. easiconventions ai tise Sauts Ontario Public Teaciesenastitute. Xie in cseditad ails balag langely roîpons- hie for thea introduction of tisa nea teatis- img coas-se la Ontario public scisools. If mian rutilssonasa and irigstitilmesi, bis' in lu feared, ha bas been a victim of Gar- lags b tise cause ai educatian la Ontario s'ill ha vas-y great. They Want to Knowv sIt in going ta ha a diffilcuit taîle ta con- vinca mnost Whitby isouses'ives that tises-e is aay justification for tisa adace ia tise pris-a ai foodstuffa iitisbas taken place abaca tise outbs-aek of s'as-. Tlsey ca uuderstaad Siat tes and couee sbould ad- vante, ansd tisat bacause o! tisa ramovai ai tise salas tex exemption on powes-, certain canused goadsanad castain aIses- coassiodi- ties tisese should advaace sus prica. SBut it is going ta ha diff icul ta conviace thins tiat lnas 10-day pas-lad butters souid edvavnce six cents e possnd, and tisaIcas-- tain otisas foodatuffs should maes inilar advnes $wtisut ay apparent causa. -With thei weigit o public opianaon, as nevealad lan umarous protests and eppeala int Ottawa, ahoîwng ta qickly. amy a- EDITORIAL OINT.0FVIEW Hydrô consumera ia Niagara, Geargian Bay' Eastern Ontas-io and Thsunder Bay, systama. ,Tise Town of Wisituy la on tisa Eastern Ontario System wiscl atas-ding ta the Hydro announîemèint will-sava $127,704 by s-esasof rate raductions- and rebates. - A rafuind to tise Ïunicipalities of $29,373 will henaf it tise taxpayers la ganeral. Tise Cammiasion annoances tisat tise redur- tians are possible on accaunit af-tise raview. and analysis ai tse-fiaicial situationan connactian %witb tise distribution af power la these areas wiicis lacampleted.-Tise- aiînouuitameniinl keaping witi tise pçiliqy théd Commnission bas pus'suad for a num ber, of yearn ia furîîisising power ta. coîssumera as neas- ta cost prica as passible, tisa rasuit has heaîî a greatiy increased use of power, partictilasr la itisa'rural municipalitieis of Ontario. Not Ail Killed on War Fronts Aisnounreaient sppearnin l a Lindsay newspapes- ta tisa affect tisat under tisa spoîîsorasip of tise St. .Johnî's Ambulance Corps, tise Red Cross aîidlise Ontario Motos- League, two fis-st aid stations are beiiîg estahuisised at Manilla and Fowias-'s Corners. east of Linadsay, serves ta s-amind oeatisat accidents on aur lîigliway8s an ac- couit ofi ieavy matas- traffi si-e taking thisas toilofai klled and wouîaded. At tisese fis-st aid stations it is said, medical uup- plies, stretchans and allier equipment will ho availahie and asrangements are being made for coâiveyance of accident victims ta tise îearest hoaltal sitar fist aid bas heen rendes-ad by tisose iii char ge a! tisa stations, w-haaa racaivisg Itrainîing la tiss wonls. Tisa pus-pose ai tise stations ia ta supplernt tisa services of a doctor, sta- tions heiuîg esaslisised at points whana madiral at'teatioiî 18 net imniediately avail- able. -Tsanouncament of tisa apaning of tisese stations migst bha likened ta tisose ai a similar tisas-acter coming from. was- fronts to-day. Faw people actually reallze tise extent of isuman suffering caused by, ior tise moat pas-t, motos- cas- and truckr drives-s w-ha fail 1tus-aspect tisa rigisaoa otisans. té é What1 WilI German Re-Acin Be? Writing iîs s recent issue af tise Chnia- tisa, Science Monitor. J. Emlyn Williams, Berlin correspondent of tisat international- ly kaown nawspsper dec-lares tisat n single facas- wili prove eltimataly more import- ant tisa'tise reaction af tise Ganinan people ta Adolpis Hitiers a-ar in Palsad. Tise feeling in'Germany not se loîng ago ivas hsrdly sus-htas any Stata isaad antan- ing a big war w-ouid have dasis-ed, Ms-. Willias points out, addiag tisat "tise s no anitad Ges-maay bhiind Adalpis Hitler a tises-e as beiid Emperor Wiliselm II, negarding tise justification of Garmaay's actions 25 yeas-s aigus. "Tisat theeisee aot a united Germay," Mn. Williams remanko, 'hiid HRsr Hit- les-, is tise obvious resatflaio suppressions, pnoducad by several years of National Sa- cialism lan ail sections of tisa population, and ignorance, la whici tise people bava heen Iept s-egsrdiag actions vital ta thisas oaa intarest issrdly an atmospisere ahae confidente and eîîity could exist-let alona f loursi." We quota the-se wos-ds as sun example ai datacised obs-ervation fs-an an Amanican wisosa intes-eqta are not vitally sfiected by tise presant confus-i. His resideace un Ger- msny qualifie. hlm ta iotas-ps-et oyants tisera la an unbiasd frame oa ind. A fus-tiser ç,tî,ýer;stion la a necant article is alsoaoflîîlerest to Canadians, whien ha s-raaso: . . . tise fact tisait Ges-many s-ec koais utna quicli vas- aicis i tisa oaly war ils leaders lna tise country ca stand. Wile il is true tisat tise new Gar- man-Ruasian Non-aggression Pact opens out te visions of supplies, s-a mateasls and foatstuffs. for Germasny, otiers mos-e important factas-s enter considas-ation of Gernmy's pnaition-factori 'wici tell sanioSIaly agilinst :t." This coins-ides - 'itis fraqueut -bas-rva- tioni*tat Germaîîy is not equipped lu stand.a long star. Sise doas not lack man- po - Ad.aie.censisl psassesa veil- W'omen .Regitration in- Whitby- The ld thought that womaWrs place is int the home has long silice béait erased by miodern society and women are now talc- ing their places beside men ln many fields of endeavor. Emulating, in somie degree, thse ambition of. Florence Nightingale to beof soyas assistance in time of war,-an Important wvork a - med:toward tise e-ordin- ation of Canadian eff ort for tise.parpose of prosecuting the war, has been under- takan throughout .Canada. The organization knoWva as thse National Commîiittee for thse Voluntary Registration of iCanadian Womea is making, a campre- hensive aurvey of the woman power of the Domiinion available for assistance and dis- caver in what way this'help may hast be givea. This is a big. uydertaking, which, ta be effective, must he carried' on system- atically, Tisa iniformnation secured should be carefuly é'fipile' so as ta ha immedi- ately useful b ;placing wonen at îork, for which t1isey have special qualifications. Centres for taking the regstration of women in Witby openeci Moadty raing, when questionnaires are to-,bha filled out, giving the information which"iwill ba of value in determining la what field of ser- vice those who registar may ha fitted. No one knows wshether thea war will bc of long or short duratiani, but it, is wlse ta prepare againat a prolonged struggle. Wômen's activities during tisa last wsr proved invaluable. As nurses, hospital at- tendants, ambulance, automobile and truck drivers, in farm and industrial work, and s0 on, thay laborad with ap enthusiasm that was an important Influence In main- taining the morale of the people, and aven- tually la winning tise wsr; Thse women are< p repared ta providesimilar sýervice again), and the committes la charge of organiza- tion will arrange that tii service be given la the most effective way. Pay for SOIdièra Tise following shows the present iii- tary pay par day and separatian allowance par month of al ranits tram prvate ta coloi, tbe details isavlag beén checked by thse e1trict Psypasters*. ?4ir« Toronto Mlilitas7 Hleadq4atters, 4a bi5sdl The Globe a4Mi a Frid'ay last. A study of tis table will give thse men wiso serve and.their. Wivre a clear, understand- ing of what they are ta receive * Millitec Mathiy Paysy 5psrstien Per Osy Ai.,vufliS Private ............... $130 $35.00 L/Corp. or L/Bomb . 1.0 35.00 Corp. or Bomb ......... 1.70 85.00 L/Sergt. .. . . .......... 1.90 35.00 Sergt.................. 2.20 35.00 Squad. Batt ao- C.Q.M%.S. 2.50 35.00 Squad. Batt os C.S.M. 3.00 35.00 Reg. A.M.S., Staff QM.S.,. .i Q.M.S.............."* 3.10 35.00 W.O. Clasa i........... 3.90 40.00 R.S.M ...........4.2(1 40.00 2ad Lieut .............. 4.25 45.00 Lieut. .. -.............. 5.00 450 Captain ............... 6.50 50.00 Major ............ .... 775 55.00 Lieut.-Colonel .......... 10.00' 60.00 Colonel.............. 10.50. 60.00 Another table submitted« ta Parliamient by tise Minister of Pensions shows tise amounts payable ta dependents of private soldiers on service ut tise present tîme: MuntaiS Ami isa Total ta Seprtion Pay Depsu- AlIowance MothiS enta Wife... $35.00 $2100 $55.00 Wif e and child 47.00 20.00 67.00 Wif e, 2 child. 59.00 20.00 79.00 For tise present, according ta lion. Raoul Dandurand, tise Government las nat.accept- ing recruits witis more than two children. -The assigned psy of $20 a montis is de- ducted, of course, from the oldir's psy of $39 a monthinlatise case. f a private, ieaving hiya $19 a month for O~mef f- ficers' wlvea get a sligitiy larger separa- tion allowance than tise wives,. of-tise men la the ranks, as sbown la tise fîrst table reprodaced aboya. The "'Squeeze Play" in Action Tise mobîizatioli of'tise Sovipt troopa on tis estera bottders of Poland ýrtd the sub- saquent invasion of tise country leavea little doasbt as ta tise ultimata intentions of thse Russian Bear. Whatavar tise secret pact betwean Hiter and Stalin the maya PAGE TWO Effîctv Siesda, Septlabe, 24th 55AVE WHITBY (Eastern staudard.Turne) TO TORONTO TO O5I3AWA AI. P.M. P.M. - AI. 5. P>5. , a C12,dZ40 6.40 a 8.45- 2.45 e 9.45 a .6 1.40 e 7.40' 9.5l' e .45: 9.45 8.40 a 2,40 8.40, 11.15 4.5 e04 10.10 3.40 . e 9.40 PI. a 5.45 11.45 11.40 a 4 40 0 12.45 6.46 A.M. e 5.40 balsO ec 1.45, 745 1&534 a-Dafly except Sua,. & liI.. b-Sun.,& 00-Ol. f7; -Set. enly; e--Bat., Sets. & 1iai. anly. Capi"es et heiew5W SitSables are avaliabis Ticktet$ asoiInformation at MBS. G. DREW, KINGo ST. - PHONE 121' GRAY COAICH LIffES sinorities ln thé areas Ino ocupied, but~ tisera is tisat growiiig slýciaq tisaItisae' greedy eyes 'of the monster are losking f urther, af iald. Poiand appears ta be doomed 'witi tise opération of the squeeze pay, and tise Russian intervention will ssaw permit Geran- amy to concentate on the western front. Thera is the thougist, also,tisat wltis Poland olitarated fram tisa nsap Garmany inay ask wisat fustiser reason bas Great Britain and France ta' fight as tisera la nu mare Poland ta support. Russaan neutralîty 15 quastianabie and. si4ce tisa Soviet troopa have occupied Pol- aad Mussolini is -awaYinig on tise. fente but witlr a decided leana towas-ds Germany atnd a conveiant pusis migist toppla hlm over, Tise whola mess looka like a premeditatad, coup on the part of tise Hitier-Stalin duat. witis possibly Mussollii holding his fore la abayanca until ho sees wsicis way to jilmp as a tiird player ln a 13queeze play wici may taire la greater tesr itôry than naW âppaars an tise susface. A Parallel in HiatorY Pitt was Prime Mintar of Britain wisen, tisa nation was figliting Napoleon. just as' Chsamblainis -aat tisahead of affitiri today wisan tise Emnpire lu at deatis gripa with Hlitier. Blutas-y records tisat thora were peoiile in tisose days also, - who asked questions jtsst ta boas- their own Volces. oaa quary put ta Pitt was-, "What'ls tise cotutry realiy f ighitng for?" Whereupoa tise Britiis remier inadea fies-y speech an answer ta tise ssembet af- tise Consoons wiso hiad sought information . Tisswas .Pîtt'a memarabie assertion: "'The honorable momber défles m e ta state la oneîaaaitence tise object of tise -sas'. 1 know net'wietiser I tan do it in one sen- tence; but nla ana word I çan tell hlm'tiat it la security, securlty agâinsit a danger, tise greataut tisat oves tisroaten.d -tise world. Il' is security aginst a daniger' Nyhlcisnover axisted 'lan any paut pesiod of -Society, it ib eecurty against a.. danger, wiicis la degrea and asclont was naver eqnaled; against a danger wlsich tbreatan- ed ail tise nations of tise eartis; a danger whlchh-as. been resistecl9iy ai! thse nations. 'of Et*iope, and z1.9bstet'by nona w1th so~ sauci s uccess as by luis nation, because by, nanae bas it been resigted so aaiforudy and' with 50 asucis enesgyP" Tise paraibai la strlking. Taday Britala aad'France, wth sucis allias as have sai- lied ta thiai Bide, are fighting a lerociaus, -fo for -tieseecus'lty of otiser nations as well as tieseslves. Nipaleon trimpiad Europe for two decades. Haw inucis langer *ill Hiter su&saed ln impoing bis brutal-, lty upan countries tisat dare oppose bis mad marcis toward world domination? Tise utter destruction ofailitiarism isa essential Jta -sorld secus-ity. Tisat dofines tise task o! tise demacraclas - but no man knows: bow long it ai taieseta completestisa job. Editorial Notes Rumors for breakfast, dinner and sup- pas-. We usually taira aurasisiti a ganerous Sprlnlcling of sait. Tiesa iortage o! suger does't contrihate ta tise sweetness a! face, especiaiiy wisan tise custoiner wants 25 paunds and can sa- ture only two poanda. Wondar wiat Put tise price o! botter up during tise pasatwIo seeka? It iea't 8a msny muons ago tisat tisera was% a sus-plus oftisis commodity, And tise bens&isavmn't gane on ttike eîtber. Tisa first officiai aannouncellt on Suan- day ta tise Gerit Ps euple tisat. Frenchs i'troopa were alrad4y on German sali and makîng advances, msust have beaus a sisocir ta tisosa 'aise ad sutis faithi lHtier and isapromises. A Bit of Verse CANADA Canada. tais- laddiiei Thotipas-asile of saodlad pie Ini thaevasborna aju'*i-damain Of- piand 4inmrtal faime; Whoe domnionea miOiSfar aid vide To es-ry lad. cer avis-y Ode, ROUNýD.TRIP BARGAIN FARES Sept.45 - Front WHITBY Sp.Uta C,.eI. Stations in tIhe Maritime Provinces, Provincese Qurbte, lies Beansueu, Princ EdwsArd lulendi Naa Sctiet Sept. 29 Té- OTTAWA $5,45 Sept. 29-30-Oct. I.Te Montreal, 1$7.50 - Ta Qnebec City $1 1.50 - O S-te. ,Aune deBesupre $1210 ticksets, Pare,.Trasi IltUls u4 Information r00Agens. Tao"A CANADIAN AseFar CANADIAN NATIONAL tumuibli PACIFIC Business Adjusts Itself To0 Wartime- Conzditions Rush to Buy Esiential1 Gooda Fellows Fis-st Stslnnsmg Effeet - Eniploers Stusly'Plama for Emsployeet En- listing - -Le Insiurance Soles Ris. (The Fisaucil IPost) Canadien business ls gradually edînating Itaesit te ses- ondltlOO. Tise conusilon causai by tise tiret Impact elthOe declus-tlan tIsais e state utfsus- exldiset i aa sameslat îtunning etet. Thias isSus-te follei.by s-aisush - ymous Iouseisldera ta buy nusesany goodu, les-- lag liltts shastace ami aacondly.-a rapiti aisance la ps-ieu. St l elee.ieertisaSt Is ithepassing af a tes mare dc» cItselIs viii attla isasusta a mos-e eveus pas.. Amoug bualusesip gelses-sil Ses-s la a reatilaisDa dapt tS.lsesé th e tisauts itions isitiioOt onae tsntia arecelisg c great desi f ttention aS prssant la 5h5~ ~ ~ ~I [aaiusa I o aot, ent onlçavlng laeïl.paceas ef ampleys oint ta osaIsTer la canaides-abla Variation lanlise palleles tiseS hase e tas-r beso cnnotuced but oiansIsug thiaIla i-ygeies-al la tia emploerer sowilrin asesures SIr s-empîtisees et cposition shen thels- teris of ses-vice expires. Aaiitotun Iset by tisaIlisuarancescempanlesas Oie iesceIn- uestisq sas- datase lus ait nsv polîcles rseultedinla agreet nuisista bur lance. Applaatiouss ers s-oeedInlabeiusrasaly lasg-s 'untuie vissa It wu aînoun ' eciti sS suthcousen-as isslkely.Inus came cesa, su Slip maSSes- sas ana for Individuel company polley, appî*trea wrs rscstv#qst tealaS.. Mosev'e, la aas-est sny essk e nos 111 Insrauce ses tMken- out sibisSI b tise sas- claae. Ifcet lbla sitedilaS Oie anrent volume of business, vise cdosa sosuwaet tem th. lait tew iys -boe-stie usas cotracte vent ita enet, Ila salIabove sisat It sas ps-sylouuly. Many Industries ers already buuy -worklag o ar assupplisudMStie condition 10e ecmtegta e hemo mrs slde4sps-ad.Saune, of cens-ms, = i l i aes-o uisklg a ioo u stite g ood. are f dIn i t e g as rather slow . it 15la saPsetet igiii o eiaisid ishen Mt isltributtion oi. sages fs-m Oie maufacture aormunitiong o icomus ines-. Tise CcanadIieles-n vIsaesap lia.- ben etlitqi nov et es-oususi450 million bualiela. WIOi Oie prias tsudilly rsIng thslseu5 leaheInuhepushs-hulg paves- uf tise W'est eub suit ho tadlies. Oas-rtali lines. ocImpote& gooe ivlS, of sous-se, beoe mri. Amaug suds. as-scerteantypes etfsai-grade amal cames-essisîiciscame almout excluslsely tramn Oermaay. inus see quartes-aOies-s la s dIspostIon ucaigctizens not to buy geais of Oas-inu maufacture. Businessmen, ai inssgeaiss es-s Importai pslis- otae ar ansd Sa stop buying them only peuslzes tise Canadien mecisunt vi seis pain Idla geai money for bisais. reosldI--.Naio.,jilaeo. PRISON RECIORD uHTS ALLTIME ONTARIO PEAK 27,926 Are Sontencod Lait Yu,, lmr«aeo f 4,277, .Report Shows Tacanto, sept. 1 - caime li on- taio leit yesrr aselled an sU-titue peak vison 21»e2 peréons. as con- parea i v 2O In M5la198, were sen- teaced ta 'prison. aecordlag te tise repas-t anrleiena recermaterleu by O.,P V-7 land, Deputy Ps-ovin- cel aecretaryta lion. rssy C. Nixon. provincialsSecretss-y. Mr. sieelandas repart, relsssed et Queepls Park. meuesed nsscmain causes for thee lucresse, iacc of ps-eps? ehamater building ln home trainaing, tise tanemaoyiaeait situ- ation rsatlng an edui and youtisa enltna a f eelings af deileatm thse besklig do» ofa moral stand- ardu. reectîsas againat carrent socili conditions ad dlsisiSicI for moral aa4 sal leas. 'Ubee .' iBid thse neputy Min- lits-,alnîi eaii l lme cases, but mos-e'atteniera arecombla- sti=ons la ,eyiig degrees ef tIhe acitand utlaes-r Ceuses. "The hmage majartty of thse pris- eues, sa tafomis- pears. es-e youug In âge, belov thse average la mens- tality, 0low I eie o ducetlon and almoit totally lacklug liPees- tlonal ts-lpng. Ald te ail tIsese reniestise Comparative esans af - lelnlag deadly veepons mndI upeedy atreransdire have thé6 naturel Meut-tlse reckleste youtIslul tm bandilt* M-sereport lsaved thi e o vaw rmahed ti 1911.-wviea ,U7 vere ulaiaPlssud, Ther, w ssteady lu- cavale dus-og tihe. Sllovlntagend comparatbwiy proseulirns eurst. e Sulgls er21,4211lisis. witis th^e depreion. Itherate seoeded Sa LI.- MO I lm 5. and aluce tiSat yees tise nmU ber l i l cres 5m -pldly. Witiste largemnrem us st yMe,1 modatlan vwu osertexed. Cota vers esein lthle cors-ides et mcny jellu, sand la same lamais sera tas-ced te &jeep eus the iloas-. Sunltss-y candItleni, Sus sain, s-S- malines-ýeaiasby gooil-ssii the departinnt. bys-tuig Sise prison- ara tisily, temeo e hemas-e hope- fui caesa adtiuWserred Las buses-- sent-nce ps-iôessaOie reforma- tarses ant ieas ldustria ami. As aIlauancoe gaUsst lncrtussd populatithelasdpas-Liaent adaptsi a builing ai Oie OntaiPetton»fema Sts-y. MisIce. tes- Prisonuse anid aqulPPet i Iwslh 75 bodýis. 5wse usai lest iinlis- fu-or hi Ist tims.. A ues SO-bei dos-mites-y et »Us-- vais sas cetuplutatiln tise autuonu and Plaeal uInisseile.use, s&M ttIer accemmadlaus swé asied hy tranuies-mlng Oie expersImntal l a =s im o n t 4 . l n a I o s-i es-u O n - tas-e, into a prslon tas-m. A n«W 318-bei ceaU bisetketiGuelphs sOl h sessy fos- use tOui entumai. Need et Traning Ms-. Sielanis emp isiiitisa usai Of tsaning tise prsseer. poluting ont act 46 yer ceut liedbeaucon- vIctadtiIo et moe-e Imes, Oftheis O pas-alo, 7»7 pas-cetu othin parais put latoef ettera ifin- urea. Thasarage sVs- capte met, par item ofi es-mait-y lmates oft tie 13-39 paerid a-as1.350, secoca- PAreti vOla 1820 eotheiasprecedilsa yeur. Os-issas-y aipe"itun a sa lit0dai e t70.9 ,an Sacs-eus.of $501622oves- 1937-35. unoculitiai revenu. at $929,m53, un #asa of $87,337.94. lItces-assi lidnssl'l production heceuseofos lcaaii Population andd siauai fer a is-om. aIses-depaterens lmaue TIEN ATSRI Cua»lfEOind ààf

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